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History  of  the 

Conquest  of 



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EVER  Y  MAN,  1  will  go  with  thee. 

and  he  thy  guide , 

In  thy  most  need  to  go  hy  thy  side 


Born  at  Salem,  Mass.,  in  1796,  and 
educated  at  Harvard.  Died  in  1859. 


History  of  the 
Conquest  of  Peru 






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at  the 

Aldine  Press  •  Letchworth  •  Herts 

J.  M.  DENT  &  SONS  LTD 
Aldine  House  •  Bedford  Street  •  London 
First  included  in  Everyman  s  Library  1908 
Last  reprinted  1968 

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W.  H.  Prescott  belonged  to  a  race  of  which  it  is,  perhaps, 
no  exaggeration  to  say  in  the  twentieth  century  that  there  is  a 
probability  of  its  becoming,  in  course  of  time,  as  completely  extinct 
as  that  of  the  Aztecs  or  the  Incas.  I  refer,  of  course,  to  the  great 
race  of  stylist  historians.  Like  Roscoe  and  Thierry,  or  like  his 
greater  contemporary  Macaulay,  Prescott  set  himself  to  emulate 
Thucydides.  It  was  his  ambition,  too,  to  compete  with  the  latest 
novel,  to  be  seen  in  ladies’  boudoirs,  to  sell  by  thousands,  and  to 
be  given  away  year  after  year  as  a  Christmas  present.  External 
circumstances,  strong  will,  powerful  memory,  and  the  gift  of  mental 
organisation  and  method  may  be  said  to  have  predestined  him  to 
historical  greatness.  He  was  not  impatient,  but  was  quite  content 
by  slow  degrees  to  acquire  the  panoply  of  miscellaneous  learning, 
fixed  opinions,  and  settled  “historical  principles’’  —  such  as 
Robertson  and  Hallam  had  possessed — which  the  potent  Quarter¬ 
lies  of  his  day  demanded  of  all  who  ventured  into  the  highly 
ornate  field  of  historical  composition.  The  historical  aspirant 
under  that  dispensation  had  to  undergo  a  long  period  of  probation 
and  invocation  of  the  Muse.  After  a  devout  submission  to  this 
ordeal,  and  then  only,  could  he  receive  the  sanction  of  the  recognised 
arbiters  of  critical  taste  and  literary  opinion  to  make  his  bow  as  a 
qualified  and  certificated  historian;  and  by  an  historian,  until  eighty 
or  ninety  years  ago,  was  meant  the  narrator  in  picturesque  prose  of 
the  pomp  and  circumstance  of  past  events.  His  prose  had,  in 
addition,  to  be  animated  by  that  oTrovhaioT-qs  or  high  and  excellent 
seriousness  which  Arnold  declared  to  be  the  hall-mark  of  a  classic, 
and  it  had  to  be  rendered  poignant  and  human  by  the  moral  and 
elevating  treatment  of  that  biographical  element  which  pre¬ 
dominated  necessarily  in  the  old-fashioned  conception  of  history  as 
(in  Swift’s  phrase)  “the  essence  of  innumerable  biographies.’’ 

The  twentieth-century  historian,  it  is  perhaps  superfluous  to  men¬ 
tion,  cares  for  none  of  these  things.  He  has  other  preoccupations. 
He  does  not  want  to  be  readable.  He  does  not  want  to  elevate 
a  single  character,  or  to  drape  a  solitary  fact.  He  is  suspicious  of 
all  these  wonderful  old  contours.  A  very  little  exercise  of  the 
Socratic  method  convinces  him  that  the  old  explanations  are  not 

wholly  disinterested — are  expressive  of  anything  but  the  whole 


vi  Introduction 

truth.  History  has  only  maintained  its  dignity  by  “  forcing  n  the 
questions  addressed  to  it  as  a  conjurer  forces  the  cards.  Ask  it 
something  a  little  outside  the  beaten  track,  and  it  remains  speechless. 
The  new  school  says,  therefore,  that  it  must  ask  these  master 
polishers  of  historical  periods  to  desist  for  a  short  space,  while  in 
quest  of  the  necessary  explanations  it  attempts  to  get  behind  their 
pillories  and  their  pedestals.  For  the  new  school  profoundly 
distrusts  the  colour  and  the  bias,  the  flush  of  success  and  the 
beggary  of  failure  which  the  stylist  historians  (so  it  alleges)  have 
far  too  readily  permitted  to  obscure  their  perception  of  the  deeper 
tendencies  and  influences, — the  economic  or  institutional  meanings 
of  the  past. 

The  old  historian  based  his  work  on  old  histories,  old  chronicles, 
party  tracts  and  partisan  memoirs.  The  new  historian  shows  a 
marked  preference  for  documents  which  are  above,  or  below,  the 
imputation  of  colour  and  bias,  such  as  deeds,  rolls,  charters, 
laws,  writs,  treaties  and  prices.  The  contrast  of  aim  is  indicated 
rather  than  expressed  by  saying  that  the  old  school  worshipped 
at  the  shrine  of  literary  description,  and  that  the  new  school  are 
tending  more  and  more  to  offer  incense  on  the  altar  of  scientific 

Prescott  then,  to  return  to  the  subject  in  hand,  was  a  splendid 
example  of  the  old-fashioned  school.  He  was  not  a  great  original 
thinker  or  an  insatiate  seeker  for  hidden  historic  truths,  still  less 
was  he  an  indefatigable  bibliographer  or  textual  critic  of  the  modern 
pattern.  On  the  other  hand,  he  was  far  from  writing  with  that 
wrath  and  partiality  which  some  have  ascribed  to  Macaulay,  and 
which  Byron,  who  so  highly  commended  these  qualities  in  Mitford, 
would  have  still  more  warmly  applauded  in  the  case  of  Motley.  No, 
Prescott  was  in  his  way  as  judicial  as  Hallam,  he  was  as  impartial 
as  perhaps  only  a  Unitarian  of  Boston  can  be  (he  carefully  avoided 
even  that  temptation  to  twist  the  tail  of  the  mere  Britisher  which 
was  generally  so  irresistible  to  an  American  of  the  old  school),  and 
as  magnificently  polysyllabic  as  Gibbon.  Johnson  once  said  of 
Robertson  that  he  would  be  crushed  by  his  own  weight — buried 
under  his  own  ornaments.  Prescott  cannot  be  entirely  acquitted 
under  this  indictment.  There  is,  as  most  readers  of  to-day  will  admit, 
a  certain  excess  of  glitter  and  ornament  about  his  style.  It  was  the 
fashion  of  the  day  for  men  to  adorn  themselves  with  jewellery.  In 
a  full-dress  review  article,  such  as  Prescott  wrote  for  the  ‘  Old 
North ’  [. American  Review ]  in  emulation  of  the  high  Quarterly 
manner,  it  was  due  to  the  self-respect  of  an  intellectual  man  that 
he  should  brandish  the  tree  of  universal  knowledge  torn  up  by  the 



roots.1  Such  a  training  engendered  a  certain  hardness  and  formality 
with  the  pen  from  which  Prescott  was  hardly  ever  free.  It  is 
characteristic  of  him  that  he  could  never  write  a  short  letter.  It  must 
be  said  in  Prescott’s  favour,  however,  that  he  is  far  less  pompous 
than  either  Robertson  or  Gibbon.  At  its  best  his  prose  style  may 
perhaps  be  compared  most  nearly  with  that  of  Roscoe,  Merivale  or 
Milman.  It  is  never  slipshod,  never  slovenly,  never  colourless,  and 
never  dry  ;  and  if  at  uninspired  moments  Prescott  is  rather  hard  and 
mechanical,  he  is  never  obscure  and  never  repellent ;  incapable 
of  gush  or  clap-trap,  he  adapts  his  manner  to  his  content  with  a 
regularity  which  succeeds  ultimately  in  effectually  concealing  its  art. 

His  great  merit,  however,  is  in  his  arrangement.  In  his  maturity 
he  gave  his  nights  and  days  to  this  as  in  his  youth  he  had  given 
days  and  nights  to  the  emulation  of  the  prose  style  of  Addison. 
He  incubated  his  work  incessantly  and  for  enormous  periods,  he 
pruned  it  severely  and  chastised  it  without  pity.  If  he  did  not,  as 
Thackeray  said  of  Macaulay,  read  a  book  to  write  a  sentence,  he 
formed  a  library  for  each  book  that  he  wrote.  Becoming  conscious 
by  degrees  that  he  is  to  write  a  big  book  on  a  set  theme,  he  spares 
no  pains  to  discover  by  infallible  means  the  one  inevitable  hiatus  in 
human  knowledge.  To  this  end  he  throws  up  parallels  and  trenches 
of  approach  ;  works  round  and  round  his  quarry  with  anxious 
circumspection ;  he  draws  up  synopses  and  lines  of  circumvallation ; 
he  disciplines  himself  in  descriptions,  characters  and  critiques  ; 
hesitates  often;  enters  “subjects  for  composition”  formally  in  a 
note-book.  Six  years  elapse  between  the  first  “  call  of  Spain”  and 
his  final  response  to  it,  and  then  it  takes  ten  years  more  steady 
work  before  he  is  ready  to  go  to  press.  The  “quest  of  a  theme” 
is  a  chapter  in  his  life  almost  as  serious  as  in  that  of  a  Milton  or  a 
Gibbon.  In  self-preparation  so  elaborate,  unsparing,  and  self- 
conscious,  the  History  of  the  old  school  seems  to  reach  its  acme  of 
dignity  :  the  words  of  the  immeasurable  Gibbon  insensibly  recur 
to  the  mind — “Few  works  of  merit  and  importance  have  been 
executed  either  in  a  garret  or  a  palace.  A  gentleman  possessed 
of  leisure  and  independence,  of  books  and  talents,  may  be 

1  Prescott’s  chief  articles  for  the  North  American  Review  (reprinted  in 
the  Miscellanies )  were  as  follows  :  Italian  Narrative  Poetry  (1824),  Moliere 
(1828),  Irving’s  Granada  (1829),  Cervantes  (1837),  Lockhart’s  Life  of 
Scott  (1838),  Bancroft’s  United  States  (1841),  Ticknor’s  Spanish  Literature 
(1850).  Unlike  most  critics,  Prescott  spoke  in  comminatory  terms  of  his 
own  reviews,  and  referred  with  envious  enthusiasm  to  De  Tocqueville’s 
triumphant  'Jc  ti’ai  jamais fait  de  ma  vie  un  article  de  revue.”  The  “  Battle 
of  Lepanto”  which  appeared — a  purple  patch — in  the  second  number  of 
the  Atlantic  Monthly  (Dec.  1857)  was  afterwards  incorporated  in  Philip II, 

viii  Introduction 

encouraged  to  write  by  the  distant  prospect  of  honour  and  reward  ; 
but  wretched  is  the  author,  and  wretched  will  be  the  work,  where 
daily  diligence  is  stimulated  by  daily  hunger/’  Niebuhr  was 
perhaps  rather  unfair  when  he  thanked  God  that  he  was  not  born 
an  Englishman,  for  in  that  case  he  would  have  become  rich  and 
done  no  serious  work.  Abundant  means  afforded  a  foundation 
essential  to  such  work  in  history  as  that  achieved  by  Gibbon  or 
Prescott.  Having  regard  to  the  fact  that  he  was  rich  in  worldly 
gear,  amiable  and  sociable  by  nature,  and  not  abnormally  fond  of 
work,  the  amount  of  conscience  that  Prescott  put  into  every 
portion  of  his  historical  labour  ought  to  be  a  subject  for  perpetual 


There  is  in  Lancashire  a  place  called  Prescot,  now  almost  a 
suburb  of  Liverpool.  The  American  genealogists  have  decided 
that  this  must  be  the  original  home  of  the  Prescotts  of  Massa¬ 
chusetts.  They  have  even  discovered  coat  armour  for  the  family, 
and  indeed  the  only  thing  they  have  hitherto  hesitated  to  produce 
is  proof.  We  are  told,  however,  that  a  certain  Ironside  Prescott, 
“  a  Cromwellian  soldier,”  crossed  the  sea  and  settled  in  Lancaster, 
Mass.,  in  1640.  (Observe  the  date.)  How  he  managed  to  do  this 
we  are  not  informed.  What  seems  fairly  certain  is  that  the 
historian  was  rather  proud  of  his  more  or  less  imaginary  pedigree, 
and  still  more  of  Thackeray’s  allusion  to  it  in  “The  Virginians.” 
More  vital  to  our  thinking  is  the  fact  that  the  historian’s  grand¬ 
father,  “William  Prescott  the  brave,”  took  a  leading  part  at 
Bunker  Hill  in  June  1775.  The  historian’s  father,  a  distinguished 
lawyer  and  judge,  who  might,  had  he  wished,  have  sat  in  the 
Supreme  Court,  was  characterised  by  two  of  the  best  qualities  a  man 
can  well  have — integrity  of  soul,  and  a  strong  affection  for  the  novels 
of  Sir  Walter  Scott.  He  married,  in  1793,  Catharine  Hickling,  a 
daughter  of  an  American  consul  in  the  Azores  (from  whom  the 
historian  derived  what  he  called  his  harmonious  second  name),  and 
died,  a  rich  man,  on  December  8,  1844.  Both  parents  lived  to  see 
their  son  famous,  and  left  as  heritage  to  their  children  a  name 
both  honoured  and  beloved. 

W.  H.  Prescott  was  born  at  Salem  on  May  4,  1796,  the  year 
of  Burns’s  death.  More  significant  in  the  way  of  coincidence  are 
the  facts  that  Mignet,  another  Peninsula  historian,  was  born  in  the 
same  month,  and  that  Roscoe’s  Lorenzo  dd  Medici ,  one  of  Prescott’s 
favourite  models,  also  appeared  in  the  same  year.  A  good  American 

Introduction  ix 

mother  once  observed  to  her  daughter,  a  recent  Catholic  convert, 
who  had  ventured  a  remark  not  obscurely  disparaging  to  the 
Unitarian  body,  “My  dear,  many  of  the  best  families  in  Boston 
are  Unitarians  !  ”  The  Prescotts  were  among  this  number.  W.  H. 
Prescott,  being  thus  in  the  strictest  sense  a  member  of  the  Brahmin 
caste  of  New  England,  was  carefully  educated,  brought  up  among 
books,  and  destined  for  the  American  Bar.  He  was  quick  and 
lively,  but  showed  no  special  precocity ;  was  already  given  to 
serious  self-admonition,  but  was  not  studious  above  the  average. 

During  his  junior  year  at  college  [Harvard]  came  the  accident 
which  moulded  his  life.  As  he  was  leaving  the  dining-hall  in 
which  the  students  sat  “  at  commons  ”  a  biscuit  thrown  by  a 
practical  joker  struck  him  squarely  in  the  left  eye,  and  stretched 
him  senseless  upon  the  floor.  Paralysis  of  the  retina  was  the  result. 
He  was  not  “  gravel  blind,”  but  from  that  day  forward  he  had  the  use 
of  one  eye  only,  with  periods  of  total  darkness.  He  could  seldom 
read  for  more  than  two  or  three  hours  a  day,  and  then  only  with 
very  scrupulous  precautions.  The  career  at  the  Bar  for  which  he 
had  been  designed  had  to  be  abandoned.  He  determined  on  a 
literary  life,  and  a  complete  subordination  of  his  time  to  a  system  of 
self-discipline.  His  historical  work  was  dependent  largely  upon  an 
amanuensis  and  a  writing-frame  called  a  “  noctograph.”  Incapable 
of  Thierry’s  counsel,  he  found  it  impossible  to  dictate  with  satis¬ 
factory  results.  His  secretary  read  to  him  for  hours.1  He  composed 
mentally  a  long  scroll  or  stretch  of  synopsis  which  he  committed  to 
paper  in  a  style  illegible  to  every  one  but  his  assistant.  And  he 
worked  up  his  pictures  from  this  synopsis.  In  all  his  methods  he 
exercised  an  iron  self-control ;  shutting  himself  up  from  all 
distractions,  regularising  his  work,  and  getting  up  very  early — a 
practice  he  hated.  At  the  latter  end  of  a  very  severe  winter  he 
wrote  to  Mrs.  Ticknor  :  “You  will  give  me  credit  for  some  spunk 
when  I  tell  you  that  I  have  not  been  frightened  by  the  cold  a 
single  morning  from  a  ride  on  horseback  to  Jamaica  Plain  and 
back  again  before  breakfast.  My  mark  has  been  to  see  the  sun 
rise  by  Mr.  Greene’s  school.”  He  was  equally  laconic  in  con¬ 
trolling  his  diet. 

Prescott  seems  to  have  owed  his  first  impulse  towards  Spanish 
“matters”  to  Ticknor’s  lectures  at  Harvard.  On  December  i, 
1824,  he  began  learning  the  language.  He  lacked  stomach  (and 
eyesight)  for  German.  French,  English  and  Italian  literature  he 

1  One  of  his  secretaries  and  historical  disciples  was  John  Foster  Kirk, 
author  of  a  History  of  Charles  the  Bold (3  vols.,  1863-1 868), now  best  known 
j  to  English  readers  through  the  rather  severe  essay  of  Professor  Freeman. 

♦  301 


x  Introduction 

knew  thoroughly.  False  scents  were  not  wanting.  But  in  1826-71 
he  settled  down  with  relentless  determination  to  the  old  Spanish 
chronicle-historians  such  as  Mariana,  Zurita,  and  Palencia,  and 
began  building  up  the  synopsis  from  which  he  worked.  For  ten 
years  he  worked  regularly,  composing  225  pages  per  annum,  and 
having  his  chapters  printed  as  he  went  along.  Hardly  any  one 
knew  at  what  he  was  working  or  aiming.  A  near  relative  was  in 
the  habit  of  lecturing  him  upon  the  need  of  some  one  serious 
pursuit.  In  October  1836  he  completed  the  “corrections  and  the 
arrangement”  To  publish  or  not  to  publish  was  now  the  question, 
but  this  was  resolved  by  Judge  Prescott’s  Johnsonian  remark  that 
“the  man  who  writes  a  book  which  he  is  afraid  to  publish  is  a 
coward.”  The  History  of  the  Reign  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella 
appeared,  accordingly,  in  December  1837  (with  1838  on  the  title 
page),  and  a  few  months  later,  after  refusal  by  Murray  and  also  by 
Longman,  it  was  accepted  by  Bentley  on  the  half-profit  system. 

The  English  critics,  headed  by  Richard  Ford,  author  of  the 
Handbook  of  Spain ,  were  astonished  at  such  erudite  and  accom¬ 
plished  work  coming  across  the  Atlantic.2  Ford  wrote  a  highly 
eulogistic  article  in  the  Quarterly.  Hallam,  Milman,  Elphinstone, 
Sismondi,  De  Tocqueville,  Southey  (himself  a  Spanish  historian, 
as  was  Lockhart)  and  the  united  wisdom  of  Holland  House  gave 
their  gracious  imprimatur  to  the  work.  Brahmin  saluted  Brahmin 
across  the  water.  Learned  societies  rained  memberships  upon 
the  fortunate  historian.  Sydney  Smith  promised  him  a  Caspian 
sea  of  soup  if  only  he  would  come  over.  The  prognostic  was 
correct.  If  Prescott  was  not  absolutely  drowned  in  claret,  as  the 
Archdeacon  threatened,  when  he  arrived  in  London  in  1850,  he 
was  feted,  made  much  of  and  dined  by  great  ladies,  bishops, 
wits  and  Whig  earls  to  his  heart’s  content.  A  writer  in  Fraser's 
Magazine ,  after  his  death,  declared  that  his  social  charm,  “  inde¬ 
scribable  in  words  but  certain  in  its  effect,  was  a  subject  for 
general  remark  in  all  circles,  among  bishops  sipping  their  tea  at 
the  Athenaeum,  and  among  young  beauties  rejoicing  in  their  first 
Queen’s  ball.”  A  more  significant  monument  of  his  historical 
prestige  is  the  fact  that  Washington  Irving,  by  an  act  of  what  must 
have  been  very  bitter  abnegation,  abandoned  to  Prescott  the  tit-bit 
of  Spanish- American  history  which  he  had  long  contemplated 

1  Four  years  before  this  he  had  married  Susan  Amory,  of  Boston,  whose 
maternal  grandfather  had  commanded  a  British  sloop  on  the  Loyal  side  at 
Bunker  Hill. 

2  As  to  the  enthusiasm  of  the  reception  accorded  to  Prescott’s  works  by 
the  Spanish -speaking  world,  see  Diccionario  Hisyano- Americano,  Barcelona, 

1895,  xvb  2 68. 

Introduction  xi 

making  a  small  fortune  out  of  (and  a  good  royalty  meant  far  more 
to  Irving  than  it  ever  could  have  meant  to  Prescott),  namely,  The 
Conquest  of  Mexico.  Having  accepted  the  sacrifice,  Prescott  used 
the  monopoly  well,  and,  later  on,  it  should  be  said  in  justice  that 
he  was  equally  generous  when  the  time  came  to  throw  his  Spanish 
preserves  open  to  Motley.  Maria  Edgeworth  called  The  Conquest 
of  Mexico,  when  it  appeared  in  1842,  the  book  of  the  century.  It 
won  a  much  wider  audience  even  than  Ferdinand  and  Isabella. 
Thomas  Grenville,  the  donor  of  the  superb  Grenville  Library  in 
the  British  Museum,  was  discovered  one  day  by  the  American 
ambassador  reading  Xenophon’s  Anabasis  in  the  original.  The 
ambassador  remarked  on  the  charm  of  that  book.  “  Here,”  said 
Grenville,  holding  up  a  volume  of  Prescott,  “is  one  far  superior.” 
The  Conquest  of  Peru ,  a  natural  sequel  to  The  Conquest  of  Mexico , 
was  published  in  March  1847.  It  is  generally  considered  the 
correct  thing  to  say  that  Prescott’s  research  in  Mexico  and  Peru 
has  been  wholly  superseded.1  This  is  much  more  true  of  his  work 
on  Spanish  history  proper.  The  deviation  from  the  needle  of 
modern  research  is  far  less  than  was  once  supposed  as  regards 
Mexico ,  and  still  less  in  the  case  of  its  successor. 

Prescott’s  subsequent  unfinished  work  on  Philip  //.,  though 
inferior  in  popularity  to  the  favourite  Peru ,  is  by  many  considered 
the  best  written  of  all  his  works.  His  prose,  though  still  em¬ 
broidered,  increased  in  flexibility  as  he  grew  older.  Later  works  by 
Motley,  Mignet,  Stirling- Maxwell,  Forneron,  Lea,  Hume  and  others 
have  detracted  somewhat  from  its  completeness,  just  as  Prescott 
himself  had  in  turn  killed  Watson2  and  seriously  damaged  Robert¬ 
son.  Though  he  earned  the  distinction  of  the  appellation  “  bigot  ” 
from  the  Catholic  press,  Prescott’s  moderation  served  him  well ; 

1  “At  first  there  was  a  decided  lurch  adverse  to  Prescott.  Wilson  and 
his  school  resolved  ‘the  golden  cupolas  of  Mexico,’ as  Disraeli  called  them 
with  characteristic  grandiloquence,  into  Indian  mud  huts,  and  made  of  the 
Spanish  chroniclers  a  set  of  impudent  liars.  But  the  due  reaction  came. 
Archaeology  has,  of  course,  uncovered  many  things  never  guessed  in 
Prescott’s  day  in  regard  to  ‘  the  moonshine  period  ’  of  the  Aztecs.  Later 
scholars  have  sifted  and  checked  Bernal  Diaz — ‘that  jewel  of  a 
chronicler  ’ — and  the  other  .Spanish  writers  in  a  way  not  possible  in 
Prescott’s  day.  New  material  has  come  to  light.  Yet  when  every 
allowance  of  this  sort  has  been  made,  the  fact  remains  that  The  Conquest 
of  Mexico  holds  its  own  wonderfully  well.  Supercilious  young  novelists 
may  sneer  at  it  as  ‘  Prescott’s  romance  that  he  passed  off  for  history,’  but 
the  competent  know  better.” — American  Men  of  Letters:  “  Prescott,”  by 
Rollo  Ogden. 

2  Robert  Watson’s  History  of  Philip  II.,  which  first  appeared  in  two 
quarto  volumes,  London,  1777,  and  was  greatly  bepraised  and  translated, 
is  now  almost  entirely  forgotten. 


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xiv  Introduction 

he  had  none  of  the  Protestant  frenzy  which  is  apt  to  disfigure  the 
pages  of  Motley  or  Charles  Kingsley.  He  stuck  bravely  to  his  task 
at  Nahant,  at  Pepperell,  at  Lynn,  and  in  Boston,  amid  successive 
strokes  of  ill-luck  and  ill-health.  The  end  came  quite  suddenly 
on  January  28,  1859.  “The  night  of  time,”  wrote  Motley,  “had 
suddenly  descended  upon  the  unfinished  peristyle  of  a  stately  and 
beautiful  temple.” 

After  the  historian’s  death  Mrs.  Prescott  wrote  to  George 
Ticknor  urging  him  to  undertake  the  memoir.  In  April  1859 
Ticknor,  after  consultation  with  Lady  Lyell,  bent  himself  to  the 
task.  The  war  interrupted  its  appearance,  and  it  was  not  printed 
until  1864.  It  has  been  judged  to  be  a  masterpiece  of  proportion 
in  judicial,  if  rather  formal  and  didactic,  biography.  The  lesson 
taught  by  that  life  of  voluntary  labour  and  stem  self-control 
engrafted  upon  a  nature  naturally  gay,  facile  and  ease-loving,  and 
of  heroic  combat  with  an  ever-present  infirmity,  is  brought  home  to 
every  reader.  Prescott’s  English  friends,  such  as  Lady  Lyell  and 
Lord  Carlisle,  were  delighted  with  the  work.  Carlisle  wrote  en¬ 
thusiastically  of  the  vivid  reminder  it  afforded  him  of  Prescott’s 
sunny  personality  :  “  I  can  assure  you  I  consider  you  have  put 
no  mean  feather  in  my  cap  by  exhibiting  me  to  the  world  as 
one  who  had  won  the  regard  of  Prescott.”  Bancroft  wrote  an 
admirable  letter,  in  these  terms  :  “  You  have  given  Prescott  as 
he  was,  leaving  no  part  of  his  character  unportrayed.  He  was 
in  life  and  in  himself  greater  than  his  books,  and  you  have 
shown  him  so.  I  find  nothing  omitted,  nothing  remissly  done, 
and  nothing  overdone.  I  had  feared  that  the  uniformity  of  his 
life  would  cut  off  from  your  narrative  the  resources  of  novelty 
and  variety  and  stirring  interest ;  and  here  in  the  inward  struggles 
of  his  mind,  and  his  struggles  with  outward  trials,  you  have  brought 
out  a  more  beautiful  and  attractive  picture  than  if  you  had  to 
describe  the  escapes  of  a  hero  or  the  perils  of  an  adventurer. 
Well  as  I  knew  Prescott,  you  have  raised  my  conception  of  his 
fortitude  and  self-control  and  consciously  noble  ambition.” 
Prescott’s  fellowship  in  the  partial  deprivation  of  sight  with  such 
historians  as  Thierry  and  Parkman  forms  a  remarkable  episode  in 
the  literary  history  of  the  last  century. 

Prescott  lived  in  the  midst  of  the  New  England  or  imitative 
period  of  American  literature.  Its  prose  models  were  rooted  in 
the  old-fashioned  world  of  Gibbon  and  Goldsmith.  From  the 
eighteenth  century  too  he  inherits  that  absorption  in  the  cares  of 
the  showman  and  the  moralist,  which  is  rarely  absent  from  his 
writing.  It  may  be  that  he  does  not  ruffle  the  surface  quite  deeply 
enough,  but  his  art  in  decorating  a  blank  panel  in  the  vast  and 



void  of  the  past  is  nothing  less  than  superb.  His  works  are  an 
indispensable  propaedeutic  to  the  study  of  Spanish-American 
history.  Among  the  historians  of  Outre-Mer,  with  the  possible 
exception  of  the  veteran  Dr.  H.  C.  Lea,  he  comes  second  only  to 
Parkman.  Nor  are  his  books  in  the  least  likely  to  be  displaced. 
He  who  having  read  Prescott  was  content  to  read  no  farther 
would  be  a  student  lacking  somewhat  in  the  highest  kind  of 
curiosity ;  but  more  commendable  by  far  for  good  sense  than 
one  who  laboured  under  the  impression  that  Prescott  was  an 
historian  whom  he  could  afford  to  ignore.  And  of  all  his  histories 
the  most  popular,  decidedly,  and  the  least  liable  to  be  superseded, 
if  not  intrinsically  the  most  meritorious  or  original,  is  The  Conquest 
of  Peru. 


The  Conquest  of  Peru  was  written  in  maturity,  when  Prescott 
was  fifty  ;  it  was  his  most  expeditious  work,  and  it  certainly 
evidences  the  complete  mastery  of  his  characteristic  method.  The 
Muse  of  History  was  propitious  from  the  outset,  and  the  verdict  of 
popular  approval  was  spoken  with  no  uncertain  voice.  Bentley 
assented  to  give  eight  hundred  pounds  for  the  English  rights  without 
demur.  The  book  is  still  the  most  widely  popular  of  all  Prescott’s 
works  on  both  sides  of  the  Atlantic,  and  it  is  read  to  this  day,  by 
young  and  old  alike,  among  all  who  have  the  least  tincture  of 
education,  all  over  the  Peruvian  slope.  As  a  pageant  of  narrative 
description  it  can  have  very  few  equals.  The  tragedies  of  the 
three  Pizarros — of  Blasco  Nunez,  Almagro  and  Carbajal ;  the  march 
of  Almagro  to  Chili ;  Gonzalo’s  expedition  from  Quito  to  discover 
the  fabled  gold  of  the  East ;  Orellana’s  amazing  voyage  down  the 
Amazon ;  the  extraordinary  story,  above  all,  more  incredible  than 
a  medieval  legend,  of  Francis  Pizarro’s  march  of  1532  from 
Tumbez  to  Caxamarca  ;  the  deputation  to  Atahuallpa  ;  the  marble 
apathy  of  the  Indian  prince  ;  the  despair  of  the  Spaniards  ;  the 
desperate  resolution  of  Pizarro,  and  the  Satanic  calmness  of  the 
perfidy  with  which,  whooping  “St  Jago  and  at  them  1  ”  he  flung 
himself  upon  the  confiding  Inca  and  his  vassals — these  things 
may  be  narrated  again  and  narrated  differently,  but  will  never,  l 
imagine,  be  described  better  than  Prescott  has  described  them. 
With  the  same  unhasting  and  remorseless  pomp  the  historian 
goes  on  to  describe  how  the  conquerors  punished  themselves,  and 
by  what  successive  steps,  as  each  of  the  conquistadors  in  turn  fell 
a  prey  to  the  Terror  he  had  engendered,  the  last  of  the  Incas  was 
bloodily  avenged.  I  hope  that  every  one  who  reads  this  Introduction 

xvi  Introduction 

will  read  the  whole  story  ;  and  no  one  can  read  it  without  profound 
emotion,  for  it  is  splendidly,  magnificently  told. 

As  in  the  somewhat  analogous  but  entirely  distinct  case  of  Mexico, 
the  Peruvians  had  displaced  an  elder  civilisation  of  an  older  race, 
now  represented  only  by  a  few  Cyclopean  remains  scattered  hither 
and  thither  on  the  Pacific  slope.  Of  this  culture  as  a  whole  it  is 
still  regarded  as  most  probable  that  it  had  its  origin  in  the  region 
of  Lake  Titicaca,  and  that  it  was  indigenous.  On  the  subject  of  the 
Peruvian  mythology  Prescott’s  investigations  have  to  a  large 
extent  been  superseded  by  the  work  of  D.  G.  Brinton,  Hutchinson, 
Payne,  Enock,  Lewis  Spence1  and  others  ;  his  account  of  the  social 
organisation  of  the  Inca  Empire  remains,  probably,  a  mere  rough 
shell  or  outline.  The  form  of  socialism  depicted  is  certainly  a  most 
peculiar  one,  and  combines  features  that  might  equally  be  derived 
from  the  Utopia  or  from  one  of  the  monarchies  limned  for  us  by 
Mr.  Lemuel  Gulliver.  There  seems,  however,  little  reason  to  doubt 
that  the  Empire  under  Huayna  Capac,  not  excepting  even  the  State 
described  in  the  Book  of  Judges,  formed  the  most  complete, 
absolute  and  intricate  theocracy  that  the  world  has  ever  seen. 
For  a  religious  communistic  despotism  anything  like  so  complete 
in  its  tyranny  and  its  discipline  we  must  go  for  a  parallel  to  the 
ancient  social  organisation  of  Japan,  before  the  rise  of  the  military 
power  and  the  dictatorship  of  lyeyasu.  It  is  plain  in  such  cases, 
as  Hearne  points  out,  that  however  well  such  a  system  may  be 
adapted  to  a  race  apart,  a  society  whose  ethical  traditions  forbid 
the  individual  to  profit  at  the  cost  of  his  fellow-men  cannot  fail 
in  the  end  to  be  placed  at  an  enormous  disadvantage,  when  forced 
into  a  struggle  for  existence  with  a  power  whose  self-government 
permits  of  extensive  personal  freedom,  and  the  widest  range  of 
competitive  enterprise. 

The  Inca  of  Peru  was  the  head  of  a  colossal  bureaucracy  which 
had  ramifications  into  the  very  homes  of  the  people  themselves. 
Thus,  after  the  Inca  came  the  governors  of  provinces,  who  were  of 
the  blood  royal ;  then  officials  were  placed  above  ten  thousand 
families,  a  thousand  families,  a  hundred  and  even  ten  families,  upon 
the  principle  that  the  rays  of  the  sun  enter  everywhere.  Personal 
freedom  was  a  thing  unknown.  Each  individual  was  under  direct 
surveillance,  branded  and  numbered  like  the  herds  of  llamas  which 
were  the  special  property  of  the  sun  incarnate,  the  Inca.  Rules  and 
regulations  abounded  in  a  manner  unheard  of  even  in  police-ridden 
Prussia,  and  no  one  had  the  opportunity  in  this  vast  social  machine 

1  See  Select  Bibliography  at  the  end  of  his  Mythology  of  Ancient  Mexico 
and  Peru  in  Constable’s  “Religions  Ancient  and  Modern”  (Shilling 

Introduction  xvii 

of  thinking  or  acting  for  himself.  His  walk  in  life  was  marked  out 
for  him  from  the  time  he  was  five  years  of  age,  and  the  woman  he 
was  to  marry  was  selected  for  him  by  responsible  officials.  Even 
the  place  of  his  birth  was  indicated  by  a  coloured  ribbon,  which  he 
dared  not  remove,  tied  round  his  head.  All  in  this  community  who 
were  able  to  work  were  obliged  to  work.  On  the  other  hand,  all 
lived  in  some  sort  of  comfort,  and  there  was  secure  provision 
for  the  helpless,  the  crippled  and  the  aged. 

Like  most  artists  who  indulge  the  vision  of  the  inner  eye,  Prescott 
may  have  laid  the  colour  on  a  little  too  thick  in  places.  He  may 
have  exaggerated  to  a  slight  extent  both  the  popularity  and  efficacy 
of  the  pagan  rule  and  also  the  inhuman  and  unprovoked  barbarity 
of  the  fanatical  Spaniard.  But  there  can  be  little  doubt  that 
the  Spanish  conquest  destroyed  a  most  remarkable  civilisation, 
adapted  in  the  main  with  a  rare  felicity  to  the  people  who  lived 
under  its  sway.  The  colonial  policy  of  Spain,  as  Sir  Clements 
Markham  shows  us  in  his  valuable  books  on  Peru,  entailed 
intolerable  sufferings  and  nearly  annihilated  the  native  population, 
which  was  reduced  in  three  hundred  years  from  ten  millions  to  one 
million.  Of  the  Spanish  conquest  of  Peru,  as  of  the  Norman 
conquest  of  England  (to  which  it  has  a  few  poignant  affinities),  it 
may  be  said  that  it  aroused  the  Peruvians  out  of  their  “  pot-bellied 
equanimity  ”  ;  that  it  invigorated  their  administrative  constitution, 
civil,  military  and  ecclesiastical ;  that  it  opened  the  door  to  new 
European  products,  and  that  it  reinforced  the  native  stock  from  the 
Latin  race.  All  who  regard  history  as  “  worth  while  ”  are  expected 
to  admit  that  both  conquests,  in  the  end,  were  blessings  in  disguise. 
Either  before  or  after  Prescott  the  same  ground  has  been  partly 
traversed  by  Robertson,  Winsor,  Helps,  Markham,  Llorente  and 
others.  All  have  depended  well  nigh  exclusively  upon  the  old 
Spanish  historians  of  the  sixteenth  century.  And  there  practically 
are  no  others.  For  the  Peruvians  left  no  available  records,  with 
the  important  exception  of  those  which  appeal  primarily  not  to  the 
historian,  but  to  the  anthropologist  or  archaeologist  in  the  widest 
sense.1  Prescott,  as  is  well  known,  put  a  high,  but  not  too  high, 
value  on  the  work  of  Robertson,  and  it  is  interesting  to  this  day  to 
compare  the  arrangement  and  the  conclusions  of  the  two  writers. 

A  rather  peculiar  and  noteworthy  feature  of  the  Peru  is  the 
apparent  indifference  in  it  shown  by  Prescott  to  the  cause  of  human 
liberty.  He  treats  Las  Casas  as  a  dreamer,  the  Council  of  the 
Indies  in  their  attempts  to  put  an  end  to  the  barbarous  enslavement 
of  the  Indians  as  Utopian,  and  he  cannot  find  a  good  word  for 

1  See  the  Catalogue  of  American  Mythology  and  Archaeology  published 
by  Herr  Karl  Hiersemann  of  Leipsic. 

xviii  Introduction 

Blasco  Nunez,  who  tried  to  carry  these  counsels  of  humanity  into 
execution.  The  apparent  inconsistency  was  commented  on  by 
D'Haussonville  and  explained  partly  by  the  delicacy  of  the  subject 
as  it  appeared  to  Northern  writers  of  America  in  those  early  days, 
partly  by  Prescott’s  conservatively  historical  cast  of  mind.  He  is 
above  all  a  raconteur  des  morqeaux  historiques ,  and  he  needs  an 
exceptional  serenity  of  mind  for  this  kind  of  art,  which  is  apt  to  be 
ruined  at  once  by  the  dust  of  conflict. 

The  one  striking  fact  that  emerges  is  that,  notwithstanding  all 
the  disintegrating  forces  that  have  been  set  to  work  by  modern 
pressure  upon  the  great  upstanding  monuments  of  history, 
Prescott’s  Peru  remains  erect  ;  and  for  the  most  part,  and,  to  a 
really  surprising  extent,  unsuperseded.  I  believe  I  have  heard  it 
said  that  “we  could  have  better  spared  a  better  book.”  However 
that  may  be,  there  can,  I  think,  be  very  little  doubt  that,  with  all 
its  faults,  The  Conquest  of  Peru  is  a  book  to  be  reckoned  with,  now 
and  in  the  future. 

Thomas  Seccombe. 

Among  more  recent  authorities  on  the  subject,  the  following  are 
available  to  English  readers:  O.  von  Hanstein,  The  World  of  the 
Incas  (translated),  1924;  P.  A.  Means,  Ancient  Civilization  of  the 
Andes,  1931;  Fall  of  the  Inca  Empire,  1932;  H.  Bingham,  Lost  City 
of  the  Incas,  1951;  R.  J.  Owens,  Peru,  1963. 


History  of  the  Reign  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella  the  Catholic,  3  vols.,  1837-8 ; 
several  later  editions:  new  and  revised  edition,  with  the  author’s  latest 
corrections  and  additions,  ed.  J.  F.  Kirk,  1873,  1887,  1892;  author’s 
authorized  edition,  1882;  another  edition,  1890;  History  of  the  Conquest  of 
Mexico,  3  vols.,  1843,  1846,  and  later  editions;  new  and  revised  edition, 
etc.,  ed.  J.  F.  Kirk,  1874,  I9°I  (Bohn’s  Standard  Library,  1903); 
Critical  and  Historical  Essays  (chiefly  from  the  North  American  Review), 
1845;  History  of  the  Conquest  of  Peru,  2  vols.,  1847,  and  later  editions; 
new  and  revised  edition,  etc.,  ed.  J.  F.  Kirk,  1874,  I893,  1902  (Bohn’s 
Standard  Library),  1959;  author’s  authorized  version,  1882,  and  subsequent 
editions;  Memoir  of  John  Pickering,  1848;  History  of  the  Reign  of  Philip 
the  Second,  King  of  Spain,  vols.  i,  ii,  1855;  tenth  thousand,  1856;  vol.  iii 
(with  Biographical  and  Critical  Miscellanies),  1872;  the  3  vols.,  1873;  new 
and  revised  editions,  etc.,  ed.  J.  F.  Kirk,  1887,  1902  (Bohn’s  Standard 
Library);  Memoir  of  the  Honourable  Abbott  Lawrence,  1856;  Account  of  the 
Emperor  Charles  V’s  Life  after  his  Abdication  (addition  to  Robertson’s 
Charles  the  Fifth),  1857. 

works.  Ed.  by  J.  F.  Kirk,  illus.,  15  vols.,  1893;  W.  H.  Munro,  22  vols. 
(with  Ticknor’s  Life),  1905,  1906. 

See  lives  by  G.  Ticknor,  1864;  H.  T.  Peck,  1905;  R.  A.  Humphreys,  1959. 


Introduction  by  Thomas  Seccombe 



Publisher's  Note 


Select  Bibliography 






Extent  of  the  Peruvian  Empire — Its  Topographical  Aspect — Un¬ 
favourable  to  Husbandry — Natural  Impediments  overcome — 
Source  of  Civilisation — Children  of  the  Sun — Other  Traditions — 

Their  Uncertainty — Conquests  of  the  Incas — City  of  Cuzco — 
Fortress  of  Cuzco — Its  remarkable  Structure — Queen  of  the  Inca 
— Heir- Apparent — Order  of  Chivalry — Ceremonies  of  Admission 
— Inca  a  Despot — His  Dress — Intercourse  with  the  People — 
Progresses  through  the  Country — Royal  Palaces — Their  gorgeous 
Decorations — Gardens  of  Yucay — All  closed  at  the  Inca’s  Death — 
Obsequies  of  the  Incas — Their  Bodies  preserved — Produced  at 
Festivals — Inca  Nobles — Their  exclusive  Privileges — Curacas — 

Inca  Nobility  the  highest  .  . .  I 



Name  of  Peru — Divisions  of  the  Empire — Tribunals  of  Justice — 
Character  of  the  Laws — Simple  Administration  of  Justice- 
Threefold  Distribution  of  Lands — Division  renewed  yearly — 
Agrarian  Law — The  Land  cultivated  by  the  People — Appropria¬ 
tion  and  care  of  the  Llamas — Woollen  Manufactures — Labour  in 
Peru — Registers  and  Surveys  by  Government — Rotation  of  Labour 
— Magazines  of  Products  and  Manufactures — Taxation  borne 
wholly  by  the  People — No  Room  for  Progress — No  Pauperism — 
Monuments  of  Peruvian  Industry — Great  Roads — Suspension 
Bridges — Caravansaries,  or  Tambos — System  of  Post — Relays  of 
Couriers — Military  Policy  of  the  Incas — Conquests  in  the  Name 
of  Religion — Peruvian  Army — Arms  and  Armour — Military 
Quarters  and  Magazines — Lenient  Policy  in  War — Religion  of 
the  Conquered  Nations — Disposition  of  the  Conquered  Territory 
— Quichua  Language — Mitimaes — Unity  of  Purpose  in  Peruvian 
Institutions — Domestic  Quiet  their  Aim — Religious  Character  of 
Peruvian  Wars — Singular  Harmony  in  their  Empire  . 






Religion  of  the  American  Races — Peruvian  Notions  of  a  Future  Life — 
Embalming  and  Burial — Idea  of  a  God — Worship  of  the  Sun — 
Inferior  Deities — Temple  of  the  Sun  at  Cuzco — Its  Richness  and 
Splendour — Temples  of  Inferior  Deities — Utensils  and  Ornaments 
of  Gold — Proofs  of  Ancient  Magnificence — High  Priest — Sacer¬ 
dotal  Order — Duties  of  Priests — Festival  of  Raymi — Human 
Sacrifices  rare — Sacred  Flame — Religious  Ceremony — -Virgins  of 
the  Sun — Convents — Brides  of  the  Inca — Marriage  universal — 
Provisions  for  Marriage  ....  • 



Education  in  Peru — Seminaries  and  Amautas — Quipus  and  Quipuca- 
mayus — Method  of  transmitting  History — Various  Symbols  of 
Thought — Quipus  the  poorest — Traditional  Minstrelsy — Quichua 
Dialect — Theatrical  Exhibitions— Division  of  Time — Regulated 
by  the  Equinoxes — Little  Progress  in  Astronomy — The  Inca’s 
care  of  Agriculture — System  of  Irrigation — Aqueducts— Terraces 
on  the  Sierra — Guano — Substitute  for  the  Plough — Fairs — 
Variety  of  Products — Indian  Corn — Cuca — Potatoes  •  • 



Advantages  of  Manufactures — The  Llama — Alpacas — Huanacos  and 
Vicunas — Great  Annual  Hunts — Woollen  Manufactures — Division 
of  Mechanical  Labour — Extraordinary  Dexterity  in  the  Arts — No 
use  of  Iron — Gold  and  Silver — Architecture  a  Test  of  Civilisation 
— Peruvian  Architecture — Houses — Their  Simplicity  of  Construc¬ 
tion — Adaptation  to  Climate — Comparison  between  the  Inca  and 
Aztec  Races — In  Policy  and  Religion — In  Science — Peruvian  and 
Eastern  Empires — The  Incas  perfect  Despots — Careful  of  the 
People — No  Free  Agency  in  Peru — No  Idleness  or  Poverty — 
Influence  of  Government  on  Character— Life  and  Works  of 
Sarmiento — And  of  Polo  de  Ondegardo . 







Introductory  Remarks — Progress  in  Navigation — Early  Voyages  of 
Discovery — Discovery  of  America — Romantic  Expectations — 
Northern  and  Southern  Adventurers — Extent  of  Discovery — 
Balboa  reaches  the  Pacific — Colonial  Policy — Pedro  Arias  de 
Avila — Foundation  of  Panamd — First  Southern  Expedition — 
Rumours  respecting  Peru  .  .  .  .  .  .  .112 



Francis  Pizarro’s  early  Life — He  goes  to  Hispaniola — Various 
Adventures — He  accompanies  Pedrarias  to  Panamd — Southern 
Expeditions — Almagro  and  Luque — Their  Union  with  Pizarro — 

First  Expedition  for  Discovery — Pizarro  takes  Command  of  it — 
Enters  the  River  Biru — Distresses  on  Shore — Pursues  his 
Voyage  along  the  Coast — Heavy  Tempests — Puts  back  and  lands 
— Great  Sufferings  of  the  Spaniards — Montenegro  sent  back  for 
Supplies — Indian  Village — Great  Distresses  during  his  Absence — 

He  returns  with  Assistance — Uncertainty  of  the  Spaniards — They 
proceed  farther  South — Traces  of  Cannibalism — Pizarro  recon¬ 
noitres  the  Country — Fierce  Conflict  with  the  Natives — Danger 
of  Pizarro — He  sends  back  his  Vessel — Adventures  of  Almagro — 

He  joins  Pizarro — Returns  to  Panama  .....  123 



Almagro  coolly  received  by  Pedrarias — Influence  of  Fernando  de 
Luque — Narrow  Views  of  the  Governor — His  subsequent  History 
— Pizarro,  Almagro,  and  Luque — Famous  Contract  for  dis¬ 
covering  Peru — Religious  Tone  assumed  in  it — Motives  of  the 

XXI 1 


Conquerors — Luque’s  Share  in  the  Enterprise — Preparations  for 
the  Voyage — Insufficiency  of  Supplies — Sailing  of  the  Armament 
— Almagro  returns  to  Panama — The  Pilot  Ruiz  explores  the 
Coast— Indian  Balsas — Signs  of  Higher  Civilisation — Returns 
with  Indian  Captives — Pizarro’s  Journey  into  the  Interior — 
Frightful  Difficulties  of  the  March — Almagro  returns  with 
Recruits — They  continue  their  Voyage — Thickly -settled  Country 
— Gold  and  Precious  Stones — Warlike  .\spect  of  the  Natives — 
Deliberations  of  the  Spaniards — Dispute  between  Pizarro  and 
Almagro — The  latter  returns  to  Panama — Pizarro  remains  at  the 
Isle  of  Gallo — His  Followers  discontented — Send  home  a  Secret 
Letter  ........... 



Pizarro  ordered  to  return — He  refuses — His  Bold  Resolution— Eleven 
adhere  to  him — Pizarro’s  heroic  Constancy — Left  on  the  Isle  of 
Gorgona — Efforts  of  Luque  and  Almagro — Succours  sent  to 
Pizarro — Pie  continues  his  Voyage — Enters  the  Gulf  of  Guayaquil 
— Lands  at  Tumbez — Kind  Reception  by  its  Inhabitants — Visit 
of  an  Inca  Noble — Adventure  of  Molina — Pedro  de  Candia  sent 
on  Shore — Kindly  treated  by  the  Natives — Reports  of  the  Riches 
of  the  Place — Joy  of  the  Spaniards — Pizarro  again  Steers  for  the 
South — Tossed  about  by  Tempests — Touches  at  various  Points 
of  the  Coast — Splendid  Accounts  of  the  Peruvian  Empire — 
Arrives  at  the  Port  of  Santa — Homeward  Voyage — Lands  at 
Santa  Cruz — Entertained  by  an  Indian  Princess — Continues  his 
Voyage  to  Panama — Joy  and  Triumph  of  his  Associates — Cold¬ 
ness  of  the  Governor — Pizarro  goes  as  Envoy  to  Spain — Notice 
of  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega — His  Life  and  Writings — Character  of 
his  Works.  ......  .... 




Pizarro  in  Spain — Gracious  Reception  at  Court — Relates  his  Adven¬ 
tures  to  the  Emperor— His  Capitulation  with  the  Crown — • 




Dignities  conferred  on  him — Provisions  in  behalf  of  the  Natives 
— Grasping  Spirit  of  Pizarro — He  Visits  his  Birthplace — The 
Pizarro  Family — His  Brother  Hernando — Obstacles  to  the 
Expedition — Sails  and  crosses  to  Nombre  de  Dios — Amalgro 
greatly  discontented — A  Rupture  with  difficulty  prevented — 
Expedition  fitted  out  at  Panama — Pizarro’s  Final  Voyage  to  Peru 
— Driven  into  Bay  of  St.  Matthew — Lands  his  Forces — Plunders 
an  Indian  Village — Division  of  Spoil — He  Marches  along  the 
Coast — Sufferings  and  Discontent  of  the  Spaniards — Joined  by 
Reinforcements — They  reach  Puerto  Viejo — Cross  to  Isle  of  Puna 
— Conspiracy  of  its  Inhabitants — They  Attack  the  Spanish  Camp 
— Arrival  of  De  Soto  with  Recruits  .  .  .  .  .  .184 



The  Inca  Huayna  Capac — His  Apprehensions  respecting  the  White 
Men — Prognostics  of  Trouble  in  Peru — Atahuallpa  the  Inca’s 
Son — Shares  the  Empire  with  his  Brother  Huascar — Causes 
of  Jealousy  between  them — Commencement  of  Hostilities — 
Hua^car’s  Forces  defeated — Ravage  of  Canaris — Atahuallpa 
marches  on  Cuzco — His  Victory  at  Quipaypan — Capture  of 
Huascar — Accounts  of  Atahuallpa’s  Cruelties — Reasons  for 
doubting  their  Accuracy — Atahuallpa’s  Triumph — His  Want  of 
Foresight.  ..........  202 



Spaniards  pass  over  to  Tumbez — The  Place  deserted  and  dismantled 
— Its  Curaca  captured — Pizarro  reconnoitres  the  Country — His 
conciliating  Policy — Pizarro  founds  San  Miguel — Learns  the 
State  of  the  Kingdom — Determines  to  strike  into  the  Interior — 

His  probable  Intentions — Boldness  of  the  Enterprise — Marches 
through  the  Level  Country — Hospitality  of  the  Natives — Discon¬ 
tent  in  the  Army — Pizarro’s  Expedient  to  quiet  it — Reception  at 
Zaran — Envoy  from  the  Inca — Courteously  received  by  Pizarro — 

His  Message  to  the  Inca — De  Soto’s  Expedition — His  Accounts 
of  the  Indian  Empire — March  towards  Caxamalca — Contradictory 
Information — Emissary  to  Atahuallpa — Effective  Eloquence  of 
Pizarro  ...........  214 






March  over  the  Andes — Fearful  Passes  of  the  Sierra — Toilsome 
and  Dangerous  Ascent — Mountain  Fortresses — The  Army  gain 
the  Summit — Indian  Embassy — Lofty  Tone  of  Pizarro — Return 
of  the  Spanish  Envoy — Different  Accounts  of  Atahuallpa — Bold 
Descent  of  the  Cordilleras — Beautiful  Valley  of  Caxamalca — 
Imposing  View  of  the  Peruvian  Camp — Entrance  into  Caxamalca 
— Description  of  the  City — De  Soto  sent  to  Atahuallpa — His 
Interview  with  the  Monarch — Haughty  Demeanour  of  the  Latter 
-—His  Reply  to  Pizarro — De  Soto’s  Exhibition  of  Horsemanship 
— Gloomy  Forebodings  of  the  Spaniards — Courage  of  Pizarro — 
Daring  Plan  for  seizing  the  Inca — Reasons  for  its  Adoption  .  231 



Disposition  of  the  Spanish  Troops — Religions  Ceremonies — Approach 
of  the  Inca — Designs  not  to  enter  the  Town — Disappointment 
of  the  Spaniards — Atahuallpa  changes  his  Purpose — Leaves  his 
Warriors  behind — Enters  the  Great  Square — Urged  to  embrace 
Christianity — He  rejects  it  with  Disdain — General  Attack  of  the 
Spaniards — Bloody  Massacre  of  the  Peruvians — Seizure  of 
Atahuallpa — Dispersion  of  his  Army — Demeanour  of  the  Captive 
Monarch — His  probable  Designs — Courteously  treated  by  Pizarro 
— Indian  Prisoners — Rich  Spoils  of  the  Inca — Magnificent  Offer 
of  Atahuallpa — Accepted  by  Pizarro — Inca’s  Mode  of  Life  in 
Captivity — Refuses  to  embrace  Christianity — Assassination  of 
his  Brother  Huascar . 246 



Slow  Arrival  of  the  Ransom — Rumours  of  an  Indian  Rising — 
Emissaries  sent  to  Cuzco — City  and  Temple  of  Pachacamac — 
Hernando  Pizarro’s  March  thither — Great  Road  of  the  Incas — - 
Herds  of  Llamas — Rich  Cultivation  of  the  Valleys — Hernando’s 




Arrival  at  the  City — Forcible  Entry  into  the  Temple — Horror  of 
the  Natives — Destruction  of  the  Indian  Idol — Small  Amount  of 
Booty — Hernando  marches  against  Challcuchima — Persuades 
him  to  visit  Caxamalca — Interview  of  Atahuallpa  with  his 
General — The  Inca’s  absolute  Authority — His  personal  Habits 
and  Appearance — Return  of  the  Emissaries  from  Cuzco — 
Magnificent  Reports  of  the  City — They  strip  the  Gold  from  the 
Temples — Their  Insolence  and  Rapacity — Return  with  Loads 
of  Treasure — Almagro  arrives  in  Peru — Brings  a  Large  Rein¬ 
forcement — Joins  Pizarro’ s  Camp — Superstitious  Bodings  of 
Atahuallpa  ..........  266 



Division  of  the  Inca’s  Ransom — Hernando  takes  the  Royal  Fifth  to 
Spain — His  Jealousy  of  Almagro — Enormous  Amount  of  the 
Treasure — Difficulties  in  its  Distribution — Shares  of  the  Pizarros 
— Those  of  the  Soldiers — Exclusion  of  Almagro  and  his  Followers 
— Preparations  for  the  March  to  Cuzco — The  Inca  demands  his 
Liberty — Equivocal  Conduct  of  Pizarro — The  Interpreter  Felipillo 
— The  Inca  charged  with  exciting  Insurrection — His  Protestations 
of  Innocence — His  Apprehensions — Fears  and  Murmurs  of  the 
Spaniards — -They  demand  the  Inca’s  Death — Pie  is  brought  to 
Trial — Charges  against  him — Condemned  to  be  burnt  alive — 

Some  protest  against  the  Sentence — The  Inca  entirely  unmanned 
— His  earnest  Entreaties  for  Mercy — Led  to  Execution — Abjures 
his  Religion — Perishes  by  the  Garrote — His  Character  and 
Appearance — Funeral  Obsequies — Return  of  De  Soto — His 
Indignation  and  Astonishment — Reflections  on  the  Inca’s  Treat¬ 
ment — Responsibility  of  Pizarro — Motives  of  Personal  Pique — 
Views  of  Chroniclers  respecting  the  Execution  ....  280 



Authority  of  the  Inca  in  Peru — Effects  of  Atahuallpa’s  Death — New 
Inca  appointed  by  Pizarro  —  March  to  Cuzco  —  Formidable 
Mountain  Passes — Tedious  and  Painful  Route — Conflict  with  the 
Indians — Pizarro  halts  at  Xauxa — De  Soto  sent  forward — 
Furiously  assaulted  in  the  Sierra — Fierce  Battle  with  the  Indians 
— Apprehensions  of  the  Spaniards — Arrival  of  Succours — The 
Peruvians  retreat — Challcuchima  accused  of  Conspiracy — Death 
of  the  Inca  Toparca— Rich  Vale  of  Xaquixaguana — Trial  and 




Condemnation  of  Challcuchima — Burned  alive  before  the  Army 
— Spaniards  arrive  at  Cuzco — Entrance  into  the  Capital — Its 
Large  Population — Gorgeous  Edifices — Its  Massive  Fortress — 
Temple  of  the  Sun — Plunder  of  the  Public  Buildings — Amount 
of  Treasure  secured — Its  Division  among  the  Troops — Its  Effect 
upon  the  Spaniards  .  .  . . 301 



Inca  Manco  crowned — Spanish  Government  in  Cuzco — Christian 
Churches  founded — Labours  of  the  Missionaries — Sharp  En¬ 
counters  with  the  Natives — Landing  of  Pedro  Alvarado — His 
March  to  Quito — Terrible  Passage  of  the  Puertos  Nevados — 
Sufferings  from  Cold  and  Starvation — Eruption  of  Cotopaxi — 
Alvarado  reaches  the  Table-land — Benalcazar’s  Expedition — 
Almagro’s  Pursuit — Agreement  between  Alvarado,  and  Almagro 
— Pizarro  at  Xauxa — His  Meeting  with  Alvarado — Site  for  a 
New  Capital — Foundation  of  Lima — Almagro  goes  to  Cuzco— 
Hernando  Pizarro  sent  to  Spain — Admitted  to  an  Audience  by 
the  Emperor — Royal  Grants  to  the  Conquerors — Sensation  pro¬ 
duced  by  his  Accounts — Returns  with  a  Large  Armament — His 
sufferings  at  Nombre  de  Dios — Elation  of  Almagro — Difficulty 
between  him  and  Pizarro— Reconciliation  effected — Singular 
Compact — Almagro’s  Expedition  to  Chili — Pizarro  embellishes 
his  Capita! — His  tranquil  Occupations  .....  319 



Condition  of  the  Conquered  Country — Inca  Manco — Conspiracy  of 
the  Peruvians — Escape  and  Recapture  of  the  Inca — Kindly 
treated  by  Hernando  Pizarro — The  Inca’s  final  Escape — Plotly 
pursued  by  Juan  Pizarro — Defeated  on  the  Yucay — Juan  Pizarro 
entangled  in  the  Mountains — Summoned  back  to  Cuzco — The 
Indians  besiege  it — Anxiety  of  ihe  Spaniards — Firing  of  the  City 
— Terrible  Conflagration — Perilous  condition  of  the  Spaniards — 
Desperate  Combats — Distress  of  the  Besieged — Their  Resolute 
Determination — Furious  Sally — Discipline  of  the  Natives — 
Terrible  Slaughter  of  them — The  Spaniards  storm  the  Citadel 
— Death  of  Juan  Pizarro — Heroism  of  an  Inca  Noble — The 




Fortress  taken — Scarcity  of  Provisions —Reinforcements  cut  off 
— Consternation  of  the  Spaniards — Pizarro  seeks  Supplies  from 
the  North — The  Inca  withdraws  his  Forces — Chivalrous  En¬ 
counters — Attempt  to  seize  the  Inca — Attack  on  his  Quarters  at 
Tambo — The  Spaniards  compelled  to  Retreat — Biographical 
Notice  of  Pedro  Pizarro — Notice  of  Montesinos  .  .  .  340 




Aimagro  sets  out  for  Chili — Wild  Scenery  of  the  Andes — Numbers 
perish  of  Cold  and  Famine — Horrible  Sufferings  of  his  Army — 
Cruelty  towards  his  Indian  Allies — Overtaken  by  Rodrigo  de 
Orgonez — Receives  Bad  Tidings  from  the  South — Returns  by  the 
Desert  of  Atacama — Many  perish  among  the  Sands — Arrives 
near  Cuzco— Battle  with  the  Inca’s  Troops — Claims  Jurisdiction 
over  Cuzco — Takes  possession  of  the  Place  -  Captures  Hernando 
and  Gonzalo  Pizarro — Orgonez  advises  their  Death — Marches 
against  Alonso  de  Alvarado — Battle  of  Abancay — Aimagro 
defeats  and  takes  him  Prisoner —Returns  to  Cuzco — Pizarro 
greatly  alarmed — Sends  Espinosa  to  negotiate — Death  of  his 
Emissary — Critical  Situation  of  the  Brothers  Pizarro — Aimagro 
leaves  Cuzco  for  the  Coast — Stormy  Conference  with  Francis 
Pizarro — Bitter  Feelings  of  Aimagro — Politic  Concessions  of 
Pizarro — Treaty  concluded  between  them — Hernando  set  at 
Liberty  .  . .  367 



Pizarro  prepares  for  War — Perfidiously  breaks  the  Treaty — Aimagro 
disabled  by  Illness — He  retreats  to  Cuzco — Orgofiez  takes 
Command  of  the  Forces — Hernando  Pizarro  marches  against 
him — Composition  of  the  Army — His  Order  of  Battle — Attacks 
Orgofiez — Bloody  Battle  of  Las  Salinas — Heroism  and  Death 
of  Orgonez — Rout  of  the  Army — Aimagro  taken  Prisoner — 
Assassination  of  Pedro  de  Lerma — 1 1 ernundo  occupies  Cuzco — ■ 
Illness  and  Distress  of  Aimagro — lie  is  brought  to  Trial— 




Sentenced  to  Death — Earnestly  sues  for  Life — Appoints  his  Son 
his  Successor — Is  strangled  in  Prison — His  Character — His  Free 
and  Liberal  Temper — Unfortunate  connection  with  Pizarro  .  382 



Pizarro  marches  towards  Cuzco — Learns  Almagro’s  Death — His  own 
Agency  in  it — His  Arrogant  Conduct — Gross  Partiality  to  his 
Family — Hernando  returns  with  much  Gold  to  Spain — His 
Warning  to  his  Brother — Coldly  received  at  Court — Is  thrown 
into  Prison — Detained  fhere  for  many  Years — His  Character — 
Disorderly  State  of  Peru — Commissioner  sent  out  by  the  Crown 
— Vaca  de  Castro  arrives  in  Peru — War  with  the  Inca  Manco — 
Cruelty  of  Pizarro  to  one  of  his  Wives — Pizarro  establishes 
Settlements  in  Peru — His  Journey  to  Lima — His  Efficient 
Administration — Gonzalo  Pizarro  sent  to  Quito — Character  of 
that  Chief  ..........  396 



Expedition  to  the  Land  of  Cinnamon — Gonzalo  leads  it — Tempestuous 
Weather  on  the  March — Forests  of  Enormous  Growth — Miseries 
and  Sufferings  of  the  Spaniards — They  arrive  on  the  Borders  of 
the  Napo — Stupendous  Cataract — Perilous  Passage  of  the  River 
— They  construct  a  Brigantine — Orellana  takes  Command  of  it — 
They  reach  the  Banks  of  the  Amazon — Orellana’s  Wonderful 
Voyage — His  subsequent  Fate — Dismal  Situation  of  the  Spaniards 
— Courageous  Spirit  of  Gonzalo — Their  return  through  the 
Wilderness — Frightful  Mortality — Survivors  re-enter  Quito  .  408 



Pizarro’s  Policy  towards  the  Men  of  Chili — Their  Destitute  Condition 
— Pizarro’s  Contemptuous  Treatment  of  them — Their  Disaffection 




— Conspiracy  against  Pizarro — Betrayed  to  him — His  strange 
Insensibility — Assaulted  in  his  Palace — Is  deserted  by  his  Friends 
— Plis  Coolness  and  Intrepidity — His  Desperate  Defence — His 
Death — Proceedings  of  the  Conspirators — Fate  of  Pizarro’s 
Remains — His  Family — His  House  at  Truxillo — His  Personal 
Appearance — His  Liberality — His  Want  of  Education — His 
Courage  and  Constancy — His  Inflexible  Spirit — Compared  with 
Cortes — His  treatment  of  the  Indians — Want  of  Religion — His 
Avarice  and  Ambition — Extenuating  Circumstances  .  .  .419 



Arrival  of  Vaca  de  Castro — Difficulties  of  his  Situation — He  assumes 
the  Government — Almagro  strengthens  himself  at  Lima — 
Massacre  of  Bishop  Valverde — His  Fanatical  Character — Irresolu¬ 
tion  of  Almagro — Death  of  Juan  de  Rada — Almagro  occupies 
Cuzco — Puts  to  Death  Garcia  de  Alvarado — His  Energetic 
Operations — He  vainly  attempts  to  Negotiate — His  Address  to 
his  Troops — Amount  of  his  Forces — Marches  against  Vaca  de 
Castro — Progress  of  the  Governor — His  Politic  Management — 
Reaches  Lima — Musters  his  Army  at  Xauxa — Declines  the  Aid 
of  Gonzalo  Pizarro — Negotiates  with  Almagro — His  Terms 
rejected — Occupies  the  Plains  of  Chupas — Advance  of  Almagro 
— The  Governor  forms  in  Order  of  Battle — Addresses  the 
Soldiers — Dispositions  of  Almagro—  Francisco  de  Carbajal — He 
leads  the  Royal  Army — Bloody  Conflict — Bravery  of  Carbajal — 

Night  overtakes  the  Combatants — Almagro’s  Army  gives  Way — 

His  Heroic  Efforts — He  is  made  Prisoner — Number  of  the  Slain 
— Execution  of  Almagro — His  Character — Gonzalo  Pizarro  at 
Cuzco — Laws  for  the  Government  of  the  Colonies — Wise  Conduct 
of  Vaca  de  Castro  .  ......  *  438 



Forlorn  condition  of  the  Natives — Brutal  Conduct  of  the  Conquerors 
— Their  Riotous  Waste  —  Remonstrances  of  Government — 
Humane  Efforts  of  Las  Casas — Royal  Ordinances — Viceroy  and 
Audience  for  Peru — Great  Commotion  in  the  Colonies — Anxiety 
of  Vaca  de  Castro — Colonists  apply  to  Gonzalo  Pizarro — Blasco 
Nunez  Vela,  the  Viceroy — He  arrives  in  the  New  World — His 
High-handed  Measures — The  Country  thrown  into  Consternation 




— Gonzalo  Pizarro  repairs  to  Cuzco — Assumes  the  Title  of 
Procurator — His  Ambitious  Views  463 



Blasco  Nufiez,  the  Viceroy,  enters  Lima — His  Impolitic  Behaviour 
— Discontent  of  the  Colonists — Gonzalo  Pizarro  assembles  an 
Army — Marches  from  Cuzco — Death  of  the  Inca  Manco — 
Hesitation  of  Gonzalo  Pizarro — Reassured  by  Popular  Favour — 
Suspicious  Temper  of  the  Viceroy — He  confines  Vaca  de  Castro 
— He  prepares  for  War — Audience  arrive  at  Lima — Disapprove 
of  the  Viceroy’s  Proceedings — Murder  of  Suarez  de  Carbajal — - 
Rash  Design  of  the  Viceroy — Thwarted  by  the  Audience — Made 
Prisoner  in  his  Palace — Sent  back  to  Spain — Gonzalo  Pizarro 
claims  the  Government — Cruelties  of  Carbajal — Audience  granted 
Pizarro’s  Demands — His  Triumphant  Entry  into  Lima — Pro¬ 
claimed  Governor — Rejoicings  of  the  People  ....  476 



Gonzalo  Pizarro  establishes  his  Authority — Vaca  de  Castro  escapes  to 
Spain — Is  there  thrown  into  Confinement — The  Viceroy  Blasco 
Nunez  set  on  Shore — Musters  a  Force  at  San  Miguel — Gonzalo 
marches  against  him — Surprises  him  by  Night — Pursues  him 
across  the  Mountains — Terrible  Sufferings  of  the  Armies — 
Disaffection  among  the  Viceroy’s  Followers — He  puts  several 
Cavaliers  to  Death — Enters  Quito — Driven  onward  to  Popayan 
— Reinforced  by  Benalcazar — Stratagem  of  Pizarro — Blasco 
Nunez  approaches  Quito — Attempts  to  surprise  Gonzalo  Pizarro 
— Determines  to  give  him  Battle — Addresses  his  Troops — 
Inferiority  of  his  Forces — Battle  of  Afiaquito — The  Viceroy 
defeated — Slain  on  the  Field — Great  Slaughter  of  his  Troops— 
Character  of  Blasco  Nufiez — Difficulty  of  his  Position — Moderation 
of  Gonzalo  Pizarro — His  Triumphant  Progress  to  Lima — Undis¬ 
puted  Master  of  Peru — Carbajal’s  Pursuit  of  Centeno — He  woiks 
the  Mines  of  Potosf — State  assumed  by  Pizarro — Urged  to  shake 
off  his  Allegiance — His  Hesitation — Critical  Notices  of  Herrera 
and  Gomara — Life  and  Writings  of  Oviedo — And  of  Cieza  de 
Leon  . . 489 









Consternation  produced  in  Spain — Embarrassments  of  the  Govern¬ 
ment — Conciliatory  Measures  adopted — Pedro  de  la  Gasca — 
Account  of  his  Early  Life — Selected  for  the  Peruvian  Mission — 
Receives  the  Injunctions  of  Government — Demands  Unlimited 
Powers — Granted  by  the  Emperor — Refuses  a  Bishopric — Sails 
from  San  Lucar — State  of  Things  in  Peru — Gasca  arrives  at 
Nombre  de  Dios— -His  Plain  and  Unpretending  Demeanour — He 
gains  over  Mexia — Cautious  Reception  of  him  by  Hinojosa — He 
distributes  Letters  through  the  Country — Communicates  with 
Gonzalo  Pizarro — His  Letters  to  him  and  Cepeda — He  is  de¬ 
tained  at  Panama — Refuses  to  employ  Violent  Measures — Secret 
Anxiety  of  Pizarro — He  sends  Aldana  to  Spain — Interview  of 
Aldana  with  Gasca — He  embraces  the  Royal  Cause — Hinojosa 
surrenders  the  Fleet  to  Gasca — Gasca’s  Temperate  Policy  succeeds  516 





Gasca  seeks  Supplies  of  Men  and  Money — Aldana  sent  with  a 
Squadron  to  Lima — Influence  of  Gasca’s  Proclamations — Change 
of  Sentiment  in  the  Country — Letter  of  Gasca  to  Pizarro — 
Different  Views  of  Carbajal  and  Cepeda — Centeno  seizes  Cuzco 
for  the  Crown — Gonzalo’s  Active  Measures — Splendid  Equipment 
of  his  Army — He  becomes  Suspicious  and  Violent — Solemn  Farce 
of  Cepeda — Aldana  arrives  off  Lima — Gonzalo’s  Followers  desert 
to  him — Perplexity  of  that  Chief — He  marches  out  of  Lima — 
Tempestuous  Voyage  of  Gasca — He  lands  at  Tumbez — Encamps 
at  Xauxa — Gonzalo  resolves  to  retire  to  Chili — Centeno  intercepts 
him — Pizarro  advances  to  Lake  Titicaca — The  two  Armies 
approach  Huarina — Inferiority  of  the  Rebel  Army — Carbajal’s 
Arquebusiers — Battle  of  Huarina — Centeno’s  Cavalry  bear  down 
all  before  them — Critical  Situation  of  Pizarro — Carbajal’s 
Musketeers  retrieve  the  Day — Decisive  Victory  of  the  Rebels — 
Great  loss  on  both  Sides — Escape  of  Centeno— -Gonzalo  Pizarro 
enters  Cuzco  in  Triumph  .......  534 






Consternation  in  the  Royal  Camp — Energetic  Measures  of  the  President 
— He  marches  to  Andaguaylas — Joined  by  Valdivia  from  Chili — 

xxxii  Contents 


Excellent  Condition  of  Gasca’s  Troops — He  sets  out  for  Cuzco 
— Difficult  Passage  of  the  Andes — He  throws  a  Bridge  over  the 
Apurimac — Great  Hazard  in  crossing  the  River — Dangerous 
Ascent  of  the  Sierra — He  Encamps  on  the  Heights— Gonzalo 
Pizarro’s  Careless  Indifference — Wise  Counsel  of  Carbajal — 
Rejected  by  his  Commander — Acosta  detached  to  Guard  the 
Passes — Tardy  Movements  of  that  Officer — Valley  of  Xaquixa- 
guana — Selected  as  a  Battle-ground  by  Pizarro— Gonzalo  takes 
up  a  Position  there — Approach  of  the  Royal  Army — Skirmish 
on  the  Heights — The  President  fears  a  Night  Attack — The 
Armies  drawn  up  in  Battle  Array — Chivalrous  bearing  of  Gonzalo 
— Desertion  of  Cepeda — His  Example  followed  by  others — A 
Panic  seizes  the  Rebel  Troops — They  break  up  and  disperse — 
Pizarro  surrenders  himself  Prisoner — Sternly  received  by  Gasca 
— Capture  of  Carbajal-— Great  Booty  of  the  Victors.  •  .  555 





Sentence  passed  on  the  Prisoners — Indifference  of  Carbajal — His 
Execution — His  Early  Life — Atrocities  committed  by  him  in 
Peru — His  Caustic  Repartees — His  Military  Science-— Execution 
of  Gonzalo  Pizarro — His  Conduct  on  the  Scaffold — Confiscation 
of  his  Estates — His  Early  History — His  Brilliant  Exterior — His 
want  of  Education — Fate  of  Cepeda — And  of  Gonzalo’ s  Officers 
— Gasca  occupies  Cuzco — Gasca’s  Difficulty  in  apportioning 
Rewards — His  Letter  to  the  Army — Value  of  Repartimientos — 
Murmurs  of  the  Soldiery — The  President  goes  to  Lima — His 
Care  for  the  Natives — He  abolishes  Slavery  in  the  Colonies — 
Introduces  Wholesome  Reforms — Tranquillity  restored  to  the 
Country — He  refuses  Numerous  Presents — Embarks  for  Panam4 
— His  Narrow  Escape  there — Sails  from  Nombre  de  Dios — 
Arrives  with  his  Treasure  at  Seville — Graciously  received  by 
the  Emperor — Made  Bishop  of  Siguenza — His  Death — His 
Personal  Appearance — Admirable  Balance  of  his  Qualities — His 
Common  Sense — His  Rectitude  and  Moral  Courage — Concluding 
Reflections — Critical  Notice  of  Zarate — Life  and  Writings  of 
Fernandez  •  575 



Description  of  the  Inca’s  Progresses — Account  of  the  Great  Peruvian 
Road — Policy  of  the  Inca’s  in  their  Conquests — Will  of  Mancio 
Sierra  Lejesema — Interview  between  Pedrarias  and  Almagro — 
Contract  of  Pizarro  with  Almagro  and  Luque — Capitulation  of 
Pizarro  with  the  Queen — Accounts  of  Atahuallpa’s  Seizure — 
Personal  Habits  of  Atahuallpa — Accounts  of  Atahuallpa’s 
Execution — Contract  between  Pizarro  and  Almagro — Letter  of 
Almagro  the  Younger  to  the  Audience — Letter  of  the  Munici¬ 
pality  of  Arequipa  to  Charles  the  Fifth — Sentence  passed  on 
Gonzalo  Pizarro  ........  603 


The  most  brilliant  passages  in  the  history  of  Spanish  adven¬ 
ture  in  the  New  world  are  undoubtedly  afforded  by  the 
conquests  of  Mexico  and  Peru, — the  two  states  which  combined 
with  the  largest  extent  of  empire  a  refined  social  polity,  and 
considerable  progress  in  the  arts  of  civilisation.  Indeed,  so 
prominently  do  they  stand  out  on  the  great  canvas  of  history, 
that  the  name  of  the  one,  notwithstanding  the  contrast  they 
exhibit  in  their  respective  institutions,  most  naturally  suggests 
that  of  the  other ;  and,  when  I  sent  to  Spain  to  collect 
materials  for  an  account  of  the  Conquest  of  Mexico,  I  included 
in  my  researches  those  relating  to  the  Conquest  of  Peru. 

The  larger  part  of  the  documents,  in  both  cases,  was  obtained 
from  the  same  great  repository, — the  archives  of  the  Royal 
Academy  of  History  at  Madrid  ;  a  body  specially  entrusted 
with  the  preservation  of  whatever  may  serve  to  illustrate  the 
Spanish  colonial  annals.  The  richest  portion  of  its  collection 
is  probably  that  furnished  by  the  papers  of  Munoz.  This 
eminent  scholar,  the  historiographer  of  the  Indies,  employed 
nearly  fifty  years  of  his  life  in  amassing  materials  for  a  history 
of  Spanish  discovery  and  conquest  in  America.  For  this,  as 
he  acted  under  the  authority  of  the  government,  every  facility 
was  afforded  him  ;  and  public  offices  and  private  depositories, 
in  all  the  principal  cities  of  the  empire,  both  at  home  and 
throughout  the  wide  extent  of  its  colonial  possessions,  were 
freely  opened  to  his  inspection.  The  result  was  a  magnificent 
collection  of  manuscripts,  many  of  which  he  patiently  transcribed 
with  his  own  hand.  But  he  did  not  live  to  reap  the  fruits  of 
his  persevering  industry.  The  First  Volume,  relative  to  the 
V oyages  of  Columbus,  was  scarcely  finished  when  he  died  : 
and  his  manuscripts,  at  least  that  portion  of  them  which  have 
reference  to  Mexico  and  Peru,  were  destined  to  serve  the  uses 
of  another,  an  inhabitant  of  that  New  World  to  which  they 

Another  scholar,  to  whose  literary  stores  I  am  largely 
indebted,  is  Don  Martin  Fernandez  de  Navarrete,  late 
Director  of  the  Royal  Academy  of  History.  Through  the 
greater  part  of  his  long  life  he  was  employed  in  assembling 
original  documents  to  illustrate  the  colonial  annals.  Many  of 

B  301  xxxiii 

xxxiv  Preface  to  the  First  Edition 

these  have  been  incorporated  in  his  great  work,  “  Coleccion  de 
los  Viages  y  Descubrimientos,”  which,  although  far  from  being 
completed  after  the  original  plan  of  its  author,  is  of  inestimable 
service  to  the  historian.  In  following  down  the  track  of  dis¬ 
covery,  Navarrete  turned  aside  from  the  conquests  of  Mexico 
and  Peru,  to  exhibit  the  voyages  of  his  countrymen  in  the 
Indian  Seas.  His  manuscripts,  relating  to  the  two  former 
countries,  he  courteously  allowed  to  be  copied  for  me.  Some 
of  them  have  since  appeared  in  print,  under  the  auspices  of 
his  learned  coadjutors,  Salva  and  Baranda,  associated  with 
him  in  the  Academy ;  but  the  documents  placed  in  my  hands 
form  a  most  important  contribution  to  my  materials  for  the 
present  history. 

The  death  of  this  illustrious  man,  which  occurred  some  time 
after  the  present  work  was  begun,  has  left  a  void  in  his  country 
not  easy  to  be  filled ;  for  he  was  zealously  devoted  to  letters, 
and  few  have  done  more  to  extend  the  knowledge  of  her 
colonial  history.  Far  from  an  exclusive  solicitude  for  his  own 
literary  projects,  he  was  ever  ready  to  extend  his  sympathy  and 
assistance  to  those  of  others.  His  reputation  as  a  scholar  was 
enhanced  by  the  higher  qualities  which  he  possessed  as  a  man, 
— by  his  benevolence^  his  simplicity  of  manners,  and  unsullied 
moral  worth.  My  own  obligations  to  him  are  large  ;  for  from 
the  publication  of  my  first  historical  work,  down  to  the  last 
week  of  his  life,  I  have  constantly  received  proofs  from  him  of 
his  hearty  and  most  efficient  interest  in  the  prosecution  of  my 
historical  labours  ;  and  I  now  the  more  willingly  pay  this  well- 
merited  tribute  to  his  deserts,  that  it  must  be  exempt  from  all 
suspicion  of  flattery. 

In  the  list  of  those  to  whom  I  have  been  indebted  for 
materials,  I  must,  also,  include  the  name  of  M.  Ternaux- 
Compans,  so  well  known  by  his  faithful  and  elegarV-  French 
versions  of  the  Munoz  manuscripts;  and  that  of  my  friend 
Don  Pascual  de  Gayangos,  who,  under  the  modest  dress  of 
translation,  has  furnished  a  most  acute  and  learned  commentary 
on  Spanish- Arabian  history, — securing  for  himself  the  foremost 
rank  in  that  difficult  department  of  letters,  which  has  been 
illumined  by  the  labours  of  a  Masdeu,  a  Casiri,  and  a  Conde. 

To  the  materials  derived  from  these  sources,  I  have  added 
some  manuscripts  of  an  important  character  from  the  library 
of  the  Escurial.  These,  which  chiefly  relate  to  the  ancient 
institutions  of  Peru,  formed  part  of  the  splendid  collection  of 
Lord  Kingsborough,  which  has  unfortunately  shared  the  lot  of 
most  literary  collections,  and  been  dispersed,  since  the  death 


Preface  to  the  First  Edition 

of  its  noble  author.  For  these  I  am  indebted  to  that  industri¬ 
ous  bibliographer,  Mr.  O.  Rich,  now  resident  in  London. 
Lastly,  I  must  not  omit  to  mention  my  obligations,  in  another 
way,  to  my  friend  Charles  Folsom,  Esq.,  the  learned  librarian  of 
the  Boston  Athenaeum ;  whose  minute  acquaintance  with  the 
grammatical  structure  and  the  true  idiom  of  our  English  tongue, 
has  enabled  me  to  correct  many  inaccuracies  into  which  I  had 
fallen  in  the  composition  both  of  this  and  of  my  former  works. 

From  these  different  sources  I  have  accumulated  a  large 
amount  of  manuscripts,  of  the  most  various  character,  and  from 
the  most  authentic  sources ;  royal  grants  and  ordinances, 
instructions  of  the  court,  letters  of  the  Emperor  to  the  great 
colonial  officers,  municipal  records,  personal  diaries  and 
memoranda,  and  a  mass  of  private  correspondence  of  the 
principal  actors  in  this  turbulent  drama.  Perhaps  it  was  the 
turbulent  state  of  the  country  which  led  to  a  more  frequent 
correspondence  between  the  government  at  home  and  the 
colonial  officers.  But,  whatever  be  the  cause,  the  collection 
of  manuscript  materials  in  reference  to  Peru  is  fuller  and  more 
complete  than  that  which  relates  to  Mexico  ;  so  that  there  is 
scarcely  a  nook  or  corner  so  obscure,  in  the  path  of  the  adven¬ 
turer,  that  some  light  has  not  been  thrown  on  it  by  the  written 
correspondence  of  the  period.  The  historian  has  rather  had 
occasion  to  complain  of  the  embarras  de  richesses ;  for,  in  the 
multiplicity  of  contradictory  testimony,  it  is  not  always  easy  to 
detect  the  truth,  as  the  multiplicity  of  cross  lights  is  apt  to 
dazzle  and  bewilder  the  eye  of  the  spectator. 

The  present  History  has  been  conducted  on  the  same 
general  plan  with  that  of  the  Conquest  of  Mexico.  In  an 
introductory  Book,  I  have  endeavoured  to  portray  the  institu¬ 
tions  of  the  Incas,  that  the  reader  may  be  acquainted  with  the 
character  and  condition  of  that  extraordinary  race,  before  he 
enters  on  the  story  of  their  subjugation.  The  remaining  books 
are  occupied  with  the  narrative  of  the  Conquest.  And  here 
the  subject,  it  must  be  allowed,  notwithstanding  the  oppor¬ 
tunities  it  presents  for  the  display  of  character,  strange  romantic 
incident,  and  picturesque  scenery,  does  not  afford  so  obvious 
advantages  to  the  historian,  as  the  Conquest  of  Mexico.  Indeed, 
few  subjects  can  present  a  parallel  with  that,  for  the  purposes 
either  of  the  historian  or  the  poet.  The  natural  development 
of  the  story,  there,  is  precisely  what  would  be  described  by  the 
severest  rules  of  art.  The  conquest  of  the  country  is  the  great 
end  always  in  the  view  of  the  reader.  From  the  first  landing  of 
the  Spaniards  on  the  soil,  their  subsequent  adventures,  their 

xxxvi  Preface  to  the  First  Edition 

battles  and  negotiations,  their  ruinous  retreat,  their  rally  and 
final  siege,  all  tend  to  this  grand  result,  till  the  long  series  is 
closed  by  the  downfall  of  the  capital.  In  the  march  of  events, 
all  moves  steadily  forward  to  this  consummation.  It  is  a 
magnificent  epic,  in  which  the  unity  of  interest  is  complete. 

In  the  “  Conquest  of  Peru,”  the  action,  so  far  as  it  is  founded 
on  the  subversion  of  the  Incas,  terminates  long  before  the 
close  of  the  narrative.  The  remaining  portion  is  taken  up  with 
the  fierce  feuds  of  the  Conquerors,  which  would  seem,  from 
their  very  nature,  to  be  incapable  of  being  gathered  round  a 
central  point  of  interest.  To  secure  this,  we  must  look  beyond 
the  immediate  overthrow  of  the  Indian  empire.  The  conquest 
of  the  natives  is  but  the  first  step,  to  be  followed  by  the 
conquest  of  the  Spaniards, — the  rebel  Spaniards  themselves, — 
till  the  supremacy  of  the  Crown  is  permanently  established 
over  the  country.  It  is  not  till  this  period,  that  the  acquisition 
of  this  Transatlantic  empire  can  be  said  to  be  completed;  and, 
by  fixing  the  eye  on  this  remoter  point,  the  successive  steps  of 
the  narrative  will  be  found  leading  to  one  great  result,  and 
that  unity  of  interest  preserved  which  is  scarcely  less  essential 
to  historic  than  dramatic  composition.  How  far  this  has  been 
effected  in  the  present  work,  must  be  left  to  the  judgment  of 
the  reader. 

No  history  of  the  Conquest  of  Peru,  founded  on  original 
documents,  and  aspiring  to  the  credit  of  a  classic  composition, 
like  the  “  Conquest  of  Mexico  ”  by  Soil's,  has  been  attempted, 
as  far  as  I  am  aware,  by  the  Spaniards.  The  English  possess 
one  of  high  value,  from  the  pen  of  Robertson,  whose  masterly 
sketch  occupies  its  due  space  in  his  great  work  on  America. 
It  has  been  my  object  to  exhibit  this  same  story,  in  all  its 
romantic  details ;  not  merely  to  portray  the  characteristic 
features  of  the  Conquest,  but  to  fill  up  the  outline  with  the 
colouring  of  life,  so  as  to  present  a  minute  and  faithful  picture 
of  the  times.  For  this  purpose  I  have,  in  the  composition  of 
the  work,  availed  myself  freely  of  my  manuscript  materials, 
allowed  the  actors  to  speak  as  much  as  possible  for  themselves, 
and  especially  made  frequent  use  of  their  letters ;  for  nowhere 
is  the  heart  more  likely  to  disclose  itself,  than  in  the  freedom 
of  private  correspondence.  I  have  made  liberal  extracts  from 
these  authorities  in  the  notes,  both  to  sustain  the  text,  and  to 
put  in  a  printed  form  those  productions  of  the  eminent  captains 
and  statesmen  of  the  time,  which  aie  not  very  accessible  to 
Spaniards  themselves. 

M.  Ame'de'e  Pichot,  in  the  Preface  to  the  French  translation 

Preface  to  the  First  Edition  xxxvii 

of  the  “Conquest  of  Mexico,”  infers  from  the  plan  of  the  com¬ 
position,  that  I  must  have  carefully  studied  the  writings  of  his 
countrymen,  M.  de  Barante.  The  acute  critic  does  me  but 
justice  in  supposing  me  familiar  with  the  principles  of  that 
writer’s  historical  theory,  so  ably  developed  in  the  Preface  to 
his  “  Dues  de  Bourgogne.”  And  I  have  had  occasion  to 
admire  the  skilful  manner  in  which  he  illustrates  this  theory 
himself,  by  constructing  out  of  the  rude  materials  of  a  distant 
time  a  monument  of  genius  that  transports  us  at  once  into  the 
midst  of  the  Feudal  Ages, — and  this  without  the  incongruity 
which  usually  attaches  to  a  modern  antique.  In  like  manner, 
I  have  attempted  to  seize  the  characteristic  expression  of  a 
distant  age,  and  to  exhibit  it  in  the  freshness  of  life.  But, 
in  an  essential  particular,  I  have  deviated  from  the  plan  of  the 
French  historian  :  I  have  suffered  the  scaffolding  to  remain 
after  the  building  has  been  completed.  In  other  words,  I 
have  shown  to  the  reader  the  steps  of  the  process  by  which  I 
have  come  to  my  conclusions.  Instead  of  requiring  him  to 
take  my  version  of  the  story  on  trust,  I  have  endeavoured  to 
give  him  a  reason  for  my  faith.  By  copious  citations  from  the 
original  authorities,  and  by  such  critical  notices  of  them  as 
would  explain  to  him  the  influences  to  which  they  were  sub¬ 
jected,  I  have  endeavoured  to  put  him  in  a  position  for  judging 
for  himself,  and  thus  for  revising,  and,  if  need  be,  reversing 
the  judgments  of  the  historian.  He  will,  at  any  rate,  by  this 
means,  be  enabled  to  estimate  the  difficulty  of  arriving  at  truth 
amidst  the  conflict  of  testimony  ;  and  he  will  learn  to  place 
little  reliance  on  those  writers  who  pronounce  on  the 
mysterious  past  with  what  Fontenelle  calls  “  a  frightful  degree 
of  certainty,”  a  spirit  the  most  opposite  to  that  of  the  true 
philosophy  of  history. 

Yet  it  must  be  admitted,  that  the  chronicler  who  records  the 
events  of  an  earlier  age  has  some  obvious  advantages  in  the 
store  of  manuscript  materials  at  his  command — the  statements 
of  friends,  rivals,  and  enemies  furnishing  a  wholesome  counter¬ 
poise  to  each  other ;  and  also,  in  the  general  course  of  events 
as  they  actually  occurred,  affording  the  best  commentary  on 
the  true  motives  of  the  parties.  The  actor,  engaged  in  the 
heat  of  the  strife,  finds  his  view  bounded  by  the  circle  around 
him,  and  his  vision  blinded  by  the  smoke  and  dust  of  the  con¬ 
flict  ;  while  the  spectator,  whose  eye  ranges  over  the  ground 
from  a  more  distant  and  elevated  point,  though  the  individual 
objects  may  lose  somewhat  of  their  vividness,  takes  in  at  a 
glance  all  the  operations  of  the  field.  Paradoxical  as  it  may 

xxxviii  Preface  to  the  First  Edition 

appear,  truth  founded  on  contemporary  testimony  would  seem, 
after  all,  as  likely  to  be  attained  by  the  writers  of  a  later  day  as 
by  contemporaries  themselves. 

Before  closing  these  remarks,  I  may  be  permitted  to  add  a 
few  of  a  personal  nature.  In  several  foreign  notices  of  my 
writings,  the  author  has  been  said  to  be  blind ;  and  more  than 
once  I  have  had  the  credit  of  having  lost  my  sight  in  the  com¬ 
position  of  my  first  history.  When  I  have  met  with  such 
erroneous  accounts,  I  have  hastened  to  correct  them.  But 
the  present  occasion  affords  me  the  best  means  of  doing  so ; 
and  I  am  the  more  desirous  of  this,  as  I  fear  some  of  my  own 
remarks,  in  the  Prefaces  to  my  former  histories,  have  led  to 
the  mistake. 

While  at  the  University,  I  received  an  injury  in  one  of  my 
eyes,  which  deprived  me  of  the  sight  of  it.  The  other,  soon 
after,  was  attacked  by  inflammation  so  severely  that  for  some 
time  I  lost  the  sight  of  that  also ;  and,  though  it  was  sub¬ 
sequently  restored,  the  organ  was  so  much  disordered  as  to 
remain  permanently  debilitated ;  while,  twice  in  my  life  since, 
I  have  been  deprived  of  the  use  of  it  for  all  purposes  of  reading 
and  writing  for  several  years  together.  It  was  during  one  of 
these  periods  that  I  received  from  Madrid  the  materials  for  the 
“History  of  Ferdinand  and  Isabella and  in  my  disabled 
condition,  with  my  Transatlantic  treasures  lying  around  me,  I 
was  like  one  pining  from  hunger  in  the  midst  of  abundance. 
In  this  state  I  resolved  to  make  the  ear,  if  possible,  do  the 
work  of  the  eye.  I  procured  the  services  of  a  secretary,  who 
read  to  me  the  various  authorities ;  and  in  time  I  became  so 
far  familiar  with  the  sounds  of  the  different  foreign  languages 
(to  some  of  which,  indeed,  I  had  been  previously  accustomed 
by  a  residence  abroad),  that  I  could  comprehend  his  reading 
without  much  difficulty.  As  the  reader  proceeded,  I  dictated 
copious  notes ;  and,  when  these  had  swelled  to  a  considerable 
amount,  they  were  read  to  me  repeatedly,  till  I  had  mastered 
their  contents  sufficiently  for  the  purposes  of  composition. 
The  same  notes  furnished  an  easy  means  of  reference  to 
sustain  the  text. 

Still  another  difficulty  occurred  in  the  mechanical  labour  of 
writing,  which  I  found  a  severe  trial  to  the  eye.  This  was 
remedied  by  means  of  a  writing-case,  such  as  is  used  by  the 
blind,  which  enabled  me  to  commit  my  thoughts  to  paper 
without  the  aid  of  sight,  serving  me  equally  well  in  the  dark 
as  in  the  light.  The  characters  thus  formed  made  a  near 
approach  to  hieroglyphics  ;  but  my  secretary  became  expert  in 

Preface  to  the  First  Edition  xxxix 

the  art  of  deciphering,  and  a  fair  copy — with  a  liberal  allowance 
for  unavoidable  blunders,  was  transcribed  for  the  use  of  the 
pi  inter.  I  have  described  the  process  with  more  minuteness, 
as  some  curiosity  has  been  repeatedly  expressed  in  reference 
to  my  modus  operandi  under  my  privations,  and  the  know¬ 
ledge  of  it  may  be  of  some  assistance  to  others  in  similar 

T  hough  I  was  encouraged  by  the  sensible  progress  of  my 
work,  it  was  necessarily  slow.  But  in  time  the  tendency  to 
inflammation  diminished,  and  the  strength  of  the  eye  was 
confirmed  more  and  more.  It  was  at  length  so  far  restored, 
that  I  could  read  for  several  hours  of  the  day,  though  my 
labours  in  that  way  necessarily  terminated  with  the  daylight. 
Nor  could  I  ever  dispense  with  the  services  of  a  secretary,  or 
with  the  writing-case :  for,  contrary  to  the  usual  experience,  I 
have  found  writing  a  severer  trial  to  the  eye  than  reading, — a 
remark,  however,  which  does  not  apply  to  the  reading  of  manu¬ 
script,  and  to  enable  myself,  therefore,  to  revise  my  composition 
moie  carefully,  I  caused  a  copy  of  the  “History  of  Ferdinand  and 
Isabella,  to  be  printed  for  my  own  inspection,  before  it  was 
sent  to  the  press  for  publication.  Such  as  I  have  described 
was  the  improved  state  of  my  health  during  the  preparation  of 
the  “Conquest  of  Mexico’’;  and,  satisfied  with  being  raised 
so  nearly  to  a  level  with  the  rest  of  my  species,  I  scarcely 
envied  the  superior  good  fortune  of  those  who  could  prolong 

their  studies  into  the  evening,  and  the  later  hours  of  the 

But  a  change  has  again  taken  place  during  the  last  two  years. 
The  sight  of  my  eye  has  become  gradually  dimmed,  while  the 
sensibility  of  the  nerve  has  been  so  far  increased,  that  for 
several  weeks  of  the  last  year  I  have  not  opened  a  volume,  and 
through  the  whole  time  I  have  not  had  the  use  of  it,  on  an 
average,  for  more  than  an  hour  a  day.  Nor  can  I  cheer  my¬ 
self  with  the  delusive  expectation,  that,  impaired  as  the  organ 
has  become,  from  having  been  tasked,  probably,  beyond  its 
strength,  it  can  ever  renew  its  youth,  or  be  of  much  service  to 
me  hereafter,  in  my  literary  researches.  Whether  I  shall  have 
the  heart  to  enter,  as  I  had  proposed,  on  a  new  and  more 
extensive  field  of  historical  labour,  with  these  impediments,  I 
cannot  say.  Perhaps  long  habit,  and  a  natural  desire  to  follow 
up  the  career  which  I  have  so  long  pursued,  may  make  this,  in 
a  manner,  necessary,  as  my  past  experience  has  already  proved 
that  it  is  practicable. 

krom  this  statement — too  long,  I  fear,  for  his  patience — the 


Preface  to  the  First  Edition 

reader,  who  feels  any  curiosity  about  the  matter,  will  understand 
the  real  extent  of  my  embarrassments  in  my  historical  pursuits. 
That  they  have  not  been  very  light  will  be  readily  admitted, 
when  it  is  considered  that  I  have  had  but  a  limited  use  of  my 
eye,  in  its  best  state,  and  that  much  of  the  time  I  have  been 
debarred  from  the  use  of  it  altogether.  Yet  the  difficulties  I 
have  had  to  contend  with  are  very  far  inferior  to  those  which 
fall  to  the  lot  of  a  blind  man.  I  know  of  no  historian,  now 
alive,  who  can  claim  the  glory  of  having  overcome  such  ob¬ 
stacles,  but  the  author  of  “  La  Conquete  de  l’Angleterre  par 
les  Normands  ” ;  who,  to  use  his  own  touching  and  beautiful 
language,  “  has  made  himself  the  friend  of  darkness  ”  ;  and 
who,  to  a  profound  philosophy  that  requires  no  light  but  that 
from  within,  unites  a  capacity  for  extensive  and  various  re¬ 
search,  that  might  well  demand  the  severest  application  of  the 

The  remarks  into  which  I  have  been  led  at  such  length,  will, 
I  trust,  not  be  set  down  by  the  reader  to  an  unworthy  egotism, 
but  to  their  true  source,  a  desire  to  correct  a  misapprehension 
to  which  I  may  have  unintentionally  given  rise  myself,  and 
which  has  gained  me  the  credit  with  some — far  from  grateful 
to  my  feelings,  since  undeserved — of  having  surmounted  the 
incalculable  obstacles  which  lie  in  the  path  of  the  blind  man. 

Boston,  April  2,  1847. 







Of  the  numerous  nations  which  occupied  the  great  American 
continent  at  the  time  of  its  discovery  by  the  Europeans,  the 
two  most  advanced  in  power  and  refinement  were  undoubtedly 
those  of  Mexico  and  Peru.  But,  though  resembling  one 
another  in  extent  of  civilisation,  they  differed  widely  as  to  the 
nature  of  it ;  and  the  philosophical  student  of  his  species  may 
feel  a  natural  curiosity  to  trace  the  different  steps  by  which 
these  two  nations  strove  to  emerge  from  the  state  of  barbarism, 
and  place  themselves  on  a  higher  point  in  the  scale  of  humanity. 
In  a  former  work  I  have  endeavoured  to  exhibit  the  institutions 
and  character  of  the  ancient  Mexicans,  and  the  story  of  their 
conquest  by  the  Spaniards.  The  present  will  be  devoted  to 
the  Peruvians ;  and,  if  their  history  shall  be  found  to  present 
less  strange  anomalies  and  striking  contrasts  than  that  of  the 
Aztecs,  it  may  interest  us  quite  as  much  by  the  pleasing  picture 
it  offers  of  a  well-regulated  government  and  sober  habits  of 
industry  under  the  patriarchal  sway  of  the  Incas. 

The  empire  of  Peru,  at  the  period  of  the  Spanish  invasion, 
stretched  along  the  Pacific  from  about  the  second  degree  north 
to  the  thirty-seventh  degree  of  south  latitude  ;  a  line,  also, 
which  describes  the  western  boundaries  of  the  modem  republics 
of  Ecuador,  Peru,  Bolivia,  and  Chili.  Its  breadth  cannot  so 
easily  be  determined ;  for,  though  bounded  everywhere  by  the 
great  ocean  on  the  west,  towards  the  east  it  spread  out,  in  many 
parts,  considerably  beyond  the  mountains,  to  the  confines  of 
barbarous  states,  whose  exact  position  is  undetermined,  or 
*B  301 


Conquest  of  Peru 

whose  names  are  effaced  from  the  map  of  history.  It  is  certain, 
however,  that  its  breadth  was  altogether  disproportioned  to  its 

The  topographical  aspect  of  the  country  is  very  remarkable. 
A  strip  of  land,  rarely  exceeding  twenty  leagues  in  width,  runs 
along  the  coast,  and  is  hemmed  in  through  its  whole  extent  by 
a  colossal  range  of  mountains,  which,  advancing  from  the  straits 
of  Magellan,  reaches  its  highest  elevation — indeed,  the  highest 
on  the  American  continent — about  the  seventeenth  degree 
south,2  and,  after  crossing  the  line,  gradually  subsides  into  hills 
of  inconsiderable  magnitude  as  it  enters  the  Isthmus  of  Panama. 
This  is  the  famous  Cordillera  of  the  Andes,  or  “  copper 
mountains,” 3  as  termed  by  the  natives,  though  they  might 
with  more  reason  have  been  called  “mountains  of  gold.” 
Arranged  sometimes  in  a  single  line,  though  more  frequently 
in  two  or  three  lines  running  parallel  or  obliquely  to  each 
other,  they  seem  to  the  voyager  on  the  ocean  but  one  continu¬ 
ous  chain  ;  while  the  huge  volcanoes,  which  to  the  inhabitants 
of  the  table-land  look  like  solitary  and  independent  masses, 
appear  to  him  only  like  so  many  peaks  of  the  same  vast  and 
magnificent  range.  So  immense  is  the  scale  on  which  Nature 
works  in  these  regions,  that  it  is  only  when  viewed  from  a  great 
distance,  that  the  spectator  can  in  any  degree  comprehend  the 
relation  of  the  several  parts  to  the  stupendous  whole.  Few  of 
the  works  of  Nature,  indeed,  are  calculated  to  produce  impres¬ 
sions  of  higher  sublimity  than  the  aspect  of  this  coast  as  it  is 
gradually  unfolded  to  the  eye  of  the  mariner  sailing  on  the 
distant  waters  of  the  Pacific ;  where  mountain  is  seen  to  rise 
above  mountain,  and  Chimborazo,  with  its  glorious  canopy  of 
snow,  glittering  far  above  the  clouds,  crowns  the  whole  as  with 
a  celestial  diadem.4 

1  Sarmiento,  Relation,  MS.,  cap.  Ixv. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica  del 
Peru,  (Anvers,  I554>)  cap.  xli. — Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  Commentarios 
Reales,  (Lisboa,  1609,)  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  viii.  According  to  the  last 
authority,  the  empire,  in  its  greatest  breadth,  did  not  exceed  one  hundred 
and  twenty  leagues.  But  Garcilasso’s  geography  will  not  bear  criticism. 

2  According  to  Malte-Brun,  it  is  under  the  equator  that  we  meet  with 
the  loftiest  summits  of  this  chain.  (Universal  Geography,  Eng.  trans., 
book  lxxxvi. )  But  more  recent  measurements  have  shown  this  to  be 
between  fifteen  and  seventeen  degrees  south,  where  the  Nevado  de  Sorata 
rises  to  the  enormous  height  of  25,250  feet,  and  the  Illimani  to  24,300. 

3  At  least,  the  word  anta ,  which  has  been  thought  to  furnish  the 
etymology  of  Andes ,  in  the  Peruvian  tongue,  signified  “copper.” — Garci¬ 
lasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  xv. 

4  Humboldt,  Vues  des  Cordilleres  et  Monumens  des  Peuples  Indigenes 
de  I’Amerique,  (Paris,  1810,)  p.  106 Malte-Brun,  book  Ixxxviii  The 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  3 

The  face  of  the  country  would  appear  to  be  peculiarly 
unfavourable  to  the  purposes  both  of  agriculture  and  of  internal 
communication.  The  sandy  strip  along  the  coast,  where  rain 
rarely  falls,  is  fed  only  by  a  few  scanty  streams,  that  furnish  a 
remarkable  contrast  to  the  vast  volumes  of  water  which  roll 
down  the  eastern  sides  of  the  Cordilleras  into  the  Atlantic. 
The  precipitous  steps  of  the  sierra,  with  its  splintered  sides  of 
porphyry  and  granite,  and  its  higher  regions  wrapped  in  snows 
that  never  melt  under  the  fierce  sun  of  the  equator,  unless  it 
be  from  the  desolating  action  of  its  own  volcanic  fires,  might 
seem  equally  unpropitious  to  the  labours  of  the  husbandman. 
And  all  communication  between  the  parts  of  the  long- 
extended  territory  might  be  thought  to  be  precluded  by  the 
savage  character  of  the  region,  broken  up  by  precipices, 
furious  torrents,  and  impassable  quebradas , — those  hideous 
rents  in  the  mountain  chain,  whose  depths  the  eye  of  the 
terrified  traveller,  as  he  winds  along  his  aerial  pathway,  vainly 
endeavours  to  fathom.1  Yet  the  industry,  we  might  almost 
say  the  genius,  of  the  Indians  was  sufficient  to  overcome  all 
these  impediments  of  nature. 

By  a  judicious  system  of  canals  and  subterraneous  aqueducts, 
the  waste  places  on  the  coast  were  refreshed  by  copious  streams, 
that  clothed  them  in  fertility  and  beauty.  Terraces  were  raised 
upon  the  steep  sides  of  the  Cordillera;  and,  as  the  different 
elevations  had  the  effect  of  difference  of  latitude,  they  exhibited 
in  regular  gradation  every  variety  of  vegetable  form,  from  the 
stimulated  growth  of  the  tropics  to  the  temperate  products  of 
a  northern  clime ;  while  flocks  of  llamas — the  Peruvian  sheep 
— wandered  with  their  shepherds  over  the  broad  snow-covered 
wastes  on  the  crests  of  the  sierra,  which  rose  beyond  the  limits 
of  cultivation.  An  industrious  population  settled  along  the 
lofty  regions  of  the  plateaus  ;  and  towns  and  hamlets,  clustering 
amidst  orchards  and  wide-spreading  gardens,  seemed  suspended 
in  the  air,  far  above  the  ordinary  elevation  of  the  clouds.2 

few  brief  sketches  which  M.  de  Humboldt  has  given  of  the  scenery  of  the 
Cordilleras,  showing  the  hand  of  a  great  painter,  as  well  as  of  a  philosopher, 
make  us  regret  the  more,  that  he  has  not  given  the  results  of  his  observa¬ 
tions  in  this  interesting  region  as  minutely  as  he  has  done  in  respect  to 

1  “These  crevices  are  so  deep,”  says  M.  de  Humboldt,  with  his  usual 
vivacity  of  illustration,  “that  if  Vesuvius  or  the  Puy  de  Dome  were  seated 
in  the  bottom  of  them,  they  would  not  rise  above  the  level  of  the  ridges  of 
the  neighbouring  sierra.” — Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  9. 

2  The  plains  of  Quito  are  at  the  height  of  between  nine  and  ten  thousand 
feet  above  the  sea.  Other  valleys  or  plateaus  in  this  vast  group  of 
mountains  reach  a  still  higher  elevation. 

4  Conquest  of  Peru 

Intercourse  was  maintained  between  these  numerous  settle¬ 
ments  by  means  of  the  great  roads  which  traversed  the  moun¬ 
tain  passes,  and  opened  an  easy  communication  between  the 
capital  and  the  remotest  extremities  of  the  empire. 

The  source  of  this  civilisation  is  traced  to  the  valley  of 
Cuzco,  the  central  region  of  Peru,  as  its  name  implies.1  The 
origin  of  the  Peruvian  empire,  like  the  origin  of  all  nations, 
except  the  very  few  which,  like  our  own,  have  had  the  good 
fortune  to  date  from  a  civilised  period  and  people,  is  lost  in 
the  mists  of  fable,  which,  in  fact,  have  settled  as  darkly  round 
its  history  as  round  that  of  any  nation,  ancient  or  modern,  in 
the  Old  World.  According  to  the  tradition  most  familiar  to 
the  European  scholar,  the  time  was,  when  the  ancient  races  of 
the  continent  were  all  plunged  in  deplorable  barbarism  ;  when 
they  worshipped  nearly  every  object  in  nature  indiscriminately ; 
made  war  their  pastime,  and  feasted  on  the  flesh  of  their 
slaughtered  captives.  The  Sun,  the  great  luminary  and  parent 
of  mankind,  taking  compassion  on  their  degraded  condition, 
sent  two  of  his  children,  Manco  Capac  and  Mama  Oello 
Huaco,  to  gather  the  natives  into  communities,  and  teach 
them  the  arts  of  civilised  life.  The  celestial  pair,  brother  and 
sister,  husband  and  wife,  advanced  along  the  high  plains  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  Lake  Titicaca,  to  about  the  sixteenth 
degree  south.  They  bore  with  them  a  golden  wedge,  and 
were  directed  to  take  up  their  residence  on  the  spot  where 
the  sacred  emblem  should  without  effort  sink  into  the  ground. 
They  proceeded  accordingly  but  a  short  distance,  as  far  as  the 
valley  of  Cuzco,  the  spot  indicated  by  the  performance  of  the 
miracle,  since  there  the  wedge  speedily  sank  into  the  earth  and 
disappeared  for  ever.  Here  the  children  of  the  Sun  established 
their  residence,  and  soon  entered  upon  their  beneficent  mission 
among  the  rude  inhabitants  of  the  country;  Manco  Capac 
teaching  the  men  the  arts  of  agriculture,  and  Mama  Oello  2 

1  “  Cuzco,  in  the  language  of  the  Incas,”  says  Garcilasso,  “signifies 
nave?.” — Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  xviii. 

2  Mama ,  with  the  Peruvians,  signified  “mother.”  The  identity  of  this 
term  with  that  used  by  Europeans,  is  a  curious  coincidence.  It  is  scarcely 
less  so,  however,  than  that  of  the  corresponding  word,  papa ,  which  with 
the  ancient  Mexicans,  denoted  a  priest  of  high  rank  ;  reminding  us  of  the 
papa ,  “pope”  of  the  Italians.  With  both,  the  term  seems  to  embrace  in 
its  most  comprehensive  sense  the  paternal  relation,  in  which  it  is  more 
familiarly  employed  by  most  of  the  nations  of  Europe.  Nor  was  the  use 
of  it  limited  to  modern  times,  being  applied  in  the  same  way  both  by 
Greeks  and  Romans.  “  Yliirna  <juAe,”  says  Nausikaa,  addressing  her 
father  in  the  simple  language  which  the  modern  versifiers  have  thought  too 
simple  to  render  literally. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas 


initiating  her  own  sex  in  the  mysteries  of  weaving  and  spinning. 
The  simple  people  lent  a  willing  ear  to  the  messengers  of 
Heaven,  and,  gathering  together  in  considerable  numbers,  laid 
the  foundations  of  the  city  of  Cuzco.  The  same  wise  and 
benevolent  maxims,  which  regulated  the  conduct  of  the  first 
Incas,1  descended  to  their  successors,  and  under  their  mild 
sceptre  a  community  gradually  extended  itself  along  the  surface 
of  the  broad  table-land,  which  asserted  its  superiority  over  the 
surrounding  tribes.  Such  is  the  pleasing  picture  of  the  origin 
of  the  Peruvian  monarchy,  as  portrayed  by  Garcilasso  de  la 
Vega,  the  descendant  of  the  Incas,  and  through  him  made 
familiar  to  the  European  reader.2 

But  this  tradition  is  only  one  of  several  current  among  the 
Peruvian  Indians,  and  probably  not  the  one  most  generally 
received.  Another  legend  speaks  of  certain  white  and  bearded 
men,  who,  advancing  from  the  shores  of  Lake  Titicaca,  estab¬ 
lished  an  ascendancy  over  the  natives,  and  imparted  to  them 
the  blessings  of  civilisation.  It  may  remind  us  of  the  tradition 
existing  among  the  Aztecs  in  respect  to  Quetzalcoatl,  the  good 
deity,  who  with  a  similar  garb  and  aspect  came  up  the  great 
plateau  from  the  east  on  a  like  benevolent  mission  to  the 
natives.  The  analogy  is  the  more  remarkable,  as  there  is  no 
trace  of  any  communication  with,  or  even  knowledge  of,  each 
other  to  be  found  in  the  two  nations.3 

The  date  usually  assigned  for  these  extraordinary  events  was 
about  four  hundred  years  before  the  coming  of  the  Spaniards, 
or  early  in  the  twelfth  century.4  But,  however  pleasing  to  the 

1  Inca  signified  king  or  lord.  Capac  meant  great  or  poiuerful.  It  was 
applied  to  several  of  the  successors  of  Manco,  in  the  same  manner  as  the 
epithet  Yupanqui ,  signifying  rich  in  all  virtues ,  was  added  to  the  names 
of  several  Incas.  The  good  qualities  commemorated  by  the  cognomens  of 
most  of  the  Peruvian  princes  afford  an  honourable,  though  not  altogether 
unsuspicious,  tribute  to  the  excellence  of  their  characters. 

2  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  ix. — xvi. 

8  These  several  traditions,  all  of  a  very  puerile  character,  are  to  be  found 
in  Ondegardo,  Relacion  Segunda,  MS.  ;  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  i.  ; 
Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  cv. ; — Conquista  i  Poblacion  del  Piru,  MS. 
Declaracion  de  los  Presidentes  e  Oydores  de  la  Audiencia  Reale  del  Peru, 
MS.  ; — all  of  them  authorities  contemporary  with  the  Conquest.  The 
story  of  the  bearded  white  men  finds  its  place  in  most  of  their  legends. 

4  Some  writers  carry  back  the  date  500,  or  even  550,  years  before  the 
Spanish  invasion.  (Balboa,  Histoire  du  Perou,  chap.  1. — Velasco,  Histoire 
du  Royaume  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  p.  81. — Ambo  auct.  ap.  Relations  et 
Memoires  originaux  pour  servir  a  T Histoire  de  la  Decouverte  de  l’Amerique, 
par  Ternaux-Compans.  (Paris,  1840.)  In  the  Report  of  the  Royal 
Audience  of  Peru,  the  epoch  is  more  modestly  fixed  at  200  years  before 
the  Conquest.  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

imagination,  and  however  popular,  the  legend  of  Manco  Capac, 
it  requires  but  little  reflection  to  show  its  improbability,  even 
when  divested  of  supernatural  accompaniments.  On  the  shores 
of  Lake  Titicaca  extensive  ruins  exist  at  the  present  day,  which 
the  Peruvians  themselves  acknowledge  to  be  of  older  date  than 
the  pretended  advent  of  the  Incas,  and  to  have  furnished  them 
with  the  models  of  their  architecture.1  The  date  of  their 
appearance,  indeed,  is  manifestly  irreconcilable  with  their 
subsequent  history.  No  account  assigns  to  the  Inca  dynasty 
more  than  thirteen  princes  before  the  Conquest.  But  this 
number  is  altogether  too  small  to  have  spread  over  four 
hundred  years,  and  would  not  carry  back  the  foundations  of 
the  monarchy,  on  any  probable  computation,  beyond  two 
centuries  and  a  half, — an  antiquity  not  incredible  in  itself, 
and  which,  it  may  be  remarked,  does  not  precede  by  more 
than  half  a  century  the  alleged  foundation  of  the  capital  of 
Mexico.  The  fiction  of  Manco  Capac  and  his  sister-wife  was 
devised,  no  doubt,  at  a  later  period,  to  gratify  the  vanity  of 
the  Peruvian  monarchs,  and  to  give  additional  sanction  to 
their  authority  by  deriving  it  from  a  celestial  origin. 

We  may  reasonably  conclude  that  there  existed  in  the 
country  a  race  advanced  in  civilisation  before  the  time  of  the 
Incas ;  and  in  conformity  with  nearly  every  tradition,  we  may 
derive  this  race  from  the  neighbourhood  of  Lake  Titicaca ; 2  a 

1  “  Otras  cosas  ay  mas  que  dezir  deste  Tiaguanaco,  que  passo  por  no 
detenerme  :  concluyedo  que  yo  para  mi  tengo  esta  antigualla  por  la  mas 
antigua  de  todo  el  Peru.  Y  assi  se  tiene  que  antes  ^  los  Ingas  reynassen 
con  muchos  tiempos  estavan  hechos  algunos  edificios  destos  :  porque  yo  he 
oydo  afirmar  a  Indios,  que  los  Ingas  hizieron  los  edificios  grandes  del 
Cuzco  por  la  forma  que  vieron  tener  la  muralla  o  pared  que  se  vee  en  este 
pueblo.”  (Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  cv.)  See  also  Garcilasso,  (Com. 
Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  i. )  who  gives  an  account  of  these  remains,  on 
the  authority  of  a  Spanish  ecclesiastic,  which  might  compare,  for  the 
marvellous,  with  any  of  the  legends  of  his  order.  Other  ruins  of  similar 
traditional  antiquity  are  noticed  by  Herrera,  (Historia  General  de  los 
Hechos  de  los  Castellanos  en  las  Islas  y  Tierra  Firme  del  Mar  Oceano, 
[Madrid,  1 730,]  dec.  vi.  lib.  vi.  cap.  ix. )  M'Cuiloch,  in  some  sensible 
reflections  on  the  origin  of  the  Peruvian  civilisation,  adduces,  on  the 
authority  of  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  the  famous  temple  of  Pachacamac,  not 
far  from  Lima,  as  an  example  of  architecture  more  ancient  than  that  of 
the  Incas.  (Researches,  Philosophical  and  Antiquarian,  concerning  the 
Aboriginal  History  of  America,  [Baltimore,  1829,]  p.  405.)  This,  if  true, 
would  do  much  to  confirm  the  views  in  our  text.  But  M'Culloch  is  led 
into  an  error  by  his  blind  guide,  Rycaut,  the  translator  of  Garcilasso,  for 
the  latter  does  not  speak  of  the  temple  as  existing  before  the  time  of  the 
Incas,  but  before  the  time  when  the  country  was  conquered  by  the  Incas. — 
Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxx. 

2  Among  other  authorities  for  this  tradition,  see  Sarmiento,  Relacion, 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  7 

conclusion  strongly  confirmed  by  the  imposing  architectural 
remains  which  still  endure,  after  the  lapse  of  so  many  years, 
on  its  borders.  Who  this  race  were,  and  whence  they  came, 
may  afford  a  tempting  theme  for  inquiry  to  the  speculative 
antiquarian.  But  it  is  a  land  of  darkness  that  lies  far  beyond 
the  domain  of  history.1 

The  same  mists  that  hang  around  the  origin  of  the  Incas 
continue  to  settle  on  their  subsequent  annals  ;  and,  so  imper¬ 
fect  were  the  records  employed  by  the  Peruvians,  and  so 
contused  and  contradictory  their  traditions,  that  the  historian 
finds  no  firm  footing  on  which  to  stand  till  within  a  century  of 
the  Spanish  conquest.2  At  first,  the  progress  of  the  Peruvians 
seems  to  have  been  slow,  and  almost  imperceptible.  By  their 
wise  and  temperate  policy,  they  gradually  won  over  the  neigh¬ 
bouring  tribes  to  their  dominion,  as  these  latter  became  more 

MS.,  cap.  iii.  iv.  ; — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iii.  cap.  vi.  ; — 
Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru  MS.  ;  Zarate,  Historia  del  Descubrimiento  y  de  la 
Conquista  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  x.  ap.  Barcia,  Historiadores  Primitivos  de 
las  Indias  Occidentales,  (Madrid),  1749,)  tom.  iii.  In  most,  not  all  of  the 
traditions,  Manco  Capac  is  recognised  as  the  name  of  the  founder  of  the 
Peruvian  monarchy,  though  his  history  and  character  are  related  with 
sufficient  discrepancy. 

J  Mr.  Ranking, 

“Who  can  deep  mysteries  unriddle 
As  easily  as  thread  a  needle,” 

finds  it  “  highly  probable  that  the  first  Inca  of  Peru  was  a  son  of  the  Grand 
Khan  Kublai  !”  (Historical  Researches  on  the  Conquest  of  Peru,  &c.,  by 
the  Moguls,  [London,  1827,]  p.  170).  The  coincidences  are  curious, 
though  we  shall  hardly  jump  at  the  conclusion  of  the  adventurous  author. 
Every  scholar  will  agree  with  Humboldt,  in  the  wish  that  “some  learned 
traveller  would  visit  the  borders  of  the  lake  of  Titicaca,  the  district  of 
Callao,  and  the  high  plains  of  Tiahuanaco,  the  theatre  of  the  ancient 
American  civilisation.  (Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  199.)  And  yet  the  archi¬ 
tectural  monuments  of  the  aborigines,  hitherto  brought  to  light,  have 
furnished  few  materials  for  a  bridge  of  communication  across  the  dark  gulf 
that  still  separates  the  Old  World  from  the  New. 

2  A  good  deal  within  a  century,  to  say  truth.  Garcilasso  and  Sarmiento, 
for  example,  the  two  ancient  authorities  in  highest  repute,  have  scarcely  a 
point  of  contact  in  their  accounts  of  the  earlier  Peruvian  princes  ;  the 
former  representing  the  sceptre  as  gliding  down  in  peaceful  succession  from 
hand  to  hand,  through  an  unbroken  dynasty,  while  the  latter  garnishes  his 
tale  with  as  many  conspiracies,  depositions,  and  revolutions,  as  belong  to 
most  barbarous,  and,  unhappily,  most  civilised  communities.  When  to 
these  two  are  added  the  various  writers,  contemporary  and  of  the  succeeding 
age,  who  have  treated  of  the  Peruvian  annals,  we  shall  find  ourselves  in 
such  a  conflict  of  traditions,  that  criticism  is  lost  in  conjecture.  Vet  this 
uncertainty  as  to  historical  events  fortunately  does  not  extend  to  the 
history  of  arts  and  institutions,  which  were  in  existence  on  the  arrival  of  the 

8  Conquest  of  Peru 

and  more  convinced  of  the  benefits  of  a  just  and  well  regulated 
government.  As  they  grew  stronger,  they  were  enabled  to 
rely  more  directly  on  force ;  but,  still  advancing  under  cover 
of  the  same  beneficent  pretexts  employed  by  their  predecessors, 
they  proclaimed  peace  and  civilisation  at  the  point  of  the 
sword.  The  rude  nations  of  the  country,  without  any  principle 
of  cohesion  among  themselves,  fell  one  after  another  before 
the  victorious  arm  of  the  Incas.  Yet  it  was  not  till  the  middle 
of  the  fifteenth  century,  that  the  famous  Topa  Inca  Yupanqui, 
grandfather  of  the  monarch  who  occupied  the  throne  at  the 
coming  of  the  Spaniards,  led  his  armies  across  the  terrible 
desert  of  Atacama,  and,  penetrating  to  the  southern  region  of 
Chili,  fixed  the  permanent  boundary  of  his  dominions  at  the 
river  Maule.  His  son,  Huayna  Capac,  possessed  of  ambition 
and  military  talent  fully  equal  to  his  father’s,  marched  along 
the  Cordillera  towards  the  north,  and  pushing  his  conquests 
across  the  equator,  added  the  powerful  kingdom  of  Quito  to 
the  empire  of  Peru.1 

The  ancient  city  of  Cuzco,  meanwhile,  had  been  gradually 
advancing  in  wealth  and  population,  till  it  had  become  the 
worthy  metropolis  of  a  great  and  flourishing  monarchy.  It 
stood  in  a  beautiful  valley  on  an  elevated  region  of  the  plateau, 
which,  among  the  Alps,  would  have  been  buried  in  eternal 
snowrs,  but  which  within  the  tropics  enjoyed  a  genial  and 
salubrious  temperature.  Towards  the  north  it  was  defended 
by  a  lofty  eminence,  a  spur  of  the  great  Cordillera ;  and  the 
city  was  traversed  by  a  river,  or  rather  a  small  stream,  over 
which  bridges  of  timber,  covered  with  heavy  slabs  of  stone, 
furnished  an  easy  means  of  communication  with  the  opposite 
banks.  The  streets  were  long  and  narrow ;  the  houses  low, 
and  those  of  the  poorer  sort  built  of  clay  and  reeds.  But 
Cuzco  was  the  royal  residence,  and  was  adorned  with  the 
ample  dwellings  of  the  great  nobility;  and  the  massy  fragments 
still  incorporated  in  many  of  the  modern  edifices  bear  testimony 
to  the  size  and  solidity  of  the  ancient.2 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lvii.  lxiv. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Pirn, 
MS.— Velasco,  Hist,  de  Quito,  p.  59. — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — 
Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vii.  cap.  xviii.  xix.  ;  lib.  viii.  cap.  v. 
viii.  The  last  historian,  and,  indeed,  some  others,  refer  the  conquest  of 
Chili  to  Yupanqui,  the  father  of  Topa  Inca.  The  exploits  of  the  two 
monarchs  are  so  blended  together  by  the  different  annalists,  as  in  a  manner 
to  confound  their  personal  identity. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  lib.  vii.  cap.  viii.  xi.— Cieza  de  Leon* 
Cronica,  cap.  xcii.  “  El  Cuzco  tuuo  gran  manera  y  calidad,  deuio  ser 
undada  por  gente  de  gran  ser.  Auia  grandes  calles,  saluo  q  era  angostas, 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  9 

The  health  of  the  city  was  promoted  by  spacious  openings 
and  squares,  in  which  a  numerous  population  from  the  capital 
and  the  distant  country  assembled  to  celebrate  the  high 
festivals  of  their  religion.  For  Cuzco  was  the  “  Holy  City”;1 
and  the  great  Temple  of  the  Sun,  to  which  pilgrims  resorted 
from  the  furthest  borders  of  the  empire,  was  the  most  magnifi¬ 
cent  structure  in  the  New  World,  and  unsurpassed,  probably, 
in  the  costliness  of  its  decorations  by  any  building  in  the 

Towards  the  north,  on  the  sierra  or  rugged  eminence 
already  noticed,  rose  a  strong  fortress,  the  remains  of  which,  at 
the  present  day,  by  their  vast  size,  excite  the  admiration  of  the 
traveller.2  It  was  defended  by  a  single  wall  of  great  thickness, 
and  twelve  hundred  feet  long  on  the  side  facing  the  city,  where 
the  precipitous  character  of  the  ground  was  of  itself  almost 
sufficient  for  its  defence.  On  the  other  quarter,  where  the 
approaches  were  less  difficult,  it  was  protected  by  two  other 
semicircular  walls  of  the  same  length  as  the  preceding.  They 
were  separated,  a  considerable  distance  from  one  another  and 
from  the  fortress ;  and  the  intervening  ground  was  raised  so 
that  the  walls  afforded  a  breastwork  for  the  troops  stationed 
there  in  times  of  assault.  The  fortress  consisted  of  three 
towers  detached  from  one  another.  One  was  appropriated  to 
the  Inca,  and  was  garnished  with  the  sumptuous  decorations 
befitting  a  royal  residence,  rather  than  a  military  post.  The 
other  two  were  held  by  the  garrison,  drawn  from  the  Peruvian 
nobles,  and  commanded  by  an  officer  of  the  blood  royal,  for 
the  position  was  of  too  great  importance  to  be  intrusted  to 
inferior  hands.  The  hill  was  excavated  below  the  towers,  and 

y  las  casas  hechas  de  piedra  pura  co  tan  lindas  junturas,  q  illustra  el 
antiguedad  del  edifici®,  pues  estauan  piedras  tan  grades  muy  bien  assenta- 
das.”  iffbid,  ubi  supra.)  Compare  with  this  Miller’s  account  of  the  city, 
as  existing  at  the  present  day.  “The  walls  of  many  of  the  houses  have 
remained  unaltered  for  centuries.  The  great  size  of  the  stones,  the  variety 
of  their  shapes,  and  the  inimitable  workmanship  they  display,  give  to  the 
city  that  interesting  air  of  antiquity  and  romance,  which  fills  the  mind  with 
pleasing  though  painful  veneration.” — Memoirs  of  Gen.  Miller  in  the  Service 
of  the  Republic  of  Peru,  (London,  1829,  2d.  ed.,)  vol.  ii.  p.  225. 

1  “  La  imperial  ciudad  de  Cozco,  que  la  adoravan  los  Indios,  conio  d 
Cosa  Sagrada.” — Garcilacso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  xx.  —  Also 
Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg. ,  MS. 

2  See,  among  others,  the  Memoirs,  above  cited,  of  Gen.  Miller,  which 
contain  a  minute  and  very  interesting  notice  of  modern  Cuzco,  (vol.  ii.  p. 
223  et  Mcq. ).  Ulloa,  who  visited  the  country  in  the  middle  of  the  last 
century,  is  unbounded  in  his  expressions  of  admiration. — Voyage  to  South 
America,  Eng.  trans. ,  (London,  1806,)  book  vii.  ch.  xii. 

io  Conquest  of  Peru 

several  subterranean  galleries  communicated  with  the  city  and 
the  palaces  of  the  Inca.1 

The  fortress,  the  walls,  and  the  galleries  were  all  built  of 
stone,  the  heavy  blocks  of  which  were  not  laid  in  regular 
courses,  but  so  disposed  that  the  small  ones  might  fill  up  the 
interstices  between  the  great.  They  formed  a  sort  of  rustic- 
work,  being  rough-hewn  except  towards  the  edges,  which  were 
finely  wrought;  and,  though  no  cement  was  used,  the  several 
blocks  were  adjusted  with  so  much  exactness  and  united  so 
closely,  that  it  was  impossible  to  introduce  even  the  blade  of  a 
knife  between  them.2 3  Many  of  these  stones  were  of  vast  size  : 
some  of  them  being  full  thirty-eight  feet  long  by  eighteen 
broad,  and  six  feet  thick.8 

We  are  filled  with  astonishment  when  we  consider  that  these 
enormous  masses  were  hewn  from  their  native  bed  and 
fashioned  into  shape  by  a  people  ignorant  of  the  use  of  iron ; 
that  they  were  brought  from  quarries  from  four  to  fifteen 
leagues  distant,4  without  the  aid  of  beasts  of  burden,  were 
transported  across  rivers  and  ravines,  raised  to  their  elevated 
position  on  the  sierra,  and  finally  adjusted  there  with  the 
nicest  accuracy,  without  the  knowledge  of  tools  and  machinery 
familiar  to  the  European.  Twenty  thousand  men  are  said  to 
have  been  employed  on  this  great  structure,  and  fifty  years 
consumed  in  the  building.5 6 *  However  this  may  be,  we  see  in 

1  Betanzos,  Suma  y  Narracion  de  los  Yngas,  MS.,  cap.  xii. — Garcilasso, 
Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vii.  cap.  xxvii. — xxix.  The  demolition  of  the 
fortress,  begun  immediately  after  the  Conquest,  provoked  the  remonstrance 
of  more  than  one  enlightened  Spaniard,  whose  voice,  however,  was 
impotent  against  the  spirit  of  cupidity  and  violence. — See  Sarmiento, 
Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xlviii. 

2  Ibid,  ubi  supra. — Inscripciones,  Medallas,  Templos,  Edificios,  Antigue- 
dades,  y  Monumentos  del  Peru,  MS.  This  manuscript,  which  formerly 
belonged  to  Dr.  Robertson,  and  which  is  now  in  the  British  Museum,  is 
the  work  of  some  unknown  author,  somewhere  probably  about  the  time  of 
Charles  III.  ;  a  period  when,  as  the  sagacious  scholar  to  whom  I  am 
indebted  for  a  copy  of  it  remarks,  a  spirit  of  sounder  criticism  was  visible 
in  the  Castilian  historians. 

3  Acosta,  Naturall  and  Morall  Historic  of  the  East  and  West  Indies, 
Eng.  trans. ,  (London,  1604,)  lib.  vi.  cap.  xiv.  He  measured  the  stones 
himself. — See  also  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  loc.  cit. 

4  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  xciii. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg. ,  MS. 

Many  hundred  blocks  of  granite  may  still  be  seen,  it  is  said,  in  an  unfinished 
state,  in  the  quarry  near  Cuzco. 

6  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xlviii. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — 
Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vii.  cap.  xxvii.  xxviii.  The  Spaniards, 

puzzled  by  the  execution  of  so  great  a  work  with  such  apparently  in¬ 
adequate  means,  referred  it  all,  in  their  summary  way,  to  the  Devil  ;  an 

opinion  which  Garcilasso  seems  willing  to  indorse.  The  author  of  the 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  u 

it  the  workings  of  a  despotism  which  had  the  lives  and  fortunes 
of  its  vassals  at  its  absolute  disposal,  and  which,  however  mild 
in  its  general  character,  esteemed  these  vassals,  when  employed 
in  its  service,  as  lightly  as  the  brute  animals  for  which  they 
served  as  a  substitute. 

The  fortress  of  Cuzco  was  but  part  of  a  system  of  fortifi¬ 
cations  established  throughout  their  dominions  by  the  Incas. 
This  system  formed  a  prominent  feature  in  their  military 
policy ;  but,  before  entering  on  this  latter,  it  will  be  proper  to 
give  the  reader  some  view  of  their  civil  institution  and  scheme 
of  government. 

The  sceptre  of  the  Incas,  if  we  may  credit  their  historian, 
descended  in  unbroken  succession  from  father  to  son  through 
their  whole  dynasty.  Whatever  we  may  think  of  this,  it 
appears  probable  that  the  right  of  inheritance  might  be  claimed 
by  the  eldest  son  of  the  Coya,  or  lawful  queen,  as  she  was 
styled,  to  distinguish  her  from  the  host  of  concubines  who 
shared  the  affections  of  the  sovereign.1  The  queen  was  further 
distinguished,  at  least  in  later  reigns,  by  the  circumstance  of 
being  selected  from  the  sisters  of  the  Inca,  an  arrangement 
which,  however  revolting  to  the  ideas  of  civilised  nations,  was 
recommended  to  the  Peruvians  by  its  securing  an  heir  to  the 
crown  of  the  pure  heaven-born  race,  uncontaminated  by  any 
mixture  of  earthly  mould.2 

In  his  early  years,  the  royal  offspring  was  intrusted  to  the 
care  of  the  amautas ,  or  “  wise  men,”  as  the  teachers  of  Peru¬ 
vian  science  were  called,  who  instructed  him  in  such  elements 
of  knowledge  as  they  possessed,  and  especially  in  the  cumbrous 
ceremonial  of  their  religion,  in  which  he  was  to  take  a 
prominent  part.  Great  care  was  also  bestowed  on  his  military 
education,  of  the  last  importance  in  a  state  which,  with  its 
professions  of  peace  and  good-will,  was  ever  at  war  for  the 
acquisition  of  empire. 

Antig.  y  Monumentos  del  Peru,  MS.,  rejects  this  notion  with  becoming 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  vii. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i. 
lib.  i.  cap.  xxvi.  Acosta  speaks  of  the  eldest  brother  of  the  Inca  as 
succeeding  in  preference  to  the  son.  (Lib.  vi.  cap.  xii.)  He  may  have 
confounded  the  Peruvian  with  the  Aztec  usage.  The  Report  of  the  Royal 
Audience  states  that  a  brother  succeeded  in  default  of  a  son. — Dec.  de  la 
Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

2  “  Et  soror  et  conjux .” — According  to  Garcilasso,  the  heir-apparent 
always  married  a  sister.  (Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  ix. )  Onde- 
gardo  notices  this  as  an  innovation  at  the  close  of  the  fifteenth  century. 
(Relacion  Primera,  MS.)  The  historian  of  the  Incas,  however,  is  con¬ 
firmed  in  his  extraordinary  statement  by  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  vii. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

In  this  military  school  he  was  educated  with  such  of  the 
Inca  nobles  as  were  nearly  of  his  own  age  ;  for  the  sacred  name 
of  Inca — a  fruitful  source  of  obscurity  in  their  annals — was 
applied  indifferently  to  all  who  descended  by  the  male  line 
from  the  founder  of  the  monarchy.1  At  the  age  of  sixteen  the 
pupils  underwent  a  public  examination,  previous  to  their 
admission  to  what  may  be  called  the  order  of  chivalry.  This 
examination  was  conducted  by  some  of  the  oldest  and  most 
illustrious  Incas.  The  candidates  were  required  to  show  their 
prowess  in  the  athletic  exercises  of  the  warrior ;  in  wrestling 
and  boxing,  in  running  such  long  courses  as  fully  tried  their 
agility  and  strength,  in  severe  fasts  of  several  days’  duration, 
and  in  mimic  combats,  which,  although  the  weapons  were 
blunted,  were  always  attended  with  wounds,  and  sometimes 
with  death.  During  this  trial,  which  lasted  thirty  days,  the 
royal  neophyte  fared  no  better  than  his  comrades,  sleeping  on 
the  bare  ground,  going  unshod,  and  wearing  a  mean  attire, — a 
mode  of  life,  it  was  supposed,  which  might  tend  to  inspire  him 
with  more  sympathy  with  the  destitute.  With  all  this  show  of 
impartiality,  however,  it  will  probably  be  doing  no  injustice  to 
the  judges  to  suppose  that  a  politic  discretion  may  have 
somewhat  quickened  their  perceptions  of  the  real  merits  of  the 

At  the  end  of  the  appointed  time,  the  candidates  selected 
as  worthy  of  the  honours  of  their  barbaric  chivalry  were 
presented  to  the  sovereign,  who  condescended  to  take  a 
principal  part  in  the  ceremony  of  inauguration.  He  began 
with  a  brief  discourse,  in  which,  after  congratulating  the  young 
aspirants  on  the  proficiency  they  had  shown  in  martial  exercises, 
he  reminded  them  of  the  responsibilities  attached  to  their 
birth  and  station ;  and,  addressing  them  affectionately  as 
“children  of  the  Sun,”  he  exhorted  them  to  imitate  their  great 
progenitor  in  his  glorious  career  of  beneficence  to  mankind. 
The  novices  then  drew  near,  and  kneeling  one  by  one  before 
the  Inca,  he  pierced  their  ears  with  a  golden  bodkin  ;  and  this 
was  suffered  to  remain  there  till  an  opening  had  been  made 
large  enough  for  the  enormous  pendants  which  were  peculiar 
to  their  order,  and  which  gave  them,  with  the  Spaniards,  the 
name  of  orejones .2  This  ornament  was  so  massy  in  the  ears  of 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  xxvi. 

2  From  oreja,  “ear.” — “Los  Caballeros  de  la  sangre  real  tenian  orejas 
horadadas,  y  de  ellas  colgando  grandes  rodetes  de  plata  y  oro  :  llamaronles 
por  esto  los  orejones  los  Castellanos  la  primera  vez  q  ie  los  vieron.” 
(Montesinos,  Memorias,  antiguas  historiales  del  Peru,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vi.) 


Civilisation  of  the  Incas 

the  sovereign,  that  the  cartilage  was  distended  by  it  nearly  to 
the  shoulder,  producing  what  seemed  a  monstrous  deformity  in 
the  eyes  of  the  Europeans,  though,  under  the  magical  influence 
of  fashion,  it  was  regarded  as  a  beauty  by  the  natives. 

When  this  operation  was  performed,  one  of  the  most 
venerable  of  the  nobles  dressed  the  feet  of  the  candidates  in 
the  sandals  worn  by  the  order,  which  may  remind  us  of  the 
ceremony  of  buckling  on  the  spurs  of  the  Christian  knight. 
They  were  then  allowed  to  assume  the  girdle  or  sash  around  the 
loins,  corresponding  with  the  toga  virilis  of  the  Romans,  and 
intimating  that  they  had  reached  the  season  of  manhood. 
Their  heads  were  adorned  with  garlands  of  flowers,  which,  by 
their  various  colours,  were  emblematic  of  the  clemency  and 
goodness  that  should  grace  the  character  of  every  true  warrior ; 
and  the  leaves  of  an  evergreen  plant  were  mingled  with  the 
flowers,  to  show  that  these  virtues  should  endure  without  end.1 
The  prince’s  head  was  further  ornamented  by  a  fillet,  or 
tasselled  fringe,  of  a  yellow  colour,  made  of  the  fine  threads  of 
the  vicuna  wool,  which  encircled  the  forehead  as  the  peculiar 
insignia  of  the  heir-apparent.  The  great  body  of  the  Inca 
nobility  next  made  their  appearance,  and  beginning  with  those 
nearest  of  kin,  knelt  down  before  the  prince,  and  did  him 
homage  as  successor  to  the  crown.  The  whole  assembly  then 
moved  to  the  great  square  of  the  capital,  where  songs  and 
dances,  and  other  public  festivities  closed  the  important 
ceremonial  of  the  huaracu .2 

The  reader  will  be  less  surprised  by  the  resemblance  which 
this  ceremonial  bears  to  the  inauguration  of  a  Christian  knight 
in  the  feudal  ages,  if  he  reflects  that  a  similar  analogy  may  be 
traced  in  the  institutions  of  other  people  more  or  less  civilised ; 
and  that  it  is  natural  that  nations  occupied  with  the  one  great 
business  of  war,  should  mark  the  period,  when  the  preparatory 
education  for  it  was  ended,  by  similar  characteristic  ceremonies. 

The  ornament,  which  was  in  the  form  of  a  wheel,  did  not  depend  from  the 
ear,  but  was  inserted  in  the  gristle  of  it,  and  was  as  large  as  an  orange  ! 
“La  hacen  lan  ancha  como  una  gran  rosea  de  naranja  ;  los  senores  i 
principales  traian  aquellas  roscas  de  oro  fino  en  las  orejas.”  (Conq.  i  Fob. 
del  Piru,  MS. — Also  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  xxii.) 
“The  larger  the  hole,”  says  one  of  the  old  Conquerors,  “the  more  of  a 
gentleman  !” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxvii. 

2  Ibid.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxiv — xxviii.  According  to  Fernandez  the 
candidates  wore  white  shirts,  with  something  like  a  cross  embroidered  in 
front!  (Historia  del  Peru,  [Sevilla,  1571,]  parte  ii.  lib.  iii.  cap.  vi. )  We 
may  fancy  ourselves  occupied  with  some  chivalrous  ceremonial  of  the  Middle 

14  Conquest  of  Peru 

Having  thus  honourably  passed  through  his  ordeal,  the  heir- 
apparent  was  deemed  worthy  to  sit  in  the  councils  of  his  father, 
and  was  employed  in  offices  of  trust  at  home,  or  more  usually 
sent  on  distant  expeditions  to  practice  in  the  field  the  lessons 
which  he  had  hitherto  studied  only  on  the  mimic  theatre  of  war. 
His  first  campaigns  were  conducted  under  the  renowned 
commanders  who  had  grown  grey  in  the  service  of  his  father; 
until,  advancing  in  years  and  experience,  he  was  placed  in 
command  himself,  and,  like  Huayna  Capac,  the  last  and  most 
illustrious  of  his  line,  carried  the  banner  of  the  rainbow,  the 
armorial  ensign  of  his  house,  far  over  the  borders,  among  the 
remotest  tribes  of  the  plateau. 

The  government  of  Peru  was  a  despotism,  mild  in  its 
character,  but  in  its  form  a  pure  and  unmitigated  despotism. 
The  sovereign  was  placed  at  an  immeasurable  distance  above 
his  subjects.  Even  the  proudest  of  the  Inca  nobility,  claiming 
a  descent  from  the  same  divine  original  as  himself,  could  not 
venture  into  the  royal  presence,  unless  barefoot,  and  bearing  a 
light  burden  on  his  shoulders  in  token  of  homage.1  As  the 
representative  of  the  sun,  he  stood  at  the  head  of  the  priesthood, 
and  presided  at  the  most  important  of  the  religious  festivals.2 
He  raised  armies  and  usually  commanded  them  in  person. 
He  imposed  taxes,  made  laws,  and  provided  for  their  execution 
by  the  appointment  of  judges,  whom  he  removed  at  pleasure. 
He  was  the  source  from  which  everything  flowed,  —all  dignity, 
all  power,  all  emolument.  He  was,  in  short,  in  the  well-known 
phrase  of  the  European  despot,  “  himself  the  state.”  3 

1  Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xi. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS., 
cap.  vii.  “  Porque  verdaderamente  a  lo  que  yo  he  averiguado  toda  la 
pretension  de  los  Ingas  fue  una  subjeccion  en  toda  la  gente.  qual  yo  nunca 
he  oido  decir  de  ninguna  otra  nacion  en  tanto  grado,  que  por  muy  principal 
que  an  senor  fuese,  dende  que  entrava  cerca  del  Cuzco  en  cierta  senal  que 
estava  puesta  en  cada  camino  de  quatro  que  hay,  havia  dende  alii  de  venir 
cargado  hasta  la  presencia  del  Inga,  y  alii  dejava  la  carga  y  hacia  su 
obediencia.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  It  was  only  at  one  of  these  festivals,  and  hardly  authorises  the  sweeping 
assertion  of  Carli,  that  the  royal  and  sacerdotal  authority  were  blended 
together  in  Peru.  We  shall  see,  hereafter,  the  important  and  independent 
position  occupied  by  the  high-priest.  “  Le  sacerdoce  et  l’empire  etoient 
divises  au  Mexique  ;  au  lieu  qu’ils  6toient  reunis  au  Perou,  comme  au 
Tibet  et  4  la  Chine,  et  comme  il  le  fut  a  Rome,  lorsqu’  Auguste  jetta  les 
fondemens  de  1’empire,  en  y  reunissant  le  sacerdoce  ou  la  dignite  de 
Souverain  Pontife.” — Lettres  Americaines,  (Paris,  1788,)  trad.  Franf. 
tom.  i.  let.  vii. 

3  “  Porque  el  Inga  dava  a  entender  que  era  hijo  del  Sol,  con  este  titulo  se 
hacia  adorar,  i  governava  principalmente  en  tanto  grado  que  nadie  se  le 
atrevia  ;  i  su  palabra  era  ley,  i  nadie  osaba  ir  contra  su  palabra  ni  voluntad  : 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  15 

The  Inca  asserted  his  claims  as  a  superior  being  by  assuming 
a  pomp  in  his  manner  of  living  well  calculated  to  impose  on  his 
people.  His  dress  was  of  the  finest  wool  of  the  vicuna,  richly 
dyed,  and  ornamented  with  a  profusion  of  gold  and  precious 
stones.  Round  his  head  was  wreathed  a  turban  of  many-coloured 
folds,  called  the  llautu  ;  and  a  tasselled  fringe,  like  that  worn  by 
the  prince,  but  of  a  scarlet  colour,  with  two  feathers  of  a  rare  and 
curious  bird,  called  the  coraquenque ,  placed  upright  in  it,  were 
the  distinguishing  insignia  of  royalty.  The  birds  from  which 
these  feathers  were  obtained  were  found  in  a  desert  country 
among  the  mountains  ;  and  it  was  death  to  destroy  or  to  take 
them,  as  they  were  reserved  for  the  exclusive  purpose  of 
supplying  the  royal  head-gear.  Every  succeeding  monarch 
was  provided  with  a  new  pair  of  these  plumes,  and  his  credu¬ 
lous  subjects  fondly  believed  that  only  two  individuals  of  the 
species  had  ever  existed  to  furnish  the  simple  ornament  for  the 
diadem  of  the  Incas.1 

Although  the  Peruvian  monarch  was  raised  so  far  above  the 
highest  of  his  subjects,  he  condescended  to  mingle  occasionally 
with  them,  and  took  great  pains  personally  to  inspect  the 
condition  of  the  humbler  classes.  He  presided  at  some  of  the 
religious  celebrations,  and  on  these  occasions  entertained  the 
great  nobles  at  his  table,  when  he  complimented  them  after 
the  fashion  of  more  civilised  nations,  by  drinking  the  health  of 
those  whom  he  most  delighted  to  honour.2 

But  the  most  effectual  means  taken  by  the  Incas  for  com¬ 
municating  with  their  people,  were  their  progresses  through  the 
empire.  These  were  conducted,  at  intervals  of  several  years, 
with  great  state  and  magnificence.  The  sedan,  or  litter  in 
which  they  travelled,  richly  emblazoned  with  gold  and  emeralds, 
was  guarded  by  a  numerous  escort.  The  men  who  bore 
it  on  their  shoulders  were  provided  by  two  cities,  specially 

aunque  obiese  de  mafar  cient  mill  Indios,  no  havia  ninguno  en  su  reino  que 
le  osase  decir  que  no  lo  hiciese.” — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

1  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  cxiv. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i 
lib.  i.  cap.  xxii.  ;  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxviii — Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xii. 

2  One  would  hardly  expect  to  find  among  the  American  Indians  this 
social  and  kindly  custom  of  our  Saxon  ancestors, — now  fallen  somewhat 
out  of  use,  in  the  capricious  innovations  of  modern  fashion.  Garcilasso  is 
diffuse  in  his  account  of  the  forms  observed  at  the  royal  table.  (Com. 
Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxiii.)  The  only  hours  of  eating  were  at  eight 
or  nine  in  the  morning,  and  at  sunset,  which  took  place  at  nearly  the  same 
time  in  all  seasons  in  the  latitude  of  Cuzco.  The  historian  of  the  Incas 
admits  that  though  temperate  in  eating,  they  indulged  freely  in  their  cups, 
frequently  prolonging  their  revelry  to  a  late  hour  of  the  night. — Ibid., 
parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  L 

16  Conquest  of  Peru 

appointed  for  the  purpose.  It  was  a  post  to  be  coveted  by  no 
one,  if,  as  is  asserted,  a  fall  was  punished  with  death.1  They 
travelled  with  ease  and  expedition,  halting  at  the  tambos ,  or 
inns,  erected  by  government  along  the  route,  and  occasionally 
at  the  royal  palaces,  which  in  the  great  towns  afforded  ample 
accommodations  to  the  whole  of  the  monarch’s  retinue.  The 
noble  roads  which  traversed  the  table-land  were  lined  with 
people,  who  swept  away  the  stones  and  stubble  from  their 
surface,  strewing  them  with  sweet-scented  flowers,  and  vying 
with  each  other  in  carrying  forward  the  baggage  from  one 
village  to  another.  The  monarch  halted  from  time  to  time  to 
listen  to  the  grievances  of  his  subjects,  or  to  settle  some  points 
which  had  been  referred  to  his  decision  by  the  regular  tribunals. 
As  the  princely  train  wound  its  way  along  the  mountain  passes, 
every  place  was  thronged  with  spectators  eager  to  catch  a 
glimpse  of  their  sovereign ;  and,  when  he  raised  the  curtains  of 
his  litter,  and  showed  himself  to  their  eyes,  the  air  was  rent 
with  acclamations  as  they  invoked  blessings  on  his  head.55 
Tradition  long  commemorated  the  spots  at  which  he  halted, 
and  the  simple  people  of  the  country  held  them  in  reverence 
as  places  consecrated  by  the  presence  of  an  Inca.3 

The  royal  palaces  were  on  a  magnificent  scale,  and,  far  from 
being  confined  to  the  capital  or  a  few  principal  towns,  were 
scattered  over  all  the  provinces  of  their  vast  empire.4  The 
buildings  were  low,  but  covered  a  wide  extent  of  ground. 
Some  of  the  apartments  were  spacious,  but  they  were  generally 

1  “  In  lectica,  aureo  tabulato  constrata,  humeris  ferebant  ;  in  summa, 
ea  erat  observantia,  vt  vultum  ejusintueri  maxime  incivile  putarent,  et  inter 
baiulos,  quicunque  vel  leviter  pede  offenso  hresitaret,  e  vestigio  interficerent.  ” 
— Levinus  Apollonius,  De  Peruviae  Regionis  Inventione,  et  Rebus  in  e&dem 
gestis,  (Antverpise,  15 67,)  fol.  37. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xi. 
According  to  this  writer,  the  litter  was  carried  by  the  nobles  ;  one  thousand 
ol  whom  were  specially  reserved  for  the  humiliating  honour.  Ubi  supra. 

2  The  acclamations  must  have  been  potent  indeed,  if,  as  Sarmiento  telis 

us,  they  sometimes  brought  the  birds  down  from  the  sky  !  “  De  esta 

manera  eran  tan  temidos  los  reyes  ;  que  si  salian  por  el  reyno  y  permitian 
alzar  algun  pano  de  los  que  iban  en  las  andas  para  dejarse  ver  de  sus  vasallos, 
alzaban  tan  gran  alarido  que  hacian  caer  las  aves  de  lo  alto,  donde  iban 
volando  a  ser  tomadas  a  manos.”  (Relacion,  MS.  cap.  x.)  The  same 
author  has  given  in  another  place  a  more  credible  account  of  the  royal 
progresses,  which  the  Spanish  reader  will  find  extracted  in  Appendix , 
No  I. 

3  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  xiv.  ;  lib.  vi.  cap.  iii. — 
Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xi. 

4  Velasco  has  given  some  account  of  several  of  these  palaces  situate  in 
different  places  in  the  kingdom  of  Quito. — Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  pp 


Civilisation  of  the  Incas  17 

small,  and  had  no  communication  with  one  another,  except 
that  they  opened  into  a  common  square  or  court.  The  walls 
were  made  of  blocks  of  stone  of  various  sizes,  like  those 
described  in  the  fortress  of  Cuzco,  rough-hewn,  but  carefully 
wrought  near  the  line  of  junction,  which  was  scarcely  visible  to 
the  eye.  The  roofs  were  of  wood  or  rushes,  which  have 
perished  under  the  rude  touch  of  time,  that  has  shown  more 
respect  for  the  walls  of  the  edifices.  The  whole  seems  to  have 
been  characterised  by  solidity  and  strength,  rather  than  by  any 
attempt  at  architectural  elegance.1 

But  whatever  want  of  elegance  there  may  have  been  in  the 
exterior  of  the  imperial  dwellings,  it  was  amply  compensated  by 
the  interior,  in  which  all  the  opulence  of  the  Peruvian  princes 
was  ostentatiously  displayed.  The  sides  of  the  apartments 
were  thickly  studded  with  gold  and  silver  ornaments.  Niches, 
prepared  in  the  walls,  were  filled  with  images  of  animals  and 
plants  curiously  wrought  of  the  same  costly  materials  ;  and 
even  much  of  the  domestic  furniture,  including  the  utensils 
devoted  to  the  most  ordinary  menial  services,  displayed  the 
like  wanton  magnificence  ! 2  With  these  gorgeous  decorations 
were  mingled  richly  coloured  stuffs  of  the  delicate  manufacture 
of  the  Peruvian  wool,  which  were  of  so  beautiful  a  texture,  that 
the  Spanish  sovereigns,  with  all  the  luxuries  of  Europe  and 
Asia  at  their  command,  did  not  disdain  to  use  them.3  The 
royal  household  consisted  of  a  throng  of  menials,  supplied  by 
the  neighbouring  towns  and  villages,  which,  as  in  Mexico,  were 
bound  to  furnish  the  monarch  with  fuel  and  other  necessaries 
for  the  consumption  of  the  palace. 

But  the  favourite  residence  of  the  Incas  was  at  Yucay,  about 
four  leagues  distance  from  the  capital.  In  this  delicious 

1  Cieza  de  Leon,  Croniea,  cap.  xliv. — Antig.  y  Monumentos  del  Peru, 
MS. — See,  among  others,  the  description  of  the  remains  still  existing  of  the 
royal  buildings  at  Gallo,  about  ten  leagues  south  of  Quito,  by  Ulloa. 
(Voyage  to  .South  America,  book  vi.  ch.  xi.,  and  since  more  carefully  by 
Humboldt,  Vues  des  CordiiRres,  p.  197.) 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  i.  “  Tanto  que  todo  el 
servicio  de  la  casa  del  rey,  asi  de  cantaras  para  su  vino  comode  cozina,  todo 
era  oro  y  plata,  y  esto  no  en  un  lugar  y  en  una  parte  lo  tenia,  sino  en 
muchas.”  (Sarmiento,  Re  acion,  MS.,  cap.  xi.)  See  also  the  flaming 
accounts  of  the  palaces  of  Bilcas,  to  the  west  of  Cuzco,  by  Cieza  de  Leon, 
as  reported  to  him  by  Spaniards  who  had  seen  them  in  their  glory. 
(Croniea,  cap.  89.)  The  niches  are  still  described  by  modern  travellers  as 
to  be  found  in  the  walls. — (Humboldt,  Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  197.) 

8  “  La  ropa  de  la  cama  toda  era  de  mantas,  y  freqadas  de  lana  de  vicuna, 
que  es  tan  fina,  y  tan  regalada,  que  entre  otras  cosas  preciadas  de  aquellas 
tierras,  se  las  han  traido  para  la  cama  del  Rey  Don  Phelipe  Segundo.”— 
Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  i. 

1 8  Conquest  of  Peru 

valley,  locked  up  within  the  friendly  arms  of  the  sierra,  which 
sheltered  it  from  the  rude  breezes  of  the  east,  and  refreshed 
by  gushing  fountains  and  streams  of  running  water,  they  built 
the  most  beautiful  of  their  palaces.  Here,  when  wearied  with 
the  dust  and  toil  of  the  city,  they  loved  to  retreat  and  solace 
themselves  with  the  society  of  their  favourite  concubines, 
wandering  amidst  groves  and  airy  gardens,  that  shed  around 
their  soft  intoxicating  odours,  and  lulled  the  senses  to  vo¬ 
luptuous  repose.  Here,  too,  they  loved  to  indulge  in  the 
luxury  of  their  baths,  replenished  by  streams  of  crystal  water 
which  were  conducted  through  subterraneous  silver  channels 
into  basins  of  gold.  The  spacious  gardens  were  stocked  with 
numerous  varieties  of  plants  and  flowers  that  grew  without 
effort  in  this  temperate  region  of  the  tropics,  while  parterres  of 
a  more  extraordinary  kind  were  planted  by  their  side,  glowing 
with  the  various  forms  of  vegetable  life  skilfully  imitated  in 
gold  and  silver !  Among  them  the  Indian  corn,  the  most 
beautiful  of  American  grains,  is  particularly  commemorated, 
and  the  curious  workmanship  is  noticed  with  which  the  golden 
ear  was  half  disclosed  amidst  the  broad  leaves  of  silver  and  the 
light  tassel  of  the  same  material  that  floated  gracefully  from 
its  top.1 

If  this  dazzling  picture  staggers  the  faith  of  the  reader,  he 
may  reflect  that  the  Peruvian  mountains  teemed  with  gold ; 
that  the  natives  understood  the  art  of  working  the  mines  to  a 
considerable  extent;  that  none  of  the  ore,  as  we  shall  see 
hereafter,  was  converted  into  coin,  and  that  the  whole  of  it 
passed  into  the  hands  of  the  sovereign  for  his  own  exclusive 
benefit,  whether  for  purposes  of  utility  or  ornament.  Certain 
it  is  that  no  fact  is  better  attested  by  the  conquerors  themselves, 
who  had  ample  means  of  information,  and  no  motive  for  mis¬ 
statement. — The  Italian  poets,  in  their  gorgeous  pictures  of 
the  gardens  of  Alcina  and  Morgana,  came  nearer  the  truth 
than  they  imagined. 

Our  surprise,  however,  may  reasonably  be  excited,  when  we 
consider  that  the  wealth  displayed  by  the  Peruvian  princes 
was  only  that  which  each  had  amassed  individually  for  himself. 
He  owed  nothing  to  inheritance  from  his  predecessors.  On 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  xxvi.  lib.  vi.  cap.  ii. — 
Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxiv. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  xciv. 
The  last  writer  speaks  of  a  cement,  made  in  part  of  liquid  gold,  as  used  in 
the  royal  buildings  of  Tambo,  a  valley  not  far  from  Yu  cay  !  (Ubi  supra.) 
We  may  excuse  the  Spaniards  for  demolishing  such  edifices — if  they  ever 
met  with  them. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  19 

the  decease  of  an  Inca  his  palaces  were  abandoned ;  all  his 
treasures,  except  what  were  employed  in  his  obsequies,  his 
furniture  and  apparel,  were  suffered  to  remain  as  he  left  them, 
and  his  mansions  (save  one)  were  closed  up  for  ever.  The 
new  sovereign  was  to  provide  himself  with  everything  new  for 
his  royal  state.  The  reason  of  this  was  the  popular  belief  that 
the  soul  of  the  departed  monarch  would  return  after  a  time 
to  reanimate  his  body  on  earth ;  and  they  wished  that  he 
should  find  everything  to  which  he  had  been  used  in  life 
prepared  for  his  reception.1 

When  an  Inca  died,  or,  to  use  his  own  language,  “was 
called  home  to  the  mansions  of  his  father,  the  Sun,”2  his 
obsequies  were  celebrated  with  great  pomp  and  solemnity. 
The  bowels  were  taken  from  the  body  and  deposited  in  the 
Temple  of  Tampu,  about  five  leagues  from  the  capital.  A 
quantity  of  his  plate  and  jewels  was  buried  with  them,  and  a 
number  of  his  attendants  and  favourite  concubines,  amounting 
sometimes,  it  is  said,  to  a  thousand,  were  immolated  on  his 
tomb.3  Some  of  them  showed  the  natural  repugnance  to  the 
sacrifice  occasionally  manifested  by  the  victims  of  a  similar 
superstition  in  India.  But  these  were  probably  the  menials 
and  more  humble  attendants  ;  since  the  women  have  been 
known,  in  more  than  one  instance,  to  lay  violent  hands  on 
themselves  when  restrained  from  testifying  their  fidelity  by  this 
act  of  conjugal  martyrdom.  This  melancholy  ceremony  was 
followed  by  a  general  mourning  throughout  the  empire.  At 
stated  intervals,  for  a  year,  the  people  assembled  to  renew  the 
expressions  of  their  sorrow ;  processions  were  made,  displaying 
the  banner  of  the  departed  monarch;  bards  and  minstrels 
were  appointed  to  chronicle  his  achievements,  and  their  songs 
continued  to  be  rehearsed  at  high  festivals  in  the  presence  of 
the  reigning  monarch, — thus  stimulating  the  living  by  the 
glorious  example  of  the  dead.4 

The  body  of  the  deceased  Inca  was  skilfully  embalmed,  and 

1  Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xii. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi. 
cap.  iv. 

2  The  Aztecs  also  believed  that  the  soul  of  the  warrior  who  fell  in  battle 
went  to  accompany  the  Sun  in  his  bright  progress  through  the  heavens. — 
(See  Conquest  of  Mexico,  book  i.  chap,  iii.) 

3  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. — Acosta,  lib.  v.  cap.  vi.  Four  thousand 
of  these  victims,  according  to  Sarmiento, — we  may  hope  it  is  an  exaggera¬ 
tion, — graced  the  funeral  obsequies  of  Huayna  Capac,  the  last  of  the  Incas 
before  the  coming  of  the  Spaniards.  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxv. 

4  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  lxii. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i. 
lib.  vi.  cap.  v. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  viii. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

removed  to  the  great  Temple  of  the  Sun  at  Cuzco.  There  the 
Peruvian  sovereign,  on  entering  the  awful  sanctuary,  might 
behold  the  effigies  of  his  royal  ancestors,  ranged  in  opposite 
files, — the  men  on  the  right,  and  their  queens  on  the  left,  of 
the  great  luminary  which  blazed  in  refulgent  gold  on  the  walls 
of  the  temple.  The  bodies,  clothed  in  the  princely  attire 
which  they  had  been  accustomed  to  wear,  were  placed  on 
chairs  of  gold,  and  sat  with  their  heads  inclined  downwards, 
tneir  hands  placidly  crossed  over  their  bosoms,  their  counte¬ 
nances  exhibiting  their  natural  dusky  hue, — less  liable  to  change 
than  the  fresher  colouring  of  a  European  complexion, — and 
their  hair  of  raven  black,  or  silvered  over  with  age,  according 
to  the  period  at  which  they  died  !  It  seemed  like  a  company 
of  solemn  worshippers  fixed  in  devotion, — so  true  were  the  forms 
and  lineaments  to  life.  The  Peruvians  were  as  successful  as 
the  Egyptians  in  the  miserable  attempt  to  perpetuate  the  exist¬ 
ence  of  the  body  beyond  the  limits  assigned  to  it  by  nature.1 

They  cherished  a  still  stranger  illusion  in  the  attentions  which 
they  continued  to  pay  to  these  insensible  remains,  as  if  they 
were  instinct  with  life.  One  of  the  houses  belonging  to  a 
deceased  Inca  was  kept  open  and  occupied  by  his  guard  and 
attendants,  with  all  the  state  appropriate  to  royalty.  On  certain 
festivals  the  revered  bodies  of  the  sovereigns  were  brought  out 
with  great  ceremony  into  the  public  square  of  the  capital. 
Invitations  were  sent  by  the  captains  of  the  guard  of  the 
respective  Incas  to  the  different  nobles  and  officers  of  the 
court ;  and  entertainments  were  provided  in  the  names  of  their 
masters,  which  displayed  all  the  profuse  magnificence  of  their 
treasures, — and  “such  a  display,”  says  an  ancient  chronicler, 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v. 
cap.  xxix.  The  Peruvians  secreted  these  mummies  of  their  sovereigns 
after  the  Conquest,  that  they  might  not  be  profaned  by  the  insults  of  the 
Spaniards.  Ondegardo,  when  corregidor  of  Cuzco,  discovered  five  of  them, 
three  male  and  two  female.  The  former  were  the  bodies  of  Viracocha,  of 
the  great  Tupac  Inca  Yupanqui,  and  of  his  son  Huayna  Capac.  Garcilasso 
saw  them  in  1560.  They  were  dressed  in  their  regal  robes,  with  no 
insignia  but  the  llautu  on  their  heads.  They  were  in  a  sitting  posture, 
and,  to  use  his  own  expression,  “  perfect  as  life,  without  so  much  as  a 
hair  of  an  eyebrow  wanting.”  As  they  were  carried  through  the  streets, 
decently  shrouded  with  a  mantle,  the  Indians  threw  themselves  on  their 
knees,  in  sign  of  reverence,  with  many  tears  and  groans,  and  were  still 
more  touched  as  they  beheld  some  of  the  Spaniards  themselves  doffing 
their  caps,  in  token  of  respect  to  departed  royalty.  (Ibid.,  ubi  supra.) 
The  bodies  were  subsequently  removed  to  Lima  ;  and  Father  Acosta,  who 
saw  them  there  some  twenty  years  later,  speaks  of  them  as  still  in  perfect 


Civilisation  of  the  Incas 

“  was  there  in  the  great  square  of  Cuzco  on  this  occasion,  of 
gold  and  silver  plate  and  jewels,  as  no  other  city  in  the  world 
ever  witnessed.” 1  The  banquet  was  served  by  the  menials 
of  the  respective  households,  and  the  guests  partook  of  the 
melancholy  cheer  in  the  presence  of  the  royal  phantom,  with 
the  same  attentions  to  the  forms  of  courtly  etiquette  as  if  the 
living  monarch  had  presided  ! 2 

The  nobility  of  Peru  consisted  of  two  orders,  the  first  and 
by  far  the  most  important  of  which  was  that  of  the  Incas,  who, 
boasting  a  common  descent  with  their  sovereign,  lived,  as  it 
were,  in  the  reflected  light  of  his  glory.  As  the  Peruvian 
monarchs  availed  themselves  of  the  right  of  polygamy  to  a 
very  liberal  extent,  leaving  behind  them  families  of  one  or  even 
two  hundred  children,3  the  nobles  of  the  blood  royal,  though 
comprehending  only  their  descendants  in  the  male  line,  came 
in  the  course  of  years  to  be  very  numerous.4  They  were  divided 
into  different  lineages,  each  of  which  traced  its  pedigree  to  a 
different  member  of  the  royal  dynasty,  though  all  terminated 
in  the  divine  founder  of  the  empire. 

They  were  distinguished  by  many  exclusive  and  very  im¬ 
portant  privileges  ;  they  wore  a  peculiar  dress  ;  spoke  a  dialect, 
if  we  may  believe  the  chronicler,  peculiar  to  themselves ; 5 

1  “Tenemos  por  muy  cierto,  que  ni  en  Jerusalem,  Roma,  ni  en  Persia, 
ni  en  ninguna  parte  del  mundo,  por  ninguna  repubiica  ni  rey  de  el,  se 
juntaba  en  un  lugar  tanta  riqueza  de  metales  de  oro  y  plata  y  pedreria  como 
en  esta  Plaza  del  Cuzco,  quandoestas  fiestas  y  otras  semejantes  sehacian.”  — 
Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxvii. 

2  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  viii.  xxvii. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.  MS. 
It  was  only,  however,  the  great  and  good  princes  that  were  thus  honoured, 
according  to  Sarmiento,  “whose  souls  the  silly  people  fondly  believed,  on 
account  of  their  virtues,  were  in  heaven,  although  in  truth,”  as  the  same 
writer  assures  us,  “they  were  all  the  time  burning  in  the  flames  of  hell  !  ” 
“  Digo  los  que  haviendo  sido  en  vida  buenos  y  valerosos,  generosos  con  los 
Indios  en  les  hacer  mercedes,  perdonadores  de  injurias,  porque  £L  estos 
tales  canonizaban  en  su  ceguedad  por  santos  y  honrraban  sus  huesos,  sin 
entender  que  las  animas  aidian  en  los  ynfiernos,  y  creian  que  estaban  en  el 
cielo.” — Ibid.,  ubi  supra. 

3  Garcilasso  says  over  three  hundred  !  (Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iii. 
cap.  xix. )  The  fact,  though  rather  startling,  is  not  incredible,  if,  like 
Huayna  Capac,  they  counted  seven  hundred  wives  in  their  seraglio. — See 
Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  vii. 

4  Garcilasso  mentions  a  class  of  Incas  por  privilegio ,  who  were  allowed 
to  possess  the  name  and  many  of  the  immunities  of  the  blood  royal,  though 
only  descended  from  the  great  vassals  that  first  served  under  the  banner  of 
Manco  Capac.  Com.  Real,  parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  xxii.)  This  important 
fact,  to  which  he  often  refers,  one  would  be  glad  to  see  confirmed  by  a 
single  authority. 

s  “Los  Incas  tuvieron  otra  lengua  particular,  que  hablavan  entre  ellos, 


Conquest  of  Peru 

and  had  the  choicest  portion  of  the  public  domain  assigned 
for  their  support.  They  lived,  most  of  them,  at  court,  near 
the  person  of  the  prince,  sharing  in  his  counsels,  dining  at  his 
board,  or  supplied  from  his  table.  They  alone  were  admissible 
to  the  great  offices  in  the  priesthood.  They  were  invested 
with  the  command  of  armies  and  of  distant  garrisons,  were 
placed  over  the  provinces,  and,  in  short,  filled  every  station  of 
high  trust  and  emolument.1  Even  the  laws,  severe  in  their 
general  tenor,  seem  not  to  have  been  framed  with  reference  to 
them ;  and  the  people,  investing  the  whole  order  with  a 
portion  of  the  sacred  character  which  belonged  to  the  sovereign, 
held  that  an  Inca  noble  was  incapable  of  crime.2 

The  other  order  of  nobility  was  the  Curacas ,  the  caciques 
of  the  conquered  nations,  or  their  descendants.  They  were 
usually  continued  by  the  government  in  their  places,  though 
they  were  required  to  visit  the  capital  occasionally,  and  to 
allow  their  sons  to  be  educated  there  as  the  pledges  of  their 
loyalty.  It  is  not  easy  to  define  the  nature  or  extent  of  their 
privileges.  They  were  possessed  of  more  or  less  power,  accord¬ 
ing  to  the  extent  of  their  patrimony  and  the  number  of  their 
vassals.  Their  authority  was  usually  transmitted  from  father 
to  son,  though  sometimes  the  successor  was  chosen  by  the 
people.3  They  did  not  occupy  the  highest  posts  of  state,  or 
those  nearest  the  person  of  the  sovereign,  like  the  nobles  of 
the  blood.  Their  authority  seems  to  have  been  usually  local, 
and  always  in  subordination  to  the  territorial  jurisdiction  of 
the  great  provincial  governors,  who  were  taken  from  the 

que  no  la  entendian  los  demas  Indies,  ni  les  era  licito  aprenderla,  como 
lenguage  divino.  Esta  me  escriven  del  Peru,  que  se  ha  perdido  totalmente  ; 
porque  como  perecib  la  republica  particular  de  los  Incas,  perecib  tambien 
el  lenguage  dellos.” — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  pane  i.  lib.  vii.  cap.  i. 

1  “Una  sola  gente  hallo  yo  que  era  exenta,  que  eran  los  Ingas  del 
Cuzco  y  por  alii  al  rededor  de  ambas  parcialidades,  porque  estos  no  solo 
no  pagavan  tributo,  pero  aun  comian  de  lo  que  traian  al  Inga  de  todo  el 
reino,  y  estos  eran  por  la  mayor  parte  los  governadores  en  todo  el  reino,  y 
por  donde  quiera  que  iban  se  les  hacia  mucha  honrra.” — Ondegardo, 
Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xv. 

3  In  this  event,  it  seems,  the  successor  named  was  usually  presented  to 
the  Inca  for  confirmation.  At  other  times  the  Inca  himself  selected  the 
heir  from  among  the  children  of  the  deceased  curaca.  “  In  short,’'  says 
Ondegardo,  “there  was  no  rule  of  succession  so  sure,  but  it  might  be  set 
aside  by  the  supreme  will  of  the  sovereign.” — Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

4  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  x. — Sarmiento,  Relacion, 
MS.,  cap.  xi. — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap. 
jeeiii. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del.  Piru,  MS. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  23 

It  was  the  Inca  nobility,  indeed,  who  constituted  the  real 
strength  of  the  Peruvian  monarchy.  Attached  to  their  prince 
by  ties  of  consanguinity,  they  had  common  sympathies,  and, 
to  a  considerable  extent,  common  interests  with  them.  Dis¬ 
tinguished  by  a  peculiar  dress  and  insignia,  as  well  as  by 
language  and  blood,  from  the  rest  of  the  community,  they 
were  never  confounded  with  the  other  tribes  and  nations  who 
were  incorporated  into  the  great  Peruvian  monarchy.  After 
the  lapse  of  centuries,  they  still  retained  their  individuality  as 
a  peculiar  people.  They  were  to  the  conquered  races  of  the 
country  what  the  Romans  were  to  the  barbarous  hordes  of 
the  Empire,  or  the  Normans  to  the  ancient  inhabitants  of  the 
British  Isles.  Clustering  around  the  throne,  they  formed  an 
invincible  phalanx,  to  shield  it  alike  from  secret  conspiracy 
and  open  insurrection.  Though  living  chiefly  in  the  capital, 
they  were  also  distributed  throughout  the  country,  in  all  its 
high  stations  and  strong  military  posts,  thus  establishing  lines 
of  communication  with  the  court,  which  enabled  the  sovereign 
to  act  simultaneously  and  with  effect  on  the  most  distant 
quarters  of  his  empire.  They  possessed,  moreover,  an  in¬ 
tellectual  pre-eminence,  which,  no  less  than  their  station,  gave 
them  authority  with  the  people.  Indeed,  it  may  be  said  to 
have  been  the  principal  foundation  of  their  authority.  The 
crania  of  the  Inca  race  show  a  decided  superiority  over  the 
other  races  of  the  land  in  intellectual  power ; 1  and  it  cannot 
be  denied  that  it  was  the  fountain  of  that  peculiar  civilisation 
and  social  polity,  which  raised  the  Peruvian  monarchy  above 
every  other  state  in  South  America.  Whence  this  remarkable 
race  came,  and  what  was  its  early  history,  are  among  those 
mysteries  that  meet  us  so  frequently  in  the  annals  of  the  New 
World,  and  which  time  and  the  antiquary  have  as  yet  done 
little  to  explain. 

1  Dr.  Morton’s  valuable  work  contains  several  engravings  of  both  the 
Inca  and  the  common  Peruvian  skull,  showing  that  the  facial  angle  in  the 
former,  though  by  no  means  great,  was  much  larger  than  that  in  the  latter, 
which  was  singularly  flat  and  deficient  in  intellectual  character. — Crania 
Americana  (Philadelphia,  1S29). 


Conquest  of  Peru 





If  we  are  surprised  at  the  peculiar  and  original  features  of 
what  may  be  called  the  Peruvian  aristocracy,  we  shall  be  still 
more  so  as  we  descend  to  the  lower  orders  of  the  community, 
and  see  the  very  artificial  character  of  their  institutions, — as 
artificial  as  those  of  ancient  Sparta,  and,  though  in  a  different 
way,  quite  as  repugnant  to  the  essential  principles  of  our 
nature.  The  institutions  of  Lycurgus,  however,  were  designed 
for  a  petty  state,  while  those  of  Peru,  although  originally 
intended  for  such,  seemed,  like  the  magic  tent  in  the  Arabian 
tale,  to  have  an  indefinite  power  of  expansion,  and  were  as 
well  suited  to  the  most  flourishing  condition  of  the  empire  as 
to  its  infant  fortunes.  In  this  remarkable  accommodation  to 
change  of  circumstances,  we  see  the  proofs  of  a  contrivance 
that  argues  no  slight  advance  in  civilisation. 

The  name  of  Peru  was  not  known  to  the  natives.  It  was 
given  by  the  Spaniards,  and  originated,  it  is  said,  in  a  mis¬ 
apprehension  of  the  Indian  name  of  “river.”1  However  this 
may  be,  it  is  certain  that  the  natives  had  no  other  epithet  by 
which  to  designate  the  large  collection  of  tribes  and  nations 
who  were  assembled  under  the  sceptre  of  the  Incas,  than  that 
of  Tavan tinsuyu,  or  “four  quarters  of  the  world.” 2 * *  This  will 
not  surprise  a  citizen  of  the  United  States,  who  has  no  other 
name  by  which  to  class  himself  among  nations  than  what 
is  borrowed  from  a  quarter  of  the  globe.8  The  kingdom, 

1  Pelu ,  according  to  Garcilasso,  was  the  Indian  name  for  “river,”  and 
was  given  by  one  of  the  natives  in  answer  to  a  question  put  to  him  by  the 
Spaniards,  who  conceived  it  to  be  the  name  of  the  country.  (Com.  Real., 
parte  i.  lib.  i.  cap.  vi.)  Such  blunders  have  led  to  the  names  of  many 
places  both  in  North  and  South  America.  Montesinos,  however,  denies 
that  there  is  such  an  Indian  term  for  “river.”  (Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  lib. 
i.  cap.  ii. )  According  to  this  writer,  Peru  was  the  ancient  Ophir ,  whence 
Solomon  drew  such  stores  of  wealth  ;  and  which,  by  a  very  natural 
transition,  has  in  time  been  corrupted  into  Pkiru,  Pirn ,  Peru  l  The  first 
book  of  the  Memorias,  consisting  of  thirty-two  chapters,  is  devoted  to  this 
precious  discovery. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii. 

cap.  xi. 

2  Yet  an  American  may  find  food  for  his  vanity  in  the  reflection,  that  the 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  25 

conformably  to  its  name,  was  divided  into  four  parts,  dis¬ 
tinguished  each  by  a  separate  title,  and  to  each  of  which  ran 
one  of  the  four  great  roads  that  diverged  from  Cuzco,  the 
capital  or  navel  of  the  Peruvian  monarchy.  The  city  was  in 
like  manner  divided  into  four  quarters ;  and  the  various  races, 
which  gathered  there  from  the  distant  parts  of  the  empire, 
lived  each  in  the  quarter  nearest  to  its  respective  province. 
They  all  continued  to  wear  their  peculiar  national  costume,  so 
that  it  was  easy  to  determine  their  origin ;  and  the  same  order 
and  system  of  arrangement  prevailed  in  the  motley  population 
of  the  capital,  as  in  the  great  provinces  of  the  empire.  The 
capital,  in  fact,  was  a  miniature  image  of  the  empire.1 

The  four  great  provinces  were  each  placed  under  a  viceroy 
or  governor,  who  ruled  over  them  with  the  assistance  of  one 
or  more  councils  for  the  different  departments.  These  viceroys 
resided,  some  portion  of  their  time,  at  least,  in  the  capital, 
where  they  constituted  a  sort  of  council  of  state  to  the  Inca.2 
The  nation  at  large  was  distributed  into  decades,  or  small 
bodies  of  ten ;  and  every  tenth  man,  or  head  of  a, 
had  supervision  of  the  rest, — being  required  to  see  that  they 
enjoyed  the  rights  and  immunities  to  which  they  were  entitled, 
to  solicit  aid  in  their  behalf  from  government,  when  necessary, 
and  to  bring  offenders  to  justice.  To  this  last  they  were 
stimulated  by  a  law  that  imposed  on  them,  in  case  of  neglect, 
the  same  penalty  that  would  have  been  incurred  by  the  guilty 
party.  With  this  law  hanging  over  his  head  the  magistrate  of 
Peru,  we  may  well  believe,  did  not  often  go  to  sleep  on  his 

The  people  were  still  further  divided  into  bodies  of  fifty, 

name  of  a  quarter  of  the  globe,  inhabited  by  so  many  civilised  nations, 
has  been  exclusively  conceded  to  him.  —  Was  it  conceded  or  assumed? 

1  Garcilasso,  parte  i.  cap.  ix.  x.  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  xciiL 
The  capital  was  further  divided  into  two  parts,  the  Upper  and  Lower 
town,  founded,  as  pretended,  on  the  different  origin  of  the  population ; 
a  division  recognised  also  in  the  inferior  cities. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg., 

2  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii. 
cap.  xv.  For  this  account  of  the  councils  I  am  indebted  to  Garcilasso, 
who  frequently  fills  up  gaps  that  have  been  left  by  his  fellow-labourers. 
Whether  the  filling  up  will,  in  all  cases,  bear  the  touch  of  time,  as  well  as 
the  rest  of  his  work,  one  may  doubt. 

s  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Montesinos,  Mem.  Antiguas.  MS.,  lib. 
ii.  cap.  vi. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  How  analogous  is  the  Peruvian 
to  the  Anglo-Saxon  division  into  hundreds  and  tithings  !  But  the  Saxon 
law  was  more  humane,  which  imposed  only  a  fine  on  the  district  in  case 
of  a  criminal’s  escape. 

C  301 

26  Conquest  of  Peru 

one  hundred,  five  hundred,  and  a  thousand,  with  each  an 
officer  having  general  supervision  over  those  beneath,  and  the 
higher  ones  possessing,  to  a  certain  extent,  authority  in  matters 
of  police.  Lastly,  the  whole  empire  was  distributed  into 
sections  or  departments  of  ten  thousand  inhabitants,  with  a 
governor  over  each  from  the  Inca  nobility,  who  had  control 
over  the  curacas  and  other  territorial  officers  in  the  district. 
There  were,  also,  regular  tribunals  of  justice,  consisting  of 
magistrates,  in  each  of  the  towns  or  small  communities,  with 
jurisdiction  over  petty  offences,  while  those  of  a  graver  character 
were  carried  before  superior  judges,  usually  the  governors  or 
rulers  of  the  districts.  These  judges  all  held  their  authority 
and  received  their  support  from  the  crown,  by  which  they 
were  appointed  and  removed  at  pleasure.  They  were  obliged 
to  determine  every  suit  in  five  days  from  the  time  it  was 
brought  before  them ;  and  there  was  no  appeal  from  one 
tribunal  to  another.  Yet  there  were  important  provisions  for 
the  security  of  justice.  A  committee  of  visitors  patrolled  the 
kingdom  at  certain  times,  to  investigate  the  character  and 
conduct  of  the  magistrates;  and  any  neglect  or  violation  of 
duty  was  punished  in  the  most  exemplary  manner.  The 
inferior  courts  were  also  required  to  make  monthly  returns 
of  their  proceedings  to  the  higher  ones,  and  these  made 
reports  in  like  manner  to  the  viceroys :  so  that  the  monarch, 
seated  in  the  centre  of  his  dominions,  could  look  abroad,  as  it 
were,  to  their  most  distant  extremities,  and  review  and  rectify 
any  abuses  in  the  administration  of  the  law.1 

The  laws  were  few  and  exceedingly  severe.  They  related 
almost  wrholly  to  criminal  matters.  Few  other  laws  were 
needed  by  a  people  who  had  no  money,  little  trade,  and  hardly 
anything  that  could  be  called  fixed  property.  The  crimes  of 
theft,  adultery,  and  murder  were  all  capital ;  though  it  was 
wisely  provided  that  some  extenuating  circumstances  might  be 
allowed  to  mitigate  the  punishment.2  Blasphemy  against  the 

1  Dec.  de  la  And.  Real.,  MS. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim,  et  Seg.,  MSS. — 
Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xi.-xiv. — Montesinos,  Mem. 
Antiguas,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vi.  The  accounts  of  the  Peruvian  tribunals  by 
the  early  authorities  are  very  meagre  and  unsatisfactory.  Even  the  lively 
imagination  of  Garcilasso  has  failed  to  supply  the  blank. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iv. 
cap.  iii.  Theft  was  punished  less  severely,  if  the  offender  had  been  really 
guilty  of  it  to  supply  the  necessities  of  life.  It  is  a  singular  circumstance, 
that  the  Peruvian  law  made  no  distinction  between  fornication  and  adultery, 
both  being  equally  punished  with  death.  Yet  the  law  could  hardly  have 
been  enforced,  since  prostitutes  were  assigned,  or  at  least  allowed,  a 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  27 

Sun,  and  malediction  of  the  Inca, — offences,  indeed,  of  the 
same  complexion, — were  also  punished  with  death.  Removing 
landmarks,  turning  the  water  away  from  a  neighbour’s  land 
into  one’s  own,  burning  a  house,  were  all  severely  punished. 
To  burn  a  bridge  was  death.  The  Inca  allowed  no  obstacle 
to  those  facilities  of  communication  so  essential  to  the 
maintenance  of  public  order.  A  rebellious  city  or  province 
was  laid  waste,  and  its  inhabitants  exterminated.  Rebellion 
against  the  “  Child  of  the  Sun  ”  was  the  greatest  of  all  crimes.1 

The  simplicity  and  severity  of  the  Peruvian  code  may  be 
thought  to  infer  a  state  of  society  but  little  advanced ;  which 
had  few  of  those  complex  interests  and  relations  that  grow  up 
in  a  civilised  community,  and  which  had  not  proceeded  far 
enough  in  the  science  of  legislation  to  economise  human 
suffering  by  proportioning  penalties  to  crimes.  But  the 
Peruvian  institutions  must  be  regarded  from  a  different  point 
of  view  from  that  in  which  we  study  those  of  other  nations. 
The  laws  emanated  from  the  sovereign,  and  that  sovereign 
held  a  divine  commission,  and  was  possessed  of  a  divine 
nature.  To  violate  the  law,  was  not  only  to  insult  the  majesty 
of  the  throne,  but  it  was  sacrilege.  The  slightest  offence, 
viewed  in  this  light,  merited  death ;  and  the  gravest  could 
incur  no  heavier  penalty.2  Yet,  in  the  infliction  of  their 
punishments,  they  showed  no  unnecessary  cruelty ;  and  the 
sufferings  of  the  victim  were  not  prolonged  by  the  ingenious 
torments  so  frequent  among  barbarous  nations.3 

These  legislative  provisions  may  strike  us  as  very  defective, 
even  as  compared  with  those  of  the  semi-civilised  races  of 
Anahuac,  where  a  gradation  of  courts,  moreover,  with  the 

residence  in  the  suburbs  of  the  cities. — See  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte 
i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  xxxiv. 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxiii.  “I  los  traidores  entre  ellos 
llamava  aucaes,  i  esta  palabra  es  la  mas  abiltada  de  todas  quantas  pueden 
decir  aun  Indio  del  Piru,  que  quiere  decir  trairlor  a  su  senor.”  (Conq.  i 
Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.)  “  En  las  rebeliones  y  alzamientos  se  hi  cieron  los 
castigos  tan  asperos,  que  algunas  veces  asolaron  las  provincias  de  todos  los 
varones  de  edad,  sin  quedar  ninguno.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  “  El  castigo  era  riguroso,  que  por  la  mayor  parte  era  de  muerte,  por 
liviano  que  fuese  el  delito  ;  porque  decian,  que  no  los  castigavan  por  el 
delito  que  avian  hecho,  ni  por  la  ofensa  agena,  sino  por  aver  quebrantado 
el  mandamiento,  y  rompido  la  palabra  del  Inca,  que  lo  respetavan  como  & 
Dios. ” — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xii. 

3  One  of  the  punishments  most  frequent  for  minor  offences  was  to  carry 
a  stone  on  the  back.  A  punishment  attended  with  no  suffering  but  what 
aiises  from  the  disgrace  attached  to  it,  is  very  justly  characterised  by 
M'Culloch  as  a  proof  of  sensibility  and  refinement. 

28  Conquest  of  Peru 

right  of  appeal,  afforded  a  tolerable  security  for  justice.  But 
in  a  country  like  Peru,  where  few  but  criminal  causes  were 
known,  the  right  of  appeal  was  of  less  consequence.  The  law 
was  simple,  its  application  easy ;  and,  where  the  judge  was 
honest,  the  case  was  as  likely  to  be  determined  correctly  on 
the  first  hearing  as  on  the  second.  The  inspection  of  the 
board  of  visitors,  and  the  monthly  returns  of  the  tribunals, 
afforded  no  slight  guaranty  for  their  integrity.  The  law  which 
required  a  decision  within  five  days  would  seem  little  suited 
to  the  complex  and  embarrassing  litigation  of  a  modern 
tribunal.  But,  in  the  simple  questions  submitted  to  a  Peruvian 
judge,  delay  would  have  been  useless ;  and  the  Spaniards, 
familiar  with  the  evils  growing  out  of  long-protracted  suits, 
where  the  successful  litigant  is  too  often  a  ruined  man,  are 
loud  in  their  encomiums  of  this  swift-handed  and  economical 

The  fiscal  regulations  of  the  Incas,  and  the  laws  respecting 
property,  are  the  most  remarkable  features  in  the  Peruvian 
polity.  The  whole  territory  of  the  empire  was  divided  into 
three  parts,  one  for  the  Sun,  another  for  the  Inca,  and  the 
last  for  the  people.  Which  of  the  three  was  the  largest,  is 
doubtful.  The  proportions  differed  materially  in  different 
provinces.  The  distribution,  indeed,  was  made  on  the  same 
general  principle,  as  each  new  conquest  was  added  to  the 
monarchy ;  but  the  proportion  varied  according  to  the  amount 
of  population,  and  the  greater  or  less  amount  of  land 
consequently  required  for  the  support  of  the  inhabitants.2 

The  lands  assigned  to  the  Sun  furnished  a  revenue  to 
support  the  temples,  and  maintain  the  costly  ceremony  of 
the  Peruvian  worship  and  the  multitudinous  priesthood. 
Those  reserved  for  the  Inca  went  to  support  the  royal  state, 
as  well  as  the  numerous  members  of  his  household  and  his 

1  The  Royal  Audience  of  Peru  under  Phi! ip  II. — there  cannot  be  a 
higher  authority — bears  emphatic  testimony  to  the  cheap  and  efficient 
administration  of  justice  under  the  Incas.  “  De  suerte  que  los  vicios  eran 
bien  castigados  y  la  gente  estaba  bien  sujeta  y  obediente  ;  y  aunque  en  las 
dichas  penas  havia  esceso,  redundaba  en  buen  govierno  y  poiicia  suya,  y 

mediante  ella  eran  aumentados . Porque  los  Yndios  alababan  la 

governacion  del  Ynga,  y  aun  los  Espanoles  que  algo  alcanzan  de  ella,  es 
porque  todas  las  cosas  susodichas  se  determinaban  sin  hacerles  costas.” — 
Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

2  Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xv. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap. 
i.  “Si  estas  partes  fuesen  iguales,  o  qual  fuese  mayor,  yo  lo  ho  procurado 
averiguar  ;  y  en  unas  es  diferente  de  otras  ;  y  finalmte  yo  tengo  entendido 
que  se  hacia  conforme  d  la  disposicion  de  la  tierra  y  a  la  calidad  de  los 
Indios.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  29 

kindred,  and  supplied  the  various  exigencies  of  government 
The  remainder  of  the  lands  were  divided,  per  capita ,  in  equal 
shares  among  the  people.  It  was  provided  by  law,  as  we 
shall  see  hereafter,  that  every  Peruvian  should  marry  at  a 
certain  age.  When  this  event  took  place,  the  community  or 
district  in  which  he  lived  furnished  him  with  a  dwelling, 
which,  as  it  was  constructed  of  humble  materials,  was  done 
at  little  cost.  A  lot  of  land  was  then  assigned  to  him  sufficient 
for  his  own  maintenance  and  that  of  his  wife.  An  additional 
portion  was  granted  for  every  child*  the  amount  allowed  for  a 
son  being  the  double  of  that  for  a  daughter.  The  division  of 
the  soil  was  renewed  every  year,  and  the  possessions  of  the 
tenant  were  increased  or  diminished  according  to  the  numbers 
in  his  family.1  The  same  arrangement  was  observed  with 
reference  to  the  curacas,  except  only  that  a  domain  was 
assigned  to  them  corresponding  with  the  superior  dignity  of 
their  stations.2 

A  more  thorough  and  effectual  agrarian  law  than  this  cannot 
be  imagined.  In  other  countries  where  such  a  law  has  been 
introduced,  its  operation,  after  a  time,  has  given  way  to  the 
natural  order  of  events,  and,  under  the  superior  intelligence 
and  thrift  of  some  and  the  prodigality  of  others,  the  usual 
vicissitudes  of  fortune  have  been  allowed  to  take  their  course, 
and  restore  things  to  their  natural  inequality.  Even  the  iron 
law  of  Lycurgus  ceased  to  operate  after  a  time,  and  melted 
away  before  the  spirit  of  luxury  and  avarice.  The  nearest 
approach  to  the  Peruvian  constitution  was  probably  in  Judea, 
where,  on  the  recurrence  of  the  great  national  jubilee,  at  the 
close  of  every  half-century,  estates  reverted  to  their  original 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v. 
cap.  ii.  The  portion  granted  to  each  new-married  couple,  according  to 
Garcilasso,  was  a  fanega  and  a  half  of  land.  A  similar  quantity  was  added 
for  each  male  child  that  was  born,  and  half  of  the  quantity  for  each  female. 
The  fanega  was  as  much  land  as  could  be  planted  with  a  hundredweight  of 
Indian  corn.  In  the  fruitful  soil  of  Peru  this  was  a  liberal  allowance  for  a 

2  Ibid.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  iii.  It  is  singular,  that  while  so  much  is 
said  of  the  Inca  sovereign,  so  little  should  be  said  of  the  Inca  nobility,  of 
their  estates,  or  the  tenure  by  which  they  held  them.  Their  historian 
tells  us,  that  they  had  the  best  of  the  lands  wherever  they  resided,  besides 
the  interest  which  they  had  in  those  of  the  Sun  and  the  Inca,  as  children  of 
the  one,  and  kinsmen  of  the  other.  He  informs  us  also,  that  they  were 
supplied  from  the  royal  table  when  living  at  court.  (Lib.  vi.  cap.  iii.) 
But  this  is  very  loose  language.  The  student  of  history  will  learn  on  the 
threshold,  that  he  is  not  to  expect  precise,  or  even  very  consistent,  accounts 
of  the  institutions  of  a  barbarous  age  and  people,  from  contemporary 

30  Conquest  of  Peru 

proprietors.  There  was  this  important  difference  in  Peru,  that 
not  only  did  the  lease,  if  we  may  so  call  it,  terminate  with  the 
year,  but  during  that  period  the  tenant  had  no  power  to  alienate 
or  to  add  to  his  possessions.  The  end  of  the  brief  term  found 
him  in  precisely  the  same  condition  that  he  was  in  at  the 
beginning.  Such  a  state  of  things  might  be  supposed  to  be 
fatal  to  anything  like  attachment  to  the  soil,  or  to  that  desire 
of  improving  it,  which  is  natural  to  the  permanent  proprietor, 
and  hardly  less  so  to  the  holder  of  a  long  lease.  But  the 
practical  operation  of  the  law  seems  to  have  been  otherwise , 
and  it  is  probable,  that,  under  the  influence  of  that  love  cf 
order  and  aversion  to  change  which  marked  the  Peruvian 
institutions,  each  new  partition  of  the  soil  usually  confirmed 
the  occupant  in  his  possession,  and  the  tenant  for  a  year  was 
converted  into  a  proprietor  for  life. 

The  territory  was  cultivated  wholly  by  the  people.  The 
lands  belonging  to  the  Sun  were  first  attended  to.  They  next 
tilled  the  lands  of  the  old,  of  the  sick,  of  the  widow  and  the 
orphan,  and  of  soldiers  engaged  in  actual  service ;  in  short,  of 
all  that  part  of  the  community  who,  from  bodily  infirmity  or 
any  other  cause,  were  unable  to  attend  to  their  own  concerns. 
The  people  were  then  allowed  to  work  on  their  own  ground, 
each  man  for  himself,  but  with  the  general  obligation  to  assist 
his  neighbour,  when  any  circumstance — the  burden  of  a  young 
and  numerous  family,  for  example — might  demand  it.1  Lastly, 
they  cultivated  the  lands  of  the  Inca.  This  was  done  with 
great  ceremony  by  the  whole  population  in  a  body.  At  break 
of  day,  they  were  summoned  together  by  proclamation  from 
some  neighbouring  tower  or  eminence,  and  all  the  inhabitants 
of  the  district — men,  women,  and  children — appeared  dressed 
in  their  gayest  apparel,  bedecked  with  their  little  store  of  finery 
and  ornaments,  as  if  for  some  great  jubilee.  They  went 
through  the  labours  of  the  day  with  the  same  joyous  spirit, 
chanting  their  popular  ballads,  which  commemorated  the  heroic 
deeds  of  the  Incas,  regulating  their  movements  by  the  measure 
of  the  chant,  and  all  mingling  in  the  chorus,  of  which  the  word 
hailli ,  or  “  triumph/’  was  usually  the  burden.  These  national 
airs  had  something  soft  and  pleasing  in  their  character,  that 
recommended  them  to  the  Spaniards ;  and  many  a  Peruvian 
song  was  set  to  music  by  them  after  the  Conquest,  and  was 

1  Garcilasso  relates  that  an  Indian  was  hanged  by  Huayna  Capac  foi 
tilling  a  curaca’s  ground,  his  near  relation,  before  that  of  the  poor. 
The  gallows  was  erected  on  the  curaca’s  own  land. — Ibid.,  parte  i.  lib. 
v.  cap.  ii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  31 

listened  to  by  the  unfortunate  natives  with  melancholy  satisfac¬ 
tion,  as  it  called  up  recollections  of  the  past,  when  their  days 
glided  peacefully  away  under  the  sceptre  of  the  Incas.1 

A  similar  arrangement  prevailed  with  respect  to  the  different 
manufactures  as  to  the  agricultural  products  of  the  country. 
The  flocks  of  llamas,  or  Peruvian  sheep,  were  appropriated 
exclusively  to  the  Sun  and  to  the  Inca.2  Their  number  was 
immense.  They  were  scattered  over  the  different  provinces, 
chiefly  in  the  colder  regions  of  the  country,  where  they  were 
intrusted  to  the  care  of  experienced  shepherds,  who  conducted 
them  to  different  pastures  according  to  the  change  of  season. 
A  large  number  was  every  year  sent  to  the  capital  for  the 
consumption  of  the  court,  and  for  the  religious  festivals  and 
sacrifices.  But  these  were  only  the  males,  as  no  female  was 
allowed  to  be  killed.  The  regulations  for  the  care  and  breeding 
of  these  flocks  were  prescribed  with  the  greatest  minuteness, 
and  with  a  sagacity  which  excited  the  admiration  of  the 
Spaniards,  who  were  familiar  with  the  management  of  the  great 
migratory  flocks  of  merinos  in  their  own  country.3 

At  the  appointed  season  they  were  all  sheared,  and  the  wool 
was  deposited  in  the  public  magazines.  It  was  then  dealt  out 
to  each  family  in  such  quantities  as  sufficed  for  its  wants,  and 
was  consigned  to  the  female  part  of  the  household,  who  were 
well  instructed  in  the  business  of  spinning  and  weaving.  When 
this  labour  was  accomplished,  and  the  family  was  provided 
with  a  coarse  but  warm  covering,  suited  to  the  cold  climate  of 
the  mountains, — for,  in  the  lower  country,  cotton,  furnished  in 
like  manner  by  the  crown,  took  the  place,  to  a  certain  extent, 
of  wool, — the  people  were  required  to  labour  for  the  Inca. 
The  quantity  of  the  cloth  needed,  as  well  as  the  peculiar  kind 
and  quality  of  the  fabric,  was  first  determined  at  Cuzco.  The 
work,  was  then  apportioned  among  the  different  provinces. 
Officers,  appointed  for  the  purpose,  superintended  the  distribu¬ 
tion  of  the  wool,  so  that  the  manufacture  of  the  different 

1  Garcilasso,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  i.-iii. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.  MS. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  Yet  sometimes  the  sovereign  would 
recompense  some  great  chief,  or  even  some  one  among  the  people,  who 
had  rendered  him  a  service,  by  the  grant  of  a  small  number  of  llamas, — 
never  many.  These  were  not  to  be  disposed  of  or  killed  by  their  owners, 
but  descended  as  common  property  to  their  heirs.  This  strange  arrange¬ 
ment  proved  a  fruitful  source  of  litigation  after  the  Conquest. — Ibid., 
ubi  supra. 

3  See  especially  the  account  of  the  Licentiate  Ondegardo,  who  goes  into 
more  detail  than  any  contemporary  writer  concerning  the  management  o  1 
the  Peruvian  flocks. — Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

32  Conquest  of  Peru 

articles  should  be  intrusted  to  the  most  competent  hands.1 
They  did  not  leave  the  matter  here,  but  entered  the  dwellings, 
from  time  to  time,  and  saw  that  the  work  was  faithfully 
executed.  This  domestic  inquisition  was  not  confined  to  the 
labours  for  the  Inca ;  it  included,  also,  those  for  the  several 
families ;  and  care  was  taken  that  each  household  should 
employ  the  materials  furnished  for  its  own  use  in  the  manner 
that  was  intended,  so  that  no  one  should  be  unprovided  with 
necessary  apparel.2  In  this  domestic  labour  all  the  female 
part  of  the  establishment  was  expected  to  join.  Occupation 
was  found  for  all,  from  the  child  five  years  old  to  the  aged 
matron  not  too  infirm  to  hold  a  distaff.  No  one,  at  least  none 
but  the  decrepit  and  the  sick,  was  allowed  to  eat  the  bread  of 
idleness  in  Peru.  Idleness  was  a  crime  in  the  eye  of  the  law, 
and,  as  such,  severely  punished ;  while  industry  was  publicly 
commended  and  stimulated  by  rewards.3 

The  like  course  was  pursued  with  reference  to  the  other 
requisitions  of  the  government.  All  the  mines  in  the  kingdom 
belonged  to  the  Inca.  They  were  wrought  exclusively  for  his 
benefit,  by  persons  familiar  with  this  service,  and  selected  from 
the  districts  where  the  mines  were  situated.4  Every  Peruvian 
of  the  lower  class  was  a  husbandman,  and,  with  the  exception 
of  those  already  specified,  was  expected  to  provide  for  his  own 
support  by  the  cultivation  of  his  land.  A  small  portion  of  the 
community,  however,  was  instructed  in  mechanical  arts  :  some 
of  them  of  the  more  elegant  kind,  subservient  to  the  purposes 
of  luxury  and  ornament.  The  demand  for  these  was  chiefly 
limited  to  the  sovereign  and  his  court ;  but  the  labour  of  a 
larger  number  of  hands  was  exacted  for  the  execution  of  the 
great  public  works  which  covered  the  land.  The  nature  and 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim,  et  Seg.,  MSS.  The  manufacture  of  cloths  for 
the  Inca  included  those  for  the  numerous  persons  of  the  blood  royal,  who 
wore  garments  of  a  finer  texture  than  was  permitted  to  any  other  Peruvian. 
— Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  vi. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xv. 

s  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v. 
cap.  xi. 

4  Garcilasso  would  have  us  believe  that  the  Inca  was  indebted  to  the 
curacas  for  his  gold  and  silver,  which  were  furnished  by  the  great  vassals  as 
presents. — (Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  vii. )  This  improbable  state¬ 
ment  is  contradicted  by  the  Report  of  the  Royal  Audience,  MS.,  by 
Sarmiento,  (Relacion,  MS.,  cap  xv.,)and  by  Ondegardo,  (Rel.  Prim.,  MS.,) 
who  all  speak  of  the  mines  as  the  property  of  the  government,  and  wrought 
exclusively  for  its  benefit.  From  this  reservoir,  the  proceeds  were  liberally 
dispensed  in  the  form  of  presents  among  the  great  lords,  and  still  more  for 
the  embellishment  of  the  temples. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  33 

amount  of  the  services  required  were  all  determined  at  Cuzco 
by  commissioners  well  instructed  in  the  resources  of  the 
country,  and  in  the  character  of  the  inhabitants  of  different 


This  information  was  obtained  by  an  admirable  regulation, 
which  has  scarcely  a  counterpart  in  the  annals  of  a  semi-civilised 
people.  A  register  was  kept  of  all  the  births  and  deaths 
throughout  the  country,  and  exact  returns  of  the  actual  popula¬ 
tion  were  made  to  government  every  year,  by  means  of  the 
quipus ,  a  curious  invention,  which  will  be  explained  hereafter.2 
At  certain  intervals,  also,  a  general  survey  of  the  country  was 
made,  exhibiting  a  complete  view  of  the  character  of  the  soil, 
its  fertility,  the  nature  of  its  products,  both  agricultural  and 
mineral — in  short,  of  all  that  constituted  the  physical  resources 
of  the  empire.3  Furnished  with  these  statistical  details,  it  was 
easy  for  the  government,  after  determining  the  amount  of 
requisitions,  to  distribute  the  work  among  the  respective 
provinces  best  qualified  to  execute  it.  The  task  of  apportion¬ 
ing  the  labour  was  assigned  to  the  local  authorities,  and  great 
care  was  taken  that  it  should  be  done  in  such  a  manner,  that 
while  the  most  competent  hands  were  selected,  it  should  not 
fall  disproportionately  heavy  on  any.4 

The  different  provinces  of  the  country  furnished  persons 
peculiarly  suited  to  different  employments,  which,  as  we  shall 
see  hereafter,  usually  descended  from  father  to  son.  Thus, 
one  district  supplied  those  most  skilled  in  working  the  mines, 
another  the  most  curious  workers  in  metals  or  in  wood,  and 
so  on.5  The  artisan  was  provided  by  government  with  the 
materials ;  and  no  one  was  required  to  give  more  than  a 
stipulated  portion  of  his  time  to  the  public  service.  He  was 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  xiii.-xvi. — Ondegardo,  Rel. 
Prim,  et  Seg.,  MSS. 

2  Montesinos,  Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vi. — Pedro  Pizarro, 
Relacion  del  Descubrimiento  y  Conquista  de  los  Reynos  del  Peru,  MS. 
“  Cada  provincia,  en  fin  del  ano,  mandava  asentar  en  los  quipos,  por  la 
cuenta  de  sus  nudes,  todos  los  hombres  que  habian  muerto  en  ella  en  aquel 
ano,  y  por  el  consiguiente  los  que  habian  nacido,  y  por  principio  del  ano 
que  entraba,  venian  con  los  quipos  al Cuzco.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS., 
cap.  xvi. 

3  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xiv. 

4  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Sarmiento,  Rel.,  MS.,  cap.  xv. 
“  Tresupuesta  y  entendida  la  dicha  division  que  el  Inga  tenia  hecha  de  su 
gente,  y  orden  que  tenia  puesta  en  el  govierno  de  ella,  era  muy  facil  haver la 
en  la  division  y  cobranza  de  los  dichos  tributos  ;  porque  era  claro  y  cierto 
Io  que  a  cada  uno  cabia  sin  que  hubiese  desigualdad  ni  engano.” — Dec.  de 
la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

5  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xv. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

*C  301 

34  Conquest  of  Peru 

then  succeeded  by  another  for  the  like  term  :  and  it  should 
be  observed,  that  all  who  were  engaged  in  the  employment  of 
the  government — and  the  remark  applies  equally  to  agricultural 
labour — were  maintained,  for  the  time,  at  the  public  expense.1 
By  this  constant  rotation  of  labour,  it  was  intended  that  no  one 
should  be  overburdened,  and  that  each  man  should  have  time 
to  provide  for  the  demands  of  his  own  household.  It  was 
impossible,  in  the  judgment  of  a  high  Spanish  authority,  to 
improve  on  the  system  of  distribution,  so  carefully  was  it 
accommodated  to  the  condition  and  comfort  of  the  artisan.2 
The  security  of  the  working  classes  seems  to  have  been  ever 
kept  in  view  in  the  regulations  of  the  government ;  and  these 
were  so  discreetly  arranged,  that  the  most  wearing  and  un¬ 
wholesome  labours,  as  those  of  the  mines,  occasioned  no 
detriment  to  the  health  of  the  labourer, — a  s  riking  contrast  to 
his  subsequent  condition  under  the  Spanish  rule.3 

A  part  of  the  agricultural  produce  and  manufactures  was 
transported  to  Cuzco,  to  minister  to  the  immediate  demands 
of  the  Inca  and  his  court.  But  far  the  greater  part  was  stored 
in  magazines  scattered  over  the  different  provinces.  These 
spacious  buildings,  constructed  of  stone,  were  divided  between 
the  Sun  and  the  Inca,  though  the  greater  share  seems  to  have 
been  appropriated  by  the  monarch.  By  a  wise  regulation,  any 
deficiency  in  the  contributions  of  the  Inca  might  be  supplied 
from  the  granaries  of  the  Sun.4  But  such  a  necessity  could 
rarely  have  happened;  and  the  providence  of  the  government 
usually  left  a  large  surplus  in  the  royal  depositories,  which  was 
removed  to  a  third  class  of  magazines,  whose  design  was  to 
supply  the  people  in  seasons  of  scarcity,  and  occasionally,  to 
furnish  relief  to  individuals  whom  sickness  or  misfortune  had 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v. 
cap.  v. 

2  “  Y  tambien  se  tenia  cuentaque  el  trabajo  que  pasavan  fuese  moderado, 

y  con  el  menos  riesgo  que  fuese  posible . Era  tanta  la  orden  que 

tuvieron  estos  Indios,  que  a  mi  parecer,  aunque  muclio  se  piense  en  ello,  seria 
aifficultoso  mejorarla  conocida  su  condicion  y  costumbres.” — Ondegardo, 
Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

3  “The  working  of  the  mines,”  says  the  President  of  the  Council  of  the 
Indies,  “  was  so  regulated,  that  no  one  felt  it  a  hardship,  much  less  was 
his  life  shortened  by  it.” — (Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xv.)  It  is  a 
frank  admission  for  a  Spaniard. 

4  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v,  cap.  xxxiv.  —  Ondegardo,  Rel. 
Prim.,  MS.  “E  asi  esta  parte  del  Inga  no  hay  duda  sino  que  de  todas 
tres  era  la  mayor,  y  en  los  despositos  se  parece  bien  que  yo  vi.dt6  muchos 
en  diferentes  partes,  e  son  mayores  e  mas  largos  que  no  los  de  su  religion 
sin  comparacion.” — Idem,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  35 

reduced  to  poverty ;  thus,  in  a  manner,  justifying  the  assertion 
of  a  Castilian  document,  that  a  large  portion  of  the  revenues 
of  the  Inca  found  its  way  back  again,  through  one  channel  or 
another,  into  the  hands  of  the  people.1  These  magazines 
were  found  by  the  Spaniards,  on  their  arrival,  stored  with  all 
the  various  products  and  manufactures  of  the  country — with 
maize,  coca ,  quinua ,  woollen  and  cotton  stuffs  of  the  finest 
quality,  with  vases  and  utensils  of  gold,  silver,  and  copper ;  in 
short,  with  every  article  of  luxury  or  use  within  the  compass  of 
Peruvian  skill.2  The  magazines  of  grain,  in  particular,  would 
frequently  have  sufficed  for  the  consumption  of  the  adjoining 
district  for  several  years.3  An  inventory  of  the  various  products 
of  the  country,  and  the  quarters  whence  they  were  obtained, 
was  every  year  taken  by  the  royal  officers,  and  recorded  by  the 
quipucamayus  on  their  registers,  with  surprising  regularity  and 
precision.  These  registers  were  transmitted  to  the  capital,  and 
submitted  to  the  Inca,  who  could  thus  at  a  glance,  as  it  were, 
embrace  the  whole  results  of  the  national  industry,  and  see  how 
far  they  corresponded  with  the  requisitions  of  government.4 

Such  are  some  of  the  most  remarkable  features  of  the 
Peruvian  institutions  relating  to  property,  as  delineated  by 
writers  who,  however  contradictory  in  the  details,  have  a 
general  conformity  of  outline.  These  institutions  are  certainly 
so  remarkable,  that  it  is  hardly  credible  they  should  ever  have 
been  enforced  throughout  a  great  empire,  and  for  a  long 
period  of  years.  Yet  we  have  the  most  unequivocal  testimony 
to  the  fact  from  the  Spaniards,  who  landed  in  Peru  in  time 

1  “Todos  los  dichos  tributos  y  servicios  que  el  Inga  imponia  y  llevaba 
como  dicho  es  eran  con  color  y  para  efecto  del  govierno  y  pro  comun  de 
todos,  asi  como  lo  que  se  ponia  en  depositos  todo  se  combertia  y  distribuia 
entre  los  mismos  naturales.” — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

2  Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xv.  “No  podre  decir,  ”  says  one  of  the  conquerors, 
“los  depositos.  Vide  de  rropas  y  de  todos  generos  de  rropas  y  vestidos 
que  en  este  reino  se  hacian  y  vsavan  que  faltava  tiempo  para  vello  y 
entendimiento  para  comprender  tanta  cosa,  muchos  depositos  de  barretas 
de  cobre  para  las  minas,  y  de  costales  y  sogas,  de  vasos  de  palo  y  platos 
del  oro  y  plata,  que  aqui  se  hallo  hera  cosa  despanto.” — Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

3  For  ten  years,  sometimes,  if  we  may  credit  Ondegardo,  who  had  every 
means  of  knowing.  “  E  ansi  cuando  n6  era  menester  se  estaba  en  los 

depositos  e  habia  algunas  vezes  comida  de  diez  anos . Los  cuales 

todos  se  hallaron  llenos  cuando  llegaron  los  Espanoles  desto  y  de  todos  las 
cosas  necesarias  para  la  vida  humana.” — Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

4  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  “  Por  tanta  orden  e  cuenta  que  seria 
dificultoso  creerlo  ni  darlo  a  entender  como  ellos  lo  tienen  en  su  cuenta  b 
por  registros  e  por  menudo  lo  manifestaron  que  se  pudiera  por  estenso.”— 
Idem,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

36  Conquest  of  Peru 

to  witness  their  operation ;  some  of  whom,  men  of  high 
judicial  station  and  character,  were  commissioned  by  the 
government  to  make  investigations  into  the  state  of  the 
country  under  its  ancient  rulers. 

The  impositions  on  the  Peruvian  people  seem  to  have  been 
sufficiently  heavy.  On  them  rested  the  whole  burden  of 
maintaining,  not  only  their  own  order,  but  every  other  order 
in  the  state.  The  members  of  the  royal  house,  the  great 
nobles,  even  the  public  functionaries,  and  the  numerous  body 
of  the  priesthood,  were  all  exempt  from  taxation.1  The  whole 
duty  of  defraying  the  expenses  of  the  government  belonged  to 
the  people.  Yet  this  was  not  materially  different  from  the 
condition  of  things  formerly  existing  in  most  parts  of  Europe, 
where  the  various  privileged  classes  claimed  exemption — not 
always  with  success,  indeed — from  bearing  part  of  the  public 
burdens.  The  great  hardship  in  the  case  of  the  Peruvian  was, 
that  he  could  not  better  his  condition.  His  labours  were  for 
others  rather  than  for  himself.  However  industrious,  he  could 
not  add  a  rood  to  his  own  possessions,  nor  advance  himself 
one  hair’s  breadth  in  the  social  scale.  The  great  and  universal 
motive  to  honest  industry,  that  of  bettering  one’s  lot,  was  lost 
upon  him.  The  great  law  of  human  progress  was  not  for  him. 
As  he  was  born,  so  he  was  to  die.  Even  his  time  he  could 
not  properly  call  his  own.  Without  money,  with  little  property 
of  any  kind,  he  paid  his  taxes  in  labour.2  No  wonder  that  the 
government  should  have  dealt  with  sloth  as  a  crime.  It  was  a 
crime  against  the  state,  and  to  be  wasteful  of  time  was,  in  a 
manner,  to  rob  the  exchequer.  The  Peruvian,  labouring  all 
his  life  for  others,  might  be  compared  to  the  convict  in  a 
treadmill,  going  the  same  dull  round  of  incessant  toil,  with  the 
consciousness,  that,  however  profitable  the  results  to  the  state, 
they  were  nothing  to  him. 

But  this  is  the  dark  side  of  the  picture.  If  no  man  could 
become  rich  in  Peru,  no  man  could  become  poor.  No 
spendthrift  could  waste  his  substance  in  riotous  luxury.  No 
adventurous  schemer  could  impoverish  his  family  by  the  spirit 
of  speculation.  The  law  was  constantly  directed  to  enforce 
a  steady  industry  and  a  sober  management  of  his  affairs.  No 
mendicant  was  tolerated  in  Peru.  When  a  man  was  reduced 
by  poverty  or  misfortune,  (it  could  hardly  be  by  fault,)  the 
arm  of  the  law  was  stretched  out  to  minister  relief ;  not  the 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap  xv. 

2  “  Solo  el  trabajo  de  las  personas  era  el  tnbuto  que  se  dava,  porque 
ellos  no  poseian  otra  cosa.” — Ondejjardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas 


stinted  relief  of  private  charity,  nor  that  which  is  doled  out 
drop  by  drop,  as  it  were,  from  the  frozen  reservoirs  of  “  the 
parish,”  but  in  generous  measure,  bringing  no  humiliation 
to  the  object  of  it,  and  placing  him  on  a  level  with  the  rest 
of  his  countrymen.1 

No  man  could  be  rich,  no  man  could  be  poor,  in  Peru ;  but 
all  might  enjoy,  and  did  enjoy,  a  competence.  Ambition, 
avarice,  the  love  of  change,  the  morbid  spirit  of  discontent, 
those  passions  which  most  agitate  the  minds  of  men,  found  no 
place  in  the  bosom  of  the  Peruvian.  The  very  condition  of 
his  being  seemed  to  be  at  war  with  change.  He  moved 
on  in  the  same  unbroken  circle  in  which  his  fathers  had 
moved  before  him,  and  in  which  his  children  were  to  follow. 
It  was  the  object  of  the  Incas  to  infuse  into  their  subjects  a 
spirit  of  passive  obedience  and  tranquillity, — a  perfect  acquies¬ 
cence  in  the  established  order  of  things.  In  this  they  fully 
succeeded.  The  Spaniards  who  first  visited  the  country  are 
emphatic  in  their  testimony,  that  no  government  could  have 
been  better  suited  to  the  genius  of  the  people  ;  and  no  people 
could  have  appeared  more  contented  with  their  lot,  or  more 
devoted  to  their  government.2 

Those  who  may  distrust  the  accounts  of  Peruvian  industry, 
will  find  their  doubts  removed  on  a  visit  to  the  country.  The 
traveller  still  meets,  especially  in  the  central  regions  of  the 
table-land,  with  memorials  of  the  past,  remains  of  temples, 
palaces,  fortresses,  terraced  mountains,  great  military  roads, 
aqueducts,  and  other  public  works,  which,  whatever  degree  of 
science  they  may  display  in  their  execution,  astonish  him  by 
their  number,  the  massive  character  of  the  materials,  and  the 
grandeur  of  the  design.  Among  them,  perhaps,  the  most 

1  “  Era  tanta  la  orden  que  tenia  en  todos  sus  reinos  y  provincias,  que  no 
consentia  haver  ningun  Indio  pobre  ni  menesteroso,  porque  ha  via  orden  i 
formas  para  ello  sin  que  los  pueblos  reciviesen  vexacion  ni  molestia,  porque 
el  Inga  lo  suplia  de  sus  tributos.”  (Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.)  The 
Licentiate  Ondegardo  sees  only  a  device  of  Saian  in  these  provisions  of  the 
Peruvian  law,  by  which  the  old,  the  infirm,  and  the  poor  were  rendered, 
in  a  manner,  independent  of  their  children  and  those  nearest  of  kin,  on 
whom  they  would  naturally  have  leaned  for  support ;  no  surer  way  to 
harden  the  heart,  he  considers,  than  by  thus  disengaging  it  from  the 
sympathies  of  humanity  ;  and  no  circumstance  has  done  more,  he  concludes, 
to  counteract  the  influence  and  spread  of  Christianity  among  the  natives. — 
(Rel.  Seg.,  MS.)  The  views  are  ingenious;  but,  in  a  country  where  the 
people  had  no  property,  as  in  Peru,  there  would  seem  to  be  no  alternative 
for  the  supernumeraries,  but  to  receive  support  from  government  or  to 

'*  Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xii.  xv. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  x. 

38  Conquest  of  Peru 

remarkable  are  the  great  roads,  the  broken  remains  of  which 
are  still  in  sufficient  preservation  to  attest  their  former  magnifi¬ 
cence.  There  were  many  of  these  roads  traversing  different 
parts  of  the  kingdom  ;  but  the  most  considerable  were  the  two 
which  extended  from  Quito  to  Cuzco,  and,  again  diverging  from 
the  capital,  continued  in  a  southern  direction  towards  Chili. 

One  of  these  roads  passed  over  the  grand  plateau,  and  the 
other  along  the  lowlands  on  the  borders  of  the  ocean.  The  former 
was  much  the  more  difficult  achievement,  from  the  character  of 
the  country.  It  was  conducted  over  pathless  sierras  buried  in 
snow  ;  galleries  were  cut  for  leagues  through  the  living  rock  ; 
rivers  were  crossed  by  means  of  bridges  that  swung  suspended 
in  the  air  ;  precipices  were  scaled  by  stairways  hewn  out  of  the 
native  bed  ;  ravines  of  hideous  depth  were  filled  up  with  solid 
masonry  ;  in  short,  all  the  difficulties  that  beset  a  wild  and 
mountainous  region,  and  which  might  appal  the  most  courageous 
engineer  of  modern  times,  were  encountered  and  successfully 
overcome.  The  length  of  the  road,  of  which  scattered  frag¬ 
ments  only  remain,  is  variously  estimated  from  fifteen  hundred 
to  two  thousand  miles  ;  and  stone  pillars,  in  the  manner  of 
European  mile-stones,  were  erected  at  stated  intervals  of  some¬ 
what  more  than  a  league,  all  along  the  route.  Its  breadth 
scarcely  exceeded  twenty  feet.1  It  was  built  of  heavy  flags 
of  freestone,  and  in  some  parts,  at  least,  covered  with  a  bitu¬ 
minous  cement,  which  time  has  made  harder  than  the  stone 
itself.  In  some  places  where  the  ravines  had  been  filled  up 
with  masonry,  the  mountain  torrents,  wearing  on  it  for  ages, 
have  gradually  eaten  awTay  through  the  base,  and  left  the  super¬ 
incumbent  mass — such  is  the  cohesion  of  the  materials  still 
spanning  the  valley  like  an  arch  ! 2 

1  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS.  “  Este  camino,  hecho  por  valles  ondos, 
y  por  sierras  alias,  por  montes  de  nieve,  por  tremedales  de  agua,  y  por 
pena  viva,  y  junto  a  rios  furiosos  por  estas  partes,  y  ballano  y  empedrado 
por  las  laderas,  bien  sacado  por  las  sierras,  deshechado,  por  las  penas 
socavado,  por  junto  a  los  rios  sus  paredes,  entre  nieves  con  escalones  y 
descanso,  por  todas  partes  limpio  barrido  descombrado,  lleno  de  aposentos, 
de  depositos  de  tesoros,  de  templos  del  Sol,  de  postas  que  havia  en  este 
camino.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lx. 

2  “On  avait  comble  les  vides  et  les  ravins  par  de  grandes  masses  de 
mai^onnerie.  Les  torrents,  qui  descendent  des  hauteurs  apres  des  pluies 
abondantes,  avaient  creuse  les  endroits  les  moins  solides,  et  s’etaieni  fraye  line 
voie  sous  le  chemin,  le  laissant  ainsi  suspendu  en  1’air,  comme  un  pont  fait 
d’une  seule  piece.”  (Velasco,  Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  p.  206.)  This  writer 
speaks  from  personal  observation,  having  examined  and  measured  different 
parts  of  the  road  in  the  latter  part  of  the  last  century.  The  Spanish  scholar 
will  find  in  Appendix ,  No.  2,  an  animated  description  of  this  magnificent 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  39 

Over  some  of  the  boldest  streams  it  was  necessary  to  con¬ 
struct  suspension-bridges,  as  they  are  termed,  made  of  the 
tough  fibres  of  the  maguey ,  or  of  the  osier  of  the  country,  which 
has  an  extraordinary  degree  of  tenacity  and  strength.  These 
osiers  were  woven  into  cables  of  the  thickness  of  a  man’s  body. 
The  huge  ropes,  then  stretched  across  the  water,  were  conducted 
through  rings  or  holes  cut  in  immense  buttresses  of  stone 
raised  on  the  opposite  banks  of  the  river,  and  there  secured  to 
heavy  pieces  of  timber.  Several  of  these  enormous  cables, 
bound  together,  formed  a  bridge,  which,  covered  with  planks, 
well  secured  and  defended  by  a  railing  of  the  same  osier 
materials  on  the  sides,  afforded  a  safe  passage  for  the  traveller. 
The  length  of  this  aerial  bridge,  sometimes  exceeding  two 
hundred  feet,  caused  it,  confined  as  it  was  only  at  the  ex¬ 
tremities,  to  dip  with  an  alarming  inclination  towards  the  centre, 
while  the  motion  given  to  it  by  the  passenger  occasioned  an 
oscillation  still  more  frightful,  as  his  eye  wandered  over  the 
dark  abyss  of  waters  that  foamed  and  tumbled  many  a  fathom 
beneath.  Yet  these  light  and  fragile  fabrics  were  crossed  with¬ 
out  fear  by  the  Peruvians,  and  are  still  retained  by  the  Spani¬ 
ards  over  those  streams  which,  from  the  depth  or  impetuosity 
of  the  current,  would  seem  impracticable  for  the  usual  modes 
of  conveyance.  The  wider  and  more  tranquil  waters  were 
crossed  on  balsas — a  kind  of  raft  still  much  used  by  the  natives 
— to  which  sails  were  attached,  furnishing  the  only  instance  of 
this  higher  kind  of  navigation  among  the  American  Indians.1 

The  other  great  road  of  the  Incas  lay  through  the  level 
country  between  the  Andes  and  the  ocean.  It  was  constructed 
in  a  different  manner,  as  demanded  by  the  nature  of  the  ground, 
which  was  for  the  most  part  low,  and  much  of  it  sandy.  The 
causeway  was  raised  on  a  high  embankment  of  earth,  and 
defended  on  either  side  by  a  parapet  or  wall  of  clay  ;  and  trees 
and  odoriferous  shrubs  were  planted  along  the  margin,  regaling 
the  sense  of  the  traveller  with  their  perfumes,  and  refreshing 
him  by  their  shades,  so  grateful  under  the  burning  sky  of  the 
tropics.  In  the  strips  of  sandy  waste  which  occasionally  inter¬ 
vened,  where  the  light  and  volatile  soil  was  incapable  of 
sustaining  a  road,  huge  piles,  many  of  them  to  be  seen  at  this 

work,  and  of  the  obstacles  encountered  in  the  execution  of  it,  in  a  passage 
borrowed  from  Sarmiento,  who  saw  it  in  the  days  of  the  Incas. 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  vii.  A  particular  account 
of  these  bridges,  as  they  are  still  to  be  seen  in  different  parts  of  Peru,  may 
be  found  in  Humboldt.  (Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  230,  et  seq.)  The  balsai 
are  described  with  equal  minuteness  by  Stevenson. — Residence  in  America, 
vol.  ii.  p.  2 22,  et  seq. 

40  Conquest  of  Peru 

day,  were  driven  into  the  ground,  to  indicate  the  route  to  the 

All  along  these  highways,  caravanseries,  or  tambos ,  as  they 
were  called,  were  erected,  at  the  distance  of  ten  or  twelve  miles 
from  each  other,  for  the  accommodation,  more  particularly,  of 
the  Inca  and  his  suite,  and  those  who  journeyed  on  the  public 
business.  There  were  few  other  travellers  in  Peru.  Some  of 
these  buildings  were  on  an  extensive  scale,  consisting  of  a 
fortress,  barracks,  and  other  military  works,  surrounded  by  a 
parapet  of  stone,  and  covering  a  large  tract  of  ground.  These 
were  evidently  destined  for  the  accommodation  of  the  imperial 
armies,  when  on  their  march  across  the  country.  The  care  of 
the  great  roads  was  committed  to  the  districts  through  which 
they  passed,  and  a  large  number  of  hands  was  constantly  em¬ 
ployed  under  the  Incas  to  keep  them  in  repair.  This  was  the 
more  easily  done  in  a  country  where  the  mode  of  travelling  was 
altogether  on  foot ;  though  the  roads  are  said  to  have  been  so 
nicely  constructed,  that  a  carriage  might  have  rolled  over  them 
as  securely  as  cn  any  of  the  great  roads  of  Europe.2  Still,  in  a 
region  where  the  elements  of  fire  and  water  are  both  actively  at 
work  in  the  business  of  destruction,  they  must,  without  constant 
supervision,  have  gradually  gone  to  decay.  Such  has  been 
their  fate  under  the  Spanish  conquerors,  who  took  no  care  to 
enforce  the  admirable  system  for  their  preservation  adopted  by 
the  Incas.  Yet  the  broken  portions  that  still  survive,  here  and 
there,  like  the  fragments  of  the  great  Roman  roads  scattered 
over  Europe,  bear  evidence  to  their  primitive  grandeur,  and 
have  drawn  forth  the  eulogium  from  a  discriminating  traveller, 
usually  not  too  profuse  in  his  panegyric,  “  that  the  roads  of  the 
Incas  were  among  the  most  useful  and  stupendous  works  ever 
executed  by  man.”3 

The  system  of  communication  through  their  dominions  was 
still  further  improved  by  the  Peruvian  sovereigns,  by  the 

1  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  lx. — Relacion  del  Primer  Descubrimiento 
de  la  Costa  y  Mar  del  Sur,  MS.  This  anonymous  document  of  one  of  the 
early  conquerors  contains  a  minute  and  probably  trustworthy  account  of  both 
the  high-roads,  which  the  writer  saw  in  their  glory,  and  which  he  ranks 
among  the  greatest  wonders  of  the  world. 

2  Relacion  del  Primer  Descub.,  MS. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  xxxvii. 
— Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xi. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte 
i.  lib.  ix.  cap.  xiii. 

3  “  Cette  chaussee,  bord^e  de  grandes  pierres  de  taille,  peut  etre  com- 
paree  aux  plus  belles  routes  des  Remains  que  j’aie  vues  en  Italie,  en  France, 

et  en  Espagne . Le  grand  chemin  de  lTnca,  un  desouvrages  les  plus 

utiles,  et  en  meme  temps  des  plus  gigantesques  que  les  hommes  aient 
execute.” — Humboldt,  Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  294. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  41 

introduction  of  posts,  in  the  same  manner  as  was  done  by  the 
Aztecs.  The  Peruvian  posts,  however,  established  on  all  the 
great  routes  that  conducted  to  the  capital,  were  on  a  much 
more  extended  plan  than  those  in  Mexico.  All  along  these 
routes  small  buildings  were  erected,  at  the  distance  of  less 
than  five  miles  asunder,1  in  each  of  which  a  number  of  runners, 
or  chasquis ,  as  they  were  called,  were  stationed,  to  carry  forward 
the  despatches  of  government.2  These  despatches  were  either 
verbal  or  conveyed  by  means  of  quipus,  and  sometimes  accom¬ 
panied  by  a  thread  of  the  crimson  fringe  worn  round  the 
temples  of  the  Inca,  which  was  regarded  with  the  same 
implicit  deference  as  the  signet  ring  of  an  Oriental  despot.3 

The  chasquis  were  dressed  in  a  peculiar  livery,  intimating 
their  profession.  They  were  all  trained  to  the  employment, 
and  selected  for  their  speed  and  fidelity.  As  the  distance 
each  courier  had  to  perform  was  small,  and  as  he  had  ample 
time  to  refresh  himself  at  the  stations,  they  ran  over  the 
ground  with  great  swiftness,  and  messages  were  carried  through 
the  whole  extent  of  the  long  routes,  at  the  rate  of  a  hundred 
and  fifty  miles  a  day.  The  office  of  the  chasquis  was  not 
limited  to  carrying  despatches.  They  frequently  brought 
various  articles  for  the  use  of  the  court ;  and  in  this  way,  fish 
from  the  distant  ocean,  fruits,  game,  and  different  commodities 
from  the  hot  regions  on  the  coast,  were  taken  to  the  capital 
in  good  condition,  and  served  fresh  at  the  royal  table.4  It  is 
remarkable  that  this  important  institution  should  have  been 
known  to  both  the  Mexicans  and  Peruvians  without  any 
correspondence  with  one  another;  and  that  it  should  have 
been  found  among  two  barbarian  nations  of  the  New  World, 

1  The  distance  between  the  post-houses  is  variously  stated  ;  most  writers 
not  estimating  it  at  more  than  three-fourths  of  a  league.  I  have  preferred 
the  authority  of  Ondegardo,  who  usually  writes  with  more  conscientiousness 
and  knowledge  of  his  ground  than  most  of  his  contemporaries. 

2  The  term  chasqui ,  according  to  Montesinos,  signifies  “one  that 
receives  a  thing.”  (Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  cap.  vii.)  But  Garcilasso,  a 
better  authority  for  his  own  tongue,  says  it  meant  “  one  who  makes  an 
exchange.” — Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  viii. 

3  “Con  vn  hilo  de  esta  borla,  entregado  d  uno  de  aquellos  Orejones, 
governaban  la  tierra,  i  proveian  lo  que  querian  con  maior  obediencia,  que 
en  ninguna  provincia  del  mundo  se  ha  visto  tener  a  las  provissiones  de  su 
Rei.” — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  ix. 

4  Sarmiento,  R.elacion,  MS.,  cap.  xviii. — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 
If  we  may  trust  Montesinos,  the  royal  table  was  served  with  fish,  taken  a 
hundred  leagues  from  the  capital,  in  twenty-four  hours  after  it  was  drawn 
from  the  ocean  !  (Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vii.)  This  is  rather 
too  expeditious  for  anything  but  rail-cars. 

42  Conquest  of  Peru 

long  before  it  was  introduced  among  the  civilised  nations  of 

By  these  wise  contrivances  of  the  Incas,  the  most  distant 
parts  of  the  long-extended  empire  of  Peru  were  brought  into 
intimate  relations  with  each  other.  And  while  the  capitals  of 
Christendom,  but  a  few  hundred  miles  apart,  remained  as  far 
asunder  as  if  seas  had  rolled  between  them,  the  great  capitals 
Cuzco  and  Quito  were  placed  by  the  high-roads  of  the  Incas 
in  immediate  correspondence.  Intelligence  from  the  numerous 
provinces  was  transmitted  on  the  wings  of  the  wind  to  the 
Peruvian  metropolis,  the  great  focus  to  which  all  the  lines  of 
communication  converged.  Not  an  insurrectionary  movement 
could  occur,  not  an  invasion  on  the  remotest  frontier,  before 
the  tidings  were  conveyed  to  the  capital,  and  the  imperial 
armies  were  on  their  march  across  the  magnificent  roads  of 
the  country  to  suppress  it.  So  admirable  was  the  machinery 
contrived  by  the  American  despots  for  maintaining  tranquillity 
throughout  their  dominions  !  It  may  remind  us  of  the  similar 
institutions  of  ancient  Rome,  when,  under  the  Caesars,  she 
was  mistress  of  half  the  world. 

A  principal  design  of  the  great  roads  was  to  serve  the 
purposes  of  military  communication.  It  formed  an  important 
item  of  their  military  policy,  which  is  quite  as  well  worth 
studying  as  their  municipal. 

Notwithstanding  the  pacific  professions  of  the  Incas,  and 
the  pacific  tendency,  indeed,  of  their  domestic  institutions, 
they  were  constantly  at  war.  It  was  by  war  that  their  paltry 
territory  had  been  gradually  enlarged  to  a  powerful  empire. 
When  this  was  achieved,  the  capital,  safe  in  its  central  position, 
was  no  longer  shaken  by  these  military  movements,  and  the 
country  enjoyed,  in  a  great  degree,  the  blessings  of  tranquillity 
and  order.  But,  however  tranquil  at  heart,  there  is  not  a 
reign  upon  record  in  which  the  nation  was  not  engaged  in 
war  against  the  barbarous  nations  on  the  frontier.  Religion 
furnished  a  plausible  pretext  for  incessant  aggression,  and 
disguised  the  lust  of  conquest  in  the  Incas,  probably  from 
their  own  eyes,  as  well  as  from  those  of  their  subjects.  Like 

1  The  institution  of  the  Peruvian  posts  seems  to  have  made  a  great 
impression  on  the  minds  of  the  Spaniards  who  first  visited  the  country. 
The  establishment  of  posts  is  of  old  date  among  the  Chinese,  and  probably 
still  older  among  the  Persians.  It  is  singular,  that  an  invention  designed 
for  the  uses  of  a  despotic  government  should  have  received  its  full  appli¬ 
cation  only  under  a  free  one  ;  for  in  it  we  have  the  germ  of  that  beautiful 
system  of  intercommunication,  which  binds  all  the  nations  of  Clnistenuom 
together  as  one  vast  commonwealth. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas 


the  followers  of  Mahomet,  bearing  the  sword  in  one  hand  and 
the  Koran  in  the  other,  the  Incas  of  Peru  offered  no  alternative 
but  the  worship  of  the  Sun  or  war. 

It  is  true,  their  fanaticism — or  their  policy — showed  itself 
in  a  milder  form  than  was  found  in  the  descendants  of  the 
Prophet.  Like  the  great  luminary  which  they  adored,  they 
operated  by  gentleness  more  potent  than  violence.1  They 
sought  to  soften  the  hearts  of  the  rude  tribes  around  them, 
and  melt  them  by  acts  of  condescension  and  kindness.  Far 
from  provoking  hostilities,  they  allowed  time  for  the  salutary 
example  of  their  own  institutions  to  work  its  effect,  trusting 
that  their  less  civilised  neighbours  would  submit  to  their 
sceptre,  from  a  conviction  of  the  blessings  it  would  secure 
to  them.  When  this  course  failed,  they  employed  other 
measures,  but  still  of  a  pacific  character;  and  endeavoured 
by  negotiation,  by  conciliatory  treatment,  and  by  presents  to 
their  leading  men,  to  win  them  over  to  their  dominion.  In 
short,  they  practised  all  the  arts  familiar  to  the  most  subtle 
politician  of  a  civilised  land  to  secure  the  acquisition  of 
empire.  When  all  these  expedients  failed,  they  prepared  for 

Their  levies  were  drawn  from  all  the  different  provinces  ; 
though  from  some,  where  the  character  of  the  people  was 
particularly  hardy,  more  than  from  others.2  It  seems  probable 
that  every  Peruvian,  who  had  reached  a  certain  age,  might  be 
called  to  bear  arms.  But  the  rotation  of  military  service,  and 
the  regular  drills,  which  took  place  twice  or  thrice  in  a  month, 
of  the  inhabitants  of  every  village,  raised  the  soldiers  generally 
above  the  rank  of  a  raw  militia.  The  Peruvian  army,  at  first 
inconsiderable,  came  with  the  increase  of  population,  in  the 
latter  days  of  the  empire,  to  be  very  large,  so  that  their 
monarchs  could  bring  into  the  field,  as  contemporaries  assure 
us,  a  force  amounting  to  two  hundred  thousand  men.  They 
showed  the  same  skill  and  respect  for  order  in  their  military 
organisation,  as  in  other  things.  The  troops  were  divided  into 
bodies  corresponding  with  our  battalions  and  companies,  led 
by  officers,  that  rose,  in  regular  gradation,  from  the  lowest 
subaltern  to  the  Inca  noble,  who  was  intrusted  with  the  general 

Their  arms  consisted  of  the  usual  weapons  employed  by 

1  “Mas  se  hicieron  senores  al  pvincipio  por  mafia,  que  por  fuerza.” — 
Ondegatdo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

*  Gomara,  Cronica,  cap.  cxcv. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

44  Conquest  of  Peru 

nations,  whether  civilised  or  uncivilised,  before  the  invention 
of  powder, — bows  and  arrows,  lances,  darts,  a  short  kind  of 
sword,  a  battle-axe  or  partisan,  and  slings,  with  which  they 
were  very  expert.  Their  spears  and  arrows  were  tipped  with 
copper,  or,  more  commonly,  with  bone,  and  the  weapons  of 
the  Inca  lords  were  frequently  mounted  with  gold  or  silver. 
Their  heads  were  protected  by  casques  made  either  of  wood 
or  of  the  skins  of  wild  animals,  and  sometimes  richly  decor¬ 
ated  with  metal  and  with  precious  stones,  surmounted  by  the 
brilliant  plumage  of  the  tropical  birds.  These,  of  course, 
were  the  ornaments  only  of  the  higher  orders.  The  great 
mass  of  the  soldiery  were  dressed  in  the  peculiar  costume  of 
their  provinces,  and  their  heads  were  wreathed  with  a  sort  of 
turban  or  roll  of  different-coloured  cloths,  that  produced  a  gay 
and  animating  effect.  Their  defensive  armour  consisted  of  a 
shield  or  buckler,  and  a  close  tunic  of  quilted  cotton,  in  the 
same  manner  as  with  the  Mexicans.  Each  company  had  its 
particular  banner,  and  the  imperial  standard,  high  above  all, 
displayed  the  glittering  device  of  the  rainbow,  the  armorial 
ensign  of  the  Incas,  intimating  their  claims  as  children  of  the 

By  means  of  the  thorough  system  of  communication  estab¬ 
lished  in  the  country,  a  short  time  sufficed  to  draw  the  levies 
together  from  the  most  distant  quarters.  The  army  was  put 
under  the  direction  of  some  experienced  chief,  of  the  blood 
royal,  or,  more  frequently,  headed  by  the  Inca  in  person.  The 
march  was  rapidly  performed,  and  with  little  fatigue  to  the 
soldier ;  for  all  along  the  great  routes,  quarters  were  provided 
for  him,  at  regular  distances,  where  he  could  find  ample 
accommodations.  The  country  is  still  covered  with  the  remains 
of  military  works,  constructed  of  porphyry  or  granite,  which 
tradition  assures  us  were  designed  to  lodge  the  Inca  and  his 

At  regular  intervals,  also,  magazines  were  established,  filled 

1  Gomara,  Cronica,  ubi  supra. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xx. — 
Velasco,  Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  pp.  176-179.  This  last  writer  gives  a 
minute  catalogue  of  the  ancient  Peruvian  arms,  comprehending  nearly 
everything  familiar  to  the  European  soldier,  except  fire-arms.  It  was 
judicious  in  him  to  omit  these. 

2  Zarate,  Conq.  del.  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xi.— Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS., 
cap.  lx.  Condamine  speaks  of  the  great  number  of  these  fortified  places, 
scattered  over  the  country  between  Quito  and  Lima,  which  he  saw  in  his 
visit  to  South  America  in  1737,  some  of  which  he  has  described  with  great 
minuteness. — Memoire  sur  quelques  anciens  Monumens  du  Perou,  du  Terns 
des  Incas,  cap.  Histoire  de  l’Academie  Royale  des  Sciences  et  de  Belles 
Lettres,  (Berlin,  1 74S, )  tom.  ii.  p.  438. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  45 

with  grain,  weapons,  and  the  different  munitions  of  war,  with 
which  the  army  was  supplied  on  its  march.  It  was  the  especial 
care  of  the  government  to  see  that  these  magazines,  which 
were  furnished  from  the  stores  of  the  Incas,  were  always  well 
filled.  When  the  Spaniards  invaded  the  country,  they  sup¬ 
ported  their  own  armies  for  a  long  time  on  the  provisions 
found  in  them.1  The  Peruvian  soldier  was  forbidden  to  com¬ 
mit  any  trespass  on  the  property  of  the  inhabitants  whose 
territory  lay  in  the  line  of  march.  Any  violation  of  this  order 
was  punished  with  death.2  The  soldier  was  clothed  and  fed 
by  the  industry  of  the  people,  and  the  Incas  rightly  resolved 
that  he  should  not  repa.y  this  by  violence.  Far  from  being  a 
tax  on  the  labours  of  the  husbandman,  or  even  a  burden  on 
his  hospitality,  the  imperial  armies  traversed  the  country,  from 
one  extremity  to  the  other,  with  as  little  inconvenience  to  the 
inhabitants,  as  would  be  created  by  a  procession  of  peaceful 
burghers,  or  a  muster  of  holiday  soldiers  for  a  review. 

From  the  moment  war  was  proclaimed,  the  Peruvian 
monarch  used  all  possible  expedition  in  assembling  his  forces, 
that  he  might  anticipate  the  movements  of  his  enemies,  and 
prevent  a  combination  with  their  allies.  It  was,  however,  from 
the  neglect  of  such  a  principle  of  combination,  that  the  several 
nations  of  the  country,  who  might  have  prevailed  by  con¬ 
federated  strength,  fell  one  after  another  under  the  imperial 
yoke.  Yet,  once  in  the  field,  the  Inca  did  not  usually  show 
any  disposition  to  push  his  advantages  to  the  utmost,  and  urge 
his  foe  to  extremity.  In  every  stage  of  the  war  he  was  open 
to  propositions  for  peace ;  and  although  he  sought  to  reduce 
his  enemies  by  carrying  off  their  harvests  and  distressing  them 
by  famine,  he  allowed  his  troops  to  commit  no  unnecessary 
outrage  on  person  or  property.  “We  must  spare  our  enemies, ” 
one  of  the  Peruvian  princes  is  quoted  as  saying,  “  or  it  will  be 
our  loss,  since  they  and  all  that  belongs  to  them  must  soon 
be  ours.”  3  It  was  a  wise  maxim,  and,  like  most  other  wise 

1  “E  ansi  cuando,”  says  Ondegardo,  speaking  from  his  own  personal 
knowledge,  “el  Senor  Presidente  Gasca  passo  con  la  gente  de  castigo  de 
Gonzalo  Pizarro  por  el  valle  de  Jauja,  estuvo  alii  siete  semanas  a  lo  que  me 
acuerdo,  se  halaron  en  deposito  maiz  de  cuatro  v  de  tres  y  de  dos  anos  mas 
de  I5B.  hanegas  junto  al  camino,  e  alii  comio  la  gente,  y  se  entendio  que 
si  fuera  menester  muchas  mas  no  faltaran  en  el  valle  en  aquellos  depositos, 
conforme  d  la  orden  antigua,  porque  a  mi  cargoes  tubo  el  repartirlas  y 
hacer  la  cuenta  para  pagarlas.” — Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap. 
xliv. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xiv. 

3  “  Mandabase  que  en  los  mantenimientos  y  casas  de  los  enemigos  se 
hiciese  poco  dafio,  diciendoles  el  sefior,  presto  seran  estois  nuestros  como 

46  Conquest  of  Peru 

maxims,  founded  equally  on  benevolence  and  prudence.  The 
Incas  adopted  the  policy  claimed  for  the  Romans  by  their 
countryman,  who  tells  us  that  they  gained  more  by  clemency 
to  the  vanquished  than  by  their  victories.1 

In  the  same  considerate  spirit,  they  were  most  careful  to 
provide  for  the  security  and  comfort  of  their  own  troops  ;  and, 
when  a  war  was  long  protracted,  or  the  climate  proved 
unhealthy,  they  took  care  to  relieve  their  men  by  frequent 
reinforcements,  allowing  the  earlier  recruits  to  return  to  their 
homes.2  But  while  thus  economical  of  life,  both  in  their  own 
followers  and  in  the  enemy,  they  did  not  shrink  from  sterner 
measures  when  provoked  by  the  ferocious  or  obstinate  character 
of  the  resistance ;  and  the  Peruvian  annals  contain  more  than 
one  of  those  sanguinary  pages  which  cannot  be  pondered  at 
the  present  day  without  a  shudder.  It  should  be  added,  that 
the  beneficent  policy,  which  I  have  been  delineating  as 
characteristic  of  the  Incas,  did  not  belong  to  all ;  and  that 
there  was  more  than  one  of  the  royal  line  who  displayed  a  full 
measure  of  the  bold  and  unscrupulous  spirit  of  the  vulgar 

The  first  step  of  the  government,  after  the  reduction  of  a 
country,  was  to  introduce  there  the  worship  of  the  Sun. 
Temples  were  erected,  and  placed  under  the  care  of  a  numer¬ 
ous  priesthood,  who  expounded  to  the  conquered  people  the 
mysteries  of  their  new  faith,  and  dazzled  them  by  the  display  of 
its  rich  and  stately  ceremonial.3  Yet  the  religion  of  the  con¬ 
quered  was  not  treated  with  dishonour.  The  Sun  was  to  be 
worshipped  above  all;  but  the  images  of  their  gods  were 
removed  to  Cuzco  and  established  in  one  of  the  temples,  to 
hold  their  rank  among  the  inferior  deities  of  the  Peruvian 
Pantheon.  Here  they  remained  as  hostages,  in  some  sort,  for 
the  conquered  nation,  which  would  be  the  less  inclined  to 
forsake  its  allegiance,  when  by  doing  so  it  must  leave  its 
own  gods  in  the  hands  of  its  enemies.4 

The  Incas  provided  for  the  settlement  of  their  new  con¬ 
quests,  by  ordering  a  census  to  be  taken  of  the  population, 
and  a  careful  survey  to  be  made  of  the  country,  ascertaining 

los  que  ya  lo  son  ;  como  esto  tenian  conocido,  procuraban  que  la  guerra 
fuese  la  mas  liviana  que  ser  pudiese.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xiv. 

1  “  Plus  pene  parcendo  victis,  quam  vincendo  imperium  auxisse.” — Livy, 
lib.  xxx.  cap.  xlii. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xviii. 

8  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xiv. 

4  Acosta,  lib.  v.  cap.  xii. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v, 
cap.  xii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  47 

its  products  and  the  character  and  capacity  of  its  soil.1  A 
division  of  the  territory  was  then  made  on  the  same  principle 
with  that  adopted  throughout  their  own  kingdom ;  and  their 
respective  portions  were  assigned  to  the  Sun,  the  sovereign, 
and  the  people.  The  amount  of  the  last  was  regulated  by  the 
amount  of  the  population,  but  the  share  of  each  individual  was 
uniformly  the  same.  It  may  seem  strange,  that  any  people 
should  patiently  have  acquiesced  in  an  arrangement  which 
involved  such  a  total  surrender  of  property ;  but  it  was  a 
conquered  nation  that  did  so,  held  in  awe,  on  the  least 
suspicion  of  meditating  resistance,  by  armed  garrisons,  who 
were  established  at  various  commanding  points  throughout 
the  country.2  It  is  probable,  too,  that  the  Incas  made  no 
greater  changes  than  was  essential  to  the  new  arrangement, 
and  that  they  assigned  estates,  as  far  as  possible,  to  their  former 
proprietors.  The  curacas,  in  particular,  were  confirmed  in  their 
ancient  authority ;  or,  when  it  was  found  expedient  to  depose 
the  existing  curaca,  his  rightful  heir  was  allowed  to  succeed 
him.3  Every  respect  was  shown  to  the  ancient  usages  and 
laws  of  the  land,  as  far  as  was  compatible  with  the  fundamental 
institutions  of  the  Incas.  It  must  also  be  remembered,  that 
the  conquered  tribes  were,  many  of  them,  too  little  advanced 
in  civilisation  to  possess  that  attachment  to  the  soil  which 
belongs  to  a  cultivated  nation.4  But,  to  whatever  it  be 
referred,  it  seems  probable  that  the  extraordinary  institutions  of 
the  Incas  were  established  with  little  opposition  in  the 
conquered  territories.5 

Yet  the  Peruvian  sovereigns  did  not  trust  altogether  to  this 
show  of  obedience  in  their  new  vassals ;  and,  to  secure  it  more 

1  Ibid.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  xiii.  xiv. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap. 

2  Ibid.,  cap.  xix. 

3  Fernandez,  Hist,  del  Peru,  parte  ii.  lib.  iii.  cap.  xi. 

4  Sarmiento  has  given  a  very  full  and  interesting  account  of  the  singularly 
humane  policy  observed  by  the  Incas  in  their  conquests,  forming  a  striking 
contrast  with  the  usual  course  of  those  scourges  of  mankind,  whom  man¬ 
kind  is  wise  enough  to  requite  with  higher  admiration  even  than  it  bestows 
on  its  benefactors.  As  Sarmiento,  who  was  President  of  the  Royal  Council 
of  the  Indies,  and  came  into  the  country  soon  after  the  Conquest,  is  a  high 
authority,  and  as  his  work,  lodged  in  the  dark  recesses  of  the  Escurial,  is 
almost  unknown,  I  have  transferred  the  whole  chapter  to  Appendix,  No.  3. 

5  According  to  Velasco,  even  the  powerful  state  of  Quito,  sufficiently 
advanced  in  civilisation  to  have  the  law  of  property  well  recognised  by  its 
people,  admitted  the  institutions  of  the  Incas  “not  only  without  repug¬ 
nance,  but  with  joy.”  (Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  ii.  p.  183.)  But  Velasco, 
a  modern  authority,  believed  easily,  or  reckoned  on  his  readers  doing 

48  Conquest  of  Peru 

effectually,  they  adopted  some  expedients  too  remarkable  to  be 
passed  by  in  silence.  Immediately  after  a  recent  conquest, 
the  curacas  and  their  families  were  removed  for  a  time  to 
Cuzco.  Here  they  learned  the  language  of  the  capital,  became 
familiar  with  the  maimers  and  usages  of  the  court,  as  well  as 
with  the  general  policy  of  government,  and  experienced  such 
marks  of  favour  from  the  sovereign  as  would  be  most  grateful 
to  their  feelings,  and  might  attach  them  most  warmly  to  his 
person.  Under  the  influence  of  these  sentiments,  they  were 
again  sent  to  rule  over  their  vassals,  but  still  leaving  their 
eldest  sons  in  the  capital,  to  remain  there  as  a  guaranty  for 
their  own  fidelity,  as  well  as  to  grace  the  court  of  the  Inca.1 

Another  expedient  was  of  a  bolder  and  more  original 
character.  This  was  nothing  less  than  to  revolutionise  the 
language  of  the  country.  South  America,  like  North,  was 
broken  up  into  a  great  variety  of  dialects,  or  rather  languages, 
having  little  affinity  with  one  another.  This  circumstance 
occasioned  great  embarrassment  to  the  government  in  the 
administration  of  the  different  provinces,  with  whose  idioms 
they  were  unacquainted.  It  was  determined,  therefore,  to 
substitute  one  universal  language,  the  Quichua — the  language 
of  the  court,  the  capital,  and  the  surrounding  country — the 
richest  and  most  comprehensive  of  the  South  American  dialects. 
Teachers  were  provided  in  the  towns  and  villages  throughout 
the  land,  who  were  to  give  instruction  to  all,  even  the  humblest 
classes ;  and  it  was  intimated  at  the  same  time,  that  no  one 
should  be  raised  to  any  office  of  dignity  or  profit  who  was 
unacquainted  with  this  tongue.  The  curacas  and  other  chiefs 
who  attended  at  the  capital  became  familiar  with  this  dialect  in 
their  intercourse  with  the  court,  and,  on  their  return  home,  set 
the  example  of  conversing  in  it  among  themselves.  This 
example  was  imitated  by  their  followers,  and  the  Quichua 
gradually  became  the  language  of  elegance  and  fashion,  in 
the  same  manner  as  the  Norman  French  was  affected  by  all 
those  who  aspired  to  any  consideration  in  England  after  the 
Conquest.  By  this  means,  while  each  province  retained  its 
peculiar  tongue,  a  beautiful  medium  of  communication  was 
introduced,  which  enabled  the  inhabitants  of  one  part  of  the 
country  to  hold  intercourse  with  every  other,  and  the  Inca 
and  his  deputies  to  communicate  with  all.  This  was  the  state 
of  things  on  the  arrival  of  the  Spaniards.  It  must  be 
admitted,  that  history  furnishes  few  examples  of  more  absolute 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  xii. ;  lib.  vii.  cap,  ii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  49 

authority  than  such  a  revolution  in  the  language  of  an  empire, 
at  the  bidding  of  a  master.1 

Yet  little  less  remarkable  was  another  device  of  the  Incas 
for  securing  the  loyalty  of  their  subjects.  When  any  portion 
of  the  recent  conquests  showed  a  pertinacious  spirit  of  disaffec¬ 
tion,  it  was  not  uncommon  to  cause  a  part  of  the  population, 
amounting,  it  might  be,  to  ten  thousand  inhabitants  or  more, 
to  remove  to  a  distant  quarter  of  the  kingdom,  occupied  by 
ancient  vassals  of  undoubted  fidelity  to  the  crown.  A  like 
number  of  these  last  was  transplanted  to  the  territory  left 
vacant  by  the  emigrants.  By  this  exchange,  the  population  was 
composed  of  two  distinct  races,  who  regarded  each  other  with 
an  eye  of  jealousy,  that  served  as  an  effectual  check  on  any 
mutinous  proceeding.  In  time  the  influence  of  the  well-affected 
prevailed,  supported,  as  they  were,  by  royal  authority,  and  by 
the  silent  working  of  the  national  institutions,  to  which  the 
strange  races  became  gradually  accustomed.  A  spirit  of  loyalty 
sprang  up  by  degrees  in  their  bosoms,  and,  before  a  generation 
had  passed  away,  the  different  tribes  mingled  in  harmony 
together  as  members  of  the  same  community.2  Yet  the 
different  races  continued  to  be  distinguished  by  difference  of 
dress  ;  since,  by  the  law  of  the  land,  every  citizen  was  required 
to  wear  the  costume  of  his  native  province.3  Neither  could  the 
colonist,  who  had  been  thus  unceremoniously  transplanted, 
return  to  his  native  district.  For,  by  another  law,  it  was  for¬ 
bidden  to  any  one  to  change  his  residence  without  license.4 
He  was  settled  for  life.  The  Peruvian  government  prescribed 
to  every  man  his  local  habitation,  his  sphere  of  action,  nay  the 
very  nature  and  quality  of  that  action.  He  ceased  to  be  a  free 
agent ;  it  might  be  almost  said,  that  it  relieved  him  of  personal 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xxxv. ;  lib.  vii.  cap.  i.  ii. — 
Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lv.  “Aunla 
criatura  no  hubiese  dejado  el  pecho  de  su  madre  quando  le  comenzasen  a 
mostrar  la  lengua  que  havia  de  saber  ;  y  aunque  al  principio  fue  didcultoso, 
e  muchos  se  pusieron  en  no  querer  deprender  mas  lenguas  de  las  suyas 
propias,  los  reyes  pudieron  tanto  que  salieron  con  su  intencion,  y  ellos 
tubieron  por  bien  de  cumplir  su  mandado,  v  tan  de  veras  se  entendid  en  ello 
que  en  tiempo  de  pocos  anos  se  savia  y  usaba  una  lengua  en  mas  de  mil  y 
doscientas  leguas.” — Ibid.,  cap.  xxi. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  —  Fernandez,  Hist,  del  Peru,  parte  ii. 
lib.  iii.  cap.  xi. 

3  “This  regulation, says  Father  Acosta,  “the  Incas  held  to  be  of 
great  importance  to  the  order  and  right  government  of  the  realm. — Lib.  vi. 
cap.  xvi. 

4  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

50  Conquest  of  Peru 

In  following  out  this  singular  arrangement,  the  Incas 
showed  as  much  regard  for  the  comfort  and  convenience  of  the 
colonist  as  was  compatible  with  the  execution  of  their  design. 
They  were  careful  that  the  mitimaes ,  as  these  emigrants  were 
styled,  should  be  removed  to  climates  most  congenial  with 
their  own.  The  inhabitants  of  the  cold  countries  were  not 
transplanted  to  the  warm,  nor  the  inhabitants  of  the  warm 
countries  to  the  cold.1  Even  their  habitual  occupations  were 
consulted,  and  the  fisherman  was  settled  in  the  neighbourhood 
of  the  ocean  or  the  great  lakes  ;  while  such  lands  were  assigned 
to  the  husbandman  as  were  best  adapted  to  the  culture  with 
which  he  was  most  familiar.2  And,  as  migration  by  many, 
perhaps  by  most,  would  be  regarded  as  a  calamity,  the  govern¬ 
ment  was  careful  to  show  particular  marks  of  favour  to  the 
mitimaes,  and,  by  various  privileges  and  immunities,  to  ameli¬ 
orate  their  condition,  and  thus  to  reconcile  them,  if  possible, 
to  their  lot.3 

The  Peruvian  institutions,  though  they  may  have  been 
modified  and  matured  under  successive  sovereigns,  all  bear  the 
stamp  of  the  same  original — were  all  cast  in  the  same  mould. 
The  empire,  strengthening  and  enlarging  at  every  successive 
epoch  of  its  history,  was,  in  its  latter  days,  but  the  development, 
on  a  great  scale,  of  what  it  was  in  miniature  at  its  commence¬ 
ment,  as  the  infant  germ  is  said  to  contain  within  itself  all  the 
ramifications  of  the  future  monarch  of  the  forest.  Each  suc¬ 
ceeding  Inca  seemed  desirous  only  to  tread  in  the  path,  and 
carry  out  the  plans  of  his  predecessor.  Great  enterprises,  com¬ 
menced  under  one,  were  continued  by  another,  and  completed 
by  a  third.  Thus,  while  all  acted  on  a  regular  plan,  without 
any  of  the  eccentric  or  retrograde  movements  which  betray  the 
agency  of  different  individuals,  the  state  seemed  to  be  under 
the  direction  of  a  single  hand,  and  steadily  pursued,  as  if 
through  one  long  reign,  its  great  career  of  civilisation  and  of 


The  ultimate  aim  of  its  institutions  was  domestic  quiet. 
But  it  seemed  as  if  this  were  to  be  obtained  only  by  foreign  war. 

1  “  Trasmutaban  de  las  tales  provincias  la  cantidad  de  gente  de  que  de 
ella  parecia  convenir  que  saliese,  a  los  cuales  mandaban  passar  a  poblar  otra 
tierra  del  temple  y  manera  de  donde  salian,  si  fria  fria,  si  caliente  caiiente, 
en  donde  les  daban  tierras,  y  campos,  y  casas,  tanto,  y  mas  come  dejaron  ” 
— Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xix. 

a  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

3  The  descendants  of  these  mitimaes  are  still  to  be  found  in  Quito,  or 
were  so  at  the  close  of  the  last  century,  according  to  Velasco,  distinguished 
by  this  name  from  the  rest  of  the  population. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  51 

Tranquillity  in  the  heart  of  the  monarchy,  and  war  on  its 
borders,  was  the  condition  of  Peru.  By  this  war  it  gave 
occupation  to  a  part  of  its  people,  and,  by  the  reduction  and 
civilisation  of  its  barbarous  neighbours,  gave  security  to  all. 
Every  Inca  sovereign,  however  mild  and  benevolent  in  his 
domestic  rule,  was  a  warrior,  and  led  his  armies  in  person. 
Each  successive  reign  extended  still  wider  the  boundaries  of  the 
empire.  Year  after  year  saw  the  victorious  monarch  return 
laden  with  spoils,  and  followed  by  a  throng  of  tributary  chief¬ 
tains  to  his  capital.  Plis  reception  there  was  a  Roman  triumph. 
The  whole  of  its  numerous  population  poured  out  to  welcome 
him,  dressed  in  the  gay  and  picturesque  costumes  of  the  different 
provinces,  with  banners  waving  above  their  heads,  and  strewing 
branches  and  flowers  along  the  path  of  the  conqueror.  The 
Inca,  borne  aloft  in  his  golden  chair  on  the  shoulders  of  his 
nobles,  moved  in  solemn  procession,  under  the  triumphal 
arches  that  were  thrown  across  the  way,  to  the  great  Temple  of 
the  Sun.  There,  without  attendants — for  all  but  the  monarch 
were  excluded  from  the  hallowed  precincts — the  victorious 
prince,  stripped  of  his  royal  insignia,  barefooted,  and  with  all 
humility,  approached  the  awful  shrine,  and  offered  up  sacrifice 
and  thanksgiving  to  the  glorious  deity  who  presided  over  the 
fortunes  of  the  Incas.  This  ceremony  concluded,  the  whole 
population  gave  itself  up  to  festivity — music,  revelry,  and 
dancing  were  heard  in  every  quarter  of  the  capital,  and 
illuminations  and  bonfires  commemorated  the  victorious  cam¬ 
paign  of  the  Inca,  and  the  accession  of  a  new  territory  to  his 

In  this  celebration  we  see  much  of  the  character  of  a  religious 
festival ;  indeed,  the  character  of  religion  was  impressed  on  all 
the  Peruvian  wars.  The  life  of  an  Inca  was  one  long  crusade 
against  the  infidel,  to  spread  wide  the  worship  of  the  Sun,  to 
reclaim  the  benighted  nations  from  their  brutish  superstitions, 
and  impart  to  them  the  blessings  of  a  well-regulated  government. 
This,  in  the  favourite  phrase  of  our  day,  was  the  “  mission  ”  of 
the  Inca.  It  was  also  the  mission  of  the  Christian  conqueror 
who  invaded  the  empire  of  the  same  Indian  potentate.  Which 
of  the  two  executed  his  mission  most  faithfully,  history  must 

Yet  the  Peruvian  monarchs  did  not  show  a  childish  im¬ 
patience  in  the  acquisition  of  empire.  They  paused  after  a 
campaign,  and  allowed  time  for  the  settlement  of  one  conquest 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  iv. — Garulasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib. 
iii.  cap.  xi.  xvii.  ;  lib.  vi.  cap.  xvi. 

52  Conquest  of  Peru 

before  they  undertook  another ;  and,  in  this  interval,  occupied 
themselves  with  the  quiet  administration  of  their  kingdom, 
and  with  the  long  progresses,  which  brought  them  into  nearer 
intercourse  with  their  people.  During  this  interval,  also,  their 
new  vassals  had  begun  to  accommodate  themselves  to  the 
strange  institutions  of  their  masters.  They  learned  to  ap¬ 
preciate  the  value  of  a  government  which  raised  them  above  the 
physical  evils  of  a  state  of  barbarism,  secured  them  protection 
of  person,  and  a  full  participation  in  all  the  privileges  enjoyed 
by  their  conquerors ;  and  as  they  became  more  familiar  with 
the  peculiar  institutions  of  the  country,  habit,  that  second 
nature,  attached  them  the  more  strongly  to  these  institutions, 
from  their  very  peculiarity.  Thus,  by  degrees,  and  without 
violence,  arose  the  great  fabric  of  the  Peruvian  empire,  com¬ 
posed  of  numerous  independent  and  even  hostile  tribes,  yet 
under  the  influence  of  a  common  religion,  common  language, 
and  common  government,  knit  together  as  one  nation, 
animated  by  a  spirit  of  love  for  its  institutions  and  devoted 
loyalty  to  its  sovereign.  What  a  contrast  to  the  condition  of 
the  Aztec  monarchy,  on  the  neighbouring  continent,  which, 
composed  of  the  like  heterogeneous  materials,  without  any 
internal  principle  of  cohesion,  was  only  held  together  by  the 
stern  pressure  from  without,  of  physical  force ! — Why  the 
Peruvian  monarchy  should  have  fared  no  better  than  its  rival, 
in  its  conflict  with  European  civilisation,  will  appear  in  the 
following  pages. 




It  is  a  remarkable  fact,  that  many,  if  not  most,  of  the  rude 
tribes  inhabiting  the  vast  American  continent,  however  dis¬ 
figured  their  creeds  may  have  been  in  other  respects  by  a 
childish  superstition,  had  attained  to  the  sublime  conception  of 
one  Great  Spirit,  the  Creator  of  the  universe,  who,  immaterial 
in  his  own  nature,  was  not  to  be  dishonoured  by  an  attempt 
at  visible  representation,  and  who,  pervading  all  space,  was  not 
to  be  circumscribed  within  the  walls  of  a  temple.  Yet  these 
elevated  ideas,  so  far  beyond  the  ordinary  range  of  the 
untutored  intellect,  do  not  seem  to  have  led  to  the  practical 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas 


consequences  that  might  have  been  expected ;  and  few  of  the 
American  nations  have  shown  much  solicitude  for  the  main¬ 
tenance  of  a  religious  worship,  or  found  in  their  faith  a 
powerful  spring  of  action. 

But,  with  progress  in  civilisation,  ideas  more  akin  to  those 
of  civilised  communities  were  gradually  unfolded  ;  a  liberal 
provision  was  made,  and  a  separate  order  instituted,  for  the 
services  of  religion,  which  were  conducted  with  a  minute  and 
magnificent  ceremonial,  that  challenged  comparison,  in  some 
respects,  with  that  of  the  most  polished  nations  of  Christendom. 
This  was  the  case  with  the  nations  inhabiting  the  table-land 
of  North  America,  and  with  the  natives  of  Bogota,  Quito, 
Peru,  and  the  other  elevated  regions  on  the  great  southern 
continent.  It  was,  above  all,  the  case  with  the  Peruvians,  who 
claimed  a  divine  original  for  the  founders  of  their  empire, 
whose  laws  all  rested  on  a  divine  sanction,  and  whose  domestic 
institutions  and  foreign  wars  were  alike  directed  to  preserve 
and  propagate  their  faith.  Religion  was  the  basis  of  their 
polity,  the  very  condition,  as  it  were,  of  their  social  existence. 
The  government  of  the  Incas,  in  its  essential  principles,  was  a 

Yet,  though  religion  entered  so  largely  into  the  fabric 
and  conduct  of  the  political  institutions  of  the  people,  their 
mythology,  that  is,  the  traditionary  legends  by  which  they 
affected  to  unfold  the  mysteries  of  the  universe,  was  exceed¬ 
ingly  mean  and  puerile.  Scarce  one  of  their  traditions — except 
the  beautiful  one  respecting  the  founders  of  their  royal  dynasty 
— is  worthy  of  note,  or  throws  much  light  on  their  own 
antiquities,  or  the  primitive  history  of  man.  Among  the 
traditions  of  importance,  is  one  of  the  deluge,  which  they  held 
in  common  with  so  many  of  the  nations  in  all  parts  of  the 
globe,  and  which  they  related  with  some  particulars  that  bear 
resemblance  to  a  Mexican  legend.1 

Their  ideas  in  respect  to  a  future  state  of  being  deserve 
more  attention.  They  admitted  the  existence  of  the  soul 
hereafter,  and  connected  with  this  a  belief  in  the  resurrection 
of  the  body.  They  assigned  two  distinct  places  for  the 
residence  of  the  good  and  of  the  wicked,  the  latter  of  which 

1  They  related  that,  after  the  deluge,  seven  persons  issued  from  a  cave 
where  they  had  saved  themselves,  and  by  them  the  earth  was  repeopled. 
One  of  the  traditions  of  the  Mexicans  deduced  their  descent,  and  that  of 
the  kindred  tribes,  in  like  manner,  from  seven  persons  who  came  from  as 
many  caves  in  Aztlan.  The  story  of  the  deluge  is  told  by  different  writers 
with  many  variations,  in  some  of  which  it  is  not  difficult  to  detect  the 
plastic  hand  of  the  Christian  convert. 

54  Conquest  of  Peru 

they  fixed  in  the  centre  of  the  earth.  The  good  they  supposed 
were  to  pass  a  luxurious  life  of  tranquillity  and  ease,  which 
comprehended  their  highest  notions  of  happiness.  The  wicked 
were  to  expiate  their  crimes  by  ages  of  wearisome  labour. 
They  associated  with  these  ideas  a  belief  in  an  evil  principle 
or  spirit,  bearing  the  name  of  Cupay,  whom  they  did  not 
attempt  to  propitiate  by  sacrifices,  and  who  seems  to  have  been 
only  a  shadowy  personification  of  sin,  that  exercised  little 
influence  over  their  conduct.1 

It  was  this  belief  in  the  resurrection  of  the  body  which  led 
them  to  preserve  the  body  with  so  much  solicitude, — by  a 
simple  process,  however,  that,  unlike  the  elaborate  embalming 
of  the  Egyptians,  consisted  in  exposing  it  to  the  action  of  the 
cold,  exceedingly  dry,  and  highly  rarified  atmosphere  of  the 
mountains.2  As  they  believed  that  the  occupations  in  the 
future  world  would  have  great  resemblance  to  those  of  the 
present,  they  buried  with  the  deceased  noble  some  of  his  ap¬ 
parel,  his  utensils,  and  frequently  his  treasures ;  and  completed 
the  gloomy  ceremony  by  sacrificing  his  wives  and  favourite 
domestics,  to  bear  him  company  and  do  him  service  in  the 
happy  regions  beyond  the  clouds.3  Vast  mounds  of  an 
irregular,  or,  more  frequently,  oblong  shape,  penetrated  by 
galleries  running  at  right  angles  to  each  other,  were  raised  over 
the  dead,  whose  dried  bodies  or  mummies  have  been  found  in 
considerable  numbers,  sometimes  erect,  but  more  often  in  the 
sitting  posture  common  to  the  Indian  tribes  of  both  continents. 
Treasures  of  great  value  have  also  been  occasionally  drawn 
from  these  monumental  deposits,  and  have  stimulated 
speculators  to  repeated  excavations,  with  the  hope  of  similar 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg. ,  MS. — Gomara,  Hist,  de  las  Ind. ,  cap.  cxxiii. 
— Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  ii.  vii.  One  might  suppose 
that  the  educated  Peruvians — if  I  may  so  speak — imagined  the  common 
people  had  no  souls,  so  little  is  said  of  their  opinions  as  to  the  condition  of 
these  latter  in  a  future  life,  while  they  are  diffuse  on  the  prospects  of  the 
higher  orders,  which  they  fondly  believed  were  to  keep  pace  with  their 
condition  here- 

2  Such,  indeed,  seems  to  be  the  opinion  of  Garcilasso,  though  some 
writers  speak  of  resinous  and  other  applications  for  embalming  the  body. 
The  appearance  of  the  royal  mummies  found  at  Cuzco,  as  reported  both  by 
Ondegardo  and  Garcilasso,  makes  it  probable  that  no  foreign  substance 
was  employed  for  their  preservation. 

3  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS.  The  Licentiate  says  that  this  usage 
continued  even  after  the  Conquest  ;  and  that  he  had  saved  the  life  of  more 
than  one  favourite  domestic,  who  had  fled  to  him  for  protection,  as  they 
were  about  to  be  sacrificed  to  the  manes  of  their  deceased  lords. — Ibid,, 
ubi  supra. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  55 

good  fortune.  It  was  a  lottery  like  that  of  searching  after 
mines,  but  where  the  chances  have  proved  still  more  against 
the  adventurers.1 

The  Peruvians,  like  so  many  other  of  the  Indian  races, 
acknowledged  a  Supreme  Being,  the  Creator  and  Ruler  of  the 
universe,  whom  they  adored  under  the  different  names  of 
Pachacamac  and  Viracocha.2  No  temple  was  raised  to  this 
invisible  being,  save  one  only  in  the  valley  which  took  its  name 
from  the  deity  himself,  not  far  from  the  Spanish  city  of  Lima. 
Even  this  temple  had  existed  there  before  the  country  came 
under  the  sway  of  the  Incas,  and  was  the  great  resort  of  Indian 
pilgrims  from  remote  parts  of  the  land ;  a  circumstance 
which  suggests  the  idea,  that  the  worship  of  this  Great  Spirit, 
though  countenanced,  perhaps,  b>  their  accommodating  policy, 
did  not  originate  with  the  Peruvian  princes.3 

The  deity  whose  worship  they  especially  inculcated,  and  which 
they  never  failed  to  establish  wherever  their  banners  were  known 
to  penetrate,  was  the  Sun.  It  was  he,  who,  in  a  particular 
manner,  presided  over  the  destinies  of  man  ;  gave  light  and 
warmth  to  the  nations,  and  life  to  the  vegetable  world  j  whom 
they  reverenced  as  the  father  of  their  royal  dynasty,  the  founder 
of  their  empire ;  and  whose  temples  rose  in  every  city  and 
almost  every  village  throughout  the  land,  while  his  altars 
smoked  with  burnt-offerings,— a  form  of  sacrifice  peculiar  to  the 
Peruvians  among  the  semi-civilised  nations  of  the  New  World.4 

1  Yet  these  sepulchral  mines  have  sometimes  proved  worth  the  digging. 
Sarmiento  speaks  of  gold  to  the  value  of  100,000  castellanos  as  occasionally 
buried  with  the  Indian  lords  ;  and  Las  Casas — not  the  best  authority  in 
numerical  estimates — says  that  treasures  worth  more  than  half  a  million  of 
ducats  had  been  found,  within  twenty  years  after  the  Conquest,  in  the 
tombs  near  Truxillo.  Baron  Humboldt  visited  the  sepulchre  of  a  Peruvian 
prince  in  the  same  quarter  of  the  country,  whence  a  Spaniard  in  1576  drew 
forth  a  mass  of  gold  worth  a  million  of  dollars  ! 

2  Pachacamac  signifies  “  Pie  who  sustains  or  gives  life  to  the  universe. ’’ 
The  name  of  the  great  deity  is  sometimes  expressed  by  both  Pachacamac 
and  Viracocha  combined.  (See  Balboa,  Hist,  du  Perou,  chap  vi. — Acosta, 
lib.  vi.  cap.  xxi.)  An  old  Spaniard  finds  in  the  popular  meaning  of 
Viracocha,  “  foam  of  the  sea,”  an  argument  for  deriving  the  Peruvian 
civilisation  from  some  voyager  from  the  Old  World. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del 
Piru,  MS. 

3  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS., 
cap.  xxvii.  Ulloa  notices  the  extensive  ruins  of  brick  which  mark  the 
probable  site  of  the  temple  of  Pachacamac,  attesting  by  their  present  ap¬ 
pearance  its  ancient  magnificence  and  strength. — Memoires  Philosophiques, 
liistoriques,  Physiques,  (Paris,  1 787,)  trad.  Fr.  p.  78. 

4  At  least,  so  says  Dr.  M'Culloch;  and  no  better  authority  can  be 
required  on  American  antiquities.  (Researches,  p.  392.)  Might  he  not 
have  added  barbarous  nations  also  ? 

56  Conquest  of  Peru 

Besides  the  Sun,  the  Incas  acknowledged  various  objects  of 
worship,  in  some  way  or  other  connected  with  this  principal 
deity.  Such  was  the  Moon,  his  sister-wife  ;  the  Stars,  revered 
as  part  of  her  heavenly  train,  though  the  fairest  of  them,  Venus, 
known  to  the  Peruvians  by  the  name  of  Chasca,  or  the  “  youth 
with  the  long  and  curling  locks,  ”  was  adored  as  the  page  of  the 
Sun,  whom  he  attends  so  closely  in  his  rising  and  in  his  setting. 
They  dedicated  temples  also  to  the  Thunder  and  Lightning,1 
in  whom  they  recognised  the  Sun's  dread  ministers,  and  to  the 
Rainbow,  whom  they  worshipped  as  a  beautiful  emanation  of 
their  glorious  deity.2 

In  addition  to  these,  the  subjects  of  the  Incas  enrolled 
among  their  inferior  deities  many  objects  in  nature,  as  the 
elements,  the  winds,  the  earth,  the  air,  great  mountains  and 
rivers,  which  impressed  them  with  ideas  of  sublimity  and  power, 
or  were  supposed  in  some  way  or  other  to  exercise  a  mysterious 
influence  over  the  destinies  of  man.3  They  adopted  also  a 

1  Thunder,  lightning,  and  thunderbolt,  could  be  all  expressed  by  the 
Peruvians  in  one  word,  illapa.  Hence  some  Spaniards  have  inferred  a 
knowledge  of  the  Trinity  in  the  natives  !  “The  devil  stole  all  he  could,” 
exclaims  Herrera,  with  righteous  indignation.  (Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib. 
iv.  cap.  v.)  These,  and  even  rasher  conclusions,  (see  Acosta,  lib.  v.  cap. 
xxviii.,)  are  scouted  by  Garcilasso,  as  inventions  of  Indian  converts,  willing 
to  please  the  imaginations  of  their  Christian  teachers.  (Com.  Real., 
parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  v.  vi.  ;  lib.  iii.  cap.  xxi. )  Imposture  on  the  one  hand, 
and  credulity  on  the  other,  have  furnished  a  plentiful  harvest  of  absurdities, 
which  has  been  diligently  gathered  in  by  the  pious  antiquary  of  a  later 

a  Garcilasso’s  assertion,  that  these  heavenly  bodies  were  objects  of 
reverence  as  holy  things,  but  not  of  worship,  is  contradicted  by  Ondegardo, 
Rel.  Seg.,  MS., — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS., — Herrera,  Hist.  General, 
dec.  v.  lib.  iv.  cap.  iv. , — Gomara,  Hist,  de  las  Ind. ,  cap.  cxxi.,  and,  I 
might  add,  by  almost  every  writer  of  authority  whom  I  have  consulted. 
It  is  contradicted,  in  a  manner,  by  the  admission  of  Garcilasso  himself,  that 
th  ese  several  objects  were  all  personified  by  the  Indians  as  living  beings, 
and  had  temples  dedicated  to  them  as  such,  with  their  effigies  delineated  in 
the  same  manner  as  was  that  of  the  Sun  in  his  dwelling.  Indeed,  the 
effort  of  the  historian  to  reduce  the  worship  of  the  Incas  to  that  of  the  Sun 
alone  is  not  very  reconcileable  with  what  he  elsewhere  says  of  the  homage 
paid  to  Pachacamac,  above  all,  and  to  Rimac,  the  great  oracle  of  the 
common  people.  The  Peruvian  mythology  was,  probably,  not  unlike  that 
of  Hindostan,  where,  under  two,  or  at  most  three,  principal  deities, 
were  assembled  a  host  of  inferior  ones,  to  whom  the  nation  paid  religious 
homage,  as  personifications  of  the  different  objects  in  nature. 

5  These  consecrated  objects  were  termed  huacas — a  word  of  most  pro¬ 
lific  import,  since  it  signified  a  temple,  a  tomb,  any  natural  object 
remarkable  for  its  size  or  shape  ;  in  short,  a  cloud  of  meanings,  which  by 
their  contradictory  sense  have  thrown  incalculable  confusion  over  the 
writings  of  historians  and  travellers. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  57 

notion,  not  unlike  that  professed  by  some  of  the  schools  of 
ancient  philosophy,  that  everything  on  earth  had  its  archetype 
or  idea,  its  mother ,  as  they  emphatically  styled  it,  which  they 
held  sacred,  as,  in  some  sort,  its  spiritual  essence.1  But  their 
system,  far  from  being  limited  even  to  these  multiplied  objects 
of  devotion,  embraced  within  its  ample  folds  the  numerous 
deities  of  the  conquered  nations,  whose  images  were  trans¬ 
ported  to  the  capital,  where  the  burdensome  charges  of  their 
worship  were  defrayed  by  their  respective  provinces.  It  was  a 
rare  stroke  of  policy  in  the  Incas,  who  could  thus  accommodate 
their  religion  to  their  interests.2 

But  the  worship  of  the  Sun  constituted  the  peculiar  care  of 
the  Incas,  and  was  the  object  of  their  lavish  expenditure. 
The  most  ancient  of  the  many  temples  dedicated  to  this 
divinity  was  in  the  island  of  Titicaca,  whence  the  royal 
founders  of  the  Peruvian  line  were  said  to  have  proceeded. 
From  this  circumstance,  this  sanctuary  was  held  in  peculiar 
veneration.  Everything  which  belonged  to  it,  even  the  broad 
fields  of  maize,  which  surrounded  the  temple,  and  formed  part 
of  its  domain,  imbibed  a  portion  of  its  sanctity.  The  yearly 
produce  was  distributed  among  the  different  public  magazines, 
in  small  quantities  to  each,  as  something  that  would  sanctify 
the  remainder  of  the  store.  Happy  was  the  man  who  could 
secure  even  an  ear  of  the  blessed  harvest  for  his  own  granary ! 3 * * * * 8 

But  the  most  renowned  of  the  Peruvian  temples,  the  pride 
of  the  capital,  and  the  wonder  of  the  empire,  was  at  Cuzco, 
where,  under  the  munificence  of  successive  sovereigns,  it  had 
become  so  enriched,  that  it  received  the  name  of  Coricancha, 

1  “La  orden  por  donde  fundavan  sus  huacas,  que  ellos  llamavan  a  las 
idolatrias,  hera  porque  decian  que  todas  criava  el  Sol,  i  que  les  dava  madre 
por  madre,  que  mostravan  a  la  tierra,  porque  decian  que  tenia  madre,  i 
tenian  le  echo  su  vulto  i  sus  adoratorios  ;  i  al  fuego  decian  que  tambien 
tenia  madre  ;  i  al  mais  i  a  las  otras  sementeras,  i  a  las  ovejas  i  ganado, 
decian  que  tenian  madre  ;  i  i  la  chocha,  que  el  brevaje  que  ellos  usan, 
decian  que  el  vinagre  della  hera  la  madre,  i  lo  reverenciavan  i  llamavan 
mama  agua  madre  del  vinagre  :  i  a  cada  cosa  adoravan  destas  de  su  rnanera.” 
— Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.  So  it  seems  to  have  been  re¬ 
garded  by  the  Licentiate  Ondegardo.  “  E  los  idolos  estaban  en  aql  galpon 
grande  de  la  casa  del  Sol,  y  cada  idolo  destos  tenia  su  servicio  y  gastos  y 

mugeres  ;  y  en  la  casa  del  Sol  le  iban  a  hacer  reverencia  los  que  venian  de 
su  provincia,  para  lo  qual  e  sacrificios  que  se  hacian  proveian  de  su  misma 

tierra  ord inaria  e  muy  abundantemente  por  la  misma  orden  que  lo  hacian 

quando  estada  en  la  misma  provincia,  quedaba  gran  autoridad  i.  mi  parecer 

e  aun  fuerza  a  estos  Ingas  que  cierto  me  causo  gran  admiracion.” — Rei. 

Seg.,  MS. 

8  Garcilasso,  Com.  ReaL,  parte  i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  xxv. 

D  3oi 

58  Conquest  of  Peru 

or  “  the  Place  of  Gold.”  It  consisted  of  a  principal  building 
and  several  chapels  and  inferior  edifices,  covering  a  large  extent 
of  ground  in  the  heart  of  the  city,  and  completely  encompassed 
by  a  wall,  which,  with  the  edifices,  was  all  constructed  of  stone. 
The  work  was  of  the  kind  already  described  in  the  other  public 
buildings  of  the  country,  and  was  so  finely  executed  that  a 
Spaniard,  who  saw  it  in  its  glory,  assures  us  he  could  call  to  mind 
only  two  edifices  in  Spam,  which,  for  their  workmanship,  were 
at  all  to  be  compared  with  it.1  Yet  this  substantial,  and  in 
some  respects  magnificent  structure,  was  thatched  with  straw  ! 

The  interior  of  the  temple  was  the  most  worthy  of  admira¬ 
tion.  It  was  literally  a  mine  of  gold.  On  the  western  wall 
was  emblazoned  a  representation  of  the  deity,  consisting  of  a 
human  countenance  looking  forth  from  amidst  innumerable 
rays  of  light  which  emanated  from  it  in  every  direction,  in  the 
same  manner  as  the  sun  is  often  personified  with  us.  The  figure 
was  engraved  on  a  massive  plate  of  gold  of  enormous  dimensions, 
thickly  powdered  with  emeralds  and  precious  stones.2  It  was 
so  situated  in  front  of  the  great  eastern  portal,  that  the  rays  of 
the  morning  sun  fell  directly  upon  it  at  its  rising,  lighting  up  the 
whole  apartment  with  an  effulgence  that  seemed  more  than 
natural,  and  which  was  reflected  back  from  the  golden  ornaments 
with  which  the  walls  and  ceiling  were  everywhere  encrusted. 
Gold,  in  the  figurative  language  of  the  people,  was  “  the  tears 
wept  by  the  Sun,”  3  and  every  part  of  the  interior  of  the  temple 
glowed  with  burnished  plates  and  studs  of  the  precious  metal. 
The  cornices,  which  surrounded  the  walls  of  the  sanctuary, 
were  of  the  same  costly  material ;  and  a  broad  belt  or  frieze  of 
gold  let  into  the  stone- work  encompassed  the  whole  exterior  of 
the  edifice.4 

1  “  Tenia  este  templo  en  circuito  mas  de  quatro  cientes  pasos,  todo  cer- 
cado  de  una  muralla  fuerte,  labrado  todo  el  edificio  de  cantera  muy  excelente 
de  fma  piedra,  muy  bien  puesta  y  asentada,  y  algunas  piedras  eran  muy 
grandes  y  soherbias  ;  no  tenian  mezcla  de  tierra  ni  cal,  sino  con  el  betun 
que  ellos  suelen  hacer  sus  edificios ;  y  estan  tan  bien  labradas  estas  piedras, 
que  no  se  les  parece  mezcla  ni  juntura  ninguna.  En  toda  Espana  no  he  visto 
cosa  que  pueda  comparar  a  estas  paredes  y  postura  de  piedra,  sino  a  la  torre 
que  Hainan  la  Calahorra,  que  esta  junto  con  la  puente  de  Cordoba,  y  a  una 
obra  que  vi  en  Toledo,  cuando  fui  a  presentar  la  primera  parte  de  mi 
Cronica  al  Principe  Dn  Felipe.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxiv. 

2  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  xliv.  xcii. 
“  La  figura  del  Sol,  muy  grande,  hecha  de  oro  obrada,  muy  primamente 
engastonada  en  muchas  piedras  ricas.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap. 

3  “I  al  oro  asimismo,  decian  que  era  lagrimas  que  el  Sol  llorava.” — 
Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

4  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxiv. — Antig.  y  Monumentos  del  Peru, 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  59 

Adjoining  the  principal  structure  were  several  chapels  of 
smaller  dimensions.  One  of  them  was  consecrated  to  the  Moon, 
the  deity  held  next  in  reverence,  as  the  mother  of  the  Incas. 
Her  effigy  was  delineated  in  the  same  manner  as  that  of  the 
Sun,  on  a  vast  plate  that  nearly  covered  one  side  of  the  apart¬ 
ment.  But  this  plate,  as  well  as  all  the  decorations  of  the 
building,  was  of  silver,  as  suited  to  the  pale,  silvery  light  of  the 
beautiful  planet.  There  were  three  other  chapels,  one  of  which 
was  dedicated  to  the  host  of  Stars,  who  formed  the  bright  court 
of  the  Sister  of  the  Sun  ;  another  was  consecrated  to  his  dread 
ministers  of  vengeance,  the  Thunder  and  the  Lightning  ;  and  a 
third  to  the  Rainbow,  whose  many-coloured  arch  spanned  the 
walls  of  the  edifice  with  hues  almost  as  radiant  as  its  own. 
There  were  besides  several  other  buildings,  or  insulated  apart¬ 
ments,  for  the  accommodation  of  the  numerous  priests  who 
officiated  in  the  services  of  the  temple.1 

All  the  plate,  the  ornaments,  the  utensils  of  every  description, 
appropriated  to  the  uses  of  religion,  were  of  gold  or  silver. 
Twelve  immense  vases  of  the  latter  metal  stood  on  the  floor  of 
the  great  saloon,  filled  with  grain  of  the  Indian  corn ; 2  the 
censers  for  the  perfumes,  the  ewers  which  held  the  water  for 
sacrifice,  the  pipes  which  conducted  it  through  subterraneous 
channels  into  the  buildings,  the  reservoir  that  received  it,  even 
the  agricultural  implements  used  in  the  gardens  of  the  temple, 
were  all  of  the  same  rich  materials.  The  gardens,  like  those 
described  belonging  to  the  royal  palaces,  sparkled  with  gold 
and  silver,  and  various  imitations  of  the  vegetable  kingdom 
Animals,  also,  were  to  be  found  there — among  which,  the 
llama,  with  its  golden  fleece,  was  most  conspicuous — executed 
in  the  same  style,  and  with  a  degree  of  skill,  which,  in  this 

MS.  “  Cercada  junto  a  la  techumbre  de  una  plancha  de  oro  de  palmo 
imedio  de  ancho,  i  lo  mismo  tenian  por  de  dentro  en  cada  bohio  6  casa 
i  aposento.”  (Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.)  “Tenia  una  cinta  de  planchas 
de  oro,  de  anchor  de  mas  de  un  palmo,  enlazadas  en  las  piedras.” — Pedro 
Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.  MS. 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxiv. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte 
i.  lib.  iii.  cap.  xxi. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

2  “  El  bulto  del  Sol  tenian  mui  grande  de  oro,  i  todo  el  servicio  desta 
casa  era  de  plata  i  oro  ;  i  tenian  doze  horones  de  plata  blanca,  que  dos 
hombres  no  abrazarian  cada  uno  quadrados,  i  eran  mas  altos  que  una  buena 
pica,  donde  hechavan  el  maiz  que  havian  de  dar  al  Sol,  segun  ellos  decian 
que  comiese.” — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.  The  original,  as  the  Spanish 
reader  perceives,  says  each  of  these  silver  vases  or  bins  was  as  high  as  a 
good  lance,  and  so  large  that  two  men  with  outspread  arms  could  barely 
encompass  them  !  As  this  might,  perhaps,  embarrass  even  the  most  accom-' 

•  modating  faith,  I  have  preferred  not  to  become  responsible  for  any  particu- 
i  lar  dimensions. 

Conquest  of  Peru 


instance,  probably,  did  not  surpass  the  excellence  of  the 

If  the  reader  sees  in  this  fairy  picture  only  the  romantic 
colouring  of  some  fabulous  El  Dovcido ,  he  must  recall  whin  nas 
been  said  before  in  reference  to  the  palaces  of  the  Incas,  and 
consider  that  these  “  Houses  of  the  Sun,”  as  they  were  styled, 
were  the  common  reservoir  into  which  flowed  all  the  streams  of 
public  and  private  benefaction  throughout  the  empire.  Some 
of  the  statements,  through  credulity,  and  others,  in  the  desire 
of  exciting  admiration,  may  be  greatly  exaggerated  ;  but  m  the 
coincidence  of  contemporary  testimony,  it  is  not  easy  to  deter¬ 
mine  the  exact  line  which  should  mark  the  measure  ot  our  scepti¬ 
cism.  Certain  it  is,  that  the  glowing  picture  I  have  given  is 
warranted  by  those  who  saw  these  buildings  in  their  pride,  or 
shortly  after  they  had  been  despoiled  by  the  cupidity  of  their 
countrymen.  Many  of  the  costly  articles  were  huiied  py  the 
natives,  or  thrown  into  the  waters  of  the  rivers  and  the  lakes  ; 
but  enough  remained  to  attest  the  unprecedented  opulence  of 
these  religious  establishments.  Such  things  as  weie  in  their 
nature  portable  were  speedily  removed,  to  gratify  the  craving  o: 
the  Conquerors,  who  even  tore  away  the  solid  cornices  and 
frieze  of  gold  from  the  great  temple,  filling  the  vacant  places 
with  the  cheaper,  but — since  it  affords  no  temptation  to  avarice 
— more  durable,  material  of  plaster.  \7et  even  thus  shorn  of 
their  splendour,  the  venerable  edifices  still  presented  an  attrac¬ 
tion  to  the  spoiler,  who  found  in  their  dilapidated  walls  an  inex¬ 
haustible  quarry  for  the  erection  of  other  buildings.  On  the 
very  around  once  crowned  by  the  gorgeous  Concancha  ^  rose 
the  stately  church  of  St.  Dominic,  one  ol  the  most  magnificent 
structures  of  the  New  World.  Fields  of  maize  and  lucerne 
now  bloom  on  the  spot  which  glowed  with  the  golden  gardens 
of  the  temple  )  and  the  friar  chants  his  orisons  within  the  con¬ 
secrated  precincts  once  occupied  by  the  Children  of  the  Sun.1 

1  Levinus  Apollonius,  fol.  38. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real,  parte  i.  lib.  iii. 
cap.  xxiv. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.  “Tenian  un  jardm 
que  los  terrones  eran  pedazos  de  oro  fino  ;  y  estaban  artificiosamen.e  sem- 
brado  de  maizales,  los  quales  eran  oro,  asi  las  canas  de  ello  como  las  ojas  y 
mazorcas  ;  v  estaban  tan  bien  plantados  que  aunque  hiciesen  recios  bientos 
no  se  arrancaban.  Sin  todo  esto  tenian  hechas  mas  de  vemte  obejas  de  oro 
con  sus  corderos,  v  los  pastores  con  sus  ondas  y  cayados  que  la»  guardaban, 
hecho  de  este  metal.  Havia  mucha  cantidad  de  tinajas  de  oro  y  de  plata  y 
esmeraldas,  vasos,  ollas,  y  todo  genero  de  vasijas  todo  de  oro  fino^  For 
otras  paredes  tenian  esculpidas  y  pintadas  otras  mayores  cosas  En  fin,  era 
uno  de  los  ricos  templos  que  hubo  en  el  mundo.  — Sarmiento,  Relacion, 

MS.,  cap.  xxiv. 

2  Miller’s  Memoiis,  vol.  ii.  pp.  223,  224. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  61 

Besides  the  great  Temple  of  the  Sun,  there  was  a  large 
number  of  inferior  temples  and  religious  houses  in  the  Peruvian 
capital  and  its  environs,  amounting  as  is  stated,  to  three  or  four 
hundred  ; 1  for  Cuzco  was  a  sanctified  spot,  venerated  not  only 
as  the  abode  of  the  Incas,  but  of  all  those  deities  who  presided 
over  the  motley  nations  of  the  empire.  It  was  the  city  beloved 
of  the  Sun  ;  where  his  worship  was  maintained  in  its  splendour ; 
“where  every  fountain,  pathway,  and  wall,”  says  an  ancient 
chronicler,  “  was  regarded  as  a  holy  mystery :  ” 2  and  unfor¬ 
tunate  was  the  Indian  noble  who,  at  some  period  or  other  of 
his  life,  had  not  made  his  pilgrimage  to  the  Peruvian  Mecca. 

Other  temples  and  religious  dwellings  were  scattered  over 
the  provinces,  and  some  of  them  constructed  on  a  scale  of 
magnificence  that  almost  rivalled  that  of  the  metropolis.  The 
attendants  on  these  composed  an  army  of  themselves.  The 
whole  number  of  functionaries,  including  those  of  the  sacer¬ 
dotal  order,  who  officiated  at  the  Coricancha  alone,  was  no  less 
than  four  thousand.3 

At  the  head  ot  all,  both  here  and  throughout  the  land,  stood 
the  great  High  Priest,  or  Villac  Vmu,  as  he  was  called.  He 
was  second  only  to  the  Inca  in  dignity,  and  was  usually  chosen 
from  his  brothers  or  nearest  kindred.  Pie  was  appointed  by 
the  monarch,  and  held  his  office  for  life;  and  he,  in  turn, 
appointed  to  all  the  subordinate  stations  of  his  own  order. 
1  his  order  was  very  numerous.  Those  members  of  it  who  offi¬ 
ciated  in  the  House  of  the  Sun,  in  Cuzco,  were  taken  exclusively 
from  the  sacred  race  of  the  Incas.  The  ministers  in  the  pro¬ 
vincial  temples  were  drawn  from  the  families  of  the  curacas  ; 
but  the  office  of  high  priest  in  each  district  was  reserved  for  one 
of  the  blood  royal.  It  was  designed  by  this  regulation  to  pre¬ 
serve  the  faith  in  its  purity,  and  to  guard  against  any  departure 
from  the  stately  ceremonial  which  it  punctiliously  prescribed.4 

. 1  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iv.  cap.  viii.  “  Havia  en  aquella 
ciudad  v  legua  y  media  de  la  redonda  quatrocientos  y  tantos  lugares,  donde 
se  hacian  sacrificios,  y  se  gustava  mucha  sutna  de  hacienda  en  ellosT — 
Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  Que  aquella  ciudad  del  Cuzco  era  casa  y  morada  de  dioses,  e  ansi  no 
habia  en  toda  el  la  fuente  ni  paso  ni  pared  que  no  dixesen  que  tenia  mis- 
terio.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

3  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.  An  army,  indeed,  if,  as  Cieza  de  Leon 
states,  the  number  of  priests  and  menials  employed  in  the  famous  temple  of 
Bilcas,  on  the  route  to  Chili,  amounted  to  40,000  !  (Cronica,  cap.  lxxxix. ) 
Everything  relating  to  these  Houses  of  the  Sun  appears  to  have  been  on  a 
grand  scale.  But  we  may  easily  believe  this  a  clerical  error  for  4000. 

4  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxvii. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del.  Piru,  MS. 
It  was  only  while  the  priests  were  engaged  in  the  service  of  the  temples, 



62  Conquest  of  Peru 

The  sacerdotal  order,  though  numerous,  was  not  distin¬ 
guished  by  any  peculiar  badge  or  costume  from  the  rest  of 
the  nation.  Neither  was  it  the  sole  depository  of  the  scanty 
science  of  the  country,  nor  was  it  charged  with  the  business 
of  instruction,  nor  with  those  parochial  duties,  if  they  may  be 
so  called,  which  bring  the  priest  in  contact  with  the  great  body 
of  the  people — as  was  the  case  in  Mexico.  The  cause  of  this 
peculiarity  may  probably  be  traced  to  the  existence  of  a  superior 
order,  like  that  of  the  Inca  nobles,  whose  sanctity  of  birth  so 
far  transcended  all  human  appointments,  that  they  in  a  manner 
engrossed  whatever  there  was  of  religious  veneration  in  the 
people.  They  were,  in  fact,  the  holy  order  of  the  state. 
Doubtless  any  of  them  might,  as  very  many  of  them  did,  take 
on  themselves  the  sacerdotal  functions ;  and  their  own  insignia 
and  peculiar  privileges  were  too  well  understood  to  require  any 
further  badge  to  separate  them  from  the  people. . 

The  duties  of  the  priest  were  confined  to  ministration  in  the 
temple.  Even  here  his  attendance  was  not  constant,  as  he  was 
relieved  after  a  stated  interval  by  other  brethren  of  his  order, 
who  succeeded  one  another  in  regular  rotation.  His  science 
was  limited  to  an  acquaintance  with  the  fasts  and  festivals  of 
his  religion,  and  the  appropriate  ceremonies  which  distinguished 
them.  This,  however  frivolous  might  be  its  character,  was  no 
easy  acquisition  ;  for  the  ritual  of  the  Incas  involved  a  routine 
of  observances,  as  complex  and  elaborate  as  ever  distinguished 
that  of  any  nation,  whether  pagan  or  Christian.  Each  month 
had  its  appropriate  festival,  or  rather  festivals.  The  four  prin¬ 
cipal  had  reference  to  the  Sun,  and  commemorated  the  great 
periods  of  his  annual  progress,  the  solstices  and  equinoxes. 
Perhaps  the  most  magnificent  of  all  the  national  solemnities 
was  the  feast  of  Raymi,  held  at  the  period  of  the  summer 
solstice,  when  the  Sun,  having  touched  the  southern  extremity 
of  his  course,  retraced  his  path,  as  if  to  gladden  the  hearts  of 
his  chosen  people  by  his  presence.  On  this  occasion,  the 
Indian  nobles  from  the  different  quarters  of  the  country 
thronged  to  the  capital,  to  take  part  in  the  great  religious 

For  three  days  previous  there  was  a  general  fast,  and  no  fire 
was  allowed  to  be  lighted  in  the  dwellings.  When  the  appointed 
day  arrived,  the  Inca  and  his  court,  followed  by  the  whole 

that  they  were  maintained,  according  to  Garcilasso,  from  the  estates  of  the 
Sun.  At  other  times  they  were  to  get  their  support  from  their  own  lands, 
which,  if  he  is  correct,  were  assigned  to  them  in  the  same  manner  as  to  the 
other  orders  of  the  nation. — Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  viii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  63 

population  of  the  city,  assembled  at  early  dawn  in  the  great 
square  to  greet  the  rising  ot  the  Sun.  They  were  dressed  in 
their  gayest  apparel,  and  the  Indian  lords  vied  with  each  other 
in  the  display  of  costly  ornaments  and  jewels  on  their  persons, 
while  canopies  of  gaudy  feather-work,  and  richly  tinted  stuffs, 
borne  by  the  attendants  over  their  heads,  gave  to  the  great 
square,  and  the  streets  that  emptied  into  it,  the  appearance  of 
being  spread  over  with  one  vast  and  magnificent  awning. 
Eagerly  they  watched  the  coming  of  their  deity;  and,  no 
sooner  did  his  first  yellow  rays  strike  the  turrets  and  loftiest 
buildings  of  the  capital,  than  a  shout  of  gratulation  broke 
forth  from  the  assembled  multitude,  accompanied  by  songs 
of  triumph  and  the  wild  melody  of  barbaric  instruments,  that 
swelled  louder  and  louder  as  his  bright  orb,  rising  above  the 
mountain  range  towards  the  east,  shone  in  full  splendour  on 
his  votaries.  After  the  usual  ceremonies  of  adoration,  a  liba¬ 
tion  was  offered  to  the  great  deity  by  the  Inca  from  a  huge 
golden  vase,  filled  with  the  fermented  liquor  of  maize  or  of 
maguey,  which,  after  the  monarch  had  tasted  himself,  he  dis¬ 
pensed  among  his  royal  kindred.  These  ceremonies  completed, 
the  vast  assembly  was  arranged  in  order  of  procession,  and  took 
its  way  towards  the  Coricancha.1 

As  they  entered  the  street  of  the  sacred  edifice,  all  divested 
themselves  of  their  sandals,  except  the  Inca  and  his  family, 
who  did  the  same  on  passing  through  the  portals  of  the  temple, 
where  none  but  these  august  personages  were  admitted.2  After 
a  decent  time  spent  in  devotion,  the  sovereign,  attended  by  his 
courtly  train,  again  appeared,  and  preparations  were  made  to 
commence  the  sacrifice.  This,  with  the  Peruvians,  consisted 
of  animals,  grain,  flowers,  and  sweet-scented  gums  ;  sometimes 
of  human  beings,  on  which  occasions  a  child  or  beautiful 
maiden  was  usually  selected  as  the  victim.  But  such  sacrifices 
were  rare,  being  reserved  to  celebrate  some  great  public  event, 
as  a  coronation,  the  birth  ot  a  royal  heir,  or  a  great  victory. 
They  were  never  followed  by  those  cannibal  repasts  familiar  iO 
the  Mexicans,  and  to  many  of  the  fierce  tribes  conquered  by 
the  Incas.  Indeed,  the  conquests  of  these  princes  might  well 

1  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS.—  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxvii. 
rhe  reader  will  find  a  brilliant,  and  not  very  extravagant,  account  of  the 
Peruvian  festivals  in  Marmontel’s  romance  of  Les  Incas.  The  French 
LUthor  saw  in  their  gorgeous  ceremonial  a  fitting  introduction  to  his  own 

iterary  pageant. — Tom.  L  chap.  i.-iv.  ,  ,  • 

2  ‘ 4  N ingun  Indio  comun  osaba  pasav  por  la  calle  del  Sol  ca  zado  ,  m 

lintnmo,  aunque  fuese  mui  grand  sefior,  entrava  en  las  casas  del  Sol  con 
apatos.”— Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

64  Conquest  of  Peru 

be  deemed  a  blessing  to  the  Indian  nations,  if  it  were  only 
from  their  suppression  of  cannibalism,  and  the  diminution, 
under  their  rule,  of  human  sacrifices.1 

At  the  feast  of  Raymi,  the  sacrifice  usually  offered  was  that 
of  the  llama ;  and  the  priest,  after  opening  the  body  of  his 
victim,  sought  in  the  appearances  which  it  exhibited  to  read 
the  lesson  of  the  mysterious  future.  If  the  auguries  were 
unpropitious,  a  second  victim  was  slaughtered,  in  the  hope  of 
receiving  some  more  comfortable  assurance.  The  Peruvian 
augur  might  have  learned  a  good  lesson  of  the  Roman, — to 
consider  every  omen  as  favourable  which  served  the  interests 
of  his  country.2 

A  fire  was  then  kindled  by  means  of  a  concave  mirror  of 
polished  metal,  which,  collecting  the  rays  of  the  sun  into  a 
focus  upon  a  quantity  of  dried  cotton,  speedily  set  it  on  fire. 
It  was  the  expedient  used  on  the  like  occasions  in  ancient 
Rome,  at  least  under  the  reign  of  the  pious  Numa.  When  the 
sky  was  overcast,  and  the  face  of  the  good  deity  was  hidden 
from  his  worshippers,  which  was  esteemed  a  bad  omen,  fire  was 
obtained  by  means  of  friction.  The  sacred  flame  was  intrusted 
to  the  care  of  the  Virgins  of  the  Sun ;  and  if,  by  any  neglect, 
it  was  suffered  to  go  out  in  the  course  of  the  year,  the  event 

1  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega  flatly  denies  that  the  Incas  were  guilty  of  human 
sacrifices  ;  and  maintains,  on  the  other  hand,  that  they  uniformly  abolished 
them  in  every  country  they  subdued,  where  they  had  previously  existed. 
(Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  ix.  et  alibi.)  But  in  this  material  fact  he 
is  unequivocally  contradicted  by  Sarmiento,  Relation,  MS.,  cap.  xxii., 
Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS.,— Montesinos,  Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  lib.  ii. 
cap.  viii., — Balboa,  Hist,  du  Perou,  chap.  v.  viii., — Cieza  de  Leon, 
Cronica,  cap.  lxxib, — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS,, — Acosto,  lib.  v.  cap. 

— and  I  might,  add,  I  suspect,  were  I  to  pursue  the  inquiry,  by  nearly 
every  ancient  writer  of  authority  ;  some  of  whom,  having  come  into  the 
country  soon  after  the  Conquest,  while  its  primitive  institutions  were  in 
vigour,  are  entitled  to  more  deference  in  a  matter  of  this  kind  than 
Garcilasso  himself.  It  was  natural  that  the  descendant  of  the  Incas  should 
desire  to  relieve  his  race  from  so  odious  an  imputation ;  and  we  must  have 
charity  for  him,  if  he  does  show  himself,  on  some  occasions,  where  the 
honour  of  his  country  is  at  stake,  “high  gravel  blind. It  should  be 
added,  in  justice  to  the  Peruvian  government,  that  the  best  authorities 
concur  in  the  admission,  that  the  sacrifices  were  few,  both  in  number  and 
in  magnitude,  being  reserved  for  such  extraordinary  occasions  as  those 
mentioned  in  the  text. 

2  “  Augurque  cum  esset,  dicere  ausus  est,  optimis  auspiciis  ea  geri,  quae 
pro  reipublicse  salute  gererentur.” — Cicero,  De  Senectute.  .  This  inspection 
of  the  entrails  of  animals  for  the  purposes  of  divination  is  worthy  of  note 
as  a  most  rare,  if  not  a  solitary,  instance  of  the  kind  among  the  nations 
of  the  New  World,  though  so  familiar  in  the  ceremonial  of  sacrifice  among 
the  pagan  nations  of  the  Old. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  65 

was  regarded  as  a  calamity  that  boded  some  strange  disaster  to 
the  monarchy.1  A  burnt-offering  of  the  victims  was  then  made 
on  the  altars  of  the  deity.  This  sacrifice  was  but  the  prelude 
to  the  slaughter  of  a  great  number  of  llamas,  part  of  the  flocks 
of  the  Sun,  which  furnished  a  banquet  not  only  for  the  Inca 
and  his  court,  but  for  the  people,  who  made  amends  at  these 
festivals  for  the  frugal  fare  to  which  they  were  usually  con¬ 
demned.  A  fine  bread  or  cake,  kneaded  of  maize  flour  by  the 
fair  hands  of  the  Virgins  of  the  Sun,  was  also  placed  on  the 
royal  board,  where  the  Inca,  presiding  over  the  feast,  pledged 
his  great  nobles  in  generous  goblets  of  the  fermented  liquor  of 
the  country,  and  the  long  revelry  of  the  day  was  closed  at 
night  by  music  and  dancing.  Dancing  and  drinking  were  the 
favourite  pastimes  of  the  Peruvians.  These  amusements  con¬ 
tinued  for  several  days,  though  the  sacrifices  terminated  on  the 
first.  Such  was  the  great  festival  of  Raymi ;  and  the  recur¬ 
rence  of  this  and  similar  festivities  gave  relief  to  the  mono¬ 
tonous  routine  of  toil  prescribed  to  the  lower  orders  of  the 

In  the  distribution  of  bread  and  wine  at  this  high  festival, 
the  orthodox  Spaniards  who  first  came  into  the  country  saw  a 
striking  resemblance  to  the  Christian  communion  ; 3  as  in  the 
practice  of  confession  and  penance,  which  in  a  most  irregular 
form  indeed  seems  to  have  been  used  by  the  Peruvians,  they 
discerned  a  coincidence  with  another  of  the  sacraments  of  the 
Church.4  The  good  fathers  were  fond  of  tracing  such  coinci¬ 
dences,  which  they  considered  as  the  contrivance  of  Satan,  who 
thus  endeavoured  to  delude  his  victims  by  counterfeiting  the 

1  “  Vigilemque  sacraverat  ignem, 

Excubias  divum  seternas.” 

Plutarch,  in  his  life  of  Numa,  describes  the  reflectors  used  by  the  Romans 
for  kindling  the  sacred  fire,  as  concave  instruments  of  brass,  though  not 
:  spherical  like  the  Peruvian,  but  of  a  triangular  form. 

2  Acosta,  lib.  v.  cap.  xxviii.  xxix. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib. 
vi.  cap.  xxiii. 

3  “That  which  is  most  admirable  in  the  hatred  and  presumption  of 
Sathan  is,  that  he  not  only  counterfeited  in  idolatry  and  sacrifices,  but  also 
in  certain  ceremonies,  our  sacraments,  which  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord  insti¬ 
tuted,  and  the  holy  Church  uses,  having  especially  pretended  to  imitate,  in 
some  sort,  the  sacrament  of  the  communion,  which  is  the  most  high  and 
divine  of  all  others.” — Acosta,  lib.  v.  cap.  xxiii. 

4  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iv.  cap.  iv. — Ondegardo,  Rel. 
Prim.,  MS.  “The  father  of  lies  would  likewise  counterfeit  the  sacra¬ 
ment  of  confession,  and  in  his  idolatries  sought  to  be  honoured  with 
ceremonies  very  like  to  the  manner  of  Christians.” — Acosta,  lib.  v. 
cap.  xxv. 


66  Conquest  of  Peru 

blessed  rites  of  Christianity.1  Others,  in  a  different  vein, 
imagined  that  they  saw  in  such  analogies  the  evidence  that 
some  of  the  primitive  teachers  of  the  Gospel,  perhaps  an 
apostle  himself,  had  paid  a  visit  to  these  distant  regions,  and 
scattered  over  them  the  seeds  of  religious  truth.2  But  it  seems 
hardly  necessary  to  invoke  the  Prince  of  Darkness  or  the  inter¬ 
vention  of  the  blessed  saints,  to  account  for  coincidences  which 
have  existed  in  countries  far  removed  from  the  light  of  Chris¬ 
tianity,  and  in  ages,  indeed,  when  its  light  had  not  yet  risen  on 
the  world.  It  is  much  more  reasonable  to  refer  such  casual 
points  of  resemblance  to  the  general  constitution  of  man,  and 
the  necessities  of  his  moral  nature.3 

Another  singular  analogy  with  Roman  Catholic  institutions 
is  presented  by  the  Virgins  of  the  Sun,  the  “elect,”  as  they 
were  called,4  to  whom  I  have  already  had  occasion  to  refer. 
These  were  young  maidens  dedicated  to  the  service  of  the 
deity,  who,  at  a  tender  age,  were  taken  from  their  homes  and 
introduced  into  convents,  where  they  were  placed  under  the 
care  of  certain  elderly  matrons,  mcimaconas,  who  had  grown  grey 
within  their  walls.5  Under  these  venerable  guides  the  holy 
virgins  were  instructed  in  the  nature  of  their  religious  duties. 
They  were  employed  in  spinning  and  embroidery,  and  with  the 
fine  hair  of  the  vicuna,  wove  the  hangings  for  the  temples,  and 

*  Cieza  de  Leon,  not  content  with  many  marvellous  accounts  of  the 
influence  and  real  apparition  of  Satan  in  the  Indian  ceremonies,  has  gar¬ 
nished  his  volume  with  numerous  wood-cuts  representing  the  Prince  of  Evil 
in  bodily  presence,  with  the  usual  accompaniments  of  tail,  claws,  &c.,  as  if 
to  re-enforce  the  homilies  in  his  text !  The  Peruvian  saw  in  his  idol  a 
god.  His  Christian  conqueror  saw  in  it  the  devil.  One  may  be  puzzled 
to  decide  which  of  the  two  might  lay  claim  to  the  grossest  superstition. 

2  Piedrahita,  the  historian  of  the  Muyscas,  is  satisfied  that  this  apostle 
must  have  been  St.  Bartholomew,  whose  travels  were  known  to  have  been 
extensive.  (Conq.  de  Granada,  parte  i.  lib  i.  cap.  iii.)  The  Mexican 
antiquaries  consider  St.  Thomas  as  having  had  charge  of  the  mission  to  the 
people  of  Anahuac.  These  two  apostles,  then,  would  seem  to  have  divided 
the  New  World,  at  least  the  civilised  portions  of  it,  between  them.  How 
they  came,  whether  by  Behring’s  Straits,  or  directly  across  the  Atlantic,  we 
are  not  informed.  Velasco — a  writer  of  the  eighteenth  century  ! — has  little 
doubt  that  they  did  really  come. — Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  pp.  89,  90. 

3  The  subject  is  illustrated  by  some  examples  in  the  History  of  the 
Conquest  of  Mexico,  Appendix ,  No.  I,  since  the  same  usages  in  that 
country  led  to  precisely  the  same  rash  conclusions  among  the  Conquerors. 

4  “  Llamavase  Casa  de  Escogidas  ;  porque  las  escogian,  6  por  linage,  6 
por  hermosura. ” — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  i. 

6  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  The  word  mamacona  signified 
“  matron  ”  ;  mama ,  the  first  half  of  this  compound  word,  as  already 
noticed,  meaning  “mother.” — See  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv. 
cap.  i. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  67 

the  apparel  for  the  Inca  and  his  household.1  It  was  their  duty 
above  all  to  watch  over  the  sacred  fire  obtained  at  the  festival 
of  Raymi.  From  the  moment  they  entered  the  establishment 
they  were  cut  off  from  all  connexion  with  the  world,  even  with 
their  own  family  and  friends.  No  one  but  the  Inca  and  the 
Coya,  or  queen,  might  enter  the  consecrated  precincts.  The 
greatest  attention  was  paid  to  their  morals,  and  visitors  were 
sent  every  year  to  inspect  the  institutions,  and  to  report  on  the 
state  of  their  discipline.2  Woe  to  the  unhappy  maiden  who 
was  detected  in  an  intrigue  !  By  the  stern  law  of  the  Incas  she 
was  to  be  buried  alive,  her  lover  was  to  be  strangled,  and  the 
town  or  village  to  which  he  belonged  was  to  be  razed  to  the 
ground  and  “  sowed  with  stones,”  as  if  to  efface  every  memorial 
of  his  existence.8  One  is  astonished  to  find  so  close  a  resem¬ 
blance  between  the  institutions  of  the  American  Indian,  the 
ancient  Roman,  and  the  modern  Catholic !  Chastity  and 
purity  of  life  are  virtues  in  woman,  that  would  seem  to  be 
of  equal  estimation  with  the  barbarian  and  with  the  civilised ; 
yet  the  ultimate  destination  of  the  inmates  of  these  religious 
houses  was  materially  different. 

The  great  establishment  at  Cuzco  consisted  wholly  of 
maidens  of  the  royal  blood,  who  amounted,  it  is  said,  to  no 
less  than  fifteen  hundred.  The  provincial  convents  were 
supplied  from  the  daughters  of  the  curacas  and  inferior  nobles, 
and  occasionally,  where  a  girl  was  recommended  by  great 
personal  attractions,  from  the  lower  classes  of  the  people.4 
The  “  Houses  of  the  Virgins  of  the  Sun  ”  consisted  of  low 
ranges  of  stone  buildings,  covering  a  large  extent  of  ground, 
surrounded  by  high  walls,  which  excluded  those  within  entirely 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

2  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. 

3  Balboa,  Hist,  du  Perou,  chap.  ix. — Fernandez,  Plist.  del  Peru,  parte  ii. 
lib.  iii.  cap.  xi. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  iii.  Accord¬ 
ing  to  the  historian  of  the  Incas,  the  terrible  penalty  was  never  incurred  by 
a  single  lapse  on  the  part  of  the  fair  sisterhood  ;  though,  if  it  had  been,  the 
sovereign,  he  assures  us,  would  have  “  exacted  it  to  the  letter,  with  as  little 
compunction  as  he  would  have  drowned  a  puppy.”  (Com.  Real.,  parte  i. 
lib.  iv.  cap.  iii.)  Other  writers  contend,  on  the  contrary,  that  these  virgins 
had  very  little  claim  to  the  reputation  of  vestals.  (See  Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Gomara,  Hist,  de  las  Ind.,  cap.  cxxi.)  Such  im¬ 
putations  are  common  enough  on  the  inhabitants  of  religious  houses,  whether 
pagan  or  Christian.  They  are  contradicted  in  the  present  instance  by  the 
concurrent  testimony  of  most  of  those  who  had  the  best  opportunity  of 
arriving  at  truth,  and  are  made  particularly  improbable  by  the  superstitious 
reverence  entertained  for  the  Incas. 

4  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  L 
lib.  iv.  cap.  i. 

68  Conquest  of  Peru 

from  observation.  They  were  provided  with  every  accommo¬ 
dation  for  the  fair  inmates,  and  were  embellished  in  the  same 
sumptuous  and  costly  manner  as  the  palaces  of  the  Incas  and 
the  temples;  for  they  received  the  particular  care  of  govern¬ 
ment,  as  an  important  part  of  the  religious  establishment.1 

Yet  the  career  of  all  the  inhabitants  of  these  cloisters  was 
not  confined  within  their  narrow  walls.  Though  Virgins  of  the 
Sun,  they  were  brides  of  the  Inca,  and  at  a  marriageable  age 
the  most  beautiful  among  them  were  selected  for  the  honours 
of  his  bed,  and  transferred  to  the  royal  seraglio.  The  full 
complement  of  this  amounted  in  time  not  only  to  hundreds,  but 
thousands,  who  all  found  accommodations  in  his  different 
palaces  throughout  the  country.  When  the  monarch  was  dis¬ 
posed  to  lessen  the  number  of  his  establishment,  the  concubine 
with  whose  society  he  was  willing  to  dispense  returned,  not  to 
her  former  monastic  residence,  but  to  her  own  home ;  where, 
however  humble  might  be  her  original  condition,  she  was 
maintained  in  great  state,  and  far  from  being  dishonoured  by 
the  situation  she  had  filled,  was  held  in  universal  reverence  as 
the  Inca's  bride.2 

The  great  nobles  of  Peru  were  allowed,  like  their  sovereigns, 
a  plurality  of  wives.  The  people,  generally,  whether  by  law, 
or  by  necessity  stronger  than  law,  were  more  happily  limited  to 
one.  Marriage  was  conducted  in  a  manner  that  gave  it  quite 
as  original  a  character  as  belonged  to  the  other  institutions  of 
the  country.  On  an  appointed  day  of  the  year,  all  those  of  a 
marriageable  age — which,  having  reference  to  their  ability  to 
take  charge  of  a  family,  in  the  males  was  fixed  at  not  less  than 
twenty-four  years,  and  in  the  women  at  eighteen  or  twenty — 
were  called  together  in  the  great  squares  of  their  respective 
towns  and  villages  throughout  the  empire.  The  Inca  presided 
in  person  over  the  assembly  of  his  own  kindred,  and  taking  the 
hands  of  the  different  couples  who  were  to  be  united,  he 
placed  them  within  each  other,  declaring  the  parties  man  and 
wife.  The  same  was  done  by  the  curacas  towards  all  persons  of 
their  own  or  inferior  degree  in  their  several  districts.  This  was 
the  simple  form  of  marriage  in  Peru.  No  one  was  allowed  to 
select  a  wife  beyond  the  community  to  which  he  belonged,  which 
generally  comprehended  all  his  own  kindred;3  nor  was  any 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  v, — Cieza  de  Leon, 
Cronica,  cap.  xliv. 

2  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv. 
cap.  iv. — Montesinos,  Mem.  Antig.,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  xix. 

a  By  the  strict  letter  of  the  law,  according  to  Garcilasso,  no  one  was  to 
marry  out  of  his  own  lineage.  But  this  narrow  rule  had  a  most  liberal 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  69 

but  the  sovereign  authorised  to  dispense  with  the  law  of 
nature — or,  at  least,  the  usual  laws  of  nations — so  far  as  to 
marry  his  own  sister.1  No  marriage  was  esteemed  valid  with¬ 
out  the  consent  of  the  parents  ;  and  the  preference  of  the 
parties,  it  is  said,  was  also  to  be  consulted  ;  though,  considering 
the  barriers  imposed  by  the  prescribed  age  of  the  candidates, 
this  must  have  been  within  rather  narrow  and  whimsical  limits. 
A  dwelling  was  got  ready  for  the  new-married  pair  at  the 
charge  of  the  district,  and  the  prescribed  portion  of  land 
assigned  for  their  maintenance.  The  law  of  Peru  provided  for 
the  future,  as  well  as  for  the  present.  It  left  nothing  to 
chance.  The  simple  ceremony  of  marriage  was  followed  by 
general  festivities  among  the  friends  of  the  parties,  which 
lasted  several  days ;  and  as  every  wedding  took  place  on  the 
same  day,  and  as  there  were  few  families  who  had  not  some  one 
of  their  members  or  their  kindred  personally  interested,  there 
was  one  universal  bridal  jubilee  throughout  the  empire.2 

The  extraordinary  regulations  respecting  marriage  under  the 
Incas  are  eminently  characteristic  of  the  genius  of  the  govern¬ 
ment  ;  which,  far  from  limiting  itself  to  matters  of  public  con¬ 
cern,  penetrated  into  the  most  private  recesses  of  domestic 
life,  allowing  no  man,  however  humble,  to  act  for  himself,  even 
in  those  personal  matters  in  which  none  but  himself,  or 
his  family  at  most,  might  be  supposed  to  be  interested.  No 
Peruvian  was  too  low  for  the  fostering  vigilance  of  government. 
None  was  so  high  that  he  was  not  made  to  feel  his  dependence 
upon  it  in  every  act  of  his  life.  His  very  existence  as  an 
individual  was  absorbed  in  that  of  the  community.  His  hopes 
and  his  fears,  his  joys  and  his  sorrows,  the  tenderest  sympathies 
of  his  nature,  which  would  most  naturally  shrink  from  observ¬ 
ation,  were  all  to  be  regulated  by  law.  He  was  not  allowed 
even  to  be  happy  in  his  own  way.  The  government  of  the 
Incas  was  the  mildest,  but  the  most  searching  of  despotisms. 

interpretation,  since  all  of  the  same  town,  and  even  province,  he  assures  us, 
were*  reckoned  of  kin  to  one  another. — Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv. 
cap.  viii. 

1  This  practice,  so  revolting  to  our  feelings  that  it  might  well  be  deemed 
to  violate  the  law  of  nature,  must  not,  however,  be  regarded  as  altogether 
peculiar  to  the  Incas,  since  it  was  countenanced  by  some  of  the  most 
polished  nations  of  antiquity. 

2  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi. 
cap.  xxxv i.—  Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Montesinos,  Mem.  Antiguas, 
MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vi. 


Conquest  of  Peru 



“  Science  was  not  intended  for  the  people ;  but  for  those  of 
generous  blood.  Persons  of  low  degree  are  only  puffed  up 
by  it,  and  rendered  vain  and  arrogant.  Neither  should  such 
meddle  with  the  affairs  of  government ;  for  this  would  bring 
high  offices  into  disrepute,  and  cause  detriment  to  the  state.”1 
Such  was  the  favourite  maxim,  often  repeated,  of  Tupac  Inca 
Yupanqui,  one  of  the  most  renowned  of  the  Peruvian  sove¬ 
reigns.  It  may  seem  strange  that  such  a  maxim  should  ever 
have  been  proclaimed  in  the  New  World,  where  popular 
institutions  have  been  established  on  a  more  extensive  scale 
than  was  ever  before  witnessed  :  where  government  rests  wholly 
on  the  people  ;  and  education — at  least,  in  the  great  northern 
division  of  the  continent — is  mainly  directed  to  qualify  the 
people  for  the  duties  of  government.  Yet  this  maxim  was 
strictly  conformable  to  the  genius  of  the  Peruvian  monarchy, 
and  may  serve  as  a  key  to  its  habitual  policy ;  since,  while  it 
watched  with  unwearied  solicitude  over  its  subjects,  provided 
for  their  physical  necessities,  was  mindful  of  their  morals,  and 
showed  throughout  the  affectionate  concern  of  a  parent  for  his 
children,  it  yet  regarded  them  only  as  children,  who  were  never 
to  emerge  from  the  state  of  pupilage,  to  act  or  to  think  for 
themselves,  but  whose  whole  duty  was  comprehended  in  the 
obligation  of  implicit  obedience. 

Such  was  the  humiliating  condition  of  the  people  under  the 
Incas,  while  the  numerous  families  of  the  blood  royal  enjoyed 
the  benefit  of  all  the  light  of  education,  which  the  civilisation 
of  the  country  could  afford  ;  and,  long  after  the  Conquest,  the 
spots  continued  to  be  pointed  out  where  the  seminaries  had 
existed  for  their  instruction.  These  were  placed  under  the 
care  of  the  amautas ,  or  “  wise  men,”  who  engrossed  the  scanty 
stock  of  science — if  science  it  could  be  called— possessed  by 

1  “  No  es  licito,  que  ensenen  d  los  hijos  de  los  plebeios  las  ciencias,  que 
pertenescen  d  los  generosos,  y  no  mas  ;  porque  como  gente  baja,  no  se 
eleven,  y  ensobervezcan,  y  menoscaben,  y  apoquen  la  republica  :  bastales 
que  aprendan  los  oficios  de  sus  padres  ;  que  el  mandar  y  governar  no  es  de 
plebeios  ;  que  es  hacen  agravio  al  oficio  y  a  la  republica,  encomendarsela 
a  gente  coraun.” — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  viii.  cap.  viii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  71 

the  Peruvians,  and  who  were  the  sole  teachers  of  youth.  It 
was  natural  that  the  monarch  should  take  a  lively  interest  in 
the  instruction  of  the  young  nobility,  his  own  kindred.  Several 
of  the  Peruvian  princes  are  said  to  have  built  their  palaces  in 
the  neighbourhood  of  the  schools,  in  order  that  they  might  the 
more  easily  visit  them  and  listen  to  the  lectures  of  their  amautas, 
which  they  occasionally  reinforced  by  a  homily  of  their  own.1 
In  these  schools  the  royal  pupils  were  instructed  in  all  the 
different  kinds  of  knowledge  in  which  their  teachers  were 
versed,  with  especial  reference  to  the  stations  they  were  to 
occupy  in  after  life.  They  studied  the  laws,  and  the  principles 
of  administering  the  government,  in  which  many  of  them  were 
to  take  part.  They  were  initiated  in  the  peculiar  rites  of  their 
religion,  most  necessary  to  those  who  were  to  assume  the 
sacerdotal  functions.  They  learned  also  to  emulate  the  achieve¬ 
ments  of  their  royal  ancestors,  by  listening  to  the  chronicles 
compiled  by  the  amautas.  They  were  taught  to  speak  their 
own  dialect  with  purity  and  elegance ;  and  they  became 
acquainted  with  the  mysterious  science  of  the  quipus,  which 
supplied  the  Peruvians  with  the  means  of  communicating 
their  ideas  to  one  another,  and  of  transmitting  them  to  future 

The  quipu  was  a  cord  about  two  feet  long,  composed  of 
different  coloured  threads  tightly  twisted  together,  from  which 
a  quantity  of  smaller  threads  were  suspended  in  the  manner  of 
a  fringe.  The  threads  were  of  different  colours  and  were  tied 
into  knots ;  the  word  quipu ,  indeed,  signifies  a  knot .  The 
colours  denoted  sensible  objects ;  as,  for  instance,  white  re¬ 
presented  silver,  and  yellow,  gold.  They  sometimes  also  stood 
for  abstract  ideas  ;  thus,  white  signified  peace,  and  red,  war. 
But  the  quipus  were  chiefly  used  for  arithmetical  purposes. 
The  knots  served  instead  of  ciphers,  and  could  be  combined 
in  such  a  manner  as  to  represent  numbers  to  any  amount  they 
required.  By  means  of  these  they  went  through  their  calcula¬ 
tions  with  great  rapidity,  and  the  Spaniards  who  first  visited 
the  country  bear  testimony  to  their  accuracy.3 

Officers  were  established  in  each  of  the  districts,  who,  under 
the  title  of  quipucamayus ,  or  “  keepers  of  the  quipus,”  were 

1  The  descendant  of  the  Incas  notices  the  remains,  visible  in  his  day,  of 
two  of  the  palaces  of  his  royal  ancestors,  which  had  been  buiit  in  the 
vicinity  of  the  schools,  for  more  easy  access  to  them. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  iv.  cap.  xix. 

3  Conq.  i  Fob.  del  Piru,  MS.— Sarmiento,  Relation,  MS.,  cap.  ix  — 
Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  viii. —  Garcilasso,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  viii. 

72  Conquest  of  Peru 

required  to  furnish  the  government  with  information  on  various 
important  matters.  One  had  charge  of  the  revenues,  reported 
the  quantity  of  raw  material  distributed  among  the  labourers, 
the  quality  and  quantity  of  the  fabrics  made  from  it,  and  the 
amount  of  stores,  of  various  kinds,  paid  into  the  royal  magazines. 
Another  exhibited  the  register  of  births  and  deaths,  the  mar¬ 
riages,  the  number  of  those  qualified  to  bear  arms,  and  the  like 
details  in  reference  to  the  population  of  the  kingdom.  These 
returns  were  annually  forwarded  to  the  capital,  where  they  were 
submitted  to  the  inspection  of  officers  acquainted  with  the  art 
of  deciphering  these  mystic  records.  The  government  was 
thus  provided  with  a  valuable  mass  of  statistical  information ; 
and  the  skeins  of  many-coloured  threads,  collected  and  care¬ 
fully  preserved,  constituted  what  might  be  called  the  national 

But,  although  the  quipus  sufficed  for  all  the  purposes  of 
arithmetical  computation  demanded  by  the  Peruvians,  they 
were  incompetent  to  represent  the  manifold  ideas  and  images 
which  are  expressed  by  writing.  Even  here,  however,  the 
invention  was  not  without  its  use.  For,  independently  of  the 
direct  representation  of  simple  objects,  and  even  of  abstract 
ideas,  to  a  very  limited  extent,  as  above  noticed,  it  afforded 
great  help  to  the  memory  by  way  of  association.  The  peculiar 
knot  or  colour,  in  this  way,  suggested  what  it  could  not  venture 
to  represent ;  in  the  same  manner — to  borrow  the  homely 
illustration  of  an  old  writer — as  the  number  of  the  Command¬ 
ment  calls  to  mind  the  Commandment  itself.  The  quipus, 
thus  used,  might  be  regarded  as  the  Peruvian  system  of 

Annalists  were  appointed  in  each  of  the  principal  com¬ 
munities,  whose  business  it  was  to  record  the  most  important 
events  which  occurred  in  them.  Other  functionaries  of  a 
higher  character,  usually  the  amautas,  were  entrusted  with  the 

1  Ondegardo  expresses  his  astonishment  at  the  variety  of  objects  em¬ 
braced  by  these  simple  records,  “  hardly  credible  by  one  who  had  not  seen 
them.”  “  En  aquella  ciudad  se  hallaron  muchos  viejos  oficiales  antiguos 
del  Inga,  asi  de  la  religion,  como  del  govierno,  y  otra  cosa  que  no  pudiera 
creer  sino  la  viera,  que  por  hilos  y  nudos  se  hallan  figuradas  las  leyes  y 
estatutos  asi  de  lo  uno  como  de  lo  otro,  y  las  sucesiones  de  los  reves  y  ti- 
empo  que  governaron  :  y  hallose  lo  que  todo  esto  tenian  6.  su  cargo  que  no 
fue  poco,  y  aun  tube  alguna  claridad  de  los  estatutos  que  en  tiempo  de  cada 
uno  se  havian  puesta.”  (Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  See  also  Sarmiento,  Relacion, 
MS.,  cap.  ix. — Acosta,  lib,  vi.  cap.  viii. — Garcilasso,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap. 
viii.  ix.)  A  vestige  of  the  quipus  is  still  to  be  found  in  some  parts  of  Peru, 
where  the  shepherds  keep  the  tallies  of  their  numerous  flocks  by  means  of 
this  ancient  arithmetic. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  73 

history  of  the  empire,  and  were  selected  to  chronicle  the  great 
deeds  of  the  reigning  Inca  or  of  his  ancestors.1  The  narrative 
thus  concocted,  could  be  communicated  only  by  oral  tradition  ; 
but  the  quipus  served  the  chronicler  to  arrange  the  incidents 
with  method,  and  to  refresh  his  memory.  The  story,  once 
treasured  up  in  the  mind,  was  indelibly  impressed  there  by 
frequent  repetition.  It  was  repeated  by  the  amauta  to  his 
pupils ;  and  in  this  way  history,  conveyed  partly  by  oral 
tradition,  and  partly  by  arbitrary  signs,  was  handed  down  from 
generation  to  generation,  with  sufficient  discrepancy  of  details, 
but  with  a  general  conformity  of  outline  to  the  truth. 

The  Peruvian  quipus  were,  doubtless,  a  wretched  substitute 
for  that  beautiful  contrivance,  the  alphabet,  which,  employing 
a  few  simple  characters  as  the  representatives  of  sounds  instead 
of  ideas,  is  able  to  convey  the  most  delicate  shades  of  thought 
that  ever  passed  through  the  mind  of  man.  The  Peruvian 
invention,  indeed,  was  far  below  that  of  the  hieroglyphics,  even 
below  the  rude  picture-writing  of  the  Aztecs ;  for  the  latter  art, 
however  incompetent  to  convey  abstract  ideas,  could  depict 
sensible  objects  with  tolerable  accuracy.  It  is  evidence  of  the 
total  ignorance  in  which  the  two  nations  remained  of  each 
other,  that  the  Peruvians  should  have  borrowed  nothing  of  the 
hieroglyphical  system  of  the  Mexicans,  and  this,  notwithstand¬ 
ing  that  the  existence  of  the  maguey  plant  {agave)  in  South 
America  might  have  furnished  them  with  the  very  material 
used  by  the  Aztecs  for  the  construction  of  their  maps.2 

It  is  impossible  to  contemplate  without  interest  the  struggles 
made  by  different  nations,  as  they  emerge  from  barbarism,  to 
supply  themselves  with  some  visible  symbols  of  thought — that 
mysterious  agency  by  which  the  mind  of  the  individual  may 
be  put  in  communication  with  the  minds  of  a  whole  community. 
The  want  of  such  a  symbol  is  itself  the  greatest  impediment  to 
the  progress  of  civilisation ;  for  what  is  it  but  to  imprison  the 
thought,  which  has  the  elements  of  immortality,  within  the 
bosom  of  its  author,  or  of  the  small  circle  who  come  in  contact 
with  him,  instead  of  sending  it  abroad  to  give  light  to  thou¬ 
sands,  and  to  generations  yet  unborn  !  Not  only  is  such  a 
symbol  an  essential  element  of  civilisation,  but  it  may  be 

1  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.,  ubi  supra. 

2  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.,  ubi  supra. — Dec.  de  la  Aud.  Real.,  MS. — Sarmiento, 
Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  ix.  Yet  the  quipus  must  be  allowed  to  bear  some 
resemblance  to  the  belts  of  wampum — made  of  coloured  beads  strung 
together — in  familiar  use  among  the  North  American  tribes,  for  com¬ 
memorating  treaties,  and  for  other  purposes. 

74  Conquest  of  Peru 

assumed  as  the  very  criterion  of  civilisation  ;  for  the  intellectual 
advancement  of  a  people  will  keep  pace  pretty  nearly  with  its 
facilities  for  intellectual  communication. 

Yet  we  must  be  careful  not  to  underrate  the  real  value  of  the 
Peruvian  system ;  nor  to  suppose  that  the  quipus  were  as 
awkward  an  instrument,  in  the  hand  of  a  practised  native,  as 
they  would  be  in  ours.  We  know  the  effect  of  habit  in  all 
mechanical  operations,  and  the  Spaniards  bear  constant  testi¬ 
mony  to  the  adroitness  and  accuracy  of  the  Peruvians  in  this. 
Their  skill  is  not  more  surprising  than  the  facility  with  which 
habit  enables  us  to  master  the  contents  of  a  printed  page, 
comprehending  thousands  of  separate  characters,  by  a  single 
glance,  as  it  were,  though  each  character  must  require  a 
distinct  recognition  by  the  eye,  and  that  too  without  breaking 
the  chain  of  thought  in  the  reader’s  mind.  We  must  not  hold 
the  invention  of  the  quipus  too  lightly,  when  we  reflect  that 
they  supplied  the  means  of  calculation  demanded  for  the 
affairs  of  a  great  nation,  and  that,  however  insufficient,  they 
afforded  no  little  help  to  what  aspired  to  the  credit  of  literary 

The  office  of  recording  the  national  annals  was  not  wholly 
confined  to  the  amautas ;  it  was  assumed  in  part  by  the 
haravecs ,  or  poets,  who  selected  the  most  brilliant  incidents 
for  their  songs  or  ballads,  which  were  chanted  at  the  royal 
festivals  and  at  the  table  of  the  Inca.1  In  this  manner,  a  body 
of  traditionary  minstrelsy  grew  up,  like  the  British  and  Spanish 
ballad  poetry,  by  means  of  which  the  name  of  many  a  rude 
chieftain,  that  might  have  perished  for  want  of  a  chronicler, 
has  been  borne  down  the  tide  of  rustic  melody  to  later 

Yet  history  may  be  thought  not  to  gain  much  by  this  alliance 
with  poetry ;  for  the  domain  of  the  poet  extends  over  an  ideal 
realm  peopled  with  the  shadowy  forms  of  fancy,  that  bear 
little  resemblance  to  the  rude  realities  of  life.  The  Peruvian 
annals  may  be  deemed  to  show  somewhat  of  the  effects  of  this 
union,  since  there  is  a  tinge  of  the  marvellous  spread  over 
them  down  to  the  very  latest  period,  which,  like  a  mist  before 
the  leader's  eye,  makes  it  difficult  to  distinguish  between  fact 
and  fiction. 

The  poet  found  a  convenient  instrument  for  his  purposes  in 
the  beautiful  Quichua  dialect.  We  have  already  seen  the 

1  The  word  haravec  signified  “inventor”  or  “finder”  ;  and  in  his  title, 
as  well  as  in  his  functions,  the  minstrel  poet  may  remind  us  of  the  Norman 
t  rouvere. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  75 

extraordinary  measures  taken  by  the  Incas  for  propagating 
their  language  throughout  their  empire.  Thus  naturalised  in 
the  remotest  provinces,  it  became  enriched  by  a  variety  of 
exotic  words'  and  idioms,  which,  under  the  influence  of  the 
court  and  of  poetic  culture,  if  I  may  so  express  myself,  was 
gradually  blended,  like  some  finished  mosaic  made  up  of 
coarse  and  disjointed  materials,  into  one  harmonious  whole. 
The  Quichua  became  the  most  comprehensive  and  various,  as 
well  as  the  most  elegant  of  the  South  American  dialects.1 

Besides  the  compositions  already  noticed,  the  Peruvians,  it 
is  said,  showed  some  talent  for  theatrical  exhibitions ;  not  those 
barren  pantomimes  which,  addressed  simply  to  the  eye,  have 
formed  the  amusement  of  more  than  one  rude  nation.  The 
Peruvian  pieces  aspired  to  the  rank  of  dramatic  compositions, 
sustained  by  character  and  dialogue,  founded  sometimes  on 
themes  of  tragic  interest,  and  at  others  on  such  as,  from  their 
light  and  social  character,  belong  to  comedy.2  Of  the  execution 
of  these  pieces  we  have  now  no  means  of  judging.  It  was 
probably  rude  enough,  as  befitted  an  unformed  people ;  but 
whatever  may  have  been  the  execution,  the  mere  conception 
of  such  an  amusement  is  a  proof  of  refinement  that  honourably 
distinguishes  the  Peruvian  from  the  other  American  races,  whose 
pastime  was  war,  or  the  ferocious  sports  that  reflect  the  image 
of  it. 

The  intellectual  character  of  the  Peruvians,  indeed,  seems  to 
have  been  marked  rather  by  a  tendency  to  refinement  than  by 
those  hardier  qualities  which  insure  success  in  the  severer 
walks  of  science.  In  these  they  were  behind  several  of  the 
semi-civilised  nations  of  the  New  World.  They  had  some 
acquaintance  with  geography,  so  far  as  related  to  their  own 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  Sarmiento  justly  laments  that  his 
countrymen  should  have  suffered  this  dialect,  which  might  have  proved 
so  serviceable  in  their  intercourse  with  the  motley  tribes  of  the  empire,  to 
fall  so  much  out  of  use  as  it  has  done.  “  Y  con  tanto  digo  que  fue  harto 
beneficio  para  los  Espanoles  haver  csta  lengua,  pues  podian  con  ella  andar 
por  todas  partes,  en  algunas  de  las  quales  ya  se  va  perdiendo.  ” — Relacion, 
MS.,  cap.  xxi.  According  to  Velasco,  the  Incas,  on  arriving  with  their 
conquering  legions  at  Quito,  were  astonished  to  find  a  dialect  of  the  Quichua 
spoken  there,  although  it  was  unknown  over  much  of  the  intermediate 
country  ;  a  singular  fact  if  true.  (Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  p.  185.)  The 
author,  a  native  of  that  country,  had  access  to  some  rare  sources  of  inform¬ 
ation  ;  and  his  curious  volumes  show  an  intimate  analogy  between  the 
science  and  social  institutions  of  the  people  of  Quito  and  Peru.  Yet  his 
book  betrays  an  obvious  anxiety  to  set  the  pretensions  of  his  own  country 
in  the  most  imposing  point  of  view,  and  he  frequently  hazards  assertions 
with  a  confidence  that  is  not  well  calculated  to  secure  that  of  his  readers. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  ubi  supra. 

76  Conquest  of  Peru 

empire,  which  was  indeed  extensive;  and  they  constructed 
maps  with  lines  raised  on  them  to  denote  the  boundaries  and 
localities,  on  a  similar  principle  with  those  formerly  used  by 
the  blind.  In  astronomy  they  appear  to  have  made  but 
moderate  proficiency.  They  divided  the  year  into  twelve 
lunar  months,  each  of  which,  having  its  own  name,  was  dis¬ 
tinguished  by  its  appropriate  festival.1  They  had  also  weeks ; 
but  of  what  length,  whether  of  seven,  nine,  or  ten  days,  is 
uncertain.  As  their  lunar  year  would  necessarily  fail  short 
of  the  true  time,  they  rectified  their  calendar  by  solar  observa¬ 
tions  made  by  means  of  a  number  of  cylindrical  columns  raised 
on  the  high  lands  round  Cuzco,  which  served  them  for  taking 
azimuths ;  and  by  measuring  their  shadows  they  ascertained 
the  exact  times  of  the  solstices.  The  period  of  the  equinoxes 
they  determined  by  the  help  of  a  solitary  pillar  or  gnomon 
placed  in  the  centre  of  a  circle  which  was  described  in  the 
area  of  the  great  temple,  and  traversed  by  a  diameter  that  was 
drawn  from  east  to  west.  When  the  shadows  were  scarcely 
visible  under  the  noontide  rays  of  the  sun,  they  said  that  “  the 
god  sat  with  all  his  light  upon  the  column.7’ 2  Quito,  which 
lay  immediately  under  the  equator,  where  the  vertical  rays  of 
the  sun  threw  no  shadow  at  noon,  was  held  in  especial  venera¬ 
tion,  as  the  favoured  abode  of  the  great  deity.  The  period  of 
the  equinoxes  was  celebrated  by  public  rejoicings.  The  pillar 
was  crowned  by  the  golden  chair  of  the  Sun,  and,  both  then 
and  at  the  solstices,  the  columns  were  hung  with  garlands,  and 
offerings  of  flowers  and  fruits  were  made,  while  high  festival  was 
kept  throughout  the  empire.  By  these  periods  the  Peruvians 
regulated  their  religious  rites  and  ceremonial,  and  prescribed 
the  nature  of  their  agricultural  labours.  The  year  itself  took 
its  departure  from  the  date  of  the  winter  solstice.3 * * * 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS.  Fernandez,  who  differs  from  most 
authorities  in  dating  the  commencement  of  the  year  from  June,  gives  the 
names  of  the  several  months,  with  their  appropriate  occupations. — Hist, 
del  Peru,  parte  ii.  lib.  iii.  cap.  x. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xxii.-xxvi.  The  Spanish 
cono^erors  threw  down  these  pillars,  as  savouring  of  idolatry  in  the  Indians. 

Which  of  the  two  were  best  entitled  to  the  name  of  barbarians? 

a  Betanzos,  Nar.  de  los  Ingas,  MS.,  cap.  xvi. — Sarmiento,  Relacion, 

MS.,  cap.  xxiii. — Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  iii.  The  most  celebrated  gnomon 

in  Europe,  that  raised  on  the  dome  of  the  metropolitan  church  of  Florence, 
was  erected  by  the  famous  Toscanelli — for  the  purpose  of  determining  the 
solstices,  and  regulating  the  festivals  of  the  Church — about  the  year  1468  ; 
perhaps  at  no  very  distant  date  from  that  of  the  similar  astronomical 
contrivance  of  the  American  Indian.  See  Tiraboschi,  Historia  della 

Letteratura  Italiana,  tom.  vi.  lib.  ii.  cap.  ii.  sec.  xxxviii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  77 

This  meagre  account  embraces  nearly  all  that  has  come 
down  to  us  of  Peruvian  astronomy.  It  may  seem  strange  that 
a  nation  which  had  proceeded  thus  far  in  its  observations, 
should  have  gone  no  further ;  and  that,  notwithstanding  its 
general  advance  in  civilisation,  it  should  in  this  science  have 
fallen  so  far  short,  not  only  of  the  Mexicans  but  of  the 
Muyscas,  inhabiting  the  same  elevated  regions  of  the  great 
southern  plateau  with  themselves.  These  latter  regulated  their 
calendar  on  the  same  general  plan  of  cycles  and  periodical 
series  as  the  Aztecs,  approaching  yet  nearer  to  the  system 
pursued  by  the  people  of  Asia.1 

It  might  have  been  expected  that  the  Incas,  the  boasted 
Children  of  the  Sun,  would  have  made  a  particular  study  of 
the  phenomena  of  the  heavens,  and  have  constructed  a 
calendar  on  principles  as  scientific  as  that  of  their  semi- 
civilised  neighbours.  One  historian,  indeed,  assures  us  that 
they  threw  their  years  into  cycles  of  ten,  a  hundred,  and  a 
thousand  years,  and  that  by  these  cycles  they  regulated  their 
chronology.2  But  this  assertion,  not  improbable  in  itself,  rests 
on  a  writer  but  little  gifted  with  the  spirit  of  criticism,  and  is 
counterbalanced  by  the  silence  of  every  higher  and  earlier 
authority,  as  well  as  by  the  absence  of  any  monument,  like 
those  found  among  other  American  nations,  to  attest  the 
existence  of  such  a  calendar.  The  inferiority  of  the  Peruvians 
may  be  perhaps  in  part  explained  by  the  fact  of  their  priest¬ 
hood  being  drawn  exclusively  from  the  body  of  the  Incas,  a 
privileged  order  of  nobility,  who  had  no  need  by  the  assump¬ 
tion  of  superior  learning  to  fence  themselves  round  from  the 
approaches  of  the  vulgar.  The  little  true  science  possessed 
by  the  Aztec  priest  supplied  him  with  a  key  to  unlock  the 
mysteries  of  the  heavens,  and  the  false  system  of  astrology 

1  A  tolerably  meagre  account — yet  as  full,  probably,  as  authorities  could 
warrant — of  this  interesting  people  has  been  given  by  Piedrahita,  Bishop 
of  Panama,  in  the  first  two  books  of  his  Historia  Geneial  de  las  Conquistas 
del  Nuevo  Regno  de  Granada  (Madrid,  1688).  M.  de  Humboldt  was 
fortunate  in  obtaining  a  MS.,  composed  by  a  Spanish  ecclesiastic  resident 
in  Santa  Fe  de  Bogota,  in  relation  to  the  Muysca  calendar,  of  which  the 
Prussian  philosopher  has  given  a  large  and  luminous  analysis. — Vues  des 
Cordilleres,  p.  244. 

2  Montesinos,  Mem.  Antiguas,  MS.,  lib.  ii.  cap.  vii.  “  Renovo  la 
computacion  de  los  tiempos,  que  se  iba  perdiendo,  y  se  contaron  en  su 
reynado  los  afios  por  365  dias  y  seis  horas  ;  i  los  afios  afiadid  decadas  de 
diez  aftos,  a  cada  diez  decadas  una  centuria  de  100  afios,  y  a  cada  diez 
centurias  una  capachoata  6  jutiphuacan,  que  son  1000  afios,  que  quiere 
decir  el  grande  afio  del  sol ;  asi  contaban  los  siglos  y  los  sucesos  memorables 
de  sus  reyes.” — Ibid.,  loc.  cit. 

78  Conquest  of  Peru 

which  he  built  upon  it  gave  him  credit  as  a  being  who  had 
something  of  divinity  in  his  own  nature.  But  the  Inca  noble 
was  divine  by  birth ;  the  illusory  study  of  astrology,  so  capti¬ 
vating  to  the  unenlightened  mind,  engaged  no  share  of  his 
attention ;  the  only  persons  in  Peru  who  claimed  the  power  of 
reading  the  mysterious  future  were  the  diviners,  men  who, 
combining  with  their  pretensions  some  skill  in  the  healing  art, 
resembled  the  conjurors  found  among  many  of  the  Indian 
tribes.  But  the  office  was  held  in  little  repute,  except  among 
the  lower  classes,  and  was  abandoned  to  those  whose  age  and 
infirmity  disqualified  them  for  the  real  business  of  life.1 

The  Peruvians  had  knowledge  of  one  or  two  constellations, 
and  watched  the  motions  of  the  planet  Venus,  to  which,  as  we 
have  seen,  they  dedicated  altars.  But  their  ignorance  of  the 
first  principles  of  astronomical  science  is  shown  by  their  ideas 
of  eclipses,  which,  they  supposed,  denoted  some  great  derange¬ 
ment  of  the  planet ;  and  when  the  moon  laboured  under  one  of 
these  mysterious  infirmities,  they  sounded  their  instruments, 
and  filled  the  air  with  shouts  and  lamentations,  to  rouse  her 
from  her  lethargy.  Such  puerile  conceits  as  these  form  a 
striking  contrast  with  the  real  knowledge  of  the  Mexicans,  as 
displayed  in  their  hieroglyphical  maps,  in  which  the  true  cause 
of  this  phenomenon  is  plainly  depicted.2 

But,  if  less  successful  in  exploring  the  heavens,  the  Incas 
must  be  admitted  to  have  surpassed  every  other  American  race 
in  their  dominion  over  the  earth.  Husbandry  was  pursued  by 
them  on  principles  that  may  be  truly  called  scientific.  It  was 
the  basis  of  their  political  institutions.  Having  no  foreign 
commerce,  it  was  agriculture  that  furnished  them  with  the 
means  of  their  internal  exchanges,  their  substance,  and  their 
revenues.  We  have  seen  their  remarkable  provisions  for  dis¬ 
tributing  the  land  in  equal  shares  among  the  people,  while 
they  required  every  man,  except  the  privileged  orders,  to  assist 
in  its  cultivation.  The  Inca  himself  did  not  disdain  to  set  the 
example.  On  one  of  the  great  annual  festivals,  he  proceeded 
to  the  environs  of  Cuzco,  attended  by  his  court,  and,  in  the 
presence  of  all  the  people,  turned  up  the  earth  with  a  golden 

1  “  Ansi  mismo  les  hicieron  senalar  gente  para  hechizeros  que  tambien 

es  entre  ellos,  oficio  publico  y  conoscido  en  todos, . los  disputados 

para  ello  no  lo  tenian  por  travajo,  porque  ninguno  podia  tener  semejante 
oficio  corao  los  dichos  sino  fuesen  viejos  e  viejas,  y  personas  inaviles  para 
travajar,  como  mancos,  cojos,  6  contrechos,  y  gente  asi  a  quien  faltava  las 
fuerzas  para  ello.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg. ,  MS. 

2  See  Codex  Tel. -Remensis,  part  iv.  pi.  xxii.,  ap.  Antiquities  of  Mexico, 
vol.  i.  (London,  1829.) 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  79 

plough, — or  an  instrument  that  served  as  such, — thus  conse¬ 
crating  the  occupation  of  the  husbandman  as  one  worthy  to 
be  followed  by  the  Children  of  the  Sun.1 

The  patronage  of  the  government  did  not  stop  with  this 
cheap  display  of  royal  condescension,  but  was  shown  in  the 
most  efficient  measures  for  facilitating  the  labours  of  the 
husbandman.  Much  of  the  country  along  the  sea-coast 
suffered  from  want  of  water,  as  little  or  no  rain  fell  there,  and 
the  few  streams,  in  their  short  and  hurried  course  from  the 
mountains,  exerted  only  a  very  limited  influence  on  the  wide 
extent  of  territory.  The  soil,  it  is  true,  was,  for  the  most  part, 
sandy  and  sterile ;  but  many  places  were  capable  of  being 
reclaimed,  and,  indeed,  needed  only  to  be  properly  irrigated 
to  be  susceptible  of  extraordinary  production.  To  these  spots 
water  was  conveyed  by  means  of  canals  and  subterraneous 
aqueducts,  executed  on  a  noble  scale.  They  consisted  of  large 
slabs  of  freestone,  nicely  fitted  together  without  cement,  and 
discharged  a  volume  of  water  sufficient,  by  means  of  latent 
ducts  or  sluices,  to  moisten  the  lands  in  the  lower  level,  through 
which  they  passed.  Some  of  these  aqueducts  were  of  great 
length.  One,  that  traversed  the  district  of  Condesuyu,  measured 
between  four  and  five  hundred  miles.  They  were  brought 
from  some  elevated  lake  or  natural  reservoir  in  the  heart  of 
the  mountains,  and  were  fed  at  intervals  by  other  basins  which 
lay  in  their  route  along  the  slopes  of  the  sierra.  In  this 
descent  a  passage  was  sometimes  to  be  opened  through  rocks, 
and  this  without  the  aid  of  iron  tools ;  impracticable  mountains 
were  to  be  turned ;  rivers  and  marshes  to  be  crossed ;  in  short, 
the  same  obstacles  were  to  be  encountered  as  in  the  construc¬ 
tion  of  their  mighty  roads.  But  the  Peruvians  seemed  to  take 
pleasure  in  wrestling  with  the  difficulties  of  nature.  Near 
Caxamarca  a  tunnel  is  still  visible,  which  they  excavated  in 
the  mountains,  to  give  an  outlet  to  the  waters  of  a  lake,  when 
they  rose  to  a  height  in  the  rainy  seasons  that  threatened  the 
country  with  inundation.2 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xvi.  The  nohles,  also,  it  seems,  at 
this  high  festival,  imitated  the  example  of  their  master.  “  Pasadas  todas 
las  fiestas,  en  la  ultima  llevavan  muchos  arados  de  manos,  los  quales, 
antiguamente  heran  de  oro  ;  i  echos  los  oficios,  tomava  el  Inga  un  arado 
i  comenzava  con  el  &  romper  la  tierra,  i  lo  mismo  los  demas  seftores,  para 
que  de  alii  adelante  en  todo  su  sefiorio  hiciesen  lo  mismo  ;  i  sin  que  el  Inga 
hiciese  esto,  no  avia  Indio  que  osase  romper  la  tierra,  ni  pensavan  que 
produjese  si  el  Inga  no  la  rompia  primero,  i  esto  vaste  quanto  &  las 
fiestas.”— Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

2  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xxi. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  L 


Conquest  of  Peru 

Most  of  these  beneficent  works  of  the  Incas  were  suffered  to 
go  to  decay  by  their  Spanish  conquerors.  In  some  spots,  the 
waters  are  still  left  to  flow  in  their  silent  subterraneous  channels, 
whose  windings  and  whose  sources  have  been  alike  unexplored. 
Others,  though  partially  dilapidated,  and  closed  up  with 
rubbish,  and  the  rank  vegetation  of  the  soil,  still  betray  their 
course  by  occasional  patches  of  fertility.  Such  are  the 
remains  in  the  valley  of  Nasca,  a  fruitful  spot  that  lies  between 
long  tracts  of  desert,  where  the  ancient  water-courses  of  the 
Incas,  measuring  four  or  five  feet  in  depth  by  three  in  wddth, 
and  formed  of  large  blocks  of  uncemented  masonry,  are 
conducted  from  an  unknown  distance. 

The  greatest  care  was  taken  that  every  occupant  of  the  land 
through  which  these  streams  passed  should  enjoy  the  benefit 
of  them.  The  quantity  of  water  allotted  to  each  wras 
prescribed  by  law7 ;  and  royal  overseers  superintended  the 
distribution,  and  saw  that  it  was  faithfully  applied  to  the 
irrigation  of  the  ground.1 

The  Peruvians  showed  a  similar  spirit  of  enterprise  in  their 
schemes  for  introducing  cultivation  into  the  mountainous  parts 
of  their  domain.  Many  of  the  hills,  though  covered  with  a 
strong  soil,  were  too  precipitous  to  be  tilled.  These  they  cut 
into  terraces,  faced  with  rough  stone,  diminishing  in  regular 
gradation  towards  the  summit ;  so  that,  while  the  lower  strip, 
or  anden ,  as  it  was  called  by  the  Spaniards,  that  belted  round 
the  base  of  the  mountain,  might  comprehend  hundreds  of 
acres,  the  uppermost  was  only  large  enough  to  accommodate  a 
few  rows  of  Indian  corn.2  Some  of  the  eminences  presented 
such  a  mass  of  solid  rock,  that,  after  being  hewn  into  terraces, 

lib.  v.  cap.  xxiv. — Stevenson,  Narrative  of  a  Twenty  Years’  Residence  in 
S.  America,  (London,  1829,)  vol.  i.  p.  412;  ii.  pp.  173,  174.  “  Sacauan 

acequias  en  cabos  y  por  partes  que  es  cosa  estrana  afirmar  lo  ;  porque  las 
echauan  por  lugares  altos  y  baxos  :  y  por  laderas  de  los  cabeyos  y  haldas 
de  sierras  q  estan  en  los  valles  ;  y  por  ellos  mismos  atrauiessan  rnuchas, 
unas  por  una  parte,  y  otras  por  otra,  que  es  gran  delectacio  caminar  por 
aquellos  valles,  porque  parece  que  se  anda  entre  huertas  y  fiorestas  llenas 
de  frescuras.” — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  lxvi. 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Memoirs  of  Gen.  Miller,  vol. 
ii.  p.  220. 

2  Miller  supposes  that  it  was  from  these  andenes  that  the  Spaniards  gave 
the  name  of  Andes  to  the  South  American  Cordilleras.  (Memoirs  of  Gen. 
Miller,  vol.  ii.  p.  219.)  But  the  name  is  older  than  the  Conquest, 
according  to  Garcilasso,  who  traces  it  to  Anti ,  the  name  of  a  province  that 
lay  east  of  Cuzco.  (Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xi.)  Anta,  the  word 
for  copper,  which  was  found  abundant  in  certain  quarters  of  the  country, 
may  have  suggested  the  name  of  the  province,  if  not  immediately  that  of 
the  mountains. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  81 

they  were  obliged  to  be  covered  deep  with  earth,  before  they 
could  serve  the  purpose  of  the  husbandman.  With  such 
patient  toil  did  the  Peruvians  combat  the  formidable  ob¬ 
stacles  presented  by  the  face  of  their  country !  Without  the 
use  of  the  tools  or  the  machinery  familiar  to  the  European, 
each  individual  could  have  done  little ;  but  acting  in  large 
masses,  and  under  a  common  direction,  they  were  enabled 
by  indefatigable  perseverance  to  achieve  results,  to  have 
attempted  which  might  have  filled  even  the  European  with 
dismay. 1 

In  the  same  spirit  of  economical  husbandry  which  redeemed 
the  rocky  sierra  from  the  curse  of  sterility,  they  dug  below  the 
arid  soil  of  the  valleys,  and  sought  for  a  stratum  where  some 
natural  moisture  might  be  found.  These  excavations,  called 
by  the  Spaniards  hoy  as,  or  “pits,”  were  made  on  a  great  scale, 
comprehending  frequently  more  than  an  acre,  sunk  to  the 
depth  of  fifteen  or  twenty  feet,  and  fenced  round  within  by  a 
wall  of  adobes ,  or  bricks  baked  in  the  sun.  The  bottom  of  the 
excavation,  well  prepared  by  a  rich  manure  of  the  sardines, — a 
small  fish  obtained  in  vast  quantities  along  the  coast, — was 
planted  with  some  kind  of  grain  or  vegetable.2 

The  Peruvian  farmers  were  well  acquainted  with  the 
different  kinds  of  manures,  and  made  large  use  of  them  ;  a 
circumstance  rare  in  the  rich  lands  of  the  tropics,  and 
probably  not  elsewhere  practised  by  the  rude  tribes  of 
America,  They  made  great  use  of  guano,  the  valuable  deposit 
of  sea-fowl,  that  has  attracted  so  much  attention,  of  late,  from 
the  agriculturists  both  of  Europe  and  of  our  own  country,  and 
the  stimulating  and  nutritious  properties  of  which  the  Indians 
perfectly  appreciated.  This  was  found  in  such  immense 
quantities  on  many  of  the  little  islands  along  the  coast,  as  to 
have  the  appearance  of  lofty  hills,  which,  covered  with  a  white 
saline  incrustation,  led  the  Conquerors  to  give  them  the  name 
of  the  sierra  nevada ,  or  “  snowy  mountains.” 

The  Incas  took  their  usual  precautions  for  securing  the 
benefits  of  this  important  article  to  the  husbandman.  They 
assigned  the  small  islands  on  the  coast  to  the  use  of  the 
respective  districts  which  lay  adjacent  to  them.  When  the 

1  Memoirs  of  Gen.  Miller,  ubi  supra. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i. 
lib.  v.  cap.  i. 

2  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  lxxiii.  The  remains  of  these  ancient 
excavations  still  excite  the  wonder  of  the  modern  traveller.  See  Stevenson, 
Residence  in  S.  America,  vol.  i.  p.  359  ; — Also  M‘Culloch,  Researches,  p 


Conquest  of  Peru 

island  was  large  it  was  distributed  among  several  districts,  and 
the  boundaries  for  each  were  clearly  defined.  All  encroachment 
on  the  rights  of  another  was  severely  punished.  And  they 
secured  the  preservation  of  the  fowl  by  penalties  as  stern  as 
those  by  which  the  Norman  tyrants  of  England  protected  their 
own  game.  No  one  was  allowed  to  set  foot  on  the  island 
during  the  season  for  breeding,  under  pain  of  death ;  and  to 
kill  the  birds  at  any  time  was  punished  in  the  like  manner.1 

With  this  advancement  in  agricultural  science,  the  Peruvians 
might  be  supposed  to  have  had  some  knowledge  of  the  plough, 
in  such  general  use  among  the  primitive  nations  of  the  eastern 
continent.  But  they  had  neither  the  iron  ploughshare  of  the 
Old  World,  nor  had  they  animals  for  draught,  which,  indeed, 
were  nowhere  found  in  the  New.  The  instrument  which  they 
used  was  a  strong  sharp-pointed  stake,  traversed  by  a  horizontal 
piece,  ten  or  twelve  inches  from  the  point,  on  which  the 
ploughman  might  set  his  foot  and  force  it  into  the  ground. 
Six  or  eight  strong  men  were  attached  by  ropes  to  the  stake, 
and  dragged  it  forcibly  along, — pulling  together,  and  keeping 
time  as  they  were  moved  by  chanting  their  national  songs,  in 
which  they  were  accompanied  by  the  women,  who  followed  in 
their  train  to  break  up  the  sods  with  their  rakes.  The  mellow 
soil  offered  slight  resistance ;  and  the  labourer,  by  long 
practice,  acquired  a  dexterity  which  enabled  him  to  turn  up 
the  ground  to  the  requisite  depth  with  astonishing  facility. 
This  substitute  for  the  plough  was  but  a  clumsy  contrivance ; 
yet  it  is  curious  as  the  only  specimen  of  the  kind  among  the 
American  aborigines,  and  was  perhaps  not  much  inferior  to 
the  wooden  instrument  introduced  in  its  stead  by  the 
European  conquerors.2 

It  was  frequently  the  policy  of  the  Incas,  after  providing  a 
desert  tract  with  the  means  for  irrigation,  and  thus  fitting  it  for 
the  labours  of  the  husbandman,  to  transplant  there  a  colony  of 
mitimaes ,  who  brought  it  under  cultivation  by  raising  the 
crops  best  suited  to  the  soil.  While  the  peculiar  character  and 
capacity  of  the  lands  were  thus  consulted,  a  means  of  exchange 
of  the  different  products  was  afforded  to  the  neighbouring 
provinces,  which,  from  the  formation  of  the  country,  varied 
much  more  than  usual  within  the  same  limits.  To  facilitate 
these  agricultural  exchanges,  fairs  were  instituted,  which  took 
place  three  times  a  month  in  some  of  the  most  populous  places, 

1  Acosta,  lib.  iv.  cap.  xxxvi.  ; — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v. 
cap.  iii. 

*  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  ii- 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  83 

where,  as  money  was  unknown,  a  rude  kind  of  commerce  was 
kept  up  by  the  barter  of  their  respective  products.  These  fairs 
afforded  so  many  holidays  for  the  relaxation  of  the  industrious 

Such  were  the  expedients  adopted  by  the  Incas  for  the 
improvement  of  their  territory ;  and,  although  imperfect,  they 
must  be  allowed  to  show  an  acquaintance  with  the  principles  of 
agricultural  science  that  gives  them  some  claim  to  the  rank  of 
a  civilised  people.  Under  their  patient  and  discriminating 
culture,  every  inch  of  good  soil  was  tasked  to  its  greatest  power 
of  production,  while  the  most  unpromising  spots  were  com¬ 
pelled  to  contribute  something  to  the  subsistence  of  the  people. 
Everywhere  the  land  teemed  with  evidence  of  agricultural 
wealth,  from  the  smiling  valleys  along  the  coast  to  the  terraced 
steeps  of  the  sierra,  which,  rising  into  pyramids  of  verdure, 
glowed  with  all  the  splendours  of  tropical  vegetation. 

The  formation  of  the  country  was  particularly  favourable,  as 
already  remarked,  to  an  infinite  variety  of  products,  not  so 
much  from  its  extent  as  from  its  various  elevations,  which, 
more  remarkable  even  than  those  in  Mexico,  comprehend 
every  degree  of  latitude  from  the  equator  to  the  polar  regions. 
Vet,  though  the  temperature  changes  in  this  region  with  the 
degree  of  elevation,  it  remains  nearly  the  same  in  the  same 
spots  throughout  the  year ;  and  the  inhabitant  feels  none  of 
those  grateful  vicissitudes  of  season  which  belong  to  the  tem¬ 
perate  latitudes  of  the  globe.  Thus,  while  the  summer  lies  in 
full  power  on  the  burning  regions  of  the  palm  and  the  cocoa- 
tree  that  fringe  the  borders  of  the  ocean,  the  broad  surface  of 
the  table-land  blooms  with  the  freshness  of  perpetual  spring, 
and  the  higher  summits  of  the  Cordilleras  are  white  with 
everlasting  winter. 

The  Peruvians  turned  this  fixed  variety  of  climate,  if  I  may 
so  say,  to  the  best  account,  by  cultivating  the  productions 
appropriate  to  each ;  and  they  particularly  directed  their 
attention  to  those  which  afforded  the  most  nutriment  to  man. 
Thus,  in  the  lower  level  were  to  be  found  the  cassava-tree  and 
the  banana,  that  bountiful  plant  which  seems  to  have  relieved 
man  from  the  primeval  curse — if  it  were  not  rather  a  blessing — 
of  toiling  for  his  sustenance.2  As  the  banana  faded  from  the 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xix. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i. 
lib.  vi.  cap.  xxxvi.  ;  lib.  vii.  cap.  i. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iv. 
cap.  iii. 

2  The  prolific  properties  of  the  banana  are  shown  by  M.  de  Humboldt, 
who  states  that  its  productiveness,  as  compared  with  that  of  wheat,  is  as 

84  Conquest  of  Peru 

landscape,  a  good  substitute  was  found  in  the  maize,  the  great 
agricultural  staple  of  both  the  northern  and  southern  divisions 
of  the  American  continent ;  and  which,  after  its  exportation  to 
the  Old  World,  spread  so  rapidly  there,  as  to  suggest  the 
idea  of  its  being  indigenous  to  it.1  The  Peruvians  were  well 
acquainted  with  the  different  modes  of  preparing  this  useful 
vegetable,  though  it  seems  they  did  not  use  it  for  bread,  except 
at  festivals ;  and  they  extracted  a  sort  of  honey  from  the  stalk, 
and  made  an  intoxicating  liquor  from  the  fermented  grain,  to 
which,  like  the  Aztecs,  they  were  immoderately  addicted.2 

The  temperate  climate  of  the  table-land  furnished  them  with 
the  maguey  {Agave  ai?ierica?ia ),  many  of  the  extraordinary 
qualities  of  which  they  comprehended,  though  not  its  most 
important  one  of  affording  a  material  for  paper.  Tobacco,  too, 
was  among  the  products  of  this  elevated  region.  Yet  the 
Peruvians  differed  from  every  other  Indian  nation  to  whom  it 
was  known,  by  using  it  only  for  medicinal  purposes,  in  the  form 
of  snuff.3  They  may  have  found  a  substitute  for  its  narcotic 
qualities  in  the  coca  ( Erythroxylum  peruvianuni),  or  cuca ,  as 
called  by  the  natives.  This  is  a  shrub  which  grows  to  the 
height  of  a  man.  The  leaves  when  gathered  are  dried  in  the 
sun,  and,  being  mixed  with  a  little  lime,  form  a  preparation  for 
chewing,  much  like  the  betel-leaf  of  the  East.4  With  a  small 
supply  of  this  cuca  in  his  pouch,  and  a  handful  of  roasted 
maize,  the  Peruvian  Indian  of  our  time  performs  his  wearisome 
journeys,  day  after  day,  without  fatigue,  or,  at  least,  without 
complaint.  Even  food  the  most  invigorating  is  less  grateful  to 
him  than  his  loved  narcotic.  Under  the  Incas,  it  is  said  to 

133  to  I,  and  with  that  of  the  potato,  as  44  to  1.  It  is  a  mistake  to 
suppose  that  this  plant  was  not  indigenous  to  South  America.  The  banana- 
leaf  has  been  frequently  found  in  ancient  Peruvian  tombs. 

1  The  misnomer  of  bll  de  Turquie  shows  the  popular  error.  Yet  the 
rapidity  of  its  diffusion  through  Europe  and  Asia,  after  the  discovery  of 
America,  is  of  itself  sufficient  to  show  that  it  could  not  have  been  indigenous 
to  the  Old  World,  and  have  so  long  remained  generally  unknown  there. 

2  The  saccharine  matter  contained  in  the  maize  stalk  is  much  greater 
in  tropical  countries  than  in  more  northern  latitudes,  so  that  the  natives 
in  the  former  may  be  seen  sometimes  sucking  it  like  the  sugar-cane. 
One  kind  of  the  fermented  liquors,  sora,  made  from  the  corn,  was  of  such 
strength  that  the  use  of  it  was  forbidden  by  the  Incas,  at  least  to  the 
common  people.  Their  injunctions  do  not  seem  to  have  been  obeyed  so 
implicitly  in  this  instance  as  usual. 

3  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ii.  cap.  xxv. 

4  The  pungent  leaf  of  the  betel  was  in  like  manner  mixed  with  lime  when 
chewed. — (Elphinstone,  History  of  India,  [London,  1841,]  vol.  i.  p.  331.) 
The  similarity  of  this  social  indulgence,  in  the  remote  East  and  West,  is 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  85 

have  been  exclusively  reserved  for  the  noble  orders.  If  so,  the 
people  gained  one  luxury  by  the  Conquest ;  and,  after  that 
period,  it  was  so  extensively  used  by  them,  that  this  article 
constituted  a  most  important  item  of  the  colonial  revenue  of 
Spain.1  Yet,  with  the  soothing  charms  of  an  opiate,  this 
weed,  so  much  vaunted  by  the  natives,  when  used  to  excess, 
is  said  to  be  attended,  with  all  the  mischievous  effects  of 
habitual  intoxication.2 

Higher  up  on  the  slopes  of  the  Cordilleras,  beyond  the 
limits  of  the  maize  and  of  the  quinoa ,  a  grain  bearing  some 
resemblance  to  rice,  and  largely  cultivated  by  the  Indians,  was 
to  be  found  the  potato,  the  introduction  of  which  into  Europe 
has  made  an  era  in  the  history  of  agriculture.  Whether  in¬ 
digenous  to  Peru,  or  imported  from  the  neighbouring  country 
of  Chili,  it  formed  the  great  staple  of  the  more  elevated  plains 
under  the  Incas,  and  its  culture  was  continued  to  a  height  in 
the  equatorial  regions  which  reached  many  thousand  feet 
above  the  limits  of  perpetual  snow  in  the  temperate  latitudes 
of  Europe.3  Wild  specimens  of  the  vegetable  might  be  seen 
still  higher,  springing  up  spontaneously  amidst  the  stunted 
shrubs  that  clothed  the  lofty  sides  of  the  Cordilleras,  till  these 
gradually  subsided  into  the  mosses  and  the  short  yellow  grass, 
pajonal, ,  which,  like  a  golden  carpet,  was  unrolled  around  the 
base  of  the  mighty  cones  that  rose  far  into  the  regions  of 
eternal  silence,  covered  with  the  snows  of  centuries.4 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. — Acosta,  lib.  iv.  cap.  xxii. — Stevenson, 

:  Residence  in  S.  America,  vol.  ii.  p.  63. — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica, 

I  cap.  xcvi. 

2  A  traveller  (Poeppig)  noticed  in  the  Foreign  Quarterly  Review 
!  (No.  xxxiii.)  expatiates  on  the  malignant  effects  of  the  habitual  use  of  the 

cue  a,  as  very  similar  to  those  produced  on  the  chewer  of  opium  Strange 
that  such  baneful  properties  should  not  be  the  subject  of  more  frequent 
comment  with  other  writers  !  I  do  not  remember  to  have  seen  them  even 
adverted  to. 

3  Malte-Brun,  book  lxxxvi.  The  potato,  found  by  the  early  discoverers 
in  Chili,  Peru,  New  Granada,  and  all  along  the  Cordilleras  of  South 
America,  was  unknown  in  Mexico, — an  additional  proof  of  the  entire  ignor¬ 
ance  in  which  the  respective  nations  of  the  two  continents  remained  of  one 
another.  M.  de  Humboldt,  who  has  bestowed  much  attention  on  the  early 
history  of  this  vegetable,  which  has  exerted  so  important  an  influence  on 
European  society,  supposes  that  the  cultivation  of  it  in  Virginia,  where  it 
was  known  to  the  early  planters,  must  have  been  originally  derived  from 
the  southern  Spanish  colonies. — Essai  Politique,  tom.  ii.  p.  462. 

4  While  Peru,  under  the  Incas,  could  boast  these  indigenous  products, 
and  many  others  less  familiar  to  the  European,  it  was  unacquainted  with 
several  of  great  importance,  which,  since  the  Conquest,  have  thriven  there 
as  on  their  natural  soil.  Such  are  the  olive,  the  grape,  the  fig,  the  apple, 
the  orange,  the  sugar-cane.  None  of  the  cereal  grains  of  the  Old  World 


Conquest  of  Peru 

chapter  v 



A  nation  which  had  made  such  progress  in  agriculture 
might  be  reasonably  expected  to  have  made,  also,  some  pro¬ 
ficiency  in  the  mechanical  arts,  especially  when,  as  in  the 
case  of  the  Peruvians,  their  agricultural  economy  demanded  in 
itself  no  inconsiderable  degree  of  mechanical  skill.  Among 
most  nations,  progress  in  manufactures  has  been  found  to  have 
an  intimate  connection  with  the  progress  of  husbandry.  Both 
arts  are  directed  to  the  same  great  object  of  supplying  the 
necessaries,  the  comforts,  or  in  a  more  refined  condition  of 
society,  the  luxuries  of  life ;  and  when  the  one  is  brought  to  a 
perfection  that  infers  a  certain  advance  in  civilisation,  the  other 
must  naturally  find  a  corresponding  development  under  the 
increasing  demands  and  capacities  of  such  a  state.  The  sub¬ 
jects  of  the  Incas,  in  their  patient  and  tranquil  devotion  to  the 
more  humble  occupations  of  industry  which  bound  them  to 
their  native  soil,  bore  greater  resemblance  to  the  Oriental 
nations,  as  the  Hindoos  and  Chinese,  than  they  bore  to  the 
members  of  the  great  Anglo-Saxon  family,  whose  hardy  temper 
has  driven  them  to  seek  their  fortunes  on  the  stormy  ocean, 
and  to  open  a  commerce  with  the  most  distant  regions  of  the 
globe.  The  Peruvians,  though  lining  a  long  extent  of  sea- 
coast,  had  no  foreign  commerce. 

They  had  peculiar  advantages  for  domestic  manufacture  in 
a  material  incomparably  superior  to  anything  possessed  by  the 
other  races  of  the  Western  continent.  They  found  a  good 
substitute  for  linen  in  a  fabric  which,  like  the  Aztecs,  they  knew 
how  to  weave  from  the  tough  thread  of  the  maguey.  Cotton 
grew  luxuriantly  on  the  low,  sultry  level  of  the  coast,  and  fur¬ 
nished  them  with  a  clothing  suitable  to  the  milder  latitudes  of 
the  country.  But  from  the  llama  and  the  kindred  species  of 
Peruvian  sheep  they  obtained  a  fleece  adapted  to  the  colder 

were  found  there.  The  first  wheat  was  introduced  by  a  Spanish  lady  of 
Trujillo,  who  took  great  pains  to  disseminate  it  among  the  colonists,  of 
which  the  government,  to  its  credit,  was  not  unmindful.  Her  name  was 
Maria  de  Escobar.  History,  which  is  so  much  occupied  with  celebrating 
the  scourges  of  humanity,  should  take  pleasure  in  commemorating  one  of 
its  real  benefactors. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  87 

climate  of  the  table-land,  “more  estimable,”  to  quote  the 
language  of  a  well-informed  writer,  “than  the  down  of  the 
Canadian  beaver,  the  fleece  of  the  brebis  des  Calmoucks ,  or  of 
the  Syrian  goat.” 1 

Of  the  four  varieties  of  the  Peruvian  sheep,  the  llama,  the 
one  most  familiarly  known,  is  the  least  valuable  on  account  of 
its  wool.  It  is  chiefly  employed  as  a  beast  of  burden,  for  which, 
although  it  is  somewhat  larger  than  any  of  the  other  varieties, 
its  diminutive  size  and  strength  would  seem  to  disqualify  it.  It 
carries  a  load  of  little  more  than  a  hundred  pounds,  and  cannot 
travel  above  three  or  four  leagues  in  a  day.  But  all  this  is 
compensated  by  the  little  care  and  cost  required  for  its  manage¬ 
ment  and  its  maintenance.  It  picks  up  an  easy  subsistence 
from  the  moss  and  stunted  herbage  that  grows  scantily  along 
the  withered  sides  and  the  steeps  of  the  Cordilleras.  The 
structure  of  its  stomach,  like  that  of  the  camel,  is  such  as  to 
enable  it  to  dispense  with  any  supply  of  water  for  weeks,  nay, 
months  together.  Its  spongy  hoof,  armed  with  a  claw  or 
pointed  talon  to  enable  it  to  take  secure  hold  on  the  ice,  never 
requires  to  be  shod ;  and  the  load  laid  upon  its  back  rests 
securely  in  its  bed  of  wool,  without  the  aid  of  girth  or  saddle. 
The  llamas  move  in  troops  of  five  hundred  or  even  a  thousand, 
and  thus,  though  each  individual  carries  but  little,  the  aggregate 
is  considerable.  The  whole  caravan  travels  on  at  its  regular 
pace,  passing  the  night  in  the  open  air  without  suffering  from 
the  coldest  temperature,  and  marching  in  perfect  order,  and  in 
obedience  to  the  voice  of  the  driver.  It  is  only  when  over¬ 
loaded  that  the  spirited  little  animal  refuses  to  stir,  and  neither 
blows  nor  caresses  can  induce  him  to  rise  from  the  ground. 
He  is  as  sturdy  in  asserting  his  rights  on  this  occasion,  as  he  is 
usually  docile  and  unresisting.2 

The  employment  of  domestic  animals  distinguished  the 
Peruvians  from  the  other  races  of  the  New  World.  This 
economy  of  human  labour  by  the  substitution  of  the  brute  is 
an  important  element  of  civilisation,  inferior  only  to  what  is 
gained  by  the  substitution  of  machinery  for  both.  Yet  the 
ancient  Peruvians  seem  to  have  made  much  less  account  of  it 

1  Walton,  Historical  and  Descriptive  Account  of  the  Peruvian  Sheep, 
(London,  i8n,)p.  1 1 5.  This  writer’s  comparison  is  directed  to  the  wool 
of  the  vicuna,  the  most  esteemed  of  the  genus  for  its  fleece. 

2  Ibid.,  p.  23,  et  seq. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  viii.  cap. 
xvi. — Acosta,  lib.  iv.  cap.  xli.  Llama,  according  to  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega, 
is  a  Peruvian  word  signifying  “flock.”  (Ibid.,  ubi  supra.)  The  natives 
got  no  milk  from  their  domesticated  animals  ;  nor  was  milk  used,  I  believe, 
by  any  tribe  on  the  American  continent. 

88  Conquest  of  Peru 

than  their  Spanish  conquerors,  and  to  have  valued  the  llama, 
in  common  with  the  other  animals  of  that  genus,  chiefly  for  its 
fleece.  Immense  herds  of  these  “large  cattle,”  as  they  were 
called,  and  of  the  “  smaller  cattle,” 1  or  alpacas,  were  held  by  the 
government,  as  already  noticed,  and  placed  under  the  direction 
of  shepherds,  who  conducted  them  from  one  quarter  of  the 
country  to  another,  according  to  the  changes  of  the  season. 
These  migrations  were  regulated  with  all  the  precision  with 
which  the  code  of  the  mesta  determined  the  migrations  of  the 
vast  merino  flocks  in  Spain ;  and  the  Conquerors,  when  they 
landed  in  Peru,  were  amazed  at  finding  a  race  of  animals  so 
similar  to  their  own  in  properties  and  habits,  and  under  the 
control  of  a  system  of  legislation  which  might  seem  to  have 
been  imported  from  their  native  land.2 

But  the  richest  store  of  wool  was  obtained,  not  from  these 
domesticated  animals,  but  from  the  two  other  species,  the 
huanacos  and  the  vicunas ,  which  roamed  in  native  freedom 
over  the  frozen  ranges  of  the  Cordilleras ;  where  not  un- 
frequently  they  might  be  seen  scaling  the  snow-covered  peaks 
which  no  living  thing  inhabits  save  the  condor,  the  huge  bird 
of  the  Andes,  whose  broad  pinions  bear  him  up  in  the  atmo¬ 
sphere  to  the  height  of  more  than  twenty  thousand  feet  above 
the  level  of  the  sea.3  In  these  rugged  pastures,  “  the  flock 
without  a  fold  ”  finds  sufficient  sustenance  in  the  ychu,  a  species 
of  grass  which  is  found  scattered  all  along  the  great  ridge  of 
the  Cordilleras,  from  the  equator  to  the  southern  limits  of 
Patagonia.  And  as  these  limits  define  the  territory  traversed 
by  the  Peruvian  sheep,  which  rarely,  if  ever,  venture  north  of 
the  line,  it  seems  not  improbable  that  this  mysterious  little 
plant  is  so  important  to  their  existence,  that  the  absence  of  it 
is  the  principal  reason  why  they  have  not  penetrated  to  the 
northern  latitudes  of  Quito  and  New  Granada.4 

But,  although  thus  roaming  without  a  master  over  the 
boundless  wastes  of  the  Cordilleras,  the  Peruvian  peasant  was 
never  allowed  to  hunt  these  wild  animals,  which  were  protected 

1  Ganado  maior ,  ganado  menor. 

2  The  judicious  Ondegardo  emphatically  recommends  the  adoption  of 
many  of  these  regulations  by  the  Spanish  government,  as  peculiarly  suited 
to  the  exigencies  of  the  natives.  “  En  esto  de  los  ganados  parescio  haber 
hecho  muchas  constituciones  en  diferentes  tiempos,  e  algunas  tan  utiles  e 
provechosas  para  su  conservacion,  que  convendria  que  tambien  guardasen 
agora. — Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

3  Malte-Brun,  book  lxxxvi. 

4  Ychu ,  called  in  the  “Flora  Peruana”  Jarava ;  class,  Monandria 
Digynia.  See  Walton,  p.  17. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  89 

by  laws  as  severe  as  were  the  sleek  herds  that  grazed  on  the 
more  cultivated  slopes  of  the  plateau.  The  wild  game  of  the 
forest  and  the  mountain  was  as  much  the  property  of  the  gov¬ 
ernment,  as  if  it  had  been  enclosed  within  a  park,  or  penned 
within  a  fold.1  It  was  only  on  stated  occasions,  at  the  great 
hunts,  which  took  place  once  a  year,  under  the  personal  super¬ 
intendence  of  the  Inca  or  his  principal  officers,  that  the  game 
was  allowed  to  be  taken.  These  hunts  were  not  repeated  in 
the  same  quarter  of  the  country  oftener  than  once  in  four  years, 
that  time  might  be  allowed  for  the  waste  occasioned  by  them 
to  be  replenished.  At  the  appointed  time,  all  those  living  in 
the  district  and  its  neighbourhood,  to  the  number,  it  might  be, 
of  fifty  or  sixty  thousand  men,2  were  distributed  round,  so  as  to 
form  a  cordon  of  immense  extent,  that  should  embrace  the 
whole  country  which  was  to  be  hunted  over.  The  men 
were  armed  with  long  poles  and  spears,  with  which  they  beat 
up  game  of  every  description  lurking  in  the  woods,  the  valleys, 
and  the  mountains,  killing  the  beasts  of  prey  without  mercy, 
and  driving  the  others,  consisting  chiefly  of  the  deer  of  the 
country,  and  the  huanacos  and  vicunas,  towards  the  centre  of 
the  wide-extended  circle ;  until,  as  this  gradually  contracted, 
the  timid  inhabitants  of  the  forest  were  concentrated  on  some 
spacious  plain,  where  the  eye  of  the  hunter  might  range  freely 
over  his  victims,  who  found  no  place  for  shelter  or  escape. 

The  male  deer  and  some  of  the  coarser  kind  of  the  Peruvian 
sheep  were  slaughtered ;  their  skins  were  reserved  for  the 
various  useful  manufactures  to  which  they  are  ordinarily 
applied,  and  their  flesh,  cut  into  thin  slices,  was  distributed 
among  the  people,  who  converted  it  into  charqui,  the  dried 
meat  of  the  country,  which  constituted  then  the  sole,  as  it  has 
since  the  principal,  animal  food  of  the  lower  classes  of  Peru.3 

But  nearly  the  whole  of  the  sheep,  amounting  usually  to 
thirty  or  forty  thousand,  or  even  a  larger  number,  after  being 
carefully  sheared,  were  suffered  to  escape,  and  regain  their 
solitary  haunts  among  the  mountains.  The  wool  thus  collected 
was  deposited  in  the  royal  magazines,  whence,  in  due  time, 
it  was  dealt  out  to  the  people.  The  coarser  quality  was 

1  Ondcgardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. 

2  Sometimes  even  a  hundred  thousand  mustered  when  the  Inca  hunted  in 
person,  if  we  may  crerlit  Sarmiento.  “  De  donde  haviendose  ya  juntado 
cinquenta  6  sesenta  mil  personas,  6  cien  mil  si  mandado  les  era.” — 
Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xiii. 

3  Relacion,  MS.,  ubi  supra.  Charqui  ;  hence,  probably,  says  M'Culloch, 
the  term  “jerked”  applied  to  the  dried  beef  of  South  America.- 
Researches,  p,  377. 

E  3oi 

go  Conquest  of  Peru 

worked  up  into  garments  for  their  own  use,  and  the  finer 
for  the  Inca :  for  none  but  an  Inca  noble  could  wear  the  fine 
fabric  of  the  vicuna.1 

The  Peruvians  showed  great  skill  in  the  manufacture  of 
different  articles  for  the  royal  household  from  this  delicate 
material,  which,  under  the  name  of  vigonia  wool,  is  now 
familiar  to  the  looms  of  Europe.  It  was  wrought  into  shawls, 
robes,  and  other  articles  of  dress  for  the  monarch,  and  into 
carpets,  coverlets,  and  hangings  for  the  imperial  palaces  and  the 
temples.  The  cloth  was  finished  on  both  sides  alike;2  the 
delicacy  of  the  texture  was  such  as  to  give  it  the  lustre  of  silk ; 
and  the  brilliancy  of  the  dyes  excited  the  admiration  and  the 
envy  of  the  European  artisan.3  The  Peruvians  produced  also 
an  article  of  great  strength  and  durability  by  mixing  the  hair  of 
animals  with  wool ;  and  they  were  expert  in  the  beautiful 
feather-work,  which  they  held  of  less  account  than  the 
Mexicans,  from  the  superior  quality  of  the  materials  for  other 
fabrics  which  they  had  at  their  command.4 

The  natives  showed  a  skill  in  other  mechanical  arts  similar 
to  that  displayed  by  their  manufactures  of  cloth.  Every  man 
in  Peru  was  expected  to  be  acquainted  with  the  various  handi¬ 
crafts  essential  to  domestic  comfort.  No  long  apprenticeship 
was  required  for  this,  where  the  wants  were  so  few  as  among 
the  simple  peasantry  of  the  Incas.  But,  if  this  were  all,  it 
would  imply  but  a  very  moderate  advancement  in  the  arts. 
There  were  certain  individuals,  however,  carefully  trained  to 
those  occupations  which  minister  to  the  demands  of  the  more 
opulent  classes  of  society.  These  occupations,  like  every  other 
calling  and  office  in  Peru,  always  descended  from  father  to 
son.5  The  division  of  castes,  in  this  particular,  was  as  precise 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  loc.  sit.  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap. 
Ixxxi.  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  vi.  cap.  vi. 

2  Acosta,  lib.  iv.  cap.  xli. 

3  “  Ropas  finisimas  para  los  reyes,  que  lo  eran  tanto  que  parecian  de 
sarga  de  seda,  y  con  colores  tan  perfectos  quanto  se  puede  afirmar.” — 
Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  xiii. 

4  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.  “  Ropa  finisima  para  los 
senores  Ingas  de  lana  de  las  vicunias.  Y  cierto  fue  tan  prima  este  ropa 
corao  auran  visto  en  Espana  :  por  alguna  que  alia  fue  luego  que  se  gano 
este  reyno.  Los  vestidos  destos  Ingas  eran  camisetas  desta  ropa  ;  vnas 
pobladas  de  argenteria  de  oro,  otras  de  esmeralaas  y  piedras  preciosas  :  y 
algunas  de  plumas  de  aues  ;  otras  de  solamente  la  manta.  Para  hazer 
estas  ropas,  tuuiero  y  tienen  tan  perfetas  colores  de  carmesi,  azul,  amarillo, 
negro,  y  de  otras  suertes,  que  verdaderamente  tienen  ventaja  a  las  de 
Espafia.” — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  cxiv. 

6  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim,  y  Seg.,  MSS. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte 
i.  lib.  v.  cap.  vii.  ix.  xiii. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  91 

as  that  which  existed  in  Egypt  or  Hindostan.  If  this  arrange¬ 
ment  be  unfavourable  to  originality,  or  to  the  development  of 
the  peculiar  talent  of  the  individual,  it  at  least  conduces  to  an 
easy  and  finished  execution,  by  familiarising  the  artist  with  the 
practice  of  his  art  from  childhood.1 

The  royal  magazines,  and  the  huacas  or  tombs  of  the  Incas, 
have  been  found  to  contain  many  specimens  of  curious  and 
elaborate  workmanship.  Among  these  are  vases  of  gold  and 
silver,  bracelets,  collars,  and  other  ornaments  for  the  person ; 
utensils  of  every  description,  some  of  fine  clay,  and  many  more 
of  copper  ;  mirrors  of  a  hard,  polished  stone,  or  burnished 
silver,  with  a  great  variety  of  other  articles  made  frequently  on 
a  whimsical  pattern,  evincing  quite  as  much  ingenuity  as  taste 
or  inventive  talent.2  The  character  of  the  Peruvian  mind  led 
to  imitation,  in  fact,  rather  than  invention,  to  delicacy  and 
minuteness  of  finish,  rather  than  to  boldness  or  beauty  of 

That  they  should  have  accomplished  these  difficult  works 
with  such  tools  as  they  possessed,  is  truly  wonderful.  It  was 
comparatively  easy  to  cast  and  even  to  sculpture  metallic  sub¬ 
stances,  both  of  which  they  did  with  consummate  skill.  But 
that  they  should  have  shown  the  like  facility  in  cutting  the 
hardest  substances,  as  emeralds  and  other  precious  stones,  is 
not  so  easy  to  explain.  Emeralds  they  obtained  in  consider¬ 
able  quantity  from  the  barren  district  of  Atacames,  and  this 
inflexible  material  seems  to  have  been  almost  as  ductile  in  the 
hands  of  the  Peruvian  artist  as  if  it  had  been  made  of  clay.8 
Yet  the  natives  were  unacquainted  with  the  use  of  iron,  though 
the  soil  was  largely  impregnated  with  it.4  The  tools  used  were 
of  stone,  or  more  frequently  of  copper.  But  the  material  on 

1  At  least,  such  was  the  opinion  of  the  Egyptians,  who  referred  to  this 
arrangement  of  castes  as  the  source  of  their  own  peculiar  dexterity  in  the 
arts. — .See  Diodorus  Sic.,  lib.  i.  sec.  lxxiv. 

2  Ulloa,  Not.  Amer.,  ent.  xxi. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — 
Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  cxiv.—  Condamine,  Mem.  ap.  Hist,  de  l’Acad. 
Royale  de  Berlin,  tom.  ii.  pp.  454-456.  The  last  writer  says,  that  a  large 
collection  of  massive  gold  ornaments  of  very  rich  workmanship  was  long 
preserved  in  the  royal  treasury  of  Quito.  But  on  his  going  there  to 
examine  them,  he  learned  that  they  had  just  been  melted  down  into  ingots 
to  send  to  Carthagena,  then  besieged  by  the  English  !  The  art  of  war  can 
flourish  only  at  the  expense  of  all  the  other  arts. 

s  They  had  turquoises,  also,  and  might  have  had  pearls,  but  for  the 
tenderness  of  the  Incas,  who  were  unwilling  to  risk  the  lives  of  their  people 
in  this  perilous  fishery  !  At  least,  so  we  are  assured  by  Garcilasso.  —Com. 
Real.,  parte  L  lib.  viii.  cap.  xxiii. 

4  “  No  tenian  herramientas  de  hiero  ni  azero.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg., 
MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  iv.  cap.  iv. 

92  Conquest  of  Peru 

which  they  relied  for  the  execution  of  their  most  difficult  tasks 
was  formed  by  combining  a  very  small  portion  of  tin  with 
copper.1  This  composition  gave  a  hardness  to  the  metal 
which  seems  to  have  been  little  inferior  to  that  of  steel.  With 
the  aid  of  it,  not  only  did  the  Peruvian  artisan  hew  into  shape 
porphyry  and  granite,  but  by  his  patient  industry  accomplished 
works  which  the  European  would  not  have  ventured  to  under¬ 
take.  Among  the  remains  of  the  monuments  of  Cannar  may 
be  seen  movable  rings  in  the  muzzles  of  animals,  all  nicely 
sculptured  of  one  entire  block  of  granite.2  It  is  worthy  of 
remark,  that  the  Egyptians,  the  Mexicans,  and  the  Peruvians, 
in  their  progress  towards  civilisation,  should  never  have 
detected  the  use  of  iron,  which  lay  around  them  in  abundance ; 
and  that  they  should  each,  without  any  knowledge  of  the  other, 
have  found  a  substitute  for  it  in  such  a  curious  composition  of 
metals  as  gave  to  their  tools  almost  the  temper  of  steel ; 3  a 
secret  that  has  been  lost — or,  to  speak  more  correctly,  has 
never  been  discovered — by  the  civilised  European. 

I  have  already  spoken  of  the  large  quantity  of  gold  and 
silver  wrought  into  various  articles  of  elegance  and  utility  for 
the  Incas ;  though  the  amount  was  inconsiderable,  in  com¬ 
parison  with  what  could  have  been  afforded  by  the  mineral 
riches  of  the  land,  and  with  what  has  since  been  obtained  by 
the  more  sagacious  and  unscrupulous  cupidity  of  the  white 
man.  Gold  was  gathered  by  the  Incas  from  the  deposits  of 
the  streams.  They  extracted  the  ore  also  in  considerable 
quantities  from  the  valley  of  Curimayo,  north-east  of  Caxa- 
marca,  as  well  as  from  other  places ;  and  the  silver  mines  of 
Porco,  in  particular,  yielded  them  considerable  returns.  Yet 
they  did  not  attempt  to  penetrate  into  the  bowels  of  the  earth 
by  sinking  a  shaft,  but  simply  excavated  a  cavern  in  the  steep 
sides  of  the  mountain,  or,  at  most,  opened  a  horizontal  vein  of 
moderate  depth.  They  were  equally  deficient  in  the  know¬ 
ledge  of  the  best  means  of  detaching  the  precious  metal  from 
the  dross  with  which  it  was  united,  and  had  no  idea  of  the 

1  M.  de  Humboldt  brought  with  him  back  to  Europe  one  of  these 
metallic  tools,  a  chisel,  found  in  a  silver  mine  opened  by  the  Incas  not  far 
from  Cuzco.  On  an  analysis,  it  was  found  to  contain  0^94  of  copper,  and 
o‘o6  of  tin. — See  Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  117 

2  “  Quoiqu’il  en  soit,”  says  M.  de  la  Condamine,  “nous  avons  vu  en 
quelques  autres  ruines  des  ornemens  du  meme  granit,  qui  representoient  des 
mufles  d’animaux,  dont  les  narines  percees  portoient  des  anneaux  mobiles 
de  la  meme  pierre.” — Mem.  ap.  Hist,  de  l’Acad.  Royale  de  Berlin,  tom,  ii. 
P-  452. 

a  See  the  History  of  the  Conquest  of  Mexico,  book  i.  chap.  v. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  93 

virtues  of  quicksilver — a  mineral  not  rare  in  Peru — as  an 
amalgam  to  effect  this  decomposition.1  Their  method  of 
smelting  the  ore  was  by  means  of  furnaces  built  in  elevated 
and  exposed  situations,  where  they  might  be  fanned  by  the 
strong  breezes  of  the  mountains.  The  subjects  of  the  Incas, 
in  short,  with  all  their  patient  perseverance,  did  little  more 
than  penetrate  below  the  crust,  the  outer  rind,  as  it  were, 
formed  over  those  golden  caverns  which  lie  hidden  in  the  dark 
depths  of  the  Andes.  Yet  what  they  gleaned  from  the  surface 
was  more  than  adequate  for  all  their  demands.  For  they  were 
not  a  commercial  people,  and  had  no  knowledge  of  money.2 
In  this  they  differed  from  the  ancient  Mexicans,  who  had  an 
established  currency  of  a  determinate  value.  In  one  respect, 
however,  they  were  superior  to  their  American  rivals,  since  they 
made  use  of  weights  to  determine  the  quantities  of  their  com¬ 
modities,  a  thing  wholly  unknown  to  the  Aztecs.  This  fact  is 
ascertained  by  the  discovery  of  silver  balances,  adjusted  with 
perfect  accuracy,  in  some  of  the  tombs  of  the  Incas.8 

But  the  surest  test  of  the  civilisation  of  a  people— at  least, 
as  sure  as  any — afforded  by  mechanical  art  is  to  be  found  in 
their  architecture,  which  presents  so  noble  a  field  for  the  display 
of  the  grand  and  the  beautiful,  and  which,  at  the  same  time,  is 
so  intimately  connected  with  the  essential  comforts  of  life. 
There  is  no  object  on  which  the  resources  of  the  wealthy  are 
more  freely  lavished,  or  which  call  out  more  effectually  the 
inventive  talent  of  the  artist.  The  painter  and  the  sculptor 
may  display  their  individual  genius  in  creations  of  surpassing 
excellence,  but  it  is  the  great  monuments  of  architectural  taste 
and  magnificence  that  are  stamped  in  a  peculiar  manner  by  the 
genius  of  the  nation.  The  Greek,  the  Egyptian,  the  Saracen, 
the  Gothic — what  a  key  do  their  respective  styles  afford  to  the 
character  and  condition  of  the  people  !  The  monuments  of 
China,  of  Hindostan,  and  of  central  America  are  all  indicative 
of  an  immature  period,  in  which  the  imagination  has  not  been 
disciplined  by  study,  and  which,  therefore,  in  its  best  results 
:  betrays  only  the  ill-regulated  aspirations  after  the  beautiful  that 
:  belong  to  a  semi-civilised  people. 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xxv. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  v.  cap.  vii. ;  lib.  vi.  cap.  viii. — 
Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS.  This,  which  Buonaparte  thought  so  incredible 
of  the  little  island  of  Loo  Choo,  was  siill  more  extraordinary  in  a  great  and 
flourishing  empire  like  Peru — the  country,  too,  which  contained  within  its 
bowels  the  treasures  that  were  one  day  10  furnish  Europe  wiih  the  basis  of 
its  vast  metallic  currency. 

8  Ulloa,  Not.  Amer.,  ent.  xxx. 

94  Conquest  of  Peru 

The  Peruvian  architecture,  bearing  also  the  general  character¬ 
istics  of  an  imperfect  state  of  refinement,  had  still  its  peculiar 
character ;  and  so  uniform  was  that  character,  that  the  edifices 
throughout  the  country  seem  to  have  been  all  cast  in  the  same 
mould.1  They  were  usually  built  of  porphyry  or  granite  ;  not 
unfrequently  of  brick.  This,  which  was  formed  into  blocks  or 
squares  of  much  larger  dimensions  than  our  brick,  was  made 
of  a  tenacious  earth  mixed  up  with  reeds  or  tough  grass,  and 
acquired  a  degree  of  hardness  with  age  that  made  it  insensible 
alike  to  the  storms  and  the  more  trying  sun  of  the  tropics.2 
The  walls  were  of  great  thickness,  but  low,  seldom  reaching 
to  more  than  twelve  or  fourteen  feet  in  height.  It  is  rare 
to  meet  with  accounts  of  a  building  that  rose  to  a  second 

The  apartments  had  no  communication  with  one  another, 
but  usually  opened  into  a  court ;  and,  as  they  were  unprovided 
with  windows,  or  apertures  that  served  for  them,  the  only  light 
from  without  must  have  been  admitted  by  the  doorways.  These 
were  made  with  the  sides  approaching  each  other  towards  the 
top,  so  that  the  lintel  was  considerably  narrower  than  the 
threshold,  a  peculiarity,  also,  in  Egyptian  architecture.  The 
roofs  have  for  the  most  part  disappeared  with  time.  Some  few 
survive  in  the  less  ambitious  edifices,  of  a  singular  bell-shape, 
and  made  of  a  composition  of  earth  and  pebbles.  They  are 
supposed,  however,  to  have  been  generally  formed  of  more 
perishable  materials,  of  wood  or  straw.  It  is  certain  that 
some  of  the  most  considerable  stone  buildings  were  thatched 
with  straw,  Many  seem  to  have  been  constructed  without  the 
aid  of  cement;  and  writers  have  contended  that  the  Peruvians 
were  unacquainted  with  the  use  of  mortar  or  cement  of  any 
kind.4  But  a  close,  tenacious  mould,  mixed  with  lime,  may 
be  discovered  filling  up  the  interstices  of  the  granite  in  some 
buildings ;  and  in  others,  where  the  well-fitted  blocks  leave  no 

1  it  is  the  observation  of  Humboldt.  “  II  est  impossible  d’examiner 
attentivement  un  seul  edifice  du  temps  des  Incas,  sans  reconnoitre  le  meme 
type  dans  tous  les  autres  qui  couvrent  le  dos  des  Andes,  sur  une  longueur 
de  plus  de  quatre  cent  cinquante  iieues,  depuis  milie  jusqua’  a  quatre  mille 
metres  d’elevation  au-dessus  du  niveau  de  l’ocean.  On  dirait  qu’un  seul 
architecte  a  construit  ce  grand  nombre  de  monumens.” — Vues  des  Cordilleres, 

p.  197. 

2  Ulloa,  who  carefully  examined  these  bricks,  suggests  that  there  must 
have  been  some  secret  in  their  composition,  so  superior  in  many  respects 
to  our  own  manufacture,  now  lost— Not.  Amer.,  ent.  xx. 

3  Ulloa,  Not.  Amer.,  ubi  supra. 

4  Among  others,  see  Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xv. — Robertson,  History  of 
America,  (London,  1796,)  vol.  ii.  p.  213. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  95 

room  for  this  coarser  material,  the  eye  of  the  antiquary  has 
detected  a  fine  bituminous  glue  as  hard  as  the  rock  itself.1 

The  greatest  simplicity  is  observed  in  the  construction  of 
the  buildings,  which  are  usually  free  from  outward  ornament ; 
though  in  some  the  huge  stones  are  shaped  into  a  convex  form 
with  great  regularity,  and  adjusted  with  such  nice  precision  to 
one  another,  that  it  would  be  impossible,  but  for  the  flutings, 
to  determine  the  line  of  junction.  In  others,  the  stone  is  rough, 
as  it  is  taken  from  the  quarry,  in  the  most  irregular  forms,  with 
the  edges  nicely  wrought  and  fitted  to  each  other.  There  is 
no  appearance  of  columns  or  of  arches ;  though  there  is  some 
contradiction  as  to  the  latter  point.  But  it  is  not  to  be  doubted, 
that  although  they  may  have  made  some  approach  to  this  mode 
of  construction  by  the  greater  or  less  inclination  of  the  walls, 
the  Peruvian  architects  were  wholly  unacquainted  with  the  true 
principle  of  the  circular  arch  reposing  on  its  key-stone.2 

The  architecture  of  the  Incas  is  characterised,  says  an  eminent 
traveller,  “  by  simplicity,  symmetry,  and  solidity.” 3  It  may 
seem  unphilosophical  to  condemn  the  peculiar  fashion  of  a 
nation  as  indicating  want  of  taste,  because  its  standard  of 
taste  differs  from  our  own.  Yet  there  is  an  incongruity  in  the 
composition  of  the  Peruvian  buildings  which  argues  a  very 
imperfect  acquaintance  with  the  first  principles  of  architecture. 
While  they  put  together  their  bulky  masses  of  porphyry  and 
granite  with  the  nicest  art,  they  were  incapable  of  mortising 
their  timbers,  and,  in  their  ignorance  of  iron,  knew  no  better 
way  of  holding  the  beams  together  than  tying  them  with  thongs 
of  maguey.  In  the  same  incongruous  spirit,  the  building  that 
was  thatched  with  straw,  and  unilluminated  by  a  window,  was 

1  Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS., — Ulloa,  Not.  Amer.,  ent.  xxi.  Humboldt, 
who  analysed  the  cement  of  the  ancient  structures  at  Cannar.  says  that  it  is 
a  true  mortar,  formed  of  a  mixture  of  pebbles  and  a  clayey  marl.  (Vues 
des  Cordilleres,  p.  116. )  Father  Velasco  is  in  raptures  with  an  “almost 
imperceptible  kind  of  cement  ”  made  of  lime  and  a  bituminous  substance 
resembling  glue,  which  incorporated  with  the  siones  so  as  to  hold  them 
firmly  together  like  one  solid  mass,  vet  left  nothing  visible  to  the  eye  of  the 
common  observer.  This  glutinous  composition,  mixed  with  pebbles,  made 
a  sort  of  Macadamised  road  much  used  by  the  Incas,  as  hard  and  almost  as 
smooth  as  marble.— Hist,  de  Quito,  tom.  i.  pp.  126-128. 

2  Condamine,  Mem.  ap.  Hist,  de  I’Acad.  Royale  de  Berlin,  tom.  ii.  p. 
448. — Antig.  y  Monumentos  del  Peru,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec. 
v.  lib.  iv.  cap.  iv. — Acosta,  lib.  vi.  cap.  xiv. — Ulloa,  Voyage  to  S.  America, 
vol.  i.  p.  469. — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Seg.,  MS. 

3  “Simplicite,  symetrie,  et  solidite,  voila  les  trois  caracteres  par  lesquels 
se  distinguent  avantageusement  tous  les  edifices  penmens.” — Humboldt, 
Vues  des  Cordilleres,  p.  115* 

96  Conquest  of  Peru 

glowing  with  tapestries  of  gold  and  silver !  These  are  the 
inconsistencies  of  a  rude  people,  among  whom  the  arts  are  but 
partially  developed.  It  might  not  be  difficult  to  find  examples 
of  like  inconsistency  in  the  architecture  and  domestic 
arrangements  of  our  Anglo-Saxon,  and,  at  a  still  later  period, 
of  our  Norman  ancestors. 

Yet  the  buildings  of  the  Incas  were  accommodated  to  the 
character  of  the  climate,  and  were  well  fitted  to  resist  those 
terrible  convulsions  which  belong  to  the  land  of  volcanoes. 
The  wisdom  of  their  plan  is  attested  by  the  number  which  still 
survive,  while  the  more  modern  constructions  of  the  Conquerors 
have  been  buried  in  ruins.  The  hand  of  the  Conquerors, 
indeed,  has  fallen  heavily  on  these  venerable  monuments,  and 
in  their  blind  and  superstitious  search  for  hidden  treasure,  has 
caused  infinitely  more  ruin  than  time  or  the  earthquake.1  Yet 
enough  of  these  monuments  still  remain  to  invite  the  researches 
of  the  antiquary.  Those  only  in  the  most  conspicuous  situations 
have  been  hitherto  examined.  But  by  the  testimony  of  travellers, 
many  more  are  to  be  found  in  the  less  frequented  parts  of  the 
country ;  and  we  may  hope  they  will  one  day  call  forth  a 
kindred  spirit  of  enterprise  to  that  which  has  so  successfully 
explored  the  mysterious  recesses  of  Central  America  and 

1  The  anonymous  author  of  the  Antig.  y  Monumentos  del  Peru,  MS., 
gives  us,  at  second  hand,  one  of  those  golden  traditions  which,  in  early 
times,  fostered  the  spirit  of  adventure.  The  tradition,  in  this  instance, 
he  thinks  well  entitled  to  credit.  The  reader  will  judge  for  himself : — 

“  It  is  a  well  authenticated  report,  and  generally  received,  that  there  is  a 
secret  hall  in  the  fortress  of  Cuzco,  where  an  immense  treasure  is  concealed, 
consisting  of  the  statues  of  all  the  Incas,  wrought  in  gold.  A  lady  is  still 
living,  Doha  Maria  de  Esquivel,  the  wife  of  the  last  Inca,  who  has  visited 
this  hall,  and  I  have  heard  her  relate  the  way  in  which  she  was  carried  to 
see  it. 

“Don  Carlos,  the  lady’s  husband,  did  not  maintain  a  style  of  living 
becoming  his  high  rank.  Doha  Maria  sometimes  reproached  him,  declar¬ 
ing  that  she  had  been  deceived  into  marrying  a  poor  Indian  under  the  lofty 
title  of  Lord  or  Inca.  She  said  this  so  frequently,  that  Don  Carlos  one 
night  exclaimed,  ‘  Lady  !  do  you  wish  to  know  whether  I  am  rich  or  poor? 
You  shall  see  that  no  lord  nor  king  in  the  world  has  a  larger  treasure  than 
I  have.’  Then  covering  her  eyes  with  a  handkerchief,  he  made  her  turn 
round  two  or  three  times,  and,  taking  her  by  the  hand,  led  her  a  short 
distance  before  he  removed  the  bandage.  On  opening  her  eyes  what  was 
her  amazement  !  She  had  gone  not  more  than  two  hundred  paces,  and 
descended  a  short  flight  of  steps,  and  she  now  found  herself  in  a  large 
quadrangular  hall,  where,  ranged  on  benches  round  the  walls,  she  beheld 
the  statues  of  the  Incas,  each  of  the  size  of  a  boy  twelve  years  old,  all  of 
massive  gold  !  She  saw’  also  many  vessels  of  gold  and  silver.  ‘  In  fact,’ 
she  said  ‘  it  was  one  of  the  most  magnificent  treasures  in  the  whole  world  1  ’  ” 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  97 

i  cannot  close  this  analysis  of  the  Peruvian  institutions  with¬ 
out  a  few  reflections  on  their  general  character  and  tendency, 
which,  if  they  involve  some  repetition  of  previous  remarks, 
may,  1  trust,  be  excused  from  my  desire  to  leave  a  correct  and 
consistent  impression  on  the  reader.  In  this  survey,  we  cannot 
but  be  struck  with  the  total  dissimilarity  between  these  institu¬ 
tions  and  those  of  the  Aztecs — the  other  great  nation  who  led 
in  the  march  of  civilisation  on  this  western  continent,  and 
whose  empire  in  the  northern  portion  of  it  was  as  conspicuous 
as  that  of  the  Incas  in  the  south.  Both  nations  came  on  the 
plateau,  and  commenced  their  career  of  conquest,  at  dates,  it 
may  be,  not  far  removed  from  each  other.1  And  it  is  worthy 
of  notice,  that,  in  America,  the  elevated  region  along  the  crests 
of  the  great  mountain  ranges  should  have  been  the  chosen  seat 
of  civilisation  in  both  hemispheres. 

Very  different  was  the  policy  pursued  by  the  two  races  in 
their  military  career.  The  Aztecs,  animated  by  the  most 
ferocious  spirit,  carried  on  a  war  of  extermination,  signalising 
their  triumphs  by  the  sacrifice  of  hecatombs  of  captives  ;  while 
the  Incas,  although  they  pursued  the  game  of  conquest  with 
equal  pertinacity,  preferred  a  milder  policy,  substituting  negoti¬ 
ation  and  intrigue  for  violence,  and  dealt  with  their  antagonists 
so  that  their  future  resources  should  not  be  crippled,  and  that 
they  should  come  as  friends,  not  as  foes,  into  the  bosom  of  the 

Their  policy  towards  the  conquered  forms  a  contrast  no  less 
striking  to  that  pursued  by  the  Aztecs.  The  Mexican  vassals 
were  ground  by  excessive  imposts  and  military  conscriptions. 
No  regard  was  had  to  their  welfare,  and  the  only  limit  to 
oppression  was  the  power  of  endurance.  They  were  overawed 
by  fortresses  and  armed  garrisons,  and  were  made  to  feel  every 
hour  that  they  were  not  part  and  parcel  of  the  nation,  but  held 
only  in  subjugation  as  a  conquered  people.  The  Incas,  on  the 
other  hand,  admitted  their  new  subjects  at  once  to  all  the  rights 
enjoyed  by  the  rest  of  the  community ;  and  though  they  made 
them  conform  to  the  established  laws  and  usages  of  the  empire, 
they  watched  over  their  personal  security  and  comfort  with  a 
sort  of  parental  solicitude.  The  motley  population,  thus  bound 
together  by  common  interest,  was  animated  by  a  common  feel¬ 
ing  of  loyalty,  which  gave  greater  strength  and  stability  to  the 
empire,  as  it  became  more  and  more  widely  extended  ;  while 
the  various  tribes  who  successively  came  under  the  Mexican 

*e  301 

1  Ante,  chap.  i. 

98  Conquest  of  Peru 

sceptre,  being  held  together  only  by  the  pressure  of  external 
force,  were  ready  to  fall  asunder  the  moment  that  that  force 
was  withdrawn.  The  policy  of  the  two  nations  displayed  the 
principle  of  fear  as  contrasted  with  the  principle  of  love. 

The  characteristic  features  of  their  religious  systems  had  as 
little  resemblance  to  each  other.  The  whole  Aztec  pantheon 
partook  more  or  less  of  the  sanguinary  spirit  of  the  terrible 
war-god  who  presided  over  it,  and  their  frivolous  ceremonial 
almost  always  terminated  with  human  sacrifice  and  cannibal 
orgies.  But  the  rites  of  the  Peruvians  were  of  a  more  innocent 
cast,  as  they  tended  to  a  more  spiritual  worship.  For  the 
worship  of  the  Creator  is  most  nearly  approached  by  that 
of  the  heavenly  bodies,  which,  as  they  revolve  in  their  bright 
orbits,  seem  to  be  the  most  glorious  symbols  of  his  beneficence 
and  power. 

In  the  minuter  mechanical  arts,  both  showed  considerable 
skill ;  but  in  the  construction  of  important  public  works,  of 
roads,  aqueducts,  canals,  and  in  agriculture  in  all  its  details, 
the  Peruvians  were  much  superior.  Strange  that  they  should 
have  fallen  so  far  below  their  rivals  in  their  efforts  after  a 
higher  intellectual  culture,  in  astronomical  science,  more 
especially,  and  in  the  art  of  communicating  thought  by  visible 
symbols.  When  we  consider  the  greater  refinement  of  the 
Incas,  their  inferiority  to  the  Aztecs  in  these  particulars  can 
be  explained  only  by  the  fact,  that  the  latter  in  all  probability 
were  indebted  for  their  science  to  the  race  who  preceded  them 
in  the  land — that  shadowy  race  whose  origin  and  whose  end 
are  alike  veiled  from  the  eye  of  the  inquirer,  but  who  possibly 
may  have  sought  a  refuge  from  their  ferocious  invaders  in  those 
regions  of  Central  America,  the  architectural  remains  of  which 
now  supply  us  with  the  most  pleasing  monuments  of  Indian 
civilisation.  It  is  with  this  more  polished  race,  to  whom  the 
Peruvians  seem  to  have  borne  some  resemblance  in  their 
mental  and  moral  organisation,  that  they  should  be  compared. 
Had  the  empire  of  the  Incas  been  permitted  to  extend  itself 
with  the  rapid  strides  with  which  it  was  advancing  at  the  period 
of  the  Spanish  conquest,  the  two  races  might  have  come  into 
conflict,  or  perhaps,  into  alliance  with  one  another. 

The  Mexicans  and  Peruvians,  so  different  in  the  character 
of  their  peculiar  civilisation,  were,  it  seems  probable,  ignorant 
of  each  other’s  existence  ;  and  it  may  appear  singular,  that, 
during  the  simultaneous  continuance  of  their  empires,  some 
of  the  seeds  of  science  and  of  art,  which  pass  so  imperceptibly 
from  one  people  to  another,  should  not  have  found  their  way 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  99 

across  the  interval  which  separated  the  two  nations.  They 
furnish  an  interesting  example  of  the  opposite  directions  which 
the  human  mind  may  take  in  its  struggle  to  emerge  from 
darkness  into  the  light  of  civilisation. 

A  closer  resemblance — as  I  have  more  than  once  taken 
occasion  to  notice — may  be  found  between  the  Peruvian  in¬ 
stitutions  and  some  of  the  despotic  governments  of  Eastern 
Asia  ;  those  governments  where  despotism  appears  in  its  more 
mitigated  form,  and  the  whole  people,  under  the  patriarchal 
sway  of  its  sovereign,  seemed  to  be  gathered  together  like  the 
members  of  one  vast  family.  Such  were  the  Chinese,  for 
example,  whom  the  Peruvians  resembled  in  their  implicit 
obedience  to  authority,  their  mild  yet  somewhat  stubborn 
temper,  their  solicitude  for  forms,  their  reverence  for  ancient 
usage,  their  skill  in  the  minuter  manufactures,  their  imitative 
rather  than  inventive  cast  of  mind,  and  their  invincible  patience, 
which  serves  instead  of  a  more  adventurous  spirit  for  the 
execution  of  difficult  undertakings.1 

A  still  closer  analogy  may  be  found  with  the  natives  of 
Hindostan  in  their  division  into  castes,  their  worship  of  the 
heavenly  bodies  and  the  elements  of  nature,  and  their  acquaint¬ 
ance  with  the  scientific  principles  of  husbandry.  To  the 
ancient  Egyptians,  also,  they  bore  considerable  resemblance 
in  the  same  particulars,  as  well  as  in  those  ideas  of  a  future 
existence  which  led  them  to  attach  so  much  importance  to  the 
permanent  preservation  of  the  body. 

But  we  shall  look  in  vain  in  the  history  of  the  East  for  a 
parallel  to  the  absolute  control  exercised  by  the  Incas  over 
their  subjects.  In  the  East,  this  was  founded  on  physical 
power — on  the  external  resources  of  the  government.  The 
authority  of  the  Inca  might  be  compared  with  that  of  the  Pope 
in  the  day  of  his  might,  when  Christendom  trembled  at  the 
thunders  of  the  Vatican,  and  the  successor  of  St.  Peter  set  his 
foot  on  the  necks  of  princes.  But  the  authority  of  the  Pope 
was  founded  on  opinion.  His  temporal  power  was  nothing. 
The  empire  of  the  Incas  rested  on  both.  It  was  a  theocracy 
more  potent  in  its  operation  than  that  of  the  Jews ;  for  though 

1  Count  Carli  has  amused  himself  with  tracing  out  the  different  points  of 
resemblance  between  the  Chinese  and  the  Peruvians.  The  emperor  of 
China  was  styled  the  son  of  Heaven  or  of  the  Sun.  He  also  held  a  plough 
once  a  year  in  presence  of  his  people,  to  show  his  respect  for  agriculture. 
And  the  solstices  and  equinoxes  were  noted,  to  determine  the  period  of  their 
religious  festivals.  The  coincidences  are  curious.  Lettres  Americaines, 
tom.  ii.  pp.  7,  8. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

the  sanction  of  the  law  might  be  as  great  among  the  latter,  the 
law  was  expounded  by  a  human  law-giver,  the  servant  and 
representative  of  Divinity.  But  the  Inca  was  both  the  law¬ 
giver  and  the  law.  He  was  not  merely  the  representative  of 
Divinity,  or,  like  the  Pope,  its  vicegerent,  but  he  was  Divinity 
itself.  The  violation  of  his  ordinance  was  sacrilege.  Never 
was  there  a  scheme  of  government  enforced  by  such  terrible 
sanctions,  or  which  bore  so  oppressively  on  the  subjects  of  it. 
For  it  reached  not  only  to  the  visible  acts,  but  to  the  private 
conduct,  the  words,  the  very  thoughts,  of  its  vassals. 

It  added  not  a  little  to  the  efficacy  of  the  government,  that, 
below  the  sovereign,  there  was  an  order  of  hereditary  nobles 
of  the  same  divine  original  with  himself,  who,  placed  far  below 
himself,  were  still  immeasurably  above  the  rest  of  the  com¬ 
munity,  not  merely  by  descent,  but,  as  it  would  seem,  by  their 
intellectual  nature.  These  were  the  exclusive  depositories  of 
power,  and,  as  their  long  hereditary  training  made  them 
familiar  with  their  vocation,  and  secured  them  implicit  deference 
from  the  multitude,  they  became  the  prompt  and  well-practised 
agents  for  carrying  out  the  executive  measures  of  the  adminis¬ 
tration.  All  that  occurred  throughout  the  wide  extent  of  his 
empire — such  was  the  perfect  system  of  communication — passed 
in  review,  as  it  were,  before  the  eyes  of  the  monarch,  and  a 
thousand  hands,  armed  with  irresistible  authority,  stood  ready 
in  every  quarter  to  do  his  bidding.  Was  it  not,  as  we  have 
said,  the  most  oppressive,  though  the  mildest  of  despotisms  ? 

It  was  the  mildest,  from  the  very  circumstance,  that  the 
transcendant  rank  of  the  sovereign,  and  the  humble,  nay, 
superstitious,  devotion  to  his  will,  made  it  superfluous  to  assert 
this  will  by  acts  of  violence  or  rigour.  The  great  mass  of  the 
people  may  have  appeared  to  his  eyes  as  but  little  removed 
above  the  condition  of  the  brute,  formed  to  minister  to  his 
pleasures.  But,  from  their  very  helplessness  he  regarded  them 
with  feelings  of  commiseration,  like  those  which  a  kind  master 
might  feel  for  the  poor  animals  committed  to  his  charge,  or — 
to  do  justice  to  the  beneficent  character  attributed  to  many  of 
the  Incas — that  a  parent  might  feel  for  his  young  and  impotent 
offspring.  The  laws  were  carefully  directed  to  their  preservation 
and  personal  comfort.  The  people  were  not  allowed  to  be 
employed  on  works  pernicious  to  their  health,  nor  to  pine — a 
sad  contrast  to  their  subsequent  destiny — under  the  imposition 
of  tasks  too  heavy  for  their  powers.  They  were  never  made  the 
victims  of  public  or  private  extortion;  and  a  benevolent  fore¬ 
cast  watched  carefully  over  their  necessities,  and  provided  for 


Civilisation  of  the  Incas 

their  relief  in  seasons  of  infirmity,  and  for  their  sustenance  in 
health.  The  government  of  the  Incas,  however  arbitrary  in 
form,  was  in  its  spirit  truly  patriarchal. 

Yet  in  this  there  was  nothing  cheering  to  the  dignity  of 
human  nature.  What  the  people  had  was  conceded  as  a  boon, 
not  as  a  right.  When  a  nation  was  brought  under  the  sceptre 
of  the  Incas,  it  resigned  every  personal  right,  even  the  rights 
dearest  to  humanity.  Under  this  extraordinary  polity,  a  people 
advanced  in  many  of  the  social  refinements,  wTell  skilled  in 
manufactures  and  agriculture,  were  unacquainted,  as  we  have 
seen,  with  money.  They  had  nothing  that  deserved  to  be 
called  property.  They  could  follow  no  craft,  could  engage  in 
no  labour,  no  amusement,  but  such  as  was  specially  provided 
by  law.  They  could  not  change  their  residence  or  their  dress 
without  a  license  from  the  government.  They  could  not  even 
exercise  the  freedom  which  is  conceded  to  the  most  abject  in 
other  countries,  that  of  selecting  their  own  wives.  The  im¬ 
perative  spirit  of  despotism  would  not  allow  them  to  be  happy 
or  miserable  in  any  way  but  that  established  by  law.  The 
power  of  free  agency — the  inestimable  and  inborn  right  of 
every  human  being — was  annihilated  in  Peru. 

The  astonishing  mechanism  of  the  Peruvian  polity  could 
have  resulted  only  from  the  combined  authority  of  opinion  and 
positive  power  in  the  ruler  to  an  extent  unprecedented  in  the 
history  of  man.  Yet  that  it  should  have  so  successfully  gone 
into  operation,  and  so  long  endured,  in  opposition  to  the  tastes, 
the  prejudices,  and  the  very  principles  of  our  nature,  is  a  strong 
proof  of  a  generally  wise  and  temperate  administration  of  the 

The  policy  habitually  pursued  by  the  Incas  for  the  prevention 
of  evils  that  might  have  disturbed  the  order  of  things,  is  well 
exemplified  in  their  provisions  against  poverty  and  idleness. 
In  these  they  rightly  discerned  the  two  great  causes  of  dis¬ 
affection  in  a  populous  community.  The  industry  of  the 
people  was  secured  not  only  by  their  compulsory  occupations 
at  home,  but  by  their  employment  on  those  great  public  works 
which  covered  every  part  of  the  country,  and  which  still  bear 
testimony  in  their  decay  to  their  primitive  grandeur.  Yet  it 
may  well  astonish  us  to  find,  that  the  natural  difficulty  of  these 
undertakings,  sufficiently  great  in  itself,  considering  the  im¬ 
perfection  of  their  tools  and  machinery,  was  inconceivably 
enhanced  by  the  politic  contrivance  of  government.  The 
royal  edifices  of  Quito,  we  are  assured  by  the  Spanish  con¬ 
querors,  were  constructed  of  huge  masses  of  stone,  many  of 


Conquest  of  Peru 

which  were  carried  all  the  way  along  the  mountain  roads  from 
Cuzco,  a  distance  of  several  hundred  leagues.1  The  great 
square  of  the  capital  was  filled  to  a  considerable  depth  with 
mould  brought  with  incredible  labour  up  the  steep  slopes  of 
the  Cordilleras  from  the  distant  shores  of  the  Pacific  Ocean.2 
Labour  was  regarded  not  only  as  a  means,  but  as  an  end,  by 
the  Peruvian  law. 

With  their  manifold  provisions  against  poverty  the  reader  has 
already  been  made  acquainted.  They  were  so  perfect,  that, 
in  their  wide  extent  of  territory — much  of  it  smitten  with  the 
curse  of  barrenness — no  man,  however  humble,  suffered  from 
the  want  of  food  and  clothing.  Famine,  so  common  a  scourge 
in  every  other  American  nation,  so  common  at  that  period  in 
every  country  of  civilised  Europe,  was  an  evil  unknown  in  the 
dominions  of  the  Incas, 

The  most  enlightened  of  the  Spaniards  who  first  visited  Peru, 
struck  with  the  general  appearance  of  plenty  and  prosperity, 
and  with  the  astonishing  order  with  which  everything  through¬ 
out  the  country  was  regulated,  are  loud  in  their  expressions  of 
admiration.  No  better  government,  in  their  opinion,  could 
have  been  devised  for  the  people.  Contented  with  their 
condition,  and  free  from  vice,  to  borrow  the  language  of  an 
eminent  authority  of  that  early  day,  the  mild  and  docile 
character  of  the  Peruvians  would  have  well  fitted  them  to 

1  “  Era  muy  principal  intento  que  la  gente  no  holgase,  que  dava  causa  a 
que  despues  que  los  Ingas  estuvieron  en  paz  hacer  traer  de  Quito  al  Cuzco 
piedra  que  venia  de  provincia  en  provincia  para  hacer  casas  pari  si  6  pa  el 
Sol  en  gran  cantidad,  y  del  Cuzco  llevalia  a  Quito  pa  el  mismo  efecto,  .... 
y  asi  destas  cosas  hacian  los  Ingas  muchas  de  poco  provecho  y  de  escesivo 
travajo  en  que  traian  ocupadas  las  provincias  ordinariamte,  y  en  fin  el  travajo 
era  causa  de  su  conservacion.” — Ondegardo,  Rel.  Prim.,  MS. — Also  Antig. 
y  Monumentos  del  Peru,  MS. 

2  This  was  literally  gold  dust ;  for  Ondegardo  states,  that,  when  governor 
of  Cuzco,  he  caused  great  quantities  of  gold  vessels  and  ornaments  to  be 
disinterred  from  the  sand  in  which  they  had  been  secreted  by  the  natives. 
“  Que  toda  aquella  plaza  del  Cuzco  le  sacaron  la  tierra  propia,  y  se  llevo  a 
otras  partes  por  cosa  de  gran  estima,  e  la  hincheron  de  arena  de  la  costa  de 
la  mar,  como  hasta  dos  palmos  y  medio  en  algunas  partes,  mas  sembraron 
por  toda  ella  muchos  vasos  de  oro  6  plata,  y  hovejuelas  hombrecillos  pe- 
quenos  de  lo  mismo,  lo  cual  se  ha  sacado  en  mucha  cantidad,  que  todo  lo 
hemos  visto  ;  desta  arena  estaba  toda  la  plaza,  quando  yo  fui  a  governar 
aquella  Ciudad ;  e  si  fue  verdad  que  aquella  se  trajo  de  ellos  afirman  e  tie- 
nen  puestos  en  sus  registros,  paresceme  que  se  a  ansi,  que  toda  la  tierra 
junta  tubo  necesidad  de  entender  en  ello,  por  que  la  plaza  es  grande,  y  no 
tiene  numero  las  cargas  que  en  ella  entraron  ;  y  la  costa  por  lo  mas  cerca 
esta  mas  de  nobenta  leguas  a  lo  que  creo,  y  cierto  yo  me  satisfice,  porque 
todos  dicen,  que  aquel  genero  de  arena,  no  lo  hay  hasta  la  costa.” — Rel 
Seg.,  MS. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  103 

receive  the  teachings  of  Christianity,  had  the  love  of  conversion, 
instead  of  gold,  animated  the  breasts  of  the  Conquerors.1  And 
a  philosopher  of  a  later  time,  warmed  by  the  contemplation  of 
the  picture,  which  his  own  fancy  had  coloured,  of  public 
prosperity  and  private  happiness  under  the  rule  of  the  Incas, 
pronounces  “the  moral  man  in  Peru  far  superior  to  the 
European.” 2 

Yet  such  results  are  scarcely  reconcilable  with  the  theory  of 
the  government  I  have  attempted  to  analyse.  Where  there  is 
no  free  agency,  there  can  be  no  morality.  Where  there  is  no 
temptation,  there  can  be  little  claim  to  virtue.  Where  the 
routine  is  rigorously  prescribed  by  law,  the  law,  and  not  the 
man,  must  have  the  credit  of  the  conduct.  If  that  government 
is  the  best  which  is  felt  the  least,  which  encroaches  on  the 
natural  liberty  of  the  subject  only  so  far  as  is  essential  to  civil 
subordination,  then  of  all  governments  devised  by  man  the 
Peruvian  has  the  least  real  claim  to  our  admiration. 

It  is  not  easy  to  comprehend  the  genius  and  the  full  import 
of  institutions  so  opposite  to  those  of  our  own  free  republic, 
where  every  man,  however  humble  his  condition,  may  aspire  to 
the  highest  honours  of  the  state — may  select  his  own  career, 
and  carve  out  his  fortune  in  his  own  way;  where  the  light  of 
knowledge,  instead  of  being  concentrated  on  a  chosen  few,  is 
shed  abroad  like  the  light  of  day,  and  suffered  to  fall  equally 
on  the  poor  and  the  rich ;  where  the  collision  of  man  with  man 

1  “Y  si  Dios  permitiera  que  tubieran  quien  con  celo  de  Christiandad,  y 
no  con  ramo  de  codicia,  en  lo  pasado.,  les  dieran  entera  noticia  de  nuestra 
sagrada  Religion,  era  gente  en  que  bien  imprimiera,  segun  vemos  por  lo 
que  ahora  con.  la  buena  orden  que  hay  se  obra.  ” — Sarmiento,  Relacion. 
MS.,  cap.  xxii.  But  the  most  emphatic  testimony  to  the  merits  of  the 
people  is  that  afforded  by  Mancio  Sierra  Lejesama,  the  last  survivor  of  the 
early  Spanish  Conquerors,  who  settled  in  Peru.  In  the  preamble  to  his 
testament,  made,  as  he  states,  to  relieve  his  conscience,  at  the  time  of  his 
death,  he  declares  that  the  whole  population,  under  the  Incas,  was  dis¬ 
tinguished  by  sobriety  and  industry  ;  that  such  things  as  robbery  and  theft 
were  unknowm  ;  that,  far  from  licentiousness,  there  was  not  even  a  prosti¬ 
tute  in  the  country  ;  and  that  everything  was  conducted  with  the  greatest 
order,  and  entire  submission  to  authority.  The  panegyric  is  somewhat  too 
unqualified  for  a  whole  nation,  and  may  lead  one  to  suspect  that  the  stings 
of  remorse  for  his  own  treatment  of  the  natives  goaded  the  dying  veteran 
into  a  higher  estimate  of  their  deserts  than  was  strictly  warranted  by  facts. 
Yet  this  testimony  by  such  a  man  at  such  a  time  is  too  remarkable  as  well 
as  too  honourable  to  the  Peruvians,  to  be  passed  over  in  silence  by  the 
historian  ;  and  I  have  transferred  the  document  in  the  original  to  Appendix , 
No.  4. 

2  “  Sans  doute  l'homme  moral  du  Perou  etoit  infiniment  plus  perfectionne 
que  l’Europeen.” — Carli,  Lettres  Americaines,  tom.  i.  p.  215. 

104  Conquest  of  Peru 

wakens  a  generous  emulation  that  calls  out  latent  talent  and 
tasks  the  energies  to  the  utmost ;  where  consciousness  of  in¬ 
dependence  gives  a  feeling  of  self-reliance  unknown  to  the 
timid  subjects  of  a  despotism  ;  where,  in  short,  the  government 
is  made  for  man — not  as  in  Peru,  where  man  seemed  to  be 
made  only  for  the  government.  The  New  World  is  the  theatre 
on  which  these  two  political  systems,  so  opposite  in  their 
character,  have  been  carried  into  operation.  The  empire  of 
the  Incas  has  passed  away  and  left  no  trace.  The  other  great 
experiment  is  still  going  on — the  experiment  which  is  to  solve 
the  problem,  so  long  contested  in  the  old  World,  of  the  capacity 
of  man  for  self-government.  Alas  for  humanity,  if  it  should 
fail ! 

The  testimony  of  the  Spanish  conquerors  is  not  uniform  in 
respect  to  the  favourable  influence  exerted  by  the  Peruvian 
institutions  on  the  character  of  the  people.  Drinking  and 
dancing  are  said  to  have  been  the  pleasures  to  which  they  were 
immoderately  addicted.  Like  the  slaves  and  serfs  in  other 
lands,  whose  position  excluded  them  from  more  serious  and 
ennobling  occupations,  they  found  a  substitute  in  frivolous  and 
sensual  indulgence.  Lazy,  luxurious,  and  licentious,  are  the 
epithets  bestowed  on  them  by  one  of  those  who  saw  them  at 
the  Conquest,  but  whose  pen  was  not  too  friendly  to  the 
Indian.1  Yet  the  spirit  of  independence  could  hardly  be 
strong  in  a  people  who  had  no  interest  in  the  soil,  no  personal 
rights  to  defend ;  and  the  facility  with  which  they  yielded  to 
the  Spanish  invader — after  every  allowance  for  their  com¬ 
parative  inferiority— argues  a  deplorable  destitution  of  that 
patriotic  feeling  which  holds  life  as  little  in  comparison  with 

But  we  must  not  judge  too  hardly  of  the  unfortunate  native, 
because  he  quailed  before  the  civilisation  of  the  European. 
We  must  be  insensible  to  the  really  great  results  that  were 
achieved  by  the  government  of  the  Incas.  We  must  not 

1  “  Heran  muy  dados  a  la  lujuria  y  al  bever,  tenian  accesso  carnal  con 
las  hermanas  y  las  mugeres  de  sus  padres  como  no  fuesen  sus  mismas 
madres,  y  aun  algunos  avia  que  con  ellas  misira;  lo  hacian  y  ansi  mismo  con 
sus  hijas.  Estando  borrachos  tocavan  algunos  en  el  pegado  nefando, 
emborrachavense  muy  a  menudo,  y  estando  borrachos  todo  lo  que  el  de- 
monio  les  traia  a  la  voluntad  hacian.  Heran  estos  orejones  muy  soberbios 

y  presuntuosos . Ter ’an  otras  muchas  maldades  que  por  ser  muchas 

no  las  digo.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq. ,  MS.  'these  random 
aspersions  of  the  hard  conqueror  show  too  gross  an  ignorance  of  the 
institutions  of  the  people  to  merit  much  confidence  as  to  what  is  said  of 
their  character. 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  105 

forget.,  that,  under  their  rule,  the  meanest  of  the  people  en¬ 
joyed  a  far  greater  degree  of  personal  comfort,  at  least  a  greater 
exemption  from  physical  suffering,  than  was  possessed  by  similar 
classes  in  other  nations  on  the  American  continent — greater, 
probably,  than  was  possessed  by  these  classes  in  most  of  the 
countries  of  feudal  Europe.  Under  their  sceptre,  the  higher 
orders  of  the  state  had  made  advances  in  many  of  the  arts  that 
belong  to  a  cultivated  community.  The  foundations  of  a 
regular  government  were  laid,  which,  in  an  age  of  rapine, 
secured  to  its  subjects  the  inestimable  blessings  of  tranquillity 
and  safety.  By  the  well-sustained  policy  of  the  Incas,  the  rude 
tribes  of  the  forest  were  gradually  drawn  from  their  fastnesses, 
and  gathered  within  the  folds  of  civilisation ;  and  of  these 
materials  was  constructed  a  flourishing  and  populous  empire, 
such  as  was  to  be  found  in  no  other  quarter  of  the  American 
continent.  The  defects  of  this  government  were  those  of  over¬ 
refinement  in  legislation — the  last  defects  to  have  been  looked 


for,  certainly,  in  the  American  aborigines. 

Note. — I  have  not  thought  it  necessary  to  swell  this  In¬ 
troduction  by  an  inquiry  into  the  origin  of  Peruvian  civilisa¬ 
tion  like  that  appended  to  the  history  of  the  Mexican.  The 
Peruvian  history  doubtless  suggests  analogies  with  more  than 
one  nation  in  the  East,  some  of  which  have  been  briefly 
adverted  to  in  the  preceding  pages ;  although  these  analogies 
are  adduced  there  not  as  evidence  of  a  common  origin,  but  as 
showing  the  coincidences  which  might  naturally  spring  up 
among  different  nations  under  the  same  phase  of  civilisation. 
Such  coincidences  are  neither  so  numerous  nor  so  striking  as 
those  afforded  by  the  Aztec  history.  The  correspondence 
presented  by  the  astronomical  science  of  the  Mexicans  is  alone 
of  more  importance  than  all  the  rest.  Yet  the  light  of  analogy, 
afforded  by  the  institutions  of  the  Incas,  seems  to  point,  as  far 
as  it  goes,  towards  the  same  direction  ;  and  as  the  investigation 
could  present  but  little  substantially  to  confirm,  and  still  less 
to  confute,  the  views  taken  in  the  former  disquisition,  I  have 
thought  it  best  not  to  fatigue  the  reader  with  it. 

Two  of  the  prominent  authorities  on  whom  I  have  relied  in 
this  Introductory  portion  of  the  work,  are  Juan  de  Sarmiento 
and  the  Licentiate  Ondegardo.  Of  the  former  I  have  been 
able  to  collect  no  information  beyond  what  is  afforded  by  his 
own  writings.  In  the  title  prefixed  to  his  manuscript,  he  is 

xo6  Conquest  of  Peru 

styled  President  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies,  a  post  of  high 
authority,  which  infers  a  weight  of  character  in  the  party,  and 
means  of  information,  that  entitle  his  opinions  on  colonial 
topics  to  great  deference. 

These  means  of  information  were  much  enlarged  by  Sar- 
miento’s  visit  to  the  colonies,  during  the  administration  of 
Gasca.  Having  conceived  the  design  of  compiling  a  history 
of  the  ancient  Peruvian  institutions,  he  visited  Cuzco,  as  he 
tells  us,  in  1550,  and  there  drew  from  the  natives  themselves 
the  materials  for  his  narrative.  His  position  gave  him  access 
to  the  most  authentic  sources  of  knowledge,  and  from  the  lips 
of  the  Inca  nobles,  the  best  instructed  of  the  conquered  race, 
he  gathered  the  traditions  of  their  national  history  and  institu¬ 
tions.  The  quipus  formed,  as  we  have  seen,  an  imperfect 
system  of  mnemonics,  requiring  constant  attention,  and  much 
inferior  to  the  Mexican  hieroglyphics.  It  was  only  by  diligent 
instruction  that  they  were  made  available  to  historical  purposes  ; 
and  this  instruction  was  so  far  neglected  after  the  Conquest, 
that  the  ancient  annals  of  the  country  would  have  perished 
with  the  generation  which  was  the  sole  depository  of  them, 
had  it  not  been  for  the  efforts  of  a  few  intelligent  scholars,  like 
Sarmiento,  who  saw  the  importance,  at  this  critical  period,  of 
cultivating  an  intercourse  with  the  natives,  and  drawing  from 
them  their  hidden  stores  of  information. 

To  give  still  further  authenticity  to  his  work,  Sarmiento 
travelled  over  the  country,  examined  the  principal  objects  of 
interest  with  his  owm  eyes,  and  thus  verified  the  accounts  of 
the  natives  as  far  as  possible  by  personal  observation.  The 
result  of  these  labours  w^as  his  work  entitled  “  Relacion  de  la 
sucesion  y  govierno  de  las  Yngas,  sehores  naturales  que  fueron 
de  las  Provincias  del  Peru,  y  otras  cosas  tocantes  d  aquel  reyno, 
para  el  Iltmo.  Senor  Da  Juan  Sarmiento,  Presidente  del  Consejo 
R1  de  Indias.” 

It  is  divided  into  chapters,  and  embraces  about  four  hundred 
folio  pages  in  manuscript.  The  introductory  portion  of  the 
work  is  occupied  with  the  traditionary  tales  of  the  origin  and 
early  period  of  the  Incas,  teeming,  as  usual,  in  the  antiquities  of 
a  barbarous  people,  with  legendary  fables  of  the  most  wild  and 
monstrous  character.  Yet  these  puerile  conceptions  afford  an 
inexhaustible  mine  for  the  labours  of  the  antiquarian,  who 
endeavours  to  unravel  the  allegorical  wreb  which  a  cunning 
priesthood  had  devised  as  symbolical  of  those  mysteries  of 
creation  that  it  was  beyond  their  power  to  comprehend.  But 
Sarmiento  happily  confines  himself  to  the  mere  statement  of 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  107 

traditional  fables,  without  the  chimerical  ambition  to  explain 

From  this  region  of  romance  Sarmiento  passes  to  the  institu- 
tions  of  the  Peruvians,  describes  their  ancient  polity,  their 
religion,  their  progress  in  the  arts,  especially  agriculture;  and 
presents,  in  short,  an  elaborate  picture  of  the  civilisation  which 
they  reached  under  the  Inca  dynasty.  This  part  of  his  work, 
resting,  as  it  does,  on  the  best  authority,  confirmed  in  many 
instances  by  his  own  observation,  is  of  unquestionable  value, 
and  is  written  with  an  apparent  respect  for  truth,  that  engages 
the  confidence  of  the  reader.  The  concluding  portion  of  the 
manuscript  is  occupied  with  the  civil  history  of  the  country. 
The  reigns  of  the  early  Incas,  which  lie  beyond  the  sober 
province  of  history,  he  despatches  with  commendable  brevity. 
But  on  the  last  three  reigns,  and  fortunately  of  the  greatest 
princes  who  occupied  the  Peruvian  throne,  he  is  more  diffuse. 
This  was  comparatively  firm  ground  for  the  chronicler,  for  the 
events  were  too  recent  to  be  obscured  by  the  vulgar  legends 
that  gather  like  moss  round  every  incident  of  the  older  time. 
His  account  stops  with  the  Spanish  invasion ;  for  this  story, 
Sarmiento  felt,  might  be  safely  left  to  his  contemporaries  who 
acted  a  part  in  it,  but  whose  taste  and  education  had  qualified 
them  but  indifferently  for  exploring  the  antiquities  and  social 
institutions  of  the  natives. 

Sarmiento’s  work  is  composed  in  a  simple,  perspicuous  style, 
without  that  ambition  of  rhetorical  display  too  common  with 
his  countrymen.  He  writes  with  honest  candour,  and  while  he 
does  ample  justice  to  the  merits  and  capacity  of  the  conquered 
races,  he  notices  with  indignation  the  atrocities  of  the  Spaniards 
and  the  demoralising  tendency  of  the  Conquest.  It  may  be 
thought,  indeed,  that  he  forms  too  high  an  estimate  of  the  attain¬ 
ments  of  the  nation  under  the  Incas.  And  it  is  not  improbable, 
that  astonished  by  the  vestiges  it  afforded  of  an  original  civilisa¬ 
tion,  he  became  enamoured  of  his  subject,  and  thus  exhibited  it 
in  colours  somewhat  too  glowing  to  the  eye  of  the  European. 
But  this  was  an  amiable  failing,  not  too  largely  shared  by  the 
stern  Conquerors,  who  subverted  the  institutions  of  the  country, 
and  saw  little  to  admire  in  it  save  its  gold.  It  must  be  further 
admitted,  that  Sarmiento  has  no  design  to  impose  on  his 
reader,  and  that  he  is  careful  to  distinguish  between  what  he 
reports  on  hearsay,  and  what  on  personal  experience.  The 
Father  of  History  himself  does  not  discriminate  between  these 
two  things  more  carefully. 

Neither  is  the  Spanish  historian  to  be  altogether  vindicated 

xo8  Conquest  of  Peru 

from  the  superstition  which  belongs  to  his  time ;  and  we  often 
find  him  referring  to  the  immediate  interposition  of  Satan  those 
effects  which  might  quite  as  well  be  charged  on  the  perverseness 
of  man.  But  this  was  common  to  the  age,  and  to  the  wisest 
men  in  it :  and  it  is  too  much  to  demand  of  a  man  to  be  wiser 
than  his  generation.  It  is  sufficient  praise  of  Sarmiento,  that, 
in  an  age  when  superstition  was  too  often  allied  with  fanaticism, 
he  seems  to  have  had  no  tincture  of  bigotry  in  his  nature.  His 
heart  opens  with  benevolent  fulness  to  the  unfortunate  native ; 
and  his  language,  while  it  is  not  kindled  into  the  religious  glow 
of  the  missionary,  is  warmed  by  a  generous  ray  of  philanthropy, 
that  embraces  the  conquered,  no  less  than  the  conquerors,  as 
his  brethren. 

Notwithstanding  the  great  value  of  Sarmiento’s  work  for  the 
information  it  affords  of  Peru  under  the  Incas,  it  is  but  little 
known,  has  been  rarely  consulted  by  historians,  and  still 
remains  among  the  unpublished  manuscripts,  which  lie,  like 
uncoined  bullion,  in  the  secret  chambers  of  the  Escurial. 

The  other  authority  to  whom  I  have  alluded,  the  Licentiate 
Polo  de  Ondegardo,  was  a  highly  respectable  jurist,  whose 
name  appears  frequently  in  the  affairs  of  Peru.  I  find  no 
account  of  the  period  when  he  first  came  into  the  country. 
But  he  was  there  on  the  arrival  of  Gasca,  and  resided  at  Lima 
under  the  usurpation  of  Gonzalo  Pizarro.  When  the  artful 
Cepeda  endeavoured  to  secure  the  signatures  of  the  inhabitants 
to  the  instrument  proclaiming  the  sovereignty  of  his  chief, 
we  find  Ondegardo  taking  the  lead  among  those  of  his  pro¬ 
fession  in  resisting  it.  On  Gasca’s  arrival,  he  consented  to 
take  a  commission  in  his  army.  At  the  close  of  the  rebellion 
he  was  made  corregidor  of  La  Plata,  and  subsequently  of 
Cuzco,  in  which  honourable  station  he  seems  to  have  remained 
several  years.  In  the  exercise  of  his  magisterial  functions,  he 
was  brought  into  familiar  intercourse  with  the  natives,  and  had 
ample  opportunity  for  studying  their  laws  and  ancient  customs. 
He  conducted  himself  with  such  prudence  and  moderation, 
that  he  seems  to  have  won  the  confidence,  not  only  of  his 
countrymen,  but  of  the  Indians  ;  while  the  administration  was 
careful  to  profit  by  his  large  experience  in  devising  measures 
for  the  better  government  of  the  colony. 

The  Relaciones,  so  often  cited  in  this  History,  were  prepared 
at  the  suggestion  of  the  viceroys,  the  first  being  addressed  to 
the  Marquis  de  Canete,  in  1561,  and  the  second,  ten  years 
later,  to  the  Conde  de  Nieva.  The  two  cover  about  as  much 
ground  as  Sarmiento’s  manuscript ;  and  the  second  memorial, 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  109 

written  so  long  after  the  first,  may  be  thought  to  intimate  the 
advancing  age  of  the  author,  in  the  greater  carelessness  and 
diffuseness  of  the  composition. 

As  these  documents  are  in  the  nature  of  answers  to  the 
interrogatories  propounded  by  government,  the  range  of  topics 
might  seem  to  be  limited  within  narrower  bounds  than  the  modern 
historian  would  desire.  These  queries,  indeed,  had  particular 
reference  to  the  revenues,  tributes, — the  financial  administra¬ 
tion,  in  short  of  the  Incas ;  and  on  these  obscure  topics  the 
communication  of  Ondegardo  is  particularly  full.  But  the 
enlightened  curiosity  of  government  embraced  a  far  wider 
range;  and  the  answers  necessarily  implied  an  acquaintance 
with  the  domestic  policy  of  the  Incas,  with  their  laws,  social 
habits,  their  religion,  science,  and  arts,  in  short,  with  all  that 
make  up  the  elements  of  civilisation.  Ondegardo's  memoirs, 
therefore,  cover  the  whole  ground  of  inquiry  for  the  philosophic 

In  the  management  of  these  various  subjects  Ondegardo 
displays  both  acuteness  and  erudition.  He  never  shrinks  from 
the  discussion,  however  difficult ;  and  while  he  gives  his  con¬ 
clusions  with  an  air  of  modesty,  it  is  evident  that  he  feels 
conscious  of  having  derived  his  information  through  the  most 
authentic  channels.  He  rejects  the  fabulous  with  disdain ; 
decides  on  the  probabilities  of  such  facts  as  he  relates,  and 
candidly  exposes  the  deficiency  of  evidence.  Far  from  display¬ 
ing  the  simple  enthusiasm  of  the  well-meaning  but  credulous 
missionary,  he  proceeds  with  the  cool  and  cautious  step  of  a 
lawyer,  accustomed  to  the  conflict  of  testimony  and  the  un¬ 
certainty  of  oral  tradition.  This  circumspect  manner  of  pro¬ 
ceeding,  and  the  temperate  character  of  his  judgments,  entitle 
Ondegardo  to  much  higher  consideration  as  an  authority 
than  most  of  his  countrymen  who  have  treated  of  Indian 

There  runs  through  his  writings  a  vein  of  humanity,  shown 
particularly  in  his  tenderness  to  the  unfortunate  natives,  to 
whose  ancient  civilisation  he  does  entire,  but  not  extravagant 
justice ;  while,  like  Sarmiento,  he  fearlessly  denounces  the 
excesses  of  his  own  countrymen,  and  admits  the  dark  reproach 
they  had  brought  on  the  honour  of  the  nation.  But  while  this 
censure  forms  the  strongest  ground  for  condemnation  of  the 
Conquerors,  since  it  comes  from  the  lips  of  a  Spaniard  like 
themselves,  it  proves  also  that  Spain  in  this  age  of  violence 
could  send  forth  from  her  bosom  wise  and  good  men,  who 
refused  to  make  common  cause  with  the  licentious  rabble 

I  IO 

Conquest  of  Peru 

around  them.  Indeed,  proof  enough  is  given  in  these  very 
memorials  of  the  unceasing  efforts  of  the  colonial  government, 
from  the  good  viceroy  Mendoza  downwards,  to  secure  protection 
and  the  benefit  of  a  mild  legislation  to  the  unfortunate  natives. 
But  the  iron  Conquerors,  and  the  colonist  whose  heart  softened 
only  to  the  touch  of  gold,  presented  a  formidable  barrier  to 

Ondegardo’s  writings  are  honourably  distinguished  by  freedom 
from  that  superstition  which  is  the  debasing  characteristic  of 
the  times ;  a  superstition  shown  in  the  easy  credit  given  to  the 
marvellous,  and  this  equally  whether  in  heathen  or  in  Christian 
story ;  for  in  the  former  the  eye  of  credulity  could  discern  as 
readily  the  direct  interposition  of  Satan,  as  in  the  latter  the 
hand  of  the  Almighty.  It  is  this  ready  belief  in  a  spiritual 
agency,  whether  for  good  or  for  evil,  which  forms  one  of  the 
most  prominent  features  in  the  writings  of  the  sixteenth  century. 
Nothing  could  be  more  repugnant  to  the  true  spirit  of  philo¬ 
sophical  inquiry,  or  more  irreconcilable  with  rational  criticism. 
Far  from  betraying  such  weakness,  Ondegardo  writes  in  a 
direct  and  business-like  manner,  estimating  things  for  what 
they  are  worth  by  the  plain  rule  of  common-sense.  He  keeps 
the  main  object  of  his  argument  ever  in  view,  without  allowing 
himself,  like  the  garrulous  chroniclers  of  the  period,  to  be  led 
astray  into  a  thousand  rambling  episodes,  that  bewilder  the 
reader  and  lead  to  nothing. 

Ondegardo’s  memoirs  dealt  not  only  with  the  antiquities  of 
the  nation,  but  with  its  actual  condition,  and  with  the  best 
means  for  redressing  the  manifold  evils  to  which  it  was  sub¬ 
jected  under  the  stern  rule  of  its  conquerors.  His  suggestions 
are  replete  with  wisdom,  and  a  merciful  policy,  that  would 
reconcile  the  interests  of  government  with  the  prosperity  and 
happiness  of  its  humblest  vassal.  Thus,  while  his  contem¬ 
poraries  gathered  light  from  his  suggestions  as  to  the  present 
condition  of  affairs,  the  historian  of  later  times  is  no  less 
indebted  to  him  for  information  in  respect  to  the  past.  His 
manuscript  was  freely  consulted  by  Herrera,  and  the  reader, 
as  he  peruses  the  pages  of  the  learned  historian  of  the  Indies, 
is  unconsciously  enjoying  the  benefit  of  the  researches  of 
Ondegardo.  His  valuable  Relaciones  thus  had  their  uses  for 
future  generations,  though  they  have  never  been  admitted 
to  the  honours  of  the  press.  The  copy  in  my  possession,  like 
that  of  Sarmiento’s  manuscript,  for  which  I  am  indebted  to 
that  industrious  bibliographer,  Mr.  Rich,  formed  part  of  the 
magnificent  collection  of  Lord  Kingsborough, — a  name  ever- 

Civilisation  of  the  Incas  iii 

to  be  held  in  honour  by  the  scholar,  for  his  indefatigable 
efforts  to  illustrate  the  antiquities  of  America. 

Ondegardo’s  manuscripts,  it  should  be  remarked,  do  not 
bear  his  signature.  But  they  contain  allusions  to  several 
actions  of  the  writer’s  life  which  identify  them,  beyond  any 
reasonable  doubt,  as  his  production.  In  the  archives  of 
Simancas  is  a  duplicate  copy  of  the  first  memorial,  Relation 
Primer  a,  though,  like  the  one  in  the  Escurial,  without  its 
author’s  name.  Munoz  assigns  it  to  the  pen  of  Gabriel  de 
Rojas,  a  distinguished  cavalier  of  the  Conquest.  This  is 
clearly  an  error;  for  the  author  of  the  manuscript  identifies 
himself  with  Ondegardo,  by  declaring,  in  his  reply  to  the  fifth 
interrogatory,  that  he  was  the  person  who  discovered  the 
mummies  of  the  Incas  in  Cuzco ;  an  act  expressly  referred, 
both  by  Acosta  and  Garcilasso,  to  the  Licentiate  Polo  de 
Ondegardo,  when  corregidor  of  that  city.— Should  the  savans 
of  Madrid  hereafter  embrace  among  the  publications  of  valu¬ 
able  manuscripts  these  Relationes,  they  should  be  careful  not 
to  be  led  into  an  error  here,  by  the  authority  of  a  critic  like 
Munoz,  whose  criticism  is  rarely  at  fault. 

BOOK  il 





Whatever  difference  of  opinion  may  exist  as  to  the  com¬ 
parative  merits  of  the  ancients  and  the  moderns  in  the  arts, 
in  poetry,  eloquence,  and  all  that  depends  on  imagination, 
there  can  be  no  doubt  that  in  science  the  moderns  have 
eminently  the  advantage.  It  could  not  be  otherwise.  In  the 
early  ages  of  the  world,  as  in  the  early  period  of  life,  there  was 
the  freshness  of  a  morning  existence,  when  the  gloss  of  novelty 
was  on  everything  that  met  the  eye ;  when  the  senses,  not 
blunted  by  familiarity,  were  more  keenly  alive  to  the  beautiful ; 
and  the  mind  under  the  influence  of  a  healthy  and  natural 
taste,  was  not  perverted  by  philosophical  theory ;  when  the 
simple  was  necessarily  connected  with  the  beautiful ;  and  the 
epicurean  intellect,  sated  by  repetition,  had  not  begun  to  seek 
for  stimulants  in  the  fantastic  and  capricious.  The  realms  of 
fancy  were  all  untravelled,  and  its  fairest  flowers  had  not  been 
gathered  nor  its  beauties  despoiled  by  the  rude  touch  of  those 
who  affected  to  cultivate  them.  The  wing  of  genius  was  not 
bound  to  the  earth  by  the  cold  and  conventional  rules  of 
criticism,  but  was  permitted  to  take  its  flight  far  and  wide 
over  the  broad  expanse  of  creation. 

But  with  science  it  was  otherwise.  No  genius  could  suffice 
for  the  creation  of  facts,  hardly  for  their  detection.  They 
were  to  be  gathered  in  by  painful  industry ;  to  be  collected 
from  careful  observation  and  experiment.  Genius  indeed 
might  arrange  and  combine  these  facts  into  new  forms,  and 
elicit  from  their  combinations  new  and  important  inferences ; 
and  in  this  process  might  almost  rival  in  originality  the 
creations  of  the  poet  and  the  artist.  But  if  the  processes  of 
science  are  necessarily  slow,  they  are  sure :  there  is  no  retro¬ 
grade  movement  in  her  domain.  Arts  may  fade,  the  muse 
become  dumb,  a  moral  lethargy  may  lock  up  the  faculties 

1 12 

Discovery  of  Peru  113 

of  a  nation,  the  nation  itself  may  pass  away  and  leave  only  the 
memory  of  its  existence,  but  the  stores  of  science  it  has 
garnered  up  will  endure  for  ever.  As  other  nations  come  upon 
the  stage,  and  new  lorms  of  civilisation  arise,  the  monuments 
of  art  and  of  imagination,  productions  of  an  older  time,  will 
lie  as  an  obstacle  in  the  path  of  improvement.  They  cannot 
be  built  upon  ;  they  occupy  the  ground  which  the  new  aspirant 
for  immortality  would  cover.  The  whole  work  is  to  be  gone 
over  again ;  and  other  forms  of  beauty,  whether  higher  or 
lower  in  the  scale  of  merit,  but  unlike  the  past,  must  arise  to 
take  a  place  by  their  side ;  but,  in  science,  every  stone  that 
has  been  laid  remains  as  the  foundation  for  another.  The 
coming  generation  takes  up  the  work  where  the  preceding  left 
it.  There  is  no  retrograde  movement.  The  individual  nation 
may  recede,  but  science  still  advances.  Every  step  that  has 
been  gained  makes  the  ascent  easier  for  those  who  come  after ; 
every  step  carries  the  patient  inquirer  after  truth  higher  and 
higher  towards  heaven,  and  unfolds  to  him  as  he  rises  a  wider 
horizon,  and  new  and  more  magnificent  views  of  the  universe. 

Geography  partook  of  the  embarrassments  which  belonged 
to  every  other  department  of  science  in  the  primitive  ages  of 
the  world.  The  knowledge  of  the  earth  could  come  only  from 
an  extended  commerce  ;  and  commerce  is  founded  on  artificial 
wants  or  an  enlightened  curiosity,  hardly  compatible  with  the 
earlier  condition  of  society.  In  the  infancy  of  nations,  the 
different  tribes,  occupied  with  their  domestic  feuds,  found  few 
occasions  to  wander  beyond  the  mountain  chain  or  broad 
stream  that  formed  the  natural  boundary  of  their  domains. 
The  Phoenicians,  it  is  true,  are  said  to  have  sailed  beyond  the 
Pillars  of  Hercules,  and  to  have  launched  out  on  the  great 
western  ocean.  But  the  adventures  of  these  ancient  voyagers 
belong  to  the  mythic  legends  of  antiquity,  and  ascend  far 
beyond  the  domain  of  authentic  record. 

The  Greeks,  quick  and  adventurous,  skilled  in  mechanical 
art,  had  many  of  the  qualities  of  successful  navigators,  and 
within  the  limits  of  their  little  inland  sea  ranged  fearlessly  and 
freely.  But  the  conquests  of  Alexander  did  more  to  extend 
the  limits  of  geographical  science,  and  opened  an  acquaintance 
with  the  remote  countries  of  the  East.  Yet  the  march  of  the 
conqueror  is  slow  in  comparison  with  the  movements  of  the 
unencumbered  traveller.  The  Romans  were  still  less  enter¬ 
prising  than  the  Greeks,  were  less  commercial  in  their  character. 
The  contributions  to  geographical  knowledge  grew  with  the 
slow  acquisitions  of  empire.  But  their  system  was  centralising 

1 14  Conquest  of  Peru 

in  its  tendency ;  and,  instead  of  taking  an  outward  direction, 
and  looking  abroad  for  discovery,  every  part  of  the  vast 
imperial  domain  turned  towards  the  capital  as  its  head  and 
central  point  of  attraction.  The  Roman  conqueror  pursued 
his  path  by  land,  not  by  sea.  But  the  water  is  the  great 
highway  between  nations,  the  true  element  for  the  discoverer. 
The  Romans  were  not  a  maritime  people.  At  the  close  of 
their  empire,  geographical  science  could  hardly  be  said  to 
extend  farther  than  to  an  acquaintance  with  Europe,  and  this 
not  its  more  northern  division,  together  with  a  portion  of  Asia 
and  Africa ;  while  they  had  no  other  conception  of  a  world 
beyond  the  western  waters  than  was  to  be  gathered  from  the 
fortunate  prediction  of  the  poet.1 

Then  followed  the  Middle  Ages,  the  dark  ages  as  they  are 
called,  though  in  their  darkness  were  matured  those  seeds  of 
knowledge  which,  in  fulness  of  time,  were  to  spring  up  into 
new  and  more  glorious  forms  of  civilisation.  The  organisation 
of  society  became  more  favourable  to  geographical  science. 
Instead  of  one  overgrown  lethargic  empire,  oppressing  every¬ 
thing  by  its  colossal  weight,  Europe  wsls  broken  up  into  various 
independent  communities,  many  of  which,  adopting  liberal 
forms  of  government,  felt  all  the  impulses  natural  to  freemen ; 
and  the  petty  republics  on  the  Mediterranean  and  the  Baltic 
sent  forth  their  swarms  of  seamen  in  a  profitable  commerce, 
that  knit  together  the  different  countries  scattered  along  the 
great  European  waters. 

But  the  improvements  which  took  place  in  the  art  of  navi¬ 
gation,  the  more  accurate  measurement  of  time,  and,  above 
all,  the  discovery  of  the  polarity  of  the  magnet,  greatly  advanced 
the  cause  of  geographical  knowledge.  Instead  of  creeping 
timidly  along  the  coast,  or  limiting  his  expeditions  to  the 
narrow  basins  of  inland  waters,  the  voyager  might  now  spread 
his  sails  boldly  on  the  deep,  secure  of  a  guide  to  direct  his 
bark  unerringly  across  the  illimitable  waste.  The  conscious- 

1  Seneca’s  well-known  prediction,  in  his  Medea,  is,  perhaps,  the  most 
remarkable  random  prophecy  on  record.  For  it  is  not  a  simple  extension 
of  the  boundaries  of  the  known  parts  of  the  globe  that  is  so  confidently 
announced,  but  the  existence  of  a  New  World  across  the  waters,  to  be 
revealed  in  coming  ages. 

“Quibus  Oceanus 
Vincula  rerum  laxet,  et  ingens 
Pateat  tellus,  Typhisque  Novos 
Detegat  Orbes.” 

It  was  the  lucky  hit  of  the  philosopher  rather  than  the  poet. 

Discovery  of  Peru  115 

:  ness  of  this  power  led  thought  to  travel  in  a  new  direction ; 
:  and  the  mariner  began  to  look  with  earnestness  for  another 
1  path  to  the  Indian  Spice  Islands  than  that  by  which  the 
!  Eastern  caravans  had  traversed  the  continent  of  Asia.  The 
i  nations  on  whom  the  spirit  of  enterprise  at  this  crisis  naturally 
descended  were  Spain  and  Portugal,  placed  as  they  were  on 
the  outposts  of  the  European  continent,  commanding  the  great 
theatre  of  future  discovery. 

Both  countries  felt  the  responsibility  of  their  new  position. 
The  crown  of  Portugal  was  constant  in  its  efforts,  through  the 
fifteenth  century,  to  find  a  passage  round  the  southern  point 
of  Africa  into  the  Indian  Ocean ;  though,  so  timid  was  the 
navigation,  that  every  fresh  headland  became  a  formidable 
barrier,  and  it  was  not  till  the  latter  part  of  the  century  that 
the  adventurous  Diaz  passed  quite  round  the  Stormy  Cape,  as 
he  termed  it,  but  which  John  the  Second,  with  happier  augury, 
called  the  Cape  of  Good  Hope.  But,  before  Vasco  de  Gama 
had  availed  himself  of  this  discovery  to  spread  his  sails  in  the 
Indian  seas,  Spain  entered  on  her  glorious  career,  and  sent 
Columbus  across  the  western  waters. 

The  object  of  the  great  navigator  was  still  the  discovery  of 
a  route  to  India,  but  by  the  west  instead  of  the  east.  He  had 
no  expectation  of  meeting  with  a  continent  in  his  way ;  and, 
after  repeated  voyages,  he  remained  in  his  original  error, 
dying,  as  is  well  known,  in  the  conviction  that  it  was  the 
eastern  shore  of  Asia  which  he  had  reached.  It  was  the  same 
object  which  directed  the  nautical  enterprises  of  those  who 
followed  in  the  Admiral’s  track ;  and  the  discovery  of  a  strait 
into  the  Indian  Ocean  was  the  burden  of  every  order  from  the 
government,  and  the  design  of  many  an  expedition  to  different 
points  of  the  new  continent,  which  seemed  to  stretch  its 
leviathan  length  along  from  one  pole  to  the  other.  The  dis¬ 
covery  of  an  Indian  passage  is  the  true  key  to  the  maritime 
movements  of  the  fifteenth  and  the  first  half  of  the  sixteenth 
centuries.  It  was  the  great  leading  idea  that  gave  the 
character  to  the  enterprise  of  the  age. 

It  is  not  easy  at  this  time  to  comprehend  the  impulse  given 
to  Europe  by  the  discovery  of  America.  It  was  not  the 
gradual  acquisition  of  some  border  territory,  a  province,  or  a 
kingdom  that  had  been  gained,  but  a  New  World  that  was 
now  thrown  open  to  the  European.  The  races  of  animals,  the 
mineral  treasures,  the  vegetable  forms,  and  the  varied  aspects 
of  nature,  man  in  the  different  phases  of  civilisation,  filled  the 
mind  with  entirely  new  sets  of  ideas,  that  changed  the  habitual 

n6  Conquest  of  Peru 

current  of  thought  and  stimulated  it  to  indefinite  conjecture. 
The  eagerness  to  explore  the  wonderful  secrets  of  the  new 
hemisphere  became  so  active,  that  the  principal  cities  of  Spain 
were,  in  a  manner,  depopulated,  as  emigrants  thronged  one 
after  another  to  take  their  chance  upon  the  deep.1  It  was  a 
world  of  romance  that  was  thrown  open ;  for,  whatever  might 
be  the  luck  of  the  adventurer,  his  reports  on  his  return  were 
tinged  with  a  colouring  of  romance  that  stimulated  still  higher 
the  sensitive  fancies  of  his  countrymen,  and  nourished  the 
chimerical  sentiments  of  an  age  of  chivalry.  They  listened 
with  attentive  ears  to  tales  of  Amazons,  which  seemed  to 
realise  the  classic  legends  of  antiquity,  to  stories  of  Patagonian 
giants,  to  flaming  pictures  of  an  El  Dorado ,  where  the  sands 
sparkled  with  gems,  and  golden  pebbles  as  large  as  birds’  eggs 
were  dragged  in  nets  out  of  the  rivers. 

Yet  that  the  adventurers  were  no  impostors,  but  dupes,  too 
easy  dupes  of  their  own  credulous  fancies,  is  shown  by  the 
extravagant  character  of  their  enterprises ;  by  expeditions  in 
search  of  the  magical  Fountain  of  Health,  of  the  golden 
Temple  of  Doboyba,  of  the  golden  sepulchres  of  Zenu ;  for 
gold  was  ever  floating  before  their  distempered  vision,  and  the 
name  of  Castilla  del  Oro ,  Golden  Castile,  the  most  unhealthy 
and  unprofitable  region  of  the  Isthmus,  held  out  a  bright 
promise  to  the  unfortunate  settler,  who  too  frequently  instead 
of  gold  found  there  only  his  grave. 

In  this  realm  of  enchantment  all  the  accessories  served  to 
maintain  the  illusion.  The  simple  natives,  with  their  defence¬ 
less  bodies  and  rude  weapons,  were  no  match  for  the  European 
warrior  armed  to  the  teeth  in  mail.  The  odds  were  as  great 
as  those  found  in  any  legend  of  chivalry,  where  the  lance  of 
the  good  knight  overturned  hundreds  at  a  touch.  The  perils 
that  lay  in  the  discoverer’s  path,  and  the  sufferings  he  had  to 
sustain,  were  scarcely  inferior  to  those  that  beset  the  knight- 
errant.  Hunger  and  thirst  and  fatigue,  the  deadly  effluvia  of 
the  morass,  with  its  swarms  of  venomous  insects,  the  cold  of 
mountain  snows  and  the  scorching  sun  of  the  tropics,  these 
were  the  lot  of  every  cavalier  who  came  to  seek  his  fortunes  in 
the  New  World.  It  was  the  reality  of  romance.  The  life  of 

1  The  Venetian  ambassador,  Andrea  Navagiero,  who  travelled  through 
Spain  in  1525,  near  the  period  of  the  commencement  of  our  narrative, 
notices  the  general  fever  of  emigration.  Seville,  in  particular,  the  great 
port  of  embarkation,  was  so  stripped  of  its  inhabitants,  he  says,  “  that  the 
city  was  left  almost  to  the  women.” 

Discovery  of  Peru  117 

the  Spanish  adventurer  was  one  chapter  more,  and  not  the  least 
remarkable,  in  the  chronicles  of  knight-errantry. 

The  character  of  the  warrior  took  somewhat  of  the  ex¬ 
aggerated  colouring  shed  over  his  exploits.  Proud  and  vain¬ 
glorious,  swelled  with  lofty  anticipations  of  his  destiny,  and 
an  invincible  confidence  in  his  own  resources,  no  danger  could 
appal  and  no  toil  could  tire  him.  The  greater  the  danger, 
indeed,  the  higher  the  charm ;  for  his  soul  revelled  in  excite¬ 
ment,  and  the  enterprise  without  peril  wanted  that  spur  of 
romance  which  was  necessary  to  rouse  his  energies  into 
action.  Yet  in  the  motives  of  action  meaner  influences  were 
strangely  mingled  with  the  loftier,  the  temporal  with  the 
spiritual.  Gold  was  the  incentive  and  the  recompense,  and 
in  the  pursuit  of  it  his  inflexible  nature  rarely  hesitated 
as  to  the  means.  Plis  courage  was  sullied  with  cruelty,  the 
cruelty  that  flowed  equally — strange  as  it  may  seem — from  his 
avarice  and  his  religion ;  religion  as  it  was  understood  in  that 
age, — the  religion  of  the  Crusader.  It  was  the  convenient 
cloak  for  a  multitude  of  sins,  which  covered  them  even  from 
himself.  The  Castilian,  too  proud  for  hypocrisy,  committed 
more  cruelties  in  the  name  of  religion  than  were  ever  practised 
by  the  pagan  idolator  or  the  fanatical  Moslem.  The  burning 
of  the  infidel  was  a  sacrifice  acceptable  to  Heaven,  and  the 
conversion  of  those  who  survived  amply  atoned  for  the  foulest 
offences.  It  is  a  melancholy  and  mortifying  consideration, 
that  the  most  uncompromising  spirit  of  intolerance — the  spirit 
of  the  Inquisitor  at  home,  and  of  the  Crusader  abroad — should 
have  emanated  from  a  religion  which  preached  peace  upon 
earth  and  good-will  towards  man  ! 

What  a  contrast  did  these  children  of  Southern  Europe 
present  to  the  Anglo-Saxon  races  who  scattered  themselves 
along  the  great  northern  division  of  the  western  hemisphere ! 
For  the  principle  of  action  with  these  latter  was  not  avarice, 
nor  the  more  specious  pretext  of  proselytism  ;  but  independence, 
— independence  religious  and  political.  To  secure  this  they 
were  content  to  earn  a  bare  subsistence  by  a  life  of  frugality 
and  toil.  They  asked  nothing  from  the  soil,  but  the  reasonable 
returns  of  their  own  labour.  No  golden  visions  threw  a 
deceitful  halo  around  their  path,  and  beckoned  them  onwards 
through  seas  of  blood  to  the  subversion  of  an  unoffending 
dynasty.  They  were  content  with  the  slow,  but  steady  progress 
of  their  social  polity.  They  patiently  endured  the  privations 
of  the  wilderness,  watering  the  tree  of  liberty  with  their  tears 
and  with  the  sweat  of  their  brow,  till  it  took  deep  root  in  the 


1 1 8  Conquest  of  Peru 

land  and  sent  up  its  branches  high  towards  the  heavens ;  while 
the  communities  of  the  neighbouring  continent,  shooting  up 
into  the  sudden  splendours  of  a  tropical  vegetation,  exhibited 
even  in  their  prime,  the  sure  symptoms  of  decay. 

It  would  seem  to  have  been  especially  ordered  by  Providence 
that  the  discovery  of  the  two  great  divisions  of  the  American 
hemisphere  should  fall  to  the  two  races  best  fitted  to  conquer 
and  colonise  them.  Thus,  the  northern  section  was  consigned 
to  the  Anglo-Saxon  race,  whose  orderly,  industrious  habits 
found  an  ample  field  for  development  under  its  colder  skies 
and  on  its  more  rugged  soil ;  while  the  southern  portion,  with 
its  rich  tropical  products  and  treasures  of  mineral  wealth,  held 
out  the  most  attractive  bait  to  invite  the  enterprise  of  the 
Spaniard.  How  different  might  have  been  the  result,  if  the 
bark  of  Columbus  had  taken  a  more  northerly  direction,  as  he 
at  one  time  meditated,  and  landed  its  band  of  adventurers  on 
the  shores  of  what  is  now  Protestant  America ! 

Under  the  pressure  of  that  spirit  of  nautical  enterprise  which 
filled  the  maritime  communities  of  Europe  in  the  sixteenth 
century,  the  whole  extent  of  the  mighty  continent,  from 
Labrador  to  Terra  del  Fuego,  was  explored  in  less  than 
thirty  years  after  its  discovery:  and  in  1521,  the  Portuguese 
Maghellan,  sailing  under  the  Spanish  flag,  solved  the  problem 
of  the  strait,  and  found  a  westerly  way  to  the  long-sought  Spice 
Islands  of  India, — greatly  to  the  astonishment  of  the  Portuguese, 
who  sailing  from  the  opposite  direction,  there  met  their  rivals, 
face  to  face,  at  the  antipodes.  But  while  the  whole  eastern 
coast  of  the  American  continent  had  been  explored,  and  the 
central  portion  of  it  colonised, — even  after  the  brilliant  achieve¬ 
ment  of  the  Mexican  conquest,  the  veil  was  not  yet  raised  that 
hung  over  the  golden  shores  of  the  Pacific. 

Floating  rumours  had  reached  the  Spaniards,  from  time  to 
time,  of  countries  in  the  far  west,  teeming  with  the  metal  they 
so  much  coveted ;  but  the  first  distinct  notice  of  Peru  was 
about  the  year  1511,  when  Vasco  Nunez  de  Balboa,  the 
discoverer  of  the  Southern  Sea,  was  weighing  some  gold  which 
he  had  collected  from  the  natives.  A  young  barbarian  chieftain, 
who  was  present,  struck  the  scales  with  his  fist,  and  scattering 
the  glittering  metal  around  the  apartment,  exclaimed, — “  If 
this  is  what  you  prize  so  much  that  you  are  willing  to  leave 
your  distant  homes,  and  risk  even  life  itself  for  it,  I  can  tell 
you  of  a  land  where  they  eat  and  drink  out  of  golden  vessels, 
and  gold  is  as  cheap  as  iron  is  with  you.”  It  was  not  long 
after  this  startling  intelligence  that  Balboa  achieved  the  formid- 

Discovery  of  Peru  119 

able  adventure  of  scaling  the  mountain  rampart  of  the  isthmus 
which  divides  the  two  miahtv  oceans  from  each  other  ;  when, 
armed  with  sword  and  buckler,  he  rushed  into  the  waters  of 
the  Pacific,  and  cried  out,  in  the  true  chivalrous  vein,  that  “  he 
claimed  this  unknown  sea  with  all  that  it  contained  for  the 
king  of  Castile,  and  that  he  would  make  good  the  claim  against 
all,  Christian  or  infidel,  who  dared  to  gainsay  it !  ” 1  All  the 
broad  continent  and  sunny  isles  washed  by  the  wraters  of  the 
Southern  Ocean  !  Little  did  the  bold  cavalier  comprehend 
the  full  import  of  his  magnificent  vaunt. 

On  this  spot  he  received  more  implicit  tidings  of  the  Peruvian 
empire,  heard  proofs  recounted  of  its  civilisation,  and  was 
shown  drawings  of  the  llama,  which,  to  the  European  eye, 
seemed  a  species  of  the  Arabian  camel.  But  although  he 
steered  his  caravel  for  these  golden  realms,  and  even  pushed 
his  discoveries  some  twenty  leagues  south  of  the  Gulf  of  St. 
Michael,  the  adventure  was  not  reserved  for  him.  The 
illustrious  discoverer  wTas  doomed  to  fall  a  victim  to  that 
miserable  jealousy  wfith  which  a  little  spirit  regards  the 
achievements  of  a  great  one. 

The  Spanish  colonial  domain  was  broken  up  into  a  number 
of  petty  governments,  which  were  dispensed  sometimes  to 
court  favourites,  though,  as  the  duties  of  the  post,  at  this  early 
period,  were  of  an  arduous  nature,  they  were  more  frequently 
reserved  for  men  of  some  practical  talent  and  enterprise. 
Columbus,  by  virtue  of  his  original  contract  with  the  Crown, 
had  jurisdiction  over  the  territories  discovered  by  himself, 
embracing  some  of  the  principal  islands,  and  a  few  places  on 
the  continent.  This  jurisdiction  differed  from  that  of  other 
functionaries,  inasmuch  as  it  was  hereditary  ;  a  privilege  found 
in  the  end  too  considerable  for  a  subject,  and  commuted, 
therefore,  for  a  title  and  a  pension.  These  colonial  govern¬ 
ments  were  multiplied  with  the  increase  of  empire,  and  by 
the  year  1524,  the  period  at  which  our  narrative  properly 
commences,  were  scattered  over  the  islands,  along  the  Isthmus 
of  Darien,  the  broad  tract  of  Terra  Firma,  and  the  recent 
conquest  of  Mexico.  Some  of  these  governments  were  of  no 
great  extent.  Others,  like  that  of  Mexico,  were  of  the 
dimensions  of  a  kingdom ;  and  most  had  an  indefinite  range 
for  discovery  assigned  to  them  in  their  immediate  neighbour¬ 
hood,  by  which  each  of  the  petty  potentates  might  enlarge  his 
territorial  sway,  and  enrich  his  followers  and  himself.  This 

1  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  i.  lib.  x.  cap.  ii. — Quintana,  Vidas  de 
Espanoles  Celebres,  (Madrid,  1830,)  tom.  ii.  p.  44* 


Conquest  of  Peru 

politic  arrangement  best  served  the  ends  of  the  Crown,  by 
affording  a  perpetual  incentive  to  the  spirit  of  enterprise.  Thus 
living  on  their  own  little  domains  at  a  long  distance  from  the 
mother-country,  these  military  rulers  held  a  sort  of  vice-regal 
sway,  and  too  frequently  exercised  it  in  the  most  oppressive 
and  tyrannical  manner  :  oppressive  to  the  native,  and  tyrannical 
towards  their  own  followers.  It  was  the  natural  consequence, 
when  men  originally  low  in  station,  and  unprepared  by 
education  for  office,  were  suddenly  called  to  the  possession 
of  a  brief,  but  in  its  nature  irresponsible,  authority.  It  was 
not  till  after  some  sad  experience  of  these  results,  that  measures 
were  taken  to  hold  these  petty  tyrants  in  check,  by  means  of 
regular  tribunals,  or  Royal  Audiences,  as  they  were  termed, 
which,  composed  of  men  of  character  and  learning,  might  in¬ 
terpose  the  arm  of  the  law,  or  at  least  the  voice  of  remonstrance, 
for  the  protection  of  both  colonist  and  native. 

Among  the  colonial  governors  who  were  indebted  for  their 
situation  to  their  rank  at  home,  was  Don  Pedro  Ariusde  Avila, 
or  Pedrarias,  as  usually  called.  He  was  married  to  a  daughter 
of  Doha  Beatriz  de  Bobadilla,  the  celebrated  Marchioness  of 
Moya,  best  known  as  the  friend  of  Isabella  the  Catholic.  He 
was  a  man  of  some  military  experience  and  considerable  energy 
of  character.  But,  as  it  proved,  he  was  of  a  malignant  temper ; 
and  the  base  qualities,  which  might  have  passed  unnoticed  in 
the  obscurity  of  private  life,  were  made  conspicuous,  and 
perhaps  created  in  some  measure,  by  sudden  elevation  to 
power  ;  as  the  sunshine,  which  operates  kindly  on  a  generous 
soil,  and  stimulates  it  to  production,  calls  forth  from  the  un¬ 
wholesome  marsh  only  foul  and  pestilent  vapours.  This  man 
was  placed  over  the  territory  of  Casiilta  del  Oro>  the  ground 
selected  by  Nunez  de  Balboa  for  the  theatre  of  his  discoveries. 
Success  drew  on  this  latter  the  jealousy  of  his  superior,  for  it 
was  crime  enough  in  the  eyes  of  Pedrarias  to  deserve  too  well. 
The  tragical  history  of  this  cavalier  belongs  to  a  period 
somewhat  earlier  than  that  with  which  we  are  to  be  occupied. 
It  has  been  traced  by  abler  hands  than  mine,  and  though 
brief,  forms  one  of  the  most  brilliant  passages  in  the  annals 
of  the  American  conquerors.1 

1  The  memorable  adventures  of  Vasco  Nunez  de  Balboa  have  been 
recorded  by  Quintana,  (Espanoles  Celebres,  tom.  ii. , )  and  by  Irving  in 
his  Companions  of  Columbus. — It  is  rare  that  the  life  of  an  individual  has 
formed  the  subject  of  two  such  elegant  memorials  produced  at  nearly  the 
same  time,  and  in  different  languages,  without  any  communication  between 
the  authors. 

1 2  I 

Discovery  of  Peru 

But  though  Pedrarias  was  willing  to  cut  short  the  glorious 
career  of  his  rival,  he  was  not  insensible  to  the  important 
consequences  of  his  discoveries.  He  saw  at  once  the  unsuit¬ 
ableness  of  Darien  for  prosecuting  expeditions  on  the  Pacific, 
and  conformably  to  the  original  suggestion  of  Balboa,  in  1519, 
he  caused  his  rising  capital  to  be  transferred  from  the  shores 
of  the  Atlantic  to  the  ancient  site  of  Panama,  some  distance 
east  of  the  present  city  of  that  name.1  This  most  unhealthy  spot, 
the  cemetery  of  many  an  unfortunate  colonist,  was  favourably 
situated  for  the  great  object  of  maritime  enterprise;  and  the 
port,  from  its  central  position,  afforded  the  best  point  of  de¬ 
parture  for  expeditions,  whether  to  the  north  or  south,  along 
the  wide  range  of  undiscovered  coast  that  lined  the  Southern 
Ocean.  Yet  in  this  new  and  more  favourable  position,  several 
years  were  suffered  to  elapse  before  the  course  of  discovery 
took  the  direction  of  Peru.  This  was  turned  exclusively 
towards  the  north,  or  rather  west,  in  obedience  to  the  orders 
of  government,  which  had  ever  at  heart  the  detection  of  a  strait 
that,  as  was  supposed,  must  intersect  some  part  or  other  of  the 
long-extended  Isthmus.  Armament  after  armament  was  fitted 
out  with  this  chimerical  object ;  and  Pedrarias  saw  his  domain 
extending  every  year  farther  and  farther,  without  deriving  any 
considerable  advantage  from  his  acquisitions.  Veragua,  Costa 
Rica,  Nicaragua,  were  successively  occupied  ;  and  his  brave 
cavaliers  forced  a  way  across  forest  and  mountain  and  warlike 
tribes  of  savages,  till,  at  Honduras,  they  came  in  collision  with 
the  companions  of  Cortes,  the  conquerors  of  Mexico,  who  had 
descended  from  the  great  northern  plateau  on  the  regions  of 
Central  America,  and  thus  completed  the  survey  of  this  wild 
and  mysterious  land. 

It  was  not  till  1522  that  a  regular  expedition  was  despatched 
in  the  direction  south  of  Panama,  under  the  conduct  of  Pascual 
de  Andagoya,  a  cavalier  of  much  distinction  in  the  colony. 

1  The  Court  gave  positive  instructions  to  Pedrarias  to  make  a  settlement 
in  the  Gulf  of  St.  Michael,  in  obedience  to  the  suggestion  of  Vasco  Nunez, 
that  it  would  be  the  most  eligible  site  for  discovery  and  traffic  in  the  South 
Sea.  “El  asiento,  que  se  oviere  de  hacer  en  el  golfo  de  S.  Miguel  en  el 
;  mar  del  sur  debe  ser  en  el  puerto  que  mejor  se  hallare  y  mas  convenible 
para  la  contratacion  de  aquel  golfo  porque  segund  lo  que  Vasco  Nunez 
escribe,  seria  may  necesario  que  al  1  f  haya  algunos  navfos,  asf  para  descu- 
brir  las  cosas  del  golfo  ;  y  de  la  comarca  del,  como  para  la  contratacion  de 
rescates  de  las  otras  cosas  necesarias  al  buen  proveimiento  de  aquello  ;  6 
para  que  estos  navfos  aprovechen  es  menester  que  se  hagan  alia.  ’ — Capftulo 
de  Carta  escrita  por  el  Key  Catolico  a  Pedrarias  Davila,  ap.  Navarrete 
Coleccion  de  los  Vinges  y  Descubrimientos,  (Madrid,  1829,)  tom.  iii.  No.  3. 

F  3oi 


Conquest  of  Peru 

But  that  officer  penetrated  only  to  the  Puerto  de  Pinas,  the 
limit  of  Balboa’s  discoveries,  when  the  bad  state  of  his  health 
compelled  him  to  re-embark  and  abandon  his  enterprise  at  its 
commencement. 1 

Yet  the  floating  rumours  of  the  wealth  and  civilisation  of  a 
mighty  nation  at  the  South  were  continually  reaching  the  ears 
and  kindling  the  dreamy  imaginations  of  the  colonists ;  and  it 
may  seem  astonishing  that  an  expedition  in  that  direction 
should  have  been  so  long  deferred.  But  the  exact  position 
and  distance  of  this  fairy  realm  were  matter  of  conjecture.  The 
long  tract  of  intervening  country  was  occupied  by  rude  and 
warlike  races ;  and  the  little  experience  which  the  Spanish 
navigators  had  already  had  of  the  neighbouring  coast  and  its 
inhabitants,  and  still  more  the  tempestuous  character  of  the 
seas — for  their  expeditions  had  taken  place  at  the  most 
unpropitious  seasons  of  the  year — enhanced  the  apparent 
difficulties  of  the  undertaking,  and  made  even  their  stout 
hearts  shrink  from  it. 

Such  was  the  state  of  feeling  in  the  little  community  of 
Panama  for  several  years  after  its  foundation.  Meanwhile, 
the  dazzling  conquest  of  Mexico  gave  a  new  impulse  to  the 
ardour  of  discovery,  and,  in  1524,  three  men  were  found  in  the 
colony,  in  whom  the  spirit  of  adventure  triumphed  over  every 
consideration  of  difficulty  and  danger  that  obstructed  the 
prosecution  of  the  enterprise.  One  among  them  was  selected 
as  fitted  by  his  character  to  conduct  it  to  a  successful  issue. 
That  man  was  Francisco  Pizarro ;  and  as  he  held  the  same 
conspicuous  post  in  the  Conquest  of  Peru  that  was  occupied  by 
Cortes  in  that  of  Mexico,  it  will  be  necessary  to  take  a  brief 
review  of  his  early  history. 

1  According  to  Montesinos,  Andagoya  received  a  severe  injury  by  a  fall 
from  his  horse,  while  showing  off  the  high-mettled  animal  to  the  wondering 
eyes  of  the  natives.  (Annales  del  Peru,  MS.,  aho  1524.)  But  the  Adelan- 
tado,  in  a  memorial  of  his  own  discoveries,  drawn  up  by  himself,  says 
nothing  of  this  unluck  y  feat  of  horsemanship,  but  imputes  his  illness  to  his 
having  fallen  into  the  water,  an  accident  by  which  he  was  near  being  drowned, 
so  that  it  was  some  years  before  he  recovered  from  the  effects  of  it ;  a  mode 
of  accounting  for  his  premature  return,  more  soothing  to  his  vanity,  prob¬ 
ably,  than  the  one  usually  received.  This  document,  important  as  coming 
from  the  pen  of  one  of  the  primitive  discoverers,  is  preserved  in  the  Indian 
Archives  of  Seville,  and  was  published  by  Navarrete,  Coleccion,  tom.  iii. 
No.  7. 

Discovery  of  Peru 





I524— 1525 

Francisco  Pizarro  was  born  at  Truxillo,  a  city  of  Estre- 
madura,  in  Spain.  The  period  of  his  birth  is  uncertain  ;  but 
probably  it  was  not  far  from  147 1.1  He  was  an  illegitimate 
child,  and  that  his  parents  should  not  have  taken  pains  to 
perpetuate  the  date  of  his  birth  is  not  surprising.  Few  care  to 
make  a  particular  record  of  their  transgressions.  His  father, 
Gonzalo  Pizarro,  was  a  colonel  of  infantry,  and  served  with 
some  distinction  in  the  Italian  campaigns  under  the  Great 
Captain,  and  afterwards  in  the  wars  of  Navarre.  His  mother, 
named  Francisca  Gonzales,  was  a  person  of  humble  condition 
in  the  town  of  Truxillo.2 

But  little  is  told  of  Francisco’s  early  years,  and  that  little  not 
always  deserving  of  credit.  According  to  some,  he  was  deserted 
by  both  his  parents,  and  left  as  a  foundling  at  the  door  of  one 
of  the  principal  churches  of  the  city.  It  is  even  said  that  he 
would  have  perished,  had  he  not  been  nursed  by  a  sow.3  This 
is  a  more  discreditable  fountain  of  supply  than  that  assigned  to 

1  The  few  writers  who  venture  to  assign  the  date  of  Pizarro's  birth,  do  it 
in  so  vague  and  contradictoiy  a  manner  as  to  inspire  us  but  with  little  con¬ 
fidence  in  their  accounts.  Herrera,  it  is  true,  says  positively,  that  he  was 
sixty-three  years  old  at  the  time  of  his  death,  in  1 541.  (Hist.  General,  dec. 
vi.  lib.  x.  cap.  vi.)  This  would  carry  back  the  date  of  his  birth  only  to  1478. 
But  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega  affirms  that  he  was  more  than  fifty  years  old  in 
1525.  (Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i.  cap.  i.)  This  would  place  his  birth 
before  1475.  Pizarro  y  Orellana,  who,  as  a  kinsman  of  the  Conqueror, 
;may  be  supposed  to  have  had  better  means  of  information,  says  he  was 
fifty-four  years  of  age  at  the  same  date  of  1525.  (Varones  Ilustres  del 
Nuevo  Mundo,  [Madrid,  1639,]  p.  128.)  But  at  the  period  of  his  death  he 
calls  him  nearly  eighty  years  old  !  (p.  185.)  Taking  this  latter  as  a  round 
exaggeration  for  effect  in  the  particular  connection  in  which  it  is  used,  and 
admitting  the  accuracy  of  the  former  statement,  the  epoch  of  his  birth  will 
conform  to  that  given  in  the  text.  This  makes  him  somewhat  late  in  life  to 
set  about  the  conquest  of  an  empire.  But  Columbus,  when  he  entered  on 
his  career,  was  still  older. 

2  Xerez,  Conquista  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  179. — Zarate,  Conq. 
del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  i. — Pizarro  y  Orellana,  Varones  Ilustres,  p.  128. 

8  “Nacio  en  Truxillo,  i  echaronlo  &  la  puerta  de  la  Iglesia,  mamo  una 
Puerca  ciertos  Dias,  no  so  hallando  quien  le  quisiese  d&r  ieche.” — Gomara, 
Hist,  de  las  Ind. .  cap.  cxliv. 

124  Conquest  of  Peru 

the  infant  Romulus.  The  early  history  of  men  who  have  made 
their  names  famous  by  deeds  in  after-life,  like  the  early  history 
of  nations,  affords  a  fruitful  field  for  invention. 

It  seems  certain  that  the  young  Pizarro  received  little  care 
from  either  of  his  parents,  and  was  suffered  to  grow  up  as 
nature  dictated.  He  was  neither  taught  to  read  nor  write,  and 
his  principal  occupation  was  that  of  a  swine-herd.  But  this 
torpid  way  of  life  did  not  suit  the  stirring  spirit  of  Pizarro,  as 
he  grew  older,  and  listened  to  the  tales,  widely  circulated,  and 
so  captivating  to  a  youthful  fancy,  of  the  New  World.  He 
shared  in  the  popular  enthusiasm,  and  availed  himself  of  a 
favourable  movement  to  abandon  his  ignoble  charge,  and 
escape  to  Seville,  the  port  where  the  Spanish  adventurers 
embarked  to  seek  their  fortunes  in  the  west.  Few  of  them 
could  have  turned  their  backs  on  their  native  land  with  less 
cause  for  regret  than  Pizarro.1 

In  what  year  this  important  change  in  his  destiny  took  place 
we  are  not  informed.  The  first  we  hear  of  him  in  the  New 
World  is  at  the  island  of  Hispaniola,  in  1510,  where  he  took 
part  in  the  expedition  to  Uraba  in  Terra  Firma,  under  Alonzo 
de  Ojeda,  a  cavalier  whose  character  and  achievements  find  no 
parallel  but  in  the  pages  of  Cervantes.  Hernando  Cortes, 
whose  mother  was  a  Pizarro,  and  related,  it  is  said,  to  the 
father  of  Francis,  was  then  in  St.  Domingo,  and  prepared  to 
accompany  Ojeda’s  expedition,  but  was  prevented  by  a  tempor¬ 
ary  lameness.  Had  he  gone,  the  fall  of  the  Aztec  empire  might 
have  been  postponed  for  some  time  longer,  and  the  sceptre  of 
Montezuma  have  descended  in  peace  to  his  posterity.  Pizarro 
shared  in  the  disastrous  fortunes  of  Ojeda’s  colony,  and,  by  his 
discretion,  obtained  so  far  the  confidence  of  his  commander,  as 
to  be  left  in  charge  of  the  settlement,  when  the  latter  returned 
for  supplies  to  the  islands.  The  lieutenant  continued  at  his 
perilous  post  for  nearly  two  months,  waiting  deliberately  until 
death  should  have  thinned  off  the  colony  sufficiently  to  allow 
the  miserable  remnant  to  be  embarked  in  the  single  small 
vessel  that  remained  to  it.2 

After  this,  we  find  him  associated  with  Balboa,  the  discoverer 

1  According  to  the  Comendador  Pizarro  y  Orellana,  Francis  Pizarro 
served,  while  quite  a  stripling,  with  his  father,  in  the  Italian  wars  ;  and 
afterwards,  under  Columbus  and  other  illustrious  discoverers,  in  the  New 
World,  whose  successes  the  author  modestly  attributes  to  his  kinsman’s 
valour,  as  a  principal  cause  ! — Varones  Ilustres,  p.  187. 

2  Pizarro  y  Orellana,  Varones  Ilustres,  pp.  121-128.  —  Herrera,  Hist. 
Gen.,  dec.  i.  lib.  vii.  cap.  xiv. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1510. 

Discovery  of  Peru  125 

of  the  Pacific,  and  co-operating  with  him  in  establishing  the 
settlement  at  Darien.  He  had  the  glory  of  accompanying  this 
gallant  cavalier  in  his  terrible  march  across  the  mountains,  and 
of  being  among  the  first  Europeans,  therefore,  whose  eyes 
were  greeted  with  the  long-promised  vision  of  the  Southern 

After  the  untimely  death  of  his  commander,  Pizarro  attached 
himself  to  the  fortunes  of  Pedrarias,  and  was  employed  by  that 
governor  in  several  military  expeditions,  which,  if  they  afforded 
nothing  else,  gave  him  the  requisite  training  for  the  perils  and 
privations  that  lay  in  the  path  of  the  future  Conqueror  of  Peru. 

In  I5I5>  he  was  selected,  with  another  cavalier,  named 
Morales,  to  cross  the  Isthmus  and  traffic  with  the  natives  on 
the  shores  of  the  Pacific.  And  there,  while  engaged  in  collect¬ 
ing  his  booty  of  gold  and  pearls  from  the  neighbouring  islands, 
as  his  eye  ranged  along  the  shadowy  line  of  coast  till  it  faded 
in  the  distance,  his  imagination  may  have  been  first  fired 
with  the  idea  of  one  day  attempting  the  conquest  of  the  mys¬ 
terious  regions  beyond  the  mountains.  On  the  removal  of  the 
seat  of  government  across  the  Isthmus  to  Panama,  Pizarro 
accompanied  Pedrarias,  and  his  name  became  conspicuous 
among  the  cavaliers  who  extended  the  line  of  conquest  to  the 
north,  over  the  martial  tribes  of  Veragua.  But  all  these 
expeditions,  whatever  glory  they  may  have  brought  him,  were 
productive  of  very  little  gold ;  and  at  the  age  of  fifty,  the 
captain  Pizarro  found  himself  in  possession  only  of  a  tract  of 
unhealthy  land  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  capital,  and  of  such 
repartwiientos  of  the  natives  as  were  deemed  suited  to  his 
military  services.1  The  New  W orld  was  a  lottery,  where  the  great 
prizes  were  so  few  that  the  odds  were  much  against  the  player ; 
yet  in  the  game  he  was  content  to  stake  health,  fortune,  and, 
too  often,  his  fair  fame. 

Such  was  Pizarro’s  situation  when,  in  1522,  Andagoya 
returned  from  his  unfinished  enterprise  to  the  south  of  Panama, 
bringing  back  with  him  more  copious  accounts  than  any  hither¬ 
to  received  of  the  opulence  and  grandeur  of  the  countries  that 
lay  beyond.2  It  was  at  this  time,  too,  that  the  splendid 

1  “Teniendo  su  casa,  i  Hacienda, i  Repartimiento  de  Indios  como  uno  de 
los  Principales  de  la  Tierra  ;  porque  siempre  lo  fue.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del 
Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  79- 

2  Andagoya  says  that  he  obtained,  while  at  Biru,  very  minute  accounts 
of  the  empire  of  the  Incas,  from  certain  itinerant  traders  who  frequented 
that  country.  “  En  esta  provincia  supe  y  hube  relacion,  ansf  de  los  senores 
como  de  mercaderes  e  interpretes  que  ellos  tenian,  de  toda  la  costa  de  todo 
lo  que  despues-seha  visto  hasta  el  Cuzco,  particularmente  de  cada  provincia 


Conquest  of  Peru 

achievements  of  Cortes  made  their  impression  on  the  public 
mind,  and  gave  a  new  impulse  to  the  spirit  of  adventure.  The 
southern  expeditions  became  a  common  topic  of  speculation 
among  the  colonists  of  Panama.  But  the  region  of  gold, 
as  it  lay  behind  the  mighty  curtain  of  the  Cordilleras,  was  still 
veiled  in  obscurity.  No  idea  could  be  formed  of  its  actual 
distance  ;  and  the  hardships  and  difficulties  encountered  by  the 
few  navigators  who  had  sailed  in  that  direction  gave  a  gloomy 
character  to  the  undertaking,  which  had  hitherto  deterred  the 
most  daring  from  embarking  in  it.  There  is  no  evidence  that 
Pizarro  showed  any  particular  alacrity  in  the  cause.  Nor  were 
his  own  funds  such  as  to  warrant  any  expectation  of  success 
without  great  assistance  from  others.  He  found  this  in  two 
individuals  of  the  colony,  who  took  too  important  a  part  in  the 
subsequent  transactions  not  to  be  particularly  noticed. 

One  of  them,  Diego  de  Almagro,  was  a  soldier  of  fortune, 
somewhat  older,  it  seems  probable,  than  Pizarro ;  though  little 
is  known  of  his  birth,  and  even  the  place  of  it  is  disputed.  It 
is  supposed  to  have  been  the  town  of  Almagro,  in  New  Castile, 
whence  his  own  name,  for  want  of  a  better  source,  was  derived  ; 
for,  like  Pizarro,  he  was  a  foundling.1  Few  particulars  are 
known  of  him  till  the  present  period  of  our  history  ;  for  he  was 
one  of  those  whom  the  working  of  turbulent  times  first  throws 
upon  the  surface, — less  fortunate,  perhaps,  than  if  left  in  their 
original  obscurity.  In  his  military  career,  Almagro  had  earned 
the  reputation  of  a  gallant  soldier.  He  was  frank  and  liberal 
in  his  disposition,  somewhat  hasty  and  ungovernable  in  his 
passions,  but  like  men  of  a  sanguine  temperament,  after  the 
first  sallies  had  passed  away,  not  difficult  to  be  appeased.  He 
had,  in  short,  the  good  qualities  and  the  defects  incident  to  an 
honest  nature,  not  improved  by  the  discipline  of  early  education 
or  self-control. 

The  other  member  of  the  confederacy  was  Hernando  de 
Luque,  a  Spanish  ecclesiastic,  who  exercised  the  functions  of 
vicar  at  Panama,  and  had  formerly  filled  the  office  of  school¬ 
master  in  the  Cathedral  of  Darien.  He  seems  to  have  been  a 

la  manera  y  gente  della,  porque  estos  alcanzaban  por  via  de  mercaduria 
mucha  tierra.” — Navarrete,  Coleccion,  tom.  iii.  No.  7. 

1  “  Decia  el  que  hera  de  Almagro  ”  says  Pedro  Pizarro,  who  knew  him 
well. — Relacion  del  Descubrimiento  y  Conquista  de  los  Reynos  de  Peru, 
MS. — See  also  Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  i. — Gomara,  Hist,  de  las 
Ind.,  cap.  cxli. — Pizarro  y  Orellana,  Varones  Ilustres,  p.  21 1.  The  last 
writer  admits  that  Almagro’s  parentage  is  unknown  ;  but  adds  that  the 
character  of  his  early  exploits  infers  an  illustrious  descent.  This  would 
scarcely  pass  for  evidence  with  the  College  of  Heralds. 

Discovery  of  Peru  127 

man  of  singular  prudence  and  knowledge  of  the  world  ;  and  by 
his  respectable  qualities  had  acquired  considerable  influence  in 
the  little  community  to  which  he  belonged,  as  well  as  the  con¬ 
trol  of  funds,  which  made  his  co-operation  essential  to  the 
success  of  the  present  enterprise. 

It  was  arranged  among  the  three  associates  that  the  two 
cavaliers  should  contribute  their  little  stock  towards  defraying 
the  expenses  of  the  armament,  but  by  far  the  greater  part  of 
the  funds  was  to  be  furnished  by  Luque.  Pizarro  was  to  take 
command  of  the  expedition,  and  the  business  of  victualling 
and  equipping  the  vessels  was  assigned  to  Almagro.  The 
associates  found  no  difficulty  in  obtaining  the  consent  of  the 
governor  to  their  undertaking.  After  the  return  of  Andagoya, 
he  had  projected  another  expedition,  but  the  officer  to  whom 
it  was  to  be  entrusted  died.  Why  he  did  not  prosecute  his 
original  purpose,  and  commit  the  affair  to  an  experienced 
captain  like  Pizarro,  does  not  appear.  He  was  probably  not 
displeased  that  the  burden  of  the  enterprise  should  be  borne 
by  others,  so  long  as  a  good  share  of  the  profits  went  into  his 
own  coffers.  This  he  did  not  overlook  in  his  stipulations.1 

Thus  fortified  with  the  funds  of  Luque,  and  the  consent  of 
the  governor,  Almagro  was  not  slow  to  make  preparations  for 
the  voyage.  Two  small  vessels  were  purchased,  the  larger  of 
which  had  been  originally  built  by  Balboa  for  himself,  with  a 
view  to  this  same  expedition.  Since  his  death  it  had  lain 
dismantled  in  the  harbour  of  Panama.  It  was  now  refitted 
as  well  as  circumstances  would  permit,  and  put  in  order  for 
sea,  while  the  stores  and  provisions  were  got  on  board  with 
;  an  alacrity  which  did  more  credit,  as  the  event  proved,  to 
Almagro’s  zeal  than  to  his  forecast. 

There  was  more  difficulty  in  obtaining  the  necessary  comple- 
\  ment  of  hands ;  for  a  general  feeling  of  distrust  had  gathered 

1  “  Asi  que  estos  tres  companeros  ya  dichos  Acordaron  de  vr  a  conquistar 
i  esta  provincia  ya  dicha.  Puea  consultandolo  con  Pedro  Arias  de  Avila 
i  que  a  la  sazon  hera  governador  en  tierra  firme.  Vino  en  ello  haziendo 
.  campania  con  los  dichos  compafieros  con  condicion  que  Pedro  Arias  no 
j  havia  de  contribuir  entonces  con  ningun  dinero  ni  otra  cosa  sino  de  lo  que 
se  hallase  en  la  tierra  de  lo  que  &  el  le  cupiese  por  virtud  de  la  compania 
de  alii  se  pagasen  los  gastos  que  a  el  le  cupiesen.  Los  tres  companeros 

ivinieron  en  ello  por  aver  esta  licencia  porque  de  otra  manera  no  la 
alcanzaran.”  (Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.)  Andagoya,  however, 
affirms  that  the  governor  was  interested  equally  with  the  other  associates 
in  the  adventure,  each  taking  a  fourth  part  on  himself.  (Navarrete, 
iColeccion,  tom.  iii.  No.  7.)  -But  whatever  was  the  original  interest  of 
jj  Pedrarias,  it  mattered  little,  as  it  was  surrendered  before  any  profits 
:  were  realised  from  the  expedition. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

round  expeditions  in  this  direction,  which  could  not  readily  be 
overcome.  But  there  were  many  idle  hangers-on  in  the  colony 
*vho  had  come  out  to  mend  their  fortunes,  and  were  willing  to 
take  their  chance  of  doing  so,  however  desperate.  From  such 
materials  as  these,  Almagro  assembled  a  body  of  somewhat 
more  than  a  hundred  men;1  and  everything  being  ready, 
Pizarro  assumed  the  command,  and,  weighing  anchor,  took 
his  departure  from  the  little  port  of  Panama,  about  the  middle 
of  November,  1524.  Almagro  was  to  follow  in  a  second  vessel 
of  inferior  size,  as  soon  as  it  could  be  fitted  out.2 

The  time  of  year  was  the  most  unsuitable  that  could  have 
been  selected  for  the  voyage ;  for  it  was  the  rainy  season, 
when  the  navigation  to  the  south,  impeded  by  contrary  winds, 
is  made  doubly  dangerous  by  the  tempests  that  sweep  over  the 
coast.  But  this  was  not  understood  by  the  adventurers.  After 
touching  at  the  Isle  of  Pearls,  the  frequent  resort  of  navigators, 
at  a  few  leagues’  distance  from  Panama,  Pizarro  held  his  way 
across  the  Gulf  of  St.  Michael,  and  steered  almost  due  south 
for  the  Puerto  de  Pinas,  a  headland  in  the  province  of  Biru- 
quete,  which  marked  the  limit  of  Andagoya’s  voyage.  Before 
his  departure,  Pizarro  had  obtained  all  the  information  which 
he  could  derive  from  that  officer  in  respect  to  the  country,  and 
the  route  he  was  to  follow.  But  the  cavalier’s  own  experience 
had  been  too  limited  to  enable  him  to  be  of  much  assistance. 

Doubling  the  Puerto  de  Pinas  the  little  vessel  entered  the 
river  Biru,  the  misapplication  of  which  name  is  supposed  by 
some  to  have  given  rise  to  that  of  the  empire  of  the  Incas.3 
After  sailing  up  this  stream  for  a  couple  of  leagues,  Pizarro 
came  to  anchor,  and  disembarking  his  whole  force  except  the 
sailors,  proceeded  at  the  head  of  it  to  explore  the  country. 

1  Herrera,  the  most  popular  historian  of  these  transactions,  estimates  the 
number  of  Pizarro’s  followers  only  at  eighty.  But  every  other  authority 
which  I  have  consulted  raises  them  to  above  a  hundred.  Father  Naharro, 
a  contemporary  and  resident  at  Lima,  even  allows  a  hundred  and  twenty- 
nine. — Relacion  sumaria  de  la  entrada  de  los  Espanoles  en  el  Peru,  MS. 

2  There  is  the  usual  discrepancy  among  authors  about  the  date  of  this 
expedition.  Most  fix  it  at  1525.  I  have  conformed  to  Xerez,  Pizarro’s 
secretary,  whose  narrative  was  published  ten  years  after  the  voyage,  and 
who  could  hardly  have  forgotten  the  date  of  so  memorable  an  event,  in  so 
short  an  interval  of  time.  (See  his  Conquista  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom. 
iii.  p.  179.)  The  year  seems  to  be  settled  by  Pizarro’s  Capitulacion  with 
the  Crown,  which  I  had  not  examined  till  after  the  above  was  written. 
This  instrument,  dated  July,  1529,  speaks  of  his  first  expedition  as  having 
taken  place  about  five  years  previous.  (See  Appendix,  No.  7.) 

3  Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  L.  cap.  i. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec. 
iii.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xiii. 

Discovery  of  Peru  129 

The  land  spread  out  into  a  vast  swamp  where  the  heavy  rains 
had  settled  in  pools  of  stagnant  water,  and  the  muddy  soil 
afforded  no  footing  to  the  traveller.  This  dismal  morass  was 
fringed  with  woods,  through  whose  thick  and  tangled  under¬ 
growth  they  found  it  difficult  to  penetrate ;  and  emerging  from 
them  they  came  out  on  a  hilly  country,  so  rough  and  rocky  in 
its  character,  that  their  feet  were  cut  to  the  bone,  and  the 
weary  soldier,  encumbered  with  his  heavy  mail  or  thick-padded 
doublet  of  cotton,  found  it  difficult  to  drag  one  foot  after  the 
other.  The  heat  at  times  was  oppressive  :  and,  fainting  with 
toil  and  famished  for  want  of  food,  they  sank  down  on  the  earth 
from  mere  exhaustion.  Such  was  the  ominous  commencement 
of  the  expedition  to  Peru. 

Pizarro,  however,  did  not  lose  heart.  He  endeavoured  to 
revive  the  spirits  of  his  men,  and  besought  them  not  to  be 
discouraged  by  difficulties  which  a  brave  heart  would  be  sure 
to  overcome,  reminding  them  of  the  golden  prize  which  awaited 
those  who  persevered.  Yet  it  was  obvious  that  nothing  was 
to  be  gamed  by  remaining  longer  in  this  desolate  region. 
Returning  to  their  vessel,  therefore,  it  was  suffered  to  drop 
down  the  river,  and  proceed  along  its  southern  course  on  the 
great  ocean. 

After  coasting  a  few  leagues,  Pizarro  anchored  off  a  place 
not  very  inviting  in  its  appearance,  where  he  took  in  a  supply 
of  wood  and  water.  Then,  stretching  more  towards  the  open 
sea,  he  held  on  in  the  same  direction,  towards  the  south.  But 
in  this  he  was  baffled  by  a  succession  of  heavy  tempests, 
accompanied  with  such  tremendous  peals  of  thunder  and 
floods  of  rain  as  are  found  only  in  the  terrible  storms  of  the 
tropics.  The  sea  was  lashed  into  fury,  and,  swelling  into 
mountain  billows,  threatened  every  moment  to  overwhelm 
the  crazy  little  bark  which  opened  at  every  seam.  For  ten 
days  the  unfortunate  voyagers  were  tossed  about  by  the  pitiless 
elements,  and  it  was  only  by  incessant  exertions — the  exertions 
of  despair — that  they  preserved  the  ship  from  foundering.  To 
add  to  their  calamities,  their  provisions  began  to  fail,  and  they 
were  short  of  water,  of  which  they  had  been  furnished  only 
with  a  small  number  of  casks ;  for  Almagro  had  counted  on 
their  recruiting  their  scanty  supplies,  from  time  to  time,  from 
the  shore.  Their  meat  was  wholly  consumed,  and  they  were 
reduced  to  the  wretched  allowance  of  two  ears  of  Indian  corn 
a  day  for  each  man. 

Thus  harassed  by  hunger  and  the  elements,  the  battered 
voyagers  were  too  happy  to  retrace  their  course  and  regain  the 
*F  301 

130  Conquest  of  Peru 

port  where  they  had  last  taken  in  supplies  of  wood  and  water. 
Yet  nothing  could  be  more  unpromising  than  the  aspect  of  the 
country.  It  had  the  same  character  of  low,  swampy  soil,  that 
distinguished  the  former  landing-place ;  while  thick-matted 
forests,  of  a  depth  which  the  eye  could  not  penetrate,  stretched 
along  the  coast  to  an  interminable  length.  It  was  in  vain  that 
the  wearied  Spaniards  endeavoured  to  thread  the  mazes  of  this 
tangled  thicket,  where  the  creepers  and  flowering  vines,  that 
shoot  up  luxuriant  in  a  hot  and  humid  atmosphere,  had  twined 
themselves  round  the  huge  trunks  of  the  forest-trees,  and  made 
a  net-work  that  could  be  opened  only  with  the  axe.  The  rain, 
in  the  meantime,  rarely  slackened,  and  the  ground,  strewed 
with  leaves  and  saturated  with  moisture,  seemed  to  slip  away 
beneath  their  feet. 

Nothing  could  be  more  dreary  and  disheartening  than  the 
aspect  of  these  funereal  forests ;  where  the  exhalations  from 
the  overcharged  surface  of  the  ground  poisoned  the  air,  and 
seemed  to  allow  no  life,  except  that,  indeed,  of  myriads  of 
insects,  whose  enamelled  wings  glanced  to  and  fro,  like 
sparks  of  fire,  in  every  opening  of  the  woods.  Even  the 
brute  creation  appeared  instinctively  to  have  shunned  the  fatal 
spot,  and  neither  beast  nor  bird  of  any  description  was  seen 
by  the  wanderers.  Silence  reigned  unbroken  in  the  heart  of 
these  dismal  solitudes ;  at  least,  the  only  sounds  that  could  be 
heard  were  the  plashing  of  the  rain-drops  on  the  leaves,  and 
the  tread  of  the  forlorn  adventurers.1 

Entirely  discouraged  by  the  aspect  of  the  country,  the 
Spaniards  began  to  comprehend  that  they  had  gained  nothing 
by  changing  their  quarters  from  sea  to  shore,  and  they  felt  the 
most  serious  apprehensions  of  perishing  from  famine  in  a 
region  which  afforded  nothing  but  such  unwholesome  berries 
as  they  could  pick  up  here  and  there  in  the  woods.  They 
loudly  complained  of  their  hard  lot,  accusing  their  commander 
as  the  author  of  all  their  troubles,  and  as  deluding  them  with 
promises  of  a  fairy-land,  which  seemed  to  recede  in  proportion 
as  they  advanced.  It  was  of  no  use,  they  said,  to  contend 
against  fate,  and  it  was  better  to  take  their  chance  of  regaining 
the  Port  of  Panama  in  time  to  save  their  lives,  than  to  wait 
where  they  were  to  die  of  hunger. 

But  Pizarro  was  prepared  to  encounter  much  greater  evils 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  180. — Relacion  de) 
Primer.  Descub.,  MS. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1515- — Zarate, 
Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  i. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i. 
cap.  vii. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xiii. 

Discovery  of  Peru  13 1 

than  these,  before  returning  to  Panama,  bankrupt  in  credit,  an 
object  of  derision  as  a  vainglorious  dreamer,  who  had  persuaded 
others  to  embark  in  an  adventure  which  he  had  not  the  courage 
to  carry  through  himself.  The  present  was  his  only  chance. 
To  return  would  be  ruin.  He  used  every  argument,  therefore, 
that  mortified  pride  or  avarice  could  suggest  to  turn  his 
followers  from  their  purpose ;  represented  to  them  that  these 
were  the  troubles  that  necessarily  lay  in  the  path  of  the 
discoverer ;  and  called  to  mind  the  brilliant  successes  of  their 
countrymen  in  other  quarters,  and  the  repeated  reports,  which 
they  had  themselves  received,  of  the  rich  regions  along  this 
coast,  of  which  it  required  only  courage  and  constancy  on 
their  part  to  become  the  masters.  Yet,  as  their  present 
exigencies  were  pressing,  he  resolved  to  send  back  the 
vessel  to  the  Isle  of  Pearls,  to  lay  in  a  fresh  stock  of 
provisions  for  his  company,  which  might  enable  them  to  go 
forward  with  renewed  confidence.  The  distance  was  not 
great,  and  in  a  few  days  they  would  all  be  relieved  from  their 
perilous  position.  The  officer  detached  on  this  service  was 
named  Montenegro ;  and  taking  with  him  nearly  half  the 
company,  after  receiving  Pizarro’s  directions,  he  instantly 
weighed  anchor,  and  steered  for  the  Isle  of  Pearls. 

On  the  departure  of  his  vessel,  the  Spanish  commander 
made  an  attempt  to  explore  the  country,  and  see  if  some 
Indian  settlement  might  not  be  found,  where  he  could  procure 
refreshments  for  his  followers.  But  his  efforts  were  vain,  and 
no  trace  was  visible  of  a  human  dwelling;  though,  in  the  dense 
and  impenetrable  foliage  of  the  equatorial  regions,  the  distance 
of  a  few  rods  might  suffice  to  screen  a  city  from  observation. 
The  only  means  of  nourishment  left  to  the  unfortunate 
adventurers  were  such  shell-fish  as  they  occasionally  picked 
up  on  the  shore,  or  the  bitter  buds  of  the  palm-tree,  and  such 
berries  and  unsavoury  herbs  as  grew  wild  in  the  woods.  Some 
of  these  were  so  poisonous,  that  the  bodies  of  those  who  ate 
them  swelled  up  and  were  tormented  with  racking  pains. 
Others,  preferring  famine  to  this  miserable  diet,  pined  away 
from  weakness  and  actually  died  of  starvation.  Yet  their 
resolute  leader  strove  to  maintain  his  own  cheerfulness  and 
to  keep  up  the  drooping  spirits  of  his  men.  He  freely 
shared  with  them  his  scanty  stock  of  provisions,  was  un¬ 
wearied  in  his  endeavours  to  procure  them  sustenance,  tended 
the  sick,  and  ordered  barracks  to  be  constructed  for  their 
accommodation,  which  might,  at  least,  shelter  them  from  the 
drenching  storms  of  the  season.  By  this  ready  sympathy  with 

132  Conquest  of  Peru 

his  followers  in  their  sufferings,  he  obtained  an  ascendancy 
over  their  rough  natures,  which  the  assertion  of  authority,  at 
least  in  the  present  extremity,  could  never  have  secured  to 

Day  after  day,  week  after  week,  had  now  passed  away,  and 
no  tidings  were  heard  of  the  vessel  that  was  to  bring  relief  to 
the  wanderers.  In  vain  did  they  strain  their  eyes  over  the 
distant  waters  to  catch  a  glimpse  of  their  coming  friends.  Not 
a  speck  was  to  be  seen  in  the  blue  distance,  where  the  canoe 
of  the  savage  dared  not  venture,  and  the  sail  of  the  white  man 
was  not  yet  spread.  Those  who  had  borne  up  bravely  at 
first  now  gave  way  to  despondency,  as  they  felt  themselves 
abandoned  by  their  countrymen  on  this  desolate  shore.  They 
pined  under  that  sad  feeling  which  “  maketh  the  heart  sick.” 
More  than  twenty  of  the  little  band  had  already  died,  and  the 
survivors  seemed  to  be  rapidly  following.1 

At  this  crisis  reports  were  brought  to  Pizarro  of  a  light 
having  been  seen  through  a  distant  opening  in  the  woods. 
He  hailed  the  tidings  with  eagerness,  as  intimating  the 
existence  of  some  settlement  in  the  neighbourhood :  and, 
putting  himself  at  the  head  of  a  small  party,  went  in  the 
direction  pointed  out  to  reconnoitre.  He  wras  not  dis¬ 
appointed,  and,  after  extricating  himself  from  a  dense 
wilderness  of  underbrush  and  foliage,  he  emerged  into  an 
open  space,  where  a  small  Indian  village  was  planted.  The 
timid  inhabitants,  on  the  sudden  apparition  of  the  strangers, 
quitted  their  huts  in  dismay ;  and  the  famished  Spaniards, 
rushing  in,  eagerly  made  themselves  masters  of  their  contents. 
These  consisted  of  different  articles  of  food,  chiefly  maize  and 
cocoa-nuts.  The  supply,  though  small,  was  too  seasonable  not 
to  fill  them  with  rapture. 

The  astonished  natives  made  no  attempt  at  resistance.  But, 
gathering  more  confidence  as  no  violence  was  offered  to  their 
persons,  they  drew  nearer  the  white  men,  and  inquired,  “  Why 
they  did  not  stay  at  home  and  till  their  own  lands,  instead  of 
roaming  about  to  rob  others  who  had  never  harmed  them  ?  ” 2 
Whatever  may  have  been  their  opinion  as  to  the  question  of 
right,  the  Spaniards,  no  doubt,  felt  then  that  it  would  have  been 
wiser  to  do  so.  But  the  savages  wore  about  their  persons  gold 

1  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  vi.  cap.  xiii. — Relacion  del 
Primer.  Descub.,  MS. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ubi  supra. 

2  “  Porque  decian  a  los  Castellanos,  que  porque  no  sembraban,  i  cogian, 
sin  andar  tomando  los  bastimentos  agenos,  pasando  tantos  trabajos?” — 
Herrera,  Hist.  General,  loc.  cit. 

Discovery  of  Peru  133 

ornaments  of  some  size,  though  of  clumsy  workmanship.  This 
furnished  the  best  reply  to  their  demand.  It  was  the  golden 
bait  which  lured  the  Spanish  adventurer  to  forsake  his  pleasant 
home  for  the  trials  of  the  wilderness.  From  the  Indians 
Pizarro  gathered  a  confirmation  of  the  reports  he  had  so  often 
received  of  a  rich  country  lying  farther  south ;  and  at  the 
distance  of  ten  days’  journey  across  the  mountains,  they  told 
him,  there  dwelt  a  mighty  monarch  whose  dominions  had  been 
invaded  by  another  still  more  powerful,  the  Child  of  the  Sun.1 
It  may  have  been  the  invasion  of  Quito  that  was  meant,  by  the 
valiant  Inca  Huayna  Capac,  which  took  place  some  years 
previous  to  Pizarro’s  expedition. 

At  length,  after  the  expiration  of  more  than  six  weeks,  the 
Spaniards  beheld  with  delight  the  return  of  the  wandering  bark 
that  had  borne  away  their  comrades,  and  Montenegro  sailed 
into  port  with  an  ample  supply  of  provisions  for  his  famishing 
countrymen.  Great  was  his  horror  at  the  aspect  presented  by 
the  latter,  their  wild  and  haggard  countenances  and  wasted 
frames — so  wasted  by  hunger  and  disease,  that  their  old 
companions  found  it  difficult  to  recognise  them.  Montenegro 
accounted  for  his  delay  by  incessant  head  winds  and  bad 
weather ;  and  he  himself  had  also  a  doleful  tale  to  tell  of  the 
distress  to  which  he  and  his  crew  had  been  reduced  by  hunger, 
on  their  passage  to  the  Isle  of  Pearls.  It  is  minute  incidents 
like  these  with  which  we  have  been  occupied,  that  enable  one 
to  comprehend  the  extremity  of  suffering  to  which  the  Spanish 
adventurer  was  subjected  in  the  prosecution  of  his  great  work 
of  discovery. 

Revived  by  the  substantial  nourishment  to  which  they  had 
so  long  been  strangers,  the  Spanish  cavaliers,  with  the  buoyancy 
that  belongs  to  men  of  a  hazardous  and  roving  life,  forgot  their 
past  distresses  in  their  eagerness  to  prosecute  their  enterprise. 
Re-embarking  therefore  on  board  his  vessel,  Pizarro  bade  adieu 
to  the  scene  of  so  much  suffering,  which  he  branded  with  the 

1  “Dioles  noticia  el  viejo  por  medio  del  lengua,  como  diez  solos  del  alii 
habia  un  Rey  muy  poderoso  yendo  por  espesas  montanas,  y  que  otro  mas 
poderoso  hijo  del  sol  habia  venido  de  milagro  a  quitarle  el  Reino  sobre  que 
tenian  mui  sangrientas  batallas.”  (Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1525.) 
The  conquest  of  Quito  by  Huayna  Capac  took  place  more  than  thirty  years 
before  this  period  in  our  history.  But  the  particulars  of  this  revolution,  its 
time  or  precise  theatre,  were,  probably,  but  very  vaguely  comprehended  by 
the  rude  nations  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Panama  ;  and  their  allusion  to  it 
in  an  unknown  dialect  was  as  little  comprehended  by  the  Spanish  voyagers, 
who  must  have  collected  their  information  from  signs  much  more  than 
wor  ds. 

134  Conquest  of  Peru 

appropriate  name  of  Puerto  de  la  Hambre ,  the  Port  of  Famine, 
and  again  opened  his  sails  to  a  favourable  breeze  that  bore  him 
onwards  towards  the  south. 

Had  he  struck  boldly  out  into  the  deep,  instead  of  hugging 
the  inhospitable  shore  where  he  had  hitherto  found  so  little  to 
recompense  him,  he  might  have  spared  himself  the  repetition 
of  wearisome  and  unprofitable  adventures,  and  reached  by  a 
shorter  route  the  point  of  his  destination.  But  the  Spanish 
mariner  groped  his  way  along  these  unknown  coasts,  landing 
at  every  convenient  headland  as  if  fearful  lest  some  fruitful 
region  or  precious  mine  might  be  overlooked,  should  a  single 
break  occur  in  the  line  of  survey.  Yet  it  should  be  remembered, 
that  though  the  true  point  of  Pizarro’s  destination  is  obvious  to 
us,  familiar  with  the  topography  of  these  countries,  he  was 
wandering  in  the  dark,  feeling  his  way  along  inch  by  inch,  as  it 
were,  without  chart  to  guide  him,  without  knowledge  of  the 
seas  or  of  the  bearings  of  the  coast,  and  even  with  no  better 
defined  idea  of  the  object  at  which  he  aimed  than  that  of  a 
land,  teeming  with  gold,  that  lay  somewhere  at  the  south  !  It 
was  a  hunt  after  an  El  Dorado  ;  on  information  scarcely  more 
circumstantial  or  authentic  than  that  which  furnished  the  basis 
of  so  many  chimerical  enterprises  in  this  land  of  wonders. 
Success  only,  the  best  argument  with  the  multitude,  redeemed 
the  expeditions  of  Pizarro  from  a  similar  imputation  of 

Holding  on  his  southerly  course  under  the  lee  of  the  shore, 
Pizarro,  after  a  short  run,  found  himself  abreast  of  an  open 
reach  of  country,  or  at  least  one  less  encumbered  with  wood, 
which  rose  by  a  gradual  swell  as  it  receded  from  the  coast.  He 
landed  with  a  small  body  of  men,  and  advancing  a  short 
distance  into  the  interior  fell  in  with  an  Indian  hamlet.  It  was 
abandoned  by  the  inhabitants,  who,  on  the  approach  of  the 
invaders,  had  betaken  themselves  to  the  mountains ;  and  the 
Spaniards  entering  their  deserted  dwellings,  found  there  a  good 
store  of  maize  and  other  articles  of  food,  and  rude  ornaments 
of  gold  of  considerable  value.  Food  was  not  more  necessary 
for  their  bodies  than  was  the  sight  of  gold,  from  time  to  time, 
to  stimulate  their  appetite  for  adventure.  One  spectacle, 
however,  chilled  their  blood  with  horror.  This  was  the 
sight  of  human  flesh  which  they  found  roasting  before  the 
fire,  as  the  barbarians  had  left  it,  preparatory  to  their 
obscene  repast.  The  Spaniards,  conceiving  they  had  fallen  in 
with  a  tribe  of  Caribs,  the  only  race  in  that  part  of  the  New 
World  known  to  be  cannibals,  retreated  precipitately  to  their 

Discovery  of  Peru  135 

vessel.1  They  were  not  steeled  by  sad  familiarity  with  the 
spectacle  like  the  Conquerors  of  Mexico. 

The  weather,  which  had  been  favourable,  now  set  in  tempest¬ 
uous  with  heavy  squalls,  accompanied  by  incessant  thunder  and 
lightning,  and  the  rain,  as  usual  in  these  tropical  tempests, 
descended  not  so  much  in  drops  as  in  unbroken  sheets  of  water. 
The  Spaniards,  however,  preferred  to  take  their  chance  on  the 
raging  element  rather  than  remain  in  the  scene  of  such  brutal 
abominations.  But  the  fury  of  the  storm  gradually  subsided, 
and  the  little  vessel  held  on  her  way  along  the  coast  till,  coming 
abreast  of  a  bold  point  of  land  named  by  Pizarro,  Punta 
Quemada,  he  gave  orders  to  anchor.  The  margin  of  the  shore 
was  fringed  with  a  deep  belt  of  mangrove-trees,  the  long  roots 
of  which  interlacing  one  another,  formed  a  kind  of  submarine 
lattice-work  that  made  the  place  difficult  of  approach.  Several 
avenues  opening  through  this  tangled  thicket  led  Pizarro  to 
conclude  that  the  country  must  be  inhabited,  and  he 
disembarked  with  the  greater  part  of  his  force  to  explore  the 

He  had  not  penetrated  more  than  a  league,  when  he  found 
his  conjecture  verified  by  the  sight  of  an  Indian  town  of  larger 
size  than  those  he  had  hitherto  seen,  occupying  the  brow  of  an 
eminence,  and  well  defended  by  palisades.  The  inhabitants, 
as  usual,  had  fled ;  but  left  in  their  dwellings  a  good  supply  of 
provisions  and  some  gold  trinkets,  which  the  Spaniards  made 
no  difficulty  of  appropriating  to  themselves.  Pizarro’s  flimsy 
bark  had  been  strained  by  the  heavy  gales  it  had  of  late 
encountered,  so  that  it  was  unsafe  to  prosecute  the  voyage 
further  without  more  thorough  repairs  than  could  be  given  to 
her  on  this  desolate  coast.  He  accordingly  determined  to  send 
her  back  with  a  few  hands  to  be  careened  at  Panama,  and 
meanwhile  to  establish  his  quarters  in  his  present  position, 
which  was  so  favourable  for  defence.  But  first  he  despatched 
a  small  party  under  Montenegro  to  reconnoitre  the  country, 
and,  if  possible,  to  open  a  communication  with  the  natives. 

The  latter  were  a  warlike  race.  They  had  left  their 
habitations  in  order  to  place  their  wives  and  children  in  safety. 
But  they  had  kept  an  eye  on  the  movements  of  the  invaders, 
dnd  when  they  saw  their  forces  divided,  they  resolved  to  fall 
upon  each  body  singly  before  it  could  communicate  with  the 
other.  So  soon,  therefore,  as  Montenegro  had  penetrated 

1  “  I  en  las  oil  as  de  la  comida,  que  estaban  al  fuego,  entre  la  came,  que 
sacaban,  havia  pies  i  manos  de  hombres,  de  donde  conocieron,  que  aquellos 
[ndios  eran  Caribes.” — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xi. 

136  Conquest  of  Peru 

through  the  defiles  of  the  lofty  hills  which  shoot  out  like  spurs 
of  the  Cordilleras  along  this  part  of  the  coast,  the  Indian 
warriors,  springing  from  their  ambush,  sent  off  a  cloud  of  arrows 
and  other  missiles  that  darkened  the  air,  while  they  made  the 
forest  ring  with  their  shrill  war-whoop.  The  Spaniards,  as¬ 
tonished  at  the  appearance  of  the  savages  with  their  naked 
bodies  gaudily  painted,  and  brandishing  their  weapons  as  they 
glanced  among  the  trees  and  straggling  underbrush  that  choked 
up  the  defile,  were  taken  by  surprise  and  thrown  for  a  moment 
into  disarray.  Three  of  their  number  were  killed  and  several 
wounded.  Yet,  speedily  rallying,  they  returned  the  discharge 
of  the  assailants  with  their  cross-bows, — for  Pizarro’s  troops 
do  not  seem  to  have  been  provided  with  muskets  on  this 
expedition, — and  then  gallantly  charging  the  enemy,  sword  in 
hand,  succeeded  in  driving  them  back  into  the  fastnesses  of  the 
mountains.  But  it  only  led  them,  to  shift  their  operations  to 
another  quarter,  and  make  an  assault  on  Pizarro  before  he 
could  be  relieved  by  his  lieutenant. 

Availing  themselves  of  their  superior  knowledge  of  the  passes, 
they  reached  that  commander’s  quarters  long  before  Montenegro, 
who  had  commenced  a  counter-march  in  the  same  direction. 
And  issuing  from  the  woods,  the  bold  savages  saluted  the 
Spanish  garrison  with  a  tempest  of  darts  and  arrows,  some  of 
which  found  their  way  through  the  joints  of  the  harness  and 
the  quilted  mail  of  the  cavaliers.  But  Pizarro  was  too  well 
practised  a  soldier  to  be  off  his  guard.  Calling  his  men  about 
him,  he  resolved  not  to  abide  the  assault  tamely  in  the  works, 
but  to  sally  out  and  meet  the  enemy  on  their  own  ground. 
The  barbarians  who  had  advanced  near  the  defences,  fell  back 
as  the  Spaniards  burst  forth  with  their  valiant  leader  at  their 
head.  But  soon  returning  with  admirable  ferocity  to  the  charge, 
they  singled  out  Pizarro,  whom,  by  his  bold  bearing  and  air  of 
authority,  they  easily  recognised  as  the  chief ;  and  hurling  at 
him  a  storm  of  missiles,  wounded  him,  in  spite  of  his  armour, 
in  no  less  than  seven  places.1 

Driven  back  by  the  fury  of  the  assault  directed  against  his 
own  person,  the  Spanish  commander  retreated  down  the  slope 
of  the  hill,  still  defending  himself  as  he  could  with  sword  and 
buckler,  when  his  foot  slipped  and  he  fell.  The  enemy  set  up 
a  fierce  yell  of  triumph,  and  some  of  the  boldest  sprang  forward 
to  despatch  him.  But  Pizarro  was  on  his  feet  in  an  instant, 

1  Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom.  iii.  p.  180. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  i. — Balboa,  Hist,  du 
Perou,  chap.  xv. 

Discovery  of  Peru  137 

and,  striking  down  two  of  the  foremost  with  his  strong  arm, 
held  the  rest  at  bay  till  his  soldiers  could  come  to  the  rescue. 
The  barbarians,  struck  with  admiration  at  his  valour,  began  to 
falter,  when  Montenegro  luckily  coming  on  the  ground  at  the 
moment,  and  falling  on  their  rear,  completed  their  confusion ; 
and,  abandoning  the  field,  they  made  the  best  of  their 
way  into  the  recesses  of  the  mountains.  The  ground  was 
covered  with  their  slain ;  but  the  victory  was  dearly  pur¬ 
chased  by  the  death  of  two  more  Spaniards  and  a  long  list  of 

A  council  of  war  was  then  called.  The  position  had  lost  its 
charm  in  the  eyes  of  the  Spaniards,  who  had  met  here  with  the 
first  resistance  they  had  yet  experienced  on  their  expedition. 
It  was  necessary  to  place  the  wounded  in  some  secure  spot, 
where  their  injuries  could  be  attended  to.  Yet  it  was  not  safe 
to  proceed  further,  in  the  crippled  state  of  their  vessel.  On 
the  whole,  it  was  decided  to  return  and  report  their  proceedings 
to  the  governor ;  and,  though  the  magnificent  hopes  of  the 
adventurers  had  not  been  realised,  Pizarro  trusted  that  enough 
had  been  done  to  vindicate  the  importance  of  the  enterprise, 
and  to  secure  the  countenance  of  Pedrarias  for  the  further 
prosecution  of  it. 1 

Yet  Pizarro  could  not  make  up  his  mind  to  present  himself, 
in  the  present  state  of  the  undertaking,  before  the  governor. 
He  determined,  therefore,  to  be  set  on  shore  with  the  principal 
part  of  his  company  at  Chicama,  a  place  on  the  main-land,  at 
a  short  distance  west  of  Panama.  From  this  place,  which  he 
reached  without  any  further  accident,  he  despatched  the  vessel, 
and  in  it  his  treasurer,  Nicholas  de  Ribera,  with  the  gold  he 
had  collected,  and  with  instructions  to  lay  before  the  governor 
a  full  account  of  his  discoveries,  and  the  result  of  the 

While  these  events  were  passing,  Pizarro’s  associate,  Almagro, 
had  been  busily  employed  in  fitting  out  another  vessel  for  the 
expedition  at  the  port  of  Panama.  It  was  not  till  long  after 
his  friend’s  departure  that  he  was  prepared  to  follow  him. 
With  the  assistance  of  Luque,  he  at  length  succeeded  in 
equipping  a  small  caravel  and  embarking  a  body  of  between 
sixty  and  seventy  adventurers,  mostly  of  the  lowest  order  of  the 
colonists.  He  steered  in  the  track  of  his  comrade,  with  the 
intention  of  overtaking  him  as  soon  as  possible.  By  a  signal 
previously  concerted  of  notching  the  trees,  he  was  able  to 

1  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xi. — Xerez,  ubi  supra. 

138  Conquest  of  Peru 

identify  the  spots  visited  by  Pizarro, — Puerto  de  Pinas,  Puerto 
de  la  Hambre,  Pueblo  Quemada, — touching  successively  at 
every  point  of  the  coast  explored  by  his  countrymen,  though  in 
a  much  shorter  time.  At  the  last-mentioned  place  he  was 
received  by  the  fierce  natives  with  the  same  hostile  demon¬ 
stration  as  Pizarro,  though  in  the  present  encounter  the  Indians 
did  not  venture  beyond  their  defences.  But  the  hot  blood  of 
Almagro  was  so  exasperated  by  this  check,  that  he  assaulted 
the  place  and  carried  it  sword  in  hand,  setting  fire  to  the  out¬ 
works  and  dwellings,  and  driving  the  wretched  inhabitants  into 
the  forest. 

His  victory  cost  him  dear.  A  wound  from  a  javelin  on  the 
head,  caused  an  inflammation  in  one  of  his  eyes,  which  after 
great  anguish,  ended  in  the  loss  of  it.  Yet  the  intrepid 
adventurer  did  not  hesitate  to  pursue  his  voyage,  and,  after 
touching  at  several  places  on  the  coast,  some  of  which  rewarded 
him  with  a  considerable  booty  in  gold,  he  reached  the  mouth 
of  the  Rio  de  San  Juan ,  about  the  fourth  degree  of  north 
latitude.  He  was  struck  with  the  beauty  of  the  stream,  and 
with  the  cultivation  on  its  borders,  which  were  sprinkled  with 
Indian  cottages  showing  some  skill  in  their  construction,  and 
altogether  intimating  a  higher  civilisation  than  anything  he  had 
yet  seen. 

Still  his  mind  was  filled  with  anxiety  for  the  fate  of  Pizarro 
and  his  followers.  No  trace  of  them  had  been  found  on  the 
coast  for  a  long  time,  and  it  was  evident  they  must  have 
foundered  at  sea,  or  made  their  way  back  to  Panama.  This 
last  he  deemed  most  probable,  as  the  vessel  might  have  passed 
him  unnoticed  under  the  cover  of  the  night,  or  of  the  dense 
fogs  that  sometimes  hang  over  the  coast. 

Impressed  with  this  belief,  he  felt  no  heart  to  continue  his 
voyage  of  discovery,  for  which,  indeed,  his  single  bark,  with  its 
small  complement  of  men,  was  altogether  inadequate.  He 
proposed,  therefore,  to  return  without  delay.  On  his  way,  he 
touched  at  the  Pearl  Islands,  and  there  learned  the  result  of 
his  friend’s  expedition,  and  the  place  of  his  present  residence. 
Directing  his  course,  at  once,  to  Chicama,  the  two  cavaliers 
soon  had  the  satisfaction  of  embracing  each  other,  and 
recounting  their  several  exploits  and  escapes.  Almagro 
returned  even  better  freighted  with  gold  than  his  confederate, 
and  at  every  step  of  his  progress  he  had  collected  fresh  con¬ 
firmation  of  the  existence  of  some  great  and  opulent  empire  in 
the  south.  The  confidence  of  the  two  friends  was  much 
strengthened  by  their  discoveries ;  and  they  unhesitatingly 

Discovery  of  Peru  139 

pledged  themselves  to  one  another  to  die  rather  than  abandon 
the  enterprise.1 

The  best  means  of  obtaining  the  levies  requisite  for  so 
formidable  an  undertaking — more  formidable,  as  it  now 
appeared  to  them,  than  before — were  made  the  subject  of  long 
and  serious  discussion.  It  was  at  length  decided  that  Pizarro 
should  remain  in  his  present  quarters,  inconvenient  and  even 
unwholesome  as  they  were  rendered  by  the  humidity  of  the 
climate,  and  the  pestilent  swarms  of  insects  that  filled  the 
atmosphere.  Almagro  would  pass  over  to  Panama,  lay  the 
case  before  the  governor,  and  secure,  if  possible,  his  good-will 
towards  the  prosecution  of  the  enterprise.  If  no  obstacle  were 
thrown  in  their  way  from  this  quarter,  they  might  hope,  with 
the  assistance  of  Luque,  to  raise  the  necessary  supplies  ;  while 
the  results  of  the  recent  expedition  were  sufficiently  encouraging 
to  draw  adventurers  to  their  standard  in  a  community  which 
had  a  craving  for  excitement  that  gave  even  danger  a  charm, 
and  which  held  life  cheap  in  comparison  with  gold. 





152(5— ^27 

On  his  arrival  at  Panama,  Almagro  found  that  events  had 
taken  a  turn  less  favourable  to  his  views  than  he  had  anticipated. 
Pedrarias,  the  governor,  was  preparing  to  lead  an  expedition  in 
person  against  a  rebellious  officer  in  Nicaragua;  and  his 
temper,  naturally  not  the  most  amiable,  was  still  further  soured 
by  this  defection  of  his  lieutenant,  and  the  necessity  it  imposed 
on  him  of  a  long  and  perilous  march.  When,  therefore, 
Almagro  appeared  before  him  with  the  request  that  he  might 
be  permitted  to  raise  further  levies  to  prosecute  his  enterprise, 
the  governor  received  him  with  obvious  dissatisfaction,  listened 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  180. — Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  loc.  cit.  —  Balboa,  Hist, 
du  Perou,  chap.  xv. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.  MS. — Herrera,  Hist. 
General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xiii.— Levinus  Apollonius,  fol.  12. —  Gomara, 
Hist,  de  las  Ind.,  cap.  cviii. 

140  Conquest  of  Peru 

coldly  to  the  narrative  of  his  losses,  turned  an  incredulous  ear 
to  his  magnificent  promises  for  the  future,  and  bluntly 
demanded  an  account  of  the  lives  which  had  been  sacrificed 
by  Pizarro’s  obstinacy,  but  which,  had  they  been  spared,  might 
have  stood  him  in  good  stead  in  his  present  expedition  to 
Nicaragua.  He  positively  declined  to  countenance  the  rash 
schemes  of  the  two  adventurers  any  longer,  and  the  conquest  of 
Peru  would  have  been  crushed  in  the  bud,  but  for  the  efficient 
interposition  of  the  remaining  associate,  Fernando  de  Luque. 

This  sagacious  ecclesiastic  had  received  a  very  different 
impression  from  Almagro’s  narrative,  from  that  which  had  been 
made  on  the  mind  of  the  irritable  governor.  The  actual  results 
of  the  enterprise  in  gold  and  silver,  thus  far  indeed,  had  been 
small, — forming  a  mortifying  contrast  to  the  magnitude  of  their 
expectations.  But,  in  another  point  of  view,  they  were  of  the 
last  importance  ;  since  the  intelligence  which  the  adventurers 
had  gamed  in  every  successive  stage  of  their  progress  confirmed, 
in  the  strongest  manner,  the  previous  accounts,  received  from 
Andagoya  and  others,  of  a  rich  Indian  empire  at  the  south, 
which  might  repay  the  trouble  of  conquering  it  as  well  as 
Mexico  had  repaid  the  enterprise  of  Cortes.  Fully  entering, 
therefore,  into  the  feelings  of  his  military  associates,  he  used  all 
his  influence  with  the  governor  to  incline  him  to  a  more 
favourable  view  of  Almagro’s  petition ;  and  no  one  in  the  little 
community  of  Panama  exercised  greater  influence  over  the 
councils  of  the  executive  than  father  Luque,  for  which  he  was 
indebted  no  less  to  his  discretion  and  acknowledged  sagacity 
than  to  his  professional  station. 

But  while  Pedrarias,  overcome  by  the  arguments  or 
importunity  of  the  churchman,  yielded  a  reluctant  assent  to 
the  application,  he  took  care  to  testify  his  displeasure  with 
Pizarro,  on  whom  he  particularly  charged  the  loss  of  his 
followers,  by  naming  Almagro  as  his  equal  in  command  in 
the  proposed  expedition.  This  mortification  sunk  deep  into 
Pizarro’s  mind.  He  suspected  his  comrade,  with  what  reason 
does  not  appear,  of  soliciting  this  boon  from  the  governor.  A 
temporary  coldness  arose  between  them,  which  subsided  in 
outward  show,  at  least,  on  Pizarro’s  reflecting  that  it  was  better 
to  have  this  authority  conferred  on  a  friend  than  on  a  stranger, 
perhaps  an  enemy.  But  the  seeds  of  permanent  distrust  were 
left  in  his  bosom,  and  lay  waiting  for  the  due  season  to  ripen 
into  a  fruitful  harvest  of  discord.1 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  180. — Montesinos, 
Annales,  MS.,  ano  1526. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xii. 

Discovery  of  Peru  14 1 

Pedrarius  had  been  originally  interested  in  the  enterprise,  at 
least,  so  far  as  to  stipulate  for  a  share  of  the  gains,  though  he 
had  not  contributed,  as  it  appears,  a  single  ducat  towards  the 
expenses.  He  was,  at  length,  however,  induced  to  relinquish 
all  right  to  a  share  of  the  contingent  profits.  But,  in  his  manner 
of  doing  so,  he  showed  a  mercenary  spirit,  better  becoming  a 
petty  trader  than  a  high  officer  of  the  Crown.  He  stipulated  that 
the  associates  should  secure  to  him  the  sum  of  one  thousand  pesos 
de  oro  in  requital  of  his  goodwill,  and  they  eagerly  closed  with 
his  proposal,  rather  than  be  encumbered  with  his  pretensions. 
For  so  paltry  a  consideration  did  he  resign  his  portion  of  the 
rich  spoil  of  the  Incas  ! 1  But  the  governor  was  not  gifted  with 
the  eye  of  a  prophet.  His  avarice  was  of  that  short-sighted  kind 
which  defeats  itself.  He  had  sacrificed  the  chivalrous  Balboa 
just  as  that  officer  was  opening  to  him  the  conquest  of  Peru, 
and  he  would  now  have  quenched  the  spirit  of  enterprise,  that 
was  taking  the  same  direction,  in  Pizarro  and  his  associates. 

Not  long  after  this,  in  the  following  year,  he  was  succeeded 
in  his  government  by  Don  Pedro  de  los  Rios,  a  cavalier  of 
Cordova.  It  was  the  policy  of  the  Castilian  crown  to  allow  no 
one  of  its  great  colonial  officers  to  occupy  the  same  station  so 
long  as  to  render  himself  formidable  by  his  authority.2  It  had, 

1  Such  is  Oviedo’s  account,  who  was  present  at  the  interview  between  the 
governor  and  Almagro,  when  the  terms  of  compensation  were  discussed. 
The  dialogue,  which  is  amusing  enough,  and  well  told  by  the  old  Chronicler, 
maybe  found  translated  in  Appendix ,  No.  5-  Another  version  of  the  affair 
is  given  in  the  Relacion ,  often  by  me,  quoted  of  one  of  the  Peruvian  con¬ 
querors,  in  which  Pedrarias  is  said  to  have  gone  out  of  the  partnership 
voluntarily,  from  his  disgust  at  the  unpromising  state  of  affairs.  ‘‘  Vueltos 
con  la  dieha  gente  a  Panama,  destrozados  y  gastados  que  ya  no  tenian 
haciendas  para  tornar  con  provisiones  y  gentes  que  todo  lo  habian  gastado, 
el  dicho  Pedrarias  de  Avila  les  dijo,  que  ye  el  no  queria  mas  hacer  com- 
pania  con  ellos  en  los  gastos  de  la  armada,  que  si  ellos  querian  volver  a  su 
costa,  que  lo  hiciesen  ;  y  ansi  como  gente  que  habia  perdido  todo  lo  que 
tenia  y  tanto  habia  trabajado,  acordaron  de  tornar  a  proseguir  sa  jornada  y 
dar  fin  A  las  vidas  y  haciendas  que  les  quedaba,  6  descubrir  aquella  tierra, 
y  ciertamente  ellos  tubieron  grande  constancia  yanimo.  ” — Relacion  del 
Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

2  This  policy  is  noticed  by  the  sagacious  Martyr.  “  De  mutandis  namque 
plerisque  gubernatoribus,  ne  longa  nimis  imperii  assuetudine  insolescant, 
cogitatur,  qui  prsecipue  non  fuerint  provinciarum  domitores,  de  hisce 
ducibus  namque  alia  ratio  ponderatur.”  (De  Orbe  Novo,  [Parisiis,  1587,] 
p.  498).  One  cannot  but  regret  that  the  philosopher,  who  took  so  keen  an 
interest  in  the  successive  revelations  of  the  different  portions  of  the  New 
World,  should  have  died  before  the  empire  of  the  Incas  was  disclosed  to 
Europeans.  He  lived  to  learn  and  to  record  the  wonders  of 

“  Rich  Mexico,  the  seat  of  Montezuma  ; 

Not  Cuzco  in  Peru,  the  richer  seat  of  Atabalipa.” 

142  Conquest  of  Peru 

moreover,  many  particular  causes  of  disgust  with  Pedrarias. 
The  functionary  they  sent  out  to  succeed  him  was  fortified  with 
ample  instructions  for  the  good  of  the  colony,  and  especially  of 
the  natives,  whose  religious  conversion  was  urged  as  a  capital 
object,  and  whose  personal  freedom  was  unequivocally  asserted, 
as  loyal  vassals  of  the  Crown.  It  is  but  justice  to  the  Spanish 
government  to  admit  that  its  provisions  were  generally  guided 
by  a  humane  and  considerate  policy,  which  was  as  regularly 
frustrated  by  the  cupidity  of  the  colonists,  and  the  capricious 
cruelty  of  the  conqueror.  The  few  remaining  years  of  Pedrarias 
were  spent  in  petty  squabbles,  both  of  a  personal  and  official 
nature ;  for  he  was  still  continued  in  office,  though  in  one  of 
less  consideration  than  that  which  he  had  hitherto  filled.  He 
survived  but  a  few  years,  leaving  behind  him  a  reputation  not  to 
be  envied,  of  one  who  united  a  pusillanimous  spirit  with  uncon¬ 
trollable  passions ;  who  displayed,  notwithstanding,  a  certain 
energy  of  character,  or  to  speak  more  correctly,  an  impetuosity 
of  purpose,  which  might  have  led  to  good  results  had  it  taken 
a  right  direction.  Unfortunately  his  lack  of  discretion  was  such, 
that  the  direction  he  took  was  rarely  of  service  to  his  country 
or  to  himself. 

Having  settled  their  difficulties  with  the  governor,  and 
obtained  his  sanction  to  their  enterprise,  the  confederates  lost 
no  time  in  making  the  requisite  preparation  for  it.  Their  first 
step  was  to  execute  the  memorable  contract  which  served  as 
the  basis  of  their  future  arrangements ;  and,  as  Pizarro’s  name 
appears  in  this,  it  seems  probable  that  that  chief  had  crossed 
over  to  Panama  so  soon  as  the  favourable  disposition  of 
Pedrarias  had  been  secured.1  The  instrument,  after  invoking 
in  the  most  solemn  manner  the  names  of  the  Holy  Trinity  and 
our  Lady  the  Blessed  Virgin,  sets  forth,  that  whereas  the  parties 
have  full  authority  to  discover  and  subdue  the  countries  and 
provinces  lying  south  of  the  Gulf,  belonging  to  the  empire  of 
Peru,  and  as  Fernando  de  Luque  had  advanced  the  funds  for 
the  enterprise  in  bars  of  gold  of  the  value  of  twenty  thousand 
pesos)  they  mutually  bind  themselves  to  divide  equally  among 
them  the  whole  of  the  conquered  territory.  This  stipulation  is 
reiterated  over  and  over  again,  particularly  with  reference  to 

1  In  opposition  to  most  authorities, — but  not  to  the  judicious  Quintana, — 

I  have  conformed  to  Montesinos,  in  placing  the  execution  of  the  contract 
at  the  commencement  of  the  second,  instead  of  the  first,  expedition.  This 
arrangement  coincides  with  the  date  of  the  instrument  itself,  which,  more¬ 
over,  is  reported  in  extenso  by  no  ancient  writer  whom  I  have  consulted 
except  Montesinos. 

Discovery  of  Peru  143 

Luque,  who,  it  is  declared,  is  to  be  entitled  to  one-third  of  all 
lands,  repartimientos ,  treasures  of  every  kind,  gold,  silver,  and 
precious  stones, — to  one-third  even  of  all  vassals,  rents,  and 
emoluments  arising  from  such  grants  as  may  be  conferred  by 
the  Crown  on  either  of  his  military  associates,  to  be  held 
for  his  own  use,  or  for  that  of  his  heirs,  assigns,  or  legal 

The  two  captains  solemnly  engage  to  devote  themselves 
exclusively  to  the  present  undertaking  until  it  is  accomplished  ; 
and,  in  case  of  failure  in  their  part  of  the  covenant,  they  pledge 
themselves  to  reimburse  Luque  for  his  advances,  for  which  all 
the  property  they  possess  shall  be  held  responsible,  and  this 
declaration  is  to  be  a  sufficient  warrant  for  the  execution  of 
judgment  against  them,  in  the  same  manner  as  if  it  had 
proceeded  from  the  decree  of  a  court  of  justice. 

The  commanders,  Pizarro  and  Almagro,  made  oath,  in  the 
name  of  God  and  the  Holy  Evangelists,  sacredly  to  keep  this 
covenant,  swearing  it  on  the  missal,  on  which  they  traced  with 
their  own  hands  the  sacred  emblem  of  the  cross.  To  give  still 
greater  efficacy  to  the  compact,  Father  Luque  administered  the 
sacrament  to  the  parties,  dividing  the  consecrated  wafer  into 
three  portions,  of  which  each  one  of  them  partook  ;  while  the 
by-standers,  says  an  historian,  were  affected  to  tears  by  this 
spectacle  of  the  solemn  ceremonial  with  which  these  men 
voluntarily  devoted  themselves  to  a  sacrifice  that  seemed  little 
short  of  insanity.1 

The  instrument,  which  was  dated  March  io,  1526,  was  sub¬ 
scribed  by  Luque,  and  attested  by  three  respectable  citizens  of 
Panama,  one  of  whom  signed  on  behalf  of  Pizarro,  and  the 
other  for  Almagro  ;  since  neither  of  these  parties,  according  to 
the  avowal  of  the  instrument,  was  able  to  subscribe  his  own 

Such  was  the  singular  compact  by  which  three  obscure 
individuals  coolly  carved  out  and  partitioned  among  them¬ 
selves  an  empire,  of  whose  extent,  power,  and  resources, 
of  whose  situation,  of  whose  existence,  even,  they  had  no 
sure  or  precise  knowledge.  The  positive  and  unhesitating 
manner  in  which  they  speak  of  the  grandeur  of  this  empire, 
of  its  stores  of  wealth,  so  conformable  to  the  event,  but  of 

1  This  singular  instrument  is  given  at  length  by  Montesinos.  (Annales 
MS.,  afio  1526.)  It  may  be  found  in  the  original  in  Appendix ,  No.  6. 

2  For  some  investigation  of  the  fact,  which  has  been  disputed  by  more 
than  one,  of  Pizarro’s  ignorance  of  the  art  of  writing,  see  Book  IV.  chap,  v, 
of  this  History. 

144  Conquest  of  Peru 

which  they  could  have  really  known  so  little,  forms  a  striking 
contrast  with  the  general  scepticism  and  indifference  manifested 
by  nearly  every  other  person,  high  and  low,  in  the  community 
of  Panama.1 

The  religious  tone  of  the  instrument  is  not  the  least  remark¬ 
able  feature  in  it,  especially  when  we  contrast  this  with  the  re¬ 
lentless  policy,  pursued  by  the  very  men  who  were  parties  to  it,  in 
their  conquest  of  the  country.  “  In  the  name  of  the  Prince  of 
Peace,”  says  the  illustrious  historian  of  America,  “they  ratified 
a  contract  of  which  plunder  and  bloodshed  were  the  objects.2 
The  reflection  seems  reasonable.  Yet,  in  criticising  what  is 
done,  as  well  as  what  is  written,  we  must  take  into  account  the 
spirit  of  the  times.3  The  invocation  of  Heaven  was  natural, 
where  the  object  of  the  undertaking  was,  in  part,  a  religious 
one.  Religion  entered  more  or  less  into  the  theory,  at  least,  of 
the  Spanish  conquests  in  the  New  World.  That  motives  of  a 
baser  sort  mingled  largely  with  these  higher  ones,  and  in  different 
proportions  according  to  the  character  of  the  individual,  no  one 
will  deny.  And  few  are  they  that  have  proposed  to  themselves 
a  long  career  of  action  without  the  intermixture  of  some  vulgar 
personal  motive, — fame,  honours,  or  emolument.  Yet  that 
religion  furnishes  a  key  to  the  American  crusades,  however 
rudely  they  may  have  been  conducted,  is  evident  from  the 
history  of  their  origin  ;  from  the  sanction  openly  given  to  them 
by  the  Head  of  the  Church ;  from  the  throng  of  self-devoted 
missionaries,  who  followed  in  the  track  of  the  Conquerors  to 
garner  up  the  rich  harvest  of  souls ;  from  the  reiterated  in¬ 
structions  of  the  Crown,  the  great  object  of  which  was  the 
conversion  of  the  natives  ;  from  those  superstitious  acts  of  the 
iron-hearted  soldiery  themselves,  which,  however  they  may  be 
set  down  to  fanaticism,  were  clearly  too  much  in  earnest  to 
leave  any  ground  for  the  charge  of  hypocrisy.  It  was  indeed  a 
fiery  cross  that  was  borne  over  the  devoted  land,  scathing  and 
consuming  it  in  its  terrible  progress  ;  but  it  was  still  the  Cross, 

1  The  epithet  of  loco  or  “madman  ”  was  punningly  bestowed  on  Father 
Luque,  for  his  spirited  exertions  in  behalf  of  the  enterprise  ;  Padre  Luque. 
o  loco ,  says  Oviedo  of  him,  as  if  it  were  synonymous. — Historia  de  las  Indias 
Islas  e  Tierra  Firme  del  Mar  Oceano,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  i. 

2  Robertson,  America,  vol.  iii.  p.  5. 

3  “A  perfect  judge  will  read  each  work  of  wit 

With  the  same  spirit  that  its  author  writ,” 

says  the  great  bard  of  Reason.  A  fair  criticism  will  apply  the  same  rule  to 
action  as  to  writing,  and,  in  the  moral  estimate  of  conduct,  will  take 
largely  into  account  the  spirit  of  the  age  which  prompted  it. 

Discovery  of  Peru  145 

the  sign  of  man’s  salvation,  the  only  sign  by  which  generations 
and  generations  yet  unborn  were  to  be  rescued  from  eternal 

It  is  a  remarkable  fact,  which  has  hitherto  escaped  the  notice 
of  the  historian,  that  Luque  was  not  the  real  party  to  this 
contract.  He  represented  another,  who  placed  in  his  hands 
the  funds  required  for  the  undertaking.  This  appears  from  an 
instrument  signed  by  Luque  himself,  and  certified  before  the 
same  notary  that  prepared  the  original  contract.  The  in¬ 
strument  declares  that  the  whole  sum  of  twenty  thousand  pesos 
advanced  for  the  expedition  was  furnished  by  the  Licentiate 
Gasper  de  Espinosa,  then  at  Panama  ;  that  the  vicar  acted  only 
as  his  agent  and  by  his  authority  ;  and  that,  in  consequence,  the 
said  Espinosa  and  no  other  was  entitled  to  a  third  of  all  the  profits 
and  acquisitions  resulting  from  the  conquest  of  Peru.  This  in¬ 
strument,  attested  by  three  persons,  one  of  them  the  same  who 
had  witnessed  the  original  contract,  was  dated  on  the  6th  of 
August,  1 53 1.1  The  Licentiate  Espinosa  was  a  respectable  func¬ 
tionary  who  had  filled  the  office  of  principal  alcalde  in  Darien, 
and  since  taken  a  conspicuous  part  in  the  conquest  and  settle¬ 
ment  of  Tierra  Firme.  He  enjoyed  much  consideration  for  his 
personal  character  and  station  ;  and  it  is  remarkable  that  so 
little  should  be  known  of  the  manner  in  which  the  covenant,  so 
solemnly  made,  was  executed  in  reference  to  him.  As  in  the 
case  of  Columbus,  it  is  probable  that  the  unexpected  magnitude 
of  the  results  was  such  as  to  prevent  a  faithful  adherence  to  the 
original  stipulation  ;  and  yet,  from  the  same  consideration,  one 
can  hardly  doubt  that  the  twenty  thousand  pesos  of  the  bold 
speculator  must  have  brought  him  a  magnificent  return.  Nor 
did  the  worthy  vicar  of  Panama,  as  the  history  will  show 
hereafter,  go  without  his  reward. 

Having  completed  these  preliminary  arrangements,  the  three 
associates  lost  no  time  in  making  preparations  for  the  voyage. 
Two  vessels  were  purchased,  larger  and  every  way  better  than 
those  employed  on  the  former  occasion.  Stores  were  laid  in,  as 
experience  dictated,  on  a  larger  scale  than  before,  and  pro¬ 
clamation  was  made  of  “  an  expedition  to  Peru.”  But  the  call 
was  not  readily  answered  by  the  sceptical  citizens  of  Panama. 

1  The  instrument  making  this  extraordinary  disclosure  is  cited  at  length 
in  a  manuscript  entitled  Noticia  General  del  Peru,  Tierra  Firme  y  Chili,  by 
Francisco  Lopez  de  Caravantes,  a  fiscal  officer  in  these  colonies.  The  MS., 
formerly  preserved  in  the  library  of  the  great  college  of  Cuenca  at  Salamanca, 
is  now  to  be  found  in  her  Majesty’s  library  at  Madrid.  The  passage  is 
extracted  by  Quintana,  Espanoles  Celebres,  tom.  ii.  Append.  No.  ii.  nota. 

146  Conquest  of  Peru 

Of  nearly  two  hundred  men  who  had  embarked  on  the  former 
cruise,  not  more  than  three-fourths  now  remained.1  This 
dismal  mortality,  and  the  emaciated,  poverty-stricken  aspect  of 
the  survivors,  spoke  more  eloquently  than  the  braggart  pro¬ 
mises  and  magnificent  prospects  held  out  by  the  adventurers. 
Still  there  were  men  in  the  community  of  such  desperate  cir¬ 
cumstances,  that  any  change  seemed  like  a  chance  of  bettering 
their  condition.  Most  of  the  former  company  also,  strange  to 
say,  felt  more  pleased  to  follow  up  the  adventure  to  the  end 
than  to  abandon  it,  as  they  saw  the  light  of  a  better  day 
dawning  upon  them.  From  these  sources  the  two  captains 
succeeded  in  mustering  about  one  hundred  and  sixty  men, 
making  altogether  a  very  inadequate  force  for  the  conquest  of 
an  empire.  A  few  horses  were  also  purchased,  and  a  better 
supply  of  ammunition  and  military  stores  than  before,  though 
still  on  a  very  limited  scale.  Considering  their  funds,  the  only 
way  of  accounting  for  this  must  be  by  the  difficulty  of  obtain¬ 
ing  supplies  at  Panama,  which,  recently  founded,  and  on  the 
remote  coast  of  the  Pacific,  could  be  approached  only  by 
crossing  the  rugged  barrier  of  mountains,  which  made  the 
transportation  of  bulky  articles  extremely  difficult.  Even  such 
scanty  stock  of  materials  as  it  possessed  was  probably  laid  under 
heavy  contribution,  at  the  present  juncture,  by  the  governor’s 
preparations  for  his  own  expedition  to  the  north. 

Thus  indifferently  provided,  the  two  captains,  each  in  his 
own  vessel,  again  took  their  departure  from  Panama  under  the 
direction  of  Bartholomew  Ruiz,  a  sagacious  and  resolute  pilot, 
well  experienced  in  the  navigation  of  the  Southern  Ocean.  He 
was  a  native  of  Moguer,  in  Andalusia,  that  little  nursery  of 
nautical  enterprise,  which  furnished  so  many  seamen  for  the 
first  voyages  of  Columbus.  Without  touching  at  the  intervening 
points  of  the  coast,  which  offered  no  attraction  to  the  voyagers, 
they  stood  farther  out  to  sea,  steering  direct  for  the  Rio  de  San 
Juan,  the  utmost  limit  reached  by  Almagro.  The  season  was 
better  selected  than  on  the  former  occasion,  and  they  were 
borne  along  by  favourable  breezes  to  the  place  of  their  destin¬ 
ation,  which  they  reached  without  accident  in  a  few  days. 
Entering  the  mouth  of  the  river,  they  saw  the  banks  were  lined 
with  Indian  habitations ;  and  Pizarro,  disembarking,  at  the  head 

1  “  Con  ciento  i  diez  hombres  salio  de  Panama  i  fue  donde  estaba  el  Capitan 
Pigarro  con  otros  cinquenta  de  los  primeros  ciento  i  diez,  que  con  el 
salieron,  i  de  los  setenta,  que  el  Capitan  Almagro  llevo,  quando  le  fue  a 
buscar,  que  los  ciento  i  treinta  ia  eran  muertos. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru, 
ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  1S0. 

Discovery  of  Peru  147 

of  a  party  of  soldiers,  succeeded  in  surprising  a  small  village 
and  carrying  off  a  considerable  booty  of  gold  ornaments  found 
in  the  dwellings,  together  with  a  few  of  the  natives.1 

Flushed  with  their  success,  the  two  chiefs  were  confident  that 
the  sight  of  the  rich  spoil  so  speedily  obtained  could  not  fail  to 
draw  adventurers  to  their  standard  in  Panama ;  and,  as  they 
felt  more  than  ever  the  necessity  of  a  stronger  force  to  cope 
with  the  thickening  population  of  the  country  which  they  were 
now  to  penetrate,  it  was  decided  that  Almagro  should  return 
with  the  treasure  and  beat  up  for  reinforcements,  while  the 
pilot  Ruiz,  in  the  other  vessel,  should  reconnoitre  the  country 
towards  the  south,  and  obtain  such  information  as  might 
determine  their  future  movements.  Pizarro,  with  the  rest  of 
the  force,  would  remain  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  river,  as 
he  was  assured  by  the  Indian  prisoners,  that  not  far  in  the 
interior  was  an  open  reach  of  country,  where  he  and  his  men 
could  find  comfortable  quarters.  This  arrangement  was  in- 
;  stantly  put  in  execution.  We  will  first  accompany  the  intrepid 
pilot  in  his  cruise  towards  the  south. 

Coasting  along  the  great  continent,  with  his  canvas  still 
1  spread  to  favourable  winds,  the  first  place  at  which  Ruiz  cast 
anchor  was  off  the  little  island  of  Gallo,  about  two  degrees 
north.  The  inhabitants,  who  were  not  numerous,  were  pre¬ 
pared  to  give  him  a  hostile  reception, — for  tidings  of  the 
invaders  had  preceded  them  along  the  country,  and  even 
reached  this  insulated  spot.  As  the  object  of  Ruiz  was  to 
explore,  not  to  conquer,  he  did  not  care  to  entangle  himself  in 
hostilities  with  the  natives  ;  so,  changing  his  purpose  of  landing, 
he  weighed  anchor,  and  ran  down  the  coast  as  far  as  what  is 
now  called  the  Bay  of  St.  Matthew.  The  country,  which,  as 
he  advanced,  continued  to  exhibit  evidence  of  a  better  culture 
as  well  as  of  a  more  dense  population  than  the  parts  hitherto 
seen,  was  crowded,  along  the  shores,  with  spectators,  who  gave 
no  signs  of  fear  or  hostility.  They  stood  gazing  on  the  vessel 
of  the  white  men  as  it  glided  smoothly  into  the  crystal  waters 
of  the  bay,  fancying  it,  says  an  old  writer,  some  mysterious 
being  descended  from  the  skies. 

Without  staying  long  enough  on  this  friendly  coast  to 
undeceive  the  simple  people,  Ruiz,  standing  off  shore,  struck 
out  into  the  deep  sea  ;  but  he  had  not  sailed  far  in  that  direc¬ 
tion,  when  he  was  surprised  by  the  sight  of  a  vessel,  seeming 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Pern,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  pp.  180,  1 8 1 . — Naharro, 
i  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  L — Herrera, 
Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xiii. 

148  Conquest  of  Peru 

in  the  distance  like  a  caravel  of  considerable  size,  traversed  by 
a  large  sail  that  carried  it  sluggishly  over  the  waters.  The  old 
navigator  was  not  a  little  perplexed  by  this  phenomenon,  as 
he  was  confident  no  European  bark  could  have  been  before 
him  in  these  latitudes,  and  no  Indian  nation,  yet  discovered, 
not  even  the  civilised  Mexican,  was  acquainted  with  the  use  of 
sails  in  navigation.  As  he  drew  near,  he  found  it  was  a  large 
vessel,  or  rather  raft,  called  balsa  by  the  natives,  consisting  of 
a  number  of  huge  timbers  of  a  light,  porous  wood,  tightly  lashed 
together,  with  a  frail  flooring  of  reeds  raised  on  them  by  way  of 
deck.  Two  masts  or  sturdy  poles,  erected  in  the  middle  of  the 
vessel,  sustained  a  large  square-sail  of  cotton,  while  a  rude  kind 
of  rudder  and  a  moveable  keel,  made  of  plank  inserted  between 
the  logs,  enabled  the  mariner  to  give  a  direction  to  the  floating 
fabric,  which  held  on  its  course  without  the  aid  of  oar  or 
paddle.1  The  simple  architecture  of  this  craft  was  sufficient 
for  the  purposes  of  the  natives,  and  indeed  has  continued  to 
answer  them  to  the  present  day ;  for  the  balsa,  surmounted  by 
small  thatched  huts  or  cabins,  still  supplies  the  most  com¬ 
modious  means  for  the  transportation  of  passengers  and  luggage 
on  the  streams  and  along  the  shores  of  this  part  of  the  South 
American  continent. 

On  coming  alongside,  Ruiz  found  several  Indians,  both  men 
and  women,  on  board,  some  with  rich  ornaments  on  their 
persons,  besides  several  articles  wrought  with  considerable  skill 
in  gold  and  silver,  which  they  were  carrying  for  the  purposes  of 
traffic  to  the  different  places  along  the  coast.  But  what  most 
attracted  his  attention  was  the  woollen  cloth  of  which  some  of 
their  dresses  were  made.  It  was  of  a  fine  texture,  delicately 
embroidered  with  figures  of  birds  and  flowers,  and  dyed  in 
brilliant  colours.  He  also  observed  in  the  boat  a  pair  of 
balances  made  to  weigh  the  precious  metals.2  His  astonish- 

1  “  Traia  sus  manteles  y  antenas  de  muy  fina  madera  y  velas  de  algodon 
del  mismo  talle  de  manera  que  los  nuestros  navios.”  —  Relacion  de  las 
Primeros  Descubrimientos  de  F.  Pizarro  y  Diego  de  Almagro,  sacada  del 
Codice,  No.  120  de  la  Biblioteca  Imperial  de  Vienna,  MS. 

2  In  a  short  notice  of  this  expedition,  written  apparently  at  the  time  of  it, 
or  soon  after,  a  minute  specification  is  given  of  the  several  articles  found  in 
the  balsa  ;  among  them  are  mentioned  vases  and  mirrors  of  burnished  silver, 
and  curious  fabrics  both  cotton  and  woollen.  “  Espejos  guarnecidos  de  la 
dicha  plata,  y  tasas  y  otras  vasijas  para  beber,  trahian  muchas  mantas  ne 
lana  y  de  algodon,  y  camisas  y  aljubas  y  alcaperes  y  alaremes,  y  otras  muchas 
ropas,  todo  lo  mas  de  ello  muy  labrado  de  labores  muy  ricas  de  colores  de 
grana  y  carmisi  y  azul  y  amarillo,  y  de  todas  otras  colores  de  diversas 
maneras  de  labores  y  figuras  de  aves  y  animales,  y  Pescados,  y  arbolesas  y 
trahian  unos  pesos  chiquitos  de  pesar  oro  como  hechura  de  Romana,  y 

Discovery  of  Peru  149 

ment  at  these  proofs  of  ingenuity  and  civilisation,  so  much 
higher  than  anything  he  had  ever  seen  in  the  country,  was 
heightened  by  the  intelligence  which  he  collected  from  some 
of  these  Indians.  Two  of  them  had  come  from  Tumbez,  a 
Peruvian  port,  some  degrees  to  the  south  ;  and  they  gave  him 
to  understand  that  in  their  neighbourhood  the  fields  were 
covered  with  large  flocks  of  the  animals  from  which  the  wool 
was  obtained,  and  that  gold  and  silver  were  almost  as  common 
as  wood  in  the  palaces  of  their  monarch.  The  Spaniards 
listened  greedily  to  reports  which  harmonised  so  well  with 
their  fond  desires.  Though  half  distrusting  the  exaggeration, 
Ruiz  resolved  to  detain  some  of  the  Indians,  including  the 
natives  of  Tumbez,  that  they  might  repeat  the  wondrous  tale 
to  his  commander,  and  at  the  same  time,  by  learning  the  Cas¬ 
tilian,  might  hereafter  serve  as  interpreters  with  their  country¬ 
men.  The  rest  of  the  party  he  suffered  to  proceed  without 
further  interruption  on  their  voyage.  Then  holding  on  his 
course,  the  prudent  pilot,  without  touching  at  any  other  point 
of  the  coast,  advanced  as  far  as  the  Punta  de  Pasado,  about 
half  a  degree  south,  having  the  glory  of  being  the  first  European 
who,  sailing  in  this  direction  on  the  Pacific,  had  crossed  the 
equinoctial  line.  This  was  the  limit  of  his  discoveries ;  on 
:  reaching  which  he  tacked  about,  and  standing  away  to  the 
north,  succeeded,  after  an  absence  of  several  weeks,  in  regaining 
the  spot  where  he  had  left  Piza^ro  and  his  comrades.1 

It  was  high  time ;  for  the  spirits  of  that  little  band  had  been 
sorely  tried  by  the  perils  they  had  encountered.  On  the 
departure  of  his  vessels,  Pizarro  marched  into  the  interior,  in 
the  hope  of  finding  the  pleasant  champaign  country  which  had 
been  promised  him  by  the  natives.  But  at  every  step  the  forest 
seemed  to  grow  denser  and  darker,  and  the  trees  towered  to  a 
height  such  as  he  had  never  seen,  even  in  these  fruitful  regions 
where  Nature  works  on  so  gigantic  a  scale.2  Hill  continued  to 
rise  above  hill,  as  he  advanced,  rolling  onward,  as  it  were,  by 

otros  muchas  cosas.” — Relacion  sacada  de  la  Biblioteca  Imperial  de 
Vienna,  MS. 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  181. — Relacion  sacada 
de  la  Biblioteca  Imperial  de  Vienna,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec. 
iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xiii.  One  of  the  authorities  speaks  of  his  having  been 
sixty  days  on  this  cruise.  I  regret  not  to  be  able  to  give  precise  dates  of  the 
events  in  these  early  expeditions.  But  chronology  is  a  thing  beneath  the 
notice  of  these  ancient  chroniclers,  who  seem  to  think  that  the  date  of 
events,  so  fresh  in  their  own  memory,  must  be  so  in  that  of  every  one  else. 

2  “Todo  era  montafias,  con  arboles  hasta  el  cielo  1  ” — Herrera,  Hist. 
General,  ubi  supra. 

150  Conquest  of  Peru 

successive  waves  to  join  that  colossal  barrier  of  the  Andes, 
whose  frosty  sides,  far  away  above  the  clouds,  spread  out  like 
a  curtain  of  burnished  silver,  that  seemed  to  connect  the 
heavens  with  the  earth. 

On  crossing  these  woody  eminences,  the  forlorn  adventurers 
would  plunge  into  ravines  of  frightful  depth,  where  the  exhal¬ 
ations  of  a  humid  soil  steamed  up  amidst  the  incense  of  sweet- 
scented  flowers,  which  shone  through  the  deep  gloom  in  every 
conceivable  variety  of  colour.  Birds,  especially  of  the  parrot 
tribe,  mocked  this  fantastic  variety  of  nature  with  tints  as 
brilliant  as  those  of  the  vegetable  world.  Monkeys  chattered 
in  crowds  above  their  heads,  and  made  grimaces  like  the 
fiendish  spirits  of  these  solitudes ;  while  hideous  reptiles,  en¬ 
gendered  in  the  slimy  depths  of  the  pools,  gathered  round  the 
footsteps  of  the  wanderers.  Here  was  seen  the  gigantic  boa, 
coiling  his  unwieldly  folds  about  the  trees,  so  as  hardly  to  be 
distinguished  from  their  trunks,  till  he  was  ready  to  dart  upon 
his  prey;  and  alligators  lay  basking  on  the  borders  of  the 
streams,  or,  gliding  under  the  waters,  seized  their  incautious 
victim  before  he  was  aware  of  their  approach.1  Many  of  the 
Spaniards  perished  miserably  in  this  way,  and  others  were  way¬ 
laid  by  the  natives,  who  kept  a  jealous  eye  on  their  movements, 
and  availed  themselves  of  every  opportunity  to  take  them  at 
advantage.  Fourteen  of  Pizarro’s  men  were  cut  off  at  once  in 
a  canoe  which  had  stranded  on  the  bank  of  a  stream.2 

Famine  came  in  addition  to  other  troubles,  and  it  was  with 
difficulty  that  they  found  the  means  of  sustaining  life  on  the 
scanty  fare  of  the  forest — occasionally  the  potato,  as  it  grew 
without  cultivation,  or  the  wild  cocoa-nut,  or,  on  the  shore,  the 
salt  and  bitter  fruit  of  the  mangrove ;  though  the  shore  was  less 
tolerable  than  the  forest,  from  the  swarms  of  mosquitos  which 
compelled  the  wretched  adventurers  to  bury  their  bodies  up  to 
their  very  faces  in  the  sand.  In  this  extremity  of  suffering,  they 
thought  only  of  return ;  and  all  schemes  of  avarice  and  ambition 
— except  with  Pizarro  and  a  few  dauntless  spirits — were 
exchanged  for  the  one  craving  desire  to  return  to  Panama. 

It  was  at  this  crisis  that  the  pilot  Ruiz  returned  with  the 
report  of  his  brilliant  discoveries ;  and,  not  long  after,  Almagro 
sailed  into  port  with  his  vessel  laden  with  refreshments,  and  a 
considerable  reinforcement  of  volunteers.  The  voyage  of  that 
commander  had  been  prosperous.  When  he  arrived  at  Panama, 

1  Herrera,  Hist.  Gen.,  dec.  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xiii. 

2  Ibid.,  loc.  cit. — Gomara,  Hist,  de  las  Ind.,  cap.  cviii.  —  Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

Discovery  of  Peru  151 

he  found  the  government  in  the  hands  of  Don  Pedro  de  los 
Rios  ;  and  he  came  to  anchor  in  the  harbour,  unwilling  to 
trust  himself  on  shore,  till  he  had  obtained  from  Father  Luque 
some  account  of  the  dispositions  of  the  executive.  These  were 
sufficiently  favourable ;  for  the  new  governor  had  particular 
instructions  fully  to  carry  out  the  arrangements  made  by  his 
predecessor  with  the  associates.  On  learning  Almagro’s  arrival, 
he  came  down  to  the  port  to  welcome  him,  professing  his 
willingness  to  afford  every  facility  for  the  execution  of  his 
designs.  Fortunately,  just  before  this  period,  a  small  body  of 
military  adventurers  had  come  to  Panama  from  the  mother- 
country,  burning  with  desire  to  make  their  fortunes  in  the 
New  World.  They  caught  much  more  eagerly  than  the  old 
and  wary  colonists  at  the  golden  bait  held  out  to  them ;  and 
with  their  addition,  and  that  of  a  few  supernumerary  stragglers 
who  hung  about  the  town,  Almagro  found  himself  at  the  head 
of  a  reinforcement  of  at  least  eighty  men,  with  which,  having 
laid  in  a  fresh  supply  of  stores,  he  again  set  sail  for  the  Rio  de 
San  Juan. 

The  arrival  of  the  new  recruits  all  eager  to  follow  up  the 
expedition,  the  comfortable  change  in  their  circumstances 
produced  by  an  ample  supply  of  refreshments,  and  the  glowing 
pictures  of  the  wealth  that  awaited  them  in  the  south,  all  had 
their  effect  on  the  dejected  spirits  of  Pizarro’s  followers.  Their 
late  toils  and  privations  were  speedily  forgotten,  and,  with  the 
buoyant  and  variable  feelings  incident  to  a  freebooter’s  life, 
they  now  called  as  eagerly  on  their  commander  to  go  forward 
in  the  voyage,  as  they  had  before  called  on  him  to  abandon  it. 
Availing  themselves  of  the  renewed  spirit  of  enterprise,  the 
captains  embarked  on  board  their  vessels,  and,  under  the 
guidance  of  the  veteran  pilot,  steered  in  the  same  track  he  had 
lately  pursued. 

But  the  favourable  season  for  the  southern  course,  which  in 
these  latitudes  lasts  but  a  few  months  in  the  year,  had  been 
suffered  to  escape.  The  breezes  blew  steadily  towards  the 
north,  and  a  strong  current,  not  far  from  shore,  set  in  the  same 
direction.  The  winds  frequently  rose  into  tempests,  and  the 
unfortunate  voyagers  were  tossed  about,  for  many  days,  in  the 
boiling  surges,  amidst  the  most  awful  storms  of  thunder  and 
lightning,  until,  at  length,  they  found  a  secure  haven  in  the 
island  of  Gallo,  already  visited  by  Ruiz.  As  they  were  now  too 
strong  in  numbers  to  apprehend  an  assault,  the  crews  landed, 
and,  experiencing  no  molestation  from  the  natives,  they  con¬ 
tinued  on  the  island  for  a  fortnight,  refitting  their  damaged 

152  Conquest  of  Peru 

vessels,  and  recruiting  themselves  after  the  fatigues  of  the 
ocean.  Then,  resuming  their  voyage,  the  captains  stood 
towards  the  south  until  they  reached  the  Bay  of  St.  Matthew. 
As  they  advanced  along  the  coast,  they  were  struck,  as  Ruiz 
had  been  before,  with  the  evidence  of  a  higher  civilisation 
constantly  exhibited  in  the  general  aspect  of  the  country  and 
its  inhabitants.  The  hand  of  cultivation  was  visible  in  every 
quarter.  The  natural  appearance  of  the  coast,  too,  had  some¬ 
thing  in  it  more  inviting ;  for,  instead  of  the  eternal  labyrinth 
of  mangrove  trees,  with  their  complicated  roots  gnarled  into 
formidable  coils  under  the  water,  as  if  to  waylay  and  entangle 
the  voyager,  the  low  margin  of  the  sea  was  covered  with  a 
stately  growth  of  ebony,  and  with  a  species  of  mahogany  and 
other  hard  woods  that  take  the  most  brilliant  and  variegated 
polish.  The  sandal-wood,  and  many  balsamic  trees  of  unknown 
names,  scattered  their  sweet  odours  far  and  wide,  not  in  an 
atmosphere  tainted  with  vegetable  corruption,  but  on  the  pure 
breezes  of  the  ocean,  bearing  health  as  well  as  fragrance  on 
their  wings.  Broad  patches  of  cultivated  land  intervened, 
disclosing  hill-sides  covered  with  the  yellow  maize  and  the 
potato,  or  checkered,  in  the  lower  levels,  with  blooming 
plantations  of  cacao.1 

The  villages  became  more  numerous  ;  and,  as  the  vessels 
rode  at  anchor  off  the  Port  of  Tacamez,  the  Spaniards  saw 
before  them  a  town  of  two  thousand  houses  or  more,  laid  out 
into  streets,  with  a  numerous  population  clustering  around  it  in 
the  suburbs.2  The  men  and  women  displayed  many  ornaments 
of  gold  and  precious  stones  about  their  persons,  which  may 
seem  strange,  considering  that  the  Peruvian  Incas  claimed  a 
monopoly  of  jewels  for  themselves  and  the  nobles  on  whom 
they  condescended  to  bestow  them.  But,  although  the 
Spaniards  had  now  reached  the  outer  limits  of  the  Peruvian 
empire,  it  was  not  Peru,  but  Quito,  and  that  portion  of  it  but 
recently  brought  under  the  sceptre  of  the  Incas,  where  the 
ancient  usages  of  the  people  could  hardly  have  been  effaced 
under  the  oppressive  system  of  the  American  despots.  The 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  181.  —  Relacion  sacada 
de  la  Biblioteca  Imperial  de  Vienna,  MS. — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 
— Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  alio  1526  — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i. 
cap.  i. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

2  Pizarro’s  secretary  speaks  of  one  of  the  towns  as  containing  3,000  houses, 
“  En  esta  tierra  havia  muchos  mantenimientos,  i  la  gente  tenia  mui  buena 
orden  de  vivir,  los  pueblos  con  sus  calles,  i  placas  ;  pueblo  havia  que  tenia 
mas  de  tres  mil  casas,  i  otros  havia  menores.” — Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom.  iii.  p.  1S1. 

Discovery  of  Peru  153 

adjacent  country  was,  moreover,  particularly  rich  in  gold, 
which,  collected  from  the  washings  of  the  streams,  still  forms 
one  of  the  staple  products  of  Barbacoas.  Here,  too,  was  the 
fair  River  of  Emeralds,  so  called  from  the  quarries  of  the 
beautiful  gem  on  its  borders,  from  which  the  Indian  monarchs 
enriched  their  treasury.1 

The  Spaniards  gazed  with  delight  on  these  undeniable 
evidences  of  wealth,  and  saw  in  the  careful  cultivation  of  the 
soil  a  comfortable  assurance  that  they  had  at  length  reached 
the  land  which  had  so  long  been  seen  in  brilliant,  though 
distant  perspective  before  them.  But  here  again  they  were 
doomed  to  be  disappointed  by  the  warlike  spirit  of  the  people, 
who,  conscious  of  their  own  strength,  showed  no  disposition  to 
quail  before  the  invaders.  On  the  contrary,  several  of  their 
canoes  shot  out,  loaded  with  warriors,  who,  displaying  a  gold 
mask  as  their  ensign,  hovered  round  the  vessels  with  looks  of 
defiance,  and,  when  pursued,  easily  took  shelter  under  the  lee 
of  the  land.2 

A  more  formidable  body  mustered  along  the  shore,  to  the 
number,  according  to  the  Spanish  accounts,  of  at  least  ten 
thousand  warriors,  eager,  apparently,  to  come  to  close  action 
with  the  invaders.  Nor  could  Pizarro,  who  had  landed  with  a 
party  of  his  men  in  the  hope  of  a  conference  with  the  natives, 
wholly  prevent  hostilities ;  and  it  might  have  gone  hard  with 
the  Spaniards,  hotly  pressed  by  their  resolute  enemy  so  superior 
in  numbers,  but  for  a  ludicrous  accident  reported  by  the  his¬ 
torians  as  happening  to  one  of  the  cavaliers.  This  was  a  fall 
from  his  horse,  which  so  astonished  the  barbarians,  who  were 
not  prepared  for  this  division  of  what  seemed  one  and  the 
same  being  into  two,  that,  filled  with  consternation,  they  fell 

1  Stevenson,  who  visited  this  part  of  the  coast  early  in  the  present  century, 
is  profuse  in  his  description  of  its  mineral  and  vegetable  treasures.  The 
emerald  mine  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Las  Esmeraldas,  once  so  famous, 
is  now  placed  under  the  ban  of  a  superstition,  more  befitting  the  times  of 
the  Incas.  “ I  never  visited  it,”  says  the  traveller,  “owing  to  the  super¬ 
stitious  dread  of  the  natives,  who  assured  me  that  it  was  enchanted,  and 
guarded  by  an  enormous  dragon,  which  poured  forth  thunder  and  lightning 
on  those  who  dared  to  ascend  the  river.” — Residence  in  South  America, 
vol.  ii.  p.  406. 

2  “  Salieron  &  los  dichos  navios  quatorce  canoas  grandes  con  muchos 
Indios  dos  armados  de  oro  y  plafa,  y  trahian  en  la  una  canoa  6  en  estandarte 
y  encima  de  el  un  bolto  de  un  mucho  desio  de  oro,  y  dieron  una  suelta  a 
los  navios  por  avisarlos  en  manera  que  no  los  pudiese  enojar,  y  asi  dieron 
vuelta  acia  a  su  pueblo,  y  los  navios  no  los  pudieron  tomar  porque  se 
metieron  en  los  baxos  junto  a  la  tierra.” — Relacion  sacada  de  la  Bibhoteca 
Imperial  de  Vienna,  MS. 

G  3oi 

154  Conquest  of  Peru 

back,  and  left  a  way  open  for  the  Christians  to  regain  their 

A  council  of  war  was  now  called.  It  was  evident  that  the 
forces  of  the  Spaniards  were  unequal  to  a  contest  with  so 
numerous  and  well-appointed  a  body  of  natives ;  and  even  if 
they  should  prevail  here,  they  could  have  no  hope  of  stemming 
the  torrent  which  must  arise  against  them  in  their  progress— 
for  the  country  was  becoming  more  and  more  thickly  settled, 
and  towns  and  hamlets  started  into  view  at  every  new  headland 
which  they  doubled.  It  was  better,  in  the  opinion  of  some, — 
the  faint-hearted, — to  abandon  the  enterprise  at  once,  as  beyond 
their  strength.  But  Almagro  took  a  different  view  of  the  affair. 
“To  go  home,”  he  said,  “with  nothing  done,  would  be  ruin, 
as  well  as  disgrace.  There  was  scarcely  one  but  had  left 
creditors  at  Panama,  who  looked  for  payment  to  the  fruits  of 
this  expedition.  To  go  home  now  would  be  to  deliver  them¬ 
selves  at  once  into  their  hands.  It  would  be  to  go  to  prison. 
Better  to  roam  a  freeman,  though  in  the  wilderness,  than  to  lie 
bound  with  fetters  in  the  dungeons  of  Panama.2  The  only 
course  for  them,”  he  concluded,  “  was  the  one  lately  pursued. 
Pizarro  might  find  some  more  commodious  place  where  he 
could  remain  with  part  of  the  force,  while  he  himself  went 
back  for  recruits  to  Panama.  The  story  they  had  now  to  tell 
of  the  riches  of  the  land,  as  they  had  seen  them  with  their  own 
eyes,  would  put  their  expedition  in  a  very  different  light,  and 
could  not  fail  to  draw  to  their  banner  as  many  volunteers  as 
they  needed.” 

But  this  recommendation,  however  judicious,  was  not  alto¬ 
gether  to  the  taste  of  the  latter  commander,  who  did  not  relish 
the  part,  which  constantly  fell  to  him,  of  remaining  behind  in 
the  swamps  and  forests  of  this  wild  country.  “  It  is  all  very 
well,”  he  said  to  Almagro,  “for  you,  who  pass  your  time 
pleasantly  enough  careering  to  and  fro  in  your  vessel,  or  snugly 

1  “  Al  tiempo  del  romper  los  unos  con  los  otros,  uno  de  aquellos  de 
caballo  cayo  del  caballo  abaio  :  y  como  los  Indios  vieron  dividirse  aquel 
animal  en  dos  partes,  teniendo  por  cierto  que  todo  era  una  cosa  fue  tanto  el 
miedo  que  tubieron  que  volvieron  las  espaldas  dando  voces  a  los  suyos 
diciendo,  que  se  habia  hecho  dos  haciendo  admiracion  dello  :  lo  cual  no 
fue  sin  misterio  ;  porque  a  no  acaecer  esto  se  presume,  que  mataran  todos 
los  Cristianos.”  (Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.)  This  way  of 
accounting  for  the  panic  of  the  barbarians  is  certainly  quite  as  credible  as 
the  explanation,  under  similar  circumstances,  afforded  by  the  apparition  of 
the  militant  apostle  St.  James,  so  often  noticed  by  the  historians  of  these 

2  “No  era  bien  bolver  pobres,  a  pedir  limosna,  i  morir  en  las  carceles, 
los  que  ienian  deudas.”-  -Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  ii. 

Discovery  of  Peru  155 

sheltered  in  a  land  of  plenty  at  Panama ;  but  it  is  quite  another 
matter  for  those  who  stay  behind  to  droop  and  die  of  hunger  in 
the  wilderness.”  1  To  this  Almagro  retorted  with  some  heat, 
professing  his  own  willingness  to  take  charge  of  the  brave  men 
who  would  remain  with  him,  if  Pizarro  declined  it.  The  con¬ 
troversy  assuming  a  more  angry  and  menacing  tone,  from  words 
they  would  have  soon  come  to  blows,  as  both,  laying  their  hands 
on  their  swords,  were  preparing  to  rush  on  each  other,  when 
the  treasurer,  Ribera,  aided  by  the  pilot  Ruiz,  succeeded  in 
pacifying  them.  It  required  but  little  effort  on  the  part  of 
these  cooler  counsellors  to  convince  the  cavaliers  of  the  folly 
of  a  conduct  which  must  at  once  terminate  the  expedition  in  a 
manner  little  creditable  to  its  projectors.  A  reconciliation  con¬ 
sequently  took  place,  sufficent,  at  least  in  outward  show,  to 
allow  the  two  commanders  to  act  together  in  concert.  Alma- 
gro’s  plan  was  then  adopted  ;  and  it  only  remained  to  find  out 
the  most  secure  and  convenient  spot  for  Pizarro’s  quarters. 

Several  days  were  passed  in  touching  at  different  parts  of  the 
coast,  as  they  retraced  their  course ;  but  everywhere  the  natives 
appeared  to  have  caught  the  alarm,  and  assumed  a  menacing, 
and  from  their  numbers,  a  formidable  aspect.  The  more 
northerly  region,  with  its  unwholesome  fens  and  forests,  where 
nature  wages  a  war  even  more  relentless  than  man,  was  not  to 
be  thought  of.  In  this  perplexity,  they  decided  on  the  little 
island  of  Gallo,  as  being,  on  the  whole,  from  its  distance  from 
the  shore,  and  from  the  scantiness  of  its  population,  the  most 
eligible  spot  for  them  in  their  forlorn  and  destitute  condition.2 

1  “Como  iba,  i  venia  en  los  navios,  adonde  no  le  faltaba  vitualla,  no 
padecia  la  miseria  de  la  hambre,  i  otras  angustias  que  tenian,  i  ponian  i. 
todos  en  eslrema  congoja.”  (Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap. 
ii. )  The  cavaliers  of  Cortes  and  Pizarro,  however  doughty  their  achieve¬ 
ments,  certainly  fell  short  of  those  knights-errant,  commemorated  by 
Hudibras,  who, 

“  As  some  think, 

Of  old  did  neither  eat  nor  drink  ; 

Because,  when  thorough  deserts  vast 
And  regions  desolate  they  past. 

Unless  they  grazed,  there’s  not  one  word 
Of  their  provision  on  record  ; 

Which  made  some  confidently  write, 

They  had  no  stomachs  but  to  fight.” 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Con.,  MS. — Relacion  sacada  de  la  Biblioteca 
Imperial  de  Vienna,  MS. — Naharro,  Relacion  Samaria,  MS. — Zarate, 
Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  i. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap. 
ii.  It  was  singularly  unfortunate,  that  Pizarro,  instead  of  striking  farther 
south,  should  have  so  long  dung  to  the  northern  shores  of  the  Continent. 
Dampier  notices  them  as  afflicted  with  incessant  rain  ;  while  the  inhospitable 

156  Conquest  of  Peru 

But  no  sooner  was  the  resolution  of  the  two  captains  made 
known,  than  a  feeling  of  discontent  broke  forth  among  their 
followers,  especially  those  who  were  to  remain  with  Pizarro  on 
the  island.  “  What !  ”  they  exclaimed,  “  were  they  to  be 
dragged  to  that  obscure  spot  to  die  by  hunger  ?  The  whole 
expedition  had  been  a  cheat  and  a  failure  from  beginning  to 
end.  The  golden  countries,  so  much  vaunted,  had  seemed  to 
fly  before  them  as  they  advanced ;  and  the  little  gold  they  had 
been  fortunate  enough  to  glean  had  all  been  sent  back  to 
Panama  to  entice  other  fools  to  follow  their  example.  What 
had  they  got  in  return  for  all  their  sufferings.  The  only 
treasures  they  could  boast  were  their  bows  and  arrows,  and 
they  were  now  to  be  left  to  die  on  this  dreary  island,  without  so 
much  as  a  rood  of  consecrated  ground  to  lay  their  bones  in  ! ,;1 

In  this  exasperated  state  of  feeling,  several  of  the  soldiers 
wrote  back  to  their  friends,  informing  them  of  their  deplorable 
condition,  and  complaining  of  the  cold-blooded  manner  in  which 
they  were  to  be  sacrificed  to  the  obstinate  cupidity  of  their 
leaders.  But  the  latter  were  wary  enough  to  anticipate  this 
movement,  and  Almagro  defeated  it  by  seizing  all  the  letters  in 
the  vessels,  and  thus  cutting  off  at  once  the  means  of  communi¬ 
cation  with  their  friends  at  home.  Yet  this  act  of  unscrupulous 
violence,  like  most  other  similar  acts,  fell  short  of  its  purpose ; 
for  a  soldier  named  Sarabia  had  the  ingenuity  to  evade  it  by 
introducing  a  letter  into  a  ball  of  cotton,  which  was  to  be  taken 
to  Panama  as  a  specimen  of  the  products  of  the  country,  and 
presented  to  the  governor’s  lady.2 

The  letter,  which  was  signed  by  several  of  the  disaffected 
soldiery  besides  the  writer,  painted  in  gloomy  colours  the 
miseries  of  their  condition,  accused  the  two  commanders  of 
being  the  authors  of  this,  and  called  on  the  authorities  of 
Panama  to  interfere  by  sending  a  vessel  to  take  them  from  the 
desolate  spot,  while  some  of  them  might  still  be  found  surviving 
the  horrors  of  their  confinement.  The  epistle  concluded  with 
a  stanza,  in  which  the  two  leaders  were  stigmatised  as  partners 
in  a  slaughter-house ;  one  being  employed  to  drive  in  the  cattle 

forests  and  the  particularly  ferocious  character  of  the  natives  continued  to 
make  these  regions  but  little  known  down  to  this  time.  See  his  Voyages 
and  Adventures,  (London,  1776,)  vol.  i.  chap.  xiv. 

1  “  Miserablemente  morir  adonde  aun  no  havia  lugar  sagrado,  para 
sepultura  de  sus  cuerpos.” — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  iii. 

2  “  Metieron  en  un  ovillo  de  algodon  una  carta  firmada  de  muchos  en 
que  sumariamente  daban  cuenta  de  las  hambres,  muertes  y  desnudez  que 
padecian,  y  que  era  cosa  de  risa  todo,  pues  la  riquezas  se  habian  convertido 
en  flechas,  y  no  havia  otra  cosa.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. 

Discovery  of  Peru  157 

for  the  other  to  butcher.  The  verses,  which  had  a  currency  in 
their  day  among  the  colonists  to  which  they  were  certainly  not 
entitled  by  their  poetical  merits,  may  be  thus  rendered  into 
corresponding  doggerel : — 

“  Look  out,  Senor  Governor, 

For  the  drover  while  he’s  near  ; 

Since  he  goes  home  to  get  the  sheep 
For  the  butcher,  who  stays  here.”  1 






i527 — I528 

Not  long  after  Almagro’s  departure,  Pizarro  sent  off  the 
remaining  vessel,  under  the  pretext  of  its  being  put  in  repair 
at  Panama.  It  probably  relieved  him  of  a  part  of  his  followers, 
whose  mutinous  spirit  made  them  an  obstacle  rather  than  a 
help  in  his  forlorn  condition,  and  with  whom  he  was  the  more 
willing  to  part  from  the  difficulty  of  finding  subsistence  on  the 
barren  spot  which  he  now  occupied. 

Great  was  the  dismay  occasioned  by  the  return  of  Almagro 
and  his  followers  in  the  little  community  of  Panama ;  for  the 
letter,  surreptitiously  conveyed  in  the  ball  of  cotton,  fell  into 
the  hands  for  which  it  was  intended,  and  the  contents  soon 
got  abroad  with  the  usual  quantity  of  exaggeration.  The 
haggard  and  dejected  mien  of  the  adventurers,  of  itself,  told  a 
tale  sufficiently  disheartening,  and  it  was  soon  generally 
believed  that  the  few  ill-fated  survivors  of  the  expedition  were 
detained  against  their  will  by  Pizarro,  to  end  their  days  with 
their  disappointed  leader  on  his  desolate  island. 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  1 8 1 . — Naharro,  Relacion 
Sumaria,  MS. — Balboa,  Hist,  du  Perou,  chap.  xv. — “  A1  fin  de  la  peticion 
que  hacian  en  la  carta  al  governador  puso  Juan  de  Sarabia,  natural  de 
Trujillo,  esta  cuarteta  : — 

Pues  Senor  Gobernador, 

Mirelo  bien  por  entero 
que  alia  va  el  recogedor, 
y  aca  queda  el  carnicero.*’ 

Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1 527* 

158  Conquest  of  Peru 

Pedro  de  los  Rios,  the  governor,  was  so  much  incensed  at 
the  result  of  the  expedition,  and  the  waste  of  life  it  had 
occasioned  to  the  colony,  that  he  turned  a  deaf  ear  to  all  the 
applications  of  Luque  and  Almagro  for  further  countenance  in 
the  affair :  he  derided  their  sanguine  anticipations  of  the 
future,  and  finally  resolved  to  send  an  officer  to  the  isle  of 
Gallo,  with  orders  to  bring  back  every  Spaniard  whom  he 
should  find  still  living  in  that  dreary  abode.  Two  vessels 
were  immediately  dispatched  for  the  purpose,  and  placed 
under  charge  of  a  cavalier  named  Tafur,  a  native  of  Cordova. 

Meanwhile  Pizarro  and  his  followers  were  experiencing  all 
the  miseries  which  might  have  been  expected  from  the 
character  of  the  barren  spot  on  which  they  were  imprisoned. 
They  were,  indeed,  relieved  from  all  apprehensions  of  the 
natives,  since  these  had  quitted  the  island  on  its  occupation  by 
the  white  men ;  but  they  had  to  endure  the  pains  of  hunger 
even  in  a  greater  degree  than  they  had  formerly  experienced  in 
the  wild  woods  of  the  neighbouring  continent.  Their  principal 
food  was  crabs  and  such  shell-fish  as  they  could  scantily  pick 
up  along  the  shores.  Incessant  storms  of  thunder  and 
lightning,  for  it  was  the  rainy  season,  swept  over  the  devoted 
island,  and  drenched  them  with  a  perpetual  flood.  Thus, 
half-naked,  and  pining  with  famine,  there  were  few  in  that 
little  company  who  did  not  feel  the  spirit  of  enterprise  quenched 
within  them,  or  who  looked  for  any  happier  termination  of 
their  difficulties  than  that  afforded  by  a  return  to  Panama. 
The  appearance  of  Tafur,  therefore,  with  his  two  vessels,  well 
stored  with  provisions,  was  greeted  with  all  the  rapture  that 
the  crew  of  a  sinking  wreck  might  feel  on  the  arrival  of  some 
unexpected  succour ;  and  the  only  thought,  after  satisfying  the 
immediate  cravings  of  hunger,  was  to  embark  and  leave  the 
detested  isle  for  ever. 

But  by  the  same  vessel  letters  came  to  Pizarro  from  his  two 
confederates,  Luque  and  Almagro,  beseeching  him  not  to 
despair  in  his  present  extremity,  but  to  hold  fast  to  his 
original  purpose.  To  return  under  the  present  circumstances 
would  be  to  seal  the  fate  of  the  expedition ;  and  they  solemnly 
engaged,  if  he  would  remain  firm  at  his  post,  to  furnish  him  in 
a  short  time  with  the  necessary  means  for  going  forward.1 

A  ray  of  hope  was  enough  for  the  courageous  spirit  of 
Pizarro.  It  does  not  appear  that  he  himself  had  entertained, 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  182. —  Zarate,  Conq. 
del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  ii. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. — Herrera, 
Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  iii — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

Discovery  of  Peru  159 

at  any  time,  thoughts  of  returning.  If  he  had,  these  words  of 
encouragement  entirely  banished  them  from  his  bosom,  and 
he  prepared  to  stand  the  fortune  of  the  cast  on  which  he  had 
so  desperately  ventured.  He  knew,  however,  that  solicitations 
or  remonstrances  would  avail  little  with  the  companions  of  his 
enterprise ;  and  he  probably  did  not  care  to  win  over  the  more 
timid  spirits  who,  by  perpetually  looking  back,  would  only  be 
a  clog  on  his  future  movements.  He  announced  his  own 
purpose,  however,  in  a  laconic  but  decided  manner,  character¬ 
istic  of  a  man  more  accustomed  to  act  than  to  talk,  and  well 
calculated  to  make  an  impression  on  his  rough  followers. 

Drawing  his  sword,  he  traced  a  line  with  it  on  the  sand  from 
east  to  west.  Then  turning  towards  the  south,  “Friends  and 
comrades  !  ”  he  said,  “  on  that  side  are  toil,  hunger,  nakedness, 
the  drenching  storm,  desertion,  and  death ;  on  this  side,  ease 
and  pleasure.  There  lies  Peru  with  its  riches ;  here,  Panama 
and  its  poverty.  Choose,  each  man,  what  best  becomes  a 
brave  Castilian.  For  my  part,  I  go  to  the  south.”  So  saying, 
he  stepped  across  the  line.1  He  was  followed  by  the  brave 
pilot  Ruiz ;  next  by  Pedro  de  Candia,  a  ca.valier,  born,  as 
his  name  imports,  in  one  of  the  isles  of  Greece.  Eleven 
others  successively  crossed  the  line,  thus  intimating  their 
willingness  to  abide  the  fortunes  of  their  leader,  for  good  or 
for  evil.2  Fame,  to  quote  the  enthusiastic  language  of  an  ancient 
chronicler,  has  commemorated  the  names  of  this  little  band, 
“  who  thus,  in  the  face  of  difficulties  unexampled  in  history, 
with  death  rather  than  riches  for  their  reward,  preferred  it  all 
to  abandoning  their  honour,  and  stood  firm  by  their  leader  as 
an  example  of  loyalty  to  future  ages.”  3 

1  “  Obedeciola  Pizarro  y  antes  que  se  egecutase  saco  un  Punal,  y  con 
notable  animo  hizo  con  la  punta  una  raya  de  Oriente  a  Poniente  ;  y 
senalando  al  medio  dia,  que  era  la  parte  de  su  noticia,  y  derrotero  dijo  : 
Camaradas  y  amigos,  esta  parte  es  la  de  la  muerte,  de  los  trabajos,  de  las 
hambres,  de  la  desnudez,  de  los  aguaceros,  y  desamparos  ;  la  otra  la  del 
gusto  :  Por  aqui  se  ba  a  Panama  a  ser  pobres,  por  alia  al  Peru  a  ser  ricos. 
Escoja  el  que  fuere  buen  Castellano  lo  que  mas  bien  le  estubiere.  Diciendo 
esto  paso  la  raya  :  siguieron  le  Barthome  Ruis  natural  de  Moguer,  Pedro  de 
Candi  Griego,  natural  de  Candia.”—  Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. 

2  The  names  of  these  thirteen  faithful  companions  are  preserved  in  the 
convention  made  with  the  Crown  two  years  later,  where  they  are  suitably 
commemorated  for  their  loyalty.  Their  names  should  not  be  omitted  in  a 
history  of  the  Conquest  of  Peru.  They  were  “  Bartolome  Ruiz,  Cristoval 
de  Peralta,  Pedro  de  Candia,  Domingo  de  Soria  Luce,  Nicolas  de  Ribera, 
Francisco  de  Cuellar,  Alonso  de  Molina,  Pedro  Alcon,  Garcia  de  Jerez, 
Anton  de  Carrion,  Alonso  Briceno,  Martin  de  Paz,  Juan  de  la  Torre,” 

s  “  Estos  fueron  los  trece  de  la  fama.  Estros  los  que  cercados  de  los 

i6o  Conquest  of  Peru 

But  the  act  excited  no  such  admiration  in  the  mind  of  Tafur, 
who  looked  on  it  as  one  of  gross  disobedience  to  the  commands 
of  the  governor,  and  as  little  better  than  madness,  involving 
the  certain  destruction  of  the  parties  engaged  in  it.  He  refused 
to  give  any  sanction  to  it  himself  by  leaving  one  of  his  vessels 
with  the  adventurers  to  prosecute  their  voyage,  and  it  was  with 
great  difficulty  that  he  could  be  persuaded  even  to  allow  them 
a  part  of  the  stores  which  he  had  brought  for  their  support. 
This  had  no  influence  on  their  determination,  and  the  little 
party,  bidding  adieu  to  their  returning  comrades,  remained 
unshaken  in  their  purpose  of  abiding  the  fortunes  of  their 

There  is  something  striking  to  the  imagination  in  the  spectacle 
of  these  few  brave  spirits,  thus  consecrating  themselves  to  a 
daring  enterprise  which  seemed  as  far  above  their  strength  as 
any  recorded  in  the  fabulous  annals  of  knight-errantry.  A 
handful  of  men,  without  food,  without  clothing,  almost  without 
arms,  without  knowledge  of  the  land  to  which  they  were  bound, 
without  vessel  to  transport  them,  were  here  left  on  a  lonely 
rock  in  the  ocean  with  the  avowed  purpose  of  carrying  on  a 
crusade  against  a  powerful  empire,  staking  their  lives  on  its 
success.  What  is  there  in  the  legends  of  chivalry  that  surpasses 
it  ?  This  was  the  crisis  of  Pizarro’s  fate.  There  are  moments 
in  the  lives  of  men,  which,  as  they  are  seized  or  neglected, 
decide  their  future  destiny.2  Had  Pizarro  faltered  from  his 
strong  purpose  and  yielded  to  the  occasion  now  so  temptingly 

mayores  trabajos  que  pudo  el  Mundo  ofrecer  a  hombres,  y  los  que  estando 
mas  para  esperar  la  muerte  que  las  riquezas  que  se  les  prometian,  todo  Io 
pospusieron  a  la  honra,  y  siguieron  a  su  capitan  y  caudillo  para  egempio  de 
lealtad  en  io  future.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. 

1  Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  ii. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano 
1527. — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii. 
lib.  x.  cap.  iii. 

2  This  common  sentiment  is  expressed  with  uncommon  beauty  by  the 
fanciful  Eoiardo  where  he  represents  Rinaldo  as  catching  Fortune  under  the 
guise  of  the  fickle  fairy  Morgana,  by  the  forelock.  The  Italian  reader  may 
not  be  displeased  to  refresh  his  memory  with  it : — 

“  Chi  circa  in  questo  mondo  aver  tesoro, 

O  diletto,  e  piacere,  honore,  e  stato, 

Ponga  la  mano  a  questa  chioma  a'oro, 

Ch’  io  porto  in  fronte,  e  lo  faro  beato  ; 

Ma  quando  ha  in  destro  si  fatto  lavoro, 

Non  prenda  indugio,  che  ’1  tempo  passato 
Perdu  to  e  tutto,  e  non  ritorna  mai, 

Ld  io  mi  volto,  e  lui  lascio  con  guai.” 

Orlando,  Inr.amorato,  lib.  ii.  canto  viii. 

Discovery  of  Peru  1 6 1 

presented  for  extricating  himself  and  his  broken  band  from 
rheir  desperate  position,  his  name  would  have  been  buried  with 
his  fortunes,  and  the  conquest  of  Peru  would  have  been  left  for 
other  and  more  successful  adventurers.  But  his  constancy  was 
equal  to  the  occasion,  and  his  conduct  here  proved  him  com¬ 
petent  to  the  perilous  post  he  had  assumed,  and  inspired  others 
with  a  confidence  in  him  which  was  the  best  assurance  of  success. 

In  the  vessel  that  bore  back  Tafur  and  those  who  seceded 
from  the  expedition,  the  pilot  Ruiz  was  also  permitted  to  return, 
in  order  to  co-operate  with  Luque  and  Almagro  in  their 
application  for  further  succour. 

Not  long  after  the  departure  of  the  ships,  it  was  decided  by 
Pizarro  to  abandon  his  present  quarters,  which  had  little  to 
recommend  them,  and  which,  he  reflected,  might  now  be  ex¬ 
posed  to  annoyance  from  the  original  inhabitants,  should  they 
take  courage  and  return,  on  learning  the  diminished  number 
of  the  white  men.  The  Spaniards,  therefore,  by  his  orders, 
constructed  a  rude  boat  or  raft,  on  which  they  succeeded  in 
transporting  themselves  to  the  little  island  of  Gorgona,  twenty- 
five  leagues  to  the  north  of  their  present  residence.  It  lay 
about  five  leagues  from  the  continent,  and  was  uninhabited. 
It  had  some  advantages  over  the  isle  of  Gallo ;  for  it  stood 
higher  above  the  sea,  and  was  partially  covered  with  wood, 
which  afforded  shelter  to  a  species  of  pheasant,  and  the  hare  or 
rabbit  of  the  country,  so  that  the  Spaniards  with  their  cross¬ 
bows  were  enabled  to  procure  a  tolerable  supply  of  game.  Cool 
streams  that  issued  from  the  living  rock  furnished  abundance 
of  water,  though  the  drenching  rains  that  fell  without  intermis¬ 
sion,  left  them  in  no  danger  of  perishing  by  thirst.  From  this 
annoyance  they  found  some  protection  in  the  rude  huts  which 
they  constructed ;  though  here,  as  in  their  former  residence, 
they  suffered  from  the  no  less  intolerable  annoyance  of 
venomous  insects,  which  multiplied  and  swarmed  in  the 
exhalations  of  the  rank  and  stimulated  soil.  In  this  dreary 
abode  Pizarro  omitted  no  means  by  which  to  sustain  the 
drooping  spirits  of  his  men.  Morning  prayers  were  duly  said, 
and  the  evening  hymn  to  the  Virgin  was  regularly  chanted ;  the 
festivals  of  the  Church  were  carefully  commemorated,  and 
every  means  taken  by  their  commander  to  give  a  kind  of 
religious  character  to  his  enterprise,  and  to  inspire  his  rough 
followers  with  a  confidence  in  the  protection  of  Heaven  that 
might  support  them  in  their  perilous  circumstances.1 

1  Cada  Manana  daban  gracias  a  Dios  :  a  las  tardes  decian  la  Salve,  i 
*G  301 

1 62  Conquest  of  Peru 

In  these  uncomfortable  quarters  their  chief  employment  was 
to  keep  watch  on  the  melancholy  ocean,  that  they  might  hail 
the  first  signal  of  the  anticipated  succour.  But  many  a  tedious 
month  passed  away,  and  no  sign  of  it  appeared.  All  around 
was  the  same  wide  waste  of  waters  except  to  the  eastward, 
where  the  frozen  crest  of  the  Andes,  touched  with  the  ardent 
sun  of  the  equator,  glowed  like  a  ridge  of  fire  along  the  whole 
extent  of  the  great  continent.  Every  speck  in  the  distant 
horizon  was  carefully  noticed,  and  the  drifting  timber  or  masses 
of  sea- weed  heaving  to  and  fro  on  the  bosom  of  the  waters, 
was  converted  by  their  imaginations  into  the  promised  vessel ; 
till,  sinking  under  successive  disappointments,  hope  gradually 
gave  way  to  doubt,  and  doubt  settled  into  despair.1 

Meanwhile  the  vessel  of  Tafur  had  reached  the  port  of 
Panama.  The  tidings  which  she  brought  of  the  indexible 
obstinacy  of  Pizarro  and  his  followers  filled  the  governor  with 
indignation.  He  could  look  on  it  in  no  other  light  than  as  an 
act  of  suicide,  and  steadily  refused  to  send  further  assistance  to 
men  who  were  obstinately  bent  on  their  own  destruction.  Yet 
Luque  and  Almagro  were  true  to  their  engagements.  They 
represented  to  the  governor,  that  if  the  conduct  of  their 
comrade  was  rash,  it  was  at  least  in  the  service  of  the  Crown, 
and  in  prosecuting  the  great  work  of  discovery.  Rios  had  been 
instructed,  on  his  taking  the  government,  to  aid  Pizarro  in  the 
enterprise ;  and  to  desert  him  now  would  be  to  throw  away  the 
remaining  chance  of  success,  and  to  incur  the  responsibility  of 
his  death  and  that  of  the  brave  men  who  adhered  to  him. 
These  remonstrances  at  length  so  far  operated  on  the  mind  of 
that  functionary,  that  he  reluctantly  consented  that  a  vessel 
should  be  sent  to  the  island  of  Gorgona,  but  with  no  more 
hands  than  were  necessary  to  work  her,  and  with  positive 
instructions  to  Pizarro  to  return  in  six  months  and  report  him¬ 
self  at  Panama,  whatever  might  be  the  future  results  of  his 

Having  thus  secured  the  sanction  of  the  executive,  the  two 
associates  lost  no  time  in  fitting  out  a  small  vessel  with  stores 
and  a  supply  of  arms  and  ammunition,  and  dispatched  it  to 
the  island.  The  unfortunate  tenants  of  this  little  wilderness, 

otras  Oraciones,  por  las  Horas :  sabian  las  Fiestas,  i  tenian  cuenta  con 
los  Viernes,  i  Domingos.” — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x. 
cap.  iii. 

1  ‘ c  A1  cabo  de  muchos  Dias  aguardano,  estaban  tan  r.ngustiados,  que  los 
salages,  que  se  hacian  bien  dentro  de  la  Mar,  les  parecid,  que  era  el  Navio.” 
— Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  iv. 

Discovery  of  Peru  163 

who  had  now  occupied  it  for  seven  months,1  hardly  dared  to 
trust  their  senses  when  they  descried  the  white  sails  of  the 
friendly  bark  coming  over  the  waters.  And  although,  when 
the  vessel  anchored  off  the  shore,  Pizarro  was  disappointed  to 
find  that  it  brought  no  additional  recruits  for  the  enterprise, 
yet  he  greeted  it  with  joy,  as  affording  the  means  of  solving  the 
great  problem  of  the  existence  of  the  rich  southern  empire,  and 
of  thus  opening  the  way  for  its  future  conquest.  Two  of  his 
men  were  so  ill,  that  it  was  determined  to  leave  them  in  the 
care  of  some  of  the  friendly  Indians  who  had  continued  with 
him  through  the  whole  of  his  sojourn,  and  to  call  for  them  on 
his  return.  Taking  with  him  the  rest  of  his  hardy  followers 
and  the  natives  of  Tumbez,  he  embarked,  and  speedily  weighing 
anchor,  bade  adieu  to  the  “  Hell,’;  as  it  was  called  by  the 
Spaniards,  which  had  been  the  scene  of  so  much  suffering  and 
such  undaunted  resolution.2 

Every  heart  was  now  elated  with  hope  as  they  found  them¬ 
selves  once  more  on  the  waters,  under  the  guidance  of  the 
good  pilot  Ruiz,  who,  obeying  the  directions  of  the  Indians, 
proposed  to  steer  for  the  land  of  Tumbez,  which  would  bring 
them  at  once  into  the  golden  empire  of  the  Incas, — the  El 
Dorado,  of  which  they  had  been  so  long  in  pursuit.  Passing 
by  the  dreary  isle  of  Gallo,  which  they  had  such  good  cause  to 
remember,  they  stood  farther  out  to  sea  until  they  made  Point 
Tacumez,  near  which  they  had  landed  on  their  previous  voyage. 
They  did  not  touch  at  any  part  of  the  coast,  but  steadily  held 
on  their  way,  though  considerably  impeded  by  the  currents  as 
well  as  by  the  wind,  which  blew  with  little  variation  from  the 
south.  Fortunately  the  wind  was  light,  and  as  the  weather  was 
favourable,  their  voyage,  though  slow,  was  not  uncomfortable. 
In  a  few  days  they  came  in  sight  of  Point  Pasado,  the  limit  of 
the  pilot’s  former  navigation ;  and,  crossing  the  line,  the  little 
bark  entered  upon  those  unknown  seas  which  had  never  been 
ploughed  by  European  keel  before.  The  coast  they  observed 
gradually  declined  from  its  former  bold  and  rugged  character, 
gently  sloping  towards  the  shore  and  spreading  out  into  sandy 
plains,  relieved  here  and  there  by  patches  of  uncommon  richness 
and  beauty ;  while  the  white  cottages  of  the  natives,  glistening 

1  “  Estubieron,  con  estos  trabajos  con  igualdad  de  animosiete  meses.” — 
Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. 

2  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom  iii.  p.  182. — Montesinos, 
Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527. — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Herrera, 
Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  iv. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq., 

164  Conquest  of  Peru 

along  the  margin  of  the  sea,  and  the  smoke  that  rose  among 
the  distant  hills,  intimated  the  increasing  population  of  the 

At  length,  after  the  lapse  of  twenty  days  from  their  departure 
from  the  island,  the  adventurous  vessel  rounded  the  point  of 
St.  Helena,  and  glided  smoothly  into  the  waters  of  the  beautiful 
gulf  of  Guayaquil.  The  country  was  here  studded  along  the 
shore  with  towns  and  villages,  though  the  mighty  chain  of 
Cordilleras  sweeping  up  abruptly  from  the  coast,  left  but  a 
narrow  strip  of  emerald  verdure,  through  which  numerous 
rivulets  spreading  fertility  around  them,  wound  their  way  into 
the  sea. 

The  voyagers  were  now  abreast  of  some  of  the  most 
stupendous  heights  of  this  magnificent  range ;  Chimborazo, 
with  its  broad  round  summit,  towering  like  the  dome  of  the 
Andes,  and  Cotopaxi,  with  its  dazzling  cone  of  silvery  white, 
that  knows  no  change  except  from  the  action  of  its  own 
volcanic  fires ;  for  this  mountain  is  the  most  terrible  of  the 
American  volcanoes,  and  was  in  formidable  activity  at  no  great 
distance  from  the  period  of  our  narrative.  Well  pleased  with 
the  signs  of  civilisation  that  opened  on  them  at  every  league  of 
their  progress,  the  Spaniards  at  length  came  to  anchor  off  the 
island  of  Santa  Clara,  lying  at  the  entrance  of  the  Bay  of 

The  place  was  uninhabited,  but  was  recognised  by  the  Indians 
on  board  as  occasionally  resorted  to  by  the  warlike  people  of 
the  neighbouring  isle  of  Puna,  for  purposes  of  sacrifice  and 
worship.  The  Spaniards  found  on  the  spot  a  few  bits  of  gold 
rudely  wrought  into  various  shapes,  and  probably  designed  as 
offerings  to  the  Indian  deity.  Their  hearts  were  cheered,  as 
the  natives  assured  them  they  would  see  abundance  of  the  same 
precious  metal  in  their  own  city  of  Tumbez. 

The  following  morning  they  stood  across  the  bay  for  this 
place.  As  they  drew  near,  they  beheld  a  town  of  considerable 
size,  with  many  of  the  buildings  apparently  of  stone  and  plaster, 
situated  in  the  bosom  of  a  fruitful  meadow,  which  seemed  to 
have  been  redeemed  from  the  sterility  of  the  surrounding  country 
by  careful  and  minute  irrigation.  When  at  some  distance  from 

1  According  to  Garcilasso,  two  years  elapsed  between  the  departure  from 
Gorgona  and  the  arrival  at  Tumbez.  (Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i.  cap.  xi. ) 
Such  gross  defiance  of  chronology  is  rather  uncommon  even  in  the  narratives 
of  these  transactions,  where  it  is  as  difficult  to  fix  a  precise  date,  amidst  the 
silence,  rather  than  the  contradictions,  of  contemporary  statements,  as  if  the 
events  had  happened  before  the  deluge. 

Discovery  of  Peru  165 


shore,  Pizarro  saw  standing  towards  him  several  large  balsas, 
which  were  found  to  be  filled  with  warriors  going  on  an  expedi¬ 
tion  against  the  island  of  Puna.  Running  alongside  of  the 
Indian  flotilla,  he  invited  some  of  the  chiefs  to  come  on  board  of 
his  vessel.  The  Peruvians  gazed  with  wonder  on  every  object 
which  met  their  eyes,  and  especially  on  their  own  countrymen, 
whom  they  had  little  expected  to  meet  there.  The  latter 
informed  them  in  what  manner  they  had  fallen  into  the  hands 
of  the  strangers,  whom  they  described  as  a  wonderful  race  of 
beings,  that  had  come  thither  for  no  harm,  but  solely  to  be 
made  acquainted  with  the  country  and  its  inhabitants.  This 
account  was  confirmed  by  the  Spanish  commander,  who 
persuaded  the  Indians  to  return  in  their  balsas  and  report 
what  they  had  learned  to  their  townsmen,  requesting  them 
at  the  same  time  to  provide  his  vessel  with  refreshments,  as  it 
was  his  desire  to  enter  into  a  friendly  intercourse  with  the 

The  people  of  Tumbez  were  gathered  along  the  shore,  and 
were  gazing  with  unutterable  amazement  on  the  floating  castle, 
which,  now  having  dropped  anchor,  rode  lazily  at  its  moorings 
in  their  bay.  They  eagerly  listened  to  the  accounts  of  their 
countrymen,  and  instantly  reported  the  affair  to  the  curaca  or 
ruler  of  the  district,  who,  conceiving  that  the  strangers  must  be 
beings  of  a  superior  order,  prepared  at  once  to  comply  with 
their  request.  It  was  not  long  before  several  balsas  were  seen 
steering  for  the  vessel  laden  with  bananas,  plantains,  yuca, 
Indian  corn,  sweet  potatoes,  pine-apples,  cocoa-nuts,  and  other 
rich  products  of  the  bountiful  vale  of  Tumbez.  Game  and 
fish,  also,  were  added,  with  a  number  of  llamas,  of  which 
Pizarro  had  seen  the  rude  drawings  belonging  to  Balboa,  but 
of  which  till  now  he  had  met  with  no  living  specimen.  He 
examined  this  curious  animal,  the  Peruvian  sheep — or,  as  the 
Spaniards  called  it,  the  “little  camel ”  of  the  Indians — with 
much  interest,  greatly  admiring  the  mixture  of  wool  and  hair 
which  supplied  the  natives  with  the  materials  for  their  fabrics. 

At  that  time  there  happened  to  be  at  Tumbez  an  Inca  noble, 
or  orejon — for  so,  as  I  have  already  noticed,  men  of  his  rank 
were  called  by  the  Spaniards,  from  the  huge  ornaments  of  gold 
attached  to  their  ears.  He  expressed  great  curiosity  to  see  the 
wonderful  strangers,  and  had,  accordingly,  come  out  with  the 
balsas  for  the  purpose.  It  was  easy  to  perceive  from  the 
superior  quality  of  his  dress,  as  well  as  from  the  deference  paid 
to  him  by  the  others,  that  he  was  a  person  of  consideration,  and 
Pizarro  received  him  with  marked  distinction.  He  showed  him 

1 66  Conquest  of  Peru 

the  different  parts  of  the  ship,  explaining  to  him  the  uses  of  what¬ 
ever  engaged  his  attention,  and  answering  his  numerous  queries, 
as  well  as  he  could,  by  means  of  the  Indian  interpreters.  The 
Peruvian  chief  was  especially  desirous  of  knowing  whence  and 
why  Pizarro  and  his  followers  had  come  to  these  shores.  The 
Spanish  captain  replied  that  he  was  the  vassal  of  a  great 
prince,  the  greatest  and  most  powerful  in  the  world,  and  that  he 
had  come  to  this  country  to  assert  his  master’s  lawful  supremacy 
over  it.  He  had  further  come  to  rescue  the  inhabitants  from 
the  darkness  of  unbelief  in  which  they  were  now  wandering. 
They  worshipped  an  evil  spirit,  who  would  sink  their  souls  into 
everlasting  perdition ;  and  he  would  give  them  the  knowledge 
of  the  true  and  only  God,  Jesus  Christ,  since  to  believe  on  him 
was  eternal  salvation.1 

The  Indian  prince  listened  with  deep  attention  and  apparent 
wonder ;  but  answered  nothing.  It  may  be,  that  neither  he 
nor  his  interpreters  had  any  very  distinct  ideas  of  the  doctrines 
thus  abruptly  revealed  to  them.  It  may  be,  that  he  did  not 
believe  there  was  any  other  potentate  on  earth  greater  than  the 
Inca ;  none,  at  least,  who  had  a  better  right  to  rule  over  his 
dominions.  And  it  is  very  possible  he  was  not  disposed  to 
admit  that  the  great  luminary  whom  he  worshipped  was  inferior 
to  the  God  of  the  Spaniards.  But  whatever  may  have  passed 
in  the  untutored  mind  of  the  barbarian,  he  did  not  give  vent  to 
it,  but  maintained  a  discreet  silence,  without  any  attempt  to 
controvert  or  to  convince  his  Christian  antagonist. 

He  remained  on  board  the  vessel  till  the  hour  of  dinner,  of 
which  he  partook  with  the  Spaniards,  expressing  his  satisfaction 
at  the  strange  dishes,  and  especially  pleased  with  the  wine, 
which  he  pronounced  far  superior  to  the  fermented  liquors  of 
his  own  country.  On  taking  leave,  he  courteously  pressed  the 
Spaniards  to  visit  Tumbez,  and  Pizarro  dismissed  him  with  the 
present,  among  other  things,  of  an  iron  hatchet,  which  had 
greatly  excited  his  admiration  ;  for  the  use  of  iron,  as  we  have 
seen,  was  as  little  known  to  the  Peruvians  as  to  the  Mexicans. 

On  the  day  following,  the  Spanish  captain  sent  one  of  his  own 
men,  named  Alonso  de  Molina,  on  shore,  accompanied  by  a 
negro  who  had  come  in  the  vessel  from  Panama,  together  with 
a  present  for  the  curaca  of  some  swine  and  poultry,  neither  of 

1  The  text  abridges  somewhat  the  discourse  of  the  military  polemic  ; 
which  is  reported  at  length  by  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap. 
iv. — See  also  Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1527  ; — Conq.  i  Pob.  del 
Piru,  MS.  ; — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS.  ; — Relacion  del  Primer. 
Descub.,  MS. 

Discovery  of  Peru  167 

which  were  indigenous  to  the  New  World.  Towards  evening 
his  emissary  returned  with  a  fresh  supply  of  fruit  and 
vegetables,  that  the  friendly  people  sent  to  the  vessel.  Molina 
had  a  wondrous  tale  to  tell.  On  landing,  he  was  surrounded 
by  the  natives,  who  expressed  the  greatest  astonishment  at  his 
dress,  his  fair  complexion  and  his  long  beard.  The  women, 
especially,  manifested  great  curiosity  in  respect  to  him,  and 
Molina  seemed  to  be  entirely  won  by  their  charms  and 
captivating  manners.  He  probably  intimated  his  satisfaction 
by  his  demeanour,  since  they  urged  him  to  stay  among  them, 
promising  in  that  case  to  provide  him  with  a  beautiful  wife. 

Their  surprise  was  equally  great  at  the  complexion  of  his 
sable  companion.  They  could  not  believe  it  was  natural,  and 
tried  to  rub  off  the  imaginary  dye  with  their  own  hands.  As 
the  African  bore  all  this  with  characteristic  good-humour, 
displaying  at  the  same  time  his  rows  of  ivory  teeth,  they  were 
prodigiously  delighted.1  The  animals  were  no  less  above  their 
comprehension ;  and,  when  the  cock  crew,  the  simple  people 
clapped  their  hands,  and  inquired  what  he  was  saying.2  Their 
intellects  were  so  bewildered  by  sights  so  novel,  that  they 
seemed  incapable  of  distinguishing  between  man  and  brute. 

Molina  was  then  escorted  to  the  residence  of  the  curaca, 
whom  he  found  living  in  much  state,  with  porters  stationed  at 
his  doors,  and  with  a  quantity  of  gold  and  silver  vessels,  from 
which  he  was  served.  He  was  then  taken  to  different  parts 
of  the  Indian  city,  saw  a  fortress  built  of  rough  stone,  and 
though  low,  spreading  over  a  large  extent  of  ground.3  Near 
this  was  a  temple  ;  and  the  Spaniard’s  description  of  its  decora¬ 
tions,  blazing  with  gold  and  silver,  seemed  so  extravagant,  that 
Pizarro,  distrusting  his  whole  account,  resolved  to  send  a  more 
discreet  and  trustworthy  emissary  on  the  following  day.4 

The  person  selected  was  Pedro  de  Candia,  the  Greek 
cavalier  mentioned  as  one  of  the  first  who  intimated  his 
intention  to  share  the  fortunes  of  his  commander.  He  was 
sent  on  shore,  dressed  in  complete  mail  as  became  a  good 

1  “  No  se  cansaban  de  mirarle,  hacianle  labar,  para  v6r  si  se  le  quitaba  la 
Tinta  negra,  i  el  lo  hacia  de  buena  gana,  riendose,  i  mostrando  sus  Dientes 
blancos.”— Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  v. 

2  Tbid. ,  ubi  supra. 

*  “  Cerca  del  solia  estar  una  fortaleza  muy  fuerte  yde  linda  obra,  hecha 

por  los  Yngas  reyes  del  Cuzco  y  senores  de  todo  el  Peru . Ya  esta 

el  edificio  desta  fortaleza  muy  gastado  y  deshecho  :  mas  no  para  que  dexe 
de  dar  muestra  de  lo  mucho  que  fue.” — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  iv. 

4  Conq.  i  Fob.  del  Piru,  MS.— Herrera,  Hist.  General,  loc.  cit.  — 
Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  ii. 

1 68  Conquest  of  Peru 

knight,  with  his  sword  by  his  side,  and  his  arquebuse  on  his 
shoulder.  The  Indians  were  even  more  dazzled  by  his 
appearance  than  by  Molina’s,  as  the  sun  fell  brightly  on  his 
polished  armour,  and  glanced  from  his  military  weapons. 
They  had  heard  much  of  the  formidable  arquebuse  from  their 
townsmen  who  had  come  in  the  vessel,  and  they  besought 
Candia  “to  let  it  speak  to  them.”  He  accordingly  set  up  a 
wooden  board  as  a  target,  and,  taking  deliberate  aim,  fired  off 
the  musket.  The  flash  of  the  powder  and  the  startling  report 
of  the  piece  as  the  board  struck  by  the  ball  was  shivered  into 
splinters,  filled  the  natives  with  dismay.  Some  fell  on  the 
ground,  covering  their  faces  with  their  hands,  and  others 
approached  the  cavalier  with  feelings  of  awe,  which  were 
gradually  dispelled  by  the  assurance  they  received  from  the 
smiling  expression  of  his  countenance.1 

They  then  showed  him  the  same  hospitable  attention  which 
they  had  paid  to  Molina  ;  and  his  description  of  the  marvels 
of  the  place  on  his  return  fell  nothing  short  of  his  predecessor’s. 
The  fortress,  which  was  surrounded  by  a  triple  row  of  wall, 
was  strongly  garrisoned.  The  temple  he  described  as  literally 
tapestried  with  plates  of  gold  and  silver.  Adjoining  this  struc¬ 
ture  was  a  sort  of  convent  appropriated  to  the  Inca’s  destined 
brides,  who  manifested  great  curiosity  to  see  him.  Whether 
this  was  gratified  is  not  clear  ;  but  Candia  described  the  gardens 
of  the  convent,  which  he  entered,  as  glowing  with  imitations  of 
fruits  and  vegetables  all  in  pure  gold  and  silver ! 2  He  had 
seen  a  number  of  artisans  at  work,  whose  sole  business  seemed 

1  It  is  moreover  stated  that  the  Indians,  desirous  to  prove  still  further  the 
superhuman  nature  of  the  Spanish  cavalier,  let  loose  on  him  a  tiger — a 
jaguar  probably — which  was  caged  in  the  royal  fortress.  But  Don  Pedro 
was  a  good  Catholic,  and  he  gently  laid  the  cross  which  he  wore  round  his 
neck  on  the  animal’s  back,  who,  instantly  forgetting  his  ferocious  nature, 
crouched  at  the  cavalier’s  feet,  and  began  to  play  around  him  in  innocent 
gambols.  The  Indians,  now  more  amazed  than  ever,  nothing  doubted  of 
the  sanctity  of  their  guest,  and  bore  him  in  triumph  on  their  shoulders 
to  the  temple. — This  credible  anecdote  is  repeated,  without  the  least 
qualification  or  distrust,  by  several  contemporary  writers.  (See  Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iii.  lib.  x.  cap.  v.  ; 
— Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  liv.  ; — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib. 
i.  cap.  xii.)  This  last  author  may  have  had  his  version  from  Candia’s  own 
son,  with  whom  he  tells  us  he  was  brought  up  at  school.  It  will  no 
doubt  find  as  easy  admission  with  those  of  the  present  day  who  conceive 
that  the  age  of  miracles  has  not  yet  passed. 

2  “  Que  habia  visto  un  jardin  donde  las  yerbas  eran  de  oro  imitando  en 
un  todo  a  las  naturales,  arboles  con  frutas  de  lo  mismo,  y  otras  rnuchas 
cosas  a  este  modo,  con  que  aficiono  grandemente  a  sus  compaileros  a  esta 
conquista.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  ano  1527. 

Discovery  of  Peru  169 

to  be  to  furnish  these  gorgeous  decorations  for  the  religious 

The  reports  of  the  cavalier  may  have  been  somewhat  over- 
coloured.1  It  was  natural  that  men  coming  from  the  dreary 
wilderness  in  which  they  had  been  buried  the  last  six  months 
should  have  been  vividly  impressed  by  the  tokens  of  civilisa¬ 
tion  which  met  them  on  the  Peruvian  coast.  But  Tumbez  was 
a  favourite  city  of  the  Peruvian  princes.  It  was  the  most  im¬ 
portant  place  on  the  northern  borders  of  the  empire  contiguous 
to  the  recent  acquisition  of  Quito.  The  great  Tupac  Yupanqui 
had  established  a  strong  fortress  there,  and  peopled  it  with  a 
colony  of  mitimaes .  The  temple,  and  the  house  occupied  by 
the  Virgins  of  the  Sun,  had  been  erected  by  Huayna  Capac, 
and  were  liberally  endowed  by  that  Inca  after  the  sumptuous 
fashion  of  the  religious  establishments  of  Peru.  The  town 
was  well  supplied  with  water  by  numerous  aqueducts,  and  the 
fruitful  valley  in  which  it  was  embosomed,  and  the  ocean  which 
bathed  its  shores,  supplied  ample  means  of  subsistence  to  a 
considerable  population.  But  the  cupidity  of  the  Spaniards 
after  the  Conquest  was  not  slow  in  despoiling  the  place  of  its 
glories  ;  and  the  site  of  its  proud  towers  and  temples,  in  less 
than  half  a  century  after  that  fatal  period,  was  to  be  traced 
only  by  the  huge  mass  of  ruins  that  encumbered  the  ground.2 

The  Spaniards  were  nearly  mad  with  joy,  says  an  old  writer, 
at  receiving  these  brilliant  tidings  of  the  Peruvian  city.  All 
their  fond  dreams  were  now  to  be  realised,  and  they  had  at 
length  reached  the  realm  which  had  so  long  flitted  in  visionary 
splendour  before  them.  Pizarro  expressed  his  gratitude  to 
Heaven  for  having  crowned  his  labours  with  so  glorious  a 
result ;  but  he  bitterly  lamented  the  hard  fate  which,  by  de¬ 
priving  him  of  his  followers,  denied  him,  at  such  a  moment, 

1  The  worthy  knight’s  account  does  not  seem  to  have  found  favour  with 
the  old  conqueror,  so  often  cited  in  these  pages,  who  says,  that,  when  they 
afterwards  visited  Tumbez,  the  Spaniards  found  Candia’s  relation  a  lie  from 
beginning  to  end,  except,  indeed,  in  respect  to  the  temple  ;  though  the 
veteran  acknowledges  that  what  was  deficient  in  Tumbez  was  more  than 
made  up  by  the  magnificence  of  other  places  in  the  empire  not  then 
visited.  “  Lo  cual  fue  mentira ;  porque  despues  que  todos  los  Espanoles 
entramos  en  ella,  se  vio  por  vista  de  ojos  haber  mentido  en  todo,  salvo  en 
lo  del  templo,  que  este  era  cosa  de  ver,  aunque  mucho  mas  de  lo  que  aquel 
encarecio,  lo  que  faltd  en  esta  ciudad,  se  hallo  despues  en  otras  que  muchas 
leguas  mas  adelante  se  descubrieron.” — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

2  Cieza  de  Leon,  who  crossed  this  part  of  the  country  in  1548,  mentions 
the  wanton  manner  in  which  the  hand  of  the  Conqueror  had  fallen  on  the 
Indian  edifices,  which  lay  in  ruin  even  at  that  early  period. — Cronica,  cap 

170  Conquest  of  Peru 

the  means  of  availing  himself  of  his  success.  Yet  he  had  no 
cause  for  lamentation ;  and  the  devout  Catholic  saw  in  this 
very  circumstance  a  providential  interposition  which  prevented 
the  attempt  at  conquest,  while  such  attempts  would  have  been 
premature.  Peru  was  not  yet  torn  asunder  by  the  dissensions 
of  rival  candidates  for  the  throne  ;  and,  united  and  strong 
under  the  sceptre  of  a  warlike  monarch,  she  might  well  have 
bid  defiance  to  all  the  forces  that  Pizarro  could  muster.  “  It 
was  manifestly  the  work  of  Heaven,”  exclaims  a  devout  son  of 
the  Church,  “that  the  natives  of  the  country  should  have 
received  him  in  so  kind  and  loving  a  spirit  as  best  fitted  to 
facilitate  the  conquest ;  for  it  was  the  Lord’s  hand  which  led 
him  and  his  followers  to  this  remote  region  for  the  extension 
of  the  holy  faith,  and  for  the  salvation  of  souls.”  1 

Having  now  collected  all  the  information  essential  to  his 
object,  Pizarro,  after  taking  leave  of  the  natives  of  Tumbez, 
and  promising  a  speedy  return,  weighed  anchor,  and  again 
turned  his  prow  towards  the  south.  Still  keeping  as  near  as 
possible  to  the  coast,  that  no  place  of  importance  might  escape 
his  observation,  he  passed  Cape  Blanco,  and,  after  sailing 
about  a  degree  and  a  half,  made  the  port  of  Payta.  The  in¬ 
habitants,  who  had  notice  of  his  approach,  came  out  in  their 
balsas  to  get  sight  of  the  wonderful  strangers,  bringing  with 
them  stores  of  fruits,  fish,  and  vegetables,  with  the  same 
hospitable  spirit  shown  by  their  countrymen  at  Tumbez. 

After  staying  here  a  short  time,  and  interchanging  presents 
of  trifling  value  with  the  natives,  Pizarro  continued  his  cruise  ; 
and,  sailing  by  the  sandy  plains  of  Sechura  for  an  extent  of 
near  a  hundred  miles,  he  doubled  the  Punta  de  Aguja,  and 
swept  down  the  coast  as  it  fell  off  towards  the  east,  still  carried 
forward  by  light,  and  somewhat  variable  breezes.  The  weather 
now  became  unfavourable,  and  the  voyagers  encountered  a  suc¬ 
cession  of  heavy  gales,  which  drove  them  some  distance  out 
to  sea,  and  tossed  them  about  for  many  days.  But  they  did 
not  lose  sight  of  the  mighty  ranges  of  the  Andes,  which  as 
they  proceeded  towards  the  south,  were  still  seen,  at  nearly  the 
same  distance  from  the  shore,  rolling  onwards,  peak  after  peak, 
with  their  stupendous  surges  of  ice,  like  some  vast  ocean,  that 
had  been  suddenly  arrested  and  frozen  up  in  the  midst  of  its 
wild  and  tumultuous  career.  With  this  landmark  always  in  view, 

1  “  I  si  le  recibiesen  con  amor,  hiciese  su  Mrd.  lo  que  mas  conveniente 
le  pareciese  al  efecto  de  su  conquista  :  porque  tenia  entendido,  que  el 
haverlos  traido  Dios  era  para  que  su  santa  fe  se  dilatase  i  aquellas  almas  se 
salvasen.” — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

Discovery  of  Peru  17 1 

the  navigator  had  little  need  of  star  or  compass  to  guide  his 
bark  on  her  course. 

As  soon  as  the  tempest  had  subsided,  Pizarro  stood  in  again 
for  the  continent,  touching  at  the  principal  points  as  he  coasted 
along.  Everywhere  he  was  received  with  the  same  spirit  of 
generous  hospitality ;  the  natives  coming  in  their  balsas  to 
welcome  him,  laden  with  their  little  cargoes  of  fruits  and 
vegetables,  of  all  the  luscious  varieties  that  grow  in  the  tierra 
caliente.  All  were  eager  to  have  a  glimpse  of  the  strangers, 
the  “  Children  of  the  Sun,”  as  the  Spaniards  began  already 
to  be  called,  from  their  fair  complexions,  brilliant  armour,  and 
the  thunderbolts  which  they  bore  in  their  hands.1  The  most 
favourable  reports,  too,  had  preceded  them,  of  the  urbanity 
and  gentleness  of  their  manners,  thus  unlocking  the  hearts 
of  the  simple  natives,  and  disposing  them  to  confidence  and 
kindness.  The  iron-hearted  soldier  had  not  yet  disclosed  the 
darker  side  of  his  character.  He  was  too  weak  to  do  so.  The 
hour  of  conquest  had  not  yet  come. 

In  every  place  Pizarro  received  the  same  accounts  of  a 
powerful  monarch  who  ruled  over  the  land,  and  held  his 
court  on  the  mountain  plains  of  the  interior,  where  his  capital 
was  depicted  as  blazing  with  gold  and  silver,  and  displaying  all 
the  prolusion  of  an  Oriental  satrap.  The  Spaniards,  except  at 
Tumbez,  seem  to  have  met  with  little  of  the  precious  metals 
among  the  natives  on  the  coast.  More  than  one  writer  asserts 
that  they  did  not  covet  them,  or,  at  least,  by  Pizarro’s  orders, 
affected  not  to  do  so.  He  would  not  have  them  betray  their 
appetite  for  gold,  and  actually  refused  gifts  when  they  were 
proffered  ! 2  It  is  more  probable  that  they  saw  little  display 
of  wealth,  except  in  the  embellishments  of  the  temples  and 
other  sacred  buildings,  which  they  did  not  dare  to  violate. 
The  precious  metals,  reserved  for  the  uses  of  religion,  and  for 
persons  of  high  degree,  were  not  likely  to  abound  in  remote 
towns  and  hamlets  on  the  coast. 

Yet  the  Spaniards  met  with  sufficient  evidence  of  general 
civilisation  and  power  to  convince  them  that  there  was  much 
foundation  for  the  reports  of  the  natives.  Repeatedly  they 

1  “  Que  resplandecian  como  el  Sol.  Llamabanles  hijos  del  Sol  por  estoA 
— Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1528. 

2  Pizarro  wished  the  natives  to  understand,  says  Father  Naharro,  that 

their  good  alone,  and  not  the  love  of  gold,  had  led  him  to  their  distant 
land  !  “  Sin  haver  querido  recibir  el  oro,  plata,  i  perlas  que  les  ofrecieron, 

i  fin  de  que  conociesen  no  era  codicia,  sino  su  bien  el  que  les 
habia  traido  de  tan  lejas  tierras  las  suyas.  — Relacion  Sumaiia,  MS. 

172  Conquest  of  Peru 

saw  structures  of  stone  and  plaster,  and  occasionally  showing 
architectural  skill  in  the  execution,  if  not  elegance  of  design. 
Wherever  they  cast  anchor,  they  beheld  green  patches  of 
cultivated  country  redeemed  from  the  sterility  of  nature,  and 
blooming  with  the  variegated  vegetation  of  the  tropics  ;  while 
a  refined  system  of  irrigation,  by  means  of  aqueducts  and 
canals,  seemed  to  be  spread  like  a  net-work  over  the  surface 
of  the  country,  making  even  the  desert  to  blossom  as  the  rose. 
At  many  places  where  they  landed  they  saw  the  great  road  of 
the  Incas  which  traversed  the  sea-coast,  often,  indeed,  lost  in  the 
volatile  sands,  where  no  road  could  be  maintained,  but  rising 
into  a  broad  and  substantial  causeway,  as  it  emerged  on  a  firmer 
soil.  Such  a  provision  for  internal  communication  was  in  itself 
no  slight  monument  of  power  and  civilisation. 

Still  beating  to  the  south,  Pizarro  passed  the  site  of  the 
future  flourishing  city  of  Truxillo,  founded  by  himself  some 
years  later,  and  pressed  on  till  he  rode  off  the  port  of  Santa. 
It  stood  on  the  banks  of  a  broad  and  beautiful  stream ;  but 
the  surrounding  country  was  so  exceedingly  arid  that  it  was  fre¬ 
quently  selected  as  a  burial-place,  by  the  Peruvians,  who  found 
the  soil  most  favourable  for  the  preservation  of  their  mummies. 
So  numerous,  indeed,  were  the  Indian  guacas ,  that  the  place 
might  rather  be  called  the  abode  of  the  dead  than  of  the  living.1 

Having  reached  this  point  about  the  ninth  degree  of  south¬ 
ern  latitude,  Pizarro’s  followers  besought  him  not  to  prosecute 
the  voyage  further.  Enough  and  more  than  enough  had  been 
done,  they  said,  to  prove  the  existence  and  actual  position  of 
the  great  Indian  empire  of  which  they  had  so  long  been  in 
search.  Yet,  with  their  slender  force,  they  had  no  power 
to  profit  by  the  discovery.  All  that  remained,  therefore,  was 
to  return  and  report  the  success  of  their  enterprise  to  the 
governor  of  Panama.  Pizarro  acquiesced  in  the  reasonableness 
of  this  demand.  He  had  now  penetrated  nine  degrees  farther 
than  any  former  navigator  in  these  southern  seas,  and,  instead 
of  the  blight  which  up  to  this  hour  had  seemed  to  hang  over 
his  fortunes,  he  could  now  return  in  triumph  to  his  country¬ 
men.  Without  hesitation,  therefore,  he  prepared  to  retrace  his 
course,  and  stood  again  towards  the  north. 

1  “  Lo  que  mas  me  admiro,  quando  passe  por  este  valle,  fue  ver  la 
muchedumbre  que  tienen  de  sepolturas  :  y  que  por  todas  las  sierras  y  seca- 
dales  en  los  altos  del  valle  :  ay  numero  grande  de  apartados,  hechos  a  su 
usan9a,  todo  cubiertas  de  huessos  de  muertos.  De  manera  que  lo  que  ay 
en  este  valle  mas  que  ver,  es  las  sepolturas  de  los  muertos,  y  los  campos 
que  labraron  siendo  vivos.” — Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  Ixx. 

Discovery  of  Peru  173 

On  his  way  he  touched  at  several  places  where  he  had  before 
landed.  At  one  of  these,  called  by  the  Spaniards  Santa  Cruz, 
he  had  been  invited  on  shore  by  an  Indian  woman  of  rank, 
and  had  promised  to  visit  her  on  his  return.  No  sooner  did 
his  vessel  cast  anchor  off  the  village  where  she  lived  than  she 
came  on  board,  followed  by  a  numerous  train  of  attendants. 
Pizarro  received  her  with  every  mark  of  respect,  and  on  her 
departure  presented  her  with  some  trinkets  which  had  a  real 
value  in  the  eyes  of  an  Indian  princess.  She  urged  the 
Spanish  commander  and  his  companions  to  return  the  visit, 
engaging  to  send  a  number  of  hostages  on  board  as  security 
for  their  good  treatment.  Pizarro  assured  her  that  the  frank 
confidence  she  had  shown  towards  them  proved  that  this  was 
unnecessary.  Yet,  no  sooner  did  he  put  off  in  his  boat  the 
following  day  to  go  on  shore,  than  several  of  the  principal 
persons  in  the  place  came  alongside  of  the  ship  to  be  received 
as  hostages  during  the  absence  of  the  Spaniards, — a  singulai 
proof  of  consideration  for  the  sensitive  apprehensions  of  her 

Pizarro  found  that  preparations  had  been  made  for  his  re¬ 
ception  in  a  style  of  simple  hospitality  that  evinced  some  degree 
of  taste.  Arbours  were  formed  of  luxuriant  and  wide-spread¬ 
ing  branches,  interwoven  with  fragrant  flowers  and  shrubs  that 
diffused  a  delicious  perfume  through  the  air.  A  banquet  was 
provided  teeming  with  viands  prepared  in  the  style  of  the 
Peruvian  cookery,  and  with  fruits  and  vegetables  of  tempting 
hue  and  luscious  to  the  taste,  though  their  names  and  nature 
were  unknown  to  the  Spaniards.  After  the  collation  was  ended, 
the  guests  were  entertained  with  music  and  dancing  by  a  troop 
of  young  men  and  maidens  simply  attired,  who  exhibited  in 
their  favourite  national  amusement  all  the  agility  and  grace 
which  the  supple  limbs  of  the  Peruvian  Indians  so  well  quali¬ 
fied  them  to  display.  Before  his  departure  Pizarro  stated  to 
his  kind  host  the  motives  of  his  visit  to  the  country,  in  the 
same  manner  as  he  had  done  on  other  occasions,  and  he  con¬ 
cluded  by  unfurling  the  royal  banner  of  Castile,  which  he  had 
brought  on  shore,  requesting  her  and  her  attendants  to  raise  it 
in  token  of  their  allegiance  to  his  sovereign.  This  they  did, 
with  great  good  humour,  laughing  all  the  while,  says  the 
chronicler,  and  making  it  clear  that  they  had  a  very  imperfect 
conception  of  the  serious  nature  of  the  ceremony.  Pizarro 
was  contented  with  this  outward  display  of  loyalty,  and  re¬ 
turned  to  his  vessel  well  satisfied  with  the  entertainment  he 
had  received,  and  meditating,  it  may  be,  on  the  best  mode  of 

174  Conquest  of  Peru 

repaying  it,  hereafter,  by  the  subjugation  and  conversion  of 
the  country. 

The  Spanish  commander  did  not  omit  to  touch  also  at 
Tumbez  on  his  homeward  voyage.  Here  some  of  his  followers, 
won  by  the  comfortable  aspect  of  the  place  and  the  manners 
of  the  people,  intimated  a  wish  to  remain,  conceiving,  no  doubt, 
that  it  would  be  better  to  live  where  they  would  be  persons  of 
consequence  than  to  return  to  an  obscure  condition  in  the 
community  of  Panama.  One  of  these  men  was  Alonso  de 
Molina,  the  same  who  had  first  gone  on  shore  at  this  place, 
and  been  captivated  by  the  charms  of  the  Indian  beauties. 
Pizarro  complied  with  their  wishes,  thinking  it  would  not  be 
amiss  to  find,  on  his  return,  some  of  his  own  followers  who 
would  be  instructed  in  the  language  and  usages  of  the  natives. 
He  was  also  allowed  to  carry  back  in  his  vessel  two  or  three 
Peruvians  for  the  similar  purpose  of  instructing  them  in  the 
Castilian.  One  of  them,  a  youth  named  by  the  Spaniards 
Felipillo,  plays  a  part  of  some  importance  in  the  history  of 
subsequent  events. 

On  leaving  Tumbez,  the  adventurers  steered  directly  for 
Panama,  touching  only  on  their  way  at  the  ill-fated  island  of 
Gorgona  to  take  on  board  their  two  companions  who  were  left 
there  too  ill  to  proceed  with  them.  One  had  died,  and, 
receiving  the  other,  Pizarro  and  his  gallant  little  band  con¬ 
tinued  their  voyage ;  and,  after  an  absence  of  at  least  eighteen 
months,  found  themselves  once  more  safely  riding  at  anchor 
in  the  harbour  of  Panama.1 

The  sensation  caused  by  their  arrival  was  great,  as  might 
have  been  expected.  For  there  were  few  even  among  the 
most  sanguine  of  their  friends,  who  did  not  imagine  that  they 
had  long  since  paid  for  their  temerity,  and  fallen  victims  to  the 
climate  or  the  natives,  or  miserably  perished  in  a  watery  grave. 
Their  joy  was  proportionably  great,  therefore,  as  they  saw  the 
wanderers  now  returned,  not  only  in  health  and  safety,  but 
with  certain  tidings  of  the  fair  countries  which  had  so  long 
eluded  their  grasp.  It  was  a  moment  of  proud  satisfaction  to 
the  three  associates,  who,  in  spite  of  obloquy,  derision,  and 
every  impediment  which  the  distrust  of  friends  or  the  coldness 
of  government  could  throwT  in  their  way,  had  persevered  in 
their  great  enterprise  until  they  had  established  the  truth  of 

1  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  afio  1528. — 
Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.— 
Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  ii.  cap.  vi.  vii. — Relacion  del  Primer. 
Descub.,  MS. 

Discovery  of  Peru  175 

what  had  been  so  generally  denounced  as  a  chimera.  It  is 
the  misfortune  of  those  daring  spirits  who  conceive  an  idea  too 
vast  for  their  own  generation  to  comprehend,  or,  at  least,  to 
attempt  to  carry  out,  that  they  pass  for  visionary  dreamers. 
Such  had  been  the  fate  of  Luque  and  his  associates.  The 
existence  of  a  rich  Indian  empire  at  the  south,  which  in  their 
minds  dwelling  long  on  the  same  idea  and  alive  to  all  the 
arguments  in  its  favour,  had  risen  to  the  certainty  of  conviction, 
had  been  derided  by  the  rest  of  their  countrymen  as  a  mere 
mirage  of  the  fancy,  which,  on  nearer  approach,  would  melt 
into  air ;  while  the  projectors  who  staked  their  fortunes  on  the 
adventure  were  denounced  as  madmen.  But  their  hour  of 
triumph,  their  slow  and  hard-earned  triumph,  had  now  arrived. 

Yet  the  governor  Pedro  de  los  Rios  did  not  seem,  even  at 
this  moment,  to  be  possessed  with  a  conviction  of  the  magni¬ 
tude  of  the  discovery, — or,  perhaps,  he  was  discouraged  by 
its  very  magnitude.  When  the  associates,  now  with  more 
confidence,  applied  to  him  for  patronage  in  an  undertaking  too 
vast  for  their  individual  resources,  he  coldly  replied,  “  He  had 
no  desire  to  build  up  other  estates  at  the  expense  of  his  own  ; 
nor  would  he  be  led  to  throw  away  more  lives  than  had  already 
been  sacrificed  by  the  cheap  display  of  gold  and  silver  toys  and 
a  few  Indian  sheep  !  ”  1 

Sorely  disheartened  by  this  repulse  from  the  only  quarter 
whence  effectual  aid  could  be  expected,  the  confederates, 
without  funds,  and  with  credit  nearly  exhausted  by  their  past 
efforts,  were  perplexed  in  the  extreme.  Yet  to  stop  now, — 
what  was  it  but  to  abandon  the  rich  mine  which  their  own 
industry  and  perseverance  had  laid  open  for  others  to  work  at 
pleasure  ?  In  this  extremity  the  fruitful  mind  of  Luque 
suggested  the  only  expedient  by  which  they  could  hope  for 
success.  This  was  to  apply  to  the  Crown  itself.  No  one  was 
so  much  interested  in  the  result  of  the  expedition.  It  was  for 
the  government,  indeed,  that  discoveries  were  to  be  made, 
that  the  country  was  to  be  conquered.  The  government  alone 
was  competent  to  provide  the  requisite  means,  and  was  likely 
to  take  a  much  broader  and  more  liberal  view  of  the  matter 
than  a  petty  colonial  officer. 

But  who  was  there  qualified  to  take  charge  of  this  delicate 
mission  ?  Luque  was  chained  by  his  professional  duties  to 

1  “No  entendia  de  despoblar  su  governacion,  para  que  se  fuesen  a  poblar 
nuevas  tierras,  muriendo  en  tal  demanda  mas  gente  de  la  que  havia  muerto, 
cebando  a  los  ombres  con  la  muestra  de  las  ovejas,  oro,  i  plata,  que  havian 
traido. ” —  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  iii.  cap.  i. 

176  Conquest  of  Peru 

Panama  ;  and  his  associates,  unlettered  soldiers,  were  much 
better  fitted  for  the  business  of  the  camp  than  of  the  court. 
Almagro,  blunt,  though  somewhat  swelling  and  ostentatious  in 
his  address,  with  a  diminutive  stature  and  a  countenance 
naturally  plain,  now  much  disfigured  by  the  loss  of  an  eye, 
was  not  so  well  qualified  for  the  mission  as  his  companion 
in  arms,  who,  possessing  a  good  person,  and  altogether  a 
commanding  presence,  was  plausible,  and,  with  all  his  defects 
of  education,  could,  where  deeply  interested,  be  even  eloquent 
in  discourse.  The  ecclesiastic,  however,  suggested  that  the 
negotiation  should  be  committed  to  the  Licentiate  Corral,  a 
respectable  functionary,  then  about  to  return  on  some  public 
business  to  the  mother  country.  But  to  this  Almagro  strongly 
objected.  No  one,  he  said,  could  conduct  the  affair  so  well  as 
the  party  interested  in  it.  He  had  a  high  opinion  of  Pizarro’s 
prudence,  his  discernment  of  character,  and  his  cool  deliberate 
policy.1  He  knew  enough  of  his  comrade  to  have  confidence 
that  his  presence  of  mind  would  not  desert  him,  even  in  the 
new,  and  therefore  embarrassing  circumstances  in  which  he 
would  be  placed  at  court.  No  one,  he  said,  could  tell  the 
story  of  their  adventures  with  such  effect,  as  the  man  who  had 
been  the  chief  actor  in  them.  No  one  could  so  well  paint 
the  unparalleled  sufferings  and  sacrifices  which  they  had 
encountered ;  no  other  could  tell  so  forcibly  what  had  been 
done,  what  yet  remained  to  do,  and  what  assistance  would 
be  necessary  to  carry  it  into  execution.  He  concluded  with 
characteristic  frankness,  by  strongly  urging  his  confederate  to 
undertake  the  mission. 

Pizarro  felt  the  force  of  Almagro’s  reasoning,  and,  though 
with  undisguised  reluctance,  acquiesced  in  a  measure  which 
was  less  to  his  taste  than  an  expedition  to  the  wilderness. 
But  Luque  came  into  the  arrangement  with  more  difficulty. 
“  God  grant,  my  children,”  exclaimed  the  ecclesiastic,  “  that 
one  of  you  may  not  defraud  the  other  of  his  blessing !  ” 2 
Pizarro  engaged  to  consult  the  interests  of  his  associates  equally 
with  his  own.  But  Luque,  it  is  clear,  did  not  trust  Pizarro. 

There  was  some  difficulty  in  raising  the  funds  necessary  for 
putting  the  envoy  in  condition  to  make  a  suitable  appearance 

1  “E  por  pura  importunacion  de  Almagro  cupole  a  Pizarro,  porque 
siempre  Almagro  le  tubo  respeto,  e  deseo  honrarle.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las 
Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  i. 

2  <<  piegue  a  Dios,  hijos,  que  no  os  hurteis  la  bendicion  el  uno  al  otro, 
que  yo  todavia  holgaria,  que  d  lo  menos  fuerades  entrambos.” — Plerrera, 
Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  iii.  cap.  i. 

Discovery  of  Peru  177 

at  court ;  so  low  had  the  credit  of  the  confederates  fallen,  and 
so  little  confidence  was  yet  placed  in  the  result  of  their  splendid 
discoveries.  Fifteen  hundred  ducats  were  at  length  raised ; 
and  Pizarro,  in  the  spring  of  1528,  bade  adieu  to  Panama, 
accompanied  by  Pedro  de  Candia.1  He  took  with  him,  also, 
some  of  the  natives,  as  well  as  two  or  three  llamas,  various 
nice  fabrics  of  cloth,  with  many  ornaments  and  vases  of  gold 
and  silver,  as  specimens  of  the  civilisation  of  the  country,  and 
vouchers  for  his  wonderful  story. 

Of  all  the  writers  on  ancient  Peruvian  history,  no  one  has 
acquired  so  wide  celebrity,  or  been  so  largely  referred  to  by 
later  compilers,  as  the  Inca  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega.  He  was 
born  at  Cuzco,  in  1540  ;  and  was  a  mestizo ,  that  is,  of  mixed 
descent,  his  father  being  European,  and  his  mother  Indian. 
His  father,  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  was  one  of  that  illustrious 
family  whose  achievements,  both  in  arms  and  letters,  shed 
such  lustre  over  the  proudest  period  of  the  Castilian  annals. 
He  came  to  Peru,  in  the  suite  of  Pedro  de  Alvarado,  soon 
after  the  country  had  been  gained  by  Pizarro.  Garcilasso 
attached  himself  to  the  fortunes  of  this  chief,  and,  after  his 
death,  to  those  of  his  brother  Gonzalo, — remaining  constant 
to  the  latter,  through  his  rebellion,  up  to  the  hour  of  his  rout 
at  Xaquixaguana,  when  Garcilasso  took  the  same  course  with 
most  of  his  faction,  and  passed  over  to  the  enemy.  But  this 
demonstration  of  loyalty,  though  it  saved  his  life,  was  too  late 
to  redeem  his  credit  with  the  victorious  party ;  and  the  obloquy 
which  he  incurred  by  his  share  in  the  rebellion  threw  a  cloud 
over  his  subsequent  fortunes,  and  even  over  those  of  his  son, 
as  it  appears,  in  after  years. 

The  historian’s  mother  was  of  the  Peruvian  blood  royal. 
She  was  niece  of  Huayna  Capac,  and  granddaughter  of  the 
renowned  Tupac  Inca  Yupanqui.  Garcilasso,  while  he  betrays 
obvious  satisfaction  that  the  blood  of  the  civilised  European 
flows  in  his  veins,  shows  himself  not  a  little  proud  of  his 
descent  from  the  royal  dynasty  of  Peru  ;  and  this  he  intimated 
by  combining  with  his  patronymic  the  distinguishing  title  of 
the  Peruvian  princes, — subscribing  himself  always  Garcilasso 
Inca  de  la  Vega. 

His  early  years  were  passed  in  his  native  land,  where  he 

1  “  Juntaronle  mil  y  quinientos  pesos  de  oro,  que  dio  de  buena  voluntad 
Dn  Fernando  de  Luque.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  afio  1528. 

178  Conquest  of  Peru 

was  reared  in  the  Roman  Catholic  faith,  and  received  the 
benefit  of  as  good  an  education  as  could  be  obtained  amidst 
the  incessant  din  of  arms  and  civil  commotion.  In  1560, 
when  twenty  years  of  age,  he  left  America,  and  from  that  time 
took  up  his  residence  in  Spain.  Here  he  entered  the  military 
service,  and  held  a  captain’s  commission  in  the  war  against 
the  Moriscos,  and,  afterwards,  under  Don  John  of  Austria. 
Though  he  acquitted  himself  honourably  in  his  adventurous 
career,  he  does  not  seem  to  have  been  satisfied  with  the 
manner  in  which  his  services  were  requited  by  the  government. 
The  old  reproach  of  the  father’s  disloyalty  still  clung  to  the 
son,  and  Garcilasso  assures  us  that  this  circumstance  defeated 
all  his  efforts  to  recover  the  large  inheritance  of  landed  property 
belonging  to  his  mother,  which  had  escheated  to  the  Crown. 
“Such  were  the  prejudices  against  me,”  says  he,  “that  I  could 
not  urge  my  ancient  claims  or  expectations ;  and  I  left  the 
army  so  poor  and  so  much  in  debt  that  I  did  not  care  to  show 
myself  again  at  court;  but  was  obliged  to  withdraw  into  an 
obscure  solitude,  where  I  lead  a  tranquil  life  for  the  brief  space 
that  remains  to  me,  no  longer  deluded  by  the  world  or  its 

The  scene  of  this  obscure  retreat  was  not,  however,  as  the 
reader  might  imagine  from  this  tone  of  philosophic  resignation, 
in  the  depths  of  some  rural  wilderness,  but  in  Cordova,  once 
the  gay  capital  of  Moslem  science,  and  still  the  busy  haunt  of 
men.  Here  our  philosopher  occupied  himself  with  literary 
labours,  the  more  sweet  and  soothing  to  his  wounded  spirit, 
that  they  tended  to  illustrate  the  faded  glories  of  his  native 
land,  and  exhibit  them  in  their  primitive  splendour  to  the  eyes 
of  his  adopted  countrymen.  “And  I  have  no  reason  to  regret,” 
he  says  in  his  Preface  to  his  account  of  Florida,  “  that  Fortune 
has  not  smiled  on  me,  since  this  circumstance  has  opened  a 
literary  career  which,  I  trust,  will  secure  to  me  a  wider  and 
more  enduring  fame  than  could  flow  from  any  worldly 

In  1609,  he  gave  to  the  world  the  First  Part  of  his  great 
work,  the  Commentaries  Reales ,  devoted  to  the  history  of  the 
country  under  the  Incas;  and  in  1616,  a  few  months  before 
his  death,  he  finished  the  Second  Part,  embracing  the  story  of 
the  Conquest,  which  was  published  at  Cordova  the  following 
year.  The  chronicler,  who  thus  closed  his  labours  with  his 
life,  died  at  the  ripe  old  age  of  seventy-six.  He  left  a 
considerable  sum  for  the  purchase  of  masses  for  his  soul, 
showing  that  the  complaints  of  his  poverty  are  not  to  be  taken 

Discovery  of  Peru  179 

literally.  His  remains  were  interred  in  the  cathedral  church 
of  Cordova,  in  a  chapel  which  bears  the  name  of  Garcilasso  ; 
and  an  inscription  was  placed  on  his  monument,  intimating 
the  high  respect  in  which  the  historian  was  held  both  for  his 
moral  worth  and  his  literary  attainments. 

The  First  Part  of  the  Commentaries  Reales  is  occupied,  as 
already  noticed,  with  the  ancient  history  of  the  country, 
presenting  a  complete  picture  of  its  civilisation  under  the 
Incas, — far  more  complete  than  has  been  given  by  any  other 
writer.  Garcilasso’s  mother  was  but  ten  years  old  at  the  time 
of  her  cousin  Atahuallpa’s  accession,  or  rather  usurpation, 
as  it  is  called  by  the  party  of  Cuzco.  She  had  the  good 
fortune  to  escape  the  massacre  which,  according  to  the 
chronicler,  befel  most  of  her  kindred,  and  with  her  brother 
continued  to  reside  in  their  ancient  capital  after  the  Conquest. 
Their  conversations  naturally  turned  to  the  good  old  times  of 
the  Inca  rule,  which,  coloured  by  their  fond  regrets,  may  be 
presumed  to  have  lost  nothing  as  seen  through  the  magnifying 
medium  of  the  past.  The  young  Garcilasso  listened  greedily 
to  the  stories  which  recounted  the  magnificence  and  prowess 
of  his  royal  ancestors,  and  though  he  made  no  use  of  them  at 
the  time,  they  sunk  deep  into  his  memory  to  be  treasured  up 
for  a  future  occasion.  When  he  prepared,  after  the  lapse  of 
many  years,  in  his  retirement  at  Cordova,  to  compose  the 
history  of  his  country,  he  wrote  to  his  old  companions  and 
schoolfellows,  of  the  Inca  family,  to  obtain  fuller  information 
than  he  could  get  in  Spain  on  various  matters  of  historical 
interest.  He  had  witnessed  in  his  youth  the  ancient  ceremonies 
and  usages  of  his  countrymen,  understood  the  science  of  their 
quipus,  and  mastered  many  of  their  primitive  traditions.  With 
the  assistance  he  now  obtained  from  his  Peruvian  kindred,  he 
acquired  a  familiarity  with  the  history  of  the  great  Inca  race, 
and  of  their  national  institutions,  to  an  extent  that  no  person 
could  have  possessed,  unless  educated  in  the  midst  of  them, 
speaking  the  same  language,  and  with  the  same  Indian  blood 
flowing  in  his  veins.  Garcilasso,  in  short,  was  the  representa¬ 
tive  of  the  conquered  race ;  and  we  might  expect  to  find  the 
lights  and  shadows  of  the  picture  disposed  under  his  pencil  so 
as  to  produce  an  effect  very  different  from  that  which  they  had 
hitherto  exhibited  under  the  hands  of  the  Conquerors. 

Such,  to  a  certain  extent,  is  the  fact ;  and  this  circumstance 
affords  a  means  of  comparison  which  would  alone  render  his 
works  of  great  value  in  arriving  at  just  historic  conclusions. 
But  Garcilasso  wrote  late  in  life,  after  the  story  had  been  often 

180  Conquest  of  Peru 

told  by  Castilian  writers.  He  naturally  deferred  much  to  men, 
some  of  whom  enjoyed  high  credit  on  the  score  both  of  their 
scholarship  and  their  social  position.  His  object,  he  professes, 
was  not  so  much  to  add  anything  new  of  his  own,  as  to  correct 
their  errors  and  the  misconceptions  into  which  they  had  been 
brought  by  their  ignorance  of  the  Indian  languages  and  the 
usages  of  his  people.  He  does,  in  fact,  however,  go  far  beyond 
this ;  and  the  stores  of  information  which  he  has  collected 
have  made  his  work  a  large  repository,  whence  later  labourers 
in  the  same  field  have  drawn  copious  materials.  He  writes 
from  the  fulness  of  his  heart,  and  illuminates  every  topic  that 
he  touches  with  a  variety  and  richness  of  illustration  that  leave 
little  to  be  desired  by  the  most  importunate  curiosity.  The 
difference  between  reading  his  Commentaries  and  the  accounts 
of  European  writers,  is  the  difference  that  exists  between 
reading  a  work  in  the  original  and  in  a  bald  translation. 
Garcilasso’s  writings  are  an  emanation  from  the  Indian  mind. 

Yet  his  Commentaries  are  open  to  a  grave  objection, — and 
one  naturally  suggested  by  his  position.  Addressing  himself 
to  the  cultivated  European,  he  was  most  desirous  to  display 
the  ancient  glories  of  his  people,  and  still  more  of  the  Inca 
race,  in  their  most  imposing  form.  This,  doubtless,  was  the 
great  spur  to  his  literary  labours,  for  which  previous  education, 
however  good  for  the  evil  time  on  which  he  was  cast,  had  far 
from  qualified  him.  Garcilasso,  therefore,  wrote  to  effect  a 
particular  object.  He  stood  forth  as  counsel  for  his  unfortunate 
countrymen,  pleading  the  cause  of  that  degraded  race  before 
the  tribunal  of  posterity.  The  exaggerated  tone  of  panegyric 
consequent  on  this,  becomes  apparent  in  every  page  of  his 
work.  He  pictures  forth  a  state  of  society,  such  as  an  Utopian 
philosopher  would  hardly  venture  to  depict.  His  royal 
ancestors  become  the  types  of  every  imaginary  excellence,  and 
the  golden  age  is  revived  for  a  nation,  which,  while  the  war 
of  proselytism  is  raging  on  its  borders,  enjoys  within  all  the 
blessings  of  tranquillity  and  peace.  Even  the  material  splendours 
of  the  monarchy,  sufficiently  great  in  this  land  of  gold,  become 
heightened,  under  the  glowing  imagination  of  the  Inca  chronicler, 
into  the  gorgeous  illusions  of  a  fairy  tale. 

Yet  there  is  truth  at  the  bottom  of  his  wildest  conceptions, 
and  it  would  be  unfair  to  the  Indian  historian  to  suppose  that 
he  did  not  himself  believe  most  of  the  magic  marvels  which 
he  describes.  There  is  no  credulity  like  that  of  a  Christian 
convert, — one  newly  converted  to  the  faith.  From  long 
dwelling  in  the  darkness  of  paganism,  his  eyes,  when  first 

Discovery  of  Peru  1 8 1 

opened  to  the  light  of  truth,  have  not  acquired  the  power  of 
discriminating  the  just  proportions  of  objects,  of  distinguishing 
between  the  real  and  the  imaginary.  Garcilasso  was  not  a 
convert,  indeed,  for  he  was  bred  from  infancy  in  the  Roman 
Catholic  faith.  But  he  was  surrounded  by  converts  and 
neophytes, — by  those  of  his  own  blood,  who,  after  practising 
all  their  lives  the  rites  of  paganism,  were  now  first  admitted 
into  the  Christian  fold.  He  listened  to  the  teachings  of  the 
missionary,  learned  from  him  to  give  implicit  credit  to  the 
marvellous  legends  of  the  Saints,  and  the  no  less  marvellous 
accounts  of  his  own  victories  in  his  spiritual  warfare  for  the 
propagation  of  the  faith.  Thus  early  accustomed  to  such  large 
drafts  on  his  credulity,  his  reason  lost  its  heavenly  power  of 
distinguishing  truth  from  error,  and  he  became  so  familiar 
with  the  miraculous,  that  the  miraculous  was  no  longer  a 

Yet,  while  large  deductions  are  to  be  made  on  this  account 
from  the  chronicler’s  reports,  there  is  always  a  germ  of  truth 
which  it  is  not  difficult  to  detect,  and  even  to  disengage  from 
the  fanciful  covering  which  envelopes  it ;  and  after  every 
allowance  for  the  exaggerations  of  national  vanity,  we  shall 
find  an  abundance  of  genuine  information  in  respect  to  the 
antiquities  of  his  country,  for  which  we  shall  look  in  vain 
in  any  European  writer. 

Garcilasso’s  work  is  the  reflection  of  the  age  in  which  he 
lived.  It  is  addressed  to  the  imagination  more  than  to  sober 
reason.  We  are  dazzled  by  the  gorgeous  spectacle  it  perpetually 
exhibits,  and  delighted  by  the  variety  of  amusing  details  and 
animated  gossip  sprinkled  over  its  pages.  The  story  of  the 
action  is  perpetually  varied  by  discussions  on  topics  illustrating 
its  progress,  so  as  to  break  up  the  monotony  of  the  narrative, 
and  afford  an  agreeable  relief  to  the  reader.  This  is  true  of 
the  First  Part  of  his  great  work.  In  the  Second  there  was 
no  longer  room  for  such  discussion.  But  he  has  supplied  the 
place  by  garrulous  reminiscences,  personal  anecdotes,  incidental 
adventures,  and  a  host  of  trivial  details, — trivial  in  the  eyes  of 
the  pedant, — which  historians  have  been  too  willing  to  discard 
as  below  the  dignity  of  history.  We  have  the  actors  in  this 
great  drama  in  their  private  dress,  become  acquainted  with 
their  personal  habits,  listen  to  their  familiar  sayings,  and,  in 
short,  gather  up  those  minutiae  which  in  the  aggregate  make 
up  so  much  of  life  and  not  less  of  character. 

It  is  this  confusion  of  the  great  and  the  little,  thus  artlessly 
blended  together,  that  constitutes  one  of  the  charms  of  the 

1 82  Conquest  of  Peru 

old  romantic  chronicle, — not  the  less  true  that,  in  this  respect, 
it  approaches  nearer  to  the  usual  tone  of  romance.  It  is  in 
such  writings  that  we  may  look  to  find  the  form  and  pressure 
of  the  age.  The  worm-eaten  state-papers,  official  correspond¬ 
ence,  public  records,  are  all  serviceable,  indispensable  to 
history.  They  are  the  framework  on  which  it  is  to  repose; 
the  skeleton  of  facts  which  gives  it  its  strength  and  proportions. 
But  they  are  as  worthless  as  the  dry  bones  of  the  skeleton, 
unless  clothed  with  the  beautiful  form  and  garb  of  humanity, 
and  instinct  with  the  spirit  of  the  age.  Our  debt  is  large  to 
the  antiquarian,  who  with  conscientious  precision  lays  broad 
and  deep  the  foundations  of  historic  truth ;  and  no  less  to  the 
philosophic  annalist  who  exhibits  man  in  the  dress  of  public 
life, — man  in  masquerade ;  but  our  gratitude  must  surely  not 
be  withheld  from  those  who,  like  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  and 
many  a  romancer  of  the  Middle  Ages,  have  held  up  the 
mirror — distorted  though  it  may  somewhat  be — to  the  interior 
of  life,  reflecting  every  object,  the  great  and  the  mean,  the 
beautiful  and  the  deformed,  with  their  natural  prominence  and 
their  vivacity  of  colouring,  to  the  eye  of  the  spectator.  As  a 
work  of  art,  such  a  production  may  be  thought  to  be  below 
criticism.  But,  although  it  defy  the  rules  of  art  in  its  com¬ 
position,  it  does  not  necessarily  violate  the  principles  of  taste  : 
for  it  conforms  in  its  spirit  to  the  spirit  of  the  age  in  which 
it  was  written.  And  the  critic  who  coldly  condemns  it  on  the 
severe  principles  of  art,  will  find  a  charm  in  its  very  simplicity 
that  will  make  him  recur  again  and  again  to  its  pages,  while 
more  correct  and  classical  compositions  are  laid  aside  and 

I  cannot  dismiss  this  notice  of  Garcilasso,  though  already 
long  protracted,  without  some  allusion  to  the  English  translation 
of  his  Commentaries.  It  appeared  in  James  the  Second’s 
reign,  and  is  the  work  of  Sir  Paul  Rycaut,  Knight.  It  was 
printed  at  London  in  1688,  in  folio,  with  considerable  pre¬ 
tension  in  its  outward  dress,  well  garnished  with  wood-cuts, 
and  a  frontispiece  displaying  the  gaunt  and  rather  sardonic 
features,  not  of  the  author,  but  his  translator.  The  version 
keeps  pace  with  the  march  of  the  original,  corresponding  pre¬ 
cisely  in  books  and  chapters,  and  seldom,  though  sometimes, 
using  the  freedom  so  common  in  these  ancient  versions,  of 
abridgment  and  omission.  Where  it  does  depart  from  the 
original,  it  is  rather  from  ignorance  than  intention.  Indeed, 
as  far  as  the  plea  of  ignorance  will  avail  him,  the  worthy  knight 
may  urge  it  stoutly  in  his  defence.  No  one  who  reads  the 

Discovery  of  Peru  183 

book  will  doubt  his  limited  acquaintance  with  his  own  tongue, 
and  no  one  who  compares  it  with  the  original  will  deny  his 
ignorance  of  the  Castilian.  It  contains  as  many  blunders  as 
paragraphs,  and  most  of  them  such  as  might  shame  a  school¬ 
boy.  Yet  such  are  the  rude  charms  of  the  original,  that  this 
ruder  version  of  it  has  found  considerable  favour  with  readers ; 
and  Sir  Paul  Rycaut’s  translation,  old  as  it  is,  may  still  be  met 
with  in  many  a  private  as  well  as  public  library. 










Pizarro  and  his  officer,  having  crossed  the  Isthmus,  embarked 
at  Nombre  de  Dios  for  the  old  country,  and  after  a  good 
passage,  reached  Seville  early  in  the  summer  of  1528.  There 
happened  to  be  at  that  time  in  port  a  person  well  known  in 
the  history  of  Spanish  adventure  as  the  Bachelor  Enciso.  He 
had  taken  an  active  part  in  the  colonisation  of  Tierra  Firme, 
and  had  a  pecuniary  claim  against  the  early  colonists  of  Darien, 
of  whom  Pizarro  was  one.  Immediately  on  the  landing  of  the 
latter,  he  was  seized  by  Enciso’s  orders,  and  held  in  custody 
for  the  debt.  Pizarro,  who  had  fled  from  his  native  land 
as  a  forlorn  and  houseless  adventurer,  after  an  absence  of 
more  than  twenty  years,  passed  most  of  them  in  unprecedented 
toil  and  suffering,  now  found  himself  on  his  return  the  inmate 
of  a  prison.  Such  was  the  commencement  of  those  brilliant 
fortunes  which,  as  he  had  trusted,  awaited  him  at  home. 
The  circumstance  excited  general  indignation ;  and  no  sooner 
was  the  Court  advised  of  his  arrival  in  the  country,  and 
the  great  purpose  of  his  mission,  than  orders  were  sent 
for  his  release,  with  permission  to  proceed  at  once  on  his 

Pizarro  found  the  emperor  at  Toledo,  which  he  was  soon, 
to  quit,  in  order  to  embark  for  Italy.  Spain  was  not  the 
favourite  residence  of  Charles  V.,  in  the  early  part  of  his 
reign.  He  was  now  at  that  period  of  it  when  he  was 
enjoying  the  full  flush  of  his  triumphs  over  his  gallant  rival  of 
France,  whom  he  had  defeated  and  taken  prisoner  at  the  great 
battle  of  Pavia ;  and  the  victor  was  at  this  moment  preparing 
to  pass  into  Italy  to  receive  the  imperial  crown  from  the  hands 


Conquest  of  Peru  185 

of  the  Roman  Pontiff.  Elated  by  his  successes  and  his 
elevation  to  the  German  throne,  Charles  made  little  account 
of  his  hereditary  kingdom,  as  his  ambition  found  so  splendid 
a  career  open  to  it  on  the  wide  field  of  European  politics. 
He  had  hitherto  received  too  inconsiderable  returns  from  his 
transatlantic  possessions  to  give  them  the  attention  they 
deserved.  But,  as  the  recent  acquisition  of  Mexico  and  the 
brilliant  anticipations  in  respect  to  the  southern  continent 
were  pressed  upon  his  notice,  he  felt  their  importance  as 
likely  to  afford  him  the  means  of  prosecuting  his  ambitious 
and  most  expensive  enterprises. 

Pizarro,  therefore,  wTho  had  now  come  to  satisfy  the  royal 
eyes,  by  visible  proofs  of  the  truth  of  the  golden  rumours 
which,  from  time  to  time,  had  reached  Castile,  was  graciously 
received  by  the  emperor.  Charles  examined  the  various  objects 
which  his  officer  exhibited  to  him  with  great  attention.  He 
was  particularly  interested  by  the  appearance  of  the  llama,  so 
remarkable  as  the  only  beast  of  burden  yet  known  on  the  new 
continent;  and  the  fine  fabrics  of  woollen  cloth  which  were 
made  from  its  shaggy  sides,  gave  it  a  much  higher  value,  in  the 
eyes  of  the  sagacious  monarch,  than  what  it  possessed  as  an 
animal  for  domestic  labour.  But  the  specimens  of  gold  and 
silver  manufacture,  and  the  wonderful  tale  which  Pizarro  had 
to  tell  of  the  abundance  of  the  precious  metals,  must  have 
satisfied  even  the  cravings  of  royal  cupidity. 

Pizarro,  far  from  being  embarrassed  by  the  novelty  of  his 
situation,  maintained  his  usual  self-possession,  and  showTed  that 
decorum  and  even  dignity  in  his  address  which  belong  to  the 
Castilian.  He  spoke  in  a  simple  and  respectful  style,  but  with 
the  earnestness  and  natural  eloauence  of  one  who  had  been  an 


actor  in  the  scenes  he  described,  and  who  was  conscious  that 
the  impression  he  made  on  his  audience  was  to  decide  his 
future  destiny.  All  listened  with  eagerness  to  the  account  of 
his  strange  adventures  by  sea  and  land,  his  wanderings  in  the 
forests,  or  in  the  dismal  and  pestilent  swamps  on  the  sea-coast, 
without  food,  almost  without  raiment,  with  feet  torn  and  bleed¬ 
ing  at  every  step,  with  his  few  companions  becoming  still 
fewer  by  disease  and  death,  and  yet  pressing  on  with  uncon¬ 
querable  spirit  to  extend  the  empire  of  Castile,  and  the  name 
and  power  of  her  sovereign ;  but  when  he  painted  his  lonely 
condition  on  the  desolate  island,  abandoned  by  the  govern¬ 
ment  at  home,  deserted  by  all  but  a  handful  of  devoted 
followers,  his  royal  auditor,  though  not  easily  moved,  was 
affected  to  tears.  On  his  departure  from  Toledo,  Charles 


1 86  Conquest  of  Peru 

commended  the  affairs  of  his  vassal  in  the  most  favourable 
terms  to  the  consideration  of  the  Council  of  the  Indies.1 

There  was  at  this  time  another  man  at  court  who  had  come 
there  on  a  similar  errand  from  the  New  World,  but  whose 
splendid  achievements  had  already  won  for  him  a  name  that 
threw  the  rising  reputation  of  Pizarro  comparatively  into  the 
shade.  This  man  was  Hernando  Cortes,  the  conqueror  of 
Mexico.  He  had  come  home  to  lay  an  empire  at  the  feet  of 
his  sovereign,  and  to  demand  in  return  the  redress  of  his 
wrongs,  and  the  recompense  of  his  great  services.  He  was  at 
the  close  of  his  career,  as  Pizarro  was  at  the  commencement  of 
his  ;  the  conquerors  of  the  North  and  of  the  South ;  the  two 
men  appointed  by  Providence  to  overturn  the  most  potent  of 
the  Indian  dynasties,  and  to  open  the  golden  gates  by  which 
the  treasures  of  the  New  World  were  to  pass  into  the  coffers  of 

Notwithstanding  the  emperor’s  recommendation,  the  business 
of  Pizarro  went  forward  at  the  tardy  pace  with  which  affairs 
are  usually  conducted  in  the  court  of  Castile.  He  found  his 
limited  means  gradually  sinking  under  the  expenses  incurred 
by  his  present  situation,  and  he  represented,  that,  unless  some 
measures  were  speedily  taken  in  reference  to  his  suit,  however 
favourable  they  might  be  in  the  end,  he  should  be  in  no  con¬ 
dition  to  profit  by  them.  The  queen,  accordingly,  who  had 
charge  of  the  business  on  her  husband’s  departure,  expedited 
the  affair,  and  on  the  26th  of  July,  1529,  she  executed  the 
memorable  Capitulation  which  defined  the  powers  and  privi¬ 
leges  of  Pizarro. 

The  instrument  secured  to  that  chief  the  right  of  discovery 
and  conquest  in  the  province  of  Peru,  or  New  Castile, — as  the 
country  was  then  called,  in  the  same  manner  as  Mexico  had 
received  the  name  of  New  Spain, — for  the  distance  of  two 
hundred  leagues  south  of  Santiago.  He  was  to  receive  the 
titles  and  rank  of  Governor  and  Captain-General  of  the  province, 
together  with  those  of  Adelantado,  and  Alguacil  Mayor,  for 
life  ;  and  he  was  to  have  a  salary  of  seven  hundred  and  twenty- 
five  thousand  maravedis,  with  the  obligation  of  maintaining 
certain  officers  and  military  retainers,  corresponding  with  the 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria, 
MS. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS.  “  Plablaba  tan  bien  en  la  materia,  que 
se  llevo  los  aplausos  y  atencion  en  Toledo  donde  el  Emperador  estaba  diole 
audiencia  con  mucho  gusto,  tratolo  amoroso,  y  oyole  tierno,  especialmente 
cuando  le  hizo  relacion  de  su  consistencia  y  de  los  trece  companeros  en  la 
Isla  en  medio  de  tantos  trabajos.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  afio  1528. 

Conquest  of  Peru  187 

dignity  of  his  station.  He  was  to  have  the  right  to  erect 
certain  fortresses,  with  the  absolute  government  of  them  ;  to 
assign  encomiendas  of  Indians,  under  the  limitations  prescribed 
by  law ;  and,  in  fine,  to  exercise  nearly  all  the  prerogatives 
incident  to  the  authority  of  a  viceroy. 

His  associate,  Almagro,  was  declared  commander  of  the 
fortress  of  Tumbez,  with  an  annual  rent  of  three  hundred 
thousand  maravedis,  and  with  the  further  rank  and  privileges  of 
an  hidalgo.  The  reverend  Father  Luque  received  the  reward  of 
his  services  in  the  Bishopric  of  Tumbez,  and  he  was  also 
declared  Protector  of  the  Indians  of  Peru.  He  was  to  enjoy 
the  yearly  stipend  of  a  thousand  ducats, — to  be  derived,  like 
the  other  salaries  and  gratuities  in  this  instrument,  from  the 
revenues  of  the  conquered  territory. 

Nor  were  the  subordinate  actors  in  the  expedition  forgotten. 
Ruiz  received  the  title  of  Grand  Pilot  of  the  Southern  Ocean, 
with  a  liberal  provision  ;  Candia  was  placed  at  the  head  of  the 
artillery  ;  and  the  remaining  eleven  companions  on  the  desolate 
island  were  created  hidalgos  and  cavalleros,  and  raised  to 
certain  municipal  dignities, — in  prospect. 

Several  provisions  of  a  liberal  tenor  were  also  made,  to 
encourage  emigration  to  the  country.  The  new  settlers  were 
to  be  exempted  from  some  of  the  most  onerous,  but  customary 
taxes,  as  the  alcabala ,  or  to  be  subject  to  them  only  in  a 
mitigated  form.  The  tax  on  the  precious  metals  drawn  from 
mines  was  to  be  reduced  at  first,  to  one-tenth,  instead  of  the 
fifth  imposed  on  the  same  metals  when  obtained  by  barter  or 
by  rapine. 

It  was  expressly  enjoined  on  Pizarro  to  observe  the  existing 
regulations  for  the  good  government  and  protection  of  the 
natives  ;  and  he  was  required  to  carry  out  with  him  a  specified 
number  of  ecclesiastics,  with  whom  he  was  to  take  counsel  in 
the  conquest  of  the  country,  and  whose  efforts  were  to  be 
dedicated  to  the  service  and  conversion  of  the  Indians  ;  while 
lawyers  and  attorneys,  on  the  other  hand,  whose  presence 
was  considered  as  boding  ill  to  the  harmony  of  the  new 
settlements,  were  strictly  prohibited  from  setting  foot  in 

Pizarro,  on  his  part,  was  bound  in  six  months  from  the  date 
of  the  instrument,  to  raise  a  force,  well  equipped  for  the  service, 
of  two  hundred  and  fifty  men,  of  whom  one  hundred  might  be 
drawn  from  the  colonies ;  and  the  government  engaged  to 
furnish  some  trifling  assistance  in  the  purchase  of  artillery  and 
military  stores.  Finally,  he  was  to  be  prepared,  in  six  months 

188  Conquest  of  Peru 

after  his  return  to  Panama,  to  leave  that  port  and  embark  on 
his  expedition.1 

Such  are  some  of  the  principal  provisions  of  this  capitulation, 
by  which  the  Castilian  government,  with  the  sagacious  policy 
which  it  usually  pursued  on  the  like  occasions,  stimulated  the 
ambitious  hopes  of  the  adventurer  by  high-sounding  titles,  and 
liberal  promises  of  reward  contingent  on  his  success,  but  took 
care  to  stake  nothing  itself  on  the  issue  of  the  enterprise.  It 
was  careful  to  reap  the  fruits  of  his  toil,  but  not  to  pay  the  cost 
of  them. 

A  circumstance,  that  could  not  fail  to  be  remarked  in  these 
provisions,  was  the  manner  in  which  the  high  and  lucrative 
posts  were  accumulated  on  Pizarro,  to  the  exclusion  of  Almagro, 
who,  if  he  had  not  taken  as  conspicuous  a  part  in  personal  toil 
and  exposure,  had,  at  least,  divided  with  him  the  original  bur¬ 
den  of  the  enterprise,  and,  by  his  labours  in  another  direction, 
had  contributed  quite  as  essentially  to  its  success.  Almagro 
had  willingly  conceded  the  post  of  honour  to  his  confederate ; 
but  it  had  been  stipulated,  on  Pizarro’s  departure  for  Spain, 
that,  while  he  solicited  the  office  of  governor  and  captain-general 
for  himself,  he  should  secure  that  of  Adelantado  for  his  com¬ 
panion.  In  like  manner,  he  had  engaged  to  apply  for  the  see 
of  Tumbez  for  the  vicar  of  Panama,  and  the  office  of  Alguacil 
Mayor  for  the  pilot  Ruiz.  The  bishopric  took  the  direction 
that  was  concerted,  for  the  soldier  could  scarcely  claim  the 
mitre  of  the  prelate ;  but  the  other  offices,  instead  of  their  ap¬ 
propriate  distribution,  were  all  concentred  in  himself.  Yet  it 
was  in  reference  to  his  application  for  his  friends,  that  Pizarro 
had  promised  on  his  departure  to  deal  fairly  and  honourably 
by  them  all.2 

It  is  stated  by  the  military  chronicler,  Pedro  Pizarro,  that  his 
kinsman  did,  in  fact,  urge  the  suit  strongly  in  behalf  of  Almagro  ; 
but  that  he  was  refused  by  the  government,  on  the  ground  that 

1  This  remarkable  document,  formerly  in  the  archives  of  Simancas,  and 
now  transferred  to  the  Archivo  General  de  las  Indias  in  Seville,  was  trans¬ 
cribed  for  the  rich  collection  of  the  late  Don  Martin  Fernandez  de  Navarrete, 
to  whose  kindness  I  am  indebted  for  a  copy  of  it. — It  will  be  found  printed 
entire,  in  the  original,  in  Appendix ,  No.  7. 

2  “  A1  fin  se  capitulo,  que  Francisco  P^arro  negociase  la  Governacion 
para  si :  para  Diego  de  Almagro,  el  Adelantamiento  :  i  para  Hernando  de 
Luaue  el  Obispado  :  i  para  Bartolome  Ruiz,  el  Alguacilazgo  Maior :  i 
Mercedes  para  ios  que  quedaban  vivos,  de  los  trece  Companeros,  afirmando 
siempre  Francisco  Picarro,  que  todo  lo  queria  para  ellos,  i  prometiendo, 
que  negociaria  lealmente,  i  sin  ninguna  cautela.” — Plerrera,  Plist.  General, 
dec.  iv.  lib.  iii.  cap.  i. 

Conquest  of  Peru  189 

offices  of  such  paramount  importance  could  not  be  committed 
to  different  individuals.  The  ill  effects  of  such  an  arrangement 
had  been  long  since  felt  in  more  than  one  of  the  Indian  colon¬ 
ies,  where  it  had  led  to  rivalry  and  fatal  collision.1  Pizarro, 
therefore,  finding  his  remonstrances  unheeded,  had  no  alterna¬ 
tive  but  to  combine  the  offices  in  his  own  person,  or  to  see  the 
expedition  fall  to  the  ground.  This  explanation  of  the  affair 
has  not  received  the  sanction  of  other  contemporary  historians. 
The  apprehensions  expressed  by  Luque,  at  the  time  of  Pizarro’s 
assuming  the  mission,  of  some  such  result  as  actually  occurred, 
founded,  doubtless,  on  a  knowledge  of  his  associate’s  character, 
may  warrant  us  in  distrusting  the  alleged  vindication  of  his 
conduct,  and  our  distrust  will  not  be  diminished  by  familiarity 
with  his  subsequent  career.  Pizarro’s  virtue  was  not  of  a  kind 
to  withstand  temptation,  though  of  a  much  weaker  sort  than 
that  now  thrown  in  his  path. 

The  fortunate  cavalier  was  also  honoured  with  the  habit  of 
St.  Jago  ;2  and  he  was  authorised  to  make  an  important  inno¬ 
vation  in  his  family  escutcheon,  for,  by  the  father’s  side,  he 
might  claim  his  armorial  bearings.  The  black  eagle  and  the 
two  pillars,  emblazoned  on  the  royal  arms,  were  incorporated 
with  those  of  the  Pizarros  ;  and  an  Indian  city,  with  a  vessel  in 
the  distance  on  the  waters,  and  the  llama  of  Peru,  revealed  the 
theatre  and  the  character  of  his  exploits ;  wffiile  the  legend 
announced,  that  “  under  the  auspices  of  Charles,  and  by  the 
industry,  the  genius,  and  the  resources  of  Pizarro,  the  country 
had  been  discovered  and  reduced  to  tranquillity,”  thus  modestly 
intimating  both  the  past  and  prospective  services  of  the 

These  arrangements  having  been  thus  completed  to  Pizarro’s 
satisfaction,  he  left  Toledo  for  Truxillo,  his  native  place,  in 
Estremadura,  where  he  thought  he  should  be  most  likely  to 

1  “  Y  don  Francisco  Pitparro  pidio  conforme  a  lo  que  llevava  capitulado 
y  hordenado  con  sus  companeros  ya  dicho,  y  en  el  consejo  se  le  rrespondio 
que  no  avia  lugar  de  dar  governacion  a  dos  companeros  a  caussa  de  que  en 
santa  marta  se  avia  dado  ansi  a  dos  companeros  y  el  uno  avia  muerto  al 
otro  .  .  .  Pues  pedido,  como  digo,  muchas  vezes  por  don  Francisco  Picarro 
se  les  hiziese  la  merced  a  ambos  companeros,  se  ie  rrespondio,  la  pidiesse 
parassi  sino  que  se  daria  a  otro,  y  visto  que  no  avia  lugar  lo  que  pedia  y 
queria  pedio  se  le  hiziese  la  merced  a  el,  y  ansi  se  le  hizo.” — Descub.  y 
Conq.,  MS. 

2  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  1S2. — Oviedo,  Hist,  de 
las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  i. — Caro  de  Torres,  Ilistoria  de 
las  Ordenes  Militares,  (ed.  Madrid,  1629,)  p.  113. 

3  “  Caroli  Csesaris  auspicio,  et  labore,  ingenio,  ac  impensa  Ducis  Pizarro 
inventa,  et  pacata.” — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  vi.  cap.  v. 

igo  Conquest  of  Peru 

meet  with  adherents  for  his  new  enterprise,  and  where  it  doubt¬ 
less  gratified  his  vanity  to  display  himself  in  the  palmy,  or  at 
least  promising,  state  of  his  present  circumstances.  If  vanity 
be  ever  pardonable,  it  is  certainly  in  a  man  who,  born  in  an 
obscure  station  in  life,  without  family,  interest,  or  friends  to 
back  him,  has  carved  out  his  own  fortunes  in  the  world,  and, 
by  his  own  resources,  triumphed  over  all  the  obstacles  which 
nature  and  accident  had  thrown  in  his  way.  Such  was  the 
condition  of  Pizarro,  as  he  now  revisited  the  place  of  his 
nativity,  where  he  had  hitherto  been  known  only  as  a  poor 
outcast,  without  a  home  to  shelter,  a  father  to  own  him,  or  a 
friend  to  lean  upon.  But  he  now  found  both  friends  and  fol¬ 
lowers,  and  some  who  were  eager  to  claim  kindred  with  him, 
and  take  part  in  his  future  fortunes.  Among  these  were  four 
brothers.  Three  of  them,  like  himself,  were  illegitimate ;  one 
of  whom,  named  Francisco  Martin  de  Alcantara,  was  related 
to  him  by  the  mother’s  side ;  the  other  two,  named  Gonzalo 
and  Juan  Pizarro,  were  descended  from  the  father.  “They 
were  all  poor,  and  proud  as  they  were  poor,”  says  Oviedo,  who 
had  seen  them  ;  “and  their  eagerness  for  gain  was  in  proportion 
to  their  poverty.”  1 

The  remaining  and  eldest  brother,  named  Plernando,  was 
a  legitimate  son;  “legitimate,”  continues  the  same  caustic 
authority,  “  by  his  pride,  as  well  as  by  his  birth.”  His  features 
were  plain,  even  disagreeably  so ;  but  his  figure  was  good. 
He  was  large  of  stature,  and,  like  his  brother  Francis,  had,  on 
the  whole,  an  imposing  presence.2  In  his  character  he  com¬ 
bined  some  of  the  worst  defects  incident  to  the  Castilian.  He 
was  jealous  in  the  extreme ;  impatient  not  merely  of  affront, 
but  of  the  least  slight,  and  implacable  in  his  resentment.  He 
was  decisive  in  his  measures,  and  unscrupulous  in  their  execu¬ 
tion.  No  touch  of  pity  had  power  to  arrest  his  arm.  His 
arrogance  was  such,  that  he  was  constantly  wounding  the  self- 
love  of  those  with  whom  he  acted  ;  thus  begetting  an  ill-will 
which  unnecessarily  multiplied  obstacles  in  his  path.  In  this 

1  “Trujo  tres  o  cuatro  hermanos  suyos  tan  soberbios  como  pobres,  e  tan 
hacienda  como  deseosos  do  alcanzarla.  Idist.  do  las  Indias,  ISIS., 

parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  i.  . 

2  Oviedo’s  portrait  of  him  is  by  no  means  flattering.  He  writes  like  one 
too  familiar  with  the  original.  “E  de  todos  ellos  el  Hernando  Pizarro 
solo  era  legitimo,  emas  legitimado  en  la  soberbia,  hombre  de  alta  estatura 
e  grueso,  la  lengua  e  labios  gordos,  e  la  punta  de  la  nariz  con  sobrada  carne 
e  encendida,  y  este  fue  el  desavenidor  y  estorbador  del  sosiegy  de  todos 
y  en  especial  de  los  dos  viejos  companeros  Francisco  Pizarro  e  Diego  de 
Almagro.” — Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  ubi  supra. 

Conquest  of  Peru  19 1 

he  differed  from  his  brother  Francis,  whose  plausible  manners 
smoothed  away  difficulties,  and  conciliated  confidence  and  co¬ 
operation  in  his  enterprises.  Unfortunately,  the  evil  counsels 
of  Hernando  exercised  an  influence  over  his  brother  which 
more  than  compensated  the  advantages  derived  from  his 
singular  capacity  for  business. 

Notwithstanding  the  general  interest  which  Pizarro’s  adven¬ 
tures  excited  in  his  country,  that  chief  did  not  find  it  easy  to 
comply  with  the  provisions  of  the  capitulation  in  respect  to  the 
amount  of  his  levies.  Those  who  were  most  astonished  by  his 
narrative  were  not  always  most  inclined  to  take  part  in  his  for¬ 
tunes.  They  shrunk  from  the  unparalleled  hardships  which 
lay  in  the  path  of  the  adventurer  in  that  direction  ;  and  they 
listened  with  visible  distrust  to  the  gorgeous  pictures  of  the 
golden  temples  and  gardens  of  Tumbez,  which  they  looked 
upon  as  indebted  in  some  degree,  at  least,  to  the  colouring  of 
his  fancy,  with  the  obvious  purpose  of  attracting  followers  to 
his  banner.  It  is  even  said  that  Pizarro  would  have  found  it 
difficult  to  raise  the  necessary  funds,  but  for  the  seasonable  aid 
of  Cortes,  a  native  of  Estremadura,  like  himself,  his  companion 
in  arms  in  early  days,  and,  according  to  report,  his  kinsman.1 
No  one  was  in  a  better  condition  to  hold  out  a  helping  hand 
to  a  brother  adventurer,  and  probably,  no  one  felt  greater 
sympathy  in  Pizarro’s  fortunes,  or  greater  confidence  in  his 
eventual  success,  than  the  man  who  had  so  lately  trod  the 
same  career  with  renown. 

The  six  months  allowed  by  the  capitulation  had  elapsed,  and 
Pizarro  had  assembled  somewhat  less  than  his  stipulated  com¬ 
plement  of  men,  with  which  he  was  preparing  to  embark  in  a 
little  squadron  of  three  vessels  at  Seville ;  but,  before  they 
were  wholly  ready,  he  received  intelligence  that  the  officers  of 
the  Council  of  the  Indies  proposed  to  inquire  into  the  condition 
of  the  vessels,  and  ascertain  how  far  the  requisitions  had  been 
complied  with. 

Without  loss  of  time,  therefore,  Pizarro,  afraid,  if  the  facts 
were  known,  that  his  enterprise  might  be  nipped  in  the  bud, 
slipped  his  cables,  and  crossing  the  bar  of  San  Lucar,  in 
January,  1530,  stood  for  the  isle  of  Gomera, — one  of  the 
Canaries, — where  he  ordered  his  brother  Hernando,  who  had 
charge  of  the  remaining  vessels,  to  meet  him. 

Scarcely  had  he  gone  before  the  officers  arrived  to  institute 
the  search.  But  when  they  objected  to  the  deficiency  of  men, 

1  Pizarro  y  Orellana,  Varones  liustres,  p.  143. 

192  Conquest  of  Peru 

they  were  easily — perhaps  willingly — deceived  by  the  pretext 
that  the  remainder  had  gone  forward  in  the  vessel  with  Pizarro. 
At  all  events,  no  further  obstacles  were  thrown  in  Hernando’s 
way,  and  he  was  permitted,  with  the  rest  of  the  squadron,  to 
join  his  brother,  according  to  agreement,  at  Gomera. 

After  a  prosperous  voyage,  the  adventurers  reached  the 
northern  coast  of  the  great  southern  continent  and  anchored 
off  the  port  of  Santa  Marta.  Here  they  received  such  dis¬ 
couraging  reports  of  the  countries  to  which  they  were  bound, 
of  forests  teeming  with  insects  and  venomous  serpents,  of  huge 
alligators  that  swarmed  on  the  banks  of  the  streams,  and  of 
hardships  and  perils  such  as  their  own  fears  had  never  painted, 
that  several  of  Pizarro’s  men  deserted ;  and  their  leader,  think¬ 
ing  it  no  longer  safe  to  abide  in  such  treacherous  quarters,  set 
sail  at  once  for  Nombre  de  Dios. 

Soon  after  his  arrival  there,  he  was  met  by  his  two  associates, 
Luque  and  Almagro,  who  had  crossed  the  mountains  for  the 
purpose  of  hearing  from  his  own  lips  the  precise  import  of  his 
capitulation  with  the  Crown.  Great,  as  might  have  been  ex¬ 
pected,  was  Almagro’s  discontent  at  learning  the  result  of  what 
he  regarded  as  the  perfidious  machinations  of  his  associate. 
“Is  it  thus,”  he  exclaimed,  “that  you  have  dealt  with  the 
friend  who  shared  equally  with  you  in  the  trials,  the  dangers, 
and  the  cost  of  the  enterprise ;  and  this,  notwithstanding  your 
solemn  engagements  on  your  departure  to  provide  for  his 
interests  as  faithfully  as  your  own  ?  How  could  you  allow  me 
to  be  thus  dishonoured  in  the  eyes  of  the  world  by  so  paltry  a 
compensation,  which  seems  to  estimate  my  services  as  nothing 
in  comparison  with  your  own  ?  ”  1 

Pizarro,  in  reply,  assured  his  companion  that  he  had  faith¬ 
fully  urged  his  suit,  but  that  the  government  refused  to  confide 
powers  which  intrenched  so  closely  on  one  another  to  different 
hands.  He  had  no  alternative  but  to  accept  all  himself  or  to 
decline  all ;  and  he  endeavoured  to  mitigate  Almagro’s  dis¬ 
pleasure  by  representing  that  the  country  was  large  enough  for 
the  ambition  of  both,  and  that  the  powers  conferred  on  himself 
were,  in  fact,  conferred  on  Almagro,  since  all  that  he  had 
would  ever  be  at  his  friend’s  disposal,  as  if  it  were  his  own. 
But  these  honeyed  words  did  not  satisfy  the  injured  party  ;  and 
the  two  captains  soon  after  returned  to  Panama  with  feelings  of 
estrangement,  if  not  hostility,  towards  one  another,  which  did 
not  augur  well  for  their  enterprise. 

1  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  vii.  cap.  ix. — Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

Conquest  of  Peru  193 

Still,  Almagro  was  of  a  generous  temper,  and  might  have 
been  appeased  by  the  politic  concessions  of  his  rival,  but  for 
the  interference  of  Hernando  Pizarro,  who,  from  the  first  hour 
of  their  meeting,  showed  little  respect  for  the  veteran,  which 
indeed  the  diminutive  person  of  the  latter  was  not  calculated  to 
inspire,  and  who  now  regarded  him  with  particular  aversion  as 
an  impediment  to  the  career  of  his  brother. 

Almagro’s  friends — and  his  frank  and  liberal  manners  had 
secured  him  many — were  no  less  disgusted  than  himself  with 
the  overbearing  conduct  of  this  new  ally.  They  loudly  com¬ 
plained  that  it  was  quite  enough  to  suffer  from  the  perfidy  of 
Pizarro,  without  being  exposed  to  the  insults  of  his  family,  who 
had  now  come  over  with  him  to  fatten  on  the  spoils  of  con¬ 
quest  which  belonged  to  their  leader.  The  rupture  soon  pro¬ 
ceeded  to  such  a  length,  that  Almagro  avowed  his  intention  to 
prosecute  the  expedition  without  further  co-operation  with  his 
partner,  and  actually  entered  into  negotiations  for  the  purchase 
of  vessels  for  that  object.  But  Luque,  and  the  Licentiate 
Espinosa,  who  had  fortunately  come  over  at  that  time  from 
St.  Domingo,  now  interposed  to  repair  a  breach  which  must 
end  in  the  ruin  of  the  enterprise,  and  the  probable  destruction 
of  those  most  interested  in  its  success.  By  their  mediation, 
a  show  of  reconciliation  was  at  length  effected  between  the 
parties,  on  Pizarro’s  assurance  that  he  would  relinquish  the 
dignity  of  Adelantado  in  favour  of  his  rival,  and  petition  the 
emperor  to  confirm  him  in  the  possession  of  it — an  assurance, 
it  may  be  remarked,  not  easy  to  reconcile  with  his  former 
assertion  in  respect  to  the  avowed  policy  of  the  Crown  in 
bestowing  this  office.  He  was,  moreover,  to  apply  for  a  dis¬ 
tinct  government  for  his  associate,  so  soon  as  he  had  become 
master  of  the  country  assigned  to  himself;  and  was  to  solicit 
no  office  for  either  of  his  own  brothers,  until  Almagro  had 
been  first  provided  for.  Lastly,  the  former  contract  in  regard 
to  the  division  of  the  spoil  into  three  equal  shares  between  the 
three  original  associates  was  confirmed  in  the  most  explicit 
manner.  The  reconciliation  thus  effected  among  the  parties 
answered  the  temporary  purpose  of  enabling  them  to  go  for¬ 
ward  in  concert  in  the  expedition.  But  it  was  only  a  thin  scar 
that  had  healed  over  the  wound,  which,  deep  and  rankling 
within,  waited  only  fresh  cause  of  irritation  to  break  out  with  a 
virulence  more  fatal  than  ever.1 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 
— Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1529. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub., 
MS. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  iii.  Oviedo,  Hist,  delaslndias, 

*H  3oi 

194  Conquest  of  Peru 

No  time  was  now  lost  in  preparing  for  the  voyage.  It 
found  little  encouragement,  however,  among  the  colonists  of 
Panama,  who  were  too  familiar  with  the  sufferings  on  the 
former  expeditions  to  care  to  undertake  another,  even  with 
the  rich  bribe  that  was  held  out  to  allure  them.  A  few  of 
the  old  company  were  content  to  follow  out  the  adventure 
to  its  close ;  and  some  additional  stragglers  were  collected 
from  the  province  of  Nicaragua, — a  shoot,  it  may  be  remarked, 
from  the  colony  of  Panama.  But  Pizarro  made  slender  ad¬ 
ditions  to  the  force  brought  over  with  him  from  Spain,  though 
this  body  was  in  better  condition,  and  in  respect  to  arms, 
ammunition,  and  equipment  generally,  was  on  a  much  better 
footing  than  his  former  levies.  The  whole  number  did  not 
exceed  one  hundred  and  eighty  men,  with  twenty-seven  horses 
for  the  cavalry.  He  had  provided  himself  with  three  vessels, 
two  of  them  of  a  good  size,  to  take  the  place  of  those  which 
he  had  been  compelled  to  leave  on  the  opposite  side  of  the 
Isthmus  at  Nombre  de  Dios;  an  armament  small  for  the 
conquest  of  an  empire,  and  far  short  of  that  prescribed  by  the 
capitulation  with  the  Crown.  With  this  the  intrepid  chief 
proposed  to  commence  operations,  trusting  to  his  own  suc¬ 
cesses,  and  the  exertions  of  Almagro,  who  was  to  remain 
behind,  for  the  present,  to  muster  reinforcements.1 

On  St.  John  the  Evangelist’s  day,  the  banners  of  the  com¬ 
pany  and  the  royal  standard  were  consecrated  in  the  cathedral 
church  of  Panama ;  a  sermon  was  preached  before  the  little 
army  by  Fray  Juan  de  Vargas,  one  of  the  Dominicans  selected 
by  the  government  for  the  Peruvian  mission  ;  and  mass  was 
performed,  and  the  sacrament  administered  to  every  soldier 
previous  to  his  engaging  in  the  crusade  against  the  infidel.2 

MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  i.  There  seems  to  have  been  little  good-will, 
at  bottom,  between  any  of  the  confederates  ;  for  Father  Luque  wrote  to 
Oviedo  that  both  of  his  partners  had  repnid  his  services  with  ingratitude. — 
“  Padre  Luque.  companero  de  estos  capitanes,  con  cuya  hacienda  hicieron 
ellos  sus  hechos,  puesto  que  el  uno  e  el  otro  se  lo  pagaron  con  ingratitud 
segun  a  mi  me  lo  escribio  el  mismo  electo  de  su  mano.” — Ibid.,  loc.  cit. 

1  The  numerical  estimates  differ,  as  usual.  I  conform  to  the  statement 
of  Pizarro’s  secretary,  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  182. 

2  “  El  qual  haviendo  hecho  bendecir  en  la  Iglesia  mayor  las  banderas  i 
estandarte  real  dia.  de  San  Juan  Evangelista  de  dicho  ano  de  1530,  i  que 
todos  los  soldados  confesasen  i  comulgasen  en  el  convento  de  Nuestra 
Senora  de  la  Merced,  dia  de  los  Inocentes  en  la  misa  cantada  que  se 
celehro  con  toda  solemnidad  i  sermon  que  predico  el  P.  Presentdo  Fr.  Juan 
de  Vargas,  uno  de  los  5  religiosos  que  en  cumplimiento  de  la  obediencia 
de  sus  prelados  i  orden  del  Emperador  pasaban  a  la  conquista.” — Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

Conquest  of  Peru  195 

Having  thus  solemnly  invoked  the  blessing  of  Heaven  on 
the  enterprise,  Pizarro  and  his  followers  went  on  board  their 
vessels,  which  rode  at  anchor  in  the  Bay  of  Panama,  and  early 
in  January,  1531,  sallied  forth  on  his  third  and  last  expedition 
for  the  conquest  of  Peru. 

It  was  his  intention  to  steer  direct  for  Tumbez,  which  held 
out  so  magnificent  a  show  of  treasure  on  his  former  voyage. 
But  head  winds  and  currents,  as  usual,  baffled  his  purpose, 
and  after  a  run  of  thirteen  days,  much  shorter  than  the  period 
formerly  required  for  the  same  distance,  his  little  squadron 
came  to  anchor  in  the  Bay  of  St.  Matthew,  about  one  degree 
north ;  and  Pizarro,  after  consulting  with  his  officers,  resolved 
to  disembark  his  forces  and  advance  along  the  coast,  while 
the  vessels  held  their  course  at  a  convenient  distance  from  the 

The  march  of  the  troops  was  severe  and  painful  in  the 
extreme  ;  for  the  road  was  constantly  intersected  by  streams 
which,  swollen  by  the  winter  rains,  widened  at  their  mouths 
into  spacious  estuaries.  Pizarro,  who  had  some  previous  know¬ 
ledge  of  the  country,  acted  as  guide  as  well  as  commander  of 
the  expedition.  He  was  ever  ready  to  give  aid  where  it  was 
needed,  encouraging  his  followers  to  ford  or  swim  the  torrents 
as  they  best  could,  and  cheering  the  desponding  by  his  own 
buoyant  and  courageous  spirit. 

At  length  they  reached  a  thick-settled  hamlet,  or  rather 
town,  in  the  province  of  Coaque.  The  Spaniards  rushed  on 
the  place,  and  the  inhabitants,  without  offering  resistance,  fled 
in  terror  to  the  neighbouring  forests,  leaving  their  effects — 
of  much  greater  value  than  had  been  anticipated — in  the 
hands  of  the  invaders.  “We  fell  on  them,  sword  in  hand,” 
says  one  of  the  Conquerors,  with  some  naivete ,  “  for,  if  we 
had  advised  the  Indians  of  our  approach,  we  should  never 
have  found  there  such  store  of  gold  and  precious  stones.” 1 
The  natives,  however,  according  to  another  authority,  stayed 
voluntarily;  “for,  as  they  had  done  no  harm  to  the  white 
men,  they  flattered  themselves  none  would  be  offered  to  them, 
but  that  there  would  be  only  an  interchange  of  good  offices 
with  the  strangers,”2 — an  expectation  founded,  it  may  be,  on 
the  good  character  which  the  Spaniards  had  established  for 

1  “  Pues  llegados  a  este  pueblo  de  Coaque  dieron  de  supito  sin  savello 
la  gente  del  porque,  si  estuvieran  avisados,  no  se  tomara  la  cantidad  de 
oro  y  esmeraldas  que  en  el  se  tomaron.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y 
Conq.,  MS. 

2  Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  vii.  cap.  ix. 

196  Conquest  of  Peru 

themselves  on  their  preceding  visit,  but  in  which  the  simple 
people  now  found  themselves  most  unpleasantly  deceived. 

Rushing  into  the  deserted  dwellings,  the  invaders  found 
there,  besides  stuffs  of  various  kinds,  and  food  most  welcome 
in  their  famished  condition,  a  large  quantity  of  gold  and 
silver  wrought  into  clumsy  ornaments,  together  with  many 
precious  stones ;  for  this  was  the  region  of  the  esmeraldas ,  or 
emeralds,  where  that  valuable  gem  was  most  abundant.  One 
of  these  jewels  that  fell  into  the  hands  of  Pizarro,  in  this 
neighbourhood,  was  as  large  as  a  pigeon’s  egg.  Unluckily, 
his  rude  followers  did  not  know  the  value  of  their  prize  ;  and 
they  broke  many  of  them  in  pieces  by  pounding  them  writh 
hammers.1  They  were  led  to  this  extraordinary  proceeding, 
it  is  said,  by  one  of  the  Dominican  missionaries,  Fray  Regi- 
naldo  de  Pedraza,  who  assured  them  that  this  was  the  way  to 
prove  the  true  emerald,  which  could  not  be  broken.  It  was 
observed  that  the  good  father  did  not  subject  his  own  jewels 
to  this  wise  experiment ;  but  as  the  stones,  in  consequence 
of  it,  fell  in  value,  being  regarded  merely  as  coloured  glass, 
he  carried  back  a  considerable  store  of  them  to  Panama.2 

The  gold  and  silver  ornaments  rifled  from  the  dwellings 
were  brought  together  and  deposited  in  a  common  heap,  when 
a  fifth  was  deducted  for  the  Crown,  and  Pizarro  distributed 
the  remainder  in  due  proportions  among  the  officers  and 
privates  of  his  company.  This  was  the  usage  invariably  ob¬ 
served  on  the  like  occasions  throughout  the  Conquest.  The 
invaders  had  embarked  in  a  common  adventure.  Their  in¬ 
terest  was  common,  and  to  have  allowed  every  one  to  plunder 
on  his  own  account  would  only  have  led  to  insubordination 
and  perpetual  broils.  All  were  required,  therefore,  on  pain 
of  death,  to  contribute  whatever  they  obtained,  whether  by 
bargain  or  by  rapine,  to  the  general  stock  ;  and  all  were  too 
much  interested  in  the  execution  of  the  penalty  to  allow  the 
unhappy  culprit,  who  violated  the  law,  any  chance  of  escape.3 

1  Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub. ,  MS. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i. 
cap.  iv.  “A  lo  que  se  ha  entendido  en  las  esmeraldas  ovo  gran  hierro  y 
torpedad  el  algunas  personas  por  no  conoscellas.  Aunque  quieren  decir 
que  algunos  que  las  conoscieron  las  guardaron.  Pero  ffinalmente  muchos 
vbieron  esmeraldas  de  mucho  valor  ;  vnos  las  provavan  en  yunques,  dan- 
dolas  con  martillos,  diziendo  que  si  hera  esmeralda  no  se  quebraria  ;  otros 
las  despreciaban,  diziendo  que  era  vidrio.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y 
Conq.,  MS. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec. 
iv.  lib.  vii.  cap.  ix. 

3  “Los  Espanoles  las  rrecoxeron  y  juntaron  el  oro  y  la  plata,  porque 

Conquest  of  Peru  197 

Pizarro,  with  his  usual  policy,  sent  back  to  Panama  a  large 
quantity  of  gold,  no  less  than  twenty  thousand  Castellanos  in 
value,  in  the  belief  that  the  sight  of  so  much  treasure,  thus 
speedily  acquired,  would  settle  the  doubts  of  the  wavering,  and 
decide  them  on  joining  his  banner.1  He  judged  right.  As 
one  of  the  Conquerors  piously  expresses  it,  “  It  pleased  the 
Lord  that  we  should  fall  in  with  the  town  of  Coaque,  that  the 
riches  of  the  land  might  find  credit  with  the  people,  and  that 
they  should  flock  to  it.”2 

Pizarro,  having  refreshed  his  men,  continued  his  march 
along  the  coast,  but  no  longer  accompanied  by  the  vessels, 
which  had  returned  for  recruits  to  Panama.  The  road  as  he 
advanced  was  chequered  with  strips  of  sandy  waste,  which, 
drifted  about  by  the  winds,  blinded  the  soldiers,  and  afforded 
only  treacherous  footing  for  man  and  beast.  The  glare  was 
intense,  and  the  rays  of  a  vertical  sun  beat  fiercely  on  the 
iron  mail  and  the  thick  quilted  doublets  of  cotton,  till  the 
fainting  troops  were  almost  suffocated  with  the  heat.  To  add 
to  their  distresses,  a  strange  epidemic  broke  out  in  the  little 
army.  It  took  the  form  of  ulcers,  or  rather  hideous  warts  of 
great  size,  which  covered  the  body,  and  when  lanced,  as  was 
the  case  with  some,  discharged  such  a  quantity  of  blood  as 
proved  fatal  to  the  sufferer.  Several  died  of  this  frightful 
disorder,  which  was  so  sudden  in  its  attack,  and  attended 
with  such  prostration  of  strength,  that  those  who  lay  down 
well  at  night  were  unable  to  lift  their  hands  to  their  heads  in 
the  morning.3  The  epidemic,  which  made  its  first  appearance 
during  this  invasion,  and  which  did  not  long  survive  it,  spread 

asi  estava  mandado  y  hordenado  sopena  de  la  vida  el  que  otra  cossa  hiziese, 
porque  todos  lo  avian  de  traer  a  monton  para  que  de  alii  el  governador  lo 
rrepartiese  ;  dando  a  cada  uno  confforme  a  su  persona  y  meritos  de  servi- 
cios  ;  y  esta  horden  se  guardo  en  toda  esta  tierra  en  la  conquista  della,  y 
al  que  se  le  hallara  oro  6  plata  escondido  muriera  por  ello,  y  deste  medio 
nadie  oso  escondello.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

1  The  booty  was  great  indeed,  if,  as  Pedro  Pizarro,  one  of  the  Con¬ 
querors  present,  says,  it  amounted  in  value  to  200,000  gold  Castellanos. 
“  Aqui  se  hallo  mucha  chaquira  de  oro  y  de  plata,  muchas  coronas 
hechas  de  oro  a  manera  de  imperiales,  y  otras  muchas  piezas  en  que  se 
avaleo  montar  mas  de  dozientos  mill  Castellanos.”  (Descub.  y  Conq., 
MS.)  Naharro,  Montesinos,  and  Herrera  content  themselves  with  stating 
that  he  sent  back  20,000  Castellanos  in  the  vessels  to  Panama. 

2  “  Fueron  a  dar  en  vn  pueblo  que  se  dezia  Coaque  que  fue  nuestro 
Sefior  servido  tapasen  con  el,  porque  con  lo  que  en  el  se  hallo  se  acredito 
la  tierra  y  vino  gente  a  ella.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

3  Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq., 
MS. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1530. 

198  Conquest  of  Peru 

over  the  country,  sparing  neither  native  nor  white  man.1  It 
was  one  of  those  plagues  from  the  vial  of  wrath,  which  the 
destroying  angel,  who  follows  in  the  path  of  the  Conqueror, 
pours  out  on  the  devoted  nations. 

The  Spaniards  rarely  experienced  on  their  march  either 
resistance  or  annoyance  from  the  inhabitants,  who,  instructed 
by  the  example  of  Coaque,  fled  with  their  effects  into  the 
woods  and  neighbouring  mountains.  No  one  came  out  to 
welcome  the  strangers  and  offer  the  rites  of  hospitality,  as  on 
their  last  visit  to  the  land.  For  the  white  men  were  no  longer 
regarded  as  good  beings  that  had  come  from  heaven,  but  as 
ruthless  destroyers,  who,  invulnerable  to  the  assaults  of  the 
Indians,  were  borne  along  on  the  backs  of  fierce  animals, 
swifter  than  the  wind,  with  weapons  in  their  hands,  that 
scattered  fire  and  desolation  as  they  went.  Such  were  the 
stories  now  circulated  of  the  invaders,  which,  preceding  them 
everywhere  on  their  march,  closed  the  hearts,  if  not  the  doors, 
of  the  natives  against  them.  Exhausted  by  the  fatigue  of 
travel  and  by  disease,  and  grievously  disappointed  at  the 
poverty  of  the  land,  which  now  offered  no  compensation  for 
their  toils,  the  soldiers  of  Pizarro  cursed  the  hour  in  which 
they  had  enlisted  under  his  standard,  and  the  men  of  Nicar¬ 
agua,  in  particular,  says  the  old  chronicler,  calling  to  mind 
their  pleasant  quarters  in  their  luxurious  land,  sighed  only  to 
return  to  their  Mahometan  paradise.2 

At  this  juncture  the  army  was  gladdened  by  the  sight  of 
a  vessel  from  Panama,  which  brought  some  supplies,  together 
with  the  royal  treasurer,  the  veedor  or  inspector,  the  comp¬ 
troller,  and  other  high  officers  appointed  by  the  Crown  to 
attend  the  expedition.  They  had  been  left  in  Spain  by 
Pizarro,  in  consequence  of  his  abrupt  departure  from  that 
country ;  and  the  Council  of  the  Indies,  on  learning  the 
circumstance,  had  sent  instructions  to  Panama  to  prevent  the 
sailing  of  his  squadron  from  that  port.  But  the  Spanish 
government,  with  more  wisdom,  countermanded  the  order, 
only  requiring  the  functionaries  to  quicken  their  own  de¬ 
parture,  and  take  their  place  without  loss  of  time  in  the 

1  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i.  cap.  xv. 

2  “Aunque  ellos  no  ninguno  por  aver  venido,  porque  como  avian 
dexado  el  paraiso  de  Mahoma  que  hera  Nicaragua  y  hallaron  la  isla  alzada 
y  falta  de  comidas  y  la  mayor  parte  de  la  gente  enfferma  y  no  oro  ni  plata 
como  atras  avian  hallado,  algunos  y  todos  se  holgaran  de  volver  de  adonde 
avian  venido.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

Conquest  of  Peru  199 

The  Spaniards  in  their  march  along  the  coast  had  now 
advanced  as  far  as  Puerto  Viejo.  Here  they  were  soon  after 
joined  by  another  small  reinforcement  of  about  thirty  men, 
under  an  officer  named  Belalcazar,  who  subsequently  rose  to 
high  distinction  in  this  service.  Many  of  the  followers  of 
Pizarro  would  now  have  halted  at  this  spot  and  established 
a  colony  there.  But  that  chief  thought  more  of  conquering 
than  of  colonising,  at  least  for  the  present ;  and  he  proposed, 
as  his  first  step,  to  get  possession  of  Tumbez,  which  he 
regarded  as  the  gate  of  the  Peruvian  empire.  Continuing  his 
march,  therefore,  to  the  shores  of  what  is  now  called  the 
Gulf  of  Guayaquil,  he  arrived  off  the  little  island  of  Puna, 
lying  at  no  great  distance  from  the  Bay  of  Tumbez.  This 
island,  he  thought,  would  afford  him  a  convenient  place  to 
encamp  until  he  was  prepared  to  make  his  descent  on  the 
Indian  city. 

The  dispositions  of  the  islanders  seemed  to  favour  his 
purpose.  He  had  not  been  long  in  their  neighbourhood, 
before  a  deputation  of  the  natives,  with  their  cacique  at  their 
head,  crossed  over  in  their  balsas  to  the  main-land  to  welcome 
the  Spaniards  to  their  residence.  But  the  Indian  interpreters 
of  Tumbez,  who  had  returned  with  Pizarro  from  Spain,  and 
continued  with  the  camp,  put  their  master  on  his  guard 
against  the  meditated  treachery  of  the  islanders,  whom  they 
accused  of  designing  to  destroy  the  Spaniards  by  cutting  the 
ropes  that  held  together  the  floats,  and  leaving  those  upon 
them  to  perish  in  the  waters.  Yet  the  cacique,  when  charged 
by  Pizarro  with  this  perfidious  scheme,  denied  it  with  such 
an  air  of  conscious  innocence,  that  the  Spanish  commander 
trusted  himself  and  his  followers,  without  further  hesitation, 
to  his  conveyance,  and  was  transported  in  safety  to  the  shores 
of  Puna. 

Here  he  was  received  in  an  hospitable  manner,  and  his  troops 
were  provided  with  comfortable  quarters.  Well  satisfied  with 
his  present  position,  Pizarro  resolved  to  occupy  it  until  the 
violence  of  the  rainy  season  was  passed,  when  the  arrival  of  the 
reinforcements  he  expected  would  put  him  in  better  condition 
for  marching  into  the  country  of  the  Inca. 

The  island,  which  lies  in  the  mouth  of  the  river  of  Guaya¬ 
quil,  and  is  about  eight  leagues  in  length  by  four  in  breadth,  at 
the  widest  part,  was  at  that  time  partially  covered  with  a  noble 
growth  of  timber.  But  a  large  portion  of  it  was  subjected  to 
cultivation,  and  bloomed  with  plantations  of  cacao,  of  the  sweet 
potato,  and  the  different  products  of  a  tropical  clime,  evincing 


Conquest  of  Peru 

agricultural  knowledge  as  well  as  industry  in  the  population. 
They  were  a  warlike  race ;  but  had  received  from  their  Peru¬ 
vian  foes  the  appellation  of  “Perfidious.”  It  was  the  brand 
fastened  by  the  Roman  historians  on  their  Carthaginian 
enemies,  with,  perhaps,  no  better  reason.  The  bold  and  inde¬ 
pendent  islanders  opposed  a  stubborn  resistance  to  the  arms  of 
the  Incas ;  and,  though  they  had  finally  yielded,  they  had  been 
ever  since  at  feud,  and  often  in  deadly  hostility,  with  their 
neighbours  of  Tumbez. 

The  latter  no  sooner  heard  of  Pizarro’s  arrival  on  the  island, 
than  trusting,  probably,  to  their  former  friendly  relations  with 
him,  they  came  over  in  some  number  to  the  Spanish  quarters. 
The  presence  of  their  detested  rivals  was  by  no  means  grateful 
to  the  jealous  inhabitants  of  Puna,  and  the  prolonged  resid¬ 
ence  of  the  white  men  on  their  island  could  not  be  otherwise 
than  burdensome.  In  their  outward  demeanour  they  still 
maintained  the  same  show  of  amity ;  but  Pizarro’s  interpreters 
again  put  him  on  his  guard  against  the  proverbial  perfidy  of 
their  hosts.  With  his  suspicions  thus  roused,  the  Spanish 
commander  was  informed  that  a  number  of  the  chiefs  had  met 
together  to  deliberate  on  a  plan  of  insurrection.  Not  caring  to 
wait  for  the  springing  of  the  mine,  he  surrounded  the  place  of 
meeting  with  his  soldiers,  and  made  prisoners  of  the  suspected 
chieftains.  According  to  one  authority,  they  confessed  their 
guilt.1  This  is  by  no  means  certain.  Nor  is  it  certain  that 
they  meditated  an  insurrection.  Yet  the  fact  is  not  improbable 
in  itself ;  though  it  derives  little  additional  probability  from  the 
assertion  of  the  hostile  interpreters.  It  is  certain,  however,  that 
Pizarro  was  satisfied  of  the  existence  of  a  conspiracy ;  and, 
without  further  hesitation,  he  abandoned  his  wretched  prisoners, 
ten  or  twelve  in  number,  to  the  tender  mercies  of  their  rivals 
of  Tumbez,  who  instantly  massacred  them  before  his  eyes.2 

Maddened  by  this  outrage,  the  people  of  Puna  sprang  to 
arms,  and  threw  themselves  at  once,  with  fearful  yells  and  the 
wildest  menaces  of  despair,  on  the  Spanish  camp.  The  odds 
of  numbers  were  greatly  in  their  favour,  for  they  mustered 
several  thousand  warriors.  But  the  more  decisive  odds  of  arms 
and  discipline  were  on  the  side  of  their  antagonists ;  and,  as 
the  Indians  rushed  forward  in  a  confused  mass  to  the  assault,  the 

3  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  183. 

2  “Y  el  marques  don  Francisco  P^arro,  por  tenellos  por  amigos  y  estu- 
viesen  de  paz  quando  alia  passasen,  les  dio  algunos  principales  los  quales 
eilos  matavan  en  presencia  de  los  Espanoles,  cortandoles  los  cavezas  por  el 
cogote.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y.  Conq.,  MS. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

Castilians  coolly  received  them  on  their  long  pikes,  or  swept 
them  down  by  the  volleys  of  their  musketry.  Their  ill-protected 
bodies  were  easily  cut  to  pieces  by  the  sharp  sword  of  the 
Spaniard ;  and  Hernando  Pizarro,  putting  himself  at  the  head 
of  the  cavalry,  charged  boldly  into  the  midst,  and  scattered 
them  far  and  wide  over  the  field,  until,  panic-struck  by  the 
terrible  array  of  steel-clad  horsemen,  and  the  stunning  reports 
and  the  flash  of  fire-arms,  the  fugitives  sought  shelter  in  the 
depths  of  their  forests.  Yet  the  victory  was  owing,  in  some 
degree,  at  least  if  we  may  credit  the  Conquerors,  to  the  inter¬ 
position  of  Heaven  ;  for  St.  Michael  and  his  legions  were  seen 
high  in  the  air  above  the  combatants,  contending  with  the  arch¬ 
enemy  of  man,  and  cheering  on  the  Christians  by  their  example  !3 

Not  more  than  three  or  four  Spaniards  fell  in  the  fight;  but 
many  were  wounded,  and  among  them  Hernando  Pizarro,  who 
received  a  severe  injury  in  the  leg  from  a  javelin.  Nor  did  the 
war  end  here ;  for  the  implacable  islanders,  taking  advantage 
of  the  cover  of  night,  or  of  any  remissness  on  the  part  of  the 
invaders,  were  ever  ready  to  steal  out  of  their  fastnesses  and 
spring  on  their  enemy’s  camp,  while,  by  cutting  off  his  straggling 
parties,  and  destroying  his  provisions,  they  kept  him  in  perpetual 

In  this  uncomfortable  situation,  the  Spanish  commander  was 
gladdened  by  the  appearance  of  two  vessels  off  the  island. 
They  brought  a  reinforcement  consisting  of  a  hundred  volun¬ 
teers  besides  horses  for  the  cavalry.  It  was  commanded  by 
Hernando  de  Soto,  a  captain  afterwards  famous  as  the  dis¬ 
coverer  of  the  Mississippi,  which  still  rolls  its  majestic  current 
over  the  place  of  his  burial — a  fitting  monument  for  his  remains, 
as  it  is  of  his  renown.1 2 

1  The  city  of  San  Miguel  was  so  named  by  Pizarro  to  commemorate  the 
event, — and  the  existence  of  such  a  city  may  be  considered  by  some  as 
establishing  the  truth  of  the  miracle. — “  En  la  batalla  de  Puna  vieron 
muchos,  ya  de  los  Indios,  ya  de  los  nuestros,  que  habia  en  el  aire  otros  dos 
campos,  uno  acaudillado  por  el  Arcangel  Sn  Miguel  con  espada  y  rodela,  y 
otropor  Luxbel  y  sus  secuaces  ;  mas  apenas  cantaron  los  Castellanos  la  vic¬ 
toria  huyeron  los  diablos,  y  formando  un  gran  torvellino  de  viento  se  oyeron 
en  el  aire  unas  terribles  voces  quedecian,  Vencistenos  !  Miguel  vencistenos  ! 
De  aqui  torno  Dn  Francisco  Pizarro  tanta  devocion  al  sto  Arcangel,  que 
prometio  llamar  la  primera  ciudad  que  fundase  de  su  nombre  ;  cumpliolo 
asi  como  veremos  adelante.” — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ano  1530. 

2  The  transactions  in  Puna  are  given  at  more  or  less  length  by  Naharro, 

Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Peru,  MS. — Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  yConq.,  MS. — Montesinos,  Annales,  MS.,  ubi  supra. — Relacion 
del  Primer.  Descub.  MS. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii. 
pp.  182,  1S3. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

This  reinforcement  was  most  welcome  to  Pizarro,  who  had 
been  long  discontented  with  his  position  on  an  island,  where 
he  found  nothing  to  compensate  the  life  of  unintermitting 
hostility  which  he  was  compelled  to  lead.  With  these  recruits, 
he  felt  himself  in  sufficient  strength  to  cross  over  to  the  conti¬ 
nent,  and  resume  military  operations  on  the  proper  theatre  for 
discovery  and  conquest.  From  the  Indians  of  Tumbez  he 
learned  that  the  country  had  been  for  some  time  distracted  by 
a  civil  war  between  two  sons  of  the  late  monarch,  competitors 
for  the  throne.  This  intelligence  he  regarded  as  of  the  utmost 
importance,  for  he  remembered  the  use  which  Cortes  had  made 
of  similar  dissensions  among  the  tribes  of  Anahuac.  Indeed, 
Pizarro  seems  to  have  had  the  example  of  his  great  predecessor 
before  his  eyes  on  more  occasions  than  this.  But  he  fell  far 
short  of  his  model ;  for,  notwithstanding  the  restraint  he  some¬ 
times  put  upon  himself,  his  coarser  nature  and  more  ferocious 
temper  often  betrayed  him  into  acts  most  repugnant  to  sound 
policy,  which  could  never  have  been  countenanced  by  the 
Conqueror  of  Mexico. 





Before  accompanying  the  march  of  Pizarro  and  his  followers 
into  the  country  of  the  Incas,  it  is  necessary  to  make  the  reader 
acquainted  with  the  critical  situation  of  the  kingdom  at  that 
time.  For  the  Spaniards  arrived  just  at  the  consummation  of 
an  important  revolution — at  a  crisis  most  favourable  to  their 
views  of  conquest,  and  but  for  which,  indeed,  the  conquest, 
with  such  a  handful  of  soldiers,  could  never  have  been 

In  the  latter  part  of  the  fifteenth  century  died  Tupac  Inca 
Yupanqui,  one  of  the  most  renowned  of  the  “Children  of  the 
Sun,”  who,  carrying  the  Peruvian  arms  across  the  burning 
sands  of  Atacama,  penetrated  to  the  remote  borders  of  Chili, 
while  in  the  opposite  direction  he  enlarged  the  limits  of  the 
empire  by  the  acquisition  of  the  southern  provinces  of  Quito. 
The  war  in  this  quarter  was  conducted  by  his  son  Huayna 
Capac,  who  succeeded  his  father  on  the  throne,  and  fully 
equalled  him  in  military  daring  and  in  capacity  for  government. 

Conquest  of  Peru  203 

Under  this  prince,  the  whole  of  the  powerful  state  of  Quito, 
which  rivalled  that  of  Peru  itself  in  wealth  and  refinement,  was 
brought  under  the  sceptre  of  the  Incas ;  whose  empire  received, 
by  this  conquest,  the  most  important  accession  yet  made  to  it 
since  the  foundation  of  the  dynasty  of  Manco  Capac.  The 
remaining  days  of  the  victorious  monarch  were  passed  in  re¬ 
ducing  the  independent  tribes  on  the  remote  limits  of  his 
territory,  and,  still  more,  in  cementing  his  conquests  by  the 
introduction  of  the  Peruvian  polity.  He  was  actively  engaged 
in  completing  the  great  works  of  his  father,  especially  the  high¬ 
roads  which  led  from  Quito  to  the  capital.  He  perfected  the 
establishment  of  posts,  took  great  pains  to  introduce  the 
Quichua  dialect  throughout  the  empire,  promoted  a  better 
system  of  agriculture,  and,  in  fine,  encouraged  the  different 
branches  of  domestic  industry  and  the  various  enlightened 
plans  of  his  predecessors  for  the  improvement  of  his  people. 
Under  his  sway  the  Peruvian  monarchy  reached  its  most  palmy 
state  ;  and  under  both  him  and  his  illustrious  father  it  was 
advancing  with  such  rapid  strides  in  the  march  of  civilisation 
as  would  soon  have  carried  it  to  a  level  with  the  more  refined 
despotisms  of  Asia,  furnishing  the  world,  perhaps,  with  higher 
evidence  of  the  capabilities  of  the  American  Indian  than  is 
elsewhere  to  be  found  on  the  great  western  continent. — But 
other  and  gloomier  destinies  were  in  reserve  for  the  Indian 

The  first  arrival  of  the  white  men  on  the  South  American 
shores  of  the  Pacific  was  about  ten  years  before  the  death  of 
Huayna  Capac,  when  Balboa  crossed  the  Gulf  of  St.  Michael, 
and  obtained  the  first  clear  report  of  the  empire  of  the  Incas. 
Whether  tidings  of  these  adventurers  reached  the  Indian 
monarch’s  ears  is  doubtful.  There  is  no  doubt,  however,  that 
he  obtained  the  news  of  the  first  expedition  under  Pizarro  and 
Almagro,  when  the  latter  commander  penetrated  as  far  as  the 
Rio  de  San  Juan,  about  the  fourth  degree  north.  The  accounts 
which  he  received  made  a  strong  impression  on  the  mind  of 
Huayna  Capac.  He  discerned  in  the  formidable  prowess  and 
weapons  of  the  invaders  proofs  of  a  civilisation  far  superior  to 
that  of  his  own  people.  He  intimated  his  apprehension  that 
they  would  return,  and  that  at  some  day,  not  far  distant, 
perhaps,  the  throne  of  the  Incas  might  be  shaken  by  these 
strangers,  endowed  with  such  incomprehensible  powers.1  To 
the  vulgar  eye,  it  was  a  little  speck  on  the  verge  of  the  horizon ; 

1  Sarmiento,  an  honest  authority,  tells  us  he  had  this  from  some  of  the 
Inca  lords  who  heard  it. — Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxv. 

204  Conquest  of  Peru 

but  that  of  the  sagacious  monarch  seemed  to  descry  in  it  the 
dark  thunder-cloud,  that  was  to  spread  wider  and  wider  till  it 
burst  in  fury  on  his  nation ! 

There  is  some  ground  for  believing  thus  much.  But  other 
accounts,  which  have  obtained  a  popular  currency,  not  content 
with  this,  connect  the  first  tidings  of  the  white  men  with  pre¬ 
dictions  long  extant  in  the  country,  and  with  supernatural 
appearances  which  filled  the  hearts  of  the  whole  nation  with 
dismay.  Comets  were  seen  flaming  athwart  the  heavens. 
Earthquakes  shook  the  land ;  the  moon  was  girdled  with  rings 
of  fire  of  many  colours ;  a  thunderbolt  fell  on  one  of  the  royal 
palaces  and  consumed  it  to  ashes ;  and  an  eagle,  chased  by 
several  hawks,  was  seen,  screaming  in  the  air,  to  hover  above 
the  great  square  of  Cuzco,  when,  pierced  by  the  talons  of  his 
tormentors,  the  king  of  birds  fell  lifeless  in  the  presence  of  many 
of  the  Inca  nobles,  who  read  in  this  an  augury  of  their  own 
destruction  !  Huayna  Capac  himself,  calling  his  great  officers 
around  him,  as  he  found  he  was  drawing  near  his  end,  an¬ 
nounced  the  subversion  of  his  empire  by  the  race  of  white  and 
bearded  strangers,  as  the  consummation  predicted  by  the 
oracles  after  the  reign  of  the  twelfth  Inca,  and  he  enjoined  it 
on  his  vassals  not  to  resist  the  decrees  of  Heaven,  but  to  yield 
obedience  to  its  messengers.1 

Such  is  the  report  of  the  impressions  made  by  the  appear¬ 
ance  of  the  Spaniards  in  the  country,  reminding  one  of  the 
similar  feelings  of  superstitious  terror  occasioned  by  their 
appearance  in  Mexico.  But  the  traditions  of  the  latter  land 
rest  on  much  higher  authority  than  those  of  the  Peruvians, 
which,  unsupported  by  contemporary  testimony,  rest  almost 
wholly  on  the  naked  assertion  of  one  of  their  own  nation,  who 
thought  to  find,  doubtless,  in  the  inevitable  decrees  of  Heaven, 
the  best  apology  for  the  supineness  of  his  countrymen. 

It  is  not  improbable  that  rumours  of  the  advent  of  a  strange 
and  mysterious  race  should  have  spread  gradually  among  the 
Indian  tribes  along  the  great  table-land  of  the  Cordilleras,  and 
should  have  shaken  the  hearts  of  the  stoutest  warriors  with 

1  A  minute  relation  of  these  supernatural  occurrences  is  given  by  the 
Inca  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  (Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ix.  cap.  xiv.,)  whose 
situation  opened  to  him  the  very  best  sources  of  information,  which  is  more 
than  counterbalanced  by  the  defects  in  his  own  character  as  an  historian, — 
his  childish  credulity,  and  his  desire  to  magnify  and  mystify  everything 
relating  to  his  own  order,  and,  indeed,  his  nation.  His  work  is  the  source 
of  most  of  the  facts — and  the  falsehoods — that  have  obtained  circulation  in 
respect  to  the  ancient  Peruvians.  Unfortunately,  at  this  distance  of  time, 
it  is  not  always  easy  to  distinguish  the  one  from  the  other. 

Conquest  of  Peru  205 

feelings  of  undefined  dread,  as  of  some  impending  calamity. 
In  this  state  of  mind,  it  was  natural  that  physical  convulsions, 
to  which  that  volcanic  country  is  peculiarly  subject,  should  have 
made  an  unwonted  impression  on  their  minds  ;  and  that  the 
phenomena,  which  might  have  been  regarded  only  as  extra¬ 
ordinary,  in  the  usual  seasons  of  political  security,  should  now 
be  interpreted  by  the  superstitious  soothsayer  as  the  hand¬ 
writing  on  the  heavens,  by  which  the  God  of  the  Incas 
proclaimed  the  approaching  downfall  of  their  empire. 

Huayna  Capac  had,  as  usual,  with  the  Peruvian  princes,  a 
multitude  of  concubines,  by  whom  he  left  a  numerous  posterity. 
The  heir  to  the  crown,  the  son  of  his  lawful  wife  and  sister, 
was  named  Huascar.1  At  the  period  of  the  history  at  which 
we  are  now  arrived,  he  was  about  thirty  years  of  age.  Next  to 
the  heir-apparent,  by  another  wife,  a  cousin  of  the  monarch’s, 
came  Manco  Capac,  a  young  prince  who  will  occupy  an 
important  place  in  our  subsequent  story.  But  the  best  beloved 
of  the  Inca’s  children  was  Atahuallpa.  His  mother  was  the 
daughter  of  the  last  Scyri  of  Quito,  who  had  died  of  grief,  it 
was  said,  not  long  after  the  subversion  of  his  kingdom  by 
Huayna  Capac.  The  princess  was  beautiful,  and  the  Inca, 
whether  to  gratify  his  passion,  or,  as  the  Peruvians  say,  willing 
to  make  amends  for  the  ruin  of  her  parents,  received  her  among 
his  concubines.  The  historians  of  Quito  assert  that  she  was 
his  lawful  wife ;  but  this  dignity,  according  to  the  usages  of  the 
empire,  was  reserved  for  maidens  of  the  Inca  blood. 

The  latter  years  of  Huayna  Capac  were  passed  in  his  new 
kingdom  of  Quito.  Atahuallpa  was  accordingly  brought  up 
under  his  own  eye,  accompanied  him  while  in  his  tender  years 
in  his  campaigns,  slept  in  the  same  tent  with  his  royal  father, 
and  ate  from  the  same  plate.2  The  vivacity  of  the  boy,  his 

1  Huascar,  in  the  Quichua  dialect,  signifies  “  a  cable.  ”  The  reason  of 
its  being  given  to  the  heir-apparent  is  remarkable.  Huayna  Capac  celebrated 
the  birth  of  the  prince  by  a  festival,  in  which  he  introduced  a  massive  gold 
chain  for  the  nobles  to  hold  in  their  hands  as  they  performed  their  national 
dances.  The  chain  was  seven  hundred  feet  in  length,  and  the  links  nearly 
as  big  round  as  a  man’s  wrist !  (See  Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap. 
xiv. — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ix.  cap.  i. )  The  latter  writer 
had  the  particulars,  he  tells  us,  from  his  old  Inca  uncle,  who  seems  to  have 
dealt  largely  in  the  marvellous  ;  not  too  largely  for  his  audience,  however, 
as  the  story  has  been  greedily  circulated  by  most  of  the  Castilian  writers, 
both  of  that  and  of  the  succeeding  age. 

2  “  Atabalipa  era  bien  quisto  de  los  capitanes  viejos  de  su  padre  y  de  los 
soldados,  porque  andubo  en  la  guerra  en  su  ninez  y  porque  el  en  vida  le 
mostro  tanto  amor  que  no  le  dejaba  comer  otra  cosaque  lo  que  el  le  daba  de 
su  plato.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxvi. 

206  Conquest  of  Peru 

courage  and  generous  nature,  won  the  affections  of  the  old 
monarch  to  such  a  degree  that  he  resolved  to  depart  from  the 
established  usages  of  the  realm,  and  divide  his  empire  between 
him  and  his  elder  brother  Huascar.  On  his  death-bed  he 
called  the  great  officers  of  the  crown  around  him,  and  declared 
it  to  be  his  will  that  the  ancient  kingdom  of  Quito  should  pass 
to  Atahuallpa,  who  might  be  considered  as  having  a  natural 
claim  on  it  as  the  dominion  of  his  ancestors.  The  rest  of  the 
empire  he  settled  on  Huascar  ;  and  he  enjoined  it  on  the  two 
brothers  to  acquiesce  in  this  arrangement,  and  to  live  in  amity 
with  each  other.  This  was  the  last  act  of  the  heroic  monarch, 
doubtless  the  most  impolitic  of  his  whole  life  :  with  his  dying 
breath  he  subverted  the  fundamental  laws  of  the  empire ;  and, 
while  he  recommended  harmony  between  the  successors  to  his 
authority,  he  left  in  this  very  division  of  it  the  seeds  of  inevitable 

His  death  took  place,  as  seems  probable,  at  the  close  of 
1525,  not  quite  seven  years  before  Pizarro’s  arrival  at  Puna.2 
The  tidings  of  his  decease  spread  sorrow  and  consternation 
throughout  the  land  ;  for,  though  stern  and  even  inexorable  to 
the  rebel  and  the  long-resisting  foe,  he  was  a  brave  and 
magnanimous  monarch,  and  legislated  with  the  enlarged  views 
of  a  prince  who  regarded  every  part  of  his  dominions  as  equally 
his  concern.  The  people  of  Quito,  flattered  by  the  proofs 
which  he  had  given  of  preference  for  them  by  his  permanent 
residence  in  that  country,  and  his  embellishment  of  their  capital, 
manifested  unfeigned  sorrow  at  his  loss  ;  and  his  subjects  at 
Cuzco,  proud  of  the  glory  which  his  arms  and  his  abilities  had 
secured  for  his  native  land,  held  him  in  no  less  admiration ; 3 

1  Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  i.  lib.  viii.  cap.  ix. — Zarate, 
Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xii. — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxv. — 
Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  201. 

2  The  precise  date  of  this  event,  though  so  near  the  time  of  the  Conquest, 
is  matter  of  doubt.  Balboa,  a  contemporary  with  the  Conquerors,  and 
who  wrote  at  Quito,  where  the  Inca  died,  fixes  it  at  1525.  (Hist,  du 
Perou,  chap,  xiv.)  Velasco,  another  inhabitant  of  the  same  place,  after  an 
investigation  of  the  different  accounts,  comes  to  the  like  conclusion.  (Hist, 
de  Quito,  tom.  i.  p.  232.)  Dr.  Robertson,  after  telling  us  that  Huayna 
Capac  died  in  1529,  speaks  again  of  this  event  as  having  happened  in  1527. 
(Conf.  America,  vol.  iii.  pp.  25,  381.)  Any  one  who  has  been  bewildered 
by  the  chronological  snarl  of  the  ancient  chronicles,  will  not  be  surprised  at 
meeting  occasionally  with  such  inconsistencies  in  a  writer  who  is  obliged  to 
take  them  as  his  guides. 

3  One  cannot  doubt  this  monarch’s  popularity  with  the  female  part  of  his 
subjects,  at  least,  if,  as  the  historian  of  the  Incas  tells  us,  “  he  was  never 
known  to  refuse  a  woman,  of  whatever  age  or  degree  she  might  be,  any 
Savour  that  she  asked  of  him  1” — Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  viii.  cap.  vii. 

Conquest  of  Peru  207 

while  the  more  thoughtful  and  the  more  timid  in  both  countries 
looked  with  apprehension  to  the  future,  when  the  sceptre  of  the 
vast  empire,  instead  of  being  swayed  by  an  old  and  experienced 
hand  was  to  be  consigned  to  rival  princes,  naturally  jealous  of 
one  another,  and  from  their  age  necessarily  exposed  to  the  un¬ 
wholesome  influence  of  crafty  and  ambitious  counsellors.  The 
people  testified  their  regret  by  the  unwonted  honours  paid  to 
the  memory  of  the  deceased  Inca.  His  heart  was  retained  in 
Quito,  and  his  body,  embalmed  after  the  fashion  of  the  country, 
was  transported  to  Cuzco  to  take  its  place  in  the  great  Temple 
of  the  Sun  by  the  side  of  the  remains  of  his  royal  ancestors. 
His  obsequies  were  celebrated  with  sanguinary  splendour  in 
both  the  capitals  of  his  far  extended  empire;  and  several 
thousands  of  the  imperial  concubines,  with  numerous  pages 
and  officers  of  the  palace,  are  said  to  have  proved  their  sorrow 
or  their  superstition  by  offering  up  their  own  lives,  that  they 
might  accompany  their  departed  lord  to  the  bright  mansions  of 
the  sun.1 

For  nearly  five  years  after  the  death  of  Huayna  Capac  the 
royal  brothers  reigned,  each  over  his  allotted  portion  of  the 
empire,  without  distrust  of  one  another,  or  at  least  without 
collision.  It  seemed  as  the  wish  of  their  father  was  to  be 
completely  realised,  and  that  the  two  states  were  to  maintain 
their  respective  integrity  and  independence  as  much  as  if  they 
had  never  been  united  into  one.  But  with  the  manifold 
causes  for  jealousy  and  discontent,  and  the  swarms  of  courtly 
sycophants  who  would  find  their  account  in  fomenting  these 
feelings,  it  was  easy  to  see  that  this  tranquil  state  of  things 
could  not  long  endure.  Nor  would  it  have  endured  so  long, 
but  for  the  more  gentle  temper  of  Huascar,  the  only  party  who 
had  ground  for  complaint.  He  was  four  or  five  years  older 
than  his  brother,  and  was  possessed  of  courage  not  to  be 
doubted  ;  but  he  was  a  prince  of  a  generous  and  easy  nature, 
and  perhaps,  if  left  to  himself,  might  have  acquiesced  in  an 
arrangement  which,  however  unpalatable,  was  the  will  of  his 
deified  father.  But  Atahuallpa  was  of  a  different  temper ; 
warlike,  ambitious,  and  daring,  he  was  constantly  engaged  in 
enterprises  for  the  enlargement  of  his  own  territory,  though  his 
crafty  policy  was  scrupulous  not  to  aim  at  extending  his 
acquisitions  in  the  direction  of  his  royal  brother.  His  restless 
spirit,  however,  excited  some  alarm  at  the  court  of  Cuzco,  and 
Huascar  at  length  sent  an  envoy  to  Atahuallpa  to  remonstrate 

1  Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxv. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec.  v. 
lib.  iii.  cap.  xvii. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

with  him  on  his  ambitious  enterprises,  and  to  require  him  to 
render  him  homage  for  his  kingdom  of  Quito. 

This  is  one  statement :  other  accounts  pretend  that  the 
immediate  cause  of  rupture  was  a  claim  instituted  by  Huascar 
for  the  territory  of  Tumebamba,  held  by  his  brother  as  part 
of  his  patrimonial  inheritance.  It  matters  little  what  was 
the  ostensible  ground  of  collision  between  persons  placed 
by  circumstances  in  so  false  a  position  in  regard  to  one 
another,  that  collision  must  at  some  time  or  other  inevitably 

The  commencement,  and  indeed  the  whole  course  of 
hostilities  which  soon  broke  out  between  the  rival  brothers 
are  stated  with  irreconcilable  and,  considering  the  period  was 
so  near  to  that  of  the  Spanish  invasion,  with  unaccountable 
discrepancy.  By  some  it  is  said  that  in  Atahuallpa’s  first 
encounter  with  the  troops  of  Cuzco  he  was  defeated  and  made 
prisoner  near  Tumebamba,  a  favourite  residence  of  his  father 
in  the  ancient  territory  of  Quito,  and  in  the  district  of  Canaris. 
From  this  disaster  he  recovered  by  a  fortunate  escape  from 
confinement;  when,  regaining  his  capital,  he  soon  found 
himself  at  the  head  of  a  numerous  army,  led  by  the  most  able 
and  experienced  captains  in  the  empire.  The  liberal  manners 
of  the  young  Atahuallpa  had  endeared  him  to  the  soldiers, 
with  whom,  as  we  have  seen,  he  served  more  than  one  cam¬ 
paign  in  his  father's  life-time.  These  troops  were  the  flower  of 
the  great  army  of  the  Inca,  and  some  of  them  had  grown  gray 
in  his  long  military  career,  which  had  left  them  at  the  north, 
where  they  readily  transferred  their  allegiance  to  the  young 
sovereign  of  Quito.  They  were  commanded  by  two  officers  of 
great  consideration,  both  possessed  of  large  experience  in 
military  affairs,  and  high  in  the  confidence  of  the  late  Inca. 
One  of  them  was  named  Quizquiz;  the  other,  who  was  the 
maternal  uncle  of  Atahuallpa,  was  called  Chalicuchima. 

With  these  practised  warriors  to  guide  him,  the  young 
monarch  put  himself  at  the  head  of  his  martial  array,  and 
directed  his  march  towards  the  south.  He  had  not  advanced 
farther  than  Ambato,  about  sixty  miles  distant  from  his  capital, 
when  he  fell  in  with  a  numerous  host  which  had  been  sent 
against  him  by  his  brother,  under  the  command  of  a  dis¬ 
tinguished  chieftain  of  the  Inca  family.  A  bloody  battle 
followed  which  lasted  the  greater  part  of  the  day ;  and  the 
theatre  of  combat  was  the  skirts  of  the  mighty  Chimborazo.1 

1  Garcilasso  denies  that  anything  but  insignificant  skirmishes  took  place 
before  the  decisive  action  fought  on  the  plains  of  Cuzco.  But  the  Licentiate 

Conquest  of  Peru  209 

The  battle  ended  favourably  for  Atahuallpa,  and  the  Peru¬ 
vians  were  routed  with  great  slaughter  and  the  loss  of  their 
commander.  The  prince  of  Quito  availed  himself  of  this 
advantage  to  push  forward  his  march  until  he  arrived  before 
the  gates  of  Tumebamba,  which  city,  as  well  as  the  whole 
district  of  Caharis,  though  an  ancient  dependency  of  Quito, 
had  sided  with  his  rival  in  the  contest.  Entering  the  captive 
city  like  a  conqueror,  he  put  the  inhabitants  to  the  sword  and 
razed  it,  with  all  its  stately  edifices,  some  of  wrhich  had  been 
reared  by  his  own  father,  to  the  ground.  He  carried  on  the 
same  war  of  extermination  as  he  marched  through  the  offending 
district  of  Caharis.  In  some  places,  it  is  said,  the  women  and 
children  came  out  with  green  branches  in  their  hands  in 
melancholy  procession  to  deprecate  his  wrath ;  but  the  vindic¬ 
tive  conqueror,  deaf  to  their  entreaties,  laid  the  country  waste 
with  fire  and  sword,  sparing  no  man  capable  of  bearing  arms 
who  fell  into  his  hands.1 

The  fate  of  Caharis  struck  terror  into  the  hearts  of  his 
enemies,  and  one  place  after  another  opened  its  gates  to  the 
victor,  who  held  on  his  triumphant  march  towards  the  Peruvian 
capital.-  His  arms  experienced  a  temporary  check  before  the 
island  of  Puna,  whose  bold  warriors  maintained  the  cause  of 
his  brother.  After  some  days  lost  before  this  place,  Atahuallpa 
left  the  contest  to  their  old  enemies  the  people  of  Tumbez, 
who  had  early  given  in  their  adhesion  to  him,  while  he  re¬ 
sumed  his.  march  and  advanced  as  far  as  Caxamalca,  about 
seven  degrees  south.  Here  he  halted  with  a  detachment  of 
the  army,  sending  forward  the  main  body  under  the  command 
of  his  two  generals,  with  orders  to  move  straight  upon 
Cuzco.  He  preferred  not  to  trust  himself  farther  in  the 

Sarmiento,  who  gathered  his  accounts  of  these  events,  as  he  tells  us,  from 
the  actors  in  them,  walked  over  the  field  of  battle  at  Ambato,  when  the 
ground  was  still  covered  with  the  bones  of  the  slain.  “  Yo  he  pasado  por 
este  pueblo  y  he  visto  el  Lugar  donde  dicen  que  esta  batalla  se  dio  y  cierto 
segun  hay  la  osamenta  devieron  aun  de  morir  masgente  de  la  que  cuentan.” 
— Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxix. 

1  “  Cuentan  muchos  Indios  aquien  yo  lo  oi,  que  por  amansar  su  ira,  man- 
daron  a  un  escuadron  grande  de  ninos  y  a  otro  de  hombres  de  toda  edad, 
que  saliesen  hasta  les  ricas  andas  donde  venia  con  gran  pompa,  llevando  en  las 
manos  ramos  verdes  y  ojas  de  palma,  y  que  le  pidiesen  la  gracia  y  amistad 
suya  para  el  pueblo,  sin  mirar  !a  injuria  pasada,  y  que  en  tantos  clamores 
se  lo  suplicaron,  y  con  tanta  humildad,  que  bastara  quebrantar  corazones 
de  piedra  ;  mas  poca  impresion  hicieron  en  el  cruel  de  Atabalipa,  porque 
dicen  que  mando  a  sus  capitanes  y  gentes  que  matasen  &  todos  aquellos  que 
habien  venido,  lo  cual  fue  hecho,  no  perdonando  sino  a  algunos  ninos  y  i 
las  mugeres  sagradas  del  Templo.” — Sarmiento,  Relacion,  MS.,  cap.  lxx. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

enemy’s  country,  where  a  defeat  might  be  fatal.  By  estab¬ 
lishing  his  quarters  at  Caxamalca  he  would  be  able  to  support 
his  generals  in  case  of  a  reverse,  or  at  worst  to  secure  his 
retreat  on  Quito,  until  he  was  again  in  condition  to  renew 

The  two  commanders,  advancing  by  rapid  marches,  at  length 
crossed  the  Apurimac  river,  and  arrived  within  a  short  distance 
of  the  Peruvian  capital.  Meanwhile  Huascar  had  not  been 
idle.  On  receiving  tidings  of  the  discomfiture  of  his  army  at 
Ambato,  he  made  every  exertion  to  raise  levies  throughout  the 
country.  By  the  advice,  it  is  said,  of  his  priests — the  most 
incompetent  advisers  in  times  of  danger — he  chose  to  await  the 
approach  of  the  enemy  in  his  own  capital ;  and  it  was  not  till 
the  latter  had  arrived  within  a  few  leagues  of  Cuzco  that  the 
Inca,  taking  counsel  of  the  same  ghostly  monitors,  sallied  forth 
to  give  him  battle. 

The  two  armies  met  on  the  plains  of  Quipaypan,  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  the  Indian  metropolis.  Their  numbers  are 
stated  with  the  usual  discrepancy ;  but  Atahuallpa’s  troops  had 
considerably  the  advantage  in  discipline  and  experience,  for 
many  of  Huascar’s  levies  had  been  drawn  hastily  together  from 
the  surrounding  country.  Both  fought,  however,  with  the 
desperation  of  men  who  felt  that  everything  was  at  stake.  It 
was  no  longer  a  contest  for  a  province,  but  for  the  possession 
of  an  empire.  Atahuallpa’s  troops,  flushed  with  recent  success, 
fought  with  the  confidence  of  those  who  relied  on  their  superior 
prowess ;  while  the  loyal  vassals  of  the  Inca  displayed  all  the 
self-devotion  of  men  who  held  their  own  lives  cheap  in  the 
service  of  their  master. 

The  fight  raged  with  the  greatest  obstinacy  from  sunrise  to 
sunset ;  and  the  ground  was  covered  with  heaps  of  the  dying 
and  the  dead,  whose  bones  lay  bleaching  on  the  battle-field 
long  after  the  conquest  by  the  Spaniards.  At  length,  fortune 
declared  in  favour  of  Atahuallpa ;  or  rather,  the  usual  result  of 
a  superior  discipline  and  military  practice  followed.  The  ranks 
of  the  Inca  were  thrown  into  irretrievable  disorder,  and  gave 
way  in  all  directions.  The  conquerors  followed  close  on  the 
heels  of  the  flying.  Huascar  himself,  among  the  latter,  en¬ 
deavoured  to  make  his  escape  with  about  a  thousand  men  who 
remained  round  his  person.  But  the  royal  fugitive  was  dis¬ 
covered  before  he  had  left  the  field ;  his  little  party  was 
enveloped  by  clouds  of  the  enemy,  and  nearly  every  one  of 
the  devoted  band  perished  in  defence  of  their  Inca.  Huascar 
was  made  prisoner,  and  the  victorious  chiefs  marched  at  once 

Conquest  of  Peru  21 1 

on  his  capital,  which  they  occupied  in  the  name  of  their 

These  events  occurred  in  the  spring  of  1532,  a  few  months 
before  the  landing  of  the  Spaniards.  The  tidings  of  the 
success  of  his  arms  and  the  capture  of  his  unfortunate  brother 
reached  Atahuallpa  at  Caxamalca.  He  instantly  gave  orders 
that  Huascar  should  be  treated  with  the  respect  due  to  his 
rank,  but  that  he  should  be  removed  to  the  strong  fortress  of 
Xauxa,  and  held  there  in  strict  confinement.  His  orders  did 
not  stop  here, — if  we  are  to  receive  the  accounts  of  Garcilasso 
de  la  Vega,  himself  of  the  Inca  race,  and  by  his  mother’s  side 
nephew  of  the  great  Huayna  Capac. 

According  to  this  authority,  Atahuallpa  invited  the  Inca 
nobles  throughout  the  country  to  assemble  at  Cuzco,  in  order 
to  deliberate  on  the  best  means  of  partitioning  the  empire 
between  him  and  his  brother.  When  they  had  met  in  the 
capital,  they  were  surrounded  by  the  soldiery  of  Quito,  and 
butchered  without  mercy.  The  motive  for  this  perfidious  act 
was  to  exterminate  the  whole  of  the  royal  family,  who  might 
each  of  them  show  a  better  title  to  the  crown  than  the 
illegitimate  Atahuallpa.  But  the  massacre  did  not  end  here. 
The  illegitimate  offspring,  like  himself,  half-brothers  of  the 
monster,  all,  in  short,  who  had  any  of  the  Inca  blood  in  their 
veins,  were  involved  in  it ;  and  with  an  appetite  for  carnage 
unparalleled  in  the  annals  of  the  Roman  Empire  or  of  the 
French  Republic,  Atahuallpa  ordered  all  the  females  of  the 
blood  royal,  his  aunts,  nieces,  and  cousins,  to  be  put  to  death, 
and  that,  too,  with  the  most  refined  and  lingering  tortures. 
To  give  greater  zest  to  his  revenge,  many  of  the  executions 
took  place  in  the  presence  of  Huascar  himself,  who  was  thus 
compelled  to  witness  the  butchery  of  his  own  wives  and  sisters, 
while,  in  the  extremity  of  anguish,  they  in  vain  called  on  him 
to  protect  them  ! 2 

1  Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  Ixxvii. — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias, 
MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  ix. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom. 
iii.  p.  202. — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  i.  cap.  xii. — Sarmiento,  Relacion, 
MS.,  cap.  lxx. — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq,,  MS. 

2  Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ix.  cap.  xxxv.-xxxix.  “A  las 
mugeres,  hermanas,  tias,  sobrinas,  primas  hermanas,  y  madrastas  de 
Atahuallpa,  colgavan  de  los  Arboles,  y  de  muchas  Horcas  mui  altas  que 
hicieron  ;  a  unas  colgaron  de  los  cabellos,  a  otras  por  debajo  de  los  brat^os 
y  a  otras  de  otras  maneras  feas,  que  por  la  honestidad  se  callan  :  davanles 
sus  hijuelos,  que  los  tuviesen  en  bra9os,  tenianlos  hasta  que  se  les  cafan,  y 
se  aporreavan.”  (Ibid.,  cap.  xxxvii. )  The  variety  of  torture  shows  some 
invention  in  the  writer,  or,  more  probably,  in  the  writer’s  uncle,  the  ancient 
Inca,  the  raconteur  of  these  Blue-beard  butcheries. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

Such  is  the  tale  told  by  the  historian  of  the  Incas,  and 
received  by  him,  as  he  assures  us,  from  his  mother  and  uncle, 
who,  being  children  at  the  time,  were  so  fortunate  as  to  be 
among  the  few  that  escaped  the  massacre  of  their  house.1 
And  such  is  the  account  repeated  by  many  a  Castilian  writer 
since,  without  any  symptom  of  distrust.  But  a  tissue  of  un¬ 
provoked  atrocities  like  these  is  too  repugnant  to  the  principles 
of  human  nature, — and,  indeed,  to  common  sense,- — to  warrant 
our  belief  in  them  on  ordinary  testimony. 

The  annals  of  semi-civilised  nations  unhappily  show  that 
there  have  been  instances  of  similar  attempts  to  extinguish  the 
whole  of  a  noxious  race,  which  had  become  the  object  of  a 
tyrant’s  jealousy ;  though  such  an  attempt  is  about  as 
chimerical  as  it  would  be  to  extirpate  any  particular  species 
of  plant,  the  seeds  of  which  had  been  borne  on  every  wTind 
over  the  country.  But,  if  the  attempt  to  exterminate  the  Inca 
race  was  actually  made  by  Atahuallpa,  how  comes  it  that  so 
many  of  the  pure  descendants  of  the  blood  royal — nearly  six 
hundred  in  number — are  admitted  by  the  historian  to  have 
been  in  existence  seventy  years  after  the  imputed  massacre  ?  2 
Why  was  the  massacre,  instead  of  being  limited  to  the 
legitimate  members  of  the  royal  stock,  who  could  show  a 
better  title  to  the  crown  than  the  usurper,  extended  to  all, 
however  remotely,  or  in  whatever  way,  connected  with  the 
race?  Why  were  aged  women  and  young  maidens  involved 
in  the  proscription,  and  why  were  they  subjected  to  such 
refined  and  superfluous  tortures,  when  it  is  obvious  that 
beings  so  impotent  could  have  done  nothing  to  provoke  the 
jealousy  of  the  tyrant  ?  Why,  when  so  many  were  sacrificed 
from  some  vague  apprehension  of  distant  danger,  was  his  rival 
Huascar,  together  with  his  younger  brother  Manco  Capac,  the 
two  men  from  whom  the  conqueror  had  most  to  fear,  suffered 
to  live  ?  Why,  in  short,  is  the  wonderful  tale  not  recorded  by 
others  before  the  time  of  Garcilasso,  and  nearer  by  half  a 
century  to  the  events  themselves.3 

1  “  Las  crueldades,  que  Atahuallpa  en  los  de  la  sangre  real  hifjo  dire  de 
relacion  de  mi  madre,  y  de  un  hermano  suio,  que  se  llamo  Don  Fernando 
Huallpa  Tupac  Inca  Yupanqui,  que  entonces  eran  ninos  de  menos  de  dicz 
anos.” — Garcilasso,  Com.  Real.,  parte  i.  lib.  ix.  cap.  xiv. 

2  This  appears  from  a  petition  for  certain  immunities,  forwarded  to  Spain 

in  1603,  and  signed  by  five  hundred  and  sixty-seven  Indians  of  the  royal 
Inca  race.  (Ibid.,  parte  iii.  lib.  ix.  cap.  xl.)  Oviedo  says  that  Huayna 
Capac  left  a  hundred  sons  and  daughters,  and  that  most  of  them  were  alive 
at  the  time  of  his  writing .  “  Tubo  cien  hijos  y  hijas,  y  la  mayor  parte  de 

ellos  son  vivos.” — Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  ix. 

3  I  have  looked  in  vain  for  some  confirmation  of  this  story  in  Oviedo, 

Conquest  of  Peru  213 

That  Atahuallpa  may  have  been  guilty  of  excesses,  and 
abused  the  rights  of  conquest  by  some  gratuitous  acts  of 
cruelty,  may  be  readily  believed  ;  for  no  one,  who  calls  to 
mind  his  treatment  of  the  Canaris, — which  his  own  apologists 
do  not  affect  to  deny,1 — will  doubt  that  he  had  a  full  measure 
of  the  vindictive  temper  which  belongs  to 

“  Those  souls  of  fire,  and  Children  of  the  Sun, 

With  whom  revenge  was  virtue.” 

But  there  is  a  wide  difference  between  this  and  the  monstrous 
and  most  unprovoked  atrocities  imputed  to  him ;  implying 
a  diabolical  nature  not  to  be  admitted  on  the  evidence  of  an 
Indian  partisan,  the  sworn  foe  of  his  house,  and  repeated  by 
Castilian  chroniclers,  who  may  naturally  seek,  by  blazoning 
the  enormities  of  Atahuallpa,  to  find  some  apology  for  the 
cruelty  of  their  countrymen  towards  him. 

The  news  of  the  great  victory  was  borne  on  the  wings  of 
the  wind  to  Caxamaica ;  and  loud  and  long  was  the  rejoicing, 
not  only  in  the  camp  of  Atahuallpa,  but  in  the  town  and 
surrounding  country ;  for  all  now  came  in,  eager  to  offer  their 
congratulations  to  the  victor,  and  do  him  homage.  The  prince 
of  Quito  no  longer  hesitated  to  assume  the  scarlet  borla ,  the 
diadem  of  the  Incas..  His  triumph  was  complete.  He  had 
beaten  his  enemies  on  their  own  ground ;  had  taken  their 
capital ;  had  set  his  foot  on  the  neck  of  his  rival,  and  won  for 
himself  the  ancient  sceptre  of  the  Children  of  the  Sun.  But 
the  hour  of  triumph  was  destined  to  be  that  of  his  deepest 
humiliation.  Atahuallpa  was  not  one  of  those  to  whom,  in 
the  language  of  the  Grecian  bard,  “  the  Gods  are  willing  to 
reveal  themselves.”  2  He  had  not  read  the  handwriting  on 
the  heavens.  The  small  speck  which  the  clear-sighted  eye  of 
his  father  had  discerned  on  the  distant  verge  of  the  horizon, 
though  little  noticed  by  Atahuallpa,  intent  on  the  deadly 

Sarmiento,  Xerez,  Cieza  de  Leon,  Zarate,  Pedro  Pizarro,  Gomara, — all 
living  at  the  time,  and  having  access  to  the  best  sources  of  information  ; 
and  all,  it  may  be  added,  disposed  to  do  stern  justice  to  the  evil  qualities 
of  the  Indian  monarch. 

1  No  one  of  the  apologists  of  Atahuallpa  goes  quite  so  far  as  Father 
Velasco,  who,  in  the  overflowings  of  his  loyalty  for  a  Quito  monarch, 
regards  his  massacre  of  the  Canaris  as  a  very  fair  retribution  for  their 
offences.  “  Si  les  auteurs  dont  je  viens  de  parler  s’etaient  trouves  dans  les 
memes  circonstances  qu’  Atahuallpa,  et  avaient  eprouve  autant  d ’offenses 
graves  et  de  trahisons,  je  ne  croirai  jamais  qu’ils  eussent  agi  autrement.” — 
Hist.  de.  Quito,  tom.  i.  p.  253. 

2  44  Oil/  ydp  trcti  irdvrecrcri  6eol  (palvovrai  ivapytls.” 

OATS,  tt.  v.  ioi. 

214  Conquest  of  Peru 

strife  with  his  brother,  had  now  risen  high  towards  the  zenith, 
spreading  wider  and  wider,  till  it  wrapped  the  skies  in  darkness, 
and  was  ready  to  burst  in  thunders  on  the  devoted  nation. 




We  left  the  Spaniards  at  the  island  of  Puna,  preparing  to 
make  their  descent  on  the  neighbouring  continent  at  Tumbez. 
This  port  was  but  a  few  leagues  distant,  and  Pizarro,  with  the 
greater  part  of  his  followers,  passed  over  in  the  ships,  while 
a  few  others  were  to  transport  the  commander’s  baggage  and 
the  military  stores  on  some  of  the  Indian  balsas.  One  of  the 
latter  vessels  which  first  touched  the  shore  was  surrounded, 
and  three  persons  who  were  on  the  raft  were  carried  off  by 
the  natives  to  the  adjacent  woods  and  there  massacred.  The 
Indians  then  got  possession  of  another  of  the  balsas,  containing 
Pizarro’s  wardrobe :  but,  as  the  men  who  defended  it  raised 
loud  cries  for  help,  they  reached  the  ears  of  Hernando  Pizarro, 
who,  with  a  small  body  of  horse,  had  effected  a  landing  some 
way  farther  down  the  shore.  A  broad  tract  of  miry  ground, 
overflowed  at  high  water,  lay  between  him  and  the  party  thus 
rudely  assailed  by  the  natives.  The  tide  was  out,  and  the 
bottom  was  soft  and  dangerous.  With  little  regard  to  the 
danger,  however,  the  bold  cavalier  spurred  his  horse  into  the 
slimy  depths,  and  followed  by  his  men,  with  the  mud  up  to 
their  saddle-girths,  they  plunged  forward  until  they  came  into 
the  midst  of  the  marauders,  who,  terrified  by  the  strange 
apparition  of  the  horsemen,  fled  precipitately,  without  show 
of  fight,  to  the  neighbouring  forests. 

This  conduct  of  the  natives  of  Tumbez  is  not  easy  to  be 
explained ;  considering  the  friendly  relations  maintained  with 
the  Spaniards  on  their  preceding  visit,  and  lately  renewed  in 
the  island  of  Puna.  But  Pizarro  was  still  more  astonished,  on 
entering  their  town,  to  find  it  not  only  deserted,  but,  with  the 
exception  of  a  few  buildings,  entirely  demolished.  Four  or  five 
of  the  most  substantial  private  dwellings,  the  great  temple,  and 

Conquest  of  Peru  215 

the  fortress — and  these  greatly  damaged,  and  wholly  despoiled 
of  their  interior  decorations — alone  survived  to  mark  the  site 
of  the  city,  and  attest  its  former  splendour  1  The  scene  of 
desolation  filled  the  Conquerors  with  dismay;  for  even  the 
raw  recruits,  who  had  never  visited  the  coast  before,  had 
heard  the  marvellous  stories  of  the  golden  treasures  of 
Tumbez,  and  they  had  confidently  looked  forward  to  them 
as  an  easy  spoil  after  all  their  fatigues.  But  the  gold  of  Peru 
seemed  only  like  a  deceitful  phantom,  which,  after  beckoning 
them  on  through  toil  and  danger,  vanished  the  moment  they 
attempted  to  grasp  it. 

Pizarro  despatched  a  small  body  of  troops  in  pursuit  of  the 
fugitives ;  and,  after  some  slight  skirmishing,  they  got  possession 
of  several  of  the  natives,  and  among  them,  as  it  chanced,  the 
curaca  of  the  place.  When  brought  before  the  Spanish  com¬ 
mander,  he  exonerated  himself  from  any  share  in  the  violence 
offered  to  the  white  men,  saying  that  it  was  done  by  a  lawless 
party  of  his  people,  without  his  knowledge  at  the  time ;  and 
he  expressed  his  willingness  to  deliver  them  up  to  punishment, 
if  they  could  be  detected.  He  explained  the  dilapidated 
condition  of  the  town  by  the  long  wars  carried  on  with  the 
fierce  tribes  of  Puna,  who  had  at  length  succeeded  in  getting 
possession  of  the  place,  and  driving  the  inhabitants  into  the 
neighbouring  woods  and  mountains.  The  Inca,  to  whose 
cause  they  were  attached,  was  too  much  occupied  with  his 
own  feuds  to  protect  them  against  their  enemies. 

Whether  Pizarro  gave  any  credit  to  the  cacique’s  exculpation 
of  himself  may  be  doubted.  He  dissembled  his  suspicions, 
however,  and,  as  the  Indian  lord  promised  obedience  in  his 
own  name  and  that  of  his  vassals,  the  Spanish  general  consented 
to  take  no  further  notice  of  the  affair.  He  seems  now  to  have 
felt  for  the  first  time,  in  its  full  force,  that  it  was  his  policy  to 
gain  the  good-will  of  the  people  among  whom  he  had  thrown 
himself  in  the  face  of  such  tremendous  odds.  It  was,  perhaps, 
the  excesses  of  which  his  men  had  been  guilty  in  the  earlier 
stages  of  the  expedition  that  had  shaken  the  confidence  of 
the  people  of  Tumbez,  and  incited  them  to  this  treacherous 

Pizarro  inquired  of  the  natives  who  now,  under  promise  of 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  185.  “  Aunque  lo  del 

templo  del  Sol  en  quien  ellos  adoran  era  cosa  de  ver,  porque  tenian  grandes 
edificios,  y  todo  el  por  de  dentro  y  de  fuera  pintado  de  grandes  pinturas  y 
ricos  matizes  de  colores,  porque  los  hay  en  aquella  tierra.” — Relacion  del 
Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

impunity,  came  into  the  camp,  what  had  become  of  his  two 
followers  that  remained  with  them  in  the  former  expedition. 
The  answers  they  gave  were  obscure  and  contradictory.  Some 
said,  they  had  died  of  an  epidemic ;  others,  that  they  had 
perished  in  the  war  with  Puna;  and  others  intimated,  that 
they  had  lost  their  lives  in  consequence  of  some  outrage 
attempted  on  the  Indian  women.  It  was  impossible  to  arrive 
at  the  truth.  The  last  account  was  not  the  least  probable. 
But,  whatever  might  be  the  cause,  there  was  no  doubt  they 
had  both  perished. 

This  intelligence  spread  an  additional  gloom  over  the 
Spaniards ;  which  was  not  dispelled  by  the  flaming  pictures 
now  given  by  the  natives  of  the  riches  of  the  land,  and  of  the 
state  and  magnificence  of  the  monarch  in  his  distant  capital 
among  the  mountains.  Nor  did  they  credit  the  authenticity 
of  a  scroll  of  paper,  which  Pizarro  had  obtained  from  an 
Indian,  to  whom  it  had  been  delivered  by  one  of  the  white 
men  left  in  the  country.  “  Know,  whoever  you  may  be,”  said 
the  writing,  “  that  may  chance  to  set  foot  in  this  country,  that 
it  contains  more  gold  and  silver  than  there  is  iron  in  Biscay.” 
This  paper,  when  shown  to  the  soldiers,  excited  only  their 
ridicule,  as  a  device  of  their  captain  to  keep  alive  their 
chimerical  hopes.1 

Pizarro  now  saw  that  it  was  not  politic  to  protract  his  stay 
in  his  present  quarters,  where  a  spirit  of  disaffection  would 
soon  creep  into  the  ranks  of  his  followers,  unless  their  spirits 
were  stimulated  by  novelty  or  a  life  of  incessant  action.  Yet 
he  felt  deeply  anxious  to  obtain  more  particulars  than  he  had 
hitherto  gathered  of  the  actual  condition  of  the  Peruvian 
empire,  of  its  strength  and  resources,  of  the  monarch  who 
ruled  over  it,  and  of  his  present  situation.  He  was  also 
desirous,  before  taking  any  decisive  step  for  penetrating  the 
country,  to  seek  out  some  commodious  place  for  a  settlement, 
which  might  afford  him  the  means  of  a  regular  communication 
with  the  colonies,  and  a  place  of  strength,  on  which  he  himself 
might  retreat  in  case  of  disaster. 

Pie  decided,  therefore,  to  leave  part  of  his  company  at 
Tumbez,  including  those  wTho,  from  the  state  of  their  health, 
were  least  able  to  take  the  field,  and  with  the  remainder  to 

1  For  the  account  of  the  transactions  in  Tumbez,  see  Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.  ; — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib. 
viii.  cap.  i.  ; — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.  ; — Herrera,  Hist. 
General,  dec.  iv.  lib.  Lx.  cap.  i.  ii.  ; — Xerez,  Conq.  del.  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom.  iii.  p.  185. 

Conquest  of  Peru  217 

make  an  excursion  into  the  interior,  and  reconnoitre  the  land, 
before  deciding  on  any  plan  of  operations.  He  set  out  early  in 
May,  1532  ;  and,  keeping  along  the  more  level  regions  himself, 
sent  a  small  detachment  under  the  command  of  Hernando  de 
Soto  to  explore  the  skirts  of  the  vast  sierra. 

He  maintained  a  rigid  discipline  on  the  march,  commanding 
his  soldiers  to  abstain  from  all  acts  of  violence,  and  punishing 
disobedience  in  the  most  prompt  and  resolute  manner.1  The 
natives  rarely  offered  resistance.  When  they  did  so,  they 
were  soon  reduced,  and  Pizarro,  far  from  vindictive  measures, 
was  open  to  the  first  demonstrations  of  submission.  By  this 
lenient  and  liberal  policy,  he  soon  acquired  a  name  among 
the  inhabitants  which  effaced  the  unfavourable  impressions 
made  of  him  in  the  earlier  part  of  the  campaign.  The 
natives,  as  he  marched  through  the  thick -settled  hamlets  which 
sprinkled  the  level  region  between  the  Cordilleras  and  the 
ocean,  welcomed  him  with  rustic  hospitality,  providing  good 
quarters  for  his  troops,  and  abundant  supplies,  which  cost 
but  little  in  the  prolific  soil  of  the  tierra  caliente.  Everywhere 
Pizarro  made  proclamation  that  he  came  in  the  name  of  the 
Holy  Vicar  of  God  and  of  the  sovereign  of  Spain,  requiring 
the  obedience  of  the  inhabitants  as  true  children  of  the 
Church,  and  vassals  of  his  lord  and  master.  And  as  the 
simple  people  made  no  opposition  to  a  formula,  of  which 
they  could  not  comprehend  a  syllable,  they  were  admitted  as 
good  subjects  of  the  crown  of  Castile,  and  their  act  of  homage 
— or  what  was  readily  interpreted  as  such — was  duly  recorded 
and  attested  by  the  notary.2 

At  the  expiration  of  some  three  or  four  weeks  spent  in 
reconnoitring  the  country,  Pizarro  came  to  the  conclusion 
that  the  most  eligible  site  for  his  new  settlement  was  in  the 
rich  valley  of  Tangarala,  thirty  leagues  south  of  Tumbez, 
traversed  by  more  than  one  stream  that  opens  a  communication 

1  “  Mando  el  Gobernador  por  pregon  e  so  graves  penas  que  no  le  fuese 
hecha  fuerza  ni  descortesia,  e  que  se  les  hiciese  muy  bueti  tratamiento  por 
los  Espanoles  e  sus  criados.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii. 
lib.  viii.  cap.  ii. 

2  “  E  mandabales  notificar  6  dar  d  entender  con  las  lenguas  al  requeri- 
miento  que  su  Magestad  manda  que  se  les  haga  a  los  Indios,  para  traellos 
en  conocimiento  de  nuestra  santa  fe  catolica,  y  requiriendoles  con  la  paz,  6 
que  obedezcan  d  la  Iglesia  e  Apostolica  de  Roma,  e  en  lo  temporal  den  la 
obediencia  a  su  Magestad  6  a  los  reyes  sus  succesores  en  los  reynos  de 
Castilla  i  de  Leon  ;  respondieron  que  asi  lo  querian  e  harian,  guardarian  e 
cumplirian  enteramente  :  e  el  Gobernador  los  recibio  por  tales  vasallos  de 
sus  Magestades  por  auto  publico  de  noiarios.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las 
Indias,  MS.,  ubi  supra. 



Conquest  of  Peru 

with  the  ocean.  To  this  spot,  accordingly,  he  ordered  the 
men  left  at  Tumbez  to  repair  at  once  in  their  vessels ;  and  no 
sooner  had  they  arrived,  than  busy  preparations  were  made  for 
building  up  the  town  in  a  manner  suited  to  the  wants  of  the 
colony.  Timber  was  procured  from  the  neighbouring  woods. 
Stones  were  dragged  from  their  quarries,  and  edifices  gradually 
rose,  some  of  which  made  pretensions  to  strength,  if  not  to 
elegance.  Among  them  were  a  church,  a  magazine  for  public 
stores,  a  hall  of  justice,  and  a  fortress.  A  municipal  govern¬ 
ment  was  organised,  consisting  of  regidores,  alcaldes,  and  the 
usual  civic  functionaries.  The  adjacent  territory  was  parcelled 
out  among  the  residents,  and  each  colonist  had  a  certain 
number  of  the  natives  allotted  to  assist  him  in  his  labours ; 
for,  as  Pizarro’s  secretary  remarks,  “it  being  evident  that  the 
colonists  could  not  support  themselves  without  the  services  of 
the  Indians,  the  ecclesiastics  and  the  leaders  of  the  expedition 
all  agreed  that  a  repartimiento  of  the  natives  would  serve  the 
cause  of  religion,  and  tend  greatly  to  their  spiritual  welfare, 
since  they  would  thus  have  the  opportunity  of  being  initiated 
in  the  true  faith.”1 

Having  made  these  arrangements  with  such  conscientious 
regard  to  the  welfare  of  the  benighted  heathen,  Pizarro  gave 
his  infant  city  the  name  of  San  Miguel,  in  acknowledgment  of 
the  service  rendered  him  by  that  saint  in  his  battles  with  the 
Indians  of  Puna.  The  site  originally  occupied  by  the  settle¬ 
ment  was  afterward  found  to  be  so  unhealthy,  that  it  was 
abandoned  for  another  on  the  banks  of  the  beautiful  Piura. 
The  town  is  still  of  some  note  for  its  manufactures,  though 
dwindled  from  its  ancient  importance ;  but  the  name  of  San 
Miguel  de  Piura,  which  it  bears,  still  commemorates  the  founda¬ 
tion  of  the  first  European  colony  in  the  empire  of  the  Incas. 

Before  quitting  the  new  settlement,  Pizarro  caused  the  gold 
and  silver  ornaments,  which  he  had  obtained  in  different  parts 
of  the  country,  to  be  melted  down  into  one  mass,  and  a  fifth 
to  be  deducted  for  the  Crown.  The  remainder,  which  belonged 
to  the  troops,  he  persuaded  them  to  relinquish  for  the  present, 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Peru,  MS. 
— Cieza  de  Leon,  Cronica,  cap.  lv. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 
“  Porque  los  vecinos,  sin  aiuda  i  servicios  de  los  naturales,  no  se  podian 

sostener,  ni  poblarse  el  pueblo . A  esta  causa,  con  acuerdo  de  el 

religioso  i  de  los  oficiales,  que  les  parecio  convenir  asi  al  servicio  de  Dios, 
i  bien  de  los  naturales,  el  Gobernador  deposit  6  los  caciques  i  Indios  eu  los 
vecinos  de  este  pueblo,  porque  los  aiudasen  a  sostener,  i  los  Cristianos  los 
doctrinasen  en  nuestra  santa  fe,  conforme  a  los  mandamientos  de  su 
Magestad.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  187. 

Conquest  of  Peru  219 

under  the  assurance  of  being  repaid  from  the  first  spoils  that 
fell  into  their  hands.1  With  these  funds,  and  other  articles 
collected  in  the  course  of  the  campaign,  he  sent  back  the 
vessels  to  Panama.  The  gold  was  applied  to  paying  off  the 
ship-owners  and  those  who  had  furnished  the  stores  for  the 
expedition.  That  he  should  so  easily  have  persuaded  his  men 
to  resign  present  possession  for  a  future  contingency,  is  proof 
that  the  spirit  of  enterprise  was  renewed  in  their  bosoms  in  all 
its  former  vigour,  and  that  they  looked  forward  with  the  same 
buoyant  confidence  to  the  results. 

In  his  late  tour  of  observation,  the  Spanish  commander  had 
gathered  much  important  intelligence  in  regard  to  the  state  of 
the  kingdom.  He  had  ascertained  the  result  of  the  struggle 
between  the  Inca  brothers,  and  that  the  victor  now  lay  with 
his  army  encamped  at  the  distance  of  only  ten  or  twelve  days’ 
journey  from  San  Miguel.  The  accounts  he  heard  of  the 
opulence  and  power  of  that  monarch,  and  of  his  great  southern 
capital,  perfectly  corresponded  with  the  general  rumours  before 
received ;  and  contained,  therefore,  something  to  stagger  the 
confidence,  as  well  as  to  stimulate  the  cupidity,  of  the  invaders. 

Pizarro  would  gladly  have  seen  his  little  army  strengthened 
by  reinforcements,  however  small  the  amount ;  and,  on  that 
account,  postponed  his  departure  for  several  weeks.  But  no 
reinforcement  arrived ;  and,  as  he  received  no  further  tidings 
from  his  associates,  he  judged  that  longer  delay  would  pro¬ 
bably  be  attended  with  evils  greater  than  those  to  be  en¬ 
countered  on  the  march ;  that  discontents  would  inevitably 
spring  up  in  a  life  of  inaction,  and  the  strength  and  spirits  of 
the  soldier  sink  under  the  enervating  influence  of  a  tropical 
climate.  Yet  the  force  at  his  command,  amounting  to  less 
than  two  hundred  soldiers  in  all,  after  reserving  fifty  for  the 
protection  of  the  new  settlement,  seemed  but  a  small  one  for 
the  conquest  of  an  empire.  He  might,  indeed,  instead  of 
marching  against  the  Inca,  take  a  southerly  direction  towards 
the  rich  capital  of  Cuzco.  But  this  would  only  be  to  postpone 
the  hour  of  reckoning.  For  in  what  quarter  of  the  empire 
could  he  hope  to  set  his  foot,  where  the  arm  of  its  master 
would  not  reach  him  ?  By  such  a  course  moreover,  he  would 
show  his  own  distrust  of  himself.  He  would  shake  that 
opinion  of  his  invincible  prowess,  which  he  had  hitherto 

1  “  E  sacado  el  quinto  para  su  Magestad,  lo  restante  que  pertenecio  al 
egercito  de  la  Conquista,  el  Gobernador  le  tomo  prestado  de  los  companeros 
para  se  lo  paga  del  primer  oro  que  se  obiese.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias, 
MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  ii. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

endeavoured  to  impress  on  the  natives,  and  which  constituted 
a  great  secret  of  his  strength ;  which,  in  short,  held  sterner 
sway  over  the  mind  than  the  display  of  numbers  and  mere 
physical  force.  Worse  than  all,  such  a  course  would  impair 
the  confidence  of  his  troops  in  themselves,  and  their  reliance 
on  himself.  This  would  be  to  palsy  the  arm  of  enterprise  at 
once.  It  was  not  to  be  thought  of. 

But  while  Pizarro  decided  to  march  into  the  interior,  it  is 
doubtful  whether  he  had  formed  any  more  definite  plan  of 
action.  We  have  no  means  of  knowing  his  intentions  at  this 
distance  of  time,  otherwise  than  as  they  are  shown  by  his 
actions.  Unfortunately,  he  could  not  write,  and  he  has  left  no 
record,  like  the  inestimable  Commentaries  of  Cortes,  to  en¬ 
lighten  us  as  to  his  motives.  His  secretary,  and  some  of  his 
companions  in  arms,  have  recited  his  actions  in  detail ;  but 
the  motives  which  led  to  them  they  were  not  always  so 
competent  to  disclose. 

It  is  possible  that  the  Spanish  general,  even  so  early  as  the 
period  of  his  residence  at  San  Miguel,  may  have  meditated 
some  daring  stroke,  some  effective  coup- -de-main,  which,  like 
that  of  Cortes,  when  he  carried  off  the  Aztec  monarch  to  his 
quarters,  might  strike  terror  into  the  hearts  of  the  people,  and 
at  once  decide  the  fortunes  of  the  day.  It  is  more  probable, 
however,  that  he  now  only  proposed  to  present  himself  before 
the  Inca,  as  the  peaceful  representative  of  a  brother  monarch, 
and,  by  these  friendly  demonstrations,  disarm  any  feeling  of 
hostility,  or  even  of  suspicion.  When  once  in  communication 
with  the  Indian  prince,  he  could  regulate  his  future  course 
by  circumstances. 

On  the  24th  of  September,  1532,  five  months  after  landing 
at  Tumbez,  Pizarro  marched  out  at  the  head  of  his  little  body 
of  adventurers  from  the  gates  of  San  Miguel,  having  enjoined 
it  on  the  colonists  to  treat  their  Indian  vassals  with  humanity, 
and  to  conduct  themselves  in  such  a  manner  as  would  secure 
the  good-will  of  the  surrounding  tribes.  Their  own  existence, 
and  with  it  the  safety  of  the  army  and  the  success  of  the 
undertaking,  depended  on  this  course.  In  the  place  were  to 
remain  the  royal  treasurer,  the  veedor  or  inspector  of  metals, 
and  other  officers  of  the  crown  ;  and  the  command  of  the 
garrison  was  intrusted  to  the  contador ,  Antonio  Navarro.1 
Then  putting  himself  at  the  head  of  his  troops,  the  chief 

1Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  187.  — Pedro  Pizarro, 
Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii. 
cap.  x. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

struck  boldly  into  the  heart  of  the  country,  in  the  direction 
where,  as  he  was  informed,  lay  the  camp  of  the  Inca.  It  was 
a  daring  enterprise,  thus  to  venture  with  a  handful  of  followers 
into  the  heart  of  a  powerful  empire,  to  present  himself,  face  to 
face,  before  the  Indian  monarch  in  his  own  camp,  encompassed 
by  the  flower  of  his  victorious  army  !  Pizarro  had  already 
experienced  more  than  once  the  difficulty  of  maintaining  his 
ground  against  the  rude  tribes  of  the  north,  so  much  inferior 
in  strength  and  numbers  to  the  warlike  legions  of  Peru.  But 
the  hazard  of  the  game,  as  I  have  already  more  than  once  had 
occasion  to  remark,  constituted  its  great  charm  with  the 
Spaniard.  The  brilliant  achievements  of  his  countrymen  on 
the  like  occasions,  with  means  so  inadequate,  inspired  him 
with  confidence  in  his  own  good  star  :  and  this  confidence  was 
one  source  of  his  success.  Had  he  faltered  for  a  moment,  had 
he  stopped  to  calculate  chances,  he  must  inevitably  have  failed  ; 
for  the  odds  were  too  great  to  be  combated  by  sober  reason. 
They  were  only  to  be  met  triumphantly  by  the  spirit  of  the 

After  crossing  the  smooth  waters  of  the  Piura,  the  little  army 
continued  to  advance  over  a  level  district  intersected  by 
streams  that  descended  from  the  neighbouring  Cordilleras. 
The  face  of  the  country  was  shagged  over  with  forests  of 
gigantic  growth,  and  occasionally  traversed  by  ridges  of  barren 
land,  that  seemed  like  shoots  of  the  adjacent  Andes,  breaking 
up  the  surface  of  the  region  into  little  sequestered  valleys  of 
singular  loveliness.  The  soil,  though  rarely  watered  by  the 
rains  of  heaven,  was  naturally  rich,  and  wherever  it  was  re¬ 
freshed  with  moisture,  as  on  the  margins  of  the  streams,  it  was 
enamelled  with  the  brightest  verdure.  The  industry  of  the 
inhabitants,  moreover,  had  turned  these  streams  to  the  best 
account,  and  canals  and  aqueducts  were  seen  crossing  the  low 
lands  in  all  directions,  and  spreading  over  the  country  like  a 
i  vast  network,  diffusing  fertility  and  beauty  around  them.  The 
air  was  scented  with  the  sweet  odours  of  flowers,  and  every¬ 
where  the  eye  was  refreshed  by  the  sight  of  orchards  laden 
with  unknown  fruits,  and  of  fields  waving  with  yellow  grain  and 
rich  in  luscious  vegetables  of  every  description,  that  teem  in  the 
sunny  clime  of  the  equator.  The  Spaniards  were  among  a 
people  who  had  carried  the  refinements  of  husbandry  to  a 
greater  extent  than  any  yet  found  on  the  American  continent ; 
and,  as  they  journeyed  through  this  paradise  of  plenty,  their 
condition  formed  a  pleasing  contrast  to  what  they  had  before 
endured  in  the  dreary  wilderness  of  the  mangroves. 


Conquest  of  Peru 

Everywhere,  too,  they  were  received  with  confiding  hospitality 
by  the  simple  people ;  for  which  they  were  no  doubt  indebted, 
in  a  great  measure,  to  their  own  inoffensive  deportment. 
Every  Spaniard  seemed  to  be  aware  that  his  only  chance  of 
success  lay  in  conciliating  the  good  opinion  of  the  inhabitants, 
among  whom  he  had  so  recklessly  cast  his  fortunes.  In  most 
of  the  hamlets,  and  in  every  place  of  considerable  size,  some 
fortress  was  to  be  found,  or  royal  caravansary,  destined  for  the 
Inca  on  his  progresses,  the  ample  halls  of  which  furnished 
abundant  accommodations  for  the  Spaniards,  who  were  thus 
provided  with  quarters  along  their  route  at  the  charge  of  the 
very  government  which  they  were  preparing  to  overturn.1 

On  the  fifth  day  after  leaving  San  Miguel,  Pizarro  halted  in 
one  of  these  delicious  valleys  to  give  his  troops  repose,  and  to 
make  a  more  complete  inspection  of  them.  Their  number 
amounted  in  all  to  one  hundred  and  seventy-seven,  of  which 
sixty-seven  were  cavalry.  He  mustered  only  three  arquebusiers 
in  his  whole  company,  and  a  few  crossbow-men,  altogether  not 
exceeding  twenty.2  The  troops  were  tolerably  well  equipped, 
and  in  good  condition.  But  the  watchful  eye  of  their  com¬ 
mander  noticed  with  uneasiness,  that,  notwithstanding  the 
general  heartiness  in  the  cause  manifested  by  his  followers, 
there  were  some  among  them  whose  countenances  lowered  with 
discontent,  and  who,  although  they  did  not  give  vent  to  it  in 
open  murmurs,  were  far  from  moving  with  their  wonted  alacrity. 
He  was  aware,  that,  if  this  spirit  became  contagious,  it  would 
be  the  ruin  of  the  enterprise,  and  he  thought  it  best  to  extermi¬ 
nate  the  gangrene  at  once,  and  at  whatever  cost,  than  to  wait 
until  it  had  infected  the  whole  system.  He  came  to  an 
extraordinary  resolution. 

Calling  his  men  together,  he  told  them  that  “a  crisis  had 
now  arrived  in  their  affairs,  which  it  demanded  all  their 
courage  to  meet.  No  man  should  think  of  going  forward  in 
the  expedition,  who  could  not  do  so  with  his  whole  heart,  or 
who  had  the  least  misgiving  as  to  its  success.  If  any  repented 
of  his  share  in  it,  it  was  not  too  late  to  turn  back.  San  Miguel 

1  Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv. — Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. — Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. — Relacion  del  Primer. 
Descub.,  MS. 

2  There  is  less  discrepancy  in  the  estimate  of  the  Spanish  force  here  than 
usual.  The  paucity  of  numbers  gave  less  room  for  it.  No  account  carries 
them  as  high  as  two  hundred.  I  have  adopted  that  of  the  Secretary  Xerez, 
(Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  187,)  who  has  been  followed  by 
Oviedo,  (Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  i.  cap.  iii.,)  and  by  the 
judicious  Herrera,  (Hist.  General,  dec.  v.  lib.  i.  cap.  ii.) 

Conquest  of  Peru  223 

was  but  poorly  garrisoned,  and  he  should  be  glad  to  see  it  in 
greater  strength.  Those  who  chose  might  return  to  this  place, 
and  they  should  be  entitled  to  the  same  proportion  of  lands 
and  Indian  vassals  as  the  present  residents.  With  the  rest, 
were  they  few  or  many,  who  chose  to  take  their  chance  with 
him,  he  should  pursue  the  adventure  to  the  end.”  1 

It  was  certainly  a  remarkable  proposal  for  a  commander, 
who  was  ignorant  of  the  amount  of  disaffection  in  his  ranks, 
and  who  could  not  safely  spare  a  single  man  from  his  force, 
already  far  too  feeble  for  the  undertaking.  Yet,  by  insisting  on 
the  wants  of  the  little  colony  of  San  Miguel,  he  afforded  a 
decent  pretext  for  the  secession  of  the  malcontents,  and  swept 
away  the  barrier  of  shame  which  might  have  still  held  them  in 
the  camp.  Notwithstanding  the  fair  opening  thus  afforded, 
there  were  but  few,  nine  in  all,  who  availed  themselves  of  the 
general’s  permission.  Four  of  these  belonged  to  the  infantry, 
and  five  to  the  horse.  The  rest  loudly  declared  their  resolve 
to  go  forward  with  their  brave  leader ;  and,  if  there  were  some 
whose  voices  were  faint  amidst  the  general  acclamation,  they, 
at  least,  relinquished  the  right  of  complaining  hereafter,  since 
they  had  voluntarily  rejected  the  permission  to  return.2  This 
stroke  of  policy  in  their  sagacious  captain  was  attended  with 
the  best  effects.  Fie  had  winnowed  out  the  few  grains  of  dis¬ 
content,  which,  if  left  to  themselves,  might  have  fermented  in 
secret  till  the  whole  mass  had  swelled  into  mutiny.  Corte's 
had  compelled  his  men  to  go  forward  heartily  in  his  enterprise, 
by  burning  their  vessels,  and  thus  cutting  off  the  only  means 
of  retreat.  Pizarro,  on  the  other  hand,  threw  open  the  gates 
to  the  disaffected  and  facilitated  their  departure.  Both 
judged  right  under  their  peculiar  circumstances,  and  both  were 
perfectly  successful. 

Feeling  himself  strengthened  instead  of  weakened  by  his 
loss,  Pizarro  now  resumed  his  march,  and  on  the  second  day 
arrived  before  a  place  called  Zaran,  situated  in  a  fruitful  valley 
among  the  mountains.  Some  of  the  inhabitants  had  been 
drawn  off  to  swell  the  levies  of  Atahuallpa.  The  Spaniards 
had  repeated  experience  on  their  march  of  the  oppressive 

1  “  Que  todos  los  que  quiriesen  bolverse  a  la  ciudad  de  San  Miguel  y 
avecindarse  alii  demas  de  los  vecinos  que  alii  quedaban  el  los  depositaria 
repartimientos  de  Indios  con  que  se  sortubiesen,  como  lo  habia  hecho  con 
los  otros  vecinos  :  e  que  con  los  Espanoles  quedasen,  pocos  6  muchos,  iria 
a  conquistar  e  pacificar  la  tierra  en  demanda  y  persecucion  del  camino  que 
llevaba.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iii. 

2  Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  loc.  cit. — Herrera,  Hist.  General,  dec. 
v.  lib.  i.  cap.  ii. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  187. 

224  Conquest  of  Peru 

exactions  of  the  Inca,  who  had  almost  depopulated  some  of 
the  valleys  to  obtain  reinforcements  for  his  army.  The  curaca 
of  the  Indian  town  where  Pizarro  now  arrived  received  him 
with  kindness  and  hospitality,  and  the  troops  were  quartered  as 
usual  in  one  of  the  royal  tambos  or  caravansaries,  which  were 
found  in  all  the  principal  places.1 

Yet  the  Spaniards  saw  no  signs  of  their  approach  to  the 
royal  encampment,  though  more  time  had  already  elapsed 
than  was  originally  allowed  for  reaching  it.  Shortly  before 
entering  Zaran,  Pizarro  had  heard  that  a  Peruvian  garrison  was 
established  in  a  place  called  Caxas,  lying  among  the  hills  at  no 
great  distance  from  his  present  quarters.  lie  immediately 
despatched  a  small  party  under  Hernando  de  Soto  in  that 
direction,  to  reconnoitre  the  ground,  and  bring  him  intelligence 
of  the  actual  state  of  things  at  Zaran,  where  he  would  halt 
until  his  officer’s  return. 

Day  after  day  passed  on,  and  a  week  had  elapsed  before 
tidings  were  received  of  his  companions,  and  Pizarro  was 
becoming  seriously  alarmed  for  their  fate,  when,  on  the  eighth 
morning,  Soto  appeared,  bringing  with  him  an  envoy  from  the 
Inca  himself.  He  was  a  person  of  rank,  and  was  attended  by 
several  followers  of  inferior  condition.  He  had  met  the 
Spaniards  at  Caxas,  and  now  accompanied  them  on  their 
return,  to  deliver  his  sovereign’s  message,  with  a  present  to  the 
Spanish  commander.  The  present  consisted  of  two  fountains 
made  of  stone,  in  the  form  of  fortresses ;  some  fine  stuffs  of 
woollen  embroidered  with  gold  and  silver ;  and  a  quantity  of 
goose-flesh  dried  and  seasoned  in  a  peculiar  manner,  and 
much  used  as  a  perfume,  in  a  pulverised  state,  by  the  Peruvian 
nobles. 2  The  Indian  ambassador  came  charged  also  with  his 
master’s  greeting  to  the  strangers,  whom  Atahuallpa  welcomed 
to  his  country,  and  invited  to  visit  him  in  his  camp  among  the 
mountains. 3 

1  Conq.  i  Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. 

2  “  Dos  fortale9as,  a  manera  de  fuente,  figuradas  en  piedra,  con  que  beba, 
i  dos  cargas  de  patos  secos,  desollados,  para  que  hechos  polvos,  se  sahume 
con  ellos,  porque  asi  se  usa  entre  los  senores  de  su  tierra  ;  i  que  le  embiaba 
&  decir,  que  el  tiene  voluntad  de  ser  su  amigo,  i  esperalle  de  paz  en 
Caxamalca.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  189. 

3  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.— Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias, 
MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iii. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. — 
Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  180.  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega 
tells  us  that  Atahuallpa's  envoy  addressed  the  Spanish  commander  in  the 
most  humble  and  deprecatory  manner,  as  Son  of  the  Sun  and  of  the  great 
god  Viracocha.  He  adds,  that  he  was  loaded  with  a  prodigious  present 
of  all  kinds  of  game,  living  and  dead,  gold  and  silver  vases,  emeralds, 

Conquest  of  Peru  225 

Pizarro  well  understood  that  the  Inca’s  object  in  this 
diplomatic  visit  was  less  to  do  him  courtesy,  than  to  inform 
himself  of  the  strength  and  condition  of  the  invaders.  But 
he  was  well  pleased  with  the  embassy,  and  dissembled  his 
consciousness  of  its  real  purpose.  He  caused  the  Peruvian  to 
be  entertained  in  the  best  manner  the  camp  could  afford,  and 
paid  him  the  respect,  says  one  of  the  Conquerors,  due  to  the 
ambassador  of  so  great  a  monarch.1  Pizarro  urged  him  to 
prolong  his  visit  for  some  days,  which  the  Indian  envoy 
declined,  but  made  the  most  of  his  time  while  there,  by 
gleaning  all  the  information  he  could  in  respect  to  the  uses  of 
every  strange  article  which  he  saw,  as  well  as  the  object  of  the 
white  men’s  visit  to  the  land,  and  the  quarter  whence  they 

The  Spanish  captain  satisfied  his  curiosity  in  all  these 
particulars.  The  intercourse  with  the  natives,  it  may  be  here 
remarked,  was  maintained  by  means  of  two  of  the  youths  who 
had  accompanied  the  Conquerors  on  their  return  home  from 
their  preceding  voyage.  They  had  been  taken  by  Pizarro  to 
Spain,  and,  as  much  pains  had  been  bestowed  on  teaching 
them  the  Castilian,  they  now  filled  the  office  of  interpreters, 
and  opened  an  easy  communication  with  their  countrymen. 
It  was  of  inestimable  service ;  and  well  did  the  Spanish 
commander  reap  the  fruits  of  his  forecast.2 

On  the  departure  of  the  Peruvian  messenger,  Pizarro 
presented  him  with  a  cap  of  crimson  cloth,  some  cheap  but 
showy  ornaments  of  glass,  and  other  toys,  which  he  had 

turquoises,  etc.,  etc.,  enough  to  furnish  out  the  finest  chapter  of  the 
Arabian  Nights.  (Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i.  cap.  xix. )  It  is  extraordinary 
that  none  of  the  Conquerors  who  had  a  quick  eye  for  these  dainties,  should 
allude  to  them!  One  cannot  but  suspect  that  the  “old  uncle”  was 
amusing  himself  at  his  young  nephew’s  expense  ;  and,  as  it  has  proved,  at 
the  expense  of  most  of  his  readers,  who  receive  the  Inca’s  fairy  tales  as 
historic  facts. 

1  “I  mando,  que  le  diesen  de  comer  a  el,  i  &  los  que  con  el  venian,  i 
todo  lo  que  huviesen  menester,  i  fuesen  bien  aposentados,  corao  em- 
bajadores  de  tan  gran  senor.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii. 
p.  189. 

2  “  Los  Indios  de  la  tierra  se  entendian  muy  bien  con  los  Espanoles, 
porque  aquellos  mochachos  Indios,  que  en  el  descubrimiento  de  la  tierra 
Pizarro  truxo  a  Espana,  entendian  muy  bien  nuestra  lengua,  y  los  tenia 
alii,  con  los  cuales  se  entendia  muy  bien  con  todos  los  naturales  de  la  tierra.” 
(Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.)  Yet  it  is  a  proof  of  the  ludicrous 
blunders  into  which  the  Conquerors  were  perpetually  falling,  that  Pizarro’s 
secretary  constantly  confounds  the  Inca’s  name  with  that  of  his  capital. 
Huayna  Capac  he  always  styles  ‘‘old  Cuzco,”  and  his  son  Huascar  “  young 

*1  301 


Conquest  of  Peru 

brought  for  the  purpose  from  Castile.  He  charged  the  envoy 
to  tell  his  master,  that  the  Spaniards  came  from  a  powerful 
prince,  who  dwelt  far  beyond  the  waters ;  that  they  had  heard 
much  of  the  fame  of  Atahuallpa’s  victories,  and  were  come  to 
pay  their  respects  to  him,  and  to  offer  their  services  by  aiding 
him  with  their  arms  against  his  enemies  ;  and  he  might  be 
assured,  they  would  not  halt  on  the  road  longer  than  was 
necessary,  before  presenting  themselves  before  him. 

Pizarro  now  received  from  Soto  a  full  account  of  his  late 
expedition.  That  chief,  on  entering  Caxas,  found  the 
inhabitants  mustered  in  hostile  array,  as  if  to  dispute  his 
passage.  But  the  cavalier  soon  convinced  them  of  his  pacific 
intentions,  and,  laying  aside  their  menacing  attitude,  they 
received  the  Spaniards  with  the  same  courtesy  which  had  been 
shown  them  in  most  places  on  their  march. 

Here  Soto  found  one  of  the  royal  officers,  employed  in 
collecting  the  tribute  for  the  government.  Prom  this 
functionary  he  learned  that  the  Inca  was  quartered  with  a 
large  army  at  Caxamalca,  a  place  of  considerable  size  on  the 
other  side  of  the  Cordillera,  where  he  was  enjoying  the  luxury 
of  the  warm  baths,  supplied  by  natural  springs,  for  which  it 
was  then  famous,  as  it  is  at  the  present  day.  The  cavalier 
gathered,  also,  much  important  information  in  regard  to  the 
resources  and  the  general  policy  of  government,  the  state 
maintained  by  the  Inca,  and  the  stern  severity  with  which 
obedience  to  the  law  was  everywhere  enforced.  He  had  some 
opportunity  of  observing  this  for  himself,  as,  on  entering  the 
village,  he  saw  several  Indians  hanging  dead  by  their  heels, 
having  been  executed  for  some  violence  offered  to  the  Virgins 
of  the  Sun,  of  whom  there  was  a  convent  in  the  neigh¬ 

From  Caxas,  De  Soto  had  passed  to  the  adjacent  town  of 
Guancabamba,  much  larger,  more  populous,  and  better  built 
than  the  preceding.  The  houses,  instead  of  being  made  of 
clay  baked  in  the  sun,  were  many  of  them  constructed  of  solid 
stone,  so  nicely  put  together,  that  it  was  impossible  to  detect 
the  line  of  junction.  A  river,  which  passed  through  the  town, 
was  traversed  by  a  bridge,  and  the  high  road  of  the  Incas, 
which  crossed  this  district,  was  far  superior  to  that  which  the 

1  “  A  la  entrada  del  pueblo  havia  ciertos  Indios  ahorcados  de  los  pies  :  i 
supo  de  este  principal,  que  Atabalipa  los  mando  matar,  porque  uno  de  ellos 
entro  en  la  casa  de  las  mugeres  a  dormir  con  una  ;  ai  qual,  i  i  todos  los 
porteros  que  consintieron,  ahorco.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom  iii.  p.  1 88. 

Conquest  of  Peru  227 

Spaniards  had  seen  on  the  sea-board.  It  was  raised  in  many 
places  like  a  causeway,  paved  with  heavy  stone  flags,  and 
bordered  by  trees  that  afforded  a  grateful  shade  to  the 
passenger,  while  streams  of  water  were  conducted  through 
aqueducts  along  the  sides  to  slake  his  thirst.  At  certain 
distances,  also,  they  noticed  small  houses,  which,  they  were 
told,  were  for  the  accommodation  of  the  traveller,  who  might 
thus  pass,  without  inconvenience,  from  one  end  of  the 
kingdom  to  the  other.1  In  another  quarter  they  beheld  one 
of  those  magazines  destined  for  the  army,  filled  with  grain  and 
with  articles  of  clothing ;  and  at  the  entrance  of  the  town  was 
a  stone  building,  occupied  by  a  public  officer,  whose  business 
it  was  to  collect  the  tolls  or  duties  on  various  commodities 
brought  into  the  place,  or  carried  out  of  it.2 — These  accounts 
of  De  Soto  not  oniy  confirmed  all  that  the  Spaniards  had 
heard  of  the  Indian  empire,  but  greatly  raised  their  ideas  of 
its  resources  and  domestic  policy.  They  might  well  have 
shaken  the  confidence  of  hearts  less  courageous. 

Pizarro,  before  leaving  his  present  quarters,  despatched  a 
messenger  to  San  Miguel  with  particulars  of  his  movements, 
sending,  at  the  same  time,  the  articles  received  from  the  Inca, 
as  well  as  those  obtained  at  different  places  on  the  route.  The 
skill  shown  in  the  execution  of  some  of  these  fabrics  excited 
great  admiration,  when  sent  to  Castile.  The  fine  woollen 
cloths,  especially  with  their  rich  embroidery,  were  pronounced 
equal  to  silk,  from  which  it  was  not  easy  to  distinguish  them. 
It  was  probably  the  delicate  wool  of  the  vicuna,  none  of  which 
had  then  been  seen  in  Europe.3 

Pizarro,  having  now  acquainted  himself  with  the  most  direct 
route  to  Caxamalca, — the  Caxamarca  of  the  present  day, — 
resumed  his  march,  taking  a  direction  nearly  south.  The  first 
place  of  any  size  at  which  he  halted  was  Motupe,  pleasantly 

1  “Van  por  este  camino  canos  de  agua,  de  donde  los  caminantes  beben, 
traidos  de  sus  nacimientos  de  otras  partes  ;  y  a  cada  jornada  una  casa  a 
manera  de  venta,  donde  se  aposentan  los  que  van  e  vienen.” — Oviedo, 
Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iii. 

2  “  A  la  entrada  de  este  camino,  en  el  pueblo  de  Cajas,  esta  una  casa  al 
principio  de  una  puente,  donde  reside  una  guarda,  que  recibe  el  portazgo 
de  todos  los  que  van  e  vienen,  e  paganlo  en  la  misma  cosa  que  llevan  ;  y 
ninguno  puede  sacar  carga  del  pueblo  sino  la  mete.  Y  esta  costumbre  es 
alii  antigua.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iii. 

3  “  Piezas  de  lana  de  la  tierra,  que  era  cosa  mucho  de  ver  segun  su 
primer  e  gentileza  ;  e  no  se  sabian  determinar  si  era  seda  6  lana  segun  su 
fineza,  con  muchas  labores  i  figuras  de  oro  de  martillo,  de  tal  manera 
asentado  en  la  ropa  que  era  cosa  de  marabillar.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las 
Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv. 

228  Conquest  of  Peru 

situated  in  a  fruitful  valley,  among  hills  of  no  great  elevation, 
which  cluster  round  the  base  of  the  Cordilleras,  The  place 
was  deserted  by  its  curaca,  who,  with  three  hundred  of  its 
warriors,  had  gone  to  join  the  standard  of  their  Inca.  Here  the 
general,  notwithstanding  his  avowed  purpose  to  push  forward 
without  delay,  halted  four  days.  The  tardiness  of  his  move¬ 
ments  can  be  explained  only  by  the  hope,  which  he  may  have 
still  entertained,  of  being  joined  by  further  reinforcements 
before  crossing  the  Cordilleras.  None  such  appeared,  how¬ 
ever  ;  and  advancing  across  a  country  in  which  tracts  of  sandy 
plain  were  occasionally  relieved  by  a  broad  expanse  of  verdant 
meadow,  watered  by  natural  streams  and  still  more  abundantly 
by  those  brought  through  artificial  channels,  the  troops  at 
length  arrived  at  the  borders  of  a  river.  It  was  broad  and 
deep,  and  the  rapidity  of  the  current  opposed  more  than 
ordinary  difficulty  to  the  passage.  Pizarro,  apprehensive  lest 
this  might  be  disputed  by  the  natives  on  the  opposite  bank, 
ordered  his  brother  Hernando  to  cross  over  with  a  small 
detachment  under  cover  of  night,  and  secure  a  safe  landing 
for  the  rest  of  the  troops.  At  break  of  day  Pizarro  made 
preparations  for  his  own  passage,  by  hewing  timber  in  the 
neighbouring  woods,  and  constructing  a  sort  of  floating  bridge, 
on  which  before  nightfall  the  whole  company  passed  in  safety, 
the  horses  swimming,  being  led  by  the  bridle.  It  was  a  day  of 
severe  labour,  and  Pizarro  took  his  own  share  in  it  freely,  like 
a  common  soldier,  having  ever  a  word  of  encouragement  to  say 
to  his  followers. 

On  reaching  the  opposite  side,  they  learned  from  their  com¬ 
rades  that  the  people  of  the  country,  instead  of  offering 
resistance,  had  fled  in  dismay.  One  of  them,  having  been 
taken  and  brought  before  Hernando  Pizarro,  refused  to  answer 
the  questions  put  to  him  respecting  the  Inca  and  his  army ; 
till,  being  put  to  the  torture,  he  stated  that  Atahuallpa  was 
encamped,  with  his  whole  force,  in  three  separate  divisions, 
occupying  the  high  grounds  and  plains  of  Caxamalca.  He 
further  stated,  that  the  Inca  was  aware  of  the  approach  of  the 
white  men  and  of  their  small  number,  and  that  he  was 
purposely  decoying  them  into  his  own  quarters,  that  he  might 
have  them  more  completely  in  his  power. 

This  account,  when  reported  by  Hernando  to  his  brother, 
caused  the  latter  much  anxiety.  As  the  timidity  of  the 
peasantry,  however,  gradually  wore  off,  some  of  them  mingled 
with  the  troops,  and  among  them  the  curaca,  or  principal  per¬ 
son  of  the  village.  He  had  himself  visited  the  royal  camp,  and 

Conquest  of  Peru  229 

he  informed  the  general  that  Atahuallpa  lay  at  the  strong  town 
of  Guamachucho,  twenty  leagues  or  more  south  of  Caxamalca, 
with  an  army  of  at  least  fifty  thousand  men. 

These  contradictory  statements  greatly  perplexed  the  chief¬ 
tain  ;  and  he  proposed  to  one  of  the  Indians  who  had  borne 
him  company  during  a  great  part  of  the  march,  to  go  as  a  spy 
into  the  Inca’s  quarters,  and  bring  him  intelligence  of  his  actual 
position,  and,  as  far  as  he  could  learn  them,  of  his  intentions 
towards  the  Spaniards.  But  the  man  positively  declined  this 
dangerous  service,  though  he  professed  his  willingness  to  go  as 
an  authorised  messenger  of  the  Spanish  commander. 

Pizarro  acquiesced  in  this  proposal,  and  instructed  his  envoy 
to  assure  the  Inca  that  he  was  advancing  with  all  convenient 
speed  to  meet  him.  He  was  to  acquaint  the  monarch  with 
the  uniformly  considerate  conduct  of  the  Spaniards  towards 
his  subjects,  in  their  progress  through  the  land,  and  to  assure 
him  that  they  were  now  coming  in  full  confidence  of  finding  in 
him  the  same  amicable  feelings  towards  themselves.  The 
emissary  was  particularly  instructed  to  observe  if  the  strong 
passes  on  the  road  were  defended,  or  if  any  preparations  of  a 
hostile  character  were  to  be  discerned.  This  last  intelligence 
he  was  to  communicate  to  the  general  by  means  of  two  or  three 
nimble-footed  attendants,  who  were  to  accompany  him  on  his 

Having  taken  this  precaution,  the  wary  commander  again 
resumed  his  march,  and  at  the  end  of  three  days  reached 
the  base  of  the  mountain  rampart,  behind  which  lay  the  ancient 
town  of  Caxamalca.  Before  him  rose  the  stupendous  Andes, 
rock  piled  upon  rock, — their  skirts  below  dark  with  evergreen 
forests,  varied  here  and  there  by  terraced  patches  of  cultivated 
garden,  with  the  peasant’s  cottage  clinging  to  their  shaggy 
sides,  and  their  crests  of  snow  glittering  high  in  the  heavens, — 
presenting  altogether  such  a  wild  chaos  of  magnificence  and 
beauty,  as  no  other  mountain  scenery  in  the  world  can  show. 
Across  this  tremendous  rampart,  through  a  labyrinth  of  passes, 
easily  capable  of  defence  by  a  handful  of  men  against  an 
army,  the  troops  were  now  to  march.  To  the  right  ran  a  broad 
and  level  road,  with  its  border  of  friendly  shades,  and  wide 
enough  for  two  carriages  to  pass  abreast.  It  was  one  of  the 
great  routes  leading  to  Cuzco,  and  seemed  by  its  pleasant  and 
easy  access  to  invite  the  wayworn  soldier  to  choose  it  in  prefer- 

1  Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv.—  Conq.  i 
Pob.  del  Piru,  MS. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. — Xerez,  Conq. 
del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  190. 

230  Conquest  of  Peru 

ence  to  the  dangerous  mountain  defiles.  Many  were  accord¬ 
ingly  of  opinion  that  the  army  should  take  this  course,  and 
abandon  the  original  destination  to  Caxamalca.  But  such  was 
not  the  decision  of  Pizarro. 

The  Spaniards  had  everywhere  proclaimed  their  purpose, 
he  said,  to  visit  the  Inca  in  his  camp.  'Phis  purpose  had  been 
communicated  to  the  Inca  himself.  To  take  an  opposite 
direction  now  would  only  be  to  draw  on  them  the  imputation 
of  cowardice,  and  to  incur  Atahuallpa’s  contempt.  No  alterna¬ 
tive  remained  but  to  march  straight  across  the  sierra  to  his 
quarters.  “  Let  every  one  of  you,”  said  the  bold  cavalier, 
“  take  heart  and  go  forward  like  a  good  soldier,  nothing 
daunted  by  the  smallness  of  your  numbers.  For  in  the  greatest 
extremity  God  ever  fights  for  his  own ;  and  doubt  not  he  will 
humble  the  pride  of  the  heathen,  and  bring  him  to  the  know¬ 
ledge  of  the  true  faith,  the  great  end  and  object  of  the 
Conquest.” 1 

Pizarro,  like  Cortes,  possessed  a  good  share  of  that  frank  and 
manly  eloquence  which  touches  the  heart  of  the  soldier  more 
than  the  parade  of  rhetoric  or  the  finest  flow  of  elocution.  He 
was  a  soldier  himself,  and  partook  in  all  the  feelings  of  the 
soldier,  his  joys,  his  hopes,  and  his  disappointments.  He  was 
not  raised  by  rank  and  education  above  sympathy  with  the 
humblest  of  his  followers.  Every  chord  in  their  bosoms 
vibrated  with  the  same  pulsations  as  his  own,  and  the  convic¬ 
tion  of  this  gave  him  a  mastery  over  them.  “  Lead  on,”  they 
shouted,  as  he  finished  his  brief  but  animating  address  ;  “lead 
on  wherever  you  think  best !  We  will  follow  with  good-will ; 
and  you  shall  see  that  we  can  do  our  duty  in  the  cause  of  God 
and  the  King !  ” 2  There  was  no  longer  hesitation.  All 
thoughts  were  now  bent  on  the  instant  passage  of  the  Cor¬ 

1  “  Que  todos  se  animasen  y  esforzasen  a  hacer  como  de  ellos  esperaba,  y 
como  buenos  Espanoles  lo  suelen  hacer,  e  que  no  les  pusiese  temor  la 
multitud  que  se  decia  que  habia  de  gente  ni  el  poco  numero  de  los 
Cristianos  ;  que  aunque  menos  fuesen  e  mayor  el  egercito  contrario,  la 
ayuda  de  Dios  es  mucho  mayor,  y  en  las  mayores  necesidades  socorre  y 
faborece  a  los  suyos,  para  desbaratar  y  abajar  la  soberbia  de  los  infieles,  e 
traerlos  en  conocimiento  de  nuestra  santa  fe  catolica.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de 
las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv. 

2  “  Todos  digeron  que  fuese  por  el  camino  que  quisiese  i  viese  que  mas 
convenia,  que  todos  le  seguirian  con  buena  voluntad  e  obra  al  tiempo  del 
efecto,  y  veria  lo  que  cada  uno  de  ellos  haria  en  servicio  de  Dios  e  de  su 
Magestad.” — Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv. 

Conquest  of  Peru 








That  night  Pizarro  held  a  council  of  his  principal  officers,  and 
it  was  determined  that  he  should  lead  the  advance,  consisting 
of  forty  horse  and  sixty  foot,  and  reconnoitre  the  ground ; 
while  the  rest  of  the  company,  under  his  brother  Hernando, 
should  occupy  their  present  position  till  they  received  further 

At  early  dawn  the  Spanish  general  and  his  detachment  were 
under  arms,  and  prepared  to  breast  the  difficulties  of  the 
sierra.  These  proved  even  greater  than  had  been  foreseen. 
The  path  had  been  conducted  in  the  most  judicious  manner 
round  the  rugged  and  precipitous  sides  of  the  mountains,  so 
as  best  to  avoid  the  natural  impediments  presented  by  the 
ground.  But  it  was  necessarily  so  steep  in  many  places,  that 
the  cavalry  were  obliged  to  dismount,  and,  scrambling  up  as 
they  could,  to  lead  their  horses  by  the  bridle.  In  many  places, 
too,  where  some  huge  crag  or  eminence  overhung  the  road,  this 
was  driven  to  the  very  verge  of  the  precipice ;  and  the  traveller 
was  compelled  to  wind  along  the  narrow  ledge  of  rock,  scarcely 
wide  enough  for  his  single  steed,  where  a  mis-step  would 
precipitate  him  hundreds,  nay,  thousands,  of  feet  into  the 
dreadful  abyss  !  The  wild  passes  of  the  sierra,  practicable  for 
the  half-naked  Indian,  and  even  for  the  sure  and  circumspect 
mule, — an  animal  that  seems  to  have  been  created  for  the 
roads  of  the  Cordilleras, — were  formidable  to  the  man-at-arms, 
encumbered  with  his  panoply  of  mail.  The  tremendous 
fissures,  or  quebradas ,  so  frightful  in  this  mountain  chain, 
yawned  open,  as  if  the  Andes  had  been  split  asunder  by  some 
terrible  convulsion,  showing  a  broad  expanse  of  the  primitive 
rock  on  their  sides,  partially  mantled  over  with  the  spontaneous 
vegetation  of  ages ;  while  their  obscure  depths  furnished  a 
channel  for  the  torrents,  that,  rising  in  the  hearts  of  the  sierra, 
worked  their  way  gradually  into  light,  and  spread  over  the 
savannas  and  green  valleys  of  the  tierra  caliente  on  their  way 
to  the  great  ocean. 

232  Conquest  of  Peru 

Many  of  these  passes  afforded  obvious  points  of  defence ; 
and  the  Spaniards,  as  they  entered  the  rocky  defiles,  looked 
with  apprehension  lest  they  might  rouse  some  foe  from  his 
ambush.  This  apprehension  was  heightened,  as,  at  the 
summit  of  a  steep  and  narrow  gorge,  in  which  they  were 
engaged,  they  beheld  a  strong  work,  rising  like  a  fortress,  and 
frowning,  as  it  were,  in  gloomy  defiance  on  the  invaders.  As 
they  drew  near  this  building,  which  was  of  solid  stone,  com¬ 
manding  an  angle  of  the  road,  they  almost  expected  to  see  the 
dusky  forms  of  the  warriors  rise  over  the  battlements,  and  to 
receive  their  tempest  of  missiles  on  their  bucklers ;  for  it  was 
in  so  strong  a  position,  that  a  few  resolute  men  might  easily 
have  held  there  an  army  at  bay.  But  they  had  the  satisfaction 
to  find  the  place  untenanted ;  and  their  spirits  were  greatly 
raised  by  the  conviction  that  the  Indian  monarch  did  not 
intend  to  dispute  their  passage,  when  it  would  have  been  easy 
to  do  so  with  success. 

Pizarro  now  sent  orders  to  his  brother  to  follow  without 
delay ;  and,  after  refreshing  his  men,  continued  his  toilsome 
ascent,  and  before  nightfall  reached  an  eminence  crowned  by 
another  fortress,  of  even  greater  strength  than  the  preceding. 
It  was  built  of  solid  masonry,  the  lower  part  excavated  from 
the  living  rock,  and  the  whole  work  executed  with  skill  not 
inferior  to  that  of  the  European  architect.1 

Here  Pizarro  took  up  his  quarters  for  the  night.  Without 
waiting  for  the  arrival  of  the  rear,  on  the  following  morning  he 
resumed  his  march,  leading  still  deeper  into  the  intricate  gorges 
of  the  sierra.  The  climate  had  gradually  changed,  and  the 
men  and  horses,  especially  the  latter,  suffered  severely  from  the 
cold,  so  long  accustomed  as  they  had  been  to  the  sultry  climate 
of  the  tropics.2  The  vegetation  also  had  changed  its  char¬ 
acter  ;  and  the  magnificent  timber  which  covered  the  lower 
level  of  the  country  had  gradually  given  way  to  the  funereal 
forest  of  pine,  and,  as  they  rose  still  higher,  to  the  stunted 
growth  of  numberless  Alpine  plants,  whose  hardy  natures  found 
a  congenial  temperature  in  the  icy  atmosphere  of  the  more 
elevated  regions.  These  dreary  solitudes  seemed  to  be  nearly 
abandoned  by  the  brute  creation  as  well  as  by  man.  The 

1  “Tan  ancha  la  cerca  como  qualquier  fortale9a  de  Espana,  con  sus 
puertas  ;  que  si  en  esta  tierra  oviese  los  maestros  i  herramientas  de  Espana, 
no  pudiera  ser  mejor  labrada  la  cerca.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom.  iii.  p.  192. 

2  “  Es  tanto  el  frio  que  hace  en  esta  sierra,  que  como  los  cabal  los  venian 
hechos  al  calor,  que  en  los  valles  hacia,  algunos  de  ellos  se  resfriaron.” — 
Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  191. 

Conquest  of  Peru  233 

light-footed  vicuna,  roaming  in  its  native  state,  might  be  some¬ 
times  seen  looking  down  from  some  airy  cliff,  where  the  foot  of 
the  hunter  dare  not  venture.  But  instead  of  the  feathered 
tribes  whose  gay  plumage  sparkled  in  the  deep  glooms  of  the 
tropical  forests,  the  adventurers  now  beheld  only  the  great  bird 
of  the  Andes,  the  loathsome  condor,  who,  sailing  high  above 
the  clouds,  followed  with  doleful  cries  in  the  track  of  the  army, 
as  if  guided  by  instinct  in  the  path  of  blood  and  carnage. 

At  length  they  reached  the  crest  of  the  Cordillera,  where  it 
spreads  out  into  a  bold  and  bleak  expanse  with  scarce  the 
vestige  of  vegetation,  except  what  is  afforded  by  the  pajonal ,  a 
dried  yellow  grass,  which,  as  it  is  seen  from  below,  encircling 
the  base  of  the  snow-covered  peaks,  looks,  with  its  brilliant 
straw-colour  lighted  up  in  the  rays  of  an  ardent  sun,  like  a  set¬ 
ting  of  gold  round  pinnacles  of  burnished  silver.  The  land 
was  sterile,  as  usual  in  mining  districts,  and  they  were  drawing 
near  the  once  famous  gold  quarries  on  the  way  to  Caxa- 
malca  : — 

“  Rocks  rich  in  gems,  and  mountains  big  with  mines, 

That  on  the  high  equator  ridgy  rise.’' 

Here  Pizarro  halted  for  the  coming  up  of  the  rear.  The  air 
was  sharp  and  frosty ;  and  the  soldiers,  spreading  their  tents, 
lighted  fires,  and,  huddling  round  them,  endeavoured  to  find 
some  repose  after  their  laborious  march.1 

They  had  not  been  long  in  these  quarters,  when  a  messenger 
arrived,  one  of  those  who  had  accompanied  the  Indian  envoy 
sent  by  Pizarro,  to  Atahuallpa.  He  informed  the  general  that 
the  road  was  free  from  enemies,  and  that  an  embassy  from  the 
Inca  was  on  its  way  to  the  Castilian  camp.  Pizarro  now  sent 
back  to  quicken  the  march  of  the  rear,  as  he  was  unwilling  that 
the  Peruvian  envoy  should  find  him  with  his  present  diminished 
numbers.  The  rest  of  the  army  were  not  far  distant,  and  not 
long  after  reached  the  encampment. 

In  a  short  time  the  Indian  embassy  also  arrived,  which  con¬ 
sisted  of  one  of  the  Inca  nobles  and  several  attendants,  bring¬ 
ing  a  welcome  present  of  llamas  to  the  Spanish  commander. 
The  Peruvian  bore,  also,  the  greetings  of  his  master,  who 
wished  to  know  when  the  Spaniards  would  arrive  at  Caxamalca, 

1  “  £  aposentaronse  los  Espanoles  en  sus  toldos  6  pabellones  de  algodon 
de  la  tierra  que  Uevaban,  e  haciendo  fuegos  para  defenderse  del  mucho  frio 
que  en  aquella  sierra  hacen,  porque  sin  ellos  no  se  pudieron  valer  sin  pa- 
decer  mucho  trabajo  ;  y  segun  a  los  cristianos  les  parecio,  y  aun  como  era 
lo  cierto,  no  podia  haber  mas  frio  en  parte  de  Espafia  en  invierno.” — 
Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  lndias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  iv. 

234  Conquest  of  Peru 

that  he  might  provide  suitable  refreshments  for  them.  Pizarro 
learned  that  the  Inca  had  left  Guamachucho,  and  was  now 
lying  with  a  small  force  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Caxamalca,  at 
a  place  celebrated  for  its  natural  springs  of  warm  water.  The 
Peruvian  was  an  intelligent  person,  and  the  Spanish  com¬ 
mander  gathered  from  him  many  particulars  respecting  the  late 
contests  which  had  distracted  the  empire. 

As  the  envoy  vaunted  in  lofty  terms  the  military  prowess  and 
resources  of  his  sovereign,  Pizarro  thought  it  politic  to  show 
that  it  had  no  power  to  overawe  him.  He  expressed  his  satis¬ 
faction  at  the  triumphs  of  Atahuallpa,  who,  he  acknowledged, 
had  raised  himself  high  in  the  rank  of  Indian  warriors.  But 
he  was  as  inferior,  he  added,  with  more  policy  than  politeness, 
to  the  monarch  who  ruled  over  the  white  men,  as  the  petty 
curacas  of  the  country  were  inferior  to  him.  This  was  evident 
from  the  ease  with  which  a  few  Spaniards  had  overrun  this 
great  continent,  subduing  one  nation  after  another,  that  had 
offered  resistance  to  their  arms.  He  had  been  led  by  the  fame 
of  Atahuallpa  to  visit  his  dominions,  and  to  offer  him  his 
services  in  his  wars ;  and,  if  he  were  received  by  the  Inca  in 
the  same  friendly  spirit  with  which  he  came,  he  was  willing, 
for  the  aid  he  could  render  him,  to  postpone  awhile  his  passage 
across  the  country  to  the  opposite  seas.  The  Indian,  accord¬ 
ing  to  the  Castilian  accounts,  listened  with  awe  to  this  strain 
of  glorification  from  the  Spanish  commander.  Yet  it  is  pos¬ 
sible  that  the  envoy  was  a  better  diplomatist  than  they 
imagined  ;  and  that  he  understood  it  was  only  the  game  of 
brag  at  which  he  was  playing  with  his  more  civilised  antag¬ 

On  the  succeeding  morning,  at  an  early  hour,  the  troops 
were  again  on  their  march,  and  for  two  days  were  occupied  in 
threading  the  airy  defiles  of  the  Cordilleras.  Soon  after  begin¬ 
ning  their  descent  on  the  eastern  side,  another  emissary  arrived 
from  the  Inca,  bearing  a  message  of  similar  import  to  the  pre¬ 
ceding,  and  a  present,  in  like  manner,  of  Peruvian  sheep. 
This  was  the  same  noble  that  had  visited  Pizarro  in  the  valley. 
He  now  came  in  more  state,  quaffing  chicha — the  fermented 
juice  of  the  maize — from  golden  goblets  borne  by  his  attend¬ 
ants,  which  sparkled  in  the  eyes  of  the  rapacious  adventurers.2 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  193. — Oviedo,  Hist,  de 
las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  v. 

2  “  Este  Embajador  trafa  servicio  de  Senor,  i  cinco,  6  seis  Vasos  de  Oro 
fino,  con  que  bebia,  i  con  ellos  daba  a  beber  a  los  Espanoles  de  la  Chicha 
que  trafa.” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  193. — Oviedo, 

Conquest  of  Peru  235 

While  he  was  in  the  camp,  the  Indian  messenger,  originally 
sent  by  Pizarro  to  the  Inca,  returned,  and  no  sooner  did  he 
behold  the  Peruvian,  and  the  honourable  reception  which  he 
met  with  from  the  Spaniards,  than  he  was  filled  with  wrath, 
which  would  have  vented  itself  in  personal  violence,  but  for  the 
interposition  of  the  bystanders.  It  was  hard,  he  said,  that 
this  Peruvian  dog  should  be  thus  courteously  treated,  when 
he  himself  had  nearly  lost  his  life  on  a  similar  mission  among 
his  countrymen.  On  reaching  the  Inca’s  camp,  he  had  been 
refused  admission  to  his  presence,  on  the  ground  that  he  was 
keeping  a  fast,  and  could  not  be  seen.  They  had  paid  no 
respect  to  his  assertion  that  he  came  as  an  envoy  from  the 
white  men,  and  would,  probably,  not  have  suffered  him  to 
escape  with  life,  if  he  had  not  assured  them  that  any  violence 
offered  to  him  would  be  retaliated  in  full  measure  on  the 
persons  of  the  Peruvian  envoys,  now  in  the  Spanish  quarters. 
There  was  no  doubt,  he  continued,  of  the  hostile  intentions  of 
Atahuallpa ;  for  he  was  surrounded  with  a  powerful  army, 
strongly  encamped  about  a  league  from  Caxamalca,  while  that 
city  was  entirely  evacuated  by  its  inhabitants. 

To  all  this  the  Inca’s  envoy  coolly  replied,  that  Pizarro’s 
messenger  might  have  reckoned  on  such  a  reception  as  he 
had  found,  since  he  seemed  to  have  taken  with  him  no  cre¬ 
dentials  of  his  mission.  As  to  the  Inca’s  fast,  that  was  true ; 
and,  although  he  would  doubtless  have  seen  the  messenger, 
had  he  known  there  was  one  from  the  strangers,  yet  it  was  not 
safe  to  disturb  him  at  these  solemn  seasons,  when  engaged  in 
his  religious  duties.  The  troops  by  whom  he  was  surrounded 
were  not  numerous,  considering  that  the  Inca  was  at  that  time 
carrying  on  an  important  war ;  and  as  to  Caxamalca,  it  was 
abandoned  by  the  inhabitants  in  order  to  make  room  for  the 
white  men,  who  were  so  soon  to  occupy  it.1 

This  explanation,  however  plausible,  did  not  altogether 
satisfy  the  general,  for  he  had  too  deep  a  conviction  of  the 
cunning  of  Atahuallpa,  whose  intentions  towards  the  Spaniards 
he  had  long  greatly  distrusted.  As  he  proposed,  however,  to 
keep  on  friendly  relations  with  the  monarch  for  the  present, 
it  was  obviously  not  his  cue  to  manifest  suspicion.  Affecting, 

Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  v.  The  latter  author,  in 
this  part  of  his  work,  has  done  little  more  than  make  a  transcript  of  that  of 
Xerez.  His  indorsement  of  Pizarro’s  secretary,  however,  is  of  value,  from 
the  fact,  that  with  less  temptation  to  misstate  or  overstate,  he  enjoyed 
excellent  opportunities  for  information. 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  194.  —  Oviedo,  Hist,  de 
las  Indias,  MS.,  ubi  supra. 

236  Conquest  of  Peru 

therefore,  to  give  full  credit  to  the  explanation  of  the  envoy, 
he  dismissed  him  with  reiterated  assurances  of  speedily 
presenting  himself  before  the  Inca. 

The  descent  of  the  sierra,  though  the  Andes  are  less  pre¬ 
cipitous  on  their  eastern  side  than  towards  the  west,  was 
attended  with  difficulties  almost  equal  to  those  of  the  upward 
march ;  and  the  Spaniards  felt  no  little  satisfaction  when,  on 
the  seventh  day,  they  arrived  in  view  of  the  valley  of  Caxa- 
malca,  which,  enamelled  with  all  the  beauties  of  cultivation, 
lay  unrolled  like  a  rich  and  variegated  carpet  of  verdure  in 
strong  contrast  with  the  dark  forms  of  the  Andes  that  rose  up 
everywhere  around  it.  The  valley  is  of  an  oval  shape,  ex¬ 
tending  about  five  leagues  in  length  by  three  in  breadth.  It 
was  inhabited  by  a  population  of  a  superior  character  to  any 
which  the  Spaniards  had  met  on  the  other  side  of  the  mountains, 
as  was  argued  by  the  superior  style  of  their  attire  and  the 
greater  cleanliness  and  comfort  visible  both  in  their  persons 
and  dwellings.1  As  far  as  the  eye  could  reach,  the  level  tract 
exhibited  the  show  of  a  diligent  and  thrifty  husbandry.  A 
broad  river  rolled  through  the  meadows,  supplying  facilities 
for  copious  irrigation  by  means  of  the  usual  canals  and  sub¬ 
terraneous  aqueducts.  The  land,  intersected  with  verdant 
hedge-rows,  was  chequered  with  patches  of  various  cultivation  \ 
for  the  soil  was  rich,  and  the  climate,  if  less  stimulating  than 
that  of  the  sultry  regions  of  the  coast,  was  more  favourable  to 
the  hardy  products  of  the  temperate  latitudes.  Below  the 
adventurers,  with  its  white  houses  glittering  in  the  sun,  lay  the 
little  city  of  Caxamalca,  like  a  sparkling  gem  on  the  dark  skirts 
of  the  sierra.  At  the  distance  of  about  a  league  farther  across 
the  valley  might  be  seen  columns  of  vapour  rising  up  towards 
the  heavens,  indicating  the  place  of  the  famous  hot  baths, 
much  frequented  by  the  Peruvian  princes.  And  here  too  was 
a  spectacle  less  grateful  to  the  eyes  of  the  Spaniards,  for  along 
the  slope  of  the  hills  a  white  cloud  of  pavilions  was  seen 
covering  the  ground  as  thick  as  snow-flakes,  for  the  space 
apparently  of  several  miles.  “It  filled  us  all  with  amaze¬ 
ment,”  exclaims  one  of  the  Conquerors,  “  to  behold  the  Indians 
occupying  so  proud  a  position !  So  many  tents  so  well 
appointed  as  were  never  seen  in  the  Indies  till  now.  The 
spectacle  caused  something  like  confusion  and  even  fear  in  the 
stoutest  bosom.  But  it  was  too  late  to  turn  back  or  to  betray 
the  least  sign  of  weakness,  since  the  natives  in  our  own  com- 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  195. 

Conquest  of  Peru  237 

pany  would  in  such  case  have  been  the  first  to  rise  upon  us. 
So  with  as  bold  a  countenance  as  we  could,  after  coolly 
surveying  the  ground,  we  prepared  for  our  entrance  into 
Caxamalca.,,  1 

What  were  the  feelings  of  the  Peruvian  monarch  we  are  not 
informed,  when  he  gazed  on  the  martial  cavalcade  of  the 
Christians,  as  with  banners  streaming  and  bright  panoplies 
glistening  in  the  rays  of  the  evening  sun  it  emerged  from  the 
dark  depths  of  the  sierra,  and  advanced  in  hostile  array  over 
the  fair  domain  which,  to  this  period,  had  never  been  trodden 
by  other  foot  than  that  of  the  red  man.  It  might  be,  as  several 
of  the  reports  had  stated,  that  the  Inca  had  purposely  decoyed 
the  adventurers  into  the  heart  of  his  populous  empire  that  he 
might  envelope  them  with  his  legions,  and  the  more  easily 
become  master  of  their  property  and  persons.1 2  Or  was  it  from 
a  natural  feeling  of  curiosity,  and  relying  on  their  professions  of 
friendship,  that  he  had  thus  allowed  them  without  any  attempt 
at  resistance  to  come  into  his  presence  ?  At  all  events,  he 
could  hardly  have  felt  such  confidence  in  himself  as  not  to 
look  with  apprehension  mingled  with  awe  on  the  mysterious 
strangers,  who,  coming  from  an  unknown  world  and  possessed 
of  such  wonderful  gifts,  had  made  their  way  across  mountain 
and  valley  in  spite  of  every  obstacle  which  man  and  nature  had 
opposed  to  them. 

Pizarro,  meanwhile,  forming  his  little  corps  into  three 
divisions,  now  moved  forward  at  a  more  measured  pace,  and 
in  order  of  battle,  down  the  slopes  that  led  towards  the  Indian 

1  “Y  eran  tantas  las  tiendas  que  parecian,  que  cierto  nos  puso  harto 
espanto,  porque  no  pensabarnos  que  Indios  pudiesen  tener  tan  soberbia 
estancia,  ni  tantas  tiendas,  ni  tan  a  punto,  lo  cual  hasta  alii  en  las  Indias  nunca 
se  vio,  que  nos  causo  a  tcdos  los  Espanoles  harta  confusion  y  temor  ;  aunque 
no  convenia  mostrarse,  ni  menos  volver  atras,  porque  si  alguna  flaqueza  en 
nosotros  sintieran,  los  mismos  Indios  que  llevabamos  nos  mataran,  y  ansi 
con  animoso  semblante,  despues  de  haber  muy  bien  atalayado  el  pueblo  y 
tiendas  que  he  dicho,  abajamos  por  el  valle  abajo  y  entramos  en  el  pueblo 
de  Cajamalca.” — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub. ,  MS. 

2  This  was  evidently  the  opinion  of  the  old  Conqueror,  whose  imperfect 
manuscript  forms  one  of  the  best  authorities  for  this  portion  of  our  narrative. 
“  Teniendonos  en  muy  poco,  y  no  haciendo  cuenta  que  190  hombres  le 
habian  de  ofender,  dio  lugar  y  consintio  que  pasasemos  por  aquel  paso  y 
por  otros  muchos  tan  malos  como  el,  porque  realmente,  a  lo  que  despues 
se  supo  y  averiguo,  su  intencion  era  vernos  y  preguntarnos,  de  donde  veni- 
amos?  y  quien  nos  habia  hechado  alii?  yque  queriamos  ?  Porque  era  muy 
sabio  y  discreto,  y  aunque.  sin  luz  ni  escriptura,  amigo  de  saber  y  de  sotil 
entendimiento  ;  y  despues  de  holgadose  con  nosotros,  tomarnos  los  caballos 
y  las  cosas  que  a  el  mas  le  alpacian,  y  sacrificar  a  los  demas.'’ — Relacion 
del  Primer,  Descub.,  MS. 

238  Conquest  of  Peru 

city.  As  he  drew  near,  no  one  came  out  to  welcome  him  ;  and 
he  rode  through  the  streets  without  meeting  with  a  living  thing 
or  hearing  a  sound,  except  the  echoes  sent  back  from  the 
deserted  dwellings  of  the  tramp  of  the  soldiery. 

It  was  a  place  of  considerable  size,  containing  about  ten 
thousand  inhabitants,  somewhat  more  probably  than  the 
population  assembled  at  this  day  within  the  walls  of  the 
modern  city  of  Caxamalca.1  The  houses  for  the  most  part 
were  built  of  clay  hardened  in  the  sun,  the  roofs  thatched  or 
of  timber.  Some  of  the  more  ambitious  dwellings  were  of 
hewn  stone ;  and  there  was  a  convent  in  the  place  occupied  by 
the  Virgins  of  the  Sun,  and  a  temple  dedicated  to  the  same 
tutelar  deity,  which  last  was  hidden  in  the  deep  embowering 
shades  of  a  grove  on  the  skirts  of  the  city.  On  the  quarter 
towards  the  Indian  camp  was  a  square — if  square  it  might  be 
called  which  was  almost  triangular  in  form — of  an  immense 
size,  surrounded  by  low  buildings.  These  consisted  of 
capacious  halls,  with  wide  doors  or  openings  communicating 
with  the  square.  They  were  probably  intended  as  a  sort  of 
barracks  for  the  Inca’s  soldiers.2  At  the  end  of  the  plaza , 
looking  towards  the  country,  was  a  fortress  of  stone,  with  a 
stairway  leading  from  the  city  and  a  private  entrance  from  the 
adjoining  suburbs.  There  was  still  another  fortress  on  the 
rising  ground  which  commanded  the  town  built  of  hewn  stone, 
and  encompassed  by  three  circular  walls,  or  rather  one  and 
the  same  wall,  which  wound  up  spirally  around  it.  It  was  a 
place  of  great  strength,  and  the  workmanship  showed  a  better 
knowledge  of  masonry,  and  gave  a  higher  impression  of  the 
architectural  science  of  the  people,  than  anything  the  Spaniards 
had  yet  seen.3 

It  was  late  in  the  afternoon  of  the  15th  of  November, 
1532,  when  the  Conquerors  entered  the  city  of  Caxamalca. 
The  weather,  which  had  been  fair  during  the  day,  now 
threatened  a  storm,  and  some  rain  mingled  with  hail — for  it 

1  According  to  Stevenson,  this  population,  which  is  of  a  very  mixed 
character,  amounts,  or  did  amount  some  thirty  years  ago,  to  about  seven 
thousand.  That  sagacious  traveller  gives  an  animated  description  of  the 
city,  in  which  he  resided  some  time,  and  which  he  seems  to  have  regarded 
with  peculiar  predilection.  Yet  it  does  not  hold  probably  the  relative  rank 
at  the  present  day  that  it  did  in  that  of  the  Incas. — Residence  in  South 
America,  vol.  ii.  p.  13 1. 

2  Carta  de  Hern.  Pizarro,  ap.  Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte 
iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xv. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  195. 

3  “Fuer^as  son,  que  entre  Indios  no  se  han  visto  tales.” — Xerez,  Conq. 
del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  195. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS 

Conquest  of  Peru  239 

was  unusually  cold — began  to  fall.1  Pizarro,  however,  was  so 
anxious  to  ascertain  the  dispositions  of  the  Inca,  that  he 
determined  to  send  an  embassy,  at  once,  to  his  quarters.  He 
selected  for  this,  Hernando  de  Soto  with  fifteen  horse,  and, 
after  his  departure,  conceiving  that  the  number  was  too  small, 
in  case  of  any  unfriendly  demonstrations  by  the  Indians,  he 
ordered  his  brother  Hernando  to  follow  with  twenty  additional 
troopers.  This  captain  and  one  other  of  his  party  have  left  us 
an  account  of  the  excursion.2 

Between  the  city  and  the  imperial  camp  was  a  causeway, 
built  in  a  substantial  manner  across  the  meadow  land  that 
intervened.  Over  this  the  cavalry  galloped  at  a  rapid  pace, 
and,  before  they  had  gone  a  league,  they  came  in  front  of 
the  Peruvian  encampment,  where  it  spread  along  the  gentle 
slope  of  the  mountains.  The  lances  of  the  warriors  were  fixed 
in  the  ground  before  their  tents,  and  the  Indian  soldiers  were 
loitering  without,  gazing  with  silent  astonishment  at  the 
Christian  cavalcade,  as  with  clangour  of  arms  and  shrill  blast 
of  trumpet  it  swept  by,  like  some  fearful  apparition,  on  the 
wings  of  the  wind. 

The  party  soon  came  to  a  broad  but  shallow  stream,  which, 
winding  through  the  meadow,  formed  a  defence  for  the  Inca’s 
position.  Across  it  was  a  wooden  bridge ;  but  the  cavaliers, 
distrusting  its  strength,  preferred  to  dash  through  the  waters, 
and  without  difficulty  gained  the  opposite  bank.  A  battalion 
of  Indian  warriors  was  drawn  up  under  arms  on  the  farther 
side  of  the  bridge,  but  they  offered  no  molestation  to  the 
Spaniards  :  and  these  latter  had  strict  orders  from  Pizarro — 
scarcely  necessary  in  their  present  circumstances — to  treat  the 
natives  with  courtesy.  One  of  the  Indians  pointed  out  the 
quarter  occupied  by  the  Inca.3 

1  “  Deste  a  poco  rato  comem^o  &  Hover,  i  caer  granico.”  (Xerez, 
Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  195.)  Caxamalca,  in  the  Indian 
tongue,  signifies  “place  of  frost”;  for  the  temperature,  though  usually 
bland  and  genial,  is  sometimes  affected  by  frosty  winds  from  the  east,  very 
pernicious  to  vegetation. — Stevenson,  Residence  in  South  America,  vol.  ii. 
p.  129. 

2  Carta  de  Hern.  Pizarro,  MS.  The  Letter  of  Hernando  Pizarro, 
addressed  to  the  Royal  Audience  of  St.  Domingo,  gives  a  full  account  of  the 
extraordinary  events  recorded  in  this  and  the  ensuing  chapter,  in  which 
that  cavalier  took  a  prominent  part.  Allowing  for  the  partialities  incident 
to  a  chief  actor  in  the  scenes  he  describes,  no  authority  can  rank  higher. 
The  indefatigable  Oviedo,  who  resided  in  St.  Domingo,  saw  its  importance, 
and  fortunately  incorporated  the  document  in  his  great  work,  Hist,  de 
la^  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  xv. — The  anonymous  author  of  the 
Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.,  was  also  detached  on  this  service. 

8  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.  MS. — Carta  de  Hern.  Pizarro,  MS. 

240  Conquest  of  Peru 

It  was  an  open  court-yard,  with  a  light  building  or  pleasure 
house  in  the  centre,  having  galleries  running  around 
it,  and  opening  in  the  rear  on  a  garden.  The  walls  were 
covered  with  a  shining  plaster,  both  white  and  coloured,  and 
in  the  area  before  the  edifice  was  seen  a  spacious  tank  or 
reservoir  of  stone,  fed  by  aqueducts  that  supplied  it  with  both 
warm  and  cold  water.1  A  basin  of  hewn  stone — it  may  be  of 
a  more  recent  construction — still  bears,  on  the  spot,  the  name 
of  the  “Inca’s  bath.” 2  The  court  was  filled  with  Indian 
nobles,  dressed  in  gaily  ornamented  attire,  in  attendance  on 
the  monarch,  and  with  women  of  the  royal  household.  Amidst 
this  assembly  it  was  not  difficult  to  distinguish  the  person  of 
Atahuallpa,  though  his  dress  was  simpler  than  that  of  his 
attendants.  But  he  wore  on  his  head  the  crimson  borla  or 
fringe,  which,  surrounding  the  forehead,  hung  down  as  low 
as  the  eyebrow.  This  was  the  well-known  badge  of  Peruvian 
sovereignty,  and  had  been  assumed  by  the  monarch  only 
since  the  defeat  of  his  brother  Huascar.  He  was  seated  on  a 
low  stool  or  cushion,  somewhat  after  the  Morisco  or  Turkish 
fashion,  and  his  nobles  and  principal  officers  stood  around 
him,  with  great  ceremony,  holding  the  stations  suited  to  their 

The  Spaniards  gazed  with  much  interest  on  the  prince,  of 
whose  cruelty  and  cunning  they  had  heard  so  much,  and  whose 
valour  had  secured  to  him  the  possession  of  the  empire.  But 
his  countenance  exhibited  neither  the  fierce  passions  nor  the 
sagacity  which  had  been  ascribed  to  him ;  and,  though  in  his 
bearing  he  showmd  a  gravity  and  a  calm  consciousness  of 
authority  well  becoming  a  king,  he  seemed  to  discharge  all 

1  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  202.  UY  al  estanque 
venian  dos  canos  de  agua,  uno  caliente  y  otro  frio,  y  alii  se  templava  la  una 
con  la  otra,  para  quando  el  Senor  se  queria  banar  6  sus  mugeres  que  otra 
persona  no  osava  entrar  en  el  so  pena  de  la  vida.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub. 
y  Conq.,  MS. 

2  Stevenson,  Residence  in  South  America,  vol.  ii.  p.  164. 

3  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  196. — Carta  de  Hern. 
Pizarro,  MS.  The  appearance  of  the  Peruvian  monarch  is  described  in 
simple  but  animated  style  by  the  Conqueror  so  often  quoted,  one  of  the 
party.  “Llegados  al  patio  de  la  dicha  casa  que  tenia  delante  della,  vitno^ 
estar  en  medio  de  gran  muchedumbre  de  Indios  asentado  aquel  gran  Senor 
Atabalica  (de  quien  tanta  noticia,  y  tantas  cosas  nos  habian  dicho)  con  una 
corona  en  la  cabeza,  y  una  borla  que  le  salia  della,  y  le  cubria  toda  la 
frente,  la  cual  era  la  insiniareal,  sentado  en  una  sillecita  muy  baja  del  suelo, 
como  los  turcos  y  moros  acostumbran  sentarse  el  cual  esiaba  con  tanta 
magestad  y  aparato  cual  nunca  se  ha  visto  jamas,  porque  estaba  cercado 
de  mas  de  seiscientos  Senores  de  su  tierra.” — Relacion  del  Primer. 
Descub.,  MS. 

Conquest  of  Peru  241 

expression  from  his  features,  and  to  discover  only  the  apathy 
so  characteristic  of  the  American  races.  On  the  present 
occasion,  this  must  have  been  in  part,  at  least,  assumed.  For 
it  is  impossible  that  the  Indian  prince  should  not  have  contem¬ 
plated  with  curious  interest  a  spectacle  so  strange,  and,  in  some 
respects,  appalling,  as  that  of  these  mysterious  strangers,  for 
which  no  previous  description  could  have  prepared  him. 

Hernando  Pizarro  and  Soto,  with  two  or  three  only  of  their 
followers,  slowly  rode  up  in  front  of  the  Inca ;  and  the  former, 
making  a  respectful  obeisance,  but  without  dismounting, 
informed  Atahuallpa  that  he  came  as  an  ambassador  from  his 
brother,  the  commander  of  the  white  men,  to  acquaint  the 
monarch  with  their  arrival  in  his  city  of  Caxamalca.  They 
were  the  subjects  of  a  mighty  prince  across  the  waters,  and  had 
come,  he  said,  drawn  thither  by  the  report  of  his  great  victories, 
to  offer  their  services,  and  to  impart  to  him  the  doctrines  of  the 
true  faith  which  they  professed ;  and  he  brought  an  invitation 
from  the  general  to  Atahuallpa  that  the  latter  would  be  pleased 
to  visit  the  Spaniards  in  their  present  quarters. 

To  all  this  the  Inca  answered  not  a  word ;  nor  did  he  make 
even  a  sign  of  acknowledgment  that  he  comprehended  it ; 
though  it  was  translated  for  him  by  Felipillo,  one  of  the  inter¬ 
preters  already  noticed.  He  remained  silent,  with  his  eyes 
fastened  on  the  ground  ;  but  one  of  his  nobles,  standing  by  his 
side,  answered,  “  It  is  well.” 1  This  was  an  embarrassing 
situation  for  the  Spaniards,  who  seemed  to  be  as  wide  from 
ascertaining  the  real  disposition  of  the  Peruvian  monarch 
towards  themselves,  as  when  the  mountains  were  between  them. 

In  a  courteous  and  respectful  manner,  Hernando  Pizarro 
again  broke  silence  by  requesting  the  Inca  to  speak  to  them 
himself,  and  to  inform  them  what  was  his  pleasure.2  To  this 
Atahuallpa  condescended  to  reply,  while  a  faint  smile  passed 
over  his  features, — “  Tell  your  captain  that  I  am  keeping  a 
fast,  which  will  end  to-morrow  morning.  I  will  then  visit  him 
with  my  chieftains.  In  the  meantime,  let  him  occupy  the 

1  “  Las  cuales  por  el  oidas,  con  ser  su  inclinacion  preguntarnos  y  saber 
de  donde  veniamos,  y  que  queriamos,  y  ver  nuestras  personas  y  caballos, 
tubo  tanta  serenidad  en  el  rostro,  y  tanta  gravedad  en  su  persona,  que  no 
quiso  responder  palabra  a  lo  que  se  le  decia,  salvo  que  un  Senor  de  aquellos 
que  estaban  par  de  el  respondia  :  bien  esta.” — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub., 

2  “  Visto  por  el  dicho  Hernando  Pizarro  que  el  no  hablaba,  y  que  aquella 
tercera  persona  respondia  de  suyo,  torno  le  a  suplicar,  que  el  hablase  por 
su  boca,  y  le  respondiese  lo  que  quisiese.” — Relacion  dei  Primer.  Descub., 

242  Conquest  of  Peru 

public  buildings  on  the  square,  and  no  other,  till  I  come,  when 
I  will  order  what  shall  be  done.1 

Soto,  one  of  the  party  present  at  this  interview,  as  before 
noticed,  was  the  best  mounted  and  perhaps  the  best  rider  in 
Pizarro’s  troop.  Observing  that  Atahuallpa  looked  with  some 
interest  on  the  fiery  steed  that  stood  before  him,  champing  the 
bit  and  pawing  the  ground  with  the  natural  impatience  of  a 
war-horse,  the  Spaniard  gave  him  the  rein,  and,  striking  his  iron 
heel  into  his  side,  dashed  furiously  over  the  plain ;  then, 
wheeling  him  round  and  round,  displayed  all  the  beautiful 
movements  of  his  charger,  and  his  own  excellent  horsemanship. 
Suddenly  checking  him  in  full  career,  he  brought  the  animal 
almost  on  his  haunches,  so  near  the  person  of  the  Inca,  that 
some  of  the  foam  that  flecked  his  horse’s  sides  was  thrown  on 
the  royal  garments.  But  Atahuallpa  maintained  the  same 
marble  composure  as  before,  though  several  of  his  soldiers, 
whom  De  Soto  passed  in  the  course,  were  so  much  disconcerted 
by  it,  that  they  drew  back  in  manifest  terror  :  an  act  of  timidity 
for  which  they  paid  dearly,  if  as  the  Spaniards  assert,  Atahuallpa 
caused  them  to  be  put  to  death  that  same  evening  for  betraying 
such  unworthy  weakness  to  the  strangers.2 3 * 

Refreshments  were  now  offered  by  the  royal  attendants  to  the 
Spaniards,  which  they  declined,  being  unwilling  to  dismount. 
They  did  not  refuse,  however,  to  quaff  the  sparkling  chicha 
from  golden  vases  of  extraordinary  size,  presented  to  them  by 
the  dark-eyed  beauties  of  the  harem.8  Taking  then  a  respectful 
leave  of  the  Inca,  the  cavaliers  rode  back  to  Caxamalca,  with 

1  “El  cual  a  esto  volvio  la  cabeza  a  mirarle  sonriendose  y  le  dijo  Decid 
a  ese  Capitan  que  os  embia  aca  ;  que  yo  estoy  en  ayuno,  y  le  acabo  manana 
por  la  manana,  que  en  bebiendo  una  vez,  yo  ire  con  algunos  destos  princi- 
pales  mios  a  verme  con  el,  que  en  tanto  el  se  aposente  en  esas  casas  que 
estan  en  la  plaza  que  son  comunes  a  todos,  y  que  no  entren  en  otra  ninguna 
hasta  que  Yo  vaya,  que  Yo  mandare  1c  que  se  ha  de  hacer.” — Relacion 
del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.,  ubi  supra.  In  this  singular  interview  I  have 
followed  the  account  of  the  cavalier  who  accompanied  Hernando  Pizarro, 
in  preference  to  the  latter,  who  represents  himself  as  talking  in  a  lordly 
key,  that  savours  too  much  of  the  vaunt  of  the  hidalgo. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub., 
MS.  —  “I  algunos  Indios,  con  miedo,  se  desviaron  de  la  Carrera,  por  lo 
qual  Atabalipa  los  hhpo  luego  matar.”  (Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  ii. 
cap.  iv. ) — Xerez  states  that  Atahuallpa  confessed  this  himself,  in  conversa¬ 
tion  with  the  Spaniards,  after  he  was  taken  prisoner. — Soto’s  charger  might 
well  have  made  the  Indians  start,  if,  as  Balboa  says,  he  took  twenty  leet 
at  a  leap,  and  this  with  a  knight  in  armour  on  his  back  ! — Hist,  du  Perou, 
chap.  xxii. 

3  Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. — Xeres.  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 

tom.  iii.  p.  196. 

Conquest  of  Peru  243 

many  moody  speculations  on  what  they  had  seen ;  on  the  state 
and  opulence  of  the  Indian  monarch ;  on  the  strength  of  his 
military  array,  their  excellent  appointments,  and  the  apparent 
discipline  in  their  ranks, — all  arguing  a  much  higher  degree  of 
civilisation,  and  consequently  of  power,  than  anything  they  had 
witnessed  in  the  lower  regions  of  the  country.  As  they  con¬ 
trasted  ail  this  with  their  own  diminutive  force,  too  far  advanced, 
as  they  now  were,  for  succour  to  reach  them,  they  felt  they  had 
done  rashly  in  throwing  themselves  into  the  midst  of  so 
formidable  an  empire,  and  were  filled  with  gloomy  forebodings 
of  the  result.1  Their  comrades  in  the  camp  soon  caught  the 
infectious  spirit  of  despondency,  which  was  not  lessened  as 
night  came  on,  and  they  beheld  the  watch-fires  of  the  Peruvians 
lighting  up  the  sides  of  the  mountains,  and  glittering  in  the 
darkness,  “  as  thick/’  says  one  who  saw  them,  “as  the  stars  of 
heaven.” 2 

Yet  there  was  one  bosom  in  that  little  host  which  was  not 
touched  with  the  feeling  either  of  fear  or  dejection.  That  was 
Pizarro’s,  who  secretly  rejoiced  that  he  had  now  brought 
matters  to  the  issue  for  which  he  had  so  long  panted.  He 
saw  the  necessity  of  kindling  a  similar  feeling  in  his  followers, 
or  all  would  be  lost.  Without  unfolding  his  plans,  he  went 
round  among  his  men,  beseeching  them  not  to  show  faint 
hearts  at  this  crisis,  when  they  stood  face  to  face  with  the  foe 
whom  they  had  been  so  long  seeking.  “They  were  to  rely  on 
themselves,  and  on  that  Providence  which  had  carried  them 
safe  through  so  many  fearful  trials.  It  would  not  now  desert 
them ;  and  if  numbers,  however  great,  were  on  the  side  of 
their  enemy,  it  mattered  little  when  the  arm  of  heaven  was 
on  theirs.” 8  The  Spanish  cavalier  acted  under  the  combined 

1  “  Hecho  esto  y  visto  y  atalayado  la  grandeza  del  ejercito,  y  las  tiendas 
que  era  bien  de  ver,  nos  bolvimos  a  donde  el  dicho  capitan  nos  estaba 
esperando,  harto  espantados  de  lo  que  nabiamos  visto,  habiendo  y  tomando 
entre  nosotros  muchos  acuerdos  y  opiniones  de  loque  sedebia  hacer,  estando 
todos  con  mucho  temor  por  ser  tan  pocos,  y  estar  tan  metidos  en  la  tierra 
donde  no  podiamos  ser  socorridos.”  (Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub. ,  MS.) 
— Pedro  Pizarro  is  honest  enough  to  confirm  this  account  of  the  consternation 
of  the  Spaniards.  (Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.)  Fear  was  a  strange  sensation 
for  the  Castilian  cavalier.  But  if  he  did  not  feel  some  touch  of  it  on  that 
occasion,  he  must  have  been  akin  to  that  doughty  knight  who,  as  Charles 
V.  pronounced,  “  never  could  have  snuffed  a  candle  with  his  fingers.” 

2  “  Hecimos  la  guardia  en  la  plaza,  de  donde  se  vian  los  fuegos  del 
ejercito  de  los  Indios,  lo  cual  era  cosa  espantable,  que  como  estaban  en  una 
lad  era  la  mayor  parte,  y  tan  juntos  unos  de  otros,  no  parecia  sino  un  cielo 
muy  estrellado.” — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

3  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  197. — Naharro, 
Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

244  Conquest  of  Peru 

influence  of  chivalrous  adventure  and  religious  zeal.  The 
latter  was  the  most  effective  in  the  hour  of  peril ;  and  Pizarro, 
who  understood  well  the  characters  he  had  to  deal  with,  by 
presenting  the  enterprise  as  a  crusade,  kindled  the  dying 
embers  of  enthusiasm  in  the  bosoms  of  his  followers,  and 
restored  their  faltering  courage. 

He  then  summoned  a  council  of  his  officers  to  consider  the 
plan  of  operations,  or  rather  to  propose  to  them  the  extra¬ 
ordinary  plan  on  which  he  had  himself  decided.  This  was  to 
lay  an  ambuscade  for  the  Inca,  and  take  him  prisoner  in  the 
face  of  his  whole  army  !  It  was  a  project  full  of  peril,  border¬ 
ing,  as  it  might  well  seem,  on  desperation.  But  the 
circumstances  of  the  Spaniards  were  desperate.  Whichever 
way  they  turned,  they  were  menaced  by  the  most  appalling 
dangers ;  and  better  was  it  bravely  to  confront  the  danger, 
than  weakly  to  shrink  from  it,  when  there  was  no  avenue  for 

To  fly  was  now  too  late.  Whither  could  they  fly?  At  the 
first  signal  of  retreat,  the  whole  army  of  the  Inca  would  be 
upon  them.  Their  movements  would  be  anticipated  by  a  foe 
far  better  acquainted  with  the  intricacies  of  the  sierra  than  them¬ 
selves  ;  the  passes  would  be  occupied,  and  they  would  be 
hemmed  in  on  all  sides ;  while  the  mere  fact  of  this  retrograde 
movement  would  diminish  the  confidence,  and  with  it  the 
effective  strength  of  his  own  men,  while  it  doubled  that  of  his 

Yet  to  remain  long  inactive  in  his  present  position  seemed 
almost  equally  perilous.  Even  supposing  that  Atahuallpa 
should  entertain  friendly  feelings  towards  the  Christians,  they 
could  not  confide  in  the  continuance  of  such  feelings. 
Familiarity  with  the  white  men  would  soon  destroy  the  idea 
of  anything  supernatural,  or  even  superior,  in  their  natures. 
He  would  feel  contempt  for  their  diminutive  numbers.  Their 
horses,  their  arms,  and  showy  appointments,  would  be  an 
attractive  bait  in  the  eye  of  the  barbaric  monarch,  and  when 
conscious  that  he  had  the  power  to  crush  their  possessors,  he 
would  not  be  slow  in  finding  a  pretext  for  it.  A  sufficient  one 
had  already  occurred  in  the  high-handed  measures  of  the 
Conquerors,  on  their  march  through  his  dominions. 

But  what  reason  had  they  to  flatter  themselves  that  the  Inca 
cherished  such  a  disposition  towards  them  ?  Fie  was  a  crafty 
and  unscrupulous  prince,  and,  if  the  accounts  they  had 
repeatedly  received  on  their  march  were  true,  had  ever 
regarded  the  coming  of  the  Spaniards  with  an  evil  eye.  It 

Conquest  of  Peru  245 

was  scarcely  possible  he  should  do  otherwise.  His  soft 
messages  had  only  been  intended  to  decoy  them  across  the 
mountains,  where,  with  the  aid  of  his  warriors,  he  might 
overpower  them.  They  were  entangled  in  the  toils  which  the 
cunning  monarch  had  spread  for  them. 

Their  only  remedy,  then,  was  to  turn  the  Inca’s  arts  against 
himself ;  to  take  him,  if  possible,  in  his  own  snare.  There  was 
no  time  to  be  lost ;  for  any  day  might  bring  back  the  victorious 
legions  who  had  recently  won  his  battles  at  the  south,  and 
thus  make  the  odds  against  the  Spaniards  far  greater  than 

Yet  to  encounter  Atahuallpa  in  the  open  field  would  be 
attended  with  great  hazard  ;  and  even  if  victorious,  there  would 
be  little  probability  that  the  person  of  the  Inca,  of  so  much 
importance,  would  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  victors.  The 
invitation  he  had  so  unsuspiciously  accepted,  to  visit  them  in 
their  quarters,  afforded  the  best  means  for  securing  this  desir¬ 
able  prize.  Nor  was  the  enterprise  so  desperate,  considering 
the  great  advantages  afforded  by  the  character  and  weapons  of 
the  invaders,  and  the  unexpectedness  of  the  assault.  The 
mere  circumstance  of  acting  on  a  concerted  plan  would  alone 
make  a  small  number  more  than  a  match  for  a  much  larger 
one.  But  it  was  not  necessary  to  admit  the  whole  of  the 
Indian  force  into  the  city  before  the  attack ;  and  the  person  of 
the  Inca  once  secured,  his  followers,  astounded  by  so  strange 
an  event,  were  they  few  or  many,  would  have  no  heart  for 
further  resistance ; — and  with  the  Inca  once  in  his  power, 
Pizarro  might  dictate  laws  to  the  empire. 

In  this  daring  project  of  the  Spanish  chief,  it  was  easy  to 
see  that  he  had  the  brilliant  exploit  of  Cortes  in  his  mind, 
when  he  carried  off  the  Aztec  monarch  in  his  capital.  But 
that  was  not  by  violence, — at  least  not  by  open  violence, — 
and  it  received  the  sanction,  compulsory  though  it  were,  of 
the  monarch  himself.  It  was  also  true  that  the  results  in 
that  case  did  not  altogether  justify  a  repetition  of  the 
experiment ;  since  the  people  rose  in  a  body  to  sacrifice 
both  the  prince  and  his  kidnappers.  Yet  this  was  owing,  in 
part,  at  least,  to  the  indiscretion  of  the  latter.  The  experi¬ 
ment  in  the  outset  was  perfectly  successful ;  and  could 
Pizarro  once  become  master  of  the  person  of  Atahuallpa,  he 
trusted  to  his  own  discretion  for  the  rest.  It  would,  at  least, 
extricate  him  from  his  present  critical  position,  by  placing  in 
his  power  an  inestimable  guarantee  for  his  safety ;  and  if  he 
could  not  make  his  own  terms  with  the  Inca  at  once,  the 

246  Conquest  of  Peru 

arrival  of  reinforcements  from  home  would,  in  all  probability, 
soon  enable  him  to  do  so. 

Pizarro  having  concerted  his  plans  for  the  following  day,  the 
council  broke  up,  and  the  chief  occupied  himself  with  pro¬ 
viding  for  the  security  of  the  camp  during  the  night.  The 
approaches  to  the  town  were  defended ;  sentinels  were  posted 
at  different  points,  especially  on  the  summit  of  the  fortress, 
where  they  were  to  observe  the  position  of  the  enemy,  and  to 
report  any  movement  that  menaced  the  tranquillity  of  the 
night.  After  these  precautions,  the  Spanish  commander  and 
his  followers  withdrew  to  their  appointed  quarters, — but  not  to 
sleep.  At  least,  sleep  must  have  come  late  to  those  who  were 
aware  of  the  decisive  Dlan  for  the  morrow  ;  that  morrow  which 
was  to  be  the  crisis  of  their  fate, — to  crown  their  ambitious 
schemes  with  full  success,  or  consign  them  to  irretrievable  ruin  ! 






The  clouds  of  the  evening  had  passed  away,  and  the  sun  rose 
bright  on  the  following  morning,  the  most  memorable  epoch  in 
the  annals  of  Peru.  It  was  Saturday,  the  16th  of  November, 
1532.  The  loud  cry  of  the  trumpet  called  the  Spaniards  to 
arms  with  the  first  streak  of  dawn ;  and  Pizarro,  briefly 
acquainting  them  with  the  plan  of  the  assault,  made  the 
necessary  dispositions. 

The  plaza ,  as  mentioned  in  the  preceding  chapter,  was 
defended  on  its  three  .sides  by  low  ranges  of  buildings,  consist¬ 
ing  of  spacious  halls  with  wide  doors  or  vomitories  opening 
into  the  square.  In  these  halls  he  stationed  his  cavalry  in  two 
divisions,  one  under  his  brother  Hernando,  the  other  under 
De  Soto.  The  infantry  he  placed  in  another  of  the  buildings, 
reserving  twenty  chosen  men  to  act  with  himself  as  occasion 
might  require.  Pedro  de  Candia,  with  a  few  soldiers  and  the 
artillery, — comprehending  under  this  imposing  name  two  small 
pieces  of  ordnance,  called  falconets, — he  established  in  the 
fortress.  All  received  orders  to  wait  at  their  posts  till  the 

Conquest  of  Peru  247 

arrival  of  the  Inca.  After  his  entrance  into  the  great  square, 
they  were  still  to  remain  under  cover,  withdrawn  from  observa¬ 
tion,  till  the  signal  was  given  by  the  discharge  of  a  gun,  when 
they  were  to  cry  their  war-cries,  to  rush  out  in  a  body  from 
their  covert,  and  putting  the  Peruvians  to  the  sword,  bear  off 
the  person  of  the  Inca.  The  arrangement  of  the  immense 
halls,  opening  on  a  level  with  the  plaza ,  seemed  to  be  contrived 
on  purpose  for  a  coup  de  theatre.  Pizarro  particularly  incul¬ 
cated  order  and  implicit  obedience,  that  in  the  hurry  of  the 
moment  there  should  be  no  confusion.  Everything  depended 
on  their  acting  with  concert,  coolness,  and  celerity.1 

The  chief  next  saw  that  their  arms  were  in  good  order;  and 
that  the  breastplates  of  their  horses  were  garnished  with  bells, 
to  add  by  their  noise  to  the  consternation  of  the  Indians. 
Refreshments  were  also  liberally  provided,  that  the  troops 
should  be  in  condition  for  the  conflict.  These  arrangements 
being  completed,  mass  was  performed  with  great  solemnity  by 
the  ecclesiastics  who  attended  the  expedition  :  the  God  of 
battles  was  invoked  to  spread  his  shield  over  the  soldiers  who 
were  fighting  to  extend  the  empire  of  the  Cross;  and  all 
joined  with  enthusiasm  in  the  chant,  “ Exsurge  Domine? 
(“Rise,  O  Lord!  and  judge  thine  own  cause”).2  One  might 
have  supposed  them  a  company  of  martyrs,  about  to  lay  down 
their  lives  in  defence  of  their  faith,  instead  of  a  licentious 
band  of  adventurers,  meditating  one  of  the  most  atrocious  acts 
of  perfidy  on  the  record  of  history !  Yet,  whatever  were  the 
vices  of  the  Castilian  cavalier,  hypocrisy  was  not  among  the 
number.  He  felt  that  he  was  battling  for  the  Cross,  and 
under  this  conviction,  exalted  as  it  was  at  such  a  moment  as 
this  into  predominant  impulse,  he  was  blind  to  the  baser 
motives  which  mingled  with  the  enterprise.  With  feelings 
thus  kindled  to  a  flame  of  religious  ardour,  the  soldiers  of 
Pizarro  looked  forward  with  renovated  spirits  to  the  coming 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub., 
MS. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom,  iii.  p.  197, — Carta  de 
PI ern.  Pizarro,  MS.— Oviedo,  Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii. 
cap.  vii. 

2  “  Los  eclesiasticos  i  religiosos  se  ocuparon  toda  aquella  noche  en 
oracion,  pidiendo  a  Dios  el  mas  conveniente  suceso  a  su  sagrado  servicio, 
exaltacion  de  la  fe,  esalvacion  de  tanto  numero  de  almas,  derramando 
muchas  lagrimas  i  sangre  en  las  disciplinas  que  tomaron.  Francisco  Pizarro 
animS  a  ios  soldados  con  una  mui  cristiana  platica  qne  les  hiso :  con  que,  i 
asegurarles  los  eclesiasticos  de  parte  de  Dios  i  de  su  Madre  Santisima  )a 
vitoria,  amanecieron  todos  mui  deseosos  de  dar  la  batalla,  diciendo  & 
voces,  ‘Exsurge  Domine,  et  judica  causam  tuam.’” — Naharro,  Relacion 
Sumaria,  MS. 

248  Conquest  of  Peru 

conflict;  and  the  chieftain  saw  with  satisfaction,  that  in  the 
hour  of  trial  his  men  would  be  true  to  their  leader  and  them¬ 

It  was  late  in  the  day  before  any  movement  was  visible  in 
the  Peruvian  camp,  where  much  preparation  was  making  to 
approach  the  Christian  quarters  with  due  state  and  ceremony. 
A  message  was  received  from  Atahuallpa,  informing  the 
Spanish  commander  that  he  should  come  with  his  warriors 
fully  armed,  in  the  same  manner  as  the  Spaniards  had  come 
to  his  quarters  the  night  preceding.  This  was  not  an  agree¬ 
able  intimation  to  Pizarro,  though  he  had  no  reason,  probably, 
to  expect  the  contrary.  But  to  object  might  imply  distrust, 
or,  perhaps,  disclose,  in  some  measure,  his  own  designs.  He 
expressed  his  satisfaction,  therefore,  at  the  intelligence, 
assuring  the  Inca,  that,  come  as  he  would,  he  would  be 
received  by  him  as  a  friend  and  brother.1 

It  was  noon  before  the  Indian  procession  was  on  its  march, 
when  it  was  seen  occupying  the  great  causeway  for  a  long 
extent.  In  front  came  a  large  body  of  attendants,  whose  office 
seemed  to  be  to  sweep  away  every  particle  of  rubbish  from  the 
road.  High  above  the  crowd  appeared  the  Inca,  borne  on  the 
shoulders  of  his  principal  nobles,  while  others  of  the  same 
rank  marched  by  the  sides  of  his  litter,  displaying  such  a 
dazzling  show  of  ornaments  on  their  persons,  that,  in  the 
language  of  one  of  the  Conquerors,  “  they  blazed  like  the 
sun.” 2  But  the  greater  part  of  the  Inca’s  forces  mustered 
along  the  fields  that  lined  the  road,  and  were  spread  over  the 
broad  meadows  as  far  as  the  eye  could  reach.3 

When  the  royal  procession  had  arrived  within  half  a  mile  of 
the  city,  it  came  to  a  halt ;  and  Pizarro  saw,  with  surprise,  that 
Atahuallpa  was  preparing  to  pitch  his  tents,  as  if  to  encamp 

1  “  El  Governador  respondio  :  !  Df  a  tu  senor,  que  venga  en  hora  buena 
como  quisiere,  que  de  la  manera  que  viniere  lo  recebire  como  amigo  i 
hermano.’  ” — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  197. — Oviedo, 
Hist,  de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  vii. — Carta  de  Hern. 
Pizarro,  MS. 

2  “  PI  era  tanta  la  pateneria  que  traian  d’  oro  y  plata,  que  hera  cossa 
estrana,  lo  que  reluzia  con  el  sol.” — Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

3  To  the  eye  of  the  old  Conqueror  so  often  quoted,  the  number  of  Peru¬ 
vian  warriors  appeared  not  less  than  50,000  ;  “mas  de  cincuenta  mil  que 
tenia  de  guerra. ”  (Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.) — To  Pizarro’s 
secretary,  as  they  lay  encamped  along  the  hills,  they  seemed  about  30,000. 
(Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  196.) — However  gratifying 
to  the  imagination  to  repose  on  some  precise  number,  it  is  very  rare  that 
one  can  do  so  with  safety,  in  estiinating  the  irregular  and  tumultuous  levies 
of  a  barbarian  host. 

Conquest  of  Peru  249 

there.  A  messenger  soon  after  arrived,  informing  the  Spaniards 
that  the  Inca  would  occupy  his  present  station  the  ensuing 
night,  and  enter  the  city  on  the  following  morning. 

This  intelligence  greatly  disturbed  Pizarro,  who  had  shared 
in  the  general  impatience  of  his  men  at  the  tardy  movements 
of  the  Peruvians.  The  troops  had  been  under  arms  since 
daylight,  the  cavalry  mounted,  and  the  infantry  at  their  post, 
waiting  in  silence  the  coming  of  the  Inca.  A  profound  still¬ 
ness  reigned  throughout  the  town,  broken  only  at  intervals  by 
the  cry  of  the  sentinel  from  the  summit  of  the  fortress,  as  he 
proclaimed  the  movements  of  the  Indian  army.  Nothing, 
Pizarro  well  knew,  was  so  trying  to  the  soldier  as  prolonged 
suspense,  in  a  critical  situation  like  the  present ;  and  he  feared 
lest  his  ardour  might  evaporate,  and  be  succeeded  by  that 
nervous  feeling  natural  to  the  bravest  soul  at  such  a  crisis, 
and  which,  if  not  fear,  is  near  akin  to  it.1  He  returned  an 
answer,  therefore,  to  Atahuallpa,  deprecating  his  change  of 
purpose ;  and  adding,  that  he  had  provided  everything  for 
his  entertainment,  and  expected  him  that  night  to  sup  with 

This  message  turned  the  Inca  from  his  purpose  ;  and,  strik¬ 
ing  his  tents  again,  he  resumed  his  march,  first  advising  the 
general  that  he  should  leave  the  greater  part  of  his  warriors 
behind,  and  enter  the  place  with  only  a  few  of  them,  and 
without  arms,3  as  he  preferred  to  pass  the  night  at  Caxamalca. 
At  the  same  time  he  ordered  accommodations  to  be  provided 
for  himself  and  his  retinue  in  one  of  the  large  stone  buildings, 
called,  from  a  serpent  sculptured  on  the  walls,  “the  House  of 
the  Serpent.” 4 — No  tidings  could  have  been  more  grateful  to 
the  Spaniards.  It  seemed  as  if  the  Indian  monarch  was  eager 
to  rush  into  the  snare  that  had  been  spread  for  him  !  The 

1  Pedro  Pizarro  says  that  an  Indian  spy  reported  to  Atahuallpa,  that  the 
white  men  were  all  huddled  together  m  the  great  halls  on  the  square,  in 
much  consternation,  llenos  de  viiedo  ;  which  was  not  far  from  the  truth, 
adds  the  cavalier. — Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS.  —  “Asentados  sus  toldos  envio  i. 
decir  al  Gobernador  que  ya  era  tarde,  que  el  queria  dormir  allf,  que  por 
la  mafiana  venia.  El  Gobernador  le  envio  a  decir  que  le  rogaba  que  viniese 
luego,  porque  le  esperaba  a  cenar,  e  que  no  habia  de  cenar  hasta  que 
fuese.>’ — Carta  de  Hern.  Pizarro,  MS. 

3  “El  queria  venir  luego,  e  que  venia  sin  armas.  E  luego  Atabaliva  se 
movio  para  venir,  e  dejo  all!  la  gente  con  las  armas,  e  llevo  consigo  hasta 
cinco  6  seis  mil  indios  sin  armas,  salvo  que  debajo  de  las  camisetas  trafan 
unas  porras  pequehas,  4  hondas,  e  bolsas  con  piedras.” — Carta  de  Hern. 
Pizarro,  MS. 

4  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  197. 

K  301 

250  Conquest  of  Peru 

fanatical  cavalier  could  not  fail  to  discern  in  it  the  immediate 
finger  of  Providence. 

It  is  difficult  to  account  for  this  wavering  conduct  of 
Atahuallpa,  so  different  from  the  bold  and  decided  character 
which  history  ascribes  to  him.  There  is  no  doubt  that  he 
made  his  visit  to  the  white  men  in  perfect  good  faith ;  though 
Pizarro  was  probably  right  in  conjecturing  that  this  amiable 
disposition  stood  on  a  very  precarious  footing.  There  is  as 
little  reason  to  suppose  that  he  distrusted  the  sincerity  of  the 
strangers ;  or  he  would  not  thus  unnecessarily  have  proposed 
to  visit  them  unarmed.  His  original  purpose  of  coming  with 
all  his  force  was  doubtless  to  display  his  royal  state,  and  per¬ 
haps,  also,  to  show  greater  respect  for  the  Spaniards  ;  but 
when  he  consented  to  accept  their  hospitality,  and  pass  the 
night  in  their  quarters,  he  was  willing  to  dispense  with  a  great 
part  of  his  armed  soldiery,  and  visit  them  in  a  manner  that 
implied  entire  confidence  in  their  good  faith.  He  was  too 
absolute  in  his  own  empire  easily  to  suspect ;  and  he  probably 
could  not  comprehend  the  audacity  with  which  a  fewT  men, 
like  those  now  assembled  in  Caxamalca,  meditated  an  assault 
on  a  powerful  monarch  in  the  midst  of  his  victorious  army. 
He  did  not  know  the  character  of  the  Spaniard. 

It  was  not  long  before  sunset  when  the  van  of  the  royal 
procession  entered  the  gates  of  the  city.  First  came  some 
hundreds  of  the  menials,  employed  to  clear  the  path  from 
every  obstacle,  and  singing  songs  of  triumph  as  they  came, 
“which,  in  our  ears,”  says  one  of  the  Conquerors,  “sounded 
like  the  songs  of  hell !  ” 1  Then  followed  other  bodies  of 
different  ranks,  and  dressed  in  different  liveries.  Some  wore 
a  showy  stuff,  checkered  white  and  red,  like  the  squares  of  a 
chess-board.2  Others  were  clad  in  pure  white,  bearing  ham¬ 
mers  or  maces  of  silver  or  copper ; 3  and  the  guards,  together 
with  those  in  immediate  attendance  on  the  prince,  were  dis¬ 
tinguished  by  a  rich  azure  livery,  and  a  profusion  of  gay 
ornaments,  while  the  large  pendants  attached  to  the  ears 
indicated  the  Peruvian  noble. 

Elevated  high  above  his  vassals  came  the  Inca  Atahuallpa, 
borne  on  a  sedan  or  open  litter,  on  which  was  a  sort  of  throne 
made  of  massive  gold  of  inestimable  value.4  The  palanquin 

1  Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

2  “Blanca  y  colorada  como  las  casas  de  un  ajedrez.” — Ibid.,  MS. 

8  “  Con  martillos  en  las  manos  de  cobre  y  plata.” — Ibid.,  MS. 

4  “  El  asiento  que  traia  sobre  las  andas  era  un  tablon  de  oro  que  pes6 
un  quintal  de  oro  segun  dicen  los  historiadores,  25,000  pesos  6  ducados.” — 
Naharro,  Relacion  Sumaria,  MS. 

Conquest  of  Peru  251 

was  lined  with  the  richly-coloured  plumes  of  tropical  birds, 
and  studded  with  shining  plates  of  gold  and  silver.1  The 
monarch’s  attire  was  much  richer  than  on  the  preceding  even¬ 
ing.  Round  his  neck  was  suspended  a  collar  of  emeralds,  of 
uncommon  size  and  brilliancy.2  His  short  hair  was  decorated 
with  golden  ornaments,  and  the  imperial  borla  encircled  his 
temples.  The  bearing  of  the  Inca  was  sedate  and  dignified  ; 
and  from  his  lofty  station  he  looked  down  on  the  multitudes 
below  with  an  air  of  composure,  like  one  accustomed  to 

As  the  leading  files  of  the  procession  entered  the  great 
square,  larger,  says  an  old  chronicler,  than  any  square  in  Spain, 
they  opened  to  the  right  and  left  for  the  royal  retinue  to  pass. 
Everything  was  conducted  with  admirable  order.  The  monarch 
was  permitted  to  traverse  the  plaza  in  silence,  and  not  a 
Spaniard  was  to  be  seen.  When  some  five  or  six  thousand  of 
his  people  had  entered  the  place,  Atahuallpa  halted,  and, 
turning  round  with  an  inquiring  look,  demanded,  “  Where  are 
the  strangers  ?  ” 

At  this  moment  Fray  Vicente  de  Valverde,  a  Dominican 
friar,  Pizarro’s  chaplain,  and  afterwards  Bishop  of  Cuzco,  came 
forward  with  his  breviary,  or  as  other  accounts  say,  a  Bible, 
in  one  hand,  and  a  crucifix  in  the  other,  and,  approaching  the 
Inca,  told  him  that  he  came  by  order  of  his  commander  to 
expound  to  him  the  doctrines  of  the  true  faith,  for  which  pur¬ 
pose  the  Spaniards  had  come  from  a  great  distance  to  his 
country.  The  friar  then  explained,  as  clearly  as  he  could,  the 
mysterious  doctrine  of  the  Trinity,  and,  ascending  high  in  his 
account,  began  with  the  creation  of  man,  thence  passed  to  his 
fall,  to  his  subsequent  redemption  by  Jesus  Christ,  to  the 
crucifixion,  and  the  ascension,  when  the  Saviour  left  the 
Apostle  Peter  as  his  Vicegerent  upon  earth.  This  power  had 
been  transmitted  to  the  successors  of  the  Apostle,  good  and 
wise  men,  who,  under  the  title  of  Popes,  held  authority  over  ail 
powers  and  potentates  on  earth.  One  of  the  last  of  these 
Popes  had  commissioned  the  Spanish  emperor,  the  most 

1  “  Luego  venia  mucha  gente  con  armaduras,  patenas,  i  coronas  de  oro 
i  plata  :  entre  estos  venia  Atabaliba,  en  una  litera,  aforrada  de  pluma  de 
papagajos,  de  rnuchas  colores,  guarnecida  de  chapas  de  oro  i  plata.” — 
Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  198. 

2  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — “Venia  la  persona  de 
Atabaliva,  la  cual  traian  ochenta  senores  en  hombros,  todos  bestidos  de 
una  librea  azul  muy  rica,  y  el  bestido  su  persona  muy  ricamente  con  su 
corona  en  la  cabeza,  y  al  cuello  un  collar  de  emeraldas  grandes.” — 
Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS. 

252  Conquest  of  Peru 

mighty  monarch  in  the  world,  to  conquer  and  convert  the 
natives  in  this  western  hemisphere ;  and  his  general,  Francisco 
Pizarro,  had  now  come  to  execute  this  important  mission. 
The  friar  concluded  with  beseeching  the  Peruvian  monarch  to 
receive  him  kindly  ;  to  abjure  the  errors  of  his  own  faith,  and 
embrace  that  of  the  Christians  now  proffered  to  him,  the  only 
one  by  which  he  could  hope  for  salvation ;  and,  furthermore, 
to  acknowledge  himself  a  tributary  of  the  Emperor  Charles  the 
Fifth,  who,  in  that  event,  would  aid  and  protect  him  as  his 
loyal  vassal.1 

Whether  Atahuallpa  possessed  himself  of  every  link  in  the 
curious  chain  of  argument  by  which  the  monk  connected 
Pizarro  with  St.  Peter,  may  be  doubted.  It  is  certain,  how¬ 
ever,  that  he  must  have  had  very  incorrect  notions  of  the 
Trinity,  if,  as  Garcilasso  states,  the  interpreter  Felipillo  explained 
it  by  saying,  that  “  the  Christians  believed  in  three  Gods  and 
one  God,  and  that  made  four.” 2  But  there  is  no  doubt  he 
perfectly  comprehended  that  the  drift  of  the  discourse  was  to 
persuade  him  to  resign  his  sceptre  and  acknowledge  the 
supremacy  of  another. 

The  eyes  of  the  Indian  monarch  flashed  fire,  and  his  dark 
brow  grew  darker  as  he  replied,  “  I  will  be  no  man’s  tributary ! 
I  am  greater  than  any  prince  upon  earth.  Your  emperor  may 
be  a  great  prince ;  I  do  not  doubt  it,  when  I  see  that  he  has 
sent  his  subjects  so  far  across  the  waters  ;  and  I  am  willing  to 
hold  him  as  a  brother.  As  for  the  Pope  of  whom  you  speak, 
he  must  be  crazy  to  talk  of  giving  away  countries  which  do  not 
belong  to  him.  For  my  faith,”  he  continued,  “  I  will  not 
change  it.  Your  own  God,  as  you  say,  was  put  to  death  by 
the  very  men  whom  he  created.  But  mine,”  he  concluded, 
pointing  to  his  deity,— then  alas  !  sinking  in  glory  behind  the 
mountains, — “my  God  still  lives  in  the  heavens,  and  looks 
down  on  his  children.”  3 

He  then  demanded  of  Valverde  by  what  authority  he  had 

1  Montesinos  says  that  Valderde  read  to  the  Inca  the  regular  formula 
used  by  the  Spaniards  in  their  conquests.  (Annales,  MS.,  axio  1533.) 
But  that  address,  though  absura  enough,  did  not  comprehend  the  whole 
range  of  theology  ascribed  to  the  chaplain  on  this  occasion.  Yet  it  is  not 
impossible.  But  I  have  followed  the  report  of  P'ray  Naharro,  who 
collected  his  information  from  the  actors  in  the  tragedy,  and  whose 
minuter  statement  is  corroborated  by  the  more  general  testimony  of  both 
the  Pizarros  and  the  secretary  Xerez. 

2  “  Por  dezir  Dios  trino  y  uno,  dixo  Dios  tres  y  uno  son  quatro,  sumando 
los  numeros  por  darse  a  entender.” — 'Com,  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i.  cap.  xxiii. 

3  See  Appendix ,  No.  8,  where  the  reader  will  find  extracts  in  the  original 
from  several  contemporary  MSS.,  relating  to  the  capture  of  Atahuallpa. 

Conquest  of  Peru  253 

said  these  things.  The  friar  pointed  to  the  book  which  he 
held  as  his  authority.  Atahuallpa,  taking  it,  turned  over  the 
pages  a  moment,  then,  as  the  insult  he  had  received  probably 
flashed  across  his  mind,  he  threw  it  down  with  vehemence,  and 
exclaimed,  “  Tell  your  comrades  that  they  shall  give  me  an 
account  of  their  doings  in  my  land.  I  will  not  go  from  here 
till  they  have  made  me  full  satisfaction  for  all  the  wrongs  they 
have  committed. ” 1 

The  friar,  greatly  scandalised  by  the  indignity  offered  to  the 
sacred  volume,  staid  only  to  pick  it  up,  and,  hastening  to 
Pizarro,  informed  him  of  what  had  been  done,  exclaiming  at 
the  same  time,  “  Do  you  not  see,  that,  while  we  stand  here 
wasting  our  breath  in  talking  with  this  dog,  full  of  pride  as  he 
is,  the  fields  are  filling  with  Indians !  Set  on  at  once  !  I 
absolve  you.”2  Pizarro  saw  that  the  hour  had  come.  He 
waved  a  white  scarf  in  the  air,  the  appointed  signal.  The  fatal 
gun  was  fired  from  the  fortress.  Then  springing  into  the 
square,  the  Spanish  captain  and  his  followers  shouted  the  old 
war-cry  of  “  St.  Jago  and  at  them  !  ”  It  was  answered  by  the 
battle-cry  of  every  Spaniard  in  the  city,  as,  rushing  from  the 
avenues  of  the  great  halls  in  which  they  were  concealed,  they 
poured  into  the  plaza ,  horse  and  foot,  each  in  his  own  dark 
column,  and  threw  themselves  into  the  midst  of  the  Indian 
crowd.  The  latter,  taken  by  surprise,  stunned  by  the  report 

1  Some  accounts  describe  him  as  taxing  the  Spaniards  in  much  more 
unqualified  terms.  (See  Appemiix ,  No.  8.)  But  language  is  not  likely  to 
be  accurately  reported  in  such  seasons  of  excitement.  According  to  some 
authorities,  Atahuallpa  let  the  volume  drop  by  accident.  (Montesinos, 
Annales,  MS.,  ano  1533. — Balboa,  Hist,  du  Perou,  chap,  xxii.)  But  the 
testimony,  as  far  as  we  have  it,  of  those  present,  concurs  in  representing  it 
as  stated  in  the  text.  And,  if  he  spoke  with  the  heat  imputed  to  him,  this 
act  would  only  be  in  keeping. 

2  “  Visto  esto  por  el  frayle  y  lo  poco  que  aprovechaban  sus  palabras,  tomo 
su  libro,  y  abajo  su  cabeza,  y  fuese  para  donde  estaba  el  dicho  Pizarro, 
casi  corriendo,  y  dijole  :  *  No  veis  lo  que  pasa?  para  que  estais  en  comedi- 
mientos  y  requerimientos  con  este  pero  lleno  de  soberbia,  que  vienen  los 
campos  llenos  de  Indios  ?  Salid  i  el  !  Que  yo  os  absuelvo.’  ”  (Relacion 
del  Primer.  Descub.,  MS.)  The  historian  should  be  slow  in  ascribing 
conduct  so  diabolical  to  Father  Valverde,  without  evidence.  Two  of  the 
Conquerors  present,  Pedro  Pizarro  and  Xerez,  simply  state  that  the  monk 
reported  to  his  commander  the  indignity  offered  to  the  sacred  volume. 
But  Hernando  Pizarro  and  the  author  of  the  Relacion  del  Primer.  Descub., 
both  eye-witnesses,  and  Naharro,  Zarate,  Gomara,  Balboa,  Herrera,  the 
Inca  Titucussi  Yupanqui,  all  of  whom  obtained  their  information  from 
persons  who  were  eye-witnesses,  state  the  circumstance,  with  little 
variation,  as  in  the  text.  Yet  Oviedo  endorses  the  account  of  Xerez, 
and  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega  insists  on  Val verde’s  innocence  of  any  attempt 
to  rouse  the  passions  of  his  comrades. 

254  Conquest  of  Peru 

of  artillery  and  muskets,  the  echoes  of  which  reverberated  like 
thunder  from  the  surrounding  buildings,  and  blinded  by  the 
smoke  which  rolled  in  sulphurous  volumes  along  the  square, 
were  seized  with  a  panic.  They  knew  not  whither  to  fly  for 
refuge  from  the  coming  ruin.  Nobles  and  commoners — all 
were  trampled  down  under  the  fierce  charge  of  the  cavalry, 
who  dealt  their  blows  right  and  left,  without  sparing ;  while 
their  swords,  flashing  through  the  thick  gloom,  carried  dismay 
into  the  hearts  of  the  wretched  natives,  who  now,  for  the  first 
time,  saw  the  horse  and  his  rider  in  all  their  terrors.  They 
made  no  resistance, — as,  indeed,  they  had  no  weapons  with 
which  to  make  it.  Every  avenue  to  escape  was  closed,  for  the 
entrance  to  the  square  was  choked  up  with  the  dead  bodies  of 
men  who  had  perished  in  vain  efforts  to  fly ;  and  such  was  the 
agony  of  the  survivors  under  the  terrible  pressure  of  their 
assailants,  that  a  large  body  of  Indians,  by  their  convulsive 
struggles,  burst  through  the  wall  of  stone  and  dried  clay  which 
formed  part  of  the  boundary  of  the  plaza  I  It  fell,  leaving  an 
opening  of  more  than  a  hundred  paces,  through  which  multi¬ 
tudes  now  found  their  wray  into  the  country,  still  hotly  pursued 
by  the  cavalry,  who,  leaping  the  fallen  rubbish,  hung  on  the 
rear  of  the  fugitives,  striking  them  down  in  all  directions.1 

Meanwhile  the  fight,  or  rather  massacre,  continued  hot 
around  the  Inca,  whose  person  was  the  great  object  of  the 
assault.  His  faithful  nobles,  rallying  about  him,  threw  them¬ 
selves  in  the  way  of  the  assailants,  and  strove,  by  tearing  them 
from  their  saddles,  or,  at  least,  by  offering  their  own  bosoms  as 
a  mark  for  their  vengeance,  to  shield  their  beloved  master. 
It  is  said  by  some  authorities,  that  they  carried  weapons  con¬ 
cealed  under  their  clothes.  If  so,  it  availed  them  little,  as  it 
is  not  pretended  that  they  used  them.  But  the  most  timid 
animal  will  defend  itself  when  at  bay.  That  they  did  not  so  in 
the  present  instance  is  proof  that  they  had  no  weapons  to  use.2 

1  Pedro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. — Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap. 
Barcia,  tom.  iii.  p.  198. — Carta  de  Hern.  Pizarro,  MS. — Oviedo,  Hist, 
de  las  Indias,  MS.,  parte  iii.  lib.  viii.  cap.  vii. — Relacion  del  Primer. 
Descub.,  MS.  — Zarate,  Conq.  del  Peru,  lib.  ii.  cap.  v. — Instruccion  del 
Inga  Titucussi  Yupanqui,  MS. 

2  The  author  of  the  Relacion  del  Primer.  Descubrimiento  speaks  of  a 
few  as  having  bows  and  arrows,  and  of  others  as  armed  with  silver  and 
copper  mallets  or  maces,  which  may,  however,  have  been  more  for 
ornament  than  for  service  in  fight. — Pedro  Pizarro  and  some  later  writers 
say  that  the  Indians  brought  thongs  with  them  to  bind  the  captive  white 
men.  Both  Hernando  Pizarro  and  the  secretary  Xerez  agree  that  their 
only  arms  were  secreted  under  their  clothes  ;  but  as  they  do  not  pretend 
that  these  were  used,  and  as  it  was  announced  by  the  Inca  that  he  came 

Conquest  of  Peru  255 

Yet  they  still  continued  to  force  back  the  cavaliers,  clinging 
to  their  horses  with  dying  grasp,  and,  as  one  was  cut  down, 
another  taking  the  place  of  his  fallen  comrade  with  a  loyalty 
truly  affecting. 

The  Indian  monarch,  stunned  and  bewildered,  saw  his 
faithful  subjects  falling  round  him  without  fully  comprehending 
his  situation.  The  litter  on  which  he  rode  heaved  to  and  fro, 
as  the  mighty  press  swayed  backwards  and  forwards ;  and  he 
gazed  on  the  overwhelming  ruin,  like  some  forlorn  mariner, 
who,  tossed  about  in  his  bark  by  the  furious  elements,  sees 
the  lightning’s  flash  and  hears  the  thunder  bursting  around 
him,  with  the  consciousness  that  he  can  do  nothing  to  avert 
his  fate.  At  length,  weary  with  the  work  of  destruction,  the 
Spaniards,  as  the  shades  of  evening  grew  deeper,  felt  afraid 
that  the  royal  prize  might,  after  all,  elude  them ;  and  some  of 
the  cavaliers  made  a  desperate  attempt  to  end  the  affray  at 
once  by  taking  Atahuallpa’s  life.  But  Pizarro,  who  was 
nearest  his  person,  called  out  with  stentorian  voice,  “  Let  no 
one,  who  values  his  life,  strike  at  the  Inca;”1  and,  stretching 
out  his  arm  to  shield  him,  received  a  wound  on  the  hand  from 
one  of  his  own  men, — the  only  wound  received  by  a  Spaniard 
in  the  action.2 

The  struggle  now  became  fiercer  than  ever  round  the  royal 
litter.  It  reeled  more  and  more,  and  at  length  several  of  the 
nobles  who  supported  it  having  been  slain,  it  was  overturned, 
and  the  Indian  prince  would  have  come  with  violence  to  the 
ground,  had  not  his  fall  been  broken  by  the  efforts  of  Pizarro 
and  some  other  of  the  cavaliers,  who  caught  him  in  their  arms. 
The  imperial  borlci  was  instantly  snatched  from  his  temples  by 
a  soldier  named  Estete,3  and  the  unhappy  monarch,  strongly 

without  arms,  the  assertion  may  well  be  doubted,— or  rather  discredited. 
All  authorities,  without  exception,  agree  that  no  attempt  was  made  at 

1  “  El  Marquez  dio  bozes,  diciendo,  ‘Nadie  hiera  al  Indio  so  pena  de  la 
vida.’” — I'edro  Pizarro,  Descub.  y  Conq.,  MS. 

2  Whatever  discrepancy  exists  among  the  Castilian  accounts  in  other 
respects,  all  coucur  in  this  remarkable  fact,  that  no  Spaniard,  except  their 
general,  received  a  wound  on  that  occasion.  Pizarro  saw  in  this  a 
satisfactory  argument  for  regarding  the  Spaniards  this  day,  as  under  the 
especial  protection  of  Providence. — See  Xerez,  Conq.  del  Peru,  ap.  Barcia, 
tom.  iii.  p.  199. 

3  Miguel  Estete,  who  long  retained  the  silken  diadem  as  a  trophy  of  the 
exploit,  according  to  Garcilasso  de  la  Vega,  (Com.  Real.,  parte  ii.  lib.  i. 
cap.  xxvii.,)  an  indifferent  authority  for  anything  in  this  part  of  his  history. 
This  popular  writer,  whose  wrnrk,  from  his  superior  knowledge  of  the 
institutions  of  the  country,  has  obtained  greater  credit,  even  in  what  relates 

256  Conquest  of  Peru 

secured,  was  removed  to  a  neighbouring  building,  where  he 
was  carefully  guarded. 

All  attempt  at  resistance  now  ceased.  The  fate  of  the  Inca 
soon  spread  over  town  and  country.